mirror of
synced 2025-03-03 16:11:33 +00:00
- Backend update from Raze.
This is mainly code cleanup from setting the compiler to a stricter warning level.
This commit is contained in:
102 changed files with 491 additions and 588 deletions
@ -749,7 +749,6 @@ void F2DDrawer::AddPoly(FGameTexture *texture, FVector2 *points, int npoints,
void F2DDrawer::AddPoly(FGameTexture* img, FVector4* vt, size_t vtcount, const unsigned int* ind, size_t idxcount, int translation, PalEntry color, FRenderStyle style, int clipx1, int clipy1, int clipx2, int clipy2)
RenderCommand dg;
int method = 0;
if (!img || !img->isValid()) return;
@ -835,13 +834,13 @@ void F2DDrawer::AddFlatFill(int left, int top, int right, int bottom, FGameTextu
dg.mFlags = DTF_Wrap;
float fs = 1.f / float(flatscale);
bool flipc = false;
float sw = GetClassicFlatScalarWidth();
float sh = GetClassicFlatScalarHeight();
switch (local_origin)
case 0:
fU1 = float(left) / (float)src->GetDisplayWidth() * fs;
fV1 = float(top) / (float)src->GetDisplayHeight() * fs;
@ -144,7 +144,7 @@ int GetUIScale(F2DDrawer *drawer, int altval)
// Default should try to scale to 640x400
int vscale = drawer->GetHeight() / 400;
int hscale = drawer->GetWidth() / 640;
scaleval = clamp(vscale, 1, hscale);
scaleval = max(1, min(vscale, hscale));
else scaleval = uiscale;
@ -165,7 +165,7 @@ int GetConScale(F2DDrawer* drawer, int altval)
// Default should try to scale to 640x400
int vscale = drawer->GetHeight() / 800;
int hscale = drawer->GetWidth() / 1280;
scaleval = clamp(vscale, 1, hscale);
scaleval = max(1, min(vscale, hscale));
else scaleval = (uiscale+1) / 2;
@ -671,7 +671,6 @@ bool ParseDrawTextureTags(F2DDrawer *drawer, FGameTexture *img, double x, double
INTBOOL boolval;
int intval;
bool translationset = false;
bool fillcolorset = false;
if (!fortext)
@ -1016,10 +1015,16 @@ bool ParseDrawTextureTags(F2DDrawer *drawer, FGameTexture *img, double x, double
case DTA_CenterOffsetRel:
assert(fortext == false);
if (fortext) return false;
if (ListGetInt(tags))
intval = ListGetInt(tags);
if (intval == 1)
parms->left = img->GetDisplayLeftOffset() + img->GetDisplayWidth() * 0.5;
parms->top = img->GetDisplayTopOffset() + img->GetDisplayHeight() * 0.5;
parms->left = img->GetDisplayLeftOffset() + (img->GetDisplayWidth() * 0.5);
parms->top = img->GetDisplayTopOffset() + (img->GetDisplayHeight() * 0.5);
else if (intval == 2)
parms->left = img->GetDisplayLeftOffset() + floor(img->GetDisplayWidth() * 0.5);
parms->top = img->GetDisplayTopOffset() + floor(img->GetDisplayHeight() * 0.5);
@ -603,13 +603,13 @@ static void CheckReplayGain(const char *musicname, EMidiDevice playertype, const
float* sbuf = (float*)readbuffer.Data();
int numsamples = fmt.mBufferSize / 8;
auto index = lbuffer.Reserve(numsamples);
auto addr = lbuffer.Reserve(numsamples);
for (int i = 0; i < numsamples; i++)
lbuffer[index + i] = sbuf[i * 2] * 32768.f;
rbuffer[index + i] = sbuf[i * 2 + 1] * 32768.f;
lbuffer[addr + i] = sbuf[i * 2] * 32768.f;
rbuffer[addr + i] = sbuf[i * 2 + 1] * 32768.f;
float accTime = lbuffer.Size() / (float)fmt.mSampleRate;
@ -684,8 +684,6 @@ bool S_ChangeMusic(const char* musicname, int order, bool looping, bool force)
return true;
int lumpnum = -1;
int length = 0;
ZMusic_MusicStream handle = nullptr;
MidiDeviceSetting* devp = MidiDevices.CheckKey(musicname);
@ -329,7 +329,6 @@ public:
virtual FString GetStats()
FString stats;
size_t pos = 0, len = 0;
ALfloat volume;
ALint offset;
ALint processed;
@ -530,7 +530,7 @@ void S_ReadReverbDef (FScanner &sc)
const ReverbContainer *def;
ReverbContainer *newenv;
char *name;
int id1, id2, i, j;
bool inited[NUM_REVERB_FIELDS];
@ -309,7 +309,6 @@ DEFINE_ACTION_FUNCTION(DReverbEdit, GetValue)
return 1;
@ -337,14 +336,12 @@ DEFINE_ACTION_FUNCTION(DReverbEdit, SetValue)
return 1;
return 1;
DEFINE_ACTION_FUNCTION(DReverbEdit, GetSelectedEnvironment)
@ -164,7 +164,6 @@ void SoundEngine::CacheSound (sfxinfo_t *sfx)
if (GSnd && !sfx->bTentative)
sfxinfo_t *orig = sfx;
while (!sfx->bRandomHeader && sfx->link != sfxinfo_t::NO_LINK)
sfx = &S_sfx[sfx->link];
@ -1085,13 +1084,14 @@ void SoundEngine::SetPitch(FSoundChan *chan, float pitch)
// Is a sound being played by a specific emitter?
int SoundEngine::GetSoundPlayingInfo (int sourcetype, const void *source, int sound_id)
int SoundEngine::GetSoundPlayingInfo (int sourcetype, const void *source, int sound_id, int chann)
int count = 0;
if (sound_id > 0)
for (FSoundChan *chan = Channels; chan != NULL; chan = chan->NextChan)
if (chann != -1 && chann != chan->EntChannel) continue;
if (chan->OrgID == sound_id && (sourcetype == SOURCE_Any ||
(chan->SourceType == sourcetype &&
chan->Source == source)))
@ -1104,6 +1104,7 @@ int SoundEngine::GetSoundPlayingInfo (int sourcetype, const void *source, int so
for (FSoundChan* chan = Channels; chan != NULL; chan = chan->NextChan)
if (chann != -1 && chann != chan->EntChannel) continue;
if ((sourcetype == SOURCE_Any || (chan->SourceType == sourcetype && chan->Source == source)))
@ -249,9 +249,6 @@ public:
blockNewSounds = on;
virtual int SoundSourceIndex(FSoundChan* chan) { return 0; }
virtual void SetSource(FSoundChan* chan, int index) {}
virtual void StopChannel(FSoundChan* chan);
sfxinfo_t* LoadSound(sfxinfo_t* sfx);
const sfxinfo_t* GetSfx(unsigned snd)
@ -303,7 +300,7 @@ public:
bool IsSourcePlayingSomething(int sourcetype, const void* actor, int channel, int sound_id = -1);
// Stop and resume music, during game PAUSE.
int GetSoundPlayingInfo(int sourcetype, const void* source, int sound_id);
int GetSoundPlayingInfo(int sourcetype, const void* source, int sound_id, int chan = -1);
void UnloadAllSounds();
void Reset();
void MarkUsed(int num);
@ -331,16 +331,16 @@ void C_DeinitConsole ()
// at runtime.)
for (size_t i = 0; i < countof(Commands); ++i)
FConsoleCommand *cmd = Commands[i];
FConsoleCommand *command = Commands[i];
while (cmd != NULL)
while (command != NULL)
FConsoleCommand *next = cmd->m_Next;
if (cmd->IsAlias())
FConsoleCommand *nextcmd = command->m_Next;
if (command->IsAlias())
delete cmd;
delete command;
cmd = next;
command = nextcmd;
@ -333,6 +333,7 @@ UCVarValue FBaseCVar::FromBool (bool value, ECVarType type)
ret.Int = 0;
@ -363,6 +364,7 @@ UCVarValue FBaseCVar::FromInt (int value, ECVarType type)
ret.Int = 0;
@ -395,6 +397,7 @@ UCVarValue FBaseCVar::FromFloat (float value, ECVarType type)
ret.Int = 0;
@ -456,6 +459,7 @@ UCVarValue FBaseCVar::FromString (const char *value, ECVarType type)
ret.Int = 0;
@ -1426,12 +1430,12 @@ void C_ArchiveCVars (FConfigFile *f, uint32_t filter)
cvar = cvar->m_Next;
qsort(cvarlist.Data(), cvarlist.Size(), sizeof(FBaseCVar*), cvarcmp);
for (auto cvar : cvarlist)
for (auto cv : cvarlist)
const char* const value = (cvar->Flags & CVAR_ISDEFAULT)
? cvar->GetGenericRep(CVAR_String).String
: cvar->SafeValue.GetChars();
f->SetValueForKey(cvar->GetName(), value);
const char* const value = (cv->Flags & CVAR_ISDEFAULT)
? cv->GetGenericRep(CVAR_String).String
: cv->SafeValue.GetChars();
f->SetValueForKey(cv->GetName(), value);
@ -1643,7 +1647,6 @@ CCMD (archivecvar)
void C_ListCVarsWithoutDescription()
FBaseCVar* var = CVars;
int count = 0;
while (var)
@ -282,8 +282,8 @@ void C_DoCommand (const char *cmd, int keynum)
auto cmd = new FStoredCommand(com, beg);
auto command = new FStoredCommand(com, beg);
@ -373,8 +373,8 @@ void AddCommandString (const char *text, int keynum)
// Note that deferred commands lose track of which key
// (if any) they were pressed from.
*brkpt = ';';
auto cmd = new FWaitingCommand(brkpt, tics, UnsafeExecutionContext);
auto command = new FWaitingCommand(brkpt, tics, UnsafeExecutionContext);
@ -851,8 +851,8 @@ CCMD (key)
for (i = 1; i < argv.argc(); ++i)
unsigned int key = MakeKey (argv[i]);
Printf (" 0x%08x\n", key);
unsigned int hash = MakeKey (argv[i]);
Printf (" 0x%08x\n", hash);
@ -1014,7 +1014,6 @@ void FExecList::AddPullins(TArray<FString> &wads, FConfigFile *config) const
FExecList *C_ParseExecFile(const char *file, FExecList *exec)
char cmd[4096];
int retval = 0;
FileReader fr;
@ -736,7 +736,7 @@ bool HostGame (int i)
// If we send the packets eight times to each guest,
// hopefully at least one of them will get through.
for (int i = 8; i != 0; --i)
for (int ii = 8; ii != 0; --ii)
PreSend (&packet, 2, &sendaddress[node]);
@ -234,7 +234,7 @@ void PaletteContainer::UpdateTranslation(int trans, FRemapTable* remap)
int PaletteContainer::AddTranslation(int slot, FRemapTable* remap, int count)
uint32_t id;
uint32_t id = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
auto newremap = AddRemap(&remap[i]);
@ -265,7 +265,7 @@ FRemapTable *PaletteContainer::TranslationToTable(int translation)
unsigned int type = GetTranslationType(translation);
unsigned int index = GetTranslationIndex(translation);
if (type < 0 || type >= TranslationTables.Size() || index >= NumTranslations(type))
if (type >= TranslationTables.Size() || index >= NumTranslations(type))
return uniqueRemaps[0]; // this is the identity table.
@ -649,7 +649,6 @@ bool FRemapTable::AddTint(int start, int end, int r, int g, int b, int amount)
bool FRemapTable::AddToTranslation(const char *range)
int start,end;
bool desaturated = false;
FScanner sc;
sc.OpenMem("translation", range, int(strlen(range)));
@ -1131,9 +1131,7 @@ FString FScanner::TokenName (int token, const char *string)
FString work;
work.Format ("Unknown(%d)", token);
return work;
work.Format("Unknown(%d)", token);
return work;
@ -290,6 +290,28 @@ bool FSerializer::BeginObject(const char *name)
bool FSerializer::HasObject(const char* name)
if (isReading())
auto val = r->FindKey(name);
if (val != nullptr)
if (val->IsObject())
return true;
return false;
void FSerializer::EndObject()
if (isWriting())
@ -619,7 +641,6 @@ void FSerializer::ReadObjects(bool hubtravel)
if (BeginObject(nullptr))
FString clsname; // do not deserialize the class type directly so that we can print appropriate errors.
int pindex = -1;
Serialize(*this, "classtype", clsname, nullptr);
PClass *cls = PClass::FindClass(clsname);
@ -643,6 +664,7 @@ void FSerializer::ReadObjects(bool hubtravel)
if (!founderrors)
// Reset to start;
unsigned size = r->mObjects.Size();
r->mObjects.Last().mIndex = 0;
for (unsigned i = 0; i < r->mDObjects.Size(); i++)
@ -652,7 +674,6 @@ void FSerializer::ReadObjects(bool hubtravel)
if (obj != nullptr)
int pindex = -1;
@ -660,6 +681,7 @@ void FSerializer::ReadObjects(bool hubtravel)
catch (CRecoverableError &err)
r->mObjects.Clamp(size); // close all inner objects.
// In case something in here throws an error, let's continue and deal with it later.
