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synced 2025-03-22 02:41:07 +00:00
- tab cleanup in shader code.
This commit is contained in:
10 changed files with 40 additions and 40 deletions
@ -9,6 +9,6 @@ void main()
vec4 t1 = texture(tex, vTexCoord.xy);
vec4 t2 = texture(texture2, vec2(vTexCoord.x, 1.0-vTexCoord.y));
FragColor = frag * vec4(t1.r, t1.g, t1.b, t2.a);
@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ void main()
float fogdist;
float fogfactor;
// calculate fog factor
@ -13,6 +13,6 @@ vec4 ProcessTexel()
basicColor.a = basicColor.a * test;
basicColor.r = basicColor.g = basicColor.b = 0.0;
return basicColor;
@ -17,6 +17,6 @@ vec4 ProcessTexel()
basicColor.a = basicColor.a * test;
basicColor.r = basicColor.g = basicColor.b = 0.0;
return basicColor;
@ -13,6 +13,6 @@ vec4 ProcessTexel()
basicColor.a = basicColor.a * test;
basicColor.r = basicColor.g = basicColor.b = 0.0;
return basicColor;
@ -99,27 +99,27 @@ const int Tex_Blend_Alpha = 1;
const int Tex_Blend_Screen = 2;
const int Tex_Blend_Overlay = 3;
const int Tex_Blend_Hardlight = 4;
vec4 ApplyTextureManipulation(vec4 texel, int blendflags)
// Step 1: desaturate according to the material's desaturation factor.
texel = dodesaturate(texel, uTextureModulateColor.a);
// Step 2: Invert if requested
if ((blendflags & 8) != 0)
texel.rgb = vec3(1.0 - texel.r, 1.0 - texel.g, 1.0 - texel.b);
// Step 3: Apply additive color
texel.rgb += uTextureAddColor.rgb;
// Step 4: Colorization, including gradient if set.
texel.rgb *= uTextureModulateColor.rgb;
// Before applying the blend the value needs to be clamped to [0..1] range.
texel.rgb = clamp(texel.rgb, 0.0, 1.0);
// Step 5: Apply a blend. This may just be a translucent overlay or one of the blend modes present in current Build engines.
if ((blendflags & 7) != 0)
@ -164,7 +164,7 @@ const int Tex_Blend_Hardlight = 4;
vec4 getTexel(vec2 st)
vec4 texel = texture(tex, st);
// Apply texture modes
@ -173,33 +173,33 @@ vec4 getTexel(vec2 st)
case 1: // TM_STENCIL
texel.rgb = vec3(1.0,1.0,1.0);
case 2: // TM_OPAQUE
texel.a = 1.0;
case 3: // TM_INVERSE
texel = vec4(1.0-texel.r, 1.0-texel.b, 1.0-texel.g, texel.a);
float gray = grayscale(texel);
texel = vec4(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, gray*texel.a);
case 5: // TM_CLAMPY
if (st.t < 0.0 || st.t > 1.0)
texel.a = 0.0;
texel = vec4(1.0-texel.r, 1.0-texel.b, 1.0-texel.g, 1.0);
case 7: //TM_FOGLAYER
return texel;
@ -212,7 +212,7 @@ vec4 getTexel(vec2 st)
texel.a = 0.0;
// Apply the texture modification colors.
int blendflags = int(uTextureAddColor.a); // this alpha is unused otherwise
if (blendflags != 0)
@ -319,7 +319,7 @@ float R_DoomLightingEquation(float light)
z = pixelpos.w;
if ((uPalLightLevels >> 16) == 5) // gl_lightmode 5: Build software lighting emulation.
// This is a lot more primitive than Doom's lighting...
@ -509,7 +509,7 @@ float sampleShadowmapPCF(vec3 planePoint, float v)
float sum = 0.0;
float step_count = uShadowmapFilter;
texelPos -= step_count + 0.5;
for (float x = -step_count; x <= step_count; x++)
@ -653,13 +653,13 @@ void SetMaterialProps(inout Material material, vec2 texCoord)
#ifndef NO_LAYERS
if ((uTextureMode & TEXF_Brightmap) != 0)
material.Bright = desaturate(texture(brighttexture, texCoord.st));
if ((uTextureMode & TEXF_Detailmap) != 0)
vec4 Detail = texture(detailtexture, texCoord.st * uDetailParms.xy) * uDetailParms.z;
material.Base.rgb *= Detail.rgb;
if ((uTextureMode & TEXF_Glowmap) != 0)
material.Glow = desaturate(texture(glowtexture, texCoord.st));
@ -682,7 +682,7 @@ void SetMaterialProps(inout Material material, vec2 texCoord)
vec4 getLightColor(Material material, float fogdist, float fogfactor)
vec4 color = vColor;
if (uLightLevel >= 0.0)
float newlightlevel = 1.0 - R_DoomLightingEquation(uLightLevel);
@ -695,13 +695,13 @@ vec4 getLightColor(Material material, float fogdist, float fogfactor)
color.rgb *= uLightFactor - (fogdist / uLightDist) * (uLightFactor - 1.0);
// apply light diminishing through fog equation
color.rgb = mix(vec3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0), color.rgb, fogfactor);
// handle glowing walls
@ -727,7 +727,7 @@ vec4 getLightColor(Material material, float fogdist, float fogfactor)
color.rgb = min(color.rgb + material.Bright.rgb, 1.0);
// apply other light manipulation by custom shaders, default is a NOP.
