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* libADLMIDI is a free MIDI to WAV conversion library with OPL3 emulation
* Original ADLMIDI code: Copyright (c) 2010-2014 Joel Yliluoma <bisqwit@iki.fi>
* ADLMIDI Library API: Copyright (c) 2015-2018 Vitaly Novichkov <admin@wohlnet.ru>
* Library is based on the ADLMIDI, a MIDI player for Linux and Windows with OPL3 emulation:
* http://iki.fi/bisqwit/source/adlmidi.html
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
// Setup compiler defines useful for exporting required public API symbols in gme.cpp
# if defined (_WIN32) && defined(ADLMIDI_BUILD_DLL)
# define ADLMIDI_EXPORT __declspec(dllexport)
# define ADLMIDI_EXPORT __attribute__((visibility ("default")))
# else
# endif
#ifdef _WIN32
#define NOMINMAX
#if defined(_WIN32) && !defined(__WATCOMC__)
# include <stdint.h>
# ifdef _MSC_VER
# ifdef _WIN64
typedef __int64 ssize_t;
# else
typedef __int32 ssize_t;
# endif
# define NOMINMAX //Don't override std::min and std::max
# else
# ifdef _WIN64
typedef int64_t ssize_t;
# else
typedef int32_t ssize_t;
# endif
# endif
# include <windows.h>
#if defined(__DJGPP__) || (defined(__WATCOMC__) && (defined(__DOS__) || defined(__DOS4G__) || defined(__DOS4GNZ__)))
#include <conio.h>
#ifdef __DJGPP__
#include <pc.h>
#include <dpmi.h>
#include <go32.h>
#include <sys/farptr.h>
#include <dos.h>
#include <vector>
#include <list>
#include <string>
//#ifdef __WATCOMC__
//#include <myset.h> //TODO: Implemnet a workaround for OpenWatcom to fix a crash while using those containers
//#include <mymap.h>
#include <map>
#include <set>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <cstring>
#include <cmath>
#include <cstdarg>
#include <cstdio>
#include <vector> // vector
#include <deque> // deque
#include <cmath> // exp, log, ceil
#if defined(__WATCOMC__)
#include <math.h> // round, sqrt
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <limits> // numeric_limit
#ifndef _WIN32
#include <errno.h>
#include <deque>
#include <algorithm>
#ifdef _MSC_VER
#pragma warning(disable:4319)
#pragma warning(disable:4267)
#pragma warning(disable:4244)
#pragma warning(disable:4146)
#include "fraction.hpp"
#include "dbopl.h"
#include "nukedopl3.h"
#include "adldata.hh"
#include "adlmidi.h" //Main API
#include "adlmidi.hpp" //Extra C++ API
#define ADL_UNUSED(x) (void)x
extern std::string ADLMIDI_ErrorString;
Smart pointer for C heaps, created with malloc() call.
FAQ: Why not std::shared_ptr? Because of Android NDK now doesn't supports it
template<class PTR>
class AdlMIDI_CPtr
PTR *m_p;
AdlMIDI_CPtr() : m_p(NULL) {}
void reset(PTR *p = NULL)
m_p = p;
PTR *get()
return m_p;
PTR &operator*()
return *m_p;
PTR *operator->()
return m_p;
class MIDIplay;
struct ADL_MIDIPlayer;
class OPL3
friend class MIDIplay;
friend class AdlInstrumentTester;
uint32_t NumChannels;
char ____padding[4];
ADL_MIDIPlayer *_parent;
std::vector<DBOPL::Handler> cards;
# else
std::vector<_opl3_chip> cards;
# endif
std::vector<size_t> ins; // index to adl[], cached, needed by Touch()
std::vector<uint8_t> pit; // value poked to B0, cached, needed by NoteOff)(
std::vector<uint8_t> regBD;
friend int adlRefreshNumCards(ADL_MIDIPlayer *device);
//! Meta information about every instrument
std::vector<adlinsdata> dynamic_metainstruments; // Replaces adlins[] when CMF file
//! Raw instrument data ready to be sent to the chip
std::vector<adldata> dynamic_instruments; // Replaces adl[] when CMF file
size_t dynamic_percussion_offset;
typedef std::map<uint16_t, size_t> BankMap;
BankMap dynamic_melodic_banks;
BankMap dynamic_percussion_banks;
const unsigned DynamicInstrumentTag /* = 0x8000u*/,
DynamicMetaInstrumentTag /* = 0x4000000u*/;
const adlinsdata &GetAdlMetaIns(size_t n);
size_t GetAdlMetaNumber(size_t midiins);
const adldata &GetAdlIns(size_t insno);
void setEmbeddedBank(unsigned int bank);
//! Total number of running concurrent emulated chips
unsigned int NumCards;
//! Currently running embedded bank number. "~0" means usign of the custom bank.
