
2088 lines
54 KiB
Raw Normal View History

#include <assert.h>
#include "info.h"
#include "m_random.h"
#include "p_local.h"
#include "s_sound.h"
#include "gi.h"
#include "p_lnspec.h"
#include "a_hereticglobal.h"
#include "sbar.h"
#include "statnums.h"
#include "c_dispatch.h"
#include "gstrings.h"
#include "templates.h"
May 6, 2006 (Changes by Graf Zahl) - Converted a_zombie.cpp and most of a_strifestuff.cpp to DECORATE. - Converted a_strifekeys.cpp to DECORATE and moved the pickup messages to the string table. - Removed the WIF_HITS_GHOSTS weapon flag and replaced it with MF2_THRUGHOST. There is no need to keep two flags around with virtually the same meaning. - Changed the ShadowArmor to use the VISIBILITYPULSE flag to change its translucency. It looks much better now than the cheap code pointer based blinking it used before. - Converted most of a_strifeitems.cpp to DECORATE and moved the pickup messages to the string table. - Converted a_strifearmor.cpp to DECORATE and moved the pickup messages to the string table. - Moved the messages for killing spectres to the string table. - Converted the quest items to DECORATE. Also changed A_GiveQuestItem to get the messages it prints from the string table instead of the quest item's tag string. May 5, 2006 (Changes by Graf Zahl) - Removed the hopelessly outdated thingdef_doc.txt file from the repository. - Converted a_peasant.cpp and a_ratbuddy.cpp to DECORATE. - Fixed: C_DoKey didn't treat an empty string as 'no binding' when checking for valid double bindings. - Converted a_merchants.cpp to DECORATE. - Added MF5_NODAMAGE flag to generalize the behavior of Strife's merchants which can be shot but take no damage from getting hurt. - Converted a_beggars.cpp to DECORATE. - Added an Inventory.GiveQuest property. This makes it possible to define all of Strife's original items that also give a quest item in DECORATE but it is also useful to define items like the ones in Day of the Acolyte without ugly workarounds. - Added a Tag property and Strife teaser conversation IDs to DECORATE so now it is possible to define many of Strife's items. - Added a FastSpeed property to DECORATE so that projectiles can finally be assigned a higher speed for fast mode. - Added a ACS_LockedExecuteDoor special. It is basically the same as the existing ACS_LockedExecute but it uses the 'door' message instead of 'remote'. This cannot be integrated into ACS_LockedExecute because all its arguments are already in use. - Added a fully customizable A_CustomMeleeAttack function for DECORATE. SVN r83 (trunk)
2006-05-07 00:27:22 +00:00
#include "a_strifeglobal.h"
static FRandom pr_restore ("RestorePos");
PROP_Inventory_PickupSound ("misc/ammo_pkup")
// AAmmo :: Serialize
void AAmmo::Serialize (FArchive &arc)
Super::Serialize (arc);
2006-04-11 16:27:41 +00:00
arc << BackpackAmount << BackpackMaxAmount;
// AAmmo :: GetParentAmmo
// Returns the least-derived ammo type that this ammo is a descendant of.
// That is, if this ammo is an immediate subclass of Ammo, then this ammo's
// type is returned. If this ammo's superclass is not Ammo, then this
// function travels up the inheritance chain until it finds a type that is
// an immediate subclass of Ammo and returns that.
// The intent of this is that all unique ammo types will be immediate
// subclasses of Ammo. To make different pickups with different ammo amounts,
// you subclass the type of ammo you want a different amount for and edit
// that.
const PClass *AAmmo::GetParentAmmo () const
const PClass *type = GetClass ();
while (type->ParentClass != RUNTIME_CLASS(AAmmo))
type = type->ParentClass;
return type;
// AAmmo :: HandlePickup
bool AAmmo::HandlePickup (AInventory *item)
if (GetClass() == item->GetClass() ||
(item->IsKindOf (RUNTIME_CLASS(AAmmo)) && static_cast<AAmmo*>(item)->GetParentAmmo() == GetClass()))
if (Amount < MaxAmount)
int receiving = item->Amount;
// extra ammo in baby mode and nightmare mode
if (gameskill == sk_baby || (gameskill == sk_nightmare && gameinfo.gametype != GAME_Strife))
if (gameinfo.gametype & (GAME_Doom|GAME_Strife))
receiving <<= 1;
receiving += receiving >> 1;
int oldamount = Amount;
Amount += receiving;
if (Amount > MaxAmount)
Amount = MaxAmount;
item->ItemFlags |= IF_PICKUPGOOD;
// If the player previously had this ammo but ran out, possibly switch
// to a weapon that uses it, but only if the player doesn't already
// have a weapon pending.
assert (Owner != NULL);
if (oldamount == 0 && Owner != NULL && Owner->player != NULL &&
!Owner->player->userinfo.neverswitch &&
Owner->player->PendingWeapon == WP_NOCHANGE &&
(Owner->player->ReadyWeapon == NULL ||
(Owner->player->ReadyWeapon->WeaponFlags & WIF_WIMPY_WEAPON)))
AWeapon *best = static_cast<APlayerPawn *>(Owner)->BestWeapon (GetClass());
if (best != NULL && (Owner->player->ReadyWeapon == NULL ||
best->SelectionOrder < Owner->player->ReadyWeapon->SelectionOrder))
Owner->player->PendingWeapon = best;
return true;
if (Inventory != NULL)
return Inventory->HandlePickup (item);
return false;
// AAmmo :: CreateCopy
AInventory *AAmmo::CreateCopy (AActor *other)
AInventory *copy;
int amount = Amount;
// extra ammo in baby mode and nightmare mode
if (gameskill == sk_baby || (gameskill == sk_nightmare && gameinfo.gametype != GAME_Strife))
if (gameinfo.gametype & (GAME_Doom|GAME_Strife))
amount <<= 1;
amount += amount >> 1;
if (GetClass()->ParentClass != RUNTIME_CLASS(AAmmo))
const PClass *type = GetParentAmmo();
if (!GoAway ())
Destroy ();
copy = static_cast<AInventory *>(Spawn (type, 0, 0, 0));
copy->Amount = amount;
copy->BecomeItem ();
copy = Super::CreateCopy (other);
copy->Amount = amount;
if (copy->Amount > copy->MaxAmount)
{ // Don't pick up more ammo than you're supposed to be able to carry.
copy->Amount = copy->MaxAmount;
return copy;
/* Keys *******************************************************************/
// FUNC P_GiveBody
// Returns false if the body isn't needed at all.
bool P_GiveBody (AActor *actor, int num)
int max;
player_t *player = actor->player;
if (player != NULL)
max = ((compatflags&COMPATF_DEHHEALTH)? 100 : deh.MaxHealth) + player->stamina;
if (player->morphTics)
// [RH] For Strife: A negative body sets you up with a percentage
// of your full health.
