mirror of
synced 2025-03-26 04:31:22 +00:00
- moved the sprite positioning info out of FMaterial back into FTexture.
This cleans out half of FMaterial and brings it closer to being a texture binding descriptor, which is all it really should be.
This commit is contained in:
7 changed files with 309 additions and 300 deletions
@ -30,21 +30,6 @@
IHardwareTexture* CreateHardwareTexture();
// We really do not need to create more than one hardware texture per image source.
// However, the internal handling depends on FTexture for everything so this array maps each all textures sharing the same master texture that gets used in the layer array.
static TMap<FImageSource*, FTexture*> imageToMasterTexture;
static FTexture* GetMasterTexture(FTexture* tx)
if (tx->GetUseType() == ETextureType::Null) return tx; // Null textures never get redirected
auto img = tx->GetImage();
if (!img) return tx; // this is not an image texture and represents itself.
auto find = imageToMasterTexture.CheckKey(img);
if (find) return *find; // already got a master texture for this. Return it.
imageToMasterTexture.Insert(img, tx);
return tx; // this is a newly added master texture.
// Constructor
@ -55,7 +40,7 @@ FMaterial::FMaterial(FTexture * tx, bool expanded)
mShaderIndex = SHADER_Default;
sourcetex = tx;
imgtex = GetMasterTexture(tx);
imgtex = tx;
if (tx->UseType == ETextureType::SWCanvas && static_cast<FWrapperTexture*>(tx)->GetColorFormat() == 0)
@ -79,7 +64,7 @@ FMaterial::FMaterial(FTexture * tx, bool expanded)
for (auto &texture : { tx->Normal, tx->Specular })
mShaderIndex = SHADER_Specular;
@ -87,7 +72,7 @@ FMaterial::FMaterial(FTexture * tx, bool expanded)
for (auto &texture : { tx->Normal, tx->Metallic, tx->Roughness, tx->AmbientOcclusion })
mShaderIndex = SHADER_PBR;
@ -96,7 +81,7 @@ FMaterial::FMaterial(FTexture * tx, bool expanded)
if (tx->Brightmap)
mLayerFlags |= TEXF_Brightmap;
@ -105,7 +90,7 @@ FMaterial::FMaterial(FTexture * tx, bool expanded)
if (tx->Detailmap)
mLayerFlags |= TEXF_Detailmap;
@ -114,7 +99,7 @@ FMaterial::FMaterial(FTexture * tx, bool expanded)
if (tx->Glowmap)
mLayerFlags |= TEXF_Glowmap;
@ -130,7 +115,7 @@ FMaterial::FMaterial(FTexture * tx, bool expanded)
for (auto &texture : tx->CustomShaderTextures)
if (texture == nullptr) continue;
mShaderIndex = tx->shaderindex;
@ -142,23 +127,8 @@ FMaterial::FMaterial(FTexture * tx, bool expanded)
mTopOffset = tx->GetTopOffset(0);
mRenderWidth = tx->GetScaledWidth();
mRenderHeight = tx->GetScaledHeight();
mSpriteU[0] = mSpriteV[0] = 0.f;
mSpriteU[1] = mSpriteV[1] = 1.f;
mExpanded = expanded;
if (expanded)
int oldwidth = mWidth;
int oldheight = mHeight;
mTrimResult = TrimBorders(trim); // get the trim size before adding the empty frame
mWidth += 2;
mHeight += 2;
mRenderWidth = mRenderWidth * mWidth / oldwidth;
mRenderHeight = mRenderHeight * mHeight / oldheight;
tx->Material[expanded] = this;
@ -175,149 +145,6 @@ FMaterial::~FMaterial()
// Set the sprite rectangle
void FMaterial::SetSpriteRect()
auto leftOffset = sourcetex->GetLeftOffsetHW();
auto topOffset = sourcetex->GetTopOffsetHW();
float fxScale = (float)sourcetex->Scale.X;
float fyScale = (float)sourcetex->Scale.Y;
// mSpriteRect is for positioning the sprite in the scene.