unsigned int AdlBank;
//! Total number of needed four-operator channels in all running chips
unsigned int NumFourOps;
//! Turn global Deep Tremolo mode on
bool HighTremoloMode;
//! Turn global Deep Vibrato mode on
bool HighVibratoMode;
//! Use AdLib percussion mode
bool AdlPercussionMode;
//! Carriers-only are scaled by default by volume level. This flag will tell to scale modulators too.
bool ScaleModulators;
//! Required to play CMF files. Can be turned on by using of "CMF" volume model
bool LogarithmicVolumes;
// ! Required to play EA-MUS files [REPLACED WITH "m_musicMode", DEPRECATED!!!]
//bool CartoonersVolumes;
enum MusicMode
} m_musicMode;
//! Just a padding. Reserved.
char ___padding2[3];
//! Volume models enum
enum VolumesScale
} m_volumeScale;
char ____padding3[8];
std::vector<char> four_op_category; // 1 = quad-master, 2 = quad-slave, 0 = regular
// 3 = percussion BassDrum
// 4 = percussion Snare
// 5 = percussion Tom
// 6 = percussion Crash cymbal
// 7 = percussion Hihat
// 8 = percussion slave
void Poke(size_t card, uint32_t index, uint32_t value);
void PokeN(size_t card, uint16_t index, uint8_t value);
void NoteOff(size_t c);
void NoteOn(unsigned c, double hertz);
void Touch_Real(unsigned c, unsigned volume, uint8_t brightness = 127);
//void Touch(unsigned c, unsigned volume)
void Patch(uint16_t c, size_t i);
void Pan(unsigned c, unsigned value);
void Silence();
void updateFlags();
void updateDeepFlags();
void ChangeVolumeRangesModel(ADLMIDI_VolumeModels volumeModel);
void Reset(unsigned long PCM_RATE);
* @brief Hooks of the internal events
struct MIDIEventHooks
MIDIEventHooks() :
//! Raw MIDI event hook
typedef void (*RawEventHook)(void *userdata, uint8_t type, uint8_t subtype, uint8_t channel, const uint8_t *data, size_t len);
RawEventHook onEvent;
void *onEvent_userData;
//! Note on/off hooks
typedef void (*NoteHook)(void *userdata, int adlchn, int note, int ins, int pressure, double bend);
NoteHook onNote;
void *onNote_userData;
//! Library internal debug messages
typedef void (*DebugMessageHook)(void *userdata, const char *fmt, ...);
DebugMessageHook onDebugMessage;
void *onDebugMessage_userData;
class MIDIplay
friend void adl_reset(struct ADL_MIDIPlayer*);
MIDIplay(unsigned long sampleRate = 22050);
void applySetup();
/**********************Internal structures and classes**********************/
* @brief A little class gives able to read filedata from disk and also from a memory segment
class fileReader
enum relTo
SET = 0,
CUR = 1,
END = 2
fp = NULL;
mp = NULL;
mp_size = 0;
mp_tell = 0;
void openFile(const char *path)
#if !defined(_WIN32) || defined(__WATCOMC__)
fp = std::fopen(path, "rb");
wchar_t widePath[MAX_PATH];
int size = MultiByteToWideChar(CP_UTF8, 0, path, (int)std::strlen(path), widePath, MAX_PATH);
widePath[size] = '\0';
fp = _wfopen(widePath, L"rb");
_fileName = path;
mp = NULL;
mp_size = 0;