if (num < 0)
num = max * -num / 100;
if (player->health < num)
player->health = num;
actor->health = num;
return true;
if (player->health < max)
player->health += num;
if (player->health > max)
player->health = max;
actor->health = player->health;
return true;
max = actor->GetDefault()->health;
if (num < 0)
num = max * -num / 100;
if (actor->health < num)
actor->health = num;
return true;
else if (actor->health < max)
actor->health += num;
if (actor->health > max)
actor->health = max;
return true;
return false;
// PROC A_RestoreSpecialThing1
// Make a special thing visible again.
void A_RestoreSpecialThing1 (AActor *thing)
thing->renderflags &= ~RF_INVISIBLE;
if (static_cast<AInventory *>(thing)->DoRespawn ())
S_Sound (thing, CHAN_VOICE, "misc/spawn", 1, ATTN_IDLE);
// PROC A_RestoreSpecialThing2
void A_RestoreSpecialThing2 (AActor *thing)
thing->flags |= MF_SPECIAL;
if (!(thing->GetDefault()->flags & MF_NOGRAVITY))
thing->flags &= ~MF_NOGRAVITY;
thing->SetState (thing->SpawnState);
/* AItemFog, shown for respawning Doom and Strife items */
class AItemFog : public AActor
FState AItemFog::States[] =
S_BRIGHT (IFOG, 'A', 6, NULL , &States[1]),
S_BRIGHT (IFOG, 'B', 6, NULL , &States[2]),
S_BRIGHT (IFOG, 'A', 6, NULL , &States[3]),
S_BRIGHT (IFOG, 'B', 6, NULL , &States[4]),
S_BRIGHT (IFOG, 'C', 6, NULL , &States[5]),
S_BRIGHT (IFOG, 'D', 6, NULL , &States[6]),
IMPLEMENT_ACTOR (AItemFog, Doom, -1, 0)
PROP_SpawnState (0)
// PROC A_RestoreSpecialDoomThing
void A_RestoreSpecialDoomThing (AActor *self)
self->renderflags &= ~RF_INVISIBLE;
self->flags |= MF_SPECIAL;
if (!(self->GetDefault()->flags & MF_NOGRAVITY))
self->flags &= ~MF_NOGRAVITY;
if (static_cast<AInventory *>(self)->DoRespawn ())
self->SetState (self->SpawnState);
S_Sound (self, CHAN_VOICE, "misc/spawn", 1, ATTN_IDLE);
Spawn<AItemFog> (self->x, self->y, self->z);
// PROP A_RestoreSpecialPosition
void A_RestoreSpecialPosition (AActor *self)
// Move item back to its original location
fixed_t _x, _y;
sector_t *sec;
_x = self->SpawnPoint[0] << FRACBITS;
_y = self->SpawnPoint[1] << FRACBITS;
sec = R_PointInSubsector (_x, _y)->sector;
self->SetOrigin (_x, _y, sec->floorplane.ZatPoint (_x, _y));
P_CheckPosition (self, _x, _y);
if (self->flags & MF_SPAWNCEILING)
self->z = self->ceilingz - self->height - (self->SpawnPoint[2] << FRACBITS);
else if (self->flags2 & MF2_SPAWNFLOAT)
fixed_t space = self->ceilingz - self->height - self->floorz;
if (space > 48*FRACUNIT)
space -= 40*FRACUNIT;
self->z = ((space * pr_restore())>>8) + self->floorz + 40*FRACUNIT;
self->z = self->floorz;
self->z = (self->SpawnPoint[2] << FRACBITS) + self->floorz;
if (self->flags2 & MF2_FLOATBOB)
self->z += FloatBobOffsets[(self->FloatBobPhase + level.maptime) & 63];
// Pickup flash -------------------------------------------------------------
class APickupFlash : public AActor
DECLARE_ACTOR (APickupFlash, AActor)
FState APickupFlash::States[] =
S_NORMAL (ACLO, 'D', 3, NULL , &States[1]),
S_NORMAL (ACLO, 'C', 3, NULL , &States[2]),
S_NORMAL (ACLO, 'D', 3, NULL , &States[3]),
S_NORMAL (ACLO, 'C', 3, NULL , &States[4]),
S_NORMAL (ACLO, 'B', 3, NULL , &States[5]),
S_NORMAL (ACLO, 'C', 3, NULL , &States[6]),
S_NORMAL (ACLO, 'B', 3, NULL , &States[7]),
S_NORMAL (ACLO, 'A', 3, NULL , &States[8]),
S_NORMAL (ACLO, 'B', 3, NULL , &States[9]),
IMPLEMENT_ACTOR (APickupFlash, Raven, -1, 0)
PROP_SpawnState (0)
/* AInventory implementation */
FState AInventory::States[] =
S_NORMAL (TNT1, 'A', 1050, NULL , &States[S_HIDEDOOMISH+1]),
S_NORMAL (TNT1, 'A', 0, A_RestoreSpecialPosition , &States[S_HIDEDOOMISH+2]),
S_NORMAL (TNT1, 'A', 1, A_RestoreSpecialDoomThing , NULL),
S_NORMAL (ACLO, 'E', 1400, NULL , &States[S_HIDESPECIAL+1]),
S_NORMAL (ACLO, 'A', 0, A_RestoreSpecialPosition , &States[S_HIDESPECIAL+2]),
S_NORMAL (ACLO, 'A', 4, A_RestoreSpecialThing1 , &States[S_HIDESPECIAL+3]),
S_NORMAL (ACLO, 'D', 4, NULL , &States[S_HIDESPECIAL+10]),
S_NORMAL (ACLO, 'C', 4, NULL , &States[S_HIDESPECIAL+11]),
S_NORMAL (ACLO, 'D', 4, A_RestoreSpecialThing2 , NULL),
S_NORMAL (TNT1, 'A', -1, NULL , NULL),
int AInventory::StaticLastMessageTic;
const char *AInventory::StaticLastMessage;
BEGIN_DEFAULTS (AInventory, Any, -1, 0)
PROP_Inventory_Amount (1)
PROP_Inventory_MaxAmount (1)
PROP_UseSound ("misc/invuse")
PROP_Inventory_PickupSound ("misc/i_pkup")
// AInventory :: Tick
void AInventory::Tick ()
Super::Tick ();
if (DropTime)
if (--DropTime == 0)
flags |= GetDefault()->flags & (MF_SPECIAL|MF_SOLID);
// AInventory :: Serialize
void AInventory::Serialize (FArchive &arc)
Super::Serialize (arc);
arc << Owner << Amount << MaxAmount << RespawnTics << ItemFlags;
if (arc.IsStoring ())
TexMan.WriteTexture (arc, Icon);
Icon = TexMan.ReadTexture (arc);
2006-04-11 16:27:41 +00:00
arc << AR_SOUNDW(PickupSound);
// AInventory :: SpecialDropAction
// Called by P_DropItem. Return true to prevent the standard drop tossing.