mSpriteRect.left = -leftOffset / fxScale;
mSpriteRect.top = -topOffset / fyScale;
mSpriteRect.width = mWidth / fxScale;
mSpriteRect.height = mHeight / fyScale;
if (mExpanded)
// a little adjustment to make sprites look better with texture filtering:
// create a 1 pixel wide empty frame around them.
int oldwidth = mWidth - 2;
int oldheight = mHeight - 2;
leftOffset += 1;
topOffset += 1;
// Reposition the sprite with the frame considered
mSpriteRect.left = -leftOffset / fxScale;
mSpriteRect.top = -topOffset / fyScale;
mSpriteRect.width = mWidth / fxScale;
mSpriteRect.height = mHeight / fyScale;
if (mTrimResult)
mSpriteRect.left += trim[0] / fxScale;
mSpriteRect.top += trim[1] / fyScale;
mSpriteRect.width -= (oldwidth - trim[2]) / fxScale;
mSpriteRect.height -= (oldheight - trim[3]) / fyScale;
mSpriteU[0] = trim[0] / (float)mWidth;
mSpriteV[0] = trim[1] / (float)mHeight;
mSpriteU[1] -= (oldwidth - trim[0] - trim[2]) / (float)mWidth;
mSpriteV[1] -= (oldheight - trim[1] - trim[3]) / (float)mHeight;
// Finds empty space around the texture.
// Used for sprites that got placed into a huge empty frame.
bool FMaterial::TrimBorders(uint16_t *rect)
auto texbuffer = sourcetex->CreateTexBuffer(0);
int w = texbuffer.mWidth;
int h = texbuffer.mHeight;
auto Buffer = texbuffer.mBuffer;
if (texbuffer.mBuffer == nullptr)
return false;
if (w != mWidth || h != mHeight)
// external Hires replacements cannot be trimmed.
return false;
int size = w*h;
if (size == 1)
// nothing to be done here.
rect[0] = 0;
rect[1] = 0;
rect[2] = 1;
rect[3] = 1;
return true;
int first, last;
for(first = 0; first < size; first++)
if (Buffer[first*4+3] != 0) break;
if (first >= size)
// completely empty
rect[0] = 0;
rect[1] = 0;
rect[2] = 1;
rect[3] = 1;
return true;
for(last = size-1; last >= first; last--)
if (Buffer[last*4+3] != 0) break;
rect[1] = first / w;
rect[3] = 1 + last/w - rect[1];
rect[0] = 0;
rect[2] = w;
unsigned char *bufferoff = Buffer + (rect[1] * w * 4);
h = rect[3];
for(int x = 0; x < w; x++)
for(int y = 0; y < h; y++)
if (bufferoff[(x+y*w)*4+3] != 0) goto outl;
rect[2] -= rect[0];
for(int x = w-1; rect[2] > 1; x--)
for(int y = 0; y < h; y++)
if (bufferoff[(x+y*w)*4+3] != 0)
return true;
return true;
@ -343,25 +170,6 @@ IHardwareTexture *FMaterial::GetLayer(int i, int translation, FTexture **pLayer)
return nullptr;
int FMaterial::GetAreas(FloatRect **pAreas) const
if (mShaderIndex == SHADER_Default) // texture splitting can only be done if there's no attached effects
*pAreas = sourcetex->areas;
return sourcetex->areacount;
return 0;
// Gets a texture from the texture manager and checks its validity for
@ -371,31 +179,13 @@ int FMaterial::GetAreas(FloatRect **pAreas) const
FMaterial * FMaterial::ValidateTexture(FTexture * tex, bool expand, bool create)
if (tex && tex->isValid())
if (tex->bNoExpand) expand = false;
if (!tex->ShouldExpandSprite()) expand = false;
FMaterial *hwtex = tex->Material[expand];
if (hwtex == NULL && create)
if (expand)
if (tex->isWarped() || tex->isHardwareCanvas() || tex->shaderindex >= FIRST_USER_SHADER || tex->shaderindex == SHADER_Specular || tex->shaderindex == SHADER_PBR)
tex->bNoExpand = true;
goto again;
if (tex->Brightmap != NULL &&
(tex->GetTexelWidth() != tex->Brightmap->GetTexelWidth() ||
tex->GetTexelHeight() != tex->Brightmap->GetTexelHeight())
// do not expand if the brightmap's size differs.