Printf(TEXTCOLOR_RED "'%s'\n while restoring %s\n", err.GetMessage(), obj ? obj->GetClass()->TypeName.GetChars() : "invalid object");
@ -85,6 +85,7 @@ public:
void ReadObjects(bool hubtravel);
bool BeginObject(const char *name);
void EndObject();
bool HasObject(const char* name);
bool BeginArray(const char *name);
void EndArray();
unsigned GetSize(const char *group);
@ -234,7 +235,7 @@ FSerializer &Serialize(FSerializer &arc, const char *key, FSoundID &sid, FSoundI
FSerializer &Serialize(FSerializer &arc, const char *key, FString &sid, FString *def);
FSerializer &Serialize(FSerializer &arc, const char *key, NumericValue &sid, NumericValue *def);
template<class T>
template <typename T/*, typename = std::enable_if_t<std::is_base_of_v<DObject, T>>*/>
FSerializer &Serialize(FSerializer &arc, const char *key, T *&value, T **)
DObject *v = static_cast<DObject*>(value);
@ -301,6 +302,11 @@ FSerializer& Serialize(FSerializer& arc, const char* key, FixedBitArray<size>& v
return arc.SerializeMemory(key, value.Storage(), value.StorageSize());
inline FSerializer& Serialize(FSerializer& arc, const char* key, BitArray& value, BitArray* def)
return arc.SerializeMemory(key, value.Storage().Data(), value.Storage().Size());
template<> FSerializer& Serialize(FSerializer& arc, const char* key, PClass*& clst, PClass** def);
template<> FSerializer& Serialize(FSerializer& arc, const char* key, FFont*& font, FFont** def);
template<> FSerializer &Serialize(FSerializer &arc, const char *key, Dictionary *&dict, Dictionary **def);
@ -41,8 +41,6 @@
#include "printf.h"
#include "findfile.h"
// Zip Lump
@ -308,14 +308,14 @@ void FWadFile::SetNamespace(const char *startmarker, const char *endmarker, name
// We have found no F_START but one or more F_END markers.
// mark all lumps before the last F_END marker as potential flats.
unsigned int end = markers[markers.Size()-1].index;
for(unsigned int i = 0; i < end; i++)
for(unsigned int ii = 0; ii < end; ii++)
if (Lumps[i].LumpSize == 4096)
if (Lumps[ii].LumpSize == 4096)
// We can't add this to the flats namespace but
// it needs to be flagged for the texture manager.
DPrintf(DMSG_NOTIFY, "Marking %s as potential flat\n", Lumps[i].getName());
Lumps[i].Flags |= LUMPF_MAYBEFLAT;
DPrintf(DMSG_NOTIFY, "Marking %s as potential flat\n", Lumps[ii].getName());
Lumps[ii].Flags |= LUMPF_MAYBEFLAT;
@ -428,18 +428,19 @@ void FWadFile::SkinHack ()
// needless to say, this check is entirely useless these days as map names can be more diverse..
if ((lump->getName()[0] == 'M' &&
lump->getName()[1] == 'A' &&
lump->getName()[2] == 'P' &&
lump->getName()[3] >= '0' && lump->getName()[3] <= '9' &&
lump->getName()[4] >= '0' && lump->getName()[4] <= '9' &&
lump->getName()[5] >= '\0')
lump->getName()[5] == '\0')
(lump->getName()[0] == 'E' &&
lump->getName()[1] >= '0' && lump->getName()[1] <= '9' &&
lump->getName()[2] == 'M' &&
lump->getName()[3] >= '0' && lump->getName()[3] <= '9' &&
lump->getName()[4] >= '\0'))
lump->getName()[4] == '\0'))
hasmap = true;
@ -218,7 +218,6 @@ void FileSystem::InitMultipleFiles (TArray<FString> &filenames, bool quiet, Lump
for(unsigned i=0;i<filenames.Size(); i++)
int baselump = NumEntries;
AddFile (filenames[i], nullptr, quiet, filter);
if (i == (unsigned)MaxIwadIndex) MoveLumpsInFolder("after_iwad/");
@ -1669,3 +1668,20 @@ FResourceLump* FileSystem::GetFileAt(int no)
return FileInfo[no].lump;
#include "c_dispatch.h"
int numfiles = fileSystem.GetNumEntries();
for (int i = 0; i < numfiles; i++)
auto container = fileSystem.GetResourceFileFullName(fileSystem.GetFileContainer(i));
auto fn1 = fileSystem.GetFileFullName(i);
auto fns = fileSystem.GetFileShortName(i);
auto fnid = fileSystem.GetResourceId(i);
auto length = fileSystem.FileLength(i);
bool hidden = fileSystem.FindFile(fn1) != i;
Printf(PRINT_NONOTIFY, "%s%-64s %-15s (%5d) %10d %s %s\n", hidden ? TEXTCOLOR_RED : TEXTCOLOR_UNTRANSLATED, fn1, fns, fnid, length, container, hidden ? "(h)" : "");
@ -490,7 +490,7 @@ bool FResourceFile::FindPrefixRange(FString filter, void *lumps, size_t lumpsize
uint32_t min, max, mid, inside;
FResourceLump *lump;
int cmp;
int cmp = 0;
end = start = 0;
@ -499,7 +499,7 @@ bool FResourceFile::FindPrefixRange(FString filter, void *lumps, size_t lumpsize
lumps = (uint8_t *)lumps - lumpsize;
// Binary search to find any match at all.
min = 1, max = maxlump;
mid = min = 1, max = maxlump;
while (min <= max)
mid = min + (max - min) / 2;
@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
#include <limits.h>
#include "files.h"
#include "zstring.h"
struct LumpFilterInfo
@ -292,12 +292,12 @@ FFont::FFont (const char *name, const char *nametemplate, const char *filetempla
auto position = strtoll(base.GetChars(), &endp, 16);
if ((*endp == 0 || (*endp == '.' && position >= '!' && position < 0xffff)))
auto lump = TexMan.CheckForTexture(entry.name, ETextureType::MiscPatch);
if (lump.isValid())
auto texlump = TexMan.CheckForTexture(entry.name, ETextureType::MiscPatch);
if (texlump.isValid())
if ((int)position < minchar) minchar = (int)position;
if ((int)position > maxchar) maxchar = (int)position;
auto tex = TexMan.GetGameTexture(lump);
auto tex = TexMan.GetGameTexture(texlump);
tex->SetScale((float)Scale.X, (float)Scale.Y);
charMap.Insert((int)position, tex);
Type = Folder;
@ -313,10 +313,10 @@ FFont::FFont (const char *name, const char *nametemplate, const char *filetempla
for (i = 0; i < count; i++)
auto lump = charMap.CheckKey(FirstChar + i);
if (lump != nullptr)
auto charlump = charMap.CheckKey(FirstChar + i);
if (charlump != nullptr)
auto pic = *lump;
auto pic = *charlump;
if (pic != nullptr)
double fheight = pic->GetDisplayHeight();
@ -399,8 +399,8 @@ void FFont::ReadSheetFont(TArray<FolderEntry> &folderdata, int width, int height
part[0].OriginY = -height * y;
part[0].TexImage = static_cast<FImageTexture*>(tex->GetTexture());
FMultiPatchTexture *image = new FMultiPatchTexture(width, height, part, false, false);
FImageTexture *tex = new FImageTexture(image);
auto gtex = MakeGameTexture(tex, nullptr, ETextureType::FontChar);
FImageTexture *imgtex = new FImageTexture(image);
auto gtex = MakeGameTexture(imgtex, nullptr, ETextureType::FontChar);
gtex->SetOffsets(0, 0, 0);
gtex->SetOffsets(1, 0, 0);
@ -424,7 +424,6 @@ void FFont::ReadSheetFont(TArray<FolderEntry> &folderdata, int width, int height
LastChar = maxchar;
auto count = maxchar - minchar + 1;
int fontheight = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
@ -309,9 +309,9 @@ void FSingleLumpFont::LoadFON2 (int lump, const uint8_t *data)
Palette[0] = 0;
for (int i = 1; i < ActiveColors; i++)
for (int pp = 1; pp < ActiveColors; pp++)
Palette[i] = PalEntry(255, palette[i * 3], palette[i * 3 + 1], palette[i * 3 + 2]);
Palette[pp] = PalEntry(255, palette[pp * 3], palette[pp * 3 + 1], palette[pp * 3 + 2]);
data_p = palette + ActiveColors*3;
@ -102,12 +102,12 @@ FSpecialFont::FSpecialFont (const char *name, int first, int count, FGameTexture
if (charlumps[i] != nullptr)
auto pic = charlumps[i];
Chars[i].OriginalPic = MakeGameTexture(pic->GetTexture(), nullptr, ETextureType::FontChar);
Chars[i].OriginalPic->CopySize(pic, true);
auto charpic = charlumps[i];
Chars[i].OriginalPic = MakeGameTexture(charpic->GetTexture(), nullptr, ETextureType::FontChar);
Chars[i].OriginalPic->CopySize(charpic, true);
Chars[i].XMove = (int)Chars[i].OriginalPic->GetDisplayWidth();
if (sysCallbacks.FontCharCreated) sysCallbacks.FontCharCreated(pic, Chars[i].OriginalPic);
if (sysCallbacks.FontCharCreated) sysCallbacks.FontCharCreated(charpic, Chars[i].OriginalPic);
@ -725,9 +725,9 @@ static void CalcDefaultTranslation(FFont* base, int index)
auto lum = otherluminosity[i];
if (lum >= 0 && lum <= 1)
int index = int(lum * 255);
remap[index] = GPalette.BaseColors[i];
remap[index].a = 255;
int lumidx = int(lum * 255);
remap[lumidx] = GPalette.BaseColors[i];
remap[lumidx].a = 255;
@ -88,7 +88,6 @@ TArray<FBrokenLines> V_BreakLines (FFont *font, int maxwidth, const uint8_t *str
if (*string == '[')
const uint8_t* start = string;
while (*string != ']' && *string != '\0')
@ -160,12 +160,12 @@ void UpdateJoystickMenu(IJoystickConfig *selected)
it = opt->GetItem("ConnectMessage2");
if (it != nullptr) it->SetValue(0, !use_joystick);
for (int i = 0; i < (int)Joysticks.Size(); ++i)
for (int ii = 0; ii < (int)Joysticks.Size(); ++ii)
it = CreateOptionMenuItemJoyConfigMenu(Joysticks[i]->GetName(), Joysticks[i]);
it = CreateOptionMenuItemJoyConfigMenu(Joysticks[ii]->GetName(), Joysticks[ii]);
GC::WriteBarrier(opt, it);
if (i == itemnum) opt->mSelectedItem = opt->mItems.Size();
if (ii == itemnum) opt->mSelectedItem = opt->mItems.Size();
if (opt->mSelectedItem >= (int)opt->mItems.Size())
@ -179,15 +179,15 @@ void UpdateJoystickMenu(IJoystickConfig *selected)
auto p = CurrentMenu->PointerVar<IJoystickConfig>("mJoy");
if (p != nullptr)
unsigned i;
for (i = 0; i < Joysticks.Size(); ++i)
unsigned ii;
for (ii = 0; ii < Joysticks.Size(); ++ii)
if (Joysticks[i] == p)
if (Joysticks[ii] == p)
if (i == Joysticks.Size())
if (ii == Joysticks.Size())
@ -340,6 +340,10 @@ static void DoParseListMenuBody(FScanner &sc, DListMenuDescriptor *desc, bool &s
desc->mCenter = true;
else if (sc.Compare("Selecteditem"))
desc->mSelectedItem = desc->mItems.Size() - 1;
else if (sc.Compare("animatedtransition"))
desc->mAnimatedTransition = true;
@ -563,8 +567,8 @@ static void DoParseListMenuBody(FScanner &sc, DListMenuDescriptor *desc, bool &s
// NB: index has been incremented, so we're not affecting the newly inserted item here.