// A few Strife items that are meant to trigger actions rather than be
// picked up use this. Normal items shouldn't need it.
bool AInventory::SpecialDropAction (AActor *dropper)
return false;
// AInventory :: ShouldRespawn
// Returns true if the item should hide itself and reappear later when picked
// up.
bool AInventory::ShouldRespawn ()
May 3, 2006 (Changes by Graf Zahl) - Removed doom.x, heretic.x and strife.x from the SVN repository. These are generated files. - Fixed: A_PainDie has to check whether a valid target exists before calling IsFriend. - Fixed: FDecalLib::FindAnimator needs a signed counter to work properly. May 1, 2006 (Changes by Graf Zahl) - Added support for game specific pickup messages, if only to be able to define Raven's invulnerability item in DECORATE. - Removed A_TreeDeath because it is no longer used. - Fixed: When picking up a PowerupGiver for an active powerup the blend color and the duration were transferred to a temorary item and never took effect. They have to be trnasferred to the newly created powerup item before trying to give it to the player, not afterward. - Made the colormap of the InvulnerabilitySphere item specific. The base power class still needs to have its color adjusted per game though and since Raven's invulnerability item is used in both Hexen and Heretic it can't define its own colormap/blend. - Separated the invulnerability colormaps from the game being played and made them item specific. They can also be specified as regular blend colors in DECORATE now. - Converted a_hereticarmor.cpp and most of a_doomartifacts.cpp, a_hereticartifacts.cpp and a_heretickeys.cpp to DECORATE. - Changed the Soulsphere to be a real health item with the Dehacked modifications made in d_dehacked.cpp as for most other items which need to be adjusted. - Added IF_BIGPOWERUP flag to AInventory to expose the RESPAWN_SUPER dmflag to DECORATE. Also removed the now obsolete ShouldRespawn methods from AInvulnerabilitySphere and ABlurSphere. - Converted a_splashes.cpp to DECORATE. - Converted most of a_debris.cpp to DECORATE. SVN r73 (trunk)
2006-05-03 14:54:48 +00:00
if ((ItemFlags & IF_BIGPOWERUP) && !(dmflags & DF_RESPAWN_SUPER)) return false;
return !!(dmflags & DF_ITEMS_RESPAWN);
// AInventory :: BeginPlay
void AInventory::BeginPlay ()
Super::BeginPlay ();
flags |= MF_DROPPED; // [RH] Items are dropped by default
// AInventory :: Travelled
// Called when an item in somebody's inventory is carried over to another
// map, in case it needs to do special reinitialization.
void AInventory::Travelled ()
// AInventory :: HandlePickup
// Returns true if the pickup was handled (or should not happen at all),
// false if not.
bool AInventory::HandlePickup (AInventory *item)
if (item->GetClass() == GetClass())
if (Amount < MaxAmount)
Amount += item->Amount;
if (Amount > MaxAmount)
Amount = MaxAmount;
item->ItemFlags |= IF_PICKUPGOOD;
return true;
if (Inventory != NULL)
return Inventory->HandlePickup (item);
return false;
// AInventory :: GoAway
// Returns true if you must create a copy of this item to give to the player
// or false if you can use this one instead.
bool AInventory::GoAway ()
// Dropped items never stick around
if (flags & MF_DROPPED)
if (ItemFlags & IF_PICKUPFLASH)
Spawn<APickupFlash> (x, y, z);
return false;
if (!ShouldStay ())
if (ItemFlags & IF_PICKUPFLASH)
Spawn<APickupFlash> (x, y, z);
Hide ();
if (ShouldRespawn ())
return true;
return false;
return true;
// AInventory :: GoAwayAndDie
// Like GoAway but used by items that don't insert themselves into the
// inventory. If they won't be respawning, then they can destroy themselves.
void AInventory::GoAwayAndDie ()
if (!GoAway ())
flags &= ~MF_SPECIAL;
SetState (&States[S_HOLDANDDESTROY]);
// AInventory :: CreateCopy
// Returns an actor suitable for placing in an inventory, either itself or
// a copy based on whether it needs to respawn or not. Returning NULL
// indicates the item should not be picked up.
AInventory *AInventory::CreateCopy (AActor *other)
AInventory *copy;
if (GoAway ())
copy = static_cast<AInventory *>(Spawn (GetClass(), 0, 0, 0));
copy->Amount = Amount;
copy->MaxAmount = MaxAmount;
copy = this;
return copy;
// AInventory::CreateTossable
// Creates a copy of the item suitable for dropping. If this actor embodies
// only one item, then it is tossed out itself. Otherwise, the count drops
// by one and a new item with an amount of 1 is spawned.
AInventory *AInventory::CreateTossable ()
AInventory *copy;
// If this actor lacks a SpawnState, don't drop it. (e.g. A base weapon
// like the fist can't be dropped because you'll never see it.)
if (SpawnState == &AActor::States[AActor::S_NULL] ||
SpawnState == NULL)
return NULL;
if ((ItemFlags & IF_UNDROPPABLE) || Owner == NULL || Amount <= 0)
return NULL;
if (Amount == 1 && !IsKindOf (RUNTIME_CLASS(AAmmo)))
BecomePickup ();
DropTime = 30;
flags &= ~(MF_SPECIAL|MF_SOLID);
return this;
copy = static_cast<AInventory *>(Spawn (GetClass(), Owner->x,
Owner->y, Owner->z));
if (copy != NULL)
copy->MaxAmount = MaxAmount;
copy->Amount = 1;
copy->DropTime = 30;
copy->flags &= ~(MF_SPECIAL|MF_SOLID);
return copy;
// AInventory :: BecomeItem
// Lets this actor know that it's about to be placed in an inventory.
void AInventory::BecomeItem ()
UnlinkFromWorld ();
if (sector_list)
P_DelSeclist (sector_list);
sector_list = NULL;
LinkToWorld ();
RemoveFromHash ();
flags &= ~MF_SPECIAL;
SetState (&States[S_HELD]);
// AInventory :: BecomePickup
// Lets this actor know it should wait to be picked up.
void AInventory::BecomePickup ()
if (Owner != NULL)
Owner->RemoveInventory (this);
UnlinkFromWorld ();
LinkToWorld ();
P_FindFloorCeiling (this);
flags = GetDefault()->flags | MF_DROPPED;
renderflags &= ~RF_INVISIBLE;
SetState (SpawnState);
// AInventory :: AbsorbDamage
// Allows inventory items (primarily armor) to reduce the amount of damage
// taken. Damage is the amount of damage that would be done without armor,
// and newdamage is the amount that should be done after the armor absorbs
// it.
void AInventory::AbsorbDamage (int damage, int damageType, int &newdamage)
if (Inventory != NULL)
Inventory->AbsorbDamage (damage, damageType, newdamage);
// AInventory :: AlterWeaponSprite
// Allows inventory items to alter a player's weapon sprite just before it
// is drawn.
