diff --git a/CMakeLists.txt b/CMakeLists.txt
index 0ed6f89c90..c2b8cf9c7c 100644
--- a/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -30,8 +30,27 @@ if(CMAKE_CROSSCOMPILING)
+# Recursive function to place PK3 archive source files into a hierarchy of source file in the IDE
+function( assort_pk3_source_folder FOLDER_NAME PK3_DIR )
+	# Assort source files into folders in the IDE
+	file(GLOB PK3_SRCS ${PK3_DIR}/*) # Create list of all files in this folder
+	foreach(PK3_SRC ${PK3_SRCS})
+		# If there are subfolders, recurse into them
+			get_filename_component(DIRNAME ${PK3_SRC} NAME)
+			# Exclude folder from list of source files
+			# Recurse deeper into the filesystem folder tree
+			assort_pk3_source_folder( ${FOLDER_NAME}\\${DIRNAME} ${PK3_SRC} )
+		endif()
+		# Assign IDE group for current top-level source files
+		source_group(${FOLDER_NAME} FILES ${PK3_SRCS}) 
+	endforeach()
 # Simplify pk3 building, add_pk3(filename srcdirectory)
 function( add_pk3 PK3_NAME PK3_DIR )
+	# message(STATUS "Creating build rule for PK3 ${PK3_NAME} ${PK3_DIR}")
 	# Generate target name. Just use "pk3" for main pk3 target.
 	string( REPLACE "." "_" PK3_TARGET ${PK3_NAME} )
 	if( ${PK3_TARGET} STREQUAL "zdoom_pk3" )
@@ -48,14 +67,33 @@ function( add_pk3 PK3_NAME PK3_DIR )
 			COMMAND zipdir -udf ${ZDOOM_OUTPUT_DIR}/${PK3_NAME} ${PK3_DIR}
 			DEPENDS zipdir )
-	# Grab a list of top-level PK3 folder files, so we can conveniently see them in the IDE
-	file(GLOB PK3_SRCS ${PK3_DIR}/*)
+	# Create a list of source files for this PK3, for use in the IDE
+	# Phase 1: Create a list of all source files for this PK3 archive, except 
+	#  for a couple of strife image file names that confuse CMake.
+	# Exclude from the source list some gzdoom .png files with brackets in the
+	# file names here, because they confuse CMake.
+	# This only affects the list of source files shown in the IDE.
+	# It does not actually remove the files from the PK3 archive.
+	# First replace that toxic bracket character with something we can handle
+	string(REPLACE "[" confusing_bracket PK3_SRCS "${PK3_SRCS}")
+	string(REPLACE "]" confusing_bracket PK3_SRCS "${PK3_SRCS}")
+	foreach(PK3_SRC ${PK3_SRCS}) # All source files at all levels
+		# Exclude those quarantined source file source file names that once had a bracket
+		if(${PK3_SRC} MATCHES confusing_bracket)
+			# message(STATUS "Ignoring PK3 file name containing brackets "${PK3_SRC})
+		endif()
+	endforeach()
+	# Phase 2: Create the PK3 build rule, including the source file list for the IDE
 	# Touch the zipdir executable here so that the pk3s are forced to
-	# rebuild each time since their dependecy has "changed."
+	# rebuild each time since their dependency has "changed."
 	add_custom_target( ${PK3_TARGET} ALL
+	# Phase 3: Assign source files to a nice folder structure in the IDE
+	assort_pk3_source_folder("Source Files" ${PK3_DIR})
 # Macro for building libraries without debugging information