for (unsigned int i = insertIndex; i < desc->mItems.Size(); i++)
auto item = desc->mItems[i];
if (item->GetClass()->IsDescendantOf("ListMenuItemSelectable"))
auto litem = desc->mItems[i];
if (litem->GetClass()->IsDescendantOf("ListMenuItemSelectable"))
desc->mItems[i]->mYpos += desc->mLinespacing;
@ -660,9 +664,9 @@ static bool FindMatchingItem(DMenuItemBase *desc)
MenuDescriptorList::Pair *pair;
while (it.NextPair(pair))
for (auto it : pair->Value->mItems)
for (auto item : pair->Value->mItems)
if (it->mAction == name && GetGroup(it) == grp) return true;
if (item->mAction == name && GetGroup(item) == grp) return true;
return false;
@ -151,8 +151,6 @@ int FSavegameManagerBase::InsertSaveNode(FSaveGameNode *node)
void FSavegameManagerBase::NotifyNewSave(const FString &file, const FString &title, bool okForQuicksave, bool forceQuicksave)
FSaveGameNode *node;
if (file.IsEmpty())
@ -180,7 +178,7 @@ void FSavegameManagerBase::NotifyNewSave(const FString &file, const FString &tit
node = new FSaveGameNode;
auto node = new FSaveGameNode;
node->SaveTitle = title;
node->Filename = file;
node->bOldVersion = false;
@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
@ -98,7 +98,7 @@ static int FindGFXFile(FString & fn)
for (const char ** extp=extensions; *extp; extp++)
int lump = fileSystem.CheckNumForFullName(fn + *extp);
lump = fileSystem.CheckNumForFullName(fn + *extp);
if (lump >= best) best = lump;
return best;
@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
@ -217,10 +217,10 @@ void FDMDModel::LoadGeometry()
memcpy(lods[i].triangles, buffer + lodInfo[i].offsetTriangles, lodInfo[i].numTriangles * sizeof(FTriangle));
for (int j = 0; j < lodInfo[i].numTriangles; j++)
for (int k = 0; k < 3; k++)
for (int kk = 0; kk < 3; kk++)
lods[i].triangles[j].textureIndices[k] = LittleShort(lods[i].triangles[j].textureIndices[k]);
lods[i].triangles[j].vertexIndices[k] = LittleShort(lods[i].triangles[j].vertexIndices[k]);
lods[i].triangles[j].textureIndices[kk] = LittleShort(lods[i].triangles[j].textureIndices[kk]);
lods[i].triangles[j].vertexIndices[kk] = LittleShort(lods[i].triangles[j].vertexIndices[kk]);
@ -306,7 +306,7 @@ void FDMDModel::BuildVertexBuffer(FModelRenderer *renderer)
FTriangle *tri = lods[0].triangles;
for (int i = 0; i < lodInfo[0].numTriangles; i++)
for (int ii = 0; ii < lodInfo[0].numTriangles; ii++)
for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++)
@ -541,10 +541,10 @@ void FMD2Model::LoadGeometry()
memcpy(lods[0].triangles, buffer + lodInfo[0].offsetTriangles, sizeof(FTriangle) * cnt);
for (int j = 0; j < cnt; j++)
for (int k = 0; k < 3; k++)
for (int kk = 0; kk < 3; kk++)
lods[0].triangles[j].textureIndices[k] = LittleShort(lods[0].triangles[j].textureIndices[k]);
lods[0].triangles[j].vertexIndices[k] = LittleShort(lods[0].triangles[j].vertexIndices[k]);
lods[0].triangles[j].textureIndices[kk] = LittleShort(lods[0].triangles[j].textureIndices[kk]);
lods[0].triangles[j].vertexIndices[kk] = LittleShort(lods[0].triangles[j].vertexIndices[kk]);
@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
@ -141,7 +141,7 @@ bool FMD3Model::Load(const char * path, int lumpnum, const char * buffer, int le
for (unsigned i = 0; i < numFrames; i++)
strncpy(Frames[i].Name, frm[i].Name, 16);
strncpy(Frames[i].Name, frm[i].Name, 15);
for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++) Frames[i].origin[j] = frm[i].localorigin[j];
@ -164,15 +164,15 @@ bool FMD3Model::Load(const char * path, int lumpnum, const char * buffer, int le
md3_shader_t * shader = (md3_shader_t*)(((char*)ss) + LittleLong(ss->Ofs_Shaders));
for (unsigned i = 0; i < s->numSkins; i++)
for (unsigned ii = 0; ii < s->numSkins; ii++)
// [BB] According to the MD3 spec, Name is supposed to include the full path.
// ... and since some tools seem to output backslashes, these need to be replaced with forward slashes to work.
s->Skins[i] = LoadSkin("", shader[i].Name);
s->Skins[ii] = LoadSkin("", shader[ii].Name);
// [BB] Fall back and check if Name is relative.
if (!s->Skins[i].isValid())
s->Skins[i] = LoadSkin(path, shader[i].Name);
if (!s->Skins[ii].isValid())
s->Skins[ii] = LoadSkin(path, shader[ii].Name);
mLumpNum = lumpnum;
@ -203,31 +203,31 @@ void FMD3Model::LoadGeometry()
md3_triangle_t * tris = (md3_triangle_t*)(((char*)ss) + LittleLong(ss->Ofs_Triangles));
for (unsigned i = 0; i < s->numTriangles; i++) for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++)
for (unsigned ii = 0; ii < s->numTriangles; ii++) for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++)
s->Tris[i].VertIndex[j] = LittleLong(tris[i].vt_index[j]);
s->Tris[ii].VertIndex[j] = LittleLong(tris[ii].vt_index[j]);
// Load texture coordinates
md3_texcoord_t * tc = (md3_texcoord_t*)(((char*)ss) + LittleLong(ss->Ofs_Texcoord));
for (unsigned i = 0; i < s->numVertices; i++)
for (unsigned ii = 0; ii < s->numVertices; ii++)
s->Texcoords[i].s = tc[i].s;
s->Texcoords[i].t = tc[i].t;
s->Texcoords[ii].s = tc[ii].s;
s->Texcoords[ii].t = tc[ii].t;
// Load vertices and texture coordinates
md3_vertex_t * vt = (md3_vertex_t*)(((char*)ss) + LittleLong(ss->Ofs_XYZNormal));
s->Vertices.Resize(s->numVertices * Frames.Size());
for (unsigned i = 0; i < s->numVertices * Frames.Size(); i++)
for (unsigned ii = 0; ii < s->numVertices * Frames.Size(); ii++)
s->Vertices[i].x = LittleShort(vt[i].x) / 64.f;
s->Vertices[i].y = LittleShort(vt[i].y) / 64.f;
s->Vertices[i].z = LittleShort(vt[i].z) / 64.f;
UnpackVector(LittleShort(vt[i].n), s->Vertices[i].nx, s->Vertices[i].ny, s->Vertices[i].nz);
s->Vertices[ii].x = LittleShort(vt[ii].x) / 64.f;
s->Vertices[ii].y = LittleShort(vt[ii].y) / 64.f;
s->Vertices[ii].z = LittleShort(vt[ii].z) / 64.f;
UnpackVector(LittleShort(vt[ii].n), s->Vertices[ii].nx, s->Vertices[ii].ny, s->Vertices[ii].nz);
@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
@ -205,7 +205,6 @@ void FVoxelModel::AddFace(int x1, int y1, int z1, int x2, int y2, int z2, int x3
float PivotX = mVoxel->Mips[0].Pivot.X;
float PivotY = mVoxel->Mips[0].Pivot.Y;
float PivotZ = mVoxel->Mips[0].Pivot.Z;
int h = mVoxel->Mips[0].SizeZ;
FModelVertex vert;
unsigned int indx[4];
@ -286,8 +285,8 @@ void FVoxelModel::MakeSlabPolys(int x, int y, kvxslab_t *voxptr, FVoxelMap &chec
if (cull & 32)
int z = ztop+zleng-1;
AddFace(x+1, y, z+1, x, y, z+1, x+1, y+1, z+1, x, y+1, z+1, voxptr->col[zleng-1], check);
int zz = ztop+zleng-1;
AddFace(x+1, y, zz+1, x, y, zz+1, x+1, y+1, zz+1, x, y+1, zz+1, voxptr->col[zleng-1], check);
@ -182,7 +182,9 @@ void I_PrintStr(const char *cp)
if (*srcp == 0x1c && con_printansi && terminal)
srcp += 1;
EColorRange range = V_ParseFontColor((const uint8_t*&)srcp, CR_UNTRANSLATED, CR_YELLOW);
const uint8_t* scratch = (const uint8_t*)srcp; // GCC does not like direct casting of the parameter.
EColorRange range = V_ParseFontColor(scratch, CR_UNTRANSLATED, CR_YELLOW);
srcp = (char*)scratch;
if (range != CR_UNDEFINED)
PalEntry color = V_LogColorFromColorRange(range);
@ -279,7 +279,7 @@ void SystemBaseFrameBuffer::PositionWindow(bool fullscreen, bool initialcall)
LONG style, exStyle;
RECT monRect;
RECT monRect = {};
if (!m_Fullscreen && fullscreen && !initialcall) SaveWindowedPos();
if (m_Monitor)
@ -340,7 +340,7 @@ static HANDLE WriteMyMiniDump (void)
MINIDUMP_EXCEPTION_INFORMATION exceptor = { DbgThreadID, &CrashPointers, FALSE };
WCHAR dbghelpPath[MAX_PATH+12], *bs;
WRITEDUMP pMiniDumpWriteDump;
HANDLE file;
BOOL good = FALSE;
HMODULE dbghelp = NULL;
@ -710,14 +710,14 @@ HANDLE WriteTextReport ()
ctxt->Rip, ctxt->Rsp, ctxt->SegCs, ctxt->SegSs, ctxt->EFlags);
for (i = 0, j = 1; (size_t)i < sizeof(eflagsBits)/sizeof(eflagsBits[0]); j <<= 1, ++i)
for (i = 0, dw = 1; (size_t)i < sizeof(eflagsBits)/sizeof(eflagsBits[0]); dw <<= 1, ++i)
if (eflagsBits[i][0] != 'x')
Writef (file, " %c%c%c", eflagsBits[i][0], eflagsBits[i][1],
ctxt->EFlags & j ? '+' : '-');
ctxt->EFlags & dw ? '+' : '-');
Writef (file, "\r\n");
@ -281,14 +281,6 @@ CUSTOM_CVAR(Bool, joy_dinput, true, CVAR_GLOBALCONFIG|CVAR_ARCHIVE|CVAR_NOINITCA
static const uint8_t POVButtons[9] = { 0x01, 0x03, 0x02, 0x06, 0x04, 0x0C, 0x08, 0x09, 0x00 };
static const IID IID_IWbemLocator = { 0xdc12a687, 0x737f, 0x11cf,
{ 0x88, 0x4d, 0x00, 0xaa, 0x00, 0x4b, 0x2e, 0x24 } };
static const CLSID CLSID_WbemLocator = { 0x4590f811, 0x1d3a, 0x11d0,
{ 0x89, 0x1f, 0x00, 0xaa, 0x00, 0x4b, 0x2e, 0x24 } };
// CODE --------------------------------------------------------------------
@ -514,8 +514,6 @@ LRESULT CALLBACK WndProc (HWND hWnd, UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
int oldstate = SessionState;
if (message == WM_WTSSESSION_CHANGE && lParam == (LPARAM)SessionID)
#ifdef _DEBUG
@ -268,7 +268,6 @@ void I_CheckNativeMouse(bool preferNative, bool eventhandlerresult)
bool pauseState = false;
bool captureModeInGame = sysCallbacks.CaptureModeInGame && sysCallbacks.CaptureModeInGame();
want_native = ((!m_use_mouse || menuactive != MENU_WaitKey) &&
(!captureModeInGame || GUICapture));
@ -288,8 +288,8 @@ static void DoPrintStr(const char *cpt, HWND edit, HANDLE StdOut)
wchar_t wbuf[256];
int bpos = 0;
CHARRANGE selection;
CHARRANGE endselection;
CHARRANGE selection = {};
CHARRANGE endselection = {};
LONG lines_before = 0, lines_after;
@ -113,7 +113,7 @@ CUSTOM_CVAR(Int, showendoom, 0, CVAR_ARCHIVE|CVAR_GLOBALCONFIG)
FStartupScreen *FStartupScreen::CreateInstance(int max_progress)
FStartupScreen *scr = NULL;
HRESULT hr = -1;
if (!Args->CheckParm("-nostartup"))
@ -751,9 +751,9 @@ FStrifeStartupScreen::FStrifeStartupScreen(int max_progress, long& hr)
if (lumpnum >= 0 && (lumplen = fileSystem.FileLength(lumpnum)) == StrifeStartupPicSizes[i])
auto lumpr = fileSystem.OpenFileReader(lumpnum);
auto lumpr1 = fileSystem.OpenFileReader(lumpnum);
StartupPics[i] = new uint8_t[lumplen];
lumpr.Read(StartupPics[i], lumplen);
lumpr1.Read(StartupPics[i], lumplen);
@ -423,8 +423,6 @@ bool Win32GLVideo::InitHardware(HWND Window, int multisample)
const char *version = Args->CheckValue("-glversion");
@ -326,7 +326,6 @@ void OpenGLFrameBuffer::PrecacheMaterial(FMaterial *mat, int translation)
if (mat->Source()->GetUseType() == ETextureType::SWCanvas) return;
int flags = mat->GetScaleFlags();
int numLayers = mat->NumLayers();
MaterialLayerInfo* layer;
auto base = static_cast<FHardwareTexture*>(mat->GetLayer(0, translation, &layer));
@ -301,8 +301,6 @@ void FHardwareTexture::BindToFrameBuffer(int width, int height)
bool FHardwareTexture::BindOrCreate(FTexture *tex, int texunit, int clampmode, int translation, int flags)
int usebright = false;
bool needmipmap = (clampmode <= CLAMP_XY) && !forcenofilter;
// Bind it to the system.
