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* libADLMIDI is a free MIDI to WAV conversion library with OPL3 emulation
* Original ADLMIDI code: Copyright (c) 2010-2014 Joel Yliluoma <bisqwit@iki.fi>
* ADLMIDI Library API: Copyright (c) 2015-2018 Vitaly Novichkov <admin@wohlnet.ru>
* Library is based on the ADLMIDI, a MIDI player for Linux and Windows with OPL3 emulation:
* http://iki.fi/bisqwit/source/adlmidi.html
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#ifndef ADLMIDI_H
#define ADLMIDI_H
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
#define ADLMIDI_TOSTR(s) #s
#include <stddef.h>
#if defined(__STDC_VERSION__) && (__STDC_VERSION__ >= 199901L)
#include <stdint.h>
typedef uint8_t ADL_UInt8;
typedef uint16_t ADL_UInt16;
typedef int8_t ADL_SInt8;
typedef int16_t ADL_SInt16;
typedef unsigned char ADL_UInt8;
typedef unsigned short ADL_UInt16;
typedef char ADL_SInt8;
typedef short ADL_SInt16;
enum ADLMIDI_VolumeModels
ADLMIDI_VolumeModel_AUTO = 0,
struct ADL_MIDIPlayer
void *adl_midiPlayer;
#define adl_setNumCards adl_setNumChips
/* Sets number of emulated chips (from 1 to 100). Emulation of multiple chips exchanges polyphony limits*/
extern int adl_setNumChips(struct ADL_MIDIPlayer *device, int numCards);
/* Get current number of emulated chips */
extern int adl_getNumChips(struct ADL_MIDIPlayer *device);
/* Sets a number of the patches bank from 0 to N banks. Is recommended to call adl_reset() to apply changes to already-loaded file player or real-time. */
extern int adl_setBank(struct ADL_MIDIPlayer *device, int bank);
/* Returns total number of available banks */
extern int adl_getBanksCount();
/* Returns pointer to array of names of every bank */
extern const char *const *adl_getBankNames();
/*Sets number of 4-operator channels between all chips.
By default, it is automatically re-calculating every bank change.
If you want to specify custom number of four operator channels,
please call this function after bank change (adl_setBank() or adl_openBank()),
otherwise, value will be overwritten by auto-calculated.*/
extern int adl_setNumFourOpsChn(struct ADL_MIDIPlayer *device, int ops4);
/*Get current total count of 4-operator channels between all chips*/
extern int adl_getNumFourOpsChn(struct ADL_MIDIPlayer *device);
/*Override Enable(1) or Disable(0) AdLib percussion mode. -1 - use bank default AdLib percussion mode*/
extern void adl_setPercMode(struct ADL_MIDIPlayer *device, int percmod);
/*Override Enable(1) or Disable(0) deep vibrato state. -1 - use bank default vibrato state*/
extern void adl_setHVibrato(struct ADL_MIDIPlayer *device, int hvibro);
/*Override Enable(1) or Disable(0) deep tremolo state. -1 - use bank default tremolo state*/
extern void adl_setHTremolo(struct ADL_MIDIPlayer *device, int htremo);
/*Override Enable(1) or Disable(0) scaling of modulator volumes. -1 - use bank default scaling of modulator volumes*/
extern void adl_setScaleModulators(struct ADL_MIDIPlayer *device, int smod);
/*Enable or disable built-in loop (built-in loop supports 'loopStart' and 'loopEnd' tags to loop specific part)*/
extern void adl_setLoopEnabled(struct ADL_MIDIPlayer *device, int loopEn);
/*Enable or disable Logariphmic volume changer */
extern void adl_setLogarithmicVolumes(struct ADL_MIDIPlayer *device, int logvol);
/*Set different volume range model */
extern void adl_setVolumeRangeModel(struct ADL_MIDIPlayer *device, int volumeModel);
/*Load WOPL bank file from File System. Is recommended to call adl_reset() to apply changes to already-loaded file player or real-time.*/
extern int adl_openBankFile(struct ADL_MIDIPlayer *device, const char *filePath);
/*Load WOPL bank file from memory data*/
extern int adl_openBankData(struct ADL_MIDIPlayer *device, const void *mem, unsigned long size);
/*Returns name of currently used OPL3 emulator*/
extern const char *adl_emulatorName();
typedef struct {
ADL_UInt16 major;
ADL_UInt16 minor;
ADL_UInt16 patch;
} ADL_Version;
/*Returns string which contains a version number*/
extern const char *adl_linkedLibraryVersion();
/*Returns structure which contains a version number of library */
extern const ADL_Version *adl_linkedVersion();
/*Returns string which contains last error message of initialization*/
extern const char *adl_errorString();
/*Returns string which contains last error message on specific device*/
extern const char *adl_errorInfo(struct ADL_MIDIPlayer *device);
/*Initialize ADLMIDI Player device*/
extern struct ADL_MIDIPlayer *adl_init(long sample_rate);
/*Load MIDI file from File System*/
extern int adl_openFile(struct ADL_MIDIPlayer *device, const char *filePath);
/*Load MIDI file from memory data*/
extern int adl_openData(struct ADL_MIDIPlayer *device, const void *mem, unsigned long size);
/*Resets MIDI player*/
extern void adl_reset(struct ADL_MIDIPlayer *device);
/*Get total time length of current song*/
extern double adl_totalTimeLength(struct ADL_MIDIPlayer *device);
/*Get loop start time if presented. -1 means MIDI file has no loop points */
