mirror of
synced 2025-03-21 18:31:10 +00:00
- Changed the net start pane to open underneath the existing window instead
of scrunching the startup screen up to make room for it. - Added the red net notches for Hexen's startup screen. - Added hprintf and status simulation for Heretic's startup screen. SVN r495 (trunk)
This commit is contained in:
5 changed files with 259 additions and 99 deletions
@ -1,4 +1,8 @@
February 28, 2007
- Changed the net start pane to open underneath the existing window instead
of scrunching the startup screen up to make room for it.
- Added the red net notches for Hexen's startup screen.
- Added hprintf and status simulation for Heretic's startup screen.
- Fixed: When I converted the P_Thing_Projectile() code for target leading
to use the new vector routines, I had made dist calculate the squared
length of the aim vector instead of the correct length.
@ -2082,102 +2082,8 @@ void D_DoomMain (void)
Printf ("ST_Init: Init startup screen.\n");
ST_Init (R_GuesstimateNumTextures() + 5);
// [RH] Now that all text strings are set up,
// insert them into the level and cluster data.
G_MakeEpisodes ();
// [RH] Parse through all loaded mapinfo lumps
Printf ("G_ParseMapInfo: Load map definitions.\n");
G_ParseMapInfo ();
// [RH] Parse any SNDINFO lumps
Printf ("S_InitData: Load sound definitions.\n");
S_InitData ();
FActorInfo::StaticInit ();
// [GRB] Initialize player class list
SetupPlayerClasses ();
// [RH] Load custom key and weapon settings from WADs
D_LoadWadSettings ();
// [GRB] Check if someone used clearplayerclasses but not addplayerclass
if (PlayerClasses.Size () == 0)
I_FatalError ("No player classes defined");
FActorInfo::StaticGameSet ();
ST_Progress ();
Printf ("R_Init: Init %s refresh subsystem.\n", GameNames[gameinfo.gametype]);
R_Init ();
Printf ("DecalLibrary: Load decals.\n");
DecalLibrary.Clear ();
DecalLibrary.ReadAllDecals ();
// [RH] Try adding .deh and .bex files on the command line.
// If there are none, try adding any in the config file.
//if (gameinfo.gametype == GAME_Doom)
if (!ConsiderPatches ("-deh", ".deh") &&
!ConsiderPatches ("-bex", ".bex") &&
(gameinfo.gametype == GAME_Doom) &&
GameConfig->SetSection ("Doom.DefaultDehacked"))
const char *key;
const char *value;
while (GameConfig->NextInSection (key, value))
if (stricmp (key, "Path") == 0 && FileExists (value))
Printf ("Applying patch %s\n", value);
DoDehPatch (value, true);
DoDehPatch (NULL, true); // See if there's a patch in a PWAD
FinishDehPatch (); // Create replacements for dehacked pickups
HandleNoSector (); // clear NOSECTOR flag off all actors modified by Dehacked and the BossEye.
FActorInfo::StaticSetActorNums ();
// [RH] User-configurable startup strings. Because BOOM does.
static const char *startupString[5] = {
for (p = 0; p < 5; ++p)
const char *str = GStrings[startupString[p]];
if (str != NULL && str[0] != '\0')
Printf ("%s\n", str);
//Added by MC:
bglobal.getspawned = Args.GatherFiles ("-bots", "", false);
if (bglobal.getspawned->NumArgs() == 0)
delete bglobal.getspawned;
bglobal.getspawned = NULL;
bglobal.spawn_tries = 0;
bglobal.wanted_botnum = bglobal.getspawned->NumArgs();
flags = dmflags;
Printf ("P_Init: Checking cmd-line parameters...\n");
flags = dmflags;
if (Args.CheckParm ("-nomonsters")) flags |= DF_NO_MONSTERS;
if (Args.CheckParm ("-respawn")) flags |= DF_MONSTERS_RESPAWN;
if (Args.CheckParm ("-fast")) flags |= DF_FAST_MONSTERS;
@ -2302,13 +2208,125 @@ void D_DoomMain (void)
timelimit = 20.f;
// Build status bar line!
if (deathmatch)
if (dmflags & DF_NO_MONSTERS)
ST_HereticStatus("No Monsters...");
if (dmflags & DF_MONSTERS_RESPAWN)
if (autostart)
FString temp;
temp.Format ("Warp to map %s, Skill %d ", startmap, gameskill + 1);
ST_HereticStatus (temp);
// [RH] Now that all text strings are set up,
// insert them into the level and cluster data.
