mirror of
synced 2025-03-19 09:22:51 +00:00
- Fixed: FMODSoundRenderer::StartSound3D must set the static variable pointing
to the rolloff information back to NULL when starting the sound fails. - Fixed: Rolloff information was taken from the sfxinfo that contained the actual sound data, not the one that was used for starting the sound. SVN r1206 (trunk)
This commit is contained in:
8 changed files with 58 additions and 90 deletions
@ -1,3 +1,9 @@
September 9, 2008 (Changes by Graf Zahl)
- Fixed: FMODSoundRenderer::StartSound3D must set the static variable pointing
to the rolloff information back to NULL when starting the sound fails.
- Fixed: Rolloff information was taken from the sfxinfo that contained the
actual sound data, not the one that was used for starting the sound.
September 7, 2008 (Changes by Graf Zahl)
- Fixed: Chex Quest's Super Bootspork was missing the pickup message.
- Added missing Strife automap colors for items and non-monsters.
@ -501,10 +501,10 @@ int S_AddSoundLump (const char *logicalname, int lump)
newsfx.bUsed = false;
newsfx.bSingular = false;
newsfx.bTentative = false;
newsfx.RolloffType = ROLLOFF_Doom;
newsfx.link = sfxinfo_t::NO_LINK;
newsfx.MinDistance = 0;
newsfx.MaxDistance = 0;
newsfx.Rolloff.RolloffType = ROLLOFF_Doom;
newsfx.Rolloff.MinDistance = 0;
newsfx.Rolloff.MaxDistance = 0;
return (int)S_sfx.Push (newsfx);
@ -1202,7 +1202,7 @@ static void S_AddSNDINFO (int lump)
case SI_Rolloff: {
// $rolloff *|<logical name> [linear|log|custom] <min dist> <max dist/rolloff factor>
// Using * for the name makes it the default for sounds that don't specify otherwise.
float *min, *max;
FRolloffInfo *rolloff;
int type;
int sfx;
@ -1210,14 +1210,12 @@ static void S_AddSNDINFO (int lump)
if (sc.Compare("*"))
sfx = -1;
min = &S_MinDistance;
max = &S_MaxDistanceOrRolloffFactor;
rolloff = &S_Rolloff;
sfx = S_FindSoundTentative(sc.String);
min = &S_sfx[sfx].MinDistance;
max = &S_sfx[sfx].MaxDistance;
rolloff = &S_sfx[sfx].Rolloff;
type = ROLLOFF_Doom;
if (!sc.CheckFloat())
@ -1225,15 +1223,15 @@ static void S_AddSNDINFO (int lump)
if (sc.Compare("linear"))
type = ROLLOFF_Linear;
rolloff->RolloffType = ROLLOFF_Linear;
else if (sc.Compare("log"))
type = ROLLOFF_Log;
rolloff->RolloffType = ROLLOFF_Log;
else if (sc.Compare("custom"))
type = ROLLOFF_Custom;
rolloff->RolloffType = ROLLOFF_Custom;
@ -1241,17 +1239,9 @@ static void S_AddSNDINFO (int lump)
if (sfx < 0)
S_RolloffType = type;
S_sfx[sfx].RolloffType = type;
*min = sc.Float;
rolloff->MinDistance = sc.Float;
*max = sc.Float;
rolloff->MaxDistance = sc.Float;
@ -126,9 +126,7 @@ int sfx_empty;
FSoundChan *Channels;
FSoundChan *FreeChannels;
int S_RolloffType;
float S_MinDistance;
float S_MaxDistanceOrRolloffFactor;
FRolloffInfo S_Rolloff;
BYTE *S_SoundCurve;
int S_SoundCurveSize;
@ -812,6 +810,7 @@ static FSoundChan *S_StartSound(AActor *actor, const sector_t *sec, const FPolyO
int pitch;
FSoundChan *chan;
FVector3 pos, vel;
FRolloffInfo *rolloff;
if (sound_id <= 0 || volume <= 0)
return NULL;
@ -858,6 +857,7 @@ static FSoundChan *S_StartSound(AActor *actor, const sector_t *sec, const FPolyO
sfx = &S_sfx[sound_id];
rolloff = sfx->Rolloff.MinDistance == 0? &S_Rolloff : &sfx->Rolloff;
// Scale volume according to SNDINFO data.
volume = MIN(volume * sfx->Volume, 1.f);
@ -1005,7 +1005,7 @@ static FSoundChan *S_StartSound(AActor *actor, const sector_t *sec, const FPolyO
SoundListener listener;
S_SetListener(listener, players[consoleplayer].camera);
chan = GSnd->StartSound3D (sfx, &listener, volume, attenuation, pitch, basepriority, pos, vel, channel, chanflags, NULL);
chan = GSnd->StartSound3D (sfx, &listener, volume, rolloff, attenuation, pitch, basepriority, pos, vel, channel, chanflags, NULL);
@ -1093,7 +1093,7 @@ void S_RestartSound(FSoundChan *chan)
SoundListener listener;
S_SetListener(listener, players[consoleplayer].camera);
ochan = GSnd->StartSound3D(sfx, &listener, chan->Volume, chan->DistanceScale, chan->Pitch,
ochan = GSnd->StartSound3D(sfx, &listener, chan->Volume, chan->Rolloff, chan->DistanceScale, chan->Pitch,
chan->Priority, pos, vel, chan->EntChannel, chan->ChanFlags, chan);
@ -27,6 +27,15 @@
class AActor;
class FScanner;
// Default rolloff information.
struct FRolloffInfo
int RolloffType;
float MinDistance;
union { float MaxDistance; float RolloffFactor; };
// SoundFX struct.