tex->bNoExpand = true;
goto again;
hwtex = new FMaterial(tex, expand);
return hwtex;
@ -415,29 +205,3 @@ void DeleteMaterial(FMaterial* mat)
// Make sprite offset adjustment user-configurable per renderer.
extern int r_spriteadjustSW, r_spriteadjustHW;
r_spriteadjustHW = !!(self & 2);
r_spriteadjustSW = !!(self & 1);
for (int i = 0; i < TexMan.NumTextures(); i++)
auto tex = TexMan.GetTexture(FSetTextureID(i));
if (tex->GetTexelLeftOffset(0) != tex->GetTexelLeftOffset(1) || tex->GetTexelTopOffset(0) != tex->GetTexelTopOffset(1))
for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
auto mat = tex->GetMaterial(i);
if (mat != nullptr) mat->SetSpriteRect();
@ -40,13 +40,6 @@ class FMaterial
short mRenderWidth;
short mRenderHeight;
bool mExpanded;
bool mTrimResult;
uint16_t trim[4];
float mSpriteU[2], mSpriteV[2];
FloatRect mSpriteRect;
bool TrimBorders(uint16_t *rect);
FTexture *sourcetex; // the owning texture.
@ -108,17 +101,10 @@ public:
// Patch drawing utilities
void GetSpriteRect(FloatRect * r) const
*r = mSpriteRect;
// This is scaled size in integer units as needed by walls and flats
int TextureHeight() const { return mRenderHeight; }
int TextureWidth() const { return mRenderWidth; }
int GetAreas(FloatRect **pAreas) const;
int GetWidth() const
return mWidth;
@ -147,12 +133,6 @@ public:
float GetU(float upix) const { return upix/(float)mWidth; }
float GetV(float vpix) const { return vpix/(float)mHeight; }
float GetSpriteUL() const { return mSpriteU[0]; }
float GetSpriteVT() const { return mSpriteV[0]; }
float GetSpriteUR() const { return mSpriteU[1]; }
float GetSpriteVB() const { return mSpriteV[1]; }
static FMaterial *ValidateTexture(FTexture * tex, bool expand, bool create = true);
static FMaterial *ValidateTexture(FTextureID no, bool expand, bool trans, bool create = true);
const TArray<FTexture*> &GetLayerArray() const
@ -47,6 +47,7 @@
#include "image.h"
#include "formats/multipatchtexture.h"
#include "texturemanager.h"
#include "c_cvars.h"
// Wrappers to keep the definitions of these classes out of here.
void DeleteMaterial(FMaterial* mat);
@ -125,7 +126,6 @@ FTexture::FTexture (const char *name, int lumpnum)
bDisableFullbright = false;
bSkybox = false;
bNoCompress = false;
bNoExpand = false;
bTranslucent = -1;
@ -461,6 +461,25 @@ void FTexture::GetGlowColor(float *data)
data[2] = GlowColor.b / 255.0f;
int FTexture::GetAreas(FloatRect** pAreas) const
if (shaderindex == SHADER_Default) // texture splitting can only be done if there's no attached effects
*pAreas = areas;
return areacount;
return 0;
// Finds gaps in the texture which can be skipped by the renderer
@ -776,6 +795,197 @@ TArray<uint8_t> FTexture::Get8BitPixels(bool alphatex)
return Pixels;
// Sets up the sprite positioning data for this texture
void FTexture::SetupSpriteData()
spi.mSpriteU[0] = spi.mSpriteV[0] = 0.f;
spi.mSpriteU[1] = spi.mSpriteV[1] = 1.f;
spi.spriteWidth = GetTexelWidth();
spi.spriteHeight = GetTexelHeight();
if (ShouldExpandSprite())
if (mTrimResult == -1) mTrimResult = !!TrimBorders(spi.trim); // get the trim size before adding the empty frame
spi.spriteWidth += 2;
spi.spriteHeight += 2;
else mTrimResult = 0;
// Checks if a sprite may be expanded with an empty frame
bool FTexture::ShouldExpandSprite()
if (bExpandSprite != -1) return bExpandSprite;
if (isWarped() || isHardwareCanvas() || shaderindex != SHADER_Default)
bExpandSprite = false;
return false;
if (Brightmap != NULL && (GetTexelWidth() != Brightmap->GetTexelWidth() || GetTexelHeight() != Brightmap->GetTexelHeight()))
// do not expand if the brightmap's size differs.
bExpandSprite = false;
return false;
bExpandSprite = true;
return true;
// Finds empty space around the texture.