@ -444,8 +444,6 @@ bool FGLRenderBuffers::CheckFrameBufferCompleteness()
return true;
bool FailedCreate = true;
if (gl_debug_level > 0)
FString error = "glCheckFramebufferStatus failed: ";
@ -318,7 +318,6 @@ void FGLRenderState::ApplyMaterial(FMaterial *mat, int clampmode, int translatio
lastClamp = clampmode;
lastTranslation = translation;
int usebright = false;
int maxbound = 0;
int numLayers = mat->NumLayers();
@ -620,7 +620,7 @@ bool FShader::Load(const char * name, const char * vert_prog_lump, const char *
char stringbuf[20];
mysnprintf(stringbuf, 20, "texture%d", i);
int tempindex = glGetUniformLocation(hShader, stringbuf);
tempindex = glGetUniformLocation(hShader, stringbuf);
if (tempindex > 0) glUniform1i(tempindex, i - 1);
@ -783,8 +783,8 @@ void FShaderCollection::CompileShaders(EPassType passType)
if (i < SHADER_NoTexture)
FShader *shc = Compile(defaultshaders[i].ShaderName, defaultshaders[i].gettexelfunc, defaultshaders[i].lightfunc, defaultshaders[i].Defines, false, passType);
FShader *shc1 = Compile(defaultshaders[i].ShaderName, defaultshaders[i].gettexelfunc, defaultshaders[i].lightfunc, defaultshaders[i].Defines, false, passType);
@ -138,6 +138,7 @@ void OpenGLFrameBuffer::InitializeState()
if (gles.depthClampAvailable) glEnable(GL_DEPTH_CLAMP);
@ -286,7 +287,6 @@ void OpenGLFrameBuffer::PrecacheMaterial(FMaterial *mat, int translation)
if (mat->Source()->GetUseType() == ETextureType::SWCanvas) return;
int flags = mat->GetScaleFlags();
int numLayers = mat->NumLayers();
MaterialLayerInfo* layer;
auto base = static_cast<FHardwareTexture*>(mat->GetLayer(0, translation, &layer));
@ -132,14 +132,23 @@ unsigned int FHardwareTexture::CreateTexture(unsigned char * buffer, int w, int
sourcetype = GL_BGRA;
texformat = GL_BGRA;
if (glTextureBytes == 1)
glPixelStorei(GL_UNPACK_ALIGNMENT, 1);
sourcetype = GL_ALPHA;
texformat = GL_ALPHA;
sourcetype = GL_BGRA;
texformat = GL_BGRA;
if (glTextureBytes == 1)
glPixelStorei(GL_UNPACK_ALIGNMENT, 1);
sourcetype = GL_RED;
texformat = GL_R8;
texformat = GL_RED;
@ -150,6 +159,16 @@ unsigned int FHardwareTexture::CreateTexture(unsigned char * buffer, int w, int
glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, texformat, rw, rh, 0, sourcetype, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, buffer);
#if !(USE_GLES2)
// The shader is using the alpha channel instead of red, this work on GLES but not on GL
// So the texture uses GL_RED and this swizzels the red channel into the alpha channel
if (glTextureBytes == 1)
GLint swizzleMask[] = { GL_ZERO, GL_ZERO, GL_ZERO, GL_RED };
glTexParameteriv(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_SWIZZLE_RGBA, swizzleMask);
if (deletebuffer && buffer) free(buffer);
if (mipmap && TexFilter[gl_texture_filter].mipmapping)
@ -166,9 +185,6 @@ unsigned int FHardwareTexture::CreateTexture(unsigned char * buffer, int w, int
void FHardwareTexture::AllocateBuffer(int w, int h, int texelsize)
int rw = GetTexDimension(w);
int rh = GetTexDimension(h);
if (texelsize < 1 || texelsize > 4) texelsize = 4;
glTextureBytes = texelsize;
bufferpitch = w;
@ -287,8 +303,6 @@ void FHardwareTexture::BindToFrameBuffer(int width, int height)
bool FHardwareTexture::BindOrCreate(FTexture *tex, int texunit, int clampmode, int translation, int flags)
int usebright = false;
bool needmipmap = (clampmode <= CLAMP_XY) && !forcenofilter;
// Bind it to the system.
@ -161,7 +161,6 @@ void FGLRenderer::DrawPresentTexture(const IntRect &box, bool applyGamma)
for (size_t n = 0; n < mPresentShader->Uniforms.mFields.size(); n++)
int index = -1;
UniformFieldDesc desc = mPresentShader->Uniforms.mFields[n];
int loc = mPresentShader->Uniforms.UniformLocation[n];
switch (desc.Type)
@ -302,9 +302,6 @@ namespace OpenGLESRenderer
return true;
bool FailedCreate = true;
FString error = "glCheckFramebufferStatus failed: ";
switch (result)
@ -110,7 +110,6 @@ FGLRenderer::~FGLRenderer()
bool FGLRenderer::StartOffscreen()
bool firstBind = (mFBID == 0);
if (mFBID == 0)
glGenFramebuffers(1, &mFBID);
@ -389,19 +389,17 @@ void FGLRenderState::ApplyState()
mMaterial.mChanged = false;
if (mBias.mChanged)
if (mBias.mFactor == 0 && mBias.mUnits == 0)
if (mBias.mFactor == 0 && mBias.mUnits == 0)
glPolygonOffset(mBias.mFactor, mBias.mUnits);
mBias.mChanged = false;
glPolygonOffset(mBias.mFactor, mBias.mUnits);
mBias.mChanged = false;
void FGLRenderState::ApplyBuffers()
@ -458,7 +456,6 @@ void FGLRenderState::ApplyMaterial(FMaterial *mat, int clampmode, int translatio
lastClamp = clampmode;
lastTranslation = translation;
int usebright = false;
int maxbound = 0;
int numLayers = mat->NumLayers();
@ -149,7 +149,6 @@ std::pair<FFlatVertex *, unsigned int> FFlatVertexBuffer::AllocVertices(unsigned
FFlatVertex *p = GetBuffer();
auto index = mCurIndex.fetch_add(count);
auto offset = index;
if (index + count >= BUFFER_SIZE_TO_USE)
// If a single scene needs 2'000'000 vertices there must be something very wrong.
@ -23,6 +23,8 @@
#ifndef __GLC_DYNLIGHT_H
#define __GLC_DYNLIGHT_H
#include "tarray.h"
struct FDynLightData
TArray<float> arrays[3];
@ -152,7 +152,7 @@ FString RemoveSamplerBindings(FString code, TArray<std::pair<FString, int>> &sam
char *chars = code.LockBuffer();
ptrdiff_t startIndex = 0;
ptrdiff_t startpos, endpos;
ptrdiff_t startpos, endpos = 0;
while (true)
ptrdiff_t matchIndex = code.IndexOf("layout(binding", startIndex);
@ -188,10 +188,10 @@ FString RemoveSamplerBindings(FString code, TArray<std::pair<FString, int>> &sam
if (isSamplerUniformName)
samplerstobind.Push(std::make_pair(identifier, val));
for (auto pos = startpos; pos < endpos; pos++)
for (auto posi = startpos; posi < endpos; posi++)
if (!IsGlslWhitespace(chars[pos]))
chars[pos] = ' ';
if (!IsGlslWhitespace(chars[posi]))
chars[posi] = ' ';
@ -216,7 +216,6 @@ FString RemoveSamplerBindings(FString code, TArray<std::pair<FString, int>> &sam
FString RemoveLayoutLocationDecl(FString code, const char *inoutkeyword)
ptrdiff_t len = code.Len();
char *chars = code.LockBuffer();
ptrdiff_t startIndex = 0;
@ -255,8 +254,8 @@ FString RemoveLayoutLocationDecl(FString code, const char *inoutkeyword)
if (keywordFound && IsGlslWhitespace(chars[endIndex + i]))
// yes - replace declaration with spaces
for (auto i = matchIndex; i < endIndex; i++)
chars[i] = ' ';
for (auto ii = matchIndex; ii < endIndex; ii++)
chars[ii] = ' ';
startIndex = endIndex;
@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
#include "hw_aabbtree.h"
#include "stats.h"
#include <memory>
#include <functional>
class IDataBuffer;
@ -154,9 +154,9 @@ VSMatrix VREyeInfo::GetProjection(float fov, float aspectRatio, float fovRatio)
double bottom = -fH;
double top = fH;
VSMatrix result(1);
result.frustum((float)left, (float)right, (float)bottom, (float)top, (float)zNear, (float)zFar);
return result;
VSMatrix fmat(1);
fmat.frustum((float)left, (float)right, (float)bottom, (float)top, (float)zNear, (float)zFar);
return fmat;
@ -89,7 +89,6 @@ void Draw2D(F2DDrawer *drawer, FRenderState &state)
for(auto &cmd : commands)
int gltrans = -1;
state.EnableBrightmap(!(cmd.mRenderStyle.Flags & STYLEF_ColorIsFixed));
state.EnableFog(2); // Special 2D mode 'fog'.
@ -105,7 +105,6 @@ namespace
// minimum set in GZDoom 4.0.0, but only while those fonts are required.
static bool lastspecialUI = false;
bool isInActualMenu = false;
bool specialUI = (!sysCallbacks.IsSpecialUI || sysCallbacks.IsSpecialUI());
@ -374,8 +374,6 @@ void V_InitScreen()
void V_Init2()
float gamma = static_cast<DDummyFrameBuffer *>(screen)->Gamma;
DFrameBuffer *s = screen;
screen = NULL;
@ -255,12 +255,12 @@ void VkRenderBuffers::CreateShadowmap()
if (!ShadowmapSampler)
SamplerBuilder builder;
ShadowmapSampler = builder.create(fb->device);
SamplerBuilder samplerBuilder;
ShadowmapSampler = samplerBuilder.create(fb->device);
@ -325,20 +325,20 @@ void VulkanDevice::CreateInstance()
if (debugLayerFound)
VkDebugUtilsMessengerCreateInfoEXT createInfo = {};
createInfo.messageSeverity =
VkDebugUtilsMessengerCreateInfoEXT dbgCreateInfo = {};
dbgCreateInfo.messageSeverity =
createInfo.messageType =
dbgCreateInfo.messageType =
createInfo.pfnUserCallback = DebugCallback;
createInfo.pUserData = this;
result = vkCreateDebugUtilsMessengerEXT(instance, &createInfo, nullptr, &debugMessenger);
dbgCreateInfo.pfnUserCallback = DebugCallback;
dbgCreateInfo.pUserData = this;
result = vkCreateDebugUtilsMessengerEXT(instance, &dbgCreateInfo, nullptr, &debugMessenger);
CheckVulkanError(result, "vkCreateDebugUtilsMessengerEXT failed");
DebugLayerActive = true;
@ -347,8 +347,6 @@ void VulkanDevice::CreateInstance()
VkBool32 VulkanDevice::DebugCallback(VkDebugUtilsMessageSeverityFlagBitsEXT messageSeverity, VkDebugUtilsMessageTypeFlagsEXT messageType, const VkDebugUtilsMessengerCallbackDataEXT* callbackData, void* userData)
VulkanDevice *device = (VulkanDevice*)userData;
static std::mutex mtx;
static std::set<FString> seenMessages;
static int totalMessages;
@ -392,8 +392,8 @@ void VulkanFrameBuffer::PrecacheMaterial(FMaterial *mat, int translation)
int numLayers = mat->NumLayers();
for (int i = 1; i < numLayers; i++)
auto systex = static_cast<VkHardwareTexture*>(mat->GetLayer(i, 0, &layer));
systex->GetImage(layer->layerTexture, 0, layer->scaleFlags);
auto syslayer = static_cast<VkHardwareTexture*>(mat->GetLayer(i, 0, &layer));
syslayer->GetImage(layer->layerTexture, 0, layer->scaleFlags);
@ -421,7 +421,6 @@ IDataBuffer *VulkanFrameBuffer::CreateDataBuffer(int bindingpoint, bool ssbo, bo
auto buffer = new VKDataBuffer(bindingpoint, ssbo, needsresize);
auto fb = GetVulkanFrameBuffer();
switch (bindingpoint)
case LIGHTBUF_BINDINGPOINT: LightBufferSSO = buffer; break;
@ -407,18 +407,18 @@ VulkanDescriptorSet* VkMaterial::GetDescriptorSet(const FMaterialState& state)
for (int i = 1; i < numLayers; i++)
auto systex = static_cast<VkHardwareTexture*>(GetLayer(i, 0, &layer));
auto systeximage = systex->GetImage(layer->layerTexture, 0, layer->scaleFlags);
update.addCombinedImageSampler(descriptor.get(), i, systeximage->View.get(), sampler, systeximage->Layout);
auto syslayer = static_cast<VkHardwareTexture*>(GetLayer(i, 0, &layer));
auto syslayerimage = syslayer->GetImage(layer->layerTexture, 0, layer->scaleFlags);
update.addCombinedImageSampler(descriptor.get(), i, syslayerimage->View.get(), sampler, syslayerimage->Layout);
for (int i = 1; i < 3; i++)
auto systex = static_cast<VkHardwareTexture*>(GetLayer(i, translation, &layer));
auto systeximage = systex->GetImage(layer->layerTexture, 0, layer->scaleFlags);
update.addCombinedImageSampler(descriptor.get(), i, systeximage->View.get(), sampler, systeximage->Layout);
auto syslayer = static_cast<VkHardwareTexture*>(GetLayer(i, translation, &layer));
auto syslayerimage = syslayer->GetImage(layer->layerTexture, 0, layer->scaleFlags);
update.addCombinedImageSampler(descriptor.get(), i, syslayerimage->View.get(), sampler, syslayerimage->Layout);
numLayers = 3;
@ -522,10 +522,10 @@ FxExpression *FxConstant::MakeConstant(PSymbol *sym, const FScriptPosition &pos)
PSymbolConstString *csym = dyn_cast<PSymbolConstString>(sym);
if (csym != nullptr)
PSymbolConstString *csymbol = dyn_cast<PSymbolConstString>(sym);
if (csymbol != nullptr)
x = new FxConstant(csym->Str, pos);
x = new FxConstant(csymbol->Str, pos);
@ -2436,7 +2436,7 @@ ExpEmit FxAssign::Emit(VMFunctionBuilder *build)
ExpEmit result;
bool intconst = false;
int intconstval;
int intconstval = 0;
if (Right->isConstant() && Right->ValueType->GetRegType() == REGT_INT)
@ -4396,7 +4396,7 @@ ExpEmit FxBinaryLogical::Emit(VMFunctionBuilder *build)
build->Emit(OP_LI, to.RegNum, (Operator == TK_AndAnd) ? 1 : 0);
build->Emit(OP_JMP, 1);
auto ctarget = build->Emit(OP_LI, to.RegNum, (Operator == TK_AndAnd) ? 0 : 1);
build->Emit(OP_LI, to.RegNum, (Operator == TK_AndAnd) ? 0 : 1);
return to;
@ -5134,7 +5134,7 @@ ExpEmit FxNew::Emit(VMFunctionBuilder *build)
int outerside = -1;
if (!val->isConstant())
int outerside = FScopeBarrier::SideFromFlags(CallingFunction->Variants[0].Flags);
outerside = FScopeBarrier::SideFromFlags(CallingFunction->Variants[0].Flags);
if (outerside == FScopeBarrier::Side_Virtual)
outerside = FScopeBarrier::SideFromObjectFlags(CallingFunction->OwningClass->ScopeFlags);
@ -5569,8 +5569,6 @@ FxExpression *FxRandomPick::Resolve(FCompileContext &ctx)
ExpEmit FxRandomPick::Emit(VMFunctionBuilder *build)
unsigned i;
assert(choices.Size() > 0);
// Call BuiltinRandom to generate a random number.