mp_tell = 0;
void openData(const void *mem, size_t lenght)
fp = NULL;
mp = mem;
mp_size = lenght;
mp_tell = 0;
void seek(long pos, int rel_to)
std::fseek(fp, pos, rel_to);
case SET:
mp_tell = static_cast<size_t>(pos);
case END:
mp_tell = mp_size - static_cast<size_t>(pos);
case CUR:
mp_tell = mp_tell + static_cast<size_t>(pos);
if(mp_tell > mp_size)
mp_tell = mp_size;
inline void seeku(uint64_t pos, int rel_to)
seek(static_cast<long>(pos), rel_to);
size_t read(void *buf, size_t num, size_t size)
return std::fread(buf, num, size, fp);
size_t pos = 0;
size_t maxSize = static_cast<size_t>(size * num);
while((pos < maxSize) && (mp_tell < mp_size))
reinterpret_cast<unsigned char *>(buf)[pos] = reinterpret_cast<unsigned const char *>(mp)[mp_tell];
return pos;
int getc()
return std::getc(fp);
if(mp_tell >= mp_size) return -1;
int x = reinterpret_cast<unsigned const char *>(mp)[mp_tell];
return x;
size_t tell()
return static_cast<size_t>(std::ftell(fp));
return mp_tell;
void close()
if(fp) std::fclose(fp);
fp = NULL;
mp = NULL;
mp_size = 0;
mp_tell = 0;
bool isValid()
return (fp) || (mp);
bool eof()
return std::feof(fp);
return mp_tell >= mp_size;
std::string _fileName;
std::FILE *fp;
const void *mp;
size_t mp_size;
size_t mp_tell;
// Persistent settings for each MIDI channel
struct MIDIchannel
uint16_t portamento;
uint8_t bank_lsb, bank_msb;
uint8_t patch;
uint8_t volume, expression;
uint8_t panning, vibrato, sustain;
char ____padding[6];
double bend, bendsense;
double vibpos, vibspeed, vibdepth;
int64_t vibdelay;
uint8_t lastlrpn, lastmrpn;
bool nrpn;
uint8_t brightness;
bool is_xg_percussion;
struct NoteInfo
// Current pressure
uint8_t vol;
char ____padding[1];
// Tone selected on noteon:
int16_t tone;
char ____padding2[4];
// Patch selected on noteon; index to banks[AdlBank][]
size_t midiins;
// Index to physical adlib data structure, adlins[]
size_t insmeta;
struct Phys
//! ins, inde to adl[]
size_t insId;
//! Is this voice must be detunable?
bool pseudo4op;
bool operator==(const Phys &oth) const
return (insId == oth.insId) && (pseudo4op == oth.pseudo4op);
bool operator!=(const Phys &oth) const
return !operator==(oth);
typedef std::map<uint16_t, Phys> PhysMap;
// List of OPL3 channels it is currently occupying.
std::map<uint16_t /*adlchn*/, Phys> phys;
typedef std::map<uint8_t, NoteInfo> activenotemap_t;
typedef activenotemap_t::iterator activenoteiterator;
char ____padding2[5];
activenotemap_t activenotes;
void reset()
portamento = 0;
bank_lsb = 0;
bank_msb = 0;
patch = 0;
volume = 100;
expression = 127;
panning = 0x30;
vibrato = 0;
sustain = 0;
bend = 0.0;
bendsense = 2 / 8192.0;
vibpos = 0;
vibspeed = 2 * 3.141592653 * 5.0;
vibdepth = 0.5 / 127;
vibdelay = 0;
lastlrpn = 0;
lastmrpn = 0;
nrpn = false;
brightness = 127;
is_xg_percussion = false;
: activenotes()
// Additional information about OPL3 channels
struct AdlChannel