G_MakeEpisodes ();
// [RH] Parse through all loaded mapinfo lumps
Printf ("G_ParseMapInfo: Load map definitions.\n");
G_ParseMapInfo ();
// [RH] Parse any SNDINFO lumps
Printf ("S_InitData: Load sound definitions.\n");
S_InitData ();
FActorInfo::StaticInit ();
// [GRB] Initialize player class list
SetupPlayerClasses ();
// [RH] Load custom key and weapon settings from WADs
D_LoadWadSettings ();
// [GRB] Check if someone used clearplayerclasses but not addplayerclass
if (PlayerClasses.Size () == 0)
I_FatalError ("No player classes defined");
FActorInfo::StaticGameSet ();
ST_Progress ();
Printf ("R_Init: Init %s refresh subsystem.\n", GameNames[gameinfo.gametype]);
ST_HereticMessage ("Loading graphics", 0x3f);
R_Init ();
Printf ("DecalLibrary: Load decals.\n");
DecalLibrary.Clear ();
DecalLibrary.ReadAllDecals ();
// [RH] Try adding .deh and .bex files on the command line.
// If there are none, try adding any in the config file.
//if (gameinfo.gametype == GAME_Doom)
if (!ConsiderPatches ("-deh", ".deh") &&
!ConsiderPatches ("-bex", ".bex") &&
(gameinfo.gametype == GAME_Doom) &&
GameConfig->SetSection ("Doom.DefaultDehacked"))
const char *key;
const char *value;
while (GameConfig->NextInSection (key, value))
if (stricmp (key, "Path") == 0 && FileExists (value))
Printf ("Applying patch %s\n", value);
DoDehPatch (value, true);
DoDehPatch (NULL, true); // See if there's a patch in a PWAD
FinishDehPatch (); // Create replacements for dehacked pickups
HandleNoSector (); // clear NOSECTOR flag off all actors modified by Dehacked and the BossEye.
FActorInfo::StaticSetActorNums ();
// [RH] User-configurable startup strings. Because BOOM does.
static const char *startupString[5] = {
for (p = 0; p < 5; ++p)
const char *str = GStrings[startupString[p]];
if (str != NULL && str[0] != '\0')
Printf ("%s\n", str);
//Added by MC:
bglobal.getspawned = Args.GatherFiles ("-bots", "", false);
if (bglobal.getspawned->NumArgs() == 0)
delete bglobal.getspawned;
bglobal.getspawned = NULL;
bglobal.spawn_tries = 0;
bglobal.wanted_botnum = bglobal.getspawned->NumArgs();
Printf ("M_Init: Init miscellaneous info.\n");
M_Init ();
Printf ("P_Init: Init Playloop state.\n");
ST_HereticMessage ("Init game engine", 0x3f);
P_Init ();
Printf ("D_CheckNetGame: Checking network game status.\n");
ST_HereticMessage ("Checking network game status.", 0x3f);
D_CheckNetGame ();
// [RH] Lock any cvars that should be locked now that we're
@ -60,6 +60,8 @@ static void ST_TTY_NetProgress (int count);
static void ST_TTY_NetMessage (const char *format, ...);
static void ST_TTY_NetDone ();
static bool ST_TTY_NetLoop (bool (*timer_callback)(void *), void *userdata);
static void ST_Null_HereticMessage (const char *, int);
static void ST_Null_HereticStatus (const char *);
// EXTERNAL DATA DECLARATIONS ----------------------------------------------
@ -67,6 +69,8 @@ static bool ST_TTY_NetLoop (bool (*timer_callback)(void *), void *userdata);
void (*ST_Done)();
void (*ST_Progress)();
void (*ST_HereticMessage)(const char *message, int attributes);
void (*ST_HereticStatus)(const char *status);
void (*ST_NetInit)(const char *message, int numplayers);
void (*ST_NetProgress)(int count);
void (*ST_NetMessage)(const char *format, ...);
@ -304,6 +308,14 @@ static bool ST_TTY_NetLoop(bool (*timer_callback)(void *), void *userdata)
static void ST_Null_HereticMessage (const char *, int)
static void ST_Null_HereticStatus (const char *)