@ -5603,7 +5601,7 @@ ExpEmit FxRandomPick::Emit(VMFunctionBuilder *build)
// Allocate space for the jump table.
size_t jumptable = build->Emit(OP_JMP, 0);
for (i = 1; i < choices.Size(); ++i)
for (unsigned i = 1; i < choices.Size(); ++i)
build->Emit(OP_JMP, 0);
@ -5639,7 +5637,7 @@ ExpEmit FxRandomPick::Emit(VMFunctionBuilder *build)
// Backpatch each case (except the last, since it ends here) to jump to here.
for (i = 0; i < choices.Size() - 1; ++i)
for (unsigned i = 0; i < choices.Size() - 1; ++i)
@ -7855,8 +7853,8 @@ FxExpression *FxFunctionCall::Resolve(FCompileContext& ctx)
else if (!ArgList.Size())
auto cls = static_cast<PClassType*>(ctx.Class)->Descriptor;
ArgList.Push(new FxConstant(cls, NewClassPointer(cls), ScriptPosition));
auto clss = static_cast<PClassType*>(ctx.Class)->Descriptor;
ArgList.Push(new FxConstant(clss, NewClassPointer(clss), ScriptPosition));
func = new FxNew(ArgList[0]);
@ -8036,7 +8034,7 @@ FxExpression *FxMemberFunctionCall::Resolve(FCompileContext& ctx)
// No need to create a dedicated node here, all builtins map directly to trivial operations.
Self->ValueType = TypeSInt32; // all builtins treat the texture index as integer.
FxExpression *x;
FxExpression *x = nullptr;
switch (MethodName.GetIndex())
case NAME_IsValid:
@ -8369,8 +8367,8 @@ isresolved:
if (!novirtual || !(afd->Variants[0].Flags & VARF_Virtual))
auto clstype = PType::toClass(ctx.Class);
auto ccls = PType::toClass(cls);
if (clstype == nullptr || ccls == nullptr || !clstype->Descriptor->IsDescendantOf(ccls->Descriptor))
auto cclss = PType::toClass(cls);
if (clstype == nullptr || cclss == nullptr || !clstype->Descriptor->IsDescendantOf(cclss->Descriptor))
ScriptPosition.Message(MSG_ERROR, "Cannot call non-static function %s::%s from here", cls->TypeName.GetChars(), MethodName.GetChars());
delete this;
@ -114,7 +114,7 @@ template<class T, int fill = 1> void ArrayResize(T *self, int amount)
// This must ensure that all new entries get cleared.
const int fillCount = int(self->Size() - oldSize);
if (fillCount > 0) memset(&(*self)[oldSize], 0, sizeof(*self)[0] * fillCount);
if (fillCount > 0) memset((void*)&(*self)[oldSize], 0, sizeof(*self)[0] * fillCount);
@ -265,7 +265,7 @@ void VMDumpConstants(FILE *out, const VMScriptFunction *func)
void VMDisasm(FILE *out, const VMOP *code, int codesize, const VMScriptFunction *func)
VMFunction *callfunc;
VMFunction *callfunc = nullptr;
const char *name;
int col;
int mode;
@ -526,7 +526,7 @@ void VMDisasm(FILE *out, const VMOP *code, int codesize, const VMScriptFunction
printf_wrapper(out, ",%d\n", code[++i].i24);
else if (code[i].op == OP_CALL_K)
else if (code[i].op == OP_CALL_K && callfunc)
printf_wrapper(out, " [%s]\n", callfunc->PrintableName.GetChars());
@ -665,7 +665,6 @@ static int print_reg(FILE *out, int col, int arg, int mode, int immshift, const
return col+printf_wrapper(out, "$%d", arg);
return col;
@ -475,7 +475,7 @@ ZCCCompiler::ZCCCompiler(ZCC_AST &ast, DObject *_outer, PSymbolTable &_symbols,
if (ast.TopNode != NULL)
ZCC_TreeNode *node = ast.TopNode;
PSymbolTreeNode *tnode;
PSymbolTreeNode *tnode = nullptr;
// [pbeta] Anything that must be processed before classes, structs, etc. should go here.
@ -606,7 +606,6 @@ PSymbolTreeNode *ZCCCompiler::AddTreeNode(FName name, ZCC_TreeNode *node, PSymbo
auto sy = Create<PSymbolTreeNode>(name, node);
FString name;
return sy;
@ -1930,19 +1929,19 @@ PType *ZCCCompiler::ResolveArraySize(PType *baseType, ZCC_Expression *arraysize,
if (mVersion >= MakeVersion(3, 7, 2))
TArray<ZCC_Expression *> fixedIndices;
for (auto node : indices)
for (auto index : indices)
fixedIndices.Insert (0, node);
fixedIndices.Insert (0, index);
indices = std::move(fixedIndices);
FCompileContext ctx(OutNamespace, cls, false);
for (auto node : indices)
for (auto index : indices)
// There is no float->int casting here.
FxExpression *ex = ConvertNode(node);
FxExpression *ex = ConvertNode(index);
ex = ex->Resolve(ctx);
if (ex == nullptr) return TypeError;
@ -2425,17 +2424,17 @@ void ZCCCompiler::CompileFunction(ZCC_StructWork *c, ZCC_FuncDeclarator *f, bool
auto parentfunc = clstype->ParentClass? dyn_cast<PFunction>(clstype->ParentClass->VMType->Symbols.FindSymbol(sym->SymbolName, true)) : nullptr;
int vindex = clstype->FindVirtualIndex(sym->SymbolName, &sym->Variants[0], parentfunc, exactReturnType);
int virtindex = clstype->FindVirtualIndex(sym->SymbolName, &sym->Variants[0], parentfunc, exactReturnType);
// specifying 'override' is necessary to prevent one of the biggest problem spots with virtual inheritance: Mismatching argument types.
if (varflags & VARF_Override)
if (vindex == -1)
if (virtindex == -1)
Error(f, "Attempt to override non-existent virtual function %s", FName(f->Name).GetChars());
auto oldfunc = clstype->Virtuals[vindex];
auto oldfunc = clstype->Virtuals[virtindex];
if (parentfunc && parentfunc->mVersion > mVersion)
Error(f, "Attempt to override function %s which is incompatible with version %d.%d.%d", FName(f->Name).GetChars(), mVersion.major, mVersion.minor, mVersion.revision);
@ -2467,8 +2466,8 @@ void ZCCCompiler::CompileFunction(ZCC_StructWork *c, ZCC_FuncDeclarator *f, bool
if (oldfunc->VarFlags & VARF_Protected)
sym->Variants[0].Flags |= VARF_Protected;
clstype->Virtuals[vindex] = sym->Variants[0].Implementation;
sym->Variants[0].Implementation->VirtualIndex = vindex;
clstype->Virtuals[virtindex] = sym->Variants[0].Implementation;
sym->Variants[0].Implementation->VirtualIndex = virtindex;
sym->Variants[0].Implementation->VarFlags = sym->Variants[0].Flags;
// Defaults must be identical to parent class
@ -2493,7 +2492,7 @@ void ZCCCompiler::CompileFunction(ZCC_StructWork *c, ZCC_FuncDeclarator *f, bool
if (vindex != -1)
if (virtindex != -1)
Error(f, "Function %s attempts to override parent function without 'override' qualifier", FName(f->Name).GetChars());
@ -2507,8 +2506,8 @@ void ZCCCompiler::CompileFunction(ZCC_StructWork *c, ZCC_FuncDeclarator *f, bool
else if (forclass)
int vindex = clstype->FindVirtualIndex(sym->SymbolName, &sym->Variants[0], nullptr, exactReturnType);
if (vindex != -1)
int virtindex = clstype->FindVirtualIndex(sym->SymbolName, &sym->Variants[0], nullptr, exactReturnType);
if (virtindex != -1)
Error(f, "Function %s attempts to override parent function without 'override' qualifier", FName(f->Name).GetChars());
@ -831,10 +831,10 @@ public:
if (result)
DWORD displacement = 0;
DWORD displacement1 = 0;
memset(&line64, 0, sizeof(IMAGEHLP_LINE64));
line64.SizeOfStruct = sizeof(IMAGEHLP_LINE64);
result = SymGetLineFromAddr64(GetCurrentProcess(), (DWORD64)frame, &displacement, &line64);
result = SymGetLineFromAddr64(GetCurrentProcess(), (DWORD64)frame, &displacement1, &line64);
if (result)
s.Format("Called from %s at %s, line %d\n", symbol64->Name, line64.FileName, (int)line64.LineNumber);
@ -692,7 +692,7 @@ static int ExecScriptFunc(VMFrameStack *stack, VMReturn *ret, int numret)
VMFunction *call = (VMFunction *)ptr;
VMReturn returns[MAX_RETURNS];
int numret;
int numret1;
b = B;
FillReturns(reg, f, returns, pc+1, C);
@ -701,7 +701,7 @@ static int ExecScriptFunc(VMFrameStack *stack, VMReturn *ret, int numret)
numret = static_cast<VMNativeFunction *>(call)->NativeCall(VM_INVOKE(reg.param + f->NumParam - b, b, returns, C, call->RegTypes));
numret1 = static_cast<VMNativeFunction *>(call)->NativeCall(VM_INVOKE(reg.param + f->NumParam - b, b, returns, C, call->RegTypes));
catch (CVMAbortException &err)
@ -714,10 +714,10 @@ static int ExecScriptFunc(VMFrameStack *stack, VMReturn *ret, int numret)
auto sfunc = static_cast<VMScriptFunction *>(call);
numret = sfunc->ScriptCall(sfunc, reg.param + f->NumParam - b, b, returns, C);
auto sfunc1 = static_cast<VMScriptFunction *>(call);
numret1 = sfunc1->ScriptCall(sfunc1, reg.param + f->NumParam - b, b, returns, C);
assert(numret == C && "Number of parameters returned differs from what was expected by the caller");
assert(numret1 == C && "Number of parameters returned differs from what was expected by the caller");
f->NumParam -= B;
pc += C; // Skip RESULTs
@ -858,31 +858,31 @@ static int ExecScriptFunc(VMFrameStack *stack, VMReturn *ret, int numret)
// chosen to conserve a few opcodes by condensing all the
// string comparisons into a single one.
const FString *b, *c;
const FString *b1, *c1;
int test, method;
bool cmp;
if (a & CMP_BK)
b = &konsts[B];
b1 = &konsts[B];
b = ®.s[B];
b1 = ®.s[B];
if (a & CMP_CK)
c = &konsts[C];
c1 = &konsts[C];
c = ®.s[C];
c1 = ®.s[C];
test = (a & CMP_APPROX) ? b->CompareNoCase(*c) : b->Compare(*c);
test = (a & CMP_APPROX) ? b1->CompareNoCase(*c1) : b1->Compare(*c1);
method = a & CMP_METHOD_MASK;
if (method == CMP_EQ)
@ -1302,12 +1302,10 @@ static int ExecScriptFunc(VMFrameStack *stack, VMReturn *ret, int numret)
fb = reg.f[B]; fc = konstf[C];
goto Do_MODF;
fb = konstf[B]; fc = reg.f[C];
goto Do_MODF;
@ -1712,7 +1710,6 @@ static int ExecScriptFunc(VMFrameStack *stack, VMReturn *ret, int numret)
// PrintParameters(reg.param + f->NumParam - B, B);
return 0;
static double DoFLOP(int flop, double v)
@ -694,7 +694,6 @@ void ThrowAbortException(EVMAbortException reason, const char *moreinfo, ...)
va_list ap;
va_start(ap, moreinfo);
throw CVMAbortException(reason, moreinfo, ap);
void ThrowAbortException(VMScriptFunction *sfunc, VMOP *line, EVMAbortException reason, const char *moreinfo, ...)
