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extend struct _
native readonly Array<class<Actor> > AllActorClasses;
native readonly Array<@PlayerClass> PlayerClasses;
native readonly Array<@PlayerSkin> PlayerSkins;
native readonly Array<@Team> Teams;
native int validcount;
native play @DehInfo deh;
native readonly bool automapactive;
native readonly TextureID skyflatnum;
native readonly int gametic;
native readonly int Net_Arbitrator;
native ui BaseStatusBar StatusBar;
native readonly Weapon WP_NOCHANGE;
deprecated("3.8", "Use Actor.isFrozen() or Level.isFrozen() instead") native readonly bool globalfreeze;
native int LocalViewPitch;
// sandbox state in multi-level setups:
native play @PlayerInfo players[MAXPLAYERS];
native readonly bool playeringame[MAXPLAYERS];
native play LevelLocals Level;
extend struct TexMan
native static void SetCameraToTexture(Actor viewpoint, String texture, double fov);
deprecated("3.8", "Use Level.ReplaceTextures() instead") static void ReplaceTextures(String from, String to, int flags)
level.ReplaceTextures(from, to, flags);
extend struct Screen
native static void DrawFrame(int x, int y, int w, int h);
// This is a leftover of the abandoned Inventory.DrawPowerup method.
deprecated("2.5", "Use StatusBar.DrawTexture() instead") static ui void DrawHUDTexture(TextureID tex, double x, double y)
statusBar.DrawTexture(tex, (x, y), BaseStatusBar.DI_SCREEN_RIGHT_TOP, 1., (32, 32));
extend struct Console
native static void MidPrint(Font fontname, string textlabel, bool bold = false);
extend struct Translation
Color colors[256];
native int AddTranslation();
native static bool SetPlayerTranslation(int group, int num, int plrnum, PlayerClass pclass);
native static int GetID(Name transname);
// This is needed because Actor contains a field named 'translation' which shadows the above.
struct Translate version("4.5")
static int MakeID(int group, int num)
return (group << 16) + num;
static bool SetPlayerTranslation(int group, int num, int plrnum, PlayerClass pclass)
return Translation.SetPlayerTranslation(group, num, plrnum, pclass);
static int GetID(Name transname)
return Translation.GetID(transname);
struct DamageTypeDefinition native
native static bool IgnoreArmor(Name type);
extend struct CVar
native static CVar GetCVar(Name name, PlayerInfo player = null);
extend struct GameInfoStruct
// will be extended as needed.
native Name backpacktype;
native double Armor2Percent;
native String ArmorIcon1;
native String ArmorIcon2;
native bool norandomplayerclass;
native Array<Name> infoPages;
native GIFont mStatscreenMapNameFont;
native GIFont mStatscreenEnteringFont;
native GIFont mStatscreenFinishedFont;
native GIFont mStatscreenContentFont;
native GIFont mStatscreenAuthorFont;
native double gibfactor;
native bool intermissioncounter;
native Color defaultbloodcolor;
native double telefogheight;
native int defKickback;
native int defaultdropstyle;
native TextureID healthpic;
native TextureID berserkpic;
native double normforwardmove[2];
native double normsidemove[2];
native bool mHideParTimes;
extend class Object
private native static Object BuiltinNewDoom(Class<Object> cls, int outerclass, int compatibility);
private native static int BuiltinCallLineSpecial(int special, Actor activator, int arg1, int arg2, int arg3, int arg4, int arg5);
// These really should be global functions...
