mirror of
synced 2025-03-22 19:01:12 +00:00
Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/rheit/zdoom into zscript
This commit is contained in:
10 changed files with 148 additions and 91 deletions
@ -292,6 +292,7 @@ void FIWadManager::ParseIWadInfos(const char *fn)
int FIWadManager::ScanIWAD (const char *iwad)
FResourceFile *iwadfile = FResourceFile::OpenResourceFile(iwad, NULL, true);
if (iwadfile == NULL) iwadfile = FResourceFile::OpenDirectory(iwad, true); //mxd. A directory can also work as an IWAD
if (iwadfile != NULL)
@ -344,7 +345,7 @@ int FIWadManager::CheckIWAD (const char *doomwaddir, WadStuff *wads)
iwad.Format ("%s%s%s", doomwaddir, slash, mIWadNames[i].GetChars());
FixPathSeperator (iwad);
if (FileExists (iwad))
if (DirEntryExists(iwad))
wads[i].Type = ScanIWAD (iwad);
if (wads[i].Type != -1)
@ -413,7 +414,7 @@ int FIWadManager::IdentifyVersion (TArray<FString> &wadfiles, const char *iwad,
DefaultExtension (custwad, ".wad");
if(FileExists(custwad)) DefaultExtension (custwad, ".wad"); //mxd. Don't treat folders as .wads
iwadparm = custwad;
mIWadNames[0] = custwad;
CheckIWAD ("", &wads[0]);
@ -1655,9 +1655,10 @@ static void G_QueueBody (AActor *body)
// G_DoReborn
EXTERN_CVAR(Bool, sv_singleplayerrespawn)
void G_DoReborn (int playernum, bool freshbot)
if (!multiplayer && !(level.flags2 & LEVEL2_ALLOWRESPAWN))
if (!multiplayer && !(level.flags2 & LEVEL2_ALLOWRESPAWN) && !sv_singleplayerrespawn)
if (BackupSaveName.Len() > 0 && FileExists (BackupSaveName.GetChars()))
{ // Load game from the last point it was saved
@ -526,6 +526,8 @@ static bool unloading;
EXTERN_CVAR(Bool, sv_singleplayerrespawn)
void G_ChangeLevel(const char *levelname, int position, int flags, int nextSkill)
level_info_t *nextinfo = NULL;
@ -634,7 +636,7 @@ void G_ChangeLevel(const char *levelname, int position, int flags, int nextSkill
// If this is co-op, respawn any dead players now so they can
// keep their inventory on the next map.
if ((multiplayer || level.flags2 & LEVEL2_ALLOWRESPAWN) && !deathmatch && player->playerstate == PST_DEAD)
if ((multiplayer || level.flags2 & LEVEL2_ALLOWRESPAWN || sv_singleplayerrespawn) && !deathmatch && player->playerstate == PST_DEAD)
// Copied from the end of P_DeathThink [[
player->cls = NULL; // Force a new class if the player is using a random class
@ -2908,7 +2908,8 @@ FSerializer &Serialize(FSerializer &arc, const char *key, SavingRunningscript &r
void DACSThinker::Serialize(FSerializer &arc)
arc("scripts", Scripts);
arc("scripts", Scripts)
("lastscript", LastScript);
if (arc.isWriting())
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
// Emacs style mode select -*- C++ -*-
// Emacs style mode select -*- C++ -*-
// $Id:$
@ -4496,6 +4496,7 @@ void AActor::AdjustFloorClip ()
// Most of the player structure stays unchanged between levels.
EXTERN_CVAR (Bool, chasedemo)
EXTERN_CVAR(Bool, sv_singleplayerrespawn)
extern bool demonew;
@ -4683,7 +4684,7 @@ APlayerPawn *P_SpawnPlayer (FPlayerStart *mthing, int playernum, int flags)
{ // Give all cards in death match mode.