@ -706,7 +705,6 @@ void ThrowAbortException(VMScriptFunction *sfunc, VMOP *line, EVMAbortException
err.stacktrace.AppendFormat("Called from %s at %s, line %d\n", sfunc->PrintableName.GetChars(), sfunc->SourceFileName.GetChars(), sfunc->PCToLine(line));
throw err;
DEFINE_ACTION_FUNCTION(DObject, ThrowAbortException)
@ -467,7 +467,7 @@ void DStatusBarCore::DrawGraphic(FGameTexture* tex, double x, double y, int flag
double texheight = tex->GetDisplayHeight() * scaleY;
double texleftoffs = tex->GetDisplayLeftOffset() * scaleY;
double textopoffs = tex->GetDisplayTopOffset() * scaleY;
double boxleftoffs, boxtopoffs;
double boxleftoffs = 0, boxtopoffs = 0;
if (boxwidth > 0 || boxheight > 0)
@ -618,8 +618,6 @@ void DStatusBarCore::DrawRotated(FGameTexture* tex, double x, double y, int flag
double texwidth = tex->GetDisplayWidth() * scaleX;
double texheight = tex->GetDisplayHeight() * scaleY;
double texleftoffs = tex->GetDisplayLeftOffset() * scaleY;
double textopoffs = tex->GetDisplayTopOffset() * scaleY;
// resolve auto-alignment before making any adjustments to the position values.
if (!(flags & DI_SCREEN_MANUAL_ALIGN))
@ -754,7 +752,7 @@ void DStatusBarCore::DrawString(FFont* font, const FString& cstring, double x, d
if (ch == ' ')
x += (monospaced ? spacing : font->GetSpaceWidth() + spacing) * scaleX;
x += monospaced ? spacing : font->GetSpaceWidth() + spacing;
else if (ch == TEXTCOLOR_ESCAPE)
@ -774,7 +772,7 @@ void DStatusBarCore::DrawString(FFont* font, const FString& cstring, double x, d
width += font->GetDefaultKerning();
if (!monospaced) //If we are monospaced lets use the offset
x += c->GetDisplayLeftOffset() * scaleX + 1; //ignore x offsets since we adapt to character size
x += (c->GetDisplayLeftOffset() + 1); //ignore x offsets since we adapt to character size
double rx, ry, rw, rh;
rx = x + drawOffset.X;
@ -825,12 +823,12 @@ void DStatusBarCore::DrawString(FFont* font, const FString& cstring, double x, d
DTA_LegacyRenderStyle, ERenderStyle(style),
// Take text scale into account
dx = monospaced
? spacing * scaleX
: (double(width) + spacing - c->GetDisplayLeftOffset()) * scaleX - 1;
? spacing
: width + spacing - (c->GetDisplayLeftOffset() + 1);
x += dx;
// Take text scale into account
x += dx * scaleX;
@ -68,7 +68,6 @@ void iCopyColors(uint8_t *pout, const uint8_t *pin, int count, int step, FCopyIn
int i;
int fac;
uint8_t r,g,b;
int gray;
int a;
switch(inf? inf->blend : BLEND_NONE)
@ -119,7 +118,7 @@ void iCopyColors(uint8_t *pout, const uint8_t *pin, int count, int step, FCopyIn
a = TSrc::A(pin, tr, tg, tb);
if (TBlend::ProcessAlpha0() || a)
gray = clamp<int>(TSrc::Gray(pin),0,255);
int gray = clamp<int>(TSrc::Gray(pin),0,255);
PalEntry pe = cm->GrayscaleToColor[gray];
TBlend::OpC(pout[TDest::RED], pe.r , a, inf);
@ -140,7 +139,7 @@ void iCopyColors(uint8_t *pout, const uint8_t *pin, int count, int step, FCopyIn
a = TSrc::A(pin, tr, tg, tb);
if (TBlend::ProcessAlpha0() || a)
gray = TSrc::Gray(pin);
int gray = TSrc::Gray(pin);
r = (TSrc::R(pin)*(31-fac) + gray*fac)/31;
g = (TSrc::G(pin)*(31-fac) + gray*fac)/31;
b = (TSrc::B(pin)*(31-fac) + gray*fac)/31;
@ -296,7 +296,7 @@ TArray<uint8_t> FJPEGTexture::CreatePalettedPixels(int conversion)
while (cinfo.output_scanline < cinfo.output_height)
int num_scanlines = jpeg_read_scanlines(&cinfo, &buff, 1);
jpeg_read_scanlines(&cinfo, &buff, 1);
uint8_t *in = buff;
uint8_t *out = Pixels.Data() + y;
switch (cinfo.out_color_space)
@ -383,7 +383,7 @@ TArray<uint8_t> FPCXTexture::CreatePalettedPixels(int conversion)
else if (bitcount == 8)
lump.Seek(-769, FileReader::SeekEnd);
uint8_t c = lump.ReadUInt8();
//if (c !=0x0c) memcpy(PaletteMap, GrayMap, 256); // Fallback for files without palette
for(int i=0;i<256;i++)
@ -311,7 +311,7 @@ void FGameTexture::SetupSpriteData()
if (i == 1 && ShouldExpandSprite())
spi.mTrimResult = Base->TrimBorders(spi.trim) && !GetNoTrimming(); // get the trim size before adding the empty frame
spi.mTrimResult = Base->TrimBorders(spi.trim); // get the trim size before adding the empty frame
spi.spriteWidth += 2;
spi.spriteHeight += 2;
@ -137,8 +137,12 @@ public:
void SetSpriteRect();
ETextureType GetUseType() const { return UseType; }
void SetUpscaleFlag(int what) { shouldUpscaleFlag = what; }
int GetUpscaleFlag() { return shouldUpscaleFlag == 1; }
void SetUpscaleFlag(int what, bool manual = false)
if ((shouldUpscaleFlag & 2) && !manual) return; // if set manually this may not be reset.
shouldUpscaleFlag = what | (manual? 2 : 0);
int GetUpscaleFlag() { return shouldUpscaleFlag & 1; }
FTexture* GetTexture() { return Base.get(); }
int GetSourceLump() const { return Base->GetSourceLump(); }
@ -85,7 +85,6 @@ PalettedPixels FImageSource::GetCachedPalettedPixels(int conversion)
FString name;
fileSystem.GetFileShortName(name, SourceLump);
std::pair<int, int> *info = nullptr;
auto imageID = ImageID;
// Do we have this image in the cache?
@ -201,7 +200,6 @@ FBitmap FImageSource::GetCachedBitmap(const PalEntry *remap, int conversion, int
int trans = -1;
fileSystem.GetFileShortName(name, SourceLump);
std::pair<int, int> *info = nullptr;
auto imageID = ImageID;
if (remap != nullptr)
@ -90,7 +90,7 @@ FBitmap FImageTexture::GetBgraBitmap(const PalEntry *p, int *trans)
TArray<uint8_t> FImageTexture::Get8BitPixels(bool alpha)
return mImage->GetPalettedPixels(alpha? alpha : bNoRemap0 ? FImageSource::noremap0 : FImageSource::normal);
return mImage->GetPalettedPixels(alpha? FImageSource::luminance : bNoRemap0 ? FImageSource::noremap0 : FImageSource::normal);
@ -296,12 +296,12 @@ void FMultipatchTextureBuilder::AddTexturesLump(const void *lumpdata, int lumpsi
// Catalog the patches these textures use so we know which
// textures they represent.
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < numpatches; ++i)
for (uint32_t ii = 0; ii < numpatches; ++ii)
char pname[9];
pnames.Read(pname, 8);
pname[8] = '\0';
patchlookup[i].Name = pname;
patchlookup[ii].Name = pname;
@ -782,12 +782,12 @@ void FMultipatchTextureBuilder::ResolvePatches(BuildInfo &buildinfo)
TArray<FTextureID> list;
TexMan.ListTextures(buildinfo.Inits[i].TexName, list, true);
for (int i = list.Size() - 1; i >= 0; i--)
for (int ii = list.Size() - 1; ii >= 0; ii--)
auto gtex = TexMan.GetGameTexture(list[i]);
auto gtex = TexMan.GetGameTexture(list[ii]);
if (gtex && gtex != buildinfo.texture && gtex->GetTexture() && gtex->GetTexture()->GetImage() && !dynamic_cast<FMultiPatchTexture*>(gtex->GetTexture()->GetImage()))
texno = list[i];
texno = list[ii];
@ -858,7 +858,6 @@ void FMultipatchTextureBuilder::ResolveAllPatches()
// Now try to resolve the images. We only can do this at the end when all multipatch textures are set up.
int i = 0;
// reverse the list so that the Delete operation in the loop below deletes at the end.
// For normal sized lists this is of no real concern, but Total Chaos has over 250000 textures where this becomes a performance issue.
@ -86,11 +86,11 @@ FTextureManager::~FTextureManager ()
void FTextureManager::DeleteAll()
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < Textures.Size(); ++i)
delete Textures[i].Texture;
@ -717,7 +717,7 @@ void FTextureManager::ParseTextureDef(int lump, FMultipatchTextureBuilder &build
int amount = ListTextures(sc.String, tlist);
ListTextures(sc.String, tlist);
FName texname = sc.String;
@ -935,7 +935,6 @@ void FTextureManager::LoadTextureX(int wadnum, FMultipatchTextureBuilder &build)
void FTextureManager::AddTexturesForWad(int wadnum, FMultipatchTextureBuilder &build)
int firsttexture = Textures.Size();
int lumpcount = fileSystem.GetNumEntries();
bool iwad = wadnum >= fileSystem.GetIwadNum() && wadnum <= fileSystem.GetMaxIwadNum();
@ -1206,8 +1205,12 @@ void FTextureManager::Init(void (*progressFunc_)(), void (*checkForHacks)(BuildI
AddGameTexture(CreateShaderTexture(true, false));
AddGameTexture(CreateShaderTexture(true, true));
// Add two animtexture entries so that movie playback can call functions using texture IDs.