extern double adl_loopStartTime(struct ADL_MIDIPlayer *device);
/*Get loop end time if presented. -1 means MIDI file has no loop points */
extern double adl_loopEndTime(struct ADL_MIDIPlayer *device);
/*Get current time position in seconds*/
extern double adl_positionTell(struct ADL_MIDIPlayer *device);
/*Jump to absolute time position in seconds*/
extern void adl_positionSeek(struct ADL_MIDIPlayer *device, double seconds);
/*Reset MIDI track position to begin */
extern void adl_positionRewind(struct ADL_MIDIPlayer *device);
/*Set tempo multiplier: 1.0 - original tempo, >1 - play faster, <1 - play slower */
extern void adl_setTempo(struct ADL_MIDIPlayer *device, double tempo);
/*Close and delete ADLMIDI device*/
extern void adl_close(struct ADL_MIDIPlayer *device);
/*Returns string which contains a music title*/
extern const char *adl_metaMusicTitle(struct ADL_MIDIPlayer *device);
/*Returns string which contains a copyright string*/
extern const char *adl_metaMusicCopyright(struct ADL_MIDIPlayer *device);
/*Returns count of available track titles: NOTE: there are CAN'T be associated with channel in any of event or note hooks */
extern size_t adl_metaTrackTitleCount(struct ADL_MIDIPlayer *device);
/*Get track title by index*/
extern const char *adl_metaTrackTitle(struct ADL_MIDIPlayer *device, size_t index);
struct Adl_MarkerEntry
const char *label;
double pos_time;
unsigned long pos_ticks;
/*Returns count of available markers*/
extern size_t adl_metaMarkerCount(struct ADL_MIDIPlayer *device);
/*Returns the marker entry*/
extern struct Adl_MarkerEntry adl_metaMarker(struct ADL_MIDIPlayer *device, size_t index);
/*Take a sample buffer and iterate MIDI timers */
extern int adl_play(struct ADL_MIDIPlayer *device, int sampleCount, short out[]);
/*Generate audio output from chip emulators without iteration of MIDI timers.*/
extern int adl_generate(struct ADL_MIDIPlayer *device, int sampleCount, short *out);
* @brief Periodic tick handler.
* @param device
* @param seconds seconds since last call
* @param granularity don't expect intervals smaller than this, in seconds
* @return desired number of seconds until next call
* Use it for Hardware OPL3 mode or when you want to process events differently from adl_play() function.
* DON'T USE IT TOGETHER WITH adl_play()!!!
extern double adl_tickEvents(struct ADL_MIDIPlayer *device, double seconds, double granuality);
/*Returns 1 if music position has reached end*/
extern int adl_atEnd(struct ADL_MIDIPlayer *device);
/*Force Off all notes on all channels*/
extern void adl_panic(struct ADL_MIDIPlayer *device);
/*Reset states of all controllers on all MIDI channels*/
extern void adl_rt_resetState(struct ADL_MIDIPlayer *device);
/*Turn specific MIDI note ON*/
extern int adl_rt_noteOn(struct ADL_MIDIPlayer *device, ADL_UInt8 channel, ADL_UInt8 note, ADL_UInt8 velocity);
/*Turn specific MIDI note OFF*/
extern void adl_rt_noteOff(struct ADL_MIDIPlayer *device, ADL_UInt8 channel, ADL_UInt8 note);
/*Set note after-touch*/
extern void adl_rt_noteAfterTouch(struct ADL_MIDIPlayer *device, ADL_UInt8 channel, ADL_UInt8 note, ADL_UInt8 atVal);
/*Set channel after-touch*/
extern void adl_rt_channelAfterTouch(struct ADL_MIDIPlayer *device, ADL_UInt8 channel, ADL_UInt8 atVal);
/*Apply controller change*/
extern void adl_rt_controllerChange(struct ADL_MIDIPlayer *device, ADL_UInt8 channel, ADL_UInt8 type, ADL_UInt8 value);
/*Apply patch change*/
extern void adl_rt_patchChange(struct ADL_MIDIPlayer *device, ADL_UInt8 channel, ADL_UInt8 patch);
/*Apply pitch bend change*/
extern void adl_rt_pitchBend(struct ADL_MIDIPlayer *device, ADL_UInt8 channel, ADL_UInt16 pitch);
/*Apply pitch bend change*/
extern void adl_rt_pitchBendML(struct ADL_MIDIPlayer *device, ADL_UInt8 channel, ADL_UInt8 msb, ADL_UInt8 lsb);
/*Change LSB of the bank*/
extern void adl_rt_bankChangeLSB(struct ADL_MIDIPlayer *device, ADL_UInt8 channel, ADL_UInt8 lsb);
/*Change MSB of the bank*/
extern void adl_rt_bankChangeMSB(struct ADL_MIDIPlayer *device, ADL_UInt8 channel, ADL_UInt8 msb);
/*Change bank by absolute signed value*/
extern void adl_rt_bankChange(struct ADL_MIDIPlayer *device, ADL_UInt8 channel, ADL_SInt16 bank);
typedef void (*ADL_RawEventHook)(void *userdata, ADL_UInt8 type, ADL_UInt8 subtype, ADL_UInt8 channel, const ADL_UInt8 *data, size_t len);
typedef void (*ADL_NoteHook)(void *userdata, int adlchn, int note, int ins, int pressure, double bend);
typedef void (*ADL_DebugMessageHook)(void *userdata, const char *fmt, ...);
/* Set raw MIDI event hook */
extern void adl_setRawEventHook(struct ADL_MIDIPlayer *device, ADL_RawEventHook rawEventHook, void *userData);
/* Set note hook */
extern void adl_setNoteHook(struct ADL_MIDIPlayer *device, ADL_NoteHook noteHook, void *userData);
/* Set debug message hook */
extern void adl_setDebugMessageHook(struct ADL_MIDIPlayer *device, ADL_DebugMessageHook debugMessageHook, void *userData);
#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif /* ADLMIDI_H */