p->mo->GiveDeathmatchInventory ();
else if ((multiplayer || (level.flags2 & LEVEL2_ALLOWRESPAWN)) && state == PST_REBORN && oldactor != NULL)
else if ((multiplayer || (level.flags2 & LEVEL2_ALLOWRESPAWN) || sv_singleplayerrespawn) && state == PST_REBORN && oldactor != NULL)
{ // Special inventory handling for respawning in coop
p->mo->FilterCoopRespawnInventory (oldactor);
@ -65,6 +65,9 @@ static FRandom pr_skullpop ("SkullPop");
// [RH] # of ticks to complete a turn180
#define TURN180_TICKS ((TICRATE / 4) + 1)
// [SP] Allows respawn in single player
CVAR(Bool, sv_singleplayerrespawn, false, CVAR_SERVERINFO | CVAR_LATCH)
// Variables for prediction
CVAR (Bool, cl_noprediction, false, CVAR_ARCHIVE|CVAR_GLOBALCONFIG)
CVAR(Bool, cl_predict_specials, true, CVAR_ARCHIVE | CVAR_GLOBALCONFIG)
@ -2211,7 +2214,9 @@ void P_DeathThink (player_t *player)
if (level.time >= player->respawn_time || ((player->cmd.ucmd.buttons & BT_USE) && player->Bot == NULL))
player->cls = NULL; // Force a new class if the player is using a random class
player->playerstate = (multiplayer || (level.flags2 & LEVEL2_ALLOWRESPAWN)) ? PST_REBORN : PST_ENTER;
player->playerstate =
(multiplayer || (level.flags2 & LEVEL2_ALLOWRESPAWN) || sv_singleplayerrespawn)
if (player->mo->special1 > 2)
player->mo->special1 = 0;
@ -1024,7 +1024,8 @@ void P_CreateLinkedPortals()
if (sectors[i].GetPortalType(j) == PORTS_LINKEDPORTAL && sectors[i].PortalGroup == 0)
CollectSectors(sectors[i].GetOppositePortalGroup(j), §ors[i]);
auto p = sectors[i].GetPortal(j);
CollectSectors(p->mOrigin->PortalGroup, §ors[i]);
@ -48,6 +48,7 @@
#include "v_palette.h"
#include "v_video.h"
#include "v_text.h"
#include "cmdlib.h"
#include "m_fixed.h"
#include "textures/textures.h"
#include "r_data/colormaps.h"
@ -138,7 +139,6 @@ struct strifemaptexture_t
struct FPatchLookup
FString Name;
FTexture *Texture;
@ -166,6 +166,7 @@ public:
int GetSourceLump() { return DefinitionLump; }
FTexture *GetRedirect(bool wantwarped);
FTexture *GetRawTexture();
void ResolvePatches();
BYTE *Pixels;
@ -185,8 +186,18 @@ protected:
struct TexInit
FString TexName;
int UseType = TEX_Null;
bool Silent = false;
bool HasLine = false;
FScriptPosition sc;
int NumParts;
TexPart *Parts;
TexInit *Inits;
bool bRedirect:1;
bool bTranslucentPatches:1;
@ -194,7 +205,7 @@ protected:
void CheckForHacks ();
void ParsePatch(FScanner &sc, TexPart & part, bool silent, int usetype);
void ParsePatch(FScanner &sc, TexPart & part, TexInit &init);
@ -204,7 +215,7 @@ private:
FMultiPatchTexture::FMultiPatchTexture (const void *texdef, FPatchLookup *patchlookup, int maxpatchnum, bool strife, int deflumpnum)
: Pixels (0), Spans(0), Parts(0), bRedirect(false), bTranslucentPatches(false)
: Pixels (0), Spans(0), Parts(nullptr), Inits(nullptr), bRedirect(false), bTranslucentPatches(false)
@ -240,7 +251,8 @@ FMultiPatchTexture::FMultiPatchTexture (const void *texdef, FPatchLookup *patchl
UseType = FTexture::TEX_Wall;
Parts = NumParts > 0 ? new TexPart[NumParts] : NULL;
Parts = NumParts > 0 ? new TexPart[NumParts] : nullptr;
Inits = NumParts > 0 ? new TexInit[NumParts] : nullptr;
Width = SAFESHORT(mtexture.d->width);
Height = SAFESHORT(mtexture.d->height);
Name = (char *)mtexture.d->name;
@ -272,17 +284,9 @@ FMultiPatchTexture::FMultiPatchTexture (const void *texdef, FPatchLookup *patchl
Parts[i].OriginX = LittleShort(mpatch.d->originx);
Parts[i].OriginY = LittleShort(mpatch.d->originy);
Parts[i].Texture = patchlookup[LittleShort(mpatch.d->patch)].Texture;
if (Parts[i].Texture == NULL)
Printf(TEXTCOLOR_RED "Unknown patch %s in texture %s\n", patchlookup[LittleShort(mpatch.d->patch)].Name.GetChars(), Name.GetChars());
Parts[i].Texture->bKeepAround = true;
Parts[i].Texture = nullptr;
Inits[i].TexName = patchlookup[LittleShort(mpatch.d->patch)].Name;
Inits[i].UseType = TEX_WallPatch;
if (strife)
@ -295,17 +299,6 @@ FMultiPatchTexture::FMultiPatchTexture (const void *texdef, FPatchLookup *patchl
CheckForHacks ();
// If this texture is just a wrapper around a single patch, we can simply
// forward GetPixels() and GetColumn() calls to that patch.