// For collisions
struct Location
uint16_t MidCh;
uint8_t note;
bool operator==(const Location &b) const
return MidCh == b.MidCh && note == b.note;
bool operator< (const Location &b) const
return MidCh < b.MidCh || (MidCh == b.MidCh && note < b.note);
char ____padding[1];
struct LocationData
bool sustained;
char ____padding[7];
MIDIchannel::NoteInfo::Phys ins; // a copy of that in phys[]
int64_t kon_time_until_neglible;
int64_t vibdelay;
typedef std::map<Location, LocationData> users_t;
users_t users;
// If the channel is keyoff'd
int64_t koff_time_until_neglible;
// For channel allocation:
AdlChannel(): users(), koff_time_until_neglible(0) { }
void AddAge(int64_t ms);
* @brief MIDI Event utility container
class MidiEvent
enum Types
T_UNKNOWN = 0x00,
T_NOTEOFF = 0x08,//size == 2
T_NOTEON = 0x09,//size == 2
T_NOTETOUCH = 0x0A,//size == 2
T_CTRLCHANGE = 0x0B,//size == 2
T_PATCHCHANGE = 0x0C,//size == 1
T_CHANAFTTOUCH = 0x0D,//size == 1
T_WHEEL = 0x0E,//size == 2
T_SYSEX = 0xF0,//size == len
T_SYSCOMSPOSPTR = 0xF2,//size == 2
T_SYSCOMSNGSEL = 0xF3,//size == 1
T_SYSEX2 = 0xF7,//size == len
enum SubTypes
ST_SEQNUMBER = 0x00,//size == 2
ST_TEXT = 0x01,//size == len
ST_COPYRIGHT = 0x02,//size == len
ST_SQTRKTITLE = 0x03,//size == len
ST_INSTRTITLE = 0x04,//size == len
ST_LYRICS = 0x05,//size == len
ST_MARKER = 0x06,//size == len
ST_CUEPOINT = 0x07,//size == len
ST_DEVICESWITCH = 0x09,//size == len <CUSTOM>
ST_MIDICHPREFIX = 0x20,//size == 1
ST_ENDTRACK = 0x2F,//size == 0
ST_TEMPOCHANGE = 0x51,//size == 3
ST_SMPTEOFFSET = 0x54,//size == 5
ST_TIMESIGNATURE = 0x55, //size == 4
ST_KEYSIGNATURE = 0x59,//size == 2
ST_SEQUENCERSPEC = 0x7F, //size == len
/* Non-standard, internal ADLMIDI usage only */
ST_LOOPSTART = 0xE1,//size == 0 <CUSTOM>
ST_LOOPEND = 0xE2,//size == 0 <CUSTOM>
ST_RAWOPL = 0xE3//size == 0 <CUSTOM>
//! Main type of event
uint8_t type;
//! Sub-type of the event
uint8_t subtype;
//! Targeted MIDI channel
uint8_t channel;
//! Is valid event
uint8_t isValid;
//! Reserved 5 bytes padding
uint8_t __padding[4];
//! Absolute tick position (Used for the tempo calculation only)
uint64_t absPosition;
//! Raw data of this event
std::vector<uint8_t> data;
* @brief A track position event contains a chain of MIDI events until next delay value
* Created with purpose to sort events by type in the same position
* (for example, to keep controllers always first than note on events or lower than note-off events)
class MidiTrackRow
void reset();
//! Absolute time position in seconds
double time;
//! Delay to next event in ticks
uint64_t delay;
//! Absolute position in ticks
uint64_t absPos;
//! Delay to next event in seconds
double timeDelay;
std::vector<MidiEvent> events;
* @brief Sort events in this position
void sortEvents(bool *noteStates = NULL);
* @brief Tempo change point entry. Used in the MIDI data building function only.