AddGameTexture(MakeGameTexture(new AnimTexture(), "AnimTextureFrame1", ETextureType::Override));
AddGameTexture(MakeGameTexture(new AnimTexture(), "AnimTextureFrame2", ETextureType::Override));
auto mt = MakeGameTexture(new AnimTexture(), "AnimTextureFrame1", ETextureType::Override);
mt->SetUpscaleFlag(false, true);
mt = MakeGameTexture(new AnimTexture(), "AnimTextureFrame2", ETextureType::Override);
mt->SetUpscaleFlag(false, true);
int wadcnt = fileSystem.GetNumWads();
@ -6,6 +6,8 @@
#ifndef BASE64_H_C0CE2A47_D10E_42C9_A27C_C883944E704A
#define BASE64_H_C0CE2A47_D10E_42C9_A27C_C883944E704A
#include "tarray.h"
TArray<uint8_t> base64_encode(unsigned char const* bytes_to_encode, size_t in_len);
void base64_decode(void* memory, size_t len, const char* encoded_string);
@ -111,41 +111,41 @@
static const Float_t ABYule[][2 * YULE_ORDER + 1] = {
{(const Float_t) 0.006471345933032, (const Float_t) -7.22103125152679, (const Float_t) -0.02567678242161, (const Float_t) 24.7034187975904, (const Float_t) 0.049805860704367, (const Float_t) -52.6825833623896, (const Float_t) -0.05823001743528, (const Float_t) 77.4825736677539, (const Float_t) 0.040611847441914, (const Float_t) -82.0074753444205, (const Float_t) -0.010912036887501, (const Float_t) 63.1566097101925, (const Float_t) -0.00901635868667, (const Float_t) -34.889569769245, (const Float_t) 0.012448886238123, (const Float_t) 13.2126852760198, (const Float_t) -0.007206683749426, (const Float_t) -3.09445623301669, (const Float_t) 0.002167156433951, (const Float_t) 0.340344741393305, (const Float_t) -0.000261819276949},
{(const Float_t) 0.015415414474287, (const Float_t) -7.19001570087017, (const Float_t) -0.07691359399407, (const Float_t) 24.4109412087159, (const Float_t) 0.196677418516518, (const Float_t) -51.6306373580801, (const Float_t) -0.338855114128061, (const Float_t) 75.3978476863163, (const Float_t) 0.430094579594561, (const Float_t) -79.4164552507386, (const Float_t) -0.415015413747894, (const Float_t) 61.0373661948115, (const Float_t) 0.304942508151101, (const Float_t) -33.7446462547014, (const Float_t) -0.166191795926663, (const Float_t) 12.8168791146274, (const Float_t) 0.063198189938739, (const Float_t) -3.01332198541437, (const Float_t) -0.015003978694525, (const Float_t) 0.223619893831468, (const Float_t) 0.001748085184539},
{(const Float_t) 0.021776466467053, (const Float_t) -5.74819833657784, (const Float_t) -0.062376961003801, (const Float_t) 16.246507961894, (const Float_t) 0.107731165328514, (const Float_t) -29.9691822642542, (const Float_t) -0.150994515142316, (const Float_t) 40.027597579378, (const Float_t) 0.170334807313632, (const Float_t) -40.3209196052655, (const Float_t) -0.157984942890531, (const Float_t) 30.8542077487718, (const Float_t) 0.121639833268721, (const Float_t) -17.5965138737281, (const Float_t) -0.074094040816409, (const Float_t) 7.10690214103873, (const Float_t) 0.031282852041061, (const Float_t) -1.82175564515191, (const Float_t) -0.00755421235941, (const Float_t) 0.223619893831468, (const Float_t) 0.00117925454213},
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{(const Float_t)0.08717879977844, (const Float_t)-2.62816311472146, (const Float_t)-0.01000374016172, (const Float_t)3.53734535817992, (const Float_t)-0.06265852122368, (const Float_t)-3.81003448678921, (const Float_t)-0.01119328800950, (const Float_t)3.91291636730132, (const Float_t)-0.00114279372960, (const Float_t)-3.53518605896288, (const Float_t)0.02081333954769, (const Float_t)2.71356866157873, (const Float_t)-0.01603261863207, (const Float_t)-1.86723311846592, (const Float_t)0.01936763028546, (const Float_t)1.12075382367659, (const Float_t)0.00760044736442, (const Float_t)-0.48574086886890, (const Float_t)-0.00303979112271, (const Float_t)0.11330544663849, (const Float_t)-0.00075088605788 },
{(Float_t) 0.38524531015142, (Float_t) -1.29708918404534, (Float_t) -0.27682212062067, (Float_t) 0.90399339674203, (Float_t)-0.09980181488805, (Float_t) -0.29613799017877, (Float_t) 0.09951486755646, (Float_t)-0.42326645916207, (Float_t) -0.08934020156622, (Float_t) 0.37934887402200, (Float_t) -0.00322369330199, (Float_t) -0.37919795944938, (Float_t) -0.00110329090689, (Float_t) 0.23410283284785, (Float_t) 0.03784509844682, (Float_t) -0.03892971758879, (Float_t) 0.01683906213303, (Float_t) 0.00403009552351, (Float_t) -0.01147039862572, (Float_t) 0.03640166626278, (Float_t) -0.01941767987192 },
{(Float_t)0.08717879977844, (Float_t)-2.62816311472146, (Float_t)-0.01000374016172, (Float_t)3.53734535817992, (Float_t)-0.06265852122368, (Float_t)-3.81003448678921, (Float_t)-0.01119328800950, (Float_t)3.91291636730132, (Float_t)-0.00114279372960, (Float_t)-3.53518605896288, (Float_t)0.02081333954769, (Float_t)2.71356866157873, (Float_t)-0.01603261863207, (Float_t)-1.86723311846592, (Float_t)0.01936763028546, (Float_t)1.12075382367659, (Float_t)0.00760044736442, (Float_t)-0.48574086886890, (Float_t)-0.00303979112271, (Float_t)0.11330544663849, (Float_t)-0.00075088605788 },
static const Float_t ABButter[][2 * BUTTER_ORDER + 1] = {
{(const Float_t) 0.99308203517541, (const Float_t) -1.98611621154089, (const Float_t) -1.98616407035082, (const Float_t) 0.986211929160751, (const Float_t) 0.99308203517541},
{(const Float_t) 0.992472550461293, (const Float_t) -1.98488843762334, (const Float_t) -1.98494510092258, (const Float_t) 0.979389350028798, (const Float_t) 0.992472550461293},
{(const Float_t) 0.989641019334721, (const Float_t) -1.97917472731008, (const Float_t) -1.97928203866944, (const Float_t) 0.979389350028798, (const Float_t) 0.989641019334721},
{(const Float_t) 0.98621192462708, (const Float_t) -1.97223372919527, (const Float_t) -1.97242384925416, (const Float_t) 0.97261396931306, (const Float_t) 0.98621192462708},
{(const Float_t) 0.98500175787242, (const Float_t) -1.96977855582618, (const Float_t) -1.97000351574484, (const Float_t) 0.97022847566350, (const Float_t) 0.98500175787242},
{(const Float_t) 0.97938932735214, (const Float_t) -1.95835380975398, (const Float_t) -1.95877865470428, (const Float_t) 0.95920349965459, (const Float_t) 0.97938932735214},
{(const Float_t) 0.97531843204928, (const Float_t) -1.95002759149878, (const Float_t) -1.95063686409857, (const Float_t) 0.95124613669835, (const Float_t) 0.97531843204928},
{(const Float_t) 0.97316523498161, (const Float_t) -1.94561023566527, (const Float_t) -1.94633046996323, (const Float_t) 0.94705070426118, (const Float_t) 0.97316523498161},
{(const Float_t) 0.96454515552826, (const Float_t) -1.92783286977036, (const Float_t) -1.92909031105652, (const Float_t) 0.93034775234268, (const Float_t) 0.96454515552826},
{(const Float_t) 0.96009142950541, (const Float_t) -1.91858953033784, (const Float_t) -1.92018285901082, (const Float_t) 0.92177618768381, (const Float_t) 0.96009142950541},
{(const Float_t) 0.95856916599601, (const Float_t) -1.91542108074780, (const Float_t) -1.91713833199203, (const Float_t) 0.91885558323625, (const Float_t) 0.95856916599601},
{(const Float_t) 0.94597685600279, (const Float_t) -1.88903307939452, (const Float_t) -1.89195371200558, (const Float_t) 0.89487434461664, (const Float_t) 0.94597685600279},
{(Float_t) 0.99308203517541, (Float_t) -1.98611621154089, (Float_t) -1.98616407035082, (Float_t) 0.986211929160751, (Float_t) 0.99308203517541},
{(Float_t) 0.992472550461293, (Float_t) -1.98488843762334, (Float_t) -1.98494510092258, (Float_t) 0.979389350028798, (Float_t) 0.992472550461293},
{(Float_t) 0.989641019334721, (Float_t) -1.97917472731008, (Float_t) -1.97928203866944, (Float_t) 0.979389350028798, (Float_t) 0.989641019334721},
{(Float_t) 0.98621192462708, (Float_t) -1.97223372919527, (Float_t) -1.97242384925416, (Float_t) 0.97261396931306, (Float_t) 0.98621192462708},
{(Float_t) 0.98500175787242, (Float_t) -1.96977855582618, (Float_t) -1.97000351574484, (Float_t) 0.97022847566350, (Float_t) 0.98500175787242},
{(Float_t) 0.97938932735214, (Float_t) -1.95835380975398, (Float_t) -1.95877865470428, (Float_t) 0.95920349965459, (Float_t) 0.97938932735214},
{(Float_t) 0.97531843204928, (Float_t) -1.95002759149878, (Float_t) -1.95063686409857, (Float_t) 0.95124613669835, (Float_t) 0.97531843204928},
{(Float_t) 0.97316523498161, (Float_t) -1.94561023566527, (Float_t) -1.94633046996323, (Float_t) 0.94705070426118, (Float_t) 0.97316523498161},
{(Float_t) 0.96454515552826, (Float_t) -1.92783286977036, (Float_t) -1.92909031105652, (Float_t) 0.93034775234268, (Float_t) 0.96454515552826},
{(Float_t) 0.96009142950541, (Float_t) -1.91858953033784, (Float_t) -1.92018285901082, (Float_t) 0.92177618768381, (Float_t) 0.96009142950541},
{(Float_t) 0.95856916599601, (Float_t) -1.91542108074780, (Float_t) -1.91713833199203, (Float_t) 0.91885558323625, (Float_t) 0.95856916599601},
{(Float_t) 0.94597685600279, (Float_t) -1.88903307939452, (Float_t) -1.89195371200558, (Float_t) 0.89487434461664, (Float_t) 0.94597685600279},
{(const Float_t)0.96535326815829, (const Float_t)-1.92950577983524, (const Float_t)-1.93070653631658, (const Float_t)0.93190729279793, (const Float_t)0.96535326815829 },
{(const Float_t)0.98252400815195, (const Float_t)-1.96474258269041, (const Float_t)-1.96504801630391, (const Float_t)0.96535344991740, (const Float_t)0.98252400815195 },
{(Float_t)0.96535326815829, (Float_t)-1.92950577983524, (Float_t)-1.93070653631658, (Float_t)0.93190729279793, (Float_t)0.96535326815829 },
{(Float_t)0.98252400815195, (Float_t)-1.96474258269041, (Float_t)-1.96504801630391, (Float_t)0.96535344991740, (Float_t)0.98252400815195 },
@ -50,8 +50,3 @@ inline uint32_t CRC1 (uint32_t crc, const uint8_t c, const uint32_t *crcTable)
return crcTable[(crc & 0xff) ^ c] ^ (crc >> 8);
inline uint32_t Bcrc32(const void* data, int length, uint32_t crc)
return crc32(crc, (const Bytef*)data, length);
@ -1937,7 +1937,7 @@ private:
if (count) {
GenericValue* e = static_cast<GenericValue*>(allocator.Malloc(count * sizeof(GenericValue)));
std::memcpy(e, values, count * sizeof(GenericValue));
std::memcpy((void*)e, (void*)values, count * sizeof(GenericValue));
@ -1950,7 +1950,7 @@ private:
if (count) {
Member* m = static_cast<Member*>(allocator.Malloc(count * sizeof(Member)));
std::memcpy(m, members, count * sizeof(Member));
std::memcpy((void*)m, (void*)members, count * sizeof(Member));
@ -85,8 +85,6 @@ compare_right(nat_char const *a, nat_char const *b)
} else if (!*a && !*b)
return bias;
return 0;
@ -107,8 +105,6 @@ compare_left(nat_char const *a, nat_char const *b)
else if (*a > *b)
return +1;
return 0;
@ -38,6 +38,13 @@ typedef uint32_t angle_t;
// Todo: get rid of this. Static file name buffers suck.
#ifndef PATH_MAX
#define BMAX_PATH 256
#ifdef __GNUC__
#define GCCPRINTF(stri,firstargi) __attribute__((format(printf,stri,firstargi)))
@ -248,7 +248,7 @@ bool GetFileInfo(const char* pathname, size_t *size, time_t *time)
bool res = _wstat64(wstr.c_str(), &info) == 0;
if (!res || (info.st_mode & S_IFDIR)) return false;
if (size) *size = info.st_size;
if (size) *size = (size_t)info.st_size;
if (time) *time = info.st_mtime;
return res;
@ -359,7 +359,7 @@ FString StripExtension(const char* path)
src = path + strlen(path) - 1;
// back up until a . and abort on a \
// back up until a . and abort on a '/'
while (src != path && !IsSeperator(*(src - 1)))
@ -19,4 +19,5 @@ inline ZMusicCustomReader *GetMusicReader(FileReader& fr)
delete zr;
return zcr;
@ -35,6 +35,7 @@
#include <chrono>
#include <thread>
#include <assert.h>
#include "i_time.h"
@ -46,6 +47,7 @@
static uint64_t FirstFrameStartTime;
static uint64_t CurrentFrameStartTime;
static uint64_t FreezeTime;
static double lastinputtime;
int GameTicRate = 35; // make sure it is not 0, even if the client doesn't set it.
double TimeScale = 1.0;
@ -195,3 +197,39 @@ void I_ResetFrameTime()
FirstFrameStartTime += (CurrentFrameStartTime - ft);
double I_GetInputFrac(bool const synchronised, double const ticrate)
if (!synchronised)
const double max = 1000. / ticrate;
const double now = I_msTimeF();
const double elapsedInputTicks = std::min(now - lastinputtime, max);
lastinputtime = now;
if (elapsedInputTicks < max)
// Calculate an amplification to apply to the result before returning,
// factoring in the game's ticrate and the value of the result.