if (NumParts == 1)
if (Parts->OriginX == 0 && Parts->OriginY == 0 &&
Parts->Texture->GetWidth() == Width &&
Parts->Texture->GetHeight() == Height)
bRedirect = true;
DefinitionLump = deflumpnum;
@ -327,6 +320,11 @@ FMultiPatchTexture::~FMultiPatchTexture ()
delete[] Parts;
Parts = NULL;
if (Inits != nullptr)
delete[] Inits;
Inits = nullptr;
if (Spans != NULL)
FreeSpans (Spans);
@ -863,19 +861,6 @@ void FTextureManager::AddTexturesLump (const void *lumpdata, int lumpsize, int d
pnames.Read(pname, 8);
pname[8] = '\0';
patchlookup[i].Name = pname;
FTextureID j = CheckForTexture (patchlookup[i].Name, FTexture::TEX_WallPatch);
if (j.isValid())
patchlookup[i].Texture = Textures[j.GetIndex()].Texture;
// Shareware Doom has the same PNAMES lump as the registered
// Doom, so printing warnings for patches that don't really
// exist isn't such a good idea.
//Printf ("Patch %s not found.\n", patchlookup[i].Name);
patchlookup[i].Texture = NULL;
@ -996,35 +981,13 @@ void FTextureManager::AddTexturesLumps (int lump1, int lump2, int patcheslump)
void FMultiPatchTexture::ParsePatch(FScanner &sc, TexPart & part, bool silent, int usetype)
void FMultiPatchTexture::ParsePatch(FScanner &sc, TexPart & part, TexInit &init)
FString patchname;
int Mirror = 0;
FTextureID texno = TexMan.CheckForTexture(sc.String, usetype);
int Mirror = 0;
if (!texno.isValid())
if (strlen(sc.String) <= 8 && !strpbrk(sc.String, "./"))
int lumpnum = Wads.CheckNumForName(sc.String, usetype == TEX_MiscPatch? ns_graphics : ns_patches);
if (lumpnum >= 0)
part.Texture = FTexture::CreateTexture(lumpnum, usetype);
part.Texture = TexMan[texno];
bComplex |= part.Texture->bComplex;
if (part.Texture == NULL)
if (!silent) sc.ScriptMessage(TEXTCOLOR_RED "Unknown patch '%s' in texture '%s'\n", sc.String, Name.GetChars());
init.TexName = sc.String;
part.OriginX = sc.Number;
@ -1207,6 +1170,7 @@ FMultiPatchTexture::FMultiPatchTexture (FScanner &sc, int usetype)
: Pixels (0), Spans(0), Parts(0), bRedirect(false), bTranslucentPatches(false)
TArray<TexPart> parts;
TArray<TexInit> inits;
bool bSilent = false;
bMultiPatch = true;
@ -1267,16 +1231,51 @@ FMultiPatchTexture::FMultiPatchTexture (FScanner &sc, int usetype)
else if (sc.Compare("Patch"))
TexPart part;
ParsePatch(sc, part, bSilent, TEX_WallPatch);
if (part.Texture != NULL) parts.Push(part);
TexInit init;
ParsePatch(sc, part, init);
if (init.TexName.IsNotEmpty())
init.UseType = TEX_WallPatch;
init.Silent = bSilent;
init.HasLine = true;
init.sc = sc;
part.Texture = NULL;
part.Translation = NULL;
else if (sc.Compare("Sprite"))
TexPart part;
TexInit init;
ParsePatch(sc, part, init);
if (init.TexName.IsNotEmpty())
init.UseType = TEX_Sprite;
init.Silent = bSilent;
init.HasLine = true;
init.sc = sc;
part.Texture = NULL;
part.Translation = NULL;