void AInventory::AlterWeaponSprite (vissprite_t *vis)
if (Inventory != NULL)
Inventory->AlterWeaponSprite (vis);
// AInventory :: Use
bool AInventory::Use (bool pickup)
return false;
// AInventory :: Hide
// Hides this actor until it's time to respawn again.
void AInventory::Hide ()
flags = (flags & ~MF_SPECIAL) | MF_NOGRAVITY;
renderflags |= RF_INVISIBLE;
if (gameinfo.gametype & GAME_Raven)
SetState (&States[S_HIDESPECIAL]);
tics = 1400;
SetState (&States[S_HIDEDOOMISH]);
tics = 1050;
if (RespawnTics != 0)
tics = RespawnTics;
2006-04-30 21:49:18 +00:00
static void PrintPickupMessage (const char *str)
if (str != NULL)
if (str[0]=='$')
2006-04-30 21:49:18 +00:00
2006-04-30 21:49:18 +00:00
Printf (PRINT_LOW, "%s\n", str);
// AInventory :: Touch
// Handles collisions from another actor, possible adding itself to the
// collider's inventory.
void AInventory::Touch (AActor *toucher)
// If a voodoo doll touches something, pretend the real player touched it instead.
if (toucher->player != NULL)
toucher = toucher->player->mo;
if (!TryPickup (toucher))
if (!(ItemFlags & IF_QUIET))
const char *message = GetClass()->Meta.GetMetaString (AIMETA_PickupMessage);
if (message == NULL)
message = PickupMessage ();
if (toucher->CheckLocalView (consoleplayer)
&& (StaticLastMessageTic != gametic || StaticLastMessage != message))
StaticLastMessageTic = gametic;
StaticLastMessage = message;
2006-04-30 21:49:18 +00:00
PrintPickupMessage (message);
StatusBar->FlashCrosshair ();
// Special check so voodoo dolls picking up items cause the
// real player to make noise.
if (toucher->player != NULL)
PlayPickupSound (toucher->player->mo);
toucher->player->bonuscount = BONUSADD;
PlayPickupSound (toucher);
2006-04-30 21:49:18 +00:00
// [RH] Execute an attached special (if any)
DoPickupSpecial (toucher);
if (flags & MF_COUNTITEM)
if (toucher->player != NULL)
//Added by MC: Check if item taken was the roam destination of any bot
for (int i = 0; i < MAXPLAYERS; i++)
if (playeringame[i] && this == players[i].dest)
players[i].dest = NULL;
// AInventory :: DoPickupSpecial
// Executes this actor's special when it is picked up.
void AInventory::DoPickupSpecial (AActor *toucher)
if (special)
LineSpecials[special] (NULL, toucher, false,
args[0], args[1], args[2], args[3], args[4]);
special = 0;
// AInventory :: PickupMessage
// Returns the message to print when this actor is picked up.
const char *AInventory::PickupMessage ()
return "You got a pickup";
// AInventory :: PlayPickupSound
void AInventory::PlayPickupSound (AActor *toucher)
S_SoundID (toucher, CHAN_PICKUP, PickupSound, 1,
(toucher == NULL || toucher->CheckLocalView (consoleplayer))
// AInventory :: ShouldStay
// Returns true if the item should not disappear, even temporarily.
bool AInventory::ShouldStay ()
return false;
// AInventory :: Destroy
void AInventory::Destroy ()
if (Owner != NULL)
Owner->RemoveInventory (this);
Inventory = NULL;
Super::Destroy ();
// AInventory :: GetBlend
// Returns a color to blend to the player's view as long as they possess this
// item.
PalEntry AInventory::GetBlend ()
return 0;
// AInventory :: PrevItem
// Returns the previous item.
AInventory *AInventory::PrevItem () const
AInventory *item = Owner->Inventory;
while (item != NULL && item->Inventory != this)
item = item->Inventory;
return item;
// AInventory :: PrevInv
// Returns the previous item with IF_INVBAR set.
AInventory *AInventory::PrevInv () const
AInventory *lastgood = NULL;
AInventory *item = Owner->Inventory;
while (item != NULL && item != this)
if (item->ItemFlags & IF_INVBAR)
lastgood = item;
item = item->Inventory;
return lastgood;
// AInventory :: NextInv
// Returns the next item with IF_INVBAR set.
AInventory *AInventory::NextInv () const
AInventory *item = Inventory;
while (item != NULL && !(item->ItemFlags & IF_INVBAR))
item = item->Inventory;
return item;
// AInventory :: DrawPowerup
// Gives this item a chance to draw a special status indicator on the screen.
// Returns false if it didn't draw anything.
bool AInventory::DrawPowerup (int x, int y)
return false;
/* AArtifact implementation */
PROP_Inventory_RespawnTics (30+1400)
PROP_Inventory_PickupSound ("misc/p_pkup")
// AInventory :: DoRespawn
bool AInventory::DoRespawn ()
return true;
May 6, 2006 (Changes by Graf Zahl) - Converted a_zombie.cpp and most of a_strifestuff.cpp to DECORATE. - Converted a_strifekeys.cpp to DECORATE and moved the pickup messages to the string table. - Removed the WIF_HITS_GHOSTS weapon flag and replaced it with MF2_THRUGHOST. There is no need to keep two flags around with virtually the same meaning. - Changed the ShadowArmor to use the VISIBILITYPULSE flag to change its translucency. It looks much better now than the cheap code pointer based blinking it used before. - Converted most of a_strifeitems.cpp to DECORATE and moved the pickup messages to the string table. - Converted a_strifearmor.cpp to DECORATE and moved the pickup messages to the string table. - Moved the messages for killing spectres to the string table. - Converted the quest items to DECORATE. Also changed A_GiveQuestItem to get the messages it prints from the string table instead of the quest item's tag string. May 5, 2006 (Changes by Graf Zahl) - Removed the hopelessly outdated thingdef_doc.txt file from the repository. - Converted a_peasant.cpp and a_ratbuddy.cpp to DECORATE. - Fixed: C_DoKey didn't treat an empty string as 'no binding' when checking for valid double bindings. - Converted a_merchants.cpp to DECORATE. - Added MF5_NODAMAGE flag to generalize the behavior of Strife's merchants which can be shot but take no damage from getting hurt. - Converted a_beggars.cpp to DECORATE. - Added an Inventory.GiveQuest property. This makes it possible to define all of Strife's original items that also give a quest item in DECORATE but it is also useful to define items like the ones in Day of the Acolyte without ugly workarounds. - Added a Tag property and Strife teaser conversation IDs to DECORATE so now it is possible to define many of Strife's items. - Added a FastSpeed property to DECORATE so that projectiles can finally be assigned a higher speed for fast mode. - Added a ACS_LockedExecuteDoor special. It is basically the same as the existing ACS_LockedExecute but it uses the 'door' message instead of 'remote'. This cannot be integrated into ACS_LockedExecute because all its arguments are already in use. - Added a fully customizable A_CustomMeleeAttack function for DECORATE. SVN r83 (trunk)
2006-05-07 00:27:22 +00:00
// AInventory :: GiveQuest
void AInventory::GiveQuest (AActor *toucher)
int quest = GetClass()->Meta.GetMetaInt(AIMETA_GiveQuest);
if (quest>0 && quest<31)
toucher->GiveInventoryType (QuestItemClasses[quest-1]);
// AInventory :: TryPickup
bool AInventory::TryPickup (AActor *toucher)
// If HandlePickup() returns true, it will set the IF_PICKUPGOOD flag
// to indicate that this item has been picked up. If the item cannot be
// picked up, then it leaves the flag cleared.