native static String G_SkillName();
native static int G_SkillPropertyInt(int p);
native static double G_SkillPropertyFloat(int p);
deprecated("3.8", "Use Level.PickDeathMatchStart() instead") static vector3, int G_PickDeathmatchStart()
return level.PickDeathmatchStart();
deprecated("3.8", "Use Level.PickPlayerStart() instead") static vector3, int G_PickPlayerStart(int pnum, int flags = 0)
return level.PickPlayerStart(pnum, flags);
deprecated("4.3", "Use S_StartSound() instead") native static void S_Sound (Sound sound_id, int channel, float volume = 1, float attenuation = ATTN_NORM, float pitch = 0.0, float startTime = 0.0);
native static void S_StartSound (Sound sound_id, int channel, int flags = 0, float volume = 1, float attenuation = ATTN_NORM, float pitch = 0.0, float startTime = 0.0);
native static void S_PauseSound (bool notmusic, bool notsfx);
native static void S_ResumeSound (bool notsfx);
native static bool S_ChangeMusic(String music_name, int order = 0, bool looping = true, bool force = false);
native static float S_GetLength(Sound sound_id);
native static void MarkSound(Sound snd);
native static uint BAM(double angle);
native static void SetMusicVolume(float vol);
class Thinker : Object native play
enum EStatnums
// Thinkers that don't actually think
STAT_INFO, // An info queue
STAT_DECAL, // A decal
STAT_AUTODECAL, // A decal that can be automatically deleted
STAT_CORPSEPOINTER, // An entry in Hexen's corpse queue
STAT_TRAVELLING, // An actor temporarily travelling to a new map
// Thinkers that do think
STAT_PLAYER, // A player actor
STAT_BOSSTARGET, // A boss brain target
STAT_LIGHTNING, // The lightning thinker
STAT_DECALTHINKER, // An object that thinks for a decal
STAT_INVENTORY, // An inventory item
STAT_LIGHT, // A sector light effect
STAT_LIGHTTRANSFER, // A sector light transfer. These must be ticked after the light effects.
STAT_EARTHQUAKE, // Earthquake actors
STAT_MAPMARKER, // Map marker actors
STAT_DLIGHT, // Dynamic lights
STAT_DEFAULT = 100, // Thinkers go here unless specified otherwise.
STAT_SECTOREFFECT, // All sector effects that cause floor and ceiling movement
STAT_ACTORMOVER, // actor movers
STAT_SCRIPTS, // The ACS thinker. This is to ensure that it can't tick before all actors called PostBeginPlay
STAT_BOT, // Bot thinker
native LevelLocals Level;
virtual native void Tick();
virtual native void PostBeginPlay();
native void ChangeStatNum(int stat);
static clearscope int Tics2Seconds(int tics)
return int(tics / TICRATE);
class ThinkerIterator : Object native
native static ThinkerIterator Create(class<Object> type = "Actor", int statnum=Thinker.MAX_STATNUM+1);
native Thinker Next(bool exact = false);
native void Reinit();
class ActorIterator : Object native
deprecated("3.8", "Use Level.CreateActorIterator() instead") static ActorIterator Create(int tid, class<Actor> type = "Actor")
return level.CreateActorIterator(tid, type);
native Actor Next();
native void Reinit();
class BlockThingsIterator : Object native
native Actor thing;
native Vector3 position;
native int portalflags;
native static BlockThingsIterator Create(Actor origin, double checkradius = -1, bool ignorerestricted = false);
native static BlockThingsIterator CreateFromPos(double checkx, double checky, double checkz, double checkh, double checkradius, bool ignorerestricted);
native bool Next();
class BlockLinesIterator : Object native
native Line CurLine;
native Vector3 position;
native int portalflags;
native static BlockLinesIterator Create(Actor origin, double checkradius = -1);
native static BlockLinesIterator CreateFromPos(Vector3 pos, double checkh, double checkradius, Sector sec = null);
native bool Next();
enum ETraceStatus
TRACE_Stop, // stop the trace, returning this hit
TRACE_Continue, // continue the trace, returning this hit if there are none further along
TRACE_Skip, // continue the trace; do not return this hit
TRACE_Abort // stop the trace, returning no hits
enum ETraceFlags
TRACE_NoSky = 0x0001, // Hitting the sky returns TRACE_HitNone
//TRACE_PCross = 0x0002, // Trigger SPAC_PCROSS lines
//TRACE_Impact = 0x0004, // Trigger SPAC_IMPACT lines
TRACE_PortalRestrict = 0x0008, // Cannot go through portals without a static link offset.
