mirror of
synced 2025-03-13 22:42:07 +00:00
- removed the non-indexed flat setup.
This won't be needed any longer.
This commit is contained in:
2 changed files with 0 additions and 119 deletions
@ -118,120 +118,6 @@ static F3DFloor *Find3DFloor(sector_t *target, sector_t *model)
int FFlatVertexGenerator::CreateSubsectorVertices(subsector_t *sub, const secplane_t &plane, int floor)
int idx = vbo_shadowdata.Reserve(sub->numlines);
for(unsigned int k=0; k<sub->numlines; k++, idx++)
vbo_shadowdata[idx].SetFlatVertex(sub->firstline[k].v1, plane);
if (sub->sector->transdoor && floor) vbo_shadowdata[idx].z -= 1.f;
return idx;
// Creates the vertices for one plane in one subsector
int FFlatVertexGenerator::CreateSectorVertices(sector_t *sec, const secplane_t &plane, int floor)
int rt = vbo_shadowdata.Size();
// First calculate the vertices for the sector itself
for(int j=0; j<sec->subsectorcount; j++)
subsector_t *sub = sec->subsectors[j];
CreateSubsectorVertices(sub, plane, floor);
return rt;
int FFlatVertexGenerator::CreateVertices(int h, sector_t *sec, const secplane_t &plane, int floor)
// First calculate the vertices for the sector itself
sec->vboheight[h] = sec->GetPlaneTexZ(h);
sec->vboindex[h] = CreateSectorVertices(sec, plane, floor);
// Next are all sectors using this one as heightsec
TArray<sector_t *> &fakes = sec->e->FakeFloor.Sectors;
for (unsigned g=0; g<fakes.Size(); g++)
sector_t *fsec = fakes[g];
fsec->vboindex[2+h] = CreateSectorVertices(fsec, plane, false);
// and finally all attached 3D floors
TArray<sector_t *> &xf = sec->e->XFloor.attached;
for (unsigned g=0; g<xf.Size(); g++)
sector_t *fsec = xf[g];
F3DFloor *ffloor = Find3DFloor(fsec, sec);
if (ffloor != NULL && ffloor->flags & FF_RENDERPLANES)
bool dotop = (ffloor->top.model == sec) && (ffloor->top.isceiling == h);
bool dobottom = (ffloor->bottom.model == sec) && (ffloor->bottom.isceiling == h);
if (dotop || dobottom)
auto ndx = CreateSectorVertices(fsec, plane, false);
if (dotop) ffloor->top.vindex = ndx;
if (dobottom) ffloor->bottom.vindex = ndx;
sec->vbocount[h] = vbo_shadowdata.Size() - sec->vboindex[h];
return sec->vboindex[h];
void FFlatVertexGenerator::CreateFlatVertices()
for (int h = sector_t::floor; h <= sector_t::ceiling; h++)
for(auto &sec : level.sectors)
CreateVertices(h, &sec, sec.GetSecPlane(h), h == sector_t::floor);
// We need to do a final check for Vavoom water and FF_FIX sectors.
// No new vertices are needed here. The planes come from the actual sector
for (auto &sec : level.sectors)
for(auto ff : sec.e->XFloor.ffloors)
if (ff->top.model == &sec)
ff->top.vindex = sec.vboindex[ff->top.isceiling];
if (ff->bottom.model == &sec)
ff->bottom.vindex = sec.vboindex[ff->top.isceiling];
// Creates the vertices for one plane in one subsector
int FFlatVertexGenerator::CreateIndexedSubsectorVertices(subsector_t *sub, const secplane_t &plane, int floor, int vi, FFlatVertexGenerator::FIndexGenerationInfo &gen)
if (sub->numlines < 3) return -1;
@ -88,11 +88,6 @@ public:
void OutputResized(int width, int height);
int CreateSubsectorVertices(subsector_t *sub, const secplane_t &plane, int floor);
int CreateSectorVertices(sector_t *sec, const secplane_t &plane, int floor);
int CreateVertices(int h, sector_t *sec, const secplane_t &plane, int floor);
void CreateFlatVertices();
int CreateIndexedSubsectorVertices(subsector_t *sub, const secplane_t &plane, int floor, int vi, FIndexGenerationInfo &gen);
int CreateIndexedSectorVertices(sector_t *sec, const secplane_t &plane, int floor, FIndexGenerationInfo &gen);
int CreateIndexedVertices(int h, sector_t *sec, const secplane_t &plane, int floor, TArray<FIndexGenerationInfo> &gen);
Reference in a new issue