void ST_Endoom()
@ -37,6 +37,8 @@
extern void ST_Init(int maxProgress);
extern void (*ST_Done)();
extern void (*ST_Progress)();
extern void (*ST_HereticMessage)(const char *message, int attributes);
extern void (*ST_HereticStatus)(const char *status);
extern void (*ST_NetInit)(const char *message, int numplayers);
extern void (*ST_NetProgress)(int count);
extern void (*ST_NetMessage)(const char *format, ...); // cover for printf()
@ -110,6 +110,7 @@
void RestoreConView();
void LayoutMainWindow (HWND hWnd, HWND pane);
int LayoutNetStartPane (HWND pane, int w);
bool ST_Util_CreateStartupWindow ();
void ST_Util_SizeWindowForBitmap (int scale);
@ -136,6 +137,8 @@ static INT_PTR CALLBACK NetStartPaneProc (HWND hDlg, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LP
static void ST_Basic_Init ();
static void ST_Basic_Done ();
static void ST_Basic_Progress ();
static void ST_Basic_HereticMessage (const char *message, int attributes);
static void ST_Basic_HereticStatus (const char *status);
static void ST_Basic_NetInit (const char *message, int numplayers);
static void ST_Basic_NetProgress (int count);
static void ST_Basic_NetMessage (const char *format, ...);
@ -145,9 +148,12 @@ static bool ST_Basic_NetLoop (bool (*timer_callback)(void *), void *userdata);
static void ST_Hexen_Init ();
static void ST_Hexen_Done ();
static void ST_Hexen_Progress ();
static void ST_Hexen_NetProgress (int count);
static void ST_Heretic_Init ();
static void ST_Heretic_Progress ();
static void ST_Heretic_Message (const char *message, int attributes);
static void ST_Heretic_Status (const char *status);
static void ST_Strife_Init ();
static void ST_Strife_Done ();
@ -163,6 +169,8 @@ extern HWND Window, ConWindow, ProgressBar, NetStartPane, StartupScreen, GameTit
void (*ST_Done)();
void (*ST_Progress)();
void (*ST_HereticMessage)(const char *message, int attributes);
void (*ST_HereticStatus)(const char *status);
void (*ST_NetInit)(const char *message, int numplayers);
void (*ST_NetProgress)(int count);
void (*ST_NetMessage)(const char *format, ...);
@ -183,6 +191,7 @@ static int MaxPos, CurPos, NotchPos;
static int NetMaxPos, NetCurPos;
static LRESULT NetMarqueeMode;
static int ThermX, ThermY, ThermWidth, ThermHeight;
static int HMsgY, SMsgX;
static BYTE *StrifeStartupPics[4+2+1];
static const char *StrifeStartupPicNames[4+2+1] =
@ -322,6 +331,8 @@ static void ST_Basic_Init ()
ST_Done = ST_Basic_Done;
ST_Progress = ST_Basic_Progress;
ST_HereticMessage = ST_Basic_HereticMessage;
ST_HereticStatus = ST_Basic_HereticStatus;
ST_NetInit = ST_Basic_NetInit;
ST_NetProgress = ST_Basic_NetProgress;
ST_NetMessage = ST_Basic_NetMessage;
@ -365,6 +376,30 @@ static void ST_Basic_Progress()
// ST_Basic_HereticMessage
// Only used by the Heretic startup screen.
static void ST_Basic_HereticMessage (const char *, int)
// ST_Basic_HereticStatus
// Only used by the Heretic startup screen.
static void ST_Basic_HereticStatus (const char *)
// ST_Basic_NetInit
@ -389,10 +424,12 @@ static void ST_Basic_NetInit(const char *message, int numplayers)
DestroyWindow (ProgressBar);
ProgressBar = NULL;
RECT winrect;
GetWindowRect (Window, &winrect);
SetWindowPos (Window, NULL, 0, 0,
winrect.right - winrect.left, winrect.bottom - winrect.top + LayoutNetStartPane (NetStartPane, 0),
LayoutMainWindow (Window, NULL);
// Make sure the last line of output is visible in the log window.