// This rectifies a deviation of 100+ ms or more depending on the length
// of the operation to be within 1-2 ms of synchronised input
// from 60 fps to at least 1000 fps at ticrates of 30 and 40 Hz.
const double result = elapsedInputTicks * ticrate * (1. / 1000.);
return result * (1. + 0.35 * (1. - ticrate * (1. / 50.)) * (1. - result));
return 1;
return 1;
void I_ResetInputTime()
// Reset lastinputtime to current time.
lastinputtime = I_msTimeF();
@ -38,3 +38,9 @@ uint64_t I_nsTime();
// Reset the timer after a lengthy operation
void I_ResetFrameTime();
// Return a decimal fraction to scale input operations at framerate
double I_GetInputFrac(bool const synchronised, double const ticrate = GameTicRate);
// Reset the last input check to after a lengthy operation
void I_ResetInputTime();
@ -117,6 +117,14 @@ void *FMemArena::Alloc(size_t size)
return iAlloc((size + 15) & ~15);
void* FMemArena::Calloc(size_t size)
size = (size + 15) & ~15;
auto mem = iAlloc(size);
memset(mem, 0, size);
return mem;
// FMemArena :: FreeAll
@ -44,6 +44,7 @@ public:
void *Alloc(size_t size);
void* Calloc(size_t size);
void FreeAll();
void FreeAllBlocks();
FString DumpInfo();
@ -12,6 +12,7 @@
struct PalEntry
PalEntry() = default;
PalEntry(const PalEntry&) = default;
constexpr PalEntry (uint32_t argb) : d(argb) { }
operator uint32_t () const { return d; }
void SetRGB(PalEntry other)
@ -565,9 +565,9 @@ int V_GetColorFromString(const char* cstr, FScriptPosition* sc)
if (strlen(cstr) == 6)
char* p;
int color = strtol(cstr, &p, 16);
if (*p == 0)
char* endp;
int color = strtol(cstr, &endp, 16);
if (*endp == 0)
// RRGGBB string
c[0] = (color & 0xff0000) >> 16;
@ -903,7 +903,6 @@ int ReadPalette(int lumpnum, uint8_t* buffer)
fr.Seek(33, FileReader::SeekSet);
fr.Read(&len, 4);
fr.Read(&id, 4);
bool succeeded = false;
while (id != MAKE_ID('I', 'D', 'A', 'T') && id != MAKE_ID('I', 'E', 'N', 'D'))
len = BigLong((unsigned int)len);
@ -105,6 +105,17 @@ protected:
T* m_ptr;
// magic little helper. :)
template <class T>
class backwards
T& _obj;
backwards(T &obj) : _obj(obj) {}
auto begin() {return _obj.rbegin();}
auto end() {return _obj.rend();}
// TArray -------------------------------------------------------------------
@ -308,6 +319,16 @@ public:
return &Array[0];
unsigned IndexOf(const T& elem) const
return &elem - Array;
unsigned IndexOf(const T* elem) const
return elem - Array;
unsigned int Find(const T& item) const
unsigned int i;
@ -1672,6 +1693,12 @@ public:
return !!(bytes[index >> 3] & (1 << (index & 7)));
// for when array syntax cannot be used.
bool Check(size_t index) const
return !!(bytes[index >> 3] & (1 << (index & 7)));
void Set(size_t index, bool set = true)
if (!set) Clear(index);
@ -1850,18 +1877,20 @@ public:
// Return a reference to an element
T &operator[] (size_t index) const
assert(index < Count);
return Array[index];
// Returns a reference to the last element
T &Last() const
assert(Count > 0);
return Array[Count - 1];
// returns address of first element
T *Data() const
return &Array[0];
return Array;
unsigned Size() const
@ -1896,202 +1925,3 @@ private:
unsigned int Count;
template<typename T> class TSparseIterator
using iterator_category = std::random_access_iterator_tag;
using value_type = T;
using difference_type = ptrdiff_t;
using pointer = value_type*;
using reference = value_type&;
TSparseIterator(unsigned char* ptr = nullptr, unsigned stride = 0) { m_Ptr = ptr; Stride = stride; }
// Comparison operators
bool operator==(const TSparseIterator &other) const { return m_Ptr == other.m_Ptr; }
bool operator!=(const TSparseIterator &other) const { return m_Ptr != other.m_Ptr; }
bool operator< (const TSparseIterator &other) const { return m_Ptr < other.m_Ptr; }
bool operator<=(const TSparseIterator &other) const { return m_Ptr <= other.m_Ptr; }
bool operator> (const TSparseIterator &other) const { return m_Ptr > other.m_Ptr; }
bool operator>=(const TSparseIterator &other) const { return m_Ptr >= other.m_Ptr; }
// Arithmetic operators
TSparseIterator &operator++() { m_Ptr += Stride; return *this; }
TSparseIterator operator++(int) { auto tmp = *this; ++*this; return tmp; }
TSparseIterator &operator--() { m_Ptr -= Stride; return *this; }
TSparseIterator operator--(int) { auto tmp = *this; --*this; return tmp; }
TSparseIterator &operator+=(difference_type offset) { m_Ptr += offset * Stride; return *this; }
TSparseIterator operator+(difference_type offset) const { return TSparseIterator(m_Ptr + offset * Stride, Stride); }
friend TSparseIterator operator+(difference_type offset, const TSparseIterator &other) { return TSparseIterator(offset*other.Stride + other.m_Ptr, other.Stride); }
TSparseIterator &operator-=(difference_type offset) { m_Ptr -= offset * Stride; return *this; }
TSparseIterator operator-(difference_type offset) const { return TSparseIterator(m_Ptr - offset * Stride, Stride); }
difference_type operator-(const TSparseIterator &other) const { return (m_Ptr - other.m_Ptr) / Stride; }
// Random access operators
T& operator[](difference_type i) { return *(T*)(m_Ptr + i * Stride); }
const T& operator[](difference_type i) const { return *(T*)(m_Ptr + i * Stride); }
T &operator*() const { return (T*)m_Ptr; }
T* operator->() { return (T*)m_Ptr; }
unsigned char* m_Ptr;
unsigned Stride;
// A wrapper to externally stored data.
// Like the above but with a customizable stride
template <class T>
class TSparseArrayView
typedef TSparseIterator<T> iterator;
typedef TSparseIterator<const T> const_iterator;
using reverse_iterator = std::reverse_iterator<iterator>;
using const_reverse_iterator = std::reverse_iterator<const_iterator>;
typedef T value_type;
iterator begin()
return iterator(Array, Stride);
const_iterator begin() const
return const_iterator(Array, Stride);
const_iterator cbegin() const
return const_iterator(Array, Stride);
iterator end()
return iterator(Array + Count * Stride, Stride);
const_iterator end() const
return const_iterator(Array + Count * Stride, Stride);
const_iterator cend() const
return const_iterator(Array + Count * Stride, Stride);
reverse_iterator rbegin()
return reverse_iterator(end());
const_reverse_iterator rbegin() const
return const_reverse_iterator(end());
const_reverse_iterator crbegin() const
return const_reverse_iterator(cend());
reverse_iterator rend()
return reverse_iterator(begin());
const_reverse_iterator rend() const
return const_reverse_iterator(begin());
const_reverse_iterator crend() const
return const_reverse_iterator(cbegin());
TSparseArrayView() = default; // intended to keep this type trivial.
TSparseArrayView(T *data, unsigned stride, unsigned count = 0)
Count = count;
Array = data;
Stride = stride;
TSparseArrayView(const TSparseArrayView<T> &other) = default;
TSparseArrayView<T> &operator= (const TSparseArrayView<T> &other) = default;
// Check equality of two arrays
bool operator==(const TArrayView<T> &other) const
if (Count != other.Count)
return false;
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < Count; ++i)
if (Element(i) != other.Element(i))
return false;
return true;
T &Element(size_t index)
return (T*)Array[index*Stride];
// Return a reference to an element
T &operator[] (size_t index) const
return Element(index);
// Returns a reference to the last element
T &Last() const
return Element(Count - 1);
// returns address of first element
T *Data() const
return &Element(0);
unsigned Size() const
return Count;
unsigned int Find(const T& item) const
unsigned int i;
for (i = 0; i < Count; ++i)
if (Element(i) == item)
return i;
void Set(T *data, unsigned stride, unsigned count)
Array = reinterpret_cast<unsigned char*>(data);
Count = count;
Stride = stride;
void Set(void *data, unsigned stride, unsigned count)
Array = reinterpret_cast<unsigned char*>(data);
Count = count;
Stride = stride;
void Clear()
Count = 0;
Stride = 0;
Array = nullptr;
unsigned char* Array;
unsigned int Count;
unsigned int Stride;
@ -53,42 +53,42 @@ public:
TFlags() = default;
TFlags(const Self& other) = default;
TFlags (T value) : Value (static_cast<TT> (value)) {}
constexpr TFlags (T value) : Value (static_cast<TT> (value)) {}
// This allows initializing the flagset with 0, as 0 implicitly converts into a null pointer.
TFlags (ZeroDummy*) : Value (0) {}
constexpr TFlags (ZeroDummy*) : Value (0) {}
// Relation operators
Self operator| (Self other) const { return Self::FromInt (Value | other.GetValue()); }
Self operator& (Self other) const { return Self::FromInt (Value & other.GetValue()); }
Self operator^ (Self other) const { return Self::FromInt (Value ^ other.GetValue()); }
Self operator| (T value) const { return Self::FromInt (Value | value); }
Self operator& (T value) const { return Self::FromInt (Value & value); }
Self operator^ (T value) const { return Self::FromInt (Value ^ value); }
Self operator~() const { return Self::FromInt (~Value); }
constexpr Self operator| (const Self& other) const { return Self::FromInt (Value | other.GetValue()); }
constexpr Self operator& (const Self& other) const { return Self::FromInt (Value & other.GetValue()); }
constexpr Self operator^ (const Self& other) const { return Self::FromInt (Value ^ other.GetValue()); }
constexpr Self operator| (T value) const { return Self::FromInt (Value | value); }
constexpr Self operator& (T value) const { return Self::FromInt (Value & value); }
constexpr Self operator^ (T value) const { return Self::FromInt (Value ^ value); }
constexpr Self operator~() const { return Self::FromInt (~Value); }
// Assignment operators
Self& operator= (Self other) { Value = other.GetValue(); return *this; }
Self& operator|= (Self other) { Value |= other.GetValue(); return *this; }
Self& operator&= (Self other) { Value &= other.GetValue(); return *this; }
Self& operator^= (Self other) { Value ^= other.GetValue(); return *this; }
Self& operator= (T value) { Value = value; return *this; }
Self& operator|= (T value) { Value |= value; return *this; }
Self& operator&= (T value) { Value &= value; return *this; }
Self& operator^= (T value) { Value ^= value; return *this; }
constexpr Self& operator= (const Self& other) = default;
constexpr Self& operator|= (const Self& other) { Value |= other.GetValue(); return *this; }
constexpr Self& operator&= (const Self& other) { Value &= other.GetValue(); return *this; }
constexpr Self& operator^= (const Self& other) { Value ^= other.GetValue(); return *this; }
constexpr Self& operator= (T value) { Value = value; return *this; }
constexpr Self& operator|= (T value) { Value |= value; return *this; }
constexpr Self& operator&= (T value) { Value &= value; return *this; }
constexpr Self& operator^= (T value) { Value ^= value; return *this; }
// Access the value of the flagset
TT GetValue() const { return Value; }
operator TT() const { return Value; }
constexpr TT GetValue() const { return Value; }
constexpr operator TT() const { return Value; }
// Set the value of the flagset manually with an integer.
// Please think twice before using this.
static Self FromInt (TT value) { return Self (static_cast<T> (value)); }
static constexpr Self FromInt (TT value) { return Self (static_cast<T> (value)); }
template<typename X> Self operator| (X value) const { return Self::FromInt (Value | value); }
template<typename X> Self operator& (X value) const { return Self::FromInt (Value & value); }
template<typename X> Self operator^ (X value) const { return Self::FromInt (Value ^ value); }
template<typename X> constexpr Self operator| (X value) const { return Self::FromInt (Value | value); }
template<typename X> constexpr Self operator& (X value) const { return Self::FromInt (Value & value); }
template<typename X> constexpr Self operator^ (X value) const { return Self::FromInt (Value ^ value); }
public: // to be removed.
TT Value;
@ -98,11 +98,11 @@ public: // to be removed.
* Additional operators for TFlags types.
inline T operator| (T::EnumType a, T::EnumType b) { return T::FromInt (T::IntType (a) | T::IntType (b)); } \
inline T operator& (T::EnumType a, T::EnumType b) { return T::FromInt (T::IntType (a) & T::IntType (b)); } \
inline T operator^ (T::EnumType a, T::EnumType b) { return T::FromInt (T::IntType (a) ^ T::IntType (b)); } \
inline T operator| (T::EnumType a, T b) { return T::FromInt (T::IntType (a) | T::IntType (b)); } \
inline T operator& (T::EnumType a, T b) { return T::FromInt (T::IntType (a) & T::IntType (b)); } \
inline T operator^ (T::EnumType a, T b) { return T::FromInt (T::IntType (a) ^ T::IntType (b)); } \
inline T operator~ (T::EnumType a) { return T::FromInt (~T::IntType (a)); }
constexpr inline T operator| (T::EnumType a, T::EnumType b) { return T::FromInt (T::IntType (a) | T::IntType (b)); } \
constexpr inline T operator& (T::EnumType a, T::EnumType b) { return T::FromInt (T::IntType (a) & T::IntType (b)); } \
constexpr inline T operator^ (T::EnumType a, T::EnumType b) { return T::FromInt (T::IntType (a) ^ T::IntType (b)); } \
constexpr inline T operator| (T::EnumType a, T b) { return T::FromInt (T::IntType (a) | T::IntType (b)); } \
constexpr inline T operator& (T::EnumType a, T b) { return T::FromInt (T::IntType (a) & T::IntType (b)); } \
constexpr inline T operator^ (T::EnumType a, T b) { return T::FromInt (T::IntType (a) ^ T::IntType (b)); } \
constexpr inline T operator~ (T::EnumType a) { return T::FromInt (~T::IntType (a)); }
@ -428,7 +428,6 @@ int getAlternative(int code)
case 0x457: return 0xef;
case 0x458: return 'j';
return code;
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