// Used for sprites that got placed into a huge empty frame.
bool FTexture::TrimBorders(uint16_t* rect)
auto texbuffer = CreateTexBuffer(0);
int w = texbuffer.mWidth;
int h = texbuffer.mHeight;
auto Buffer = texbuffer.mBuffer;
if (texbuffer.mBuffer == nullptr)
return false;
if (w != Width || h != Height)
// external Hires replacements cannot be trimmed.
return false;
int size = w * h;
if (size == 1)
// nothing to be done here.
rect[0] = 0;
rect[1] = 0;
rect[2] = 1;
rect[3] = 1;
return true;
int first, last;
for (first = 0; first < size; first++)
if (Buffer[first * 4 + 3] != 0) break;
if (first >= size)
// completely empty
rect[0] = 0;
rect[1] = 0;
rect[2] = 1;
rect[3] = 1;
return true;
for (last = size - 1; last >= first; last--)
if (Buffer[last * 4 + 3] != 0) break;
rect[1] = first / w;
rect[3] = 1 + last / w - rect[1];
rect[0] = 0;
rect[2] = w;
unsigned char* bufferoff = Buffer + (rect[1] * w * 4);
h = rect[3];
for (int x = 0; x < w; x++)
for (int y = 0; y < h; y++)
if (bufferoff[(x + y * w) * 4 + 3] != 0) goto outl;
rect[2] -= rect[0];
for (int x = w - 1; rect[2] > 1; x--)
for (int y = 0; y < h; y++)
if (bufferoff[(x + y * w) * 4 + 3] != 0)
return true;
return true;
// Set the sprite rectangle
void FTexture::SetSpriteRect()
auto leftOffset = GetLeftOffsetHW();
auto topOffset = GetTopOffsetHW();
float fxScale = (float)Scale.X;
float fyScale = (float)Scale.Y;
// mSpriteRect is for positioning the sprite in the scene.
spi.mSpriteRect.left = -leftOffset / fxScale;
spi.mSpriteRect.top = -topOffset / fyScale;
spi.mSpriteRect.width = spi.spriteWidth / fxScale;
spi.mSpriteRect.height = spi.spriteHeight / fyScale;
if (bExpandSprite)
// a little adjustment to make sprites look better with texture filtering:
// create a 1 pixel wide empty frame around them.
int oldwidth = spi.spriteWidth - 2;
int oldheight = spi.spriteHeight - 2;
leftOffset += 1;
topOffset += 1;
// Reposition the sprite with the frame considered
spi.mSpriteRect.left = -leftOffset / fxScale;
spi.mSpriteRect.top = -topOffset / fyScale;
spi.mSpriteRect.width = spi.spriteWidth / fxScale;
spi.mSpriteRect.height = spi.spriteHeight / fyScale;
if (mTrimResult > 0)
spi.mSpriteRect.left += spi.trim[0] / fxScale;
spi.mSpriteRect.top += spi.trim[1] / fyScale;
spi.mSpriteRect.width -= (oldwidth - spi.trim[2]) / fxScale;
spi.mSpriteRect.height -= (oldheight - spi.trim[3]) / fyScale;
spi.mSpriteU[0] = spi.trim[0] / spi.spriteWidth;
spi.mSpriteV[0] = spi.trim[1] / spi.spriteHeight;
spi.mSpriteU[1] -= (oldwidth - spi.trim[0] - spi.trim[2]) / spi.spriteWidth;
spi.mSpriteV[1] -= (oldheight - spi.trim[1] - spi.trim[3]) / spi.spriteHeight;
// Coordinate helper.