struct TempoChangePoint
uint64_t absPos;
fraction<uint64_t> tempo;
//P.S. I declared it here instead of local in-function because C++99 can't process templates with locally-declared structures
typedef std::list<MidiTrackRow> MidiTrackQueue;
// Information about each track
struct PositionNew
bool began;
char padding[7];
double wait;
double absTimePosition;
struct TrackInfo
size_t ptr;
uint64_t delay;
int status;
char padding2[4];
MidiTrackQueue::iterator pos;
TrackInfo(): ptr(0), delay(0), status(0) {}
std::vector<TrackInfo> track;
PositionNew(): began(false), wait(0.0), absTimePosition(0.0), track()
struct Setup
unsigned int AdlBank;
unsigned int NumFourOps;
unsigned int NumCards;
int HighTremoloMode;
int HighVibratoMode;
int AdlPercussionMode;
bool LogarithmicVolumes;
int VolumeModel;
//unsigned int SkipForward;
bool loopingIsEnabled;
int ScaleModulators;
double delay;
double carry;
/* The lag between visual content and audio content equals */
/* the sum of these two buffers. */
double mindelay;
double maxdelay;
/* For internal usage */
ssize_t tick_skip_samples_delay; /* Skip tick processing after samples count. */
/* For internal usage */
unsigned long PCM_RATE;
struct MIDI_MarkerEntry
std::string label;
double pos_time;
uint64_t pos_ticks;
std::vector<MIDIchannel> Ch;
bool cmf_percussion_mode;
MIDIEventHooks hooks;
std::map<std::string, uint64_t> devices;
std::map<uint64_t /*track*/, uint64_t /*channel begin index*/> current_device;
//Padding to fix CLanc code model's warning
char ____padding[7];
std::vector<AdlChannel> ch;
std::vector<std::vector<uint8_t> > TrackData;
PositionNew CurrentPositionNew, LoopBeginPositionNew, trackBeginPositionNew;
//! Full song length in seconds
double fullSongTimeLength;
//! Delay after song playd before rejecting the output stream requests
double postSongWaitDelay;
//! Loop start time
double loopStartTime;
//! Loop end time
double loopEndTime;
//! Local error string
std::string errorString;
//! Local error string
std::string errorStringOut;
//! Pre-processed track data storage
std::vector<MidiTrackQueue > trackDataNew;
//! Missing instruments catches
std::set<uint8_t> caugh_missing_instruments;
//! Missing melodic banks catches
std::set<uint16_t> caugh_missing_banks_melodic;
//! Missing percussion banks catches
std::set<uint16_t> caugh_missing_banks_percussion;
* @brief Build MIDI track data from the raw track data storage
* @return true if everything successfully processed, or false on any error
bool buildTrackData();
* @brief Parse one event from raw MIDI track stream
* @param [_inout] ptr pointer to pointer to current position on the raw data track
* @param [_in] end address to end of raw track data, needed to validate position and size
* @param [_inout] status status of the track processing
* @return Parsed MIDI event entry
MidiEvent parseEvent(uint8_t **ptr, uint8_t *end, int &status);
const std::string &getErrorString();
void setErrorString(const std::string &err);
std::string musTitle;
std::string musCopyright;
std::vector<std::string> musTrackTitles;
std::vector<MIDI_MarkerEntry> musMarkers;
fraction<uint64_t> InvDeltaTicks, Tempo;
//! Tempo multiplier
double tempoMultiplier;
bool atEnd,
invalidLoop; /*Loop points are invalid (loopStart after loopEnd or loopStart and loopEnd are on same place)*/
char ____padding2[2];
OPL3 opl;
int16_t outBuf[1024];
Setup m_setup;
static uint64_t ReadBEint(const void *buffer, size_t nbytes);
static uint64_t ReadLEint(const void *buffer, size_t nbytes);
* @brief Standard MIDI Variable-Length numeric value parser without of validation
* @param [_inout] ptr Pointer to memory block that contains begin of variable-length value
* @return Unsigned integer that conains parsed variable-length value
uint64_t ReadVarLen(uint8_t **ptr);
* @brief Secure Standard MIDI Variable-Length numeric value parser with anti-out-of-range protection
* @param [_inout] ptr Pointer to memory block that contains begin of variable-length value, will be iterated forward
* @param [_in end Pointer to end of memory block where variable-length value is stored (after end of track)
* @param [_out] ok Reference to boolean which takes result of variable-length value parsing
* @return Unsigned integer that conains parsed variable-length value
uint64_t ReadVarLenEx(uint8_t **ptr, uint8_t *end, bool &ok);
bool LoadBank(const std::string &filename);
bool LoadBank(const void *data, size_t size);
bool LoadBank(fileReader &fr);
bool LoadMIDI(const std::string &filename);
bool LoadMIDI(const void *data, size_t size);
bool LoadMIDI(fileReader &fr);
* @brief Periodic tick handler.