ItemFlags &= ~IF_PICKUPGOOD;
if (toucher->Inventory != NULL && toucher->Inventory->HandlePickup (this))
// Let something else the player is holding intercept the pickup.
if (!(ItemFlags & IF_PICKUPGOOD))
return false;
ItemFlags &= ~IF_PICKUPGOOD;
GoAwayAndDie ();
else if (MaxAmount == 0)
// Special case: If an item's MaxAmount is 0, you can still pick it
// up if it is autoactivate-able.
if (!(ItemFlags & IF_AUTOACTIVATE))
return false;
// The item is placed in the inventory just long enough to be used.
toucher->AddInventory (this);
bool usegood = Use (true);
toucher->RemoveInventory (this);
if (usegood || (ItemFlags & IF_ALWAYSPICKUP))
GoAwayAndDie ();
return false;
// Add the item to the inventory. It is not already there, or HandlePickup
// would have already taken care of it.
AInventory *copy = CreateCopy (toucher);
if (copy == NULL)
return false;
copy->AttachToOwner (toucher);
if (ItemFlags & IF_AUTOACTIVATE)
if (copy->Use (true))
if (--copy->Amount <= 0)
2006-04-17 16:04:27 +00:00
copy->flags &= ~MF_SPECIAL;
copy->SetState (&States[S_HOLDANDDESTROY]);
May 6, 2006 (Changes by Graf Zahl) - Converted a_zombie.cpp and most of a_strifestuff.cpp to DECORATE. - Converted a_strifekeys.cpp to DECORATE and moved the pickup messages to the string table. - Removed the WIF_HITS_GHOSTS weapon flag and replaced it with MF2_THRUGHOST. There is no need to keep two flags around with virtually the same meaning. - Changed the ShadowArmor to use the VISIBILITYPULSE flag to change its translucency. It looks much better now than the cheap code pointer based blinking it used before. - Converted most of a_strifeitems.cpp to DECORATE and moved the pickup messages to the string table. - Converted a_strifearmor.cpp to DECORATE and moved the pickup messages to the string table. - Moved the messages for killing spectres to the string table. - Converted the quest items to DECORATE. Also changed A_GiveQuestItem to get the messages it prints from the string table instead of the quest item's tag string. May 5, 2006 (Changes by Graf Zahl) - Removed the hopelessly outdated thingdef_doc.txt file from the repository. - Converted a_peasant.cpp and a_ratbuddy.cpp to DECORATE. - Fixed: C_DoKey didn't treat an empty string as 'no binding' when checking for valid double bindings. - Converted a_merchants.cpp to DECORATE. - Added MF5_NODAMAGE flag to generalize the behavior of Strife's merchants which can be shot but take no damage from getting hurt. - Converted a_beggars.cpp to DECORATE. - Added an Inventory.GiveQuest property. This makes it possible to define all of Strife's original items that also give a quest item in DECORATE but it is also useful to define items like the ones in Day of the Acolyte without ugly workarounds. - Added a Tag property and Strife teaser conversation IDs to DECORATE so now it is possible to define many of Strife's items. - Added a FastSpeed property to DECORATE so that projectiles can finally be assigned a higher speed for fast mode. - Added a ACS_LockedExecuteDoor special. It is basically the same as the existing ACS_LockedExecute but it uses the 'door' message instead of 'remote'. This cannot be integrated into ACS_LockedExecute because all its arguments are already in use. - Added a fully customizable A_CustomMeleeAttack function for DECORATE. SVN r83 (trunk)
2006-05-07 00:27:22 +00:00
return true;
// CCMD printinv
// Prints the console player's current inventory.
CCMD (printinv)
AInventory *item;
if (players[consoleplayer].mo == NULL)
for (item = players[consoleplayer].mo->Inventory; item != NULL; item = item->Inventory)
Printf ("%s #%lu (%d/%d)\n", item->GetClass()->TypeName.GetChars(),
item->Amount, item->MaxAmount);
// AInventory :: AttachToOwner
void AInventory::AttachToOwner (AActor *other)
BecomeItem ();
other->AddInventory (this);
// AInventory :: DetachFromOwner
// Performs any special work needed when the item leaves an inventory,
// either through destruction or becoming a pickup.