TRACE_ReportPortals = 0x0010, // Report any portal crossing to the TraceCallback
//TRACE_3DCallback = 0x0020, // [ZZ] use TraceCallback to determine whether we need to go through a line to do 3D floor check, or not. without this, only line flag mask is used
TRACE_HitSky = 0x0040 // Hitting the sky returns TRACE_HasHitSky
enum ETraceResult
enum ELineTier
struct TraceResults native
native Sector HitSector; // originally called "Sector". cannot be named like this in ZScript.
native TextureID HitTexture;
native vector3 HitPos;
native vector3 HitVector;
native vector3 SrcFromTarget;
native double SrcAngleFromTarget;
native double Distance;
native double Fraction;
native Actor HitActor; // valid if hit an actor. // originally called "Actor".
native Line HitLine; // valid if hit a line // originally called "Line".
native uint8 Side;
native uint8 Tier; // see Tracer.ELineTier
native bool unlinked; // passed through a portal without static offset.
native ETraceResult HitType;
native F3DFloor ffloor;
native Sector CrossedWater; // For Boom-style, Transfer_Heights-based deep water
native vector3 CrossedWaterPos; // remember the position so that we can use it for spawning the splash
native Sector Crossed3DWater; // For 3D floor-based deep water
native vector3 Crossed3DWaterPos;
class LineTracer : Object native
native @TraceResults Results;
native bool Trace(vector3 start, Sector sec, vector3 direction, double maxDist, ETraceFlags traceFlags);
virtual ETraceStatus TraceCallback()
// Normally you would examine Results.HitType (for ETraceResult), and determine either:
// - stop tracing and return the entity that was found (return TRACE_Stop)
// - ignore some object, like noclip, e.g. only count solid walls and floors, and ignore actors (return TRACE_Skip)
// - find last object of some type (return TRACE_Continue)
// - stop tracing entirely and assume we found nothing (return TRACE_Abort)
// TRACE_Abort and TRACE_Continue are of limited use in scripting.
return TRACE_Stop; // default callback returns first hit, whatever it is.
struct DropItem native
native readonly DropItem Next;
native readonly name Name;
native readonly int Probability;
native readonly int Amount;
struct LevelInfo native
native readonly int levelnum;
native readonly String MapName;
native readonly String NextMap;
native readonly String NextSecretMap;
native readonly String SkyPic1;
native readonly String SkyPic2;
native readonly String F1Pic;
native readonly int cluster;
native readonly int partime;
native readonly int sucktime;
native readonly int flags;
native readonly int flags2;
native readonly int flags3;
native readonly String Music;
native readonly String LevelName;
native readonly String AuthorName;
native readonly int musicorder;
native readonly float skyspeed1;
native readonly float skyspeed2;
native readonly int cdtrack;
native readonly double gravity;
native readonly double aircontrol;
native readonly int airsupply;
native readonly int compatflags;
native readonly int compatflags2;
native readonly name deathsequence;
native readonly int fogdensity;
native readonly int outsidefogdensity;
native readonly int skyfog;
native readonly float pixelstretch;
native readonly name RedirectType;
native readonly String RedirectMapName;
native readonly double teamdamage;
native bool isValid() const;
native String LookupLevelName() const;
native static int GetLevelInfoCount();
native static LevelInfo GetLevelInfo(int index);
native static LevelInfo FindLevelInfo(String mapname);
native static LevelInfo FindLevelByNum(int num);
native static bool MapExists(String mapname);
native static String MapChecksum(String mapname);
struct LevelLocals native
enum EUDMF
//UDMF_Thing // not implemented
const CLUSTER_HUB = 0x00000001; // Cluster uses hub behavior
native Array<@Sector> Sectors;
native Array<@Line> Lines;
native Array<@Side> Sides;
native readonly Array<@Vertex> Vertexes;
native internal Array<@SectorPortal> SectorPortals;
native readonly int time;
native readonly int maptime;
native readonly int totaltime;
native readonly int starttime;
native readonly int partime;
native readonly int sucktime;
native readonly int cluster;
native readonly int clusterflags;
native readonly int levelnum;
native readonly String LevelName;
native readonly String MapName;
native String NextMap;
native String NextSecretMap;
native readonly String F1Pic;
native readonly int maptype;
native readonly String AuthorName;
native readonly String Music;
native readonly int musicorder;
native readonly TextureID skytexture1;
native readonly TextureID skytexture2;
native float skyspeed1;
