diff --git a/wadsrc/static/actors/strife/alienspectres.txt b/wadsrc/static/actors/strife/alienspectres.txt index bdd30d8e49..6e56f680d0 100644 --- a/wadsrc/static/actors/strife/alienspectres.txt +++ b/wadsrc/static/actors/strife/alienspectres.txt @@ -20,6 +20,7 @@ ACTOR AlienSpectre1 : SpectralMonster 129 PainSound "alienspectre/pain" DeathSound "alienspectre/death" ActiveSound "alienspectre/active" + Obituary "$OB_ALIENSPECTRE" +NOGRAVITY +FLOAT +SHADOW diff --git a/wadsrc/static/language.enu b/wadsrc/static/language.enu index 8a0a5f4ee6..5695ad502c 100644 --- a/wadsrc/static/language.enu +++ b/wadsrc/static/language.enu @@ -736,7 +736,7 @@ OB_MACIL = "%o should have never rebelled against Macil."; OB_REBEL = "%o was gunned down by a Rebel."; OB_BEGGAR = "%o was beaten to death by the poor."; OB_PEASANT = "%o should have never picked a fight with a civilian."; -OB_ALIENSPECTE = "%o was struck down by the Spectre."; +OB_ALIENSPECTRE = "%o was struck down by the Spectre."; OB_ENTITY = "%o felt the wrath of The One God."; OB_LOREMASTER = "%o couldn't escape from the Lore Master's grasp."; OB_PROGRAMMER = "%o was deleted by the Programmer."; diff --git a/wadsrc/static/language.fr b/wadsrc/static/language.fr index 354ba2bee2..1533a15065 100644 --- a/wadsrc/static/language.fr +++ b/wadsrc/static/language.fr @@ -779,7 +779,7 @@ OB_MACIL = "%o n'aurait jamais du se rebelle contre Macil."; OB_REBEL = "%o a ete abbatu par un Rebel."; OB_BEGGAR = "%o a ete battu a mort par un pauvre."; OB_PEASANT = "%o n'aurait jamais du chercher la bagarre a un civil."; -OB_ALIENSPECTE = "%o a ete terrasse par le Spectre."; +OB_ALIENSPECTRE = "%o a ete terrasse par le Spectre."; OB_ENTITY = "%o a senti le courroux du dieu unique."; OB_LOREMASTER = "%o n'a pu echapper a l'emprise du Maitre des Traditions."; OB_PROGRAMMER = "%o a ete efface par le Programmer."; diff --git a/wadsrc/static/language.ptb b/wadsrc/static/language.ptb index 1dc0e36c02..9f7cc4e113 100644 --- a/wadsrc/static/language.ptb +++ b/wadsrc/static/language.ptb @@ -712,7 +712,7 @@ OB_MACIL = "%o should have never rebelled against Macil."; OB_REBEL = "%o was gunned down by a Rebel."; OB_BEGGAR = "%o was beaten to death by the poor."; OB_PEASANT = "%o should have never picked a fight with a civilian."; -OB_ALIENSPECTE = "%o was struck down by the Spectre."; +OB_ALIENSPECTRE = "%o was struck down by the Spectre."; OB_ENTITY = "%o felt the wrath of The One God."; OB_LOREMASTER = "%o couldn't escape from the Lore Master's grasp."; OB_PROGRAMMER = "%o was deleted by the Programmer.";