@ -768,7 +768,7 @@ vec3 AmbientOcclusionColor()
float fogdist;
float fogfactor;
// calculate fog factor
@ -781,7 +781,7 @@ vec3 AmbientOcclusionColor()
fogdist = max(16.0, distance(pixelpos.xyz, uCameraPos.xyz));
fogfactor = exp2 (uFogDensity * fogdist);
return mix(uFogColor.rgb, vec3(0.0), fogfactor);
@ -799,7 +799,7 @@ void main()
Material material;
material.Base = vec4(0.0);
material.Bright = vec4(0.0);
material.Glow = vec4(0.0);
@ -815,7 +815,7 @@ void main()
Material material = ProcessMaterial();
vec4 frag = material.Base;
if (frag.a <= uAlphaThreshold) discard;
@ -824,7 +824,7 @@ void main()
float fogdist = 0.0;
float fogfactor = 0.0;
// calculate fog factor
@ -840,7 +840,7 @@ void main()
fogfactor = exp2 (uFogDensity * fogdist);
if ((uTextureMode & 0xffff) != 7)
frag = getLightColor(material, fogdist, fogfactor);
@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ void main()
glowdist.y = worldcoord.y - bottomatpoint;
glowdist.z = clamp(glowdist.x / (topatpoint - bottomatpoint), 0.0, 1.0);
if (uObjectColor2.a != 0)
float topatpoint = (uGradientTopPlane.w + uGradientTopPlane.x * worldcoord.x + uGradientTopPlane.y * worldcoord.z) * uGradientTopPlane.z;
@ -97,7 +97,7 @@ void main()
vWorldNormal = NormalModelMatrix * vec4(normalize(bones.Normal), 1.0);
vEyeNormal = NormalViewMatrix * vec4(normalize(vWorldNormal.xyz), 1.0);
vec3 u = normalize(eyeCoordPos.xyz);
vec4 n = normalize(NormalViewMatrix * vec4(parmTexCoord.x, 0.0, parmTexCoord.y, 0.0));
@ -108,7 +108,7 @@ void main()
vTexCoord = TextureMatrix * vec4(parmTexCoord, 0.0, 1.0);
gl_Position = ProjectionMatrix * eyeCoordPos;
@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ vec3 lightContribution(int i, vec3 normal)
vec3 lightdir = normalize(lightpos.xyz - pixelpos.xyz);
float dotprod = dot(normal, lightdir);
if (dotprod < -0.0001) return vec3(0.0); // light hits from the backside. This can happen with full sector light lists and must be rejected for all cases. Note that this can cause precision issues.
float attenuation = clamp((lightpos.w - lightdistance) / lightpos.w, 0.0, 1.0);
if (lightspot1.w == 1.0)
@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ vec3 ProcessMaterialLight(Material material, vec3 color)
if (lightRange.w > lightRange.z)
vec4 addlight = vec4(0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0);
// additive lights
for(int i=lightRange.z; i<lightRange.w; i+=4)
@ -134,7 +134,7 @@ vec3 ProcessMaterialLight(Material material, vec3 ambientLight)
vec4 lightcolor = lights[i+1];
vec4 lightspot1 = lights[i+2];
vec4 lightspot2 = lights[i+3];
vec3 L = normalize(lightpos.xyz - worldpos);
vec3 H = normalize(V + L);
@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ vec2 lightAttenuation(int i, vec3 normal, vec3 viewdir, float lightcolorA)
float lightdistance = distance(lightpos.xyz, pixelpos.xyz);
if (lightpos.w < lightdistance)
return vec2(0.0); // Early out lights touching surface but not this fragment
float attenuation = clamp((lightpos.w - lightdistance) / lightpos.w, 0.0, 1.0);
if (lightspot1.w == 1.0)
Reference in a new issue