void AInventory::DetachFromOwner ()
IMPLEMENT_STATELESS_ACTOR (ACustomInventory, Any, -1, 0)
// ACustomInventory :: Serialize
void ACustomInventory::Serialize (FArchive &arc)
Super::Serialize (arc);
arc << UseState << PickupState << DropState;
// ACustomInventory :: SpecialDropAction
bool ACustomInventory::SpecialDropAction (AActor *dropper)
return CallStateChain (dropper, DropState);
// ACustomInventory :: Use
bool ACustomInventory::Use (bool pickup)
return CallStateChain (Owner, UseState);
// ACustomInventory :: TryPickup
bool ACustomInventory::TryPickup (AActor *toucher)
bool useok = CallStateChain (toucher, PickupState);
if ((useok || PickupState == NULL) && UseState != NULL)
useok = Super::TryPickup (toucher);
else if (useok || ItemFlags & IF_ALWAYSPICKUP)
May 6, 2006 (Changes by Graf Zahl) - Converted a_zombie.cpp and most of a_strifestuff.cpp to DECORATE. - Converted a_strifekeys.cpp to DECORATE and moved the pickup messages to the string table. - Removed the WIF_HITS_GHOSTS weapon flag and replaced it with MF2_THRUGHOST. There is no need to keep two flags around with virtually the same meaning. - Changed the ShadowArmor to use the VISIBILITYPULSE flag to change its translucency. It looks much better now than the cheap code pointer based blinking it used before. - Converted most of a_strifeitems.cpp to DECORATE and moved the pickup messages to the string table. - Converted a_strifearmor.cpp to DECORATE and moved the pickup messages to the string table. - Moved the messages for killing spectres to the string table. - Converted the quest items to DECORATE. Also changed A_GiveQuestItem to get the messages it prints from the string table instead of the quest item's tag string. May 5, 2006 (Changes by Graf Zahl) - Removed the hopelessly outdated thingdef_doc.txt file from the repository. - Converted a_peasant.cpp and a_ratbuddy.cpp to DECORATE. - Fixed: C_DoKey didn't treat an empty string as 'no binding' when checking for valid double bindings. - Converted a_merchants.cpp to DECORATE. - Added MF5_NODAMAGE flag to generalize the behavior of Strife's merchants which can be shot but take no damage from getting hurt. - Converted a_beggars.cpp to DECORATE. - Added an Inventory.GiveQuest property. This makes it possible to define all of Strife's original items that also give a quest item in DECORATE but it is also useful to define items like the ones in Day of the Acolyte without ugly workarounds. - Added a Tag property and Strife teaser conversation IDs to DECORATE so now it is possible to define many of Strife's items. - Added a FastSpeed property to DECORATE so that projectiles can finally be assigned a higher speed for fast mode. - Added a ACS_LockedExecuteDoor special. It is basically the same as the existing ACS_LockedExecute but it uses the 'door' message instead of 'remote'. This cannot be integrated into ACS_LockedExecute because all its arguments are already in use. - Added a fully customizable A_CustomMeleeAttack function for DECORATE. SVN r83 (trunk)
2006-05-07 00:27:22 +00:00
GiveQuest (toucher);
return useok;
PROP_Inventory_PickupSound ("misc/armor_pkup")
PROP_SpawnState (S_HELD)
IMPLEMENT_STATELESS_ACTOR (ABasicArmorPickup, Any, -1, 0)
PROP_Inventory_MaxAmount (0)
IMPLEMENT_STATELESS_ACTOR (ABasicArmorBonus, Any, -1, 0)
PROP_Inventory_MaxAmount (0)
PROP_BasicArmorBonus_SavePercent (FRACUNIT/3)
PROP_Inventory_FlagsSet (IF_UNDROPPABLE)
// ABasicArmorPickup :: Serialize
void ABasicArmorPickup::Serialize (FArchive &arc)
Super::Serialize (arc);
arc << SavePercent << SaveAmount;
2006-04-11 16:27:41 +00:00
arc << DropTime;
// ABasicArmorPickup :: CreateCopy
AInventory *ABasicArmorPickup::CreateCopy (AActor *other)
ABasicArmorPickup *copy = static_cast<ABasicArmorPickup *> (Super::CreateCopy (other));
copy->SavePercent = SavePercent;
copy->SaveAmount = SaveAmount;
return copy;
// ABasicArmorPickup :: Use
// Either gives you new armor or replaces the armor you already have (if
// the SaveAmount is greater than the amount of armor you own). When the
// item is auto-activated, it will only be activated if its max amount is 0
// or if you have no armor active already.
bool ABasicArmorPickup::Use (bool pickup)
ABasicArmor *armor = Owner->FindInventory<ABasicArmor> ();
if (armor == NULL)
armor = Spawn<ABasicArmor> (0,0,0);
armor->BecomeItem ();
armor->SavePercent = SavePercent;
armor->Amount = armor->MaxAmount = SaveAmount;
armor->Icon = Icon;
Owner->AddInventory (armor);
return true;
// If you already have more armor than this item gives you, you can't
// use it.
if (armor->Amount >= SaveAmount)
return false;
// Don't use it if you're picking it up and already have some.
if (pickup && armor->Amount > 0 && MaxAmount > 0)
return false;
armor->SavePercent = SavePercent;
armor->Amount = armor->MaxAmount = SaveAmount;
armor->Icon = Icon;
return true;
// ABasicArmorBonus :: Serialize
void ABasicArmorBonus::Serialize (FArchive &arc)
Super::Serialize (arc);
arc << SavePercent << SaveAmount << MaxSaveAmount;
// ABasicArmorBonus :: CreateCopy
AInventory *ABasicArmorBonus::CreateCopy (AActor *other)
ABasicArmorBonus *copy = static_cast<ABasicArmorBonus *> (Super::CreateCopy (other));
copy->SavePercent = SavePercent;
copy->SaveAmount = SaveAmount;
copy->MaxSaveAmount = MaxSaveAmount;
return copy;
// ABasicArmorBonus :: Use
// Tries to add to the amount of BasicArmor a player has.
bool ABasicArmorBonus::Use (bool pickup)
ABasicArmor *armor = Owner->FindInventory<ABasicArmor> ();
int saveAmount = MIN (SaveAmount, MaxSaveAmount);
if (saveAmount <= 0)
{ // If it can't give you anything, it's as good as used.
return true;
if (armor == NULL)
armor = Spawn<ABasicArmor> (0,0,0);
armor->BecomeItem ();
armor->SavePercent = SavePercent;
armor->Amount = saveAmount;
armor->MaxAmount = MaxSaveAmount;
armor->Icon = Icon;
Owner->AddInventory (armor);
return true;
// If you already have more armor than this item can give you, you can't
// use it.
if (armor->Amount >= MaxSaveAmount)
return false;
if (armor->Amount <= 0)
{ // Should never be less than 0, but might as well check anyway
armor->Amount = 0;
armor->Icon = Icon;
armor->SavePercent = SavePercent;
armor->Amount += saveAmount;
armor->MaxAmount = MAX (armor->MaxAmount, MaxSaveAmount);
return true;
// ABasicArmor :: Serialize
void ABasicArmor::Serialize (FArchive &arc)
Super::Serialize (arc);
arc << SavePercent;
// ABasicArmor :: Tick
// If BasicArmor is given to the player by means other than a
// BasicArmorPickup, then it may not have an icon set. Fix that here.
void ABasicArmor::Tick ()
Super::Tick ();
if (Icon == 0)
switch (gameinfo.gametype)
case GAME_Doom:
Icon = TexMan.CheckForTexture (SavePercent == FRACUNIT/3 ? "ARM1A0" : "ARM2A0", FTexture::TEX_Any);
case GAME_Heretic:
Icon = TexMan.CheckForTexture (SavePercent == FRACUNIT/2 ? "SHLDA0" : "SHD2A0", FTexture::TEX_Any);
case GAME_Strife:
Icon = TexMan.CheckForTexture (SavePercent == FRACUNIT/3 ? "I_ARM2" : "I_ARM1", FTexture::TEX_Any);
// ABasicArmor :: CreateCopy
AInventory *ABasicArmor::CreateCopy (AActor *other)
// BasicArmor that is in use is stored in the inventory as BasicArmor.
// BasicArmor that is in reserve is not.
