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Upgrade libADLMIDI and libOPNMIDI Added ability to switch emulator and it's accuracy level ("enabling of 'run at PCM rate' reduces accuracy, and also reduces CPU usage") Added draft code for future external banks support (WOPL format for ADLMIDI and WOPN format for OPNMIDI) ADLMIDI 1.3.3 2018-06-19 * Fixed an inability to load another custom bank without of library re-initialization * Optimizing the MIDI banks management system for MultiBanks (Thanks to [Jean Pierre Cimalando](https://github.com/jpcima) for a work!) * Fixed incorrect 4-op counter which is still catch 4-op instruments on 2-op banks * Fixed an incorrect processing of auto-flags * Fixed incorrect initial MIDI tempo when MIDI file doesn't includes the tempo event * Channel and Note Aftertouch features are now supported correctly! Aftertouch is the tremolo / vibrato, NOT A VOLUME! * Updated DosBox OPL3 emulator up to r4111 of official DosBox trunk (Thanks to [Jean Pierre Cimalando](https://github.com/jpcima) for a work!) * The automatical choosing of 4 operator channels count has been improved (Thanks to [Jean Pierre Cimalando](https://github.com/jpcima) for a work!) * Added optional HQ resampler for Nuked OPL3 emulators which does usage of Zita-Resampler library (Thanks to [Jean Pierre Cimalando](https://github.com/jpcima) for a work!) ADLMIDI 1.3.2 2018-04-24 * Added ability to disable MUS and XMI converters * Added ability to disable embedded MIDI sequencer to use library as RealTime synthesizer only or use any custom MIDI sequencer plugins. * Fixed blank instruments fallback in multi-bank support. When using non-zero bank, if instrument is blank, then, instrument will be taken from a root (I.e. zero bank). * Added support for real-time switching the emulator * Added support for CC-120 - "All sound off" on the MIDI channel * Changed logic of CC-74 Brightness to affect sound only between 0 and 64 like real XG synthesizers. Ability to turn on a full-ranged brightness (to use full 0...127 range) is kept. * Added support for different output sample formats (PCM8, PCM8U, PCM16, PCM16U, PCM32, PCM32U, Float32, and Float64) (Thanks to [Jean Pierre Cimalando](https://github.com/jpcima) for a work!) * Reworked MIDI channels management to avoid any memory reallocations while music processing for a hard real time. (Thanks to [Jean Pierre Cimalando](https://github.com/jpcima) for a work!) OPNMIDI 1.3.0 2018-06-19 * Optimizing the MIDI banks management system for MultiBanks (Thanks to [Jean Pierre Cimalando](https://github.com/jpcima) for a work!) * Fixed incorrect initial MIDI tempo when MIDI file doesn't includes the tempo event * Fixed an incorrect processing of auto-flags * MAME YM2612 now results a more accurate sound as internal using of native sample rate makes more correct sound generation * Channel and Note Aftertouch features are now supported correctly! Aftertouch is the tremolo / vibrato, NOT A VOLUME! * Added optional HQ resampler for Nuked OPL3 emulators which does usage of Zita-Resampler library (Thanks to [Jean Pierre Cimalando](https://github.com/jpcima) for a work!) OPNMIDI 1.2.0 2018-04-24 * Added ability to disable MUS and XMI converters * Added ability to disable embedded MIDI sequencer to use library as RealTime synthesizer only or use any custom MIDI sequencer plugins. * Fixed blank instruments fallback in multi-bank support. When using non-zero bank, if instrument is blank, then, instrument will be taken from a root (I.e. zero bank). * Added support for real-time switching the emulator * Added support for MAME YM2612 Emulator * Added support for CC-120 - "All sound off" on the MIDI channel * Changed logic of CC-74 Brightness to affect sound only between 0 and 64 like real XG synthesizers. Ability to turn on a full-ranged brightness (to use full 0...127 range) is kept. * Added support for different output sample formats (PCM8, PCM8U, PCM16, PCM16U, PCM32, PCM32U, Float32, and Float64) (Thanks to [Jean Pierre Cimalando](https://github.com/jpcima) for a work!) * Reworked MIDI channels management to avoid any memory reallocations while music processing for a hard real time. (Thanks to [Jean Pierre Cimalando](https://github.com/jpcima) for a work!)