native float skyspeed2;
native int total_secrets;
native int found_secrets;
native int total_items;
native int found_items;
native int total_monsters;
native int killed_monsters;
native play double gravity;
native play double aircontrol;
native play double airfriction;
native play int airsupply;
native readonly double teamdamage;
native readonly bool noinventorybar;
native readonly bool monsterstelefrag;
native readonly bool actownspecial;
native readonly bool sndseqtotalctrl;
native bool allmap;
native readonly bool missilesactivateimpact;
native readonly bool monsterfallingdamage;
native readonly bool checkswitchrange;
native readonly bool polygrind;
native readonly bool nomonsters;
native readonly bool allowrespawn;
deprecated("3.8", "Use Level.isFrozen() instead") native bool frozen;
native readonly bool infinite_flight;
native readonly bool no_dlg_freeze;
native readonly bool keepfullinventory;
native readonly bool removeitems;
native readonly int fogdensity;
native readonly int outsidefogdensity;
native readonly int skyfog;
native readonly float pixelstretch;
native readonly float MusicVolume;
native name deathsequence;
native readonly int compatflags;
native readonly int compatflags2;
native readonly LevelInfo info;
native String GetUDMFString(int type, int index, Name key);
native int GetUDMFInt(int type, int index, Name key);
native double GetUDMFFloat(int type, int index, Name key);
native play int ExecuteSpecial(int special, Actor activator, line linedef, bool lineside, int arg1 = 0, int arg2 = 0, int arg3 = 0, int arg4 = 0, int arg5 = 0);
native void GiveSecret(Actor activator, bool printmsg = true, bool playsound = true);
native void StartSlideshow(Name whichone = 'none');
native static void MakeScreenShot();
native static void MakeAutoSave();
native void WorldDone();
deprecated("3.8", "This function does nothing") static void RemoveAllBots(bool fromlist) { /* intentionally left as no-op. */ }
native ui Vector2 GetAutomapPosition();
native void SetInterMusic(String nextmap);
native String FormatMapName(int mapnamecolor);
native bool IsJumpingAllowed() const;
native bool IsCrouchingAllowed() const;
native bool IsFreelookAllowed() const;
native void StartIntermission(Name type, int state) const;
native play SpotState GetSpotState(bool create = true);
native int FindUniqueTid(int start = 0, int limit = 0);
native uint GetSkyboxPortal(Actor actor);
native void ReplaceTextures(String from, String to, int flags);
clearscope native HealthGroup FindHealthGroup(int id);
native vector3, int PickDeathmatchStart();
native vector3, int PickPlayerStart(int pnum, int flags = 0);
native int isFrozen() const;
native void setFrozen(bool on);
native clearscope Sector PointInSector(Vector2 pt) const;
native clearscope bool IsPointInLevel(vector3 p) const;
deprecated("3.8", "Use Level.IsPointInLevel() instead") clearscope static bool IsPointInMap(vector3 p)
return level.IsPointInLevel(p);
native clearscope vector2 Vec2Diff(vector2 v1, vector2 v2) const;
native clearscope vector3 Vec3Diff(vector3 v1, vector3 v2) const;
native clearscope vector3 SphericalCoords(vector3 viewpoint, vector3 targetPos, vector2 viewAngles = (0, 0), bool absolute = false) const;
native clearscope vector2 Vec2Offset(vector2 pos, vector2 dir, bool absolute = false) const;
native clearscope vector3 Vec2OffsetZ(vector2 pos, vector2 dir, double atz, bool absolute = false) const;
native clearscope vector3 Vec3Offset(vector3 pos, vector3 dir, bool absolute = false) const;
native String GetChecksum() const;
native void ChangeSky(TextureID sky1, TextureID sky2 );
native SectorTagIterator CreateSectorTagIterator(int tag, line defline = null);
native LineIdIterator CreateLineIdIterator(int tag);
native ActorIterator CreateActorIterator(int tid, class<Actor> type = "Actor");
String TimeFormatted(bool totals = false)
int sec = Thinker.Tics2Seconds(totals? totaltime : time);
return String.Format("%02d:%02d:%02d", sec / 3600, (sec % 3600) / 60, sec % 60);
native play bool CreateCeiling(sector sec, int type, line ln, double speed, double speed2, double height = 0, int crush = -1, int silent = 0, int change = 0, int crushmode = 0 /*Floor.crushDoom*/);
native play bool CreateFloor(sector sec, int floortype, line ln, double speed, double height = 0, int crush = -1, int change = 0, bool crushmode = false, bool hereticlower = false);
native void ExitLevel(int position, bool keepFacing);
native void SecretExitLevel(int position);
native void ChangeLevel(string levelname, int position = 0, int flags = 0, int skill = -1);
// a few values of this need to be readable by the play code.