ABasicArmor *copy = Spawn<ABasicArmor> (0, 0, 0);
copy->SavePercent = SavePercent != 0 ? SavePercent : FRACUNIT/3;
copy->Amount = Amount;
copy->MaxAmount = MaxAmount;
copy->Icon = Icon;
GoAwayAndDie ();
return copy;
// ABasicArmor :: HandlePickup
bool ABasicArmor::HandlePickup (AInventory *item)
if (item->GetClass() == RUNTIME_CLASS(ABasicArmor))
// You shouldn't be picking up BasicArmor anyway.
return true;
if (Inventory != NULL)
return Inventory->HandlePickup (item);
return false;
// ABasicArmor :: AbsorbDamage
void ABasicArmor::AbsorbDamage (int damage, int damageType, int &newdamage)
if (damageType != MOD_WATER)
int saved = FixedMul (damage, SavePercent);
if (Amount < saved)
saved = Amount;
newdamage -= saved;
Amount -= saved;
if (Amount == 0)
// The armor has become useless
SavePercent = 0;
// Now see if the player has some more armor in their inventory
// and use it if so. As in Strife, the best armor is used up first.
ABasicArmorPickup *best = NULL;
AInventory *probe = Owner->Inventory;
while (probe != NULL)
if (probe->IsKindOf (RUNTIME_CLASS(ABasicArmorPickup)))
ABasicArmorPickup *inInv = static_cast<ABasicArmorPickup*>(probe);
if (best == NULL || best->SavePercent < inInv->SavePercent)
best = inInv;
probe = probe->Inventory;
if (best != NULL)
Owner->UseInventory (best);
if (Inventory != NULL)
Inventory->AbsorbDamage (damage, damageType, newdamage);
// AHexenArmor :: Serialize
void AHexenArmor::Serialize (FArchive &arc)
Super::Serialize (arc);
2006-04-11 16:27:41 +00:00
arc << Slots[0] << Slots[1] << Slots[2] << Slots[3]
<< Slots[4]
<< SlotsIncrement[0] << SlotsIncrement[1] << SlotsIncrement[2]
<< SlotsIncrement[3];
// AHexenArmor :: CreateCopy
AInventory *AHexenArmor::CreateCopy (AActor *other)
// Like BasicArmor, HexenArmor is used in the inventory but not the map.
// health is the slot this armor occupies.
// Amount is the quantity to give (0 = normal max).
AHexenArmor *copy = Spawn<AHexenArmor> (0, 0, 0);
copy->AddArmorToSlot (other, health, Amount);
GoAwayAndDie ();
return copy;
// AHexenArmor :: CreateTossable
// Since this isn't really a single item, you can't drop it. Ever.
AInventory *AHexenArmor::CreateTossable ()
return NULL;
// AHexenArmor :: HandlePickup
bool AHexenArmor::HandlePickup (AInventory *item)
if (item->IsKindOf (RUNTIME_CLASS(AHexenArmor)))
if (AddArmorToSlot (Owner, item->health, item->Amount))
item->ItemFlags |= IF_PICKUPGOOD;
return true;
else if (Inventory != NULL)
return Inventory->HandlePickup (item);
return false;
// AHexenArmor :: AddArmorToSlot
bool AHexenArmor::AddArmorToSlot (AActor *actor, int slot, int amount)
APlayerPawn *ppawn;
int hits;
if (actor->player != NULL)
ppawn = static_cast<APlayerPawn *>(actor);
ppawn = NULL;
if (slot < 0 || slot > 3)
return false;
if (amount <= 0)
hits = SlotsIncrement[slot];
if (Slots[slot] < hits)
Slots[slot] = hits;
return true;
hits = amount * 5 * FRACUNIT;
fixed_t total = Slots[0]+Slots[1]+Slots[2]+Slots[3]+Slots[4];
fixed_t max = SlotsIncrement[0]+SlotsIncrement[1]+SlotsIncrement[2]+SlotsIncrement[3]+Slots[4]+4*5*FRACUNIT;
if (total < max)
Slots[slot] += hits;
return true;
return false;
// AHexenArmor :: AbsorbDamage
void AHexenArmor::AbsorbDamage (int damage, int damageType, int &newdamage)
if (damageType != MOD_WATER)
fixed_t savedPercent = Slots[0] + Slots[1] + Slots[2] + Slots[3] + Slots[4];
APlayerPawn *ppawn = Owner->player != NULL ? Owner->player->mo : NULL;
if (savedPercent)
{ // armor absorbed some damage
if (savedPercent > 100*FRACUNIT)
savedPercent = 100*FRACUNIT;
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
if (Slots[i])
// 300 damage always wipes out the armor unless some was added
// with the dragon skin bracers.
if (damage < 10000)
Slots[i] -= Scale (damage, SlotsIncrement[i], 300);
if (Slots[i] < 2*FRACUNIT)
Slots[i] = 0;
Slots[i] = 0;
int saved = Scale (damage, savedPercent, 100*FRACUNIT);
if (saved > savedPercent >> (FRACBITS-1))
saved = savedPercent >> (FRACBITS-1);
newdamage -= saved;
if (Inventory != NULL)
Inventory->AbsorbDamage (damage, damageType, newdamage);
PROP_Inventory_MaxAmount (0)
PROP_Inventory_PickupSound ("misc/health_pkup")
// AHealth :: TryPickup
bool AHealth::TryPickup (AActor *other)
player_t *player = other->player;
int max = MaxAmount;
if (player != NULL)
if (max == 0)
max = ((compatflags&COMPATF_DEHHEALTH)? 100 : deh.MaxHealth) + player->stamina;
if (player->morphTics)
if (player->health >= max)
// You should be able to pick up the Doom health bonus even if
// you are already full on health.
if (ItemFlags & IF_ALWAYSPICKUP)
GoAwayAndDie ();
return true;
return false;
player->health += Amount;
if (player->health > max)
player->health = max;
player->mo->health = player->health;
if (P_GiveBody(other, Amount) || ItemFlags & IF_ALWAYSPICKUP)
GoAwayAndDie ();
return true;
return false;
GoAwayAndDie ();
return true;
PROP_Inventory_FlagsSet (IF_INVBAR)
// AHealthPickup :: CreateCopy
AInventory *AHealthPickup::CreateCopy (AActor *other)
AInventory *copy = Super::CreateCopy (other);
copy->health = health;
return copy;
// AHealthPickup :: CreateTossable
AInventory *AHealthPickup::CreateTossable ()
AInventory *copy = Super::CreateTossable ();
if (copy != NULL)
copy->health = health;
return copy;
// AHealthPickup :: HandlePickup
bool AHealthPickup::HandlePickup (AInventory *item)
// HealthPickups that are the same type but have different health amounts
// do not count as the same item.
if (item->health == health)
return Super::HandlePickup (item);
if (Inventory != NULL)
return Inventory->HandlePickup (item);
return false;
// AHealthPickup :: Use
bool AHealthPickup::Use (bool pickup)
return P_GiveBody (Owner, health);
// Backpack -----------------------------------------------------------------
// ABackpack :: Serialize
void ABackpack::Serialize (FArchive &arc)
Super::Serialize (arc);
2006-04-11 16:27:41 +00:00
arc << bDepleted;
// ABackpack :: CreateCopy
// A backpack is being added to a player who doesn't yet have one. Give them
// every kind of ammo, and increase their max amounts.