@ -61,8 +70,7 @@ struct sfxinfo_t
unsigned int link;
enum { NO_LINK = 0xffffffff };
float MinDistance;
union { float MaxDistance, RolloffFactor; };
FRolloffInfo Rolloff;
// Rolloff types
@ -158,10 +166,7 @@ public:
FArchive &operator<<(FArchive &arc, FSoundID &sid);
// Default rolloff information.
extern int S_RolloffType;
extern float S_MinDistance;
extern float S_MaxDistanceOrRolloffFactor;
extern FRolloffInfo S_Rolloff;
extern BYTE *S_SoundCurve;
extern int S_SoundCurveSize;
@ -174,6 +179,7 @@ struct FSoundChan
FSoundChan *NextChan; // Next channel in this list.
FSoundChan **PrevChan; // Previous channel in this list.
sfxinfo_t *SfxInfo; // Sound information.
FRolloffInfo *Rolloff; // Rolloff parameters (do not necessarily come from SfxInfo!)
QWORD_UNION StartTime; // Sound start time in DSP clocks.
FSoundID SoundID; // Sound ID of playing sound.
FSoundID OrgID; // Sound ID of sound used to start this channel.
@ -133,7 +133,7 @@ static bool ShowedBanner;
// The rolloff callback is called during FMOD::Sound::play, so we need this
// global variable to contain the sound info during that time for the
// callback.
static sfxinfo_t *GSfxInfo;
static FRolloffInfo *GRolloff;
static float GDistScale;
// In the below lists, duplicate entries are for user selection. When
@ -1358,7 +1358,7 @@ FSoundChan *FMODSoundRenderer::StartSound(sfxinfo_t *sfx, float vol, int pitch,
freq = 0;
GSfxInfo = sfx;
GRolloff = NULL; // Do 2D sounds need rolloff?
result = Sys->playSound(FMOD_CHANNEL_FREE, (FMOD::Sound *)sfx->data, true, &chan);
if (FMOD_OK == result)
@ -1398,7 +1398,8 @@ FSoundChan *FMODSoundRenderer::StartSound(sfxinfo_t *sfx, float vol, int pitch,
CVAR(Float, snd_3dspread, 180, 0)
FSoundChan *FMODSoundRenderer::StartSound3D(sfxinfo_t *sfx, SoundListener *listener, float vol, float distscale,
FSoundChan *FMODSoundRenderer::StartSound3D(sfxinfo_t *sfx, SoundListener *listener, float vol,
FRolloffInfo *rolloff, float distscale,
int pitch, int priority, const FVector3 &pos, const FVector3 &vel,
int channum, int chanflags, FSoundChan *reuse_chan)
@ -1424,7 +1425,7 @@ FSoundChan *FMODSoundRenderer::StartSound3D(sfxinfo_t *sfx, SoundListener *liste
// Play it.
GSfxInfo = sfx;
GRolloff = rolloff;
GDistScale = distscale;
// Experiments indicate that playSound will ignore priorities and always succeed
@ -1478,9 +1479,11 @@ FSoundChan *FMODSoundRenderer::StartSound3D(sfxinfo_t *sfx, SoundListener *liste
HandleChannelDelay(chan, reuse_chan, freq);
FSoundChan *schan = CommonChannelSetup(chan, reuse_chan);
schan->Rolloff = rolloff;
return schan;
GRolloff = NULL;
DPrintf ("Sound %s failed to play: %d\n", sfx->name.GetChars(), result);
return 0;
@ -1618,7 +1621,7 @@ FSoundChan *FMODSoundRenderer::CommonChannelSetup(FMOD::Channel *chan, FSoundCha
chan->setCallback(FMOD_CHANNEL_CALLBACKTYPE_END, ChannelEndCallback, 0);
GSfxInfo = NULL;
GRolloff = NULL;
return schan;
@ -1906,24 +1909,9 @@ bool FMODSoundRenderer::LoadSound(sfxinfo_t *sfx)
FMOD_MODE samplemode;
FMOD_CREATESOUNDEXINFO exinfo = { sizeof(exinfo), };
FMOD::Sound *sample;
int rolloff;
float mindist, maxdist;
if (sfx->MaxDistance == 0)
mindist = S_MinDistance;
maxdist = S_MaxDistanceOrRolloffFactor;
rolloff = S_RolloffType;
mindist = sfx->MinDistance;
maxdist = sfx->MaxDistance;
rolloff = sfx->RolloffType;
sfxdata = NULL;
sample = NULL;
@ -2003,11 +1991,6 @@ bool FMODSoundRenderer::LoadSound(sfxinfo_t *sfx)
if (sample != NULL)
if (rolloff == ROLLOFF_Log)
maxdist = 10000.f;
sample->set3DMinMaxDistance(mindist, maxdist);
@ -2138,63 +2121,46 @@ float F_CALLBACK FMODSoundRenderer::RolloffCallback(FMOD_CHANNEL *channel, float
FMOD::Channel *chan = (FMOD::Channel *)channel;
FSoundChan *schan;
// Defaults for Doom.