SendMessage (ConWindow, EM_LINESCROLL, 0, SendMessage (ConWindow, EM_GETLINECOUNT, 0, 0) -
SendMessage (ConWindow, EM_GETFIRSTVISIBLELINE, 0, 0));
if (NetStartPane != NULL)
@ -641,8 +678,10 @@ static void ST_Hexen_Init ()
ST_Done = ST_Hexen_Done;
ST_Progress = ST_Hexen_Progress;
ST_HereticMessage = ST_Basic_HereticMessage;
ST_HereticStatus = ST_Basic_HereticStatus;
ST_NetInit = ST_Basic_NetInit;
ST_NetProgress = ST_Basic_NetProgress;
ST_NetProgress = ST_Hexen_NetProgress;
ST_NetMessage = ST_Basic_NetMessage;
ST_NetDone = ST_Basic_NetDone;
ST_NetLoop = ST_Basic_NetLoop;
@ -705,6 +744,33 @@ static void ST_Hexen_Progress()
I_GetEvent ();
// ST_Hexen_NetProgress
// Draws the red net noches in addition to the normal progress bar.
static void ST_Hexen_NetProgress (int count)
int oldpos = NetCurPos;
int x, y;
ST_Basic_NetProgress (count);
if (NetMaxPos != 0 && NetCurPos > oldpos)
for (; oldpos < NetCurPos && oldpos < ST_MAX_NETNOTCHES; ++oldpos)
ST_Util_DrawBlock (StartupBitmap, NetNotchBits, x, y, ST_NETNOTCH_WIDTH / 2, ST_NETNOTCH_HEIGHT);
S_Sound (CHAN_BODY, "Drip", 1, ATTN_NONE);
I_GetEvent ();
// ST_Heretic_Init
@ -752,6 +818,8 @@ static void ST_Heretic_Init ()
ThermY = THERM_Y * font[0];
ThermWidth = THERM_LEN * 8 - 4;
ThermHeight = font[0];
HMsgY = 7;
SMsgX = 1;
ST_Util_FreeFont (font);
@ -761,6 +829,8 @@ static void ST_Heretic_Init ()
ST_Done = ST_Hexen_Done;
ST_Progress = ST_Heretic_Progress;
ST_HereticMessage = ST_Heretic_Message;
ST_HereticStatus = ST_Heretic_Status;
ST_NetInit = ST_Basic_NetInit;
ST_NetProgress = ST_Basic_NetProgress;
ST_NetMessage = ST_Basic_NetMessage;
@ -797,6 +867,58 @@ static void ST_Heretic_Progress()
I_GetEvent ();
// ST_Heretic_Message
// Prints text in the center box of the startup screen.
static void ST_Heretic_Message (const char *message, int attributes)
BYTE *font = ST_Util_LoadFont (TEXT_FONT_NAME);
if (font != NULL)
int x;
for (x = 0; message[x] != '\0'; ++x)
ST_Util_DrawChar (StartupBitmap, font, 17 + x, HMsgY, message[x], attributes);
ST_Util_InvalidateRect (StartupScreen, StartupBitmap, 17 * 8, HMsgY * font[0], (17 + x) * 8, HMsgY * font[0] + font[0]);
ST_Util_FreeFont (font);
I_GetEvent ();
// ST_Heretic_Status
// Appends text to Heretic's status line.
static void ST_Heretic_Status (const char *status)
BYTE *font = ST_Util_LoadFont (TEXT_FONT_NAME);
if (font != NULL)
int x;
for (x = 0; status[x] != '\0'; ++x)
ST_Util_DrawChar (StartupBitmap, font, SMsgX + x, 24, status[x], 0x1f);
ST_Util_InvalidateRect (StartupScreen, StartupBitmap, SMsgX * 8, 24 * font[0], (SMsgX + x) * 8, 25 * font[0]);
ST_Util_FreeFont (font);
SMsgX += x;
I_GetEvent ();
// ST_Strife_Init
@ -859,6 +981,8 @@ static void ST_Strife_Init ()
ST_Done = ST_Strife_Done;
ST_Progress = ST_Strife_Progress;
ST_HereticMessage = ST_Basic_HereticMessage;
ST_HereticStatus = ST_Basic_HereticStatus;
ST_NetInit = ST_Basic_NetInit;
ST_NetProgress = ST_Basic_NetProgress;
ST_NetMessage = ST_Basic_NetMessage;
Reference in a new issue