// Most are handled at load time and are omitted here.
struct DehInfo native
native readonly int MaxSoulsphere;
native readonly uint8 ExplosionStyle;
native readonly double ExplosionAlpha;
native readonly int NoAutofreeze;
native readonly int BFGCells;
native readonly int BlueAC;
native readonly int MaxHealth;
struct State native
native readonly State NextState;
native readonly int sprite;
native readonly int16 Tics;
native readonly uint16 TicRange;
native readonly uint8 Frame;
native readonly uint8 UseFlags;
native readonly int Misc1;
native readonly int Misc2;
native readonly uint16 bSlow;
native readonly uint16 bFast;
native readonly bool bFullbright;
native readonly bool bNoDelay;
native readonly bool bSameFrame;
native readonly bool bCanRaise;
native readonly bool bDehacked;
native int DistanceTo(state other);
native bool ValidateSpriteFrame();
native TextureID, bool, Vector2 GetSpriteTexture(int rotation, int skin = 0, Vector2 scale = (0,0));
native bool InStateSequence(State base);
struct TerrainDef native
native Name TerrainName;
native int Splash;
native int DamageAmount;
native Name DamageMOD;
native int DamageTimeMask;
native double FootClip;
native float StepVolume;
native int WalkStepTics;
native int RunStepTics;
native Sound LeftStepSound;
native Sound RightStepSound;
native bool IsLiquid;
native bool AllowProtection;
native bool DamageOnLand;
native double Friction;
native double MoveFactor;
enum EPickStart
class SectorEffect : Thinker native
native protected Sector m_Sector;
native Sector GetSector();
class Mover : SectorEffect native
class MovingFloor : Mover native
class MovingCeiling : Mover native
class Floor : MovingFloor native
// only here so that some constants and functions can be added. Not directly usable yet.
enum EFloor
// Not to be used as parameters to DoFloor()
deprecated("3.8", "Use Level.CreateFloor() instead") static bool CreateFloor(sector sec, int floortype, line ln, double speed, double height = 0, int crush = -1, int change = 0, bool crushmode = false, bool hereticlower = false)
return level.CreateFloor(sec, floortype, ln, speed, height, crush, change, crushmode, hereticlower);
class Ceiling : MovingCeiling native
enum ECeiling
// The following are only used by Generic_Ceiling
enum ECrushMode
crushDoom = 0,
crushHexen = 1,
crushSlowdown = 2
deprecated("3.8", "Use Level.CreateCeiling() instead") static bool CreateCeiling(sector sec, int type, line ln, double speed, double speed2, double height = 0, int crush = -1, int silent = 0, int change = 0, int crushmode = crushDoom)
return level.CreateCeiling(sec, type, ln, speed, speed2, height, crush, silent, change, crushmode);
struct LookExParams
double Fov;
double minDist;
double maxDist;
double maxHeardist;
int flags;
State seestate;
class Lighting : SectorEffect native
struct Shader native
native clearscope static void SetEnabled(PlayerInfo player, string shaderName, bool enable);
native clearscope static void SetUniform1f(PlayerInfo player, string shaderName, string uniformName, float value);
native clearscope static void SetUniform2f(PlayerInfo player, string shaderName, string uniformName, vector2 value);
native clearscope static void SetUniform3f(PlayerInfo player, string shaderName, string uniformName, vector3 value);
native clearscope static void SetUniform1i(PlayerInfo player, string shaderName, string uniformName, int value);
struct FRailParams
native int damage;
native double offset_xy;
native double offset_z;
native int color1, color2;
native double maxdiff;
native int flags;
native Class<Actor> puff;
native double angleoffset;
native double pitchoffset;
native double distance;
native int duration;
native double sparsity;
native double drift;
native Class<Actor> spawnclass;
native int SpiralOffset;
native int limit;
}; // [RH] Shoot a railgun