int type = ROLLOFF_Doom;
sfxinfo_t *sfx;
float min;
float max;
float factor;
float volume;
FRolloffInfo *rolloff;
type = S_RolloffType;
factor = S_MaxDistanceOrRolloffFactor;
min = S_MinDistance;
max = S_MaxDistanceOrRolloffFactor;
if (GSfxInfo != NULL)
if (GRolloff != NULL)
sfx = GSfxInfo;
rolloff = GRolloff;
distance *= GDistScale;
else if (chan->getUserData((void **)&schan) == FMOD_OK && schan != NULL)
sfx = schan->SfxInfo;
rolloff = schan->Rolloff;
distance *= schan->DistanceScale;
return 0;
if (sfx == NULL)
if (rolloff == NULL)
return 0;
if (sfx->MaxDistance == 0)
type = sfx->RolloffType;
factor = sfx->RolloffFactor;
chan->get3DMinMaxDistance(&min, &max);
if (distance <= min)
if (distance <= rolloff->MinDistance)
return 1;
if (type == ROLLOFF_Log)
if (rolloff->RolloffType == ROLLOFF_Log)
{ // Logarithmic rolloff has no max distance where it goes silent.
return min / (min + factor * (distance - min));
return rolloff->MinDistance / (rolloff->MinDistance + rolloff->RolloffFactor * (distance - rolloff->MinDistance));
if (distance >= max)
if (distance >= rolloff->MaxDistance)
return 0;
volume = (max - distance) / (max - min);
if (type == ROLLOFF_Custom && S_SoundCurve != NULL)
float volume = (rolloff->MaxDistance - distance) / (rolloff->MaxDistance - rolloff->MinDistance);
if (rolloff->RolloffType == ROLLOFF_Custom && S_SoundCurve != NULL)
volume = S_SoundCurve[int(S_SoundCurveSize * (1 - volume))] / 127.f;
if (type == ROLLOFF_Linear)
if (rolloff->RolloffType == ROLLOFF_Linear)
return volume;
@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ public:
// Starts a sound.
FSoundChan *StartSound (sfxinfo_t *sfx, float vol, int pitch, int chanflags, FSoundChan *reuse_chan);
FSoundChan *StartSound3D (sfxinfo_t *sfx, SoundListener *listener, float vol, float distscale, int pitch, int priority, const FVector3 &pos, const FVector3 &vel, int channum, int chanflags, FSoundChan *reuse_chan);
FSoundChan *StartSound3D (sfxinfo_t *sfx, SoundListener *listener, float vol, FRolloffInfo *rolloff, float distscale, int pitch, int priority, const FVector3 &pos, const FVector3 &vel, int channum, int chanflags, FSoundChan *reuse_chan);
// Stops a sound channel.
void StopSound (FSoundChan *chan);
@ -149,7 +149,7 @@ public:
return NULL;
FSoundChan *StartSound3D (sfxinfo_t *sfx, SoundListener *listener, float vol, float distscale, int pitch, int priority, const FVector3 &pos, const FVector3 &vel, int channum, int chanflags, FSoundChan *reuse_chan)
FSoundChan *StartSound3D (sfxinfo_t *sfx, SoundListener *listener, float vol, FRolloffInfo *rolloff, float distscale, int pitch, int priority, const FVector3 &pos, const FVector3 &vel, int channum, int chanflags, FSoundChan *reuse_chan)
return NULL;
@ -102,7 +102,7 @@ public:
// Starts a sound.
virtual FSoundChan *StartSound (sfxinfo_t *sfx, float vol, int pitch, int chanflags, FSoundChan *reuse_chan) = 0;
virtual FSoundChan *StartSound3D (sfxinfo_t *sfx, SoundListener *listener, float vol, float distscale, int pitch, int priority, const FVector3 &pos, const FVector3 &vel, int channum, int chanflags, FSoundChan *reuse_chan) = 0;
virtual FSoundChan *StartSound3D (sfxinfo_t *sfx, SoundListener *listener, float vol, FRolloffInfo *rolloff, float distscale, int pitch, int priority, const FVector3 &pos, const FVector3 &vel, int channum, int chanflags, FSoundChan *reuse_chan) = 0;
// Stops a sound channel.
virtual void StopSound (FSoundChan *chan) = 0;
Reference in a new issue