else if (sc.Compare("Graphic"))
TexPart part;
ParsePatch(sc, part, bSilent, TEX_MiscPatch);
if (part.Texture != NULL) parts.Push(part);
TexInit init;
ParsePatch(sc, part, init);
if (init.TexName.IsNotEmpty())
init.UseType = TEX_MiscPatch;
init.Silent = bSilent;
init.HasLine = true;
init.sc = sc;
part.Texture = NULL;
part.Translation = NULL;
@ -1297,21 +1296,10 @@ FMultiPatchTexture::FMultiPatchTexture (FScanner &sc, int usetype)
NumParts = parts.Size();
Parts = new TexPart[NumParts];
memcpy(Parts, &parts[0], NumParts * sizeof(*Parts));
//CalcBitSize ();
// If this texture is just a wrapper around a single patch, we can simply
// forward GetPixels() and GetColumn() calls to that patch.
if (NumParts == 1)
Inits = new TexInit[NumParts];
for (int i = 0; i < NumParts; i++)
if (Parts->OriginX == 0 && Parts->OriginY == 0 &&
Parts->Texture->GetWidth() == Width &&
Parts->Texture->GetHeight() == Height &&
Parts->Rotate == 0 &&
bRedirect = true;
Inits[i] = inits[i];
@ -1328,6 +1316,58 @@ FMultiPatchTexture::FMultiPatchTexture (FScanner &sc, int usetype)
void FMultiPatchTexture::ResolvePatches()
if (Inits != nullptr)
for (int i = 0; i < NumParts; i++)
FTextureID texno = TexMan.CheckForTexture(Inits[i].TexName, Inits[i].UseType);
if (!texno.isValid())
if (!Inits[i].Silent)
if (Inits[i].HasLine) Inits[i].sc.Message(MSG_WARNING, "Unknown patch '%s' in texture '%s'\n", Inits[i].TexName.GetChars(), Name.GetChars());
else Printf(TEXTCOLOR_YELLOW "Unknown patch '%s' in texture '%s'\n", Inits[i].TexName.GetChars(), Name.GetChars());
Parts[i].Texture = TexMan[texno];
bComplex |= Parts[i].Texture->bComplex;
Parts[i].Texture->bKeepAround = true;
for (int i = 0; i < NumParts; i++)
if (Parts[i].Texture == nullptr)
memcpy(&Parts[i], &Parts[i + 1], NumParts - i - 1);
delete[] Inits;
Inits = nullptr;
// If this texture is just a wrapper around a single patch, we can simply
// forward GetPixels() and GetColumn() calls to that patch.
if (NumParts == 1)
if (Parts->OriginX == 0 && Parts->OriginY == 0 &&
Parts->Texture->GetWidth() == Width &&
Parts->Texture->GetHeight() == Height &&
Parts->Rotate == 0 &&
bRedirect = true;
void FTextureManager::ParseXTexture(FScanner &sc, int usetype)
@ -981,6 +981,10 @@ void FTextureManager::Init()
for (unsigned i = 0; i < Textures.Size(); i++)
// Add one marker so that the last WAD is easier to handle and treat
// Build tiles as a completely separate block.
@ -209,6 +209,7 @@ public:
int GetScaledTopOffset () { int foo = int((TopOffset * 2) / Scale.Y); return (foo >> 1) + (foo & 1); }
double GetScaledLeftOffsetDouble() { return LeftOffset / Scale.X; }
double GetScaledTopOffsetDouble() { return TopOffset / Scale.Y; }
virtual void ResolvePatches() {}
virtual void SetFrontSkyLayer();
Reference in a new issue