AInventory *ABackpack::CreateCopy (AActor *other)
// Find every unique type of ammo. Give it to the player if
// he doesn't have it already, and double it's maximum capacity.
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < PClass::m_Types.Size(); ++i)
const PClass *type = PClass::m_Types[i];
if (type->ParentClass == RUNTIME_CLASS(AAmmo) &&
((AAmmo *)GetDefaultByType (type))->BackpackAmount > 0)
AAmmo *ammo = static_cast<AAmmo *>(other->FindInventory (type));
if (ammo == NULL)
{ // The player did not have the ammo. Add it.
ammo = static_cast<AAmmo *>(Spawn (type, 0, 0, 0));
ammo->Amount = bDepleted ? 0 : ammo->BackpackAmount;
ammo->MaxAmount = ammo->BackpackMaxAmount;
ammo->AttachToOwner (other);
{ // The player had the ammo. Give some more.
if (ammo->MaxAmount < ammo->BackpackMaxAmount)
ammo->MaxAmount = ammo->BackpackMaxAmount;
if (!bDepleted && ammo->Amount < ammo->MaxAmount)
ammo->Amount += static_cast<AAmmo*>(ammo->GetDefault())->BackpackAmount;
if (ammo->Amount > ammo->MaxAmount)
ammo->Amount = ammo->MaxAmount;
return Super::CreateCopy (other);
// ABackpack :: HandlePickup
// When the player picks up another backpack, just give them more ammo.
bool ABackpack::HandlePickup (AInventory *item)
// Since you already have a backpack, that means you already have every
// kind of ammo in your inventory, so we don't need to look at the
// entire PClass list to discover what kinds of ammo exist, and we don't
// have to alter the MaxAmount either.
if (item->IsKindOf (RUNTIME_CLASS(ABackpack)))
for (AInventory *probe = Owner->Inventory; probe != NULL; probe = probe->Inventory)
if (probe->GetClass()->ParentClass == RUNTIME_CLASS(AAmmo))
if (probe->Amount < probe->MaxAmount)
probe->Amount += static_cast<AAmmo*>(probe->GetDefault())->BackpackAmount;
if (probe->Amount > probe->MaxAmount)
probe->Amount = probe->MaxAmount;
// The pickup always succeeds, even if you didn't get anything
item->ItemFlags |= IF_PICKUPGOOD;
return true;
else if (Inventory != NULL)
return Inventory->HandlePickup (item);
return false;
// ABackpack :: CreateTossable
// The tossed backpack must not give out any more ammo, otherwise a player
// could cheat by dropping their backpack and picking it up for more ammo.
AInventory *ABackpack::CreateTossable ()
ABackpack *pack = static_cast<ABackpack *>(Super::CreateTossable());
pack->bDepleted = true;
return pack;
// ABackpack :: DetachFromOwner
void ABackpack::DetachFromOwner ()
// When removing a backpack, drop the player's ammo maximums to normal
AInventory *item;
for (item = Owner->Inventory; item != NULL; item = item->Inventory)
if (item->GetClass()->ParentClass == RUNTIME_CLASS(AAmmo) &&
item->MaxAmount == static_cast<AAmmo*>(item)->BackpackMaxAmount)
item->MaxAmount = static_cast<AInventory*>(item->GetDefault())->MaxAmount;
if (item->Amount > item->MaxAmount)
item->Amount = item->MaxAmount;
// ABackpack :: PickupMessage
const char *ABackpack::PickupMessage ()
return GStrings("GOTBACKPACK");
FState ABackpack::States[] =
IMPLEMENT_ACTOR (ABackpack, Doom, 8, 144)
PROP_HeightFixed (26)
PROP_SpawnState (0)
// AMapRevealer :: TryPickup
// The MapRevealer doesn't actually go in your inventory. Instead, it sets
// a flag on the level.
bool AMapRevealer::TryPickup (AActor *toucher)
level.flags |= LEVEL_ALLMAP;
May 6, 2006 (Changes by Graf Zahl) - Converted a_zombie.cpp and most of a_strifestuff.cpp to DECORATE. - Converted a_strifekeys.cpp to DECORATE and moved the pickup messages to the string table. - Removed the WIF_HITS_GHOSTS weapon flag and replaced it with MF2_THRUGHOST. There is no need to keep two flags around with virtually the same meaning. - Changed the ShadowArmor to use the VISIBILITYPULSE flag to change its translucency. It looks much better now than the cheap code pointer based blinking it used before. - Converted most of a_strifeitems.cpp to DECORATE and moved the pickup messages to the string table. - Converted a_strifearmor.cpp to DECORATE and moved the pickup messages to the string table. - Moved the messages for killing spectres to the string table. - Converted the quest items to DECORATE. Also changed A_GiveQuestItem to get the messages it prints from the string table instead of the quest item's tag string. May 5, 2006 (Changes by Graf Zahl) - Removed the hopelessly outdated thingdef_doc.txt file from the repository. - Converted a_peasant.cpp and a_ratbuddy.cpp to DECORATE. - Fixed: C_DoKey didn't treat an empty string as 'no binding' when checking for valid double bindings. - Converted a_merchants.cpp to DECORATE. - Added MF5_NODAMAGE flag to generalize the behavior of Strife's merchants which can be shot but take no damage from getting hurt. - Converted a_beggars.cpp to DECORATE. - Added an Inventory.GiveQuest property. This makes it possible to define all of Strife's original items that also give a quest item in DECORATE but it is also useful to define items like the ones in Day of the Acolyte without ugly workarounds. - Added a Tag property and Strife teaser conversation IDs to DECORATE so now it is possible to define many of Strife's items. - Added a FastSpeed property to DECORATE so that projectiles can finally be assigned a higher speed for fast mode. - Added a ACS_LockedExecuteDoor special. It is basically the same as the existing ACS_LockedExecute but it uses the 'door' message instead of 'remote'. This cannot be integrated into ACS_LockedExecute because all its arguments are already in use. - Added a fully customizable A_CustomMeleeAttack function for DECORATE. SVN r83 (trunk)
2006-05-07 00:27:22 +00:00
GiveQuest (toucher);
GoAwayAndDie ();
return true;
FState ACommunicator::States[] =
IMPLEMENT_ACTOR (ACommunicator, Strife, 206, 0)
PROP_SpawnState (0)
PROP_StrifeType (176)
PROP_StrifeTeaserType (168)
PROP_StrifeTeaserType2 (172)
PROP_Inventory_Icon ("I_COMM")
PROP_Tag ("Communicator")
PROP_Inventory_PickupSound ("misc/p_pkup")
// ACommunicator :: PickupMessage
const char *ACommunicator::PickupMessage ()
return "You picked up the Communicator";