@ -904,3 +1114,23 @@ bool FGameTexture::isUserContent() const
return (filenum > fileSystem.GetMaxIwadNum());
// Make sprite offset adjustment user-configurable per renderer.
r_spriteadjustHW = !!(self & 2);
r_spriteadjustSW = !!(self & 1);
for (int i = 0; i < TexMan.NumTextures(); i++)
auto tex = TexMan.GetGameTexture(FSetTextureID(i));
if (tex->GetTexelLeftOffset(0) != tex->GetTexelLeftOffset(1) || tex->GetTexelTopOffset(0) != tex->GetTexelTopOffset(1))
@ -222,6 +222,25 @@ struct FTextureBuffer
struct SpritePositioningInfo
uint16_t trim[4];
int spriteWidth, spriteHeight;
float mSpriteU[2], mSpriteV[2];
FloatRect mSpriteRect;
float GetSpriteUL() const { return mSpriteU[0]; }
float GetSpriteVT() const { return mSpriteV[0]; }
float GetSpriteUR() const { return mSpriteU[1]; }
float GetSpriteVB() const { return mSpriteV[1]; }
const FloatRect &GetSpriteRect() const
return mSpriteRect;
// Base texture class
class FTexture
@ -249,6 +268,10 @@ class FTexture
SpritePositioningInfo spi;
int8_t mTrimResult = -1;
static FTexture *CreateTexture(const char *name, int lumpnum, ETextureType usetype);
virtual ~FTexture ();
virtual FImageSource *GetImage() const { return nullptr; }
@ -331,6 +354,11 @@ public:
Height = h;
bool TrimBorders(uint16_t* rect);
void SetSpriteRect();
bool ShouldExpandSprite();
void SetupSpriteData();
int GetAreas(FloatRect** pAreas) const;
// Returns the whole texture, stored in column-major order
virtual TArray<uint8_t> Get8BitPixels(bool alphatex);
@ -409,8 +437,8 @@ protected:
uint8_t bSkybox : 1; // is a cubic skybox
uint8_t bNoCompress : 1;
uint8_t bNoExpand : 1;
int8_t bTranslucent : 2;
int8_t bExpandSprite = -1;
bool bHiresHasColorKey = false; // Support for old color-keyed Doomsday textures
uint16_t Rotations;
@ -507,7 +535,7 @@ public:
bMasked = false;
bHasCanvas = true;
bTranslucent = false;
bNoExpand = true;
bExpandSprite = false;
UseType = ETextureType::Wall;
@ -680,6 +708,9 @@ public:
bool isSkybox() const { return wrapped.isSkybox(); }
void SetSize(int x, int y) { wrapped.SetSize(x, y); }
void SetSpriteRect() { wrapped.SetSpriteRect(); }
const SpritePositioningInfo& GetSpritePositioning() { if (wrapped.mTrimResult == -1) wrapped.SetupSpriteData(); return wrapped.spi; }
@ -755,8 +755,6 @@ void HWSprite::Process(HWDrawInfo *di, AActor* thing, sector_t * sector, area_t
Angles = thing->Angles;
FloatRect r;
if (sector->sectornum != thing->Sector->sectornum && !thruportal)
// This cannot create a copy in the fake sector cache because it'd interfere with the main thread, so provide a local buffer for the copy.