* @param s seconds since last call
* @param granularity don't expect intervals smaller than this, in seconds
* @return desired number of seconds until next call
double Tick(double s, double granularity);
* @brief Process extra iterators like vibrato or arpeggio
* @param s seconds since last call
void TickIteratos(double s);
* @brief Change current position to specified time position in seconds
* @param seconds Absolute time position in seconds
void seek(double seconds);
* @brief Gives current time position in seconds
* @return Current time position in seconds
double tell();
* @brief Gives time length of current song in seconds
* @return Time length of current song in seconds
double timeLength();
* @brief Gives loop start time position in seconds
* @return Loop start time position in seconds or -1 if song has no loop points
double getLoopStart();
* @brief Gives loop end time position in seconds
* @return Loop end time position in seconds or -1 if song has no loop points
double getLoopEnd();
* @brief Return to begin of current song
void rewind();
* @brief Set tempo multiplier
* @param tempo Tempo multiplier: 1.0 - original tempo. >1 - faster, <1 - slower
void setTempo(double tempo);
/* RealTime event triggers */
void realTime_ResetState();
bool realTime_NoteOn(uint8_t channel, uint8_t note, uint8_t velocity);
void realTime_NoteOff(uint8_t channel, uint8_t note);
void realTime_NoteAfterTouch(uint8_t channel, uint8_t note, uint8_t atVal);
void realTime_ChannelAfterTouch(uint8_t channel, uint8_t atVal);
void realTime_Controller(uint8_t channel, uint8_t type, uint8_t value);
void realTime_PatchChange(uint8_t channel, uint8_t patch);
void realTime_PitchBend(uint8_t channel, uint16_t pitch);
void realTime_PitchBend(uint8_t channel, uint8_t msb, uint8_t lsb);
void realTime_BankChangeLSB(uint8_t channel, uint8_t lsb);
void realTime_BankChangeMSB(uint8_t channel, uint8_t msb);
void realTime_BankChange(uint8_t channel, uint16_t bank);
void realTime_panic();
Upd_Patch = 0x1,
Upd_Pan = 0x2,
Upd_Volume = 0x4,
Upd_Pitch = 0x8,
Upd_All = Upd_Pan + Upd_Volume + Upd_Pitch,
Upd_Off = 0x20
void NoteUpdate(uint16_t MidCh,
MIDIchannel::activenoteiterator i,
unsigned props_mask,
int32_t select_adlchn = -1);
bool ProcessEventsNew(bool isSeek = false);
void HandleEvent(size_t tk, const MidiEvent &evt, int &status);
// Determine how good a candidate this adlchannel
// would be for playing a note from this instrument.
long CalculateAdlChannelGoodness(unsigned c, const MIDIchannel::NoteInfo::Phys &ins, uint16_t /*MidCh*/) const;
// A new note will be played on this channel using this instrument.
// Kill existing notes on this channel (or don't, if we do arpeggio)
void PrepareAdlChannelForNewNote(size_t c, const MIDIchannel::NoteInfo::Phys &ins);
void KillOrEvacuate(
size_t from_channel,
AdlChannel::users_t::iterator j,
MIDIchannel::activenoteiterator i);
void Panic();
void KillSustainingNotes(int32_t MidCh = -1, int32_t this_adlchn = -1);
void SetRPN(unsigned MidCh, unsigned value, bool MSB);
//void UpdatePortamento(unsigned MidCh)
void NoteUpdate_All(uint16_t MidCh, unsigned props_mask);
void NoteOff(uint16_t MidCh, uint8_t note);
void UpdateVibrato(double amount);
void UpdateArpeggio(double /*amount*/);
uint64_t ChooseDevice(const std::string &name);
// I think, this is useless inside of Library
struct FourChars
char ret[4];
FourChars(const char *s)
for(unsigned c = 0; c < 4; ++c)
ret[c] = s[c];
FourChars(unsigned w) // Little-endian
for(unsigned c = 0; c < 4; ++c)
ret[c] = static_cast<int8_t>((w >>(c * 8)) & 0xFF);
extern int adlRefreshNumCards(ADL_MIDIPlayer *device);