2018-06-19 21:48:42 +00:00
* Copyright (C) 2002-2018 The DOSBox Team
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
#include <inttypes.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#if defined(__GNUC__) && defined(__i386__)
#define DB_FASTCALL __attribute__((fastcall))
#elif defined(_MSC_VER)
#define DB_FASTCALL __fastcall
typedef uintptr_t Bitu;
typedef intptr_t Bits;
typedef uint64_t Bit64u;
typedef int64_t Bit64s;
typedef uint32_t Bit32u;
typedef int32_t Bit32s;
typedef uint16_t Bit16u;
typedef int16_t Bit16s;
typedef uint8_t Bit8u;
typedef int8_t Bit8s;
//Use 8 handlers based on a small logatirmic wavetabe and an exponential table for volume
#define WAVE_HANDLER 10
//Use a logarithmic wavetable with an exponential table for volume
#define WAVE_TABLELOG 11
//Use a linear wavetable with a multiply table for volume
#define WAVE_TABLEMUL 12
//Select the type of wave generator routine
namespace DBOPL {
struct Chip;
struct Operator;
struct Channel;
typedef Bits ( DB_FASTCALL *WaveHandler) ( Bitu i, Bitu volume );
typedef Bits ( DBOPL::Operator::*VolumeHandler) ( );
typedef Channel* ( DBOPL::Channel::*SynthHandler) ( Chip* chip, Bit32u samples, Bit32s* output );
//Different synth modes that can generate blocks of data
typedef enum {
} SynthMode;
//Shifts for the values contained in chandata variable
enum {
struct Operator {
//Masks for operator 20 values
enum {
MASK_KSR = 0x10,
typedef enum {
} State;
VolumeHandler volHandler;
WaveHandler waveHandler; //Routine that generate a wave
Bit16s* waveBase;
Bit32u waveMask;
Bit32u waveStart;
Bit32u waveIndex; //WAVE_BITS shifted counter of the frequency index
Bit32u waveAdd; //The base frequency without vibrato
Bit32u waveCurrent; //waveAdd + vibratao
Bit32u chanData; //Frequency/octave and derived data coming from whatever channel controls this
Bit32u freqMul; //Scale channel frequency with this, TODO maybe remove?
Bit32u vibrato; //Scaled up vibrato strength
Bit32s sustainLevel; //When stopping at sustain level stop here
Bit32s totalLevel; //totalLevel is added to every generated volume
Bit32u currentLevel; //totalLevel + tremolo
Bit32s volume; //The currently active volume
Bit32u attackAdd; //Timers for the different states of the envelope
Bit32u decayAdd;
Bit32u releaseAdd;
Bit32u rateIndex; //Current position of the evenlope
Bit8u rateZero; //Bits for the different states of the envelope having no changes
Bit8u keyOn; //Bitmask of different values that can generate keyon
//Registers, also used to check for changes
Bit8u reg20, reg40, reg60, reg80, regE0;
//Active part of the envelope we're in
Bit8u state;
//0xff when tremolo is enabled
Bit8u tremoloMask;
//Strength of the vibrato
Bit8u vibStrength;
//Keep track of the calculated KSR so we can check for changes
Bit8u ksr;
void SetState( Bit8u s );
void UpdateAttack( const Chip* chip );
void UpdateRelease( const Chip* chip );
void UpdateDecay( const Chip* chip );
void UpdateAttenuation();
void UpdateRates( const Chip* chip );
void UpdateFrequency( );
void Write20( const Chip* chip, Bit8u val );
void Write40( const Chip* chip, Bit8u val );
void Write60( const Chip* chip, Bit8u val );
void Write80( const Chip* chip, Bit8u val );
void WriteE0( const Chip* chip, Bit8u val );
bool Silent() const;
void Prepare( const Chip* chip );
void KeyOn( Bit8u mask);
void KeyOff( Bit8u mask);
template< State state