@ -818,15 +816,15 @@ void HWSprite::Process(HWDrawInfo *di, AActor* thing, sector_t * sector, area_t
if (!patch.isValid()) return;
int type = thing->renderflags & RF_SPRITETYPEMASK;
gltexture = FMaterial::ValidateTexture(patch, (type == RF_FACESPRITE), false);
if (!gltexture)
auto tex = TexMan.GetGameTexture(patch, false);
if (!tex || !tex->isValid()) return;
auto& spi = tex->GetSpritePositioning();
vt = gltexture->GetSpriteVT();
vb = gltexture->GetSpriteVB();
vt = spi.GetSpriteVT();
vb = spi.GetSpriteVB();
if (thing->renderflags & RF_YFLIP) std::swap(vt, vb);
auto r = spi.GetSpriteRect();
// [SP] SpriteFlip
if (thing->renderflags & RF_SPRITEFLIP)
@ -835,15 +833,19 @@ void HWSprite::Process(HWDrawInfo *di, AActor* thing, sector_t * sector, area_t
if (mirror ^ !!(thing->renderflags & RF_XFLIP))
r.left = -r.width - r.left; // mirror the sprite's x-offset
ul = gltexture->GetSpriteUL();
ur = gltexture->GetSpriteUR();
ul = spi.GetSpriteUL();
ur = spi.GetSpriteUR();
ul = gltexture->GetSpriteUR();
ur = gltexture->GetSpriteUL();
ul = spi.GetSpriteUR();
ur = spi.GetSpriteUL();
gltexture = FMaterial::ValidateTexture(patch, (type == RF_FACESPRITE), false);
if (!gltexture)
if (thing->renderflags & RF_SPRITEFLIP) // [SP] Flip back
thing->renderflags ^= RF_XFLIP;
@ -1182,15 +1184,14 @@ void HWSprite::ProcessParticle (HWDrawInfo *di, particle_t *particle, sector_t *
if (lump.isValid())
gltexture = FMaterial::ValidateTexture(lump, true, false);
translation = 0;
//auto tex = TexMan.GetGameTexture(lump, false);
ul = gltexture->GetUL();
ur = gltexture->GetUR();
vt = gltexture->GetVT();
vb = gltexture->GetVB();
FloatRect r;
ul = 0;
ur = 1;
vt = 0;
vb = 1;
gltexture = FMaterial::ValidateTexture(lump, true, false);
@ -1431,7 +1431,7 @@ void HWWall::DoMidTexture(HWDrawInfo *di, seg_t * seg, bool drawfogboundary,
FloatRect *splitrect;
int v = gltexture->GetAreas(&splitrect);
int v = gltexture->sourcetex->GetAreas(&splitrect);
if (seg->frontsector == seg->backsector) flags |= HWF_NOSPLIT; // we don't need to do vertex splits if a line has both sides in the same sector
if (v>0 && !drawfogboundary && !(seg->linedef->flags&ML_WRAP_MIDTEX))
@ -417,14 +417,14 @@ bool HUDSprite::GetWeaponRect(HWDrawInfo *di, DPSprite *psp, float sx, float sy,
FTextureID lump = sprites[psp->GetSprite()].GetSpriteFrame(psp->GetFrame(), 0, 0., &mirror);
if (!lump.isValid()) return false;
FMaterial * tex = FMaterial::ValidateTexture(lump, true, false);
if (!tex) return false;
auto tex = TexMan.GetGameTexture(lump, false);
if (!tex || !tex->isValid()) return false;
auto& spi = tex->GetSpritePositioning();
float vw = (float)viewwidth;
float vh = (float)viewheight;
FloatRect r;
FloatRect r = spi.GetSpriteRect();
// calculate edges of the shape
scalex = (320.0f / (240.0f * r_viewwindow.WidescreenRatio)) * vw / 320;
@ -452,17 +452,17 @@ bool HUDSprite::GetWeaponRect(HWDrawInfo *di, DPSprite *psp, float sx, float sy,
if (!(mirror) != !(psp->Flags & (PSPF_FLIP)))
u2 = tex->GetSpriteUL();
v1 = tex->GetSpriteVT();
u1 = tex->GetSpriteUR();
v2 = tex->GetSpriteVB();
u2 = spi.GetSpriteUL();
v1 = spi.GetSpriteVT();
u1 = spi.GetSpriteUR();
v2 = spi.GetSpriteVB();
u1 = tex->GetSpriteUL();
v1 = tex->GetSpriteVT();
u2 = tex->GetSpriteUR();
v2 = tex->GetSpriteVB();
u1 = spi.GetSpriteUL();
v1 = spi.GetSpriteVT();
u2 = spi.GetSpriteUR();
v2 = spi.GetSpriteVB();
auto verts = screen->mVertexData->AllocVertices(4);
@ -473,7 +473,10 @@ bool HUDSprite::GetWeaponRect(HWDrawInfo *di, DPSprite *psp, float sx, float sy,
verts.first[2].Set(x2, y1, 0, u2, v1);
verts.first[3].Set(x2, y2, 0, u2, v2);
this->tex = tex;
FMaterial* mat = FMaterial::ValidateTexture(lump, true, false);
if (!mat) return false;
this->tex = mat;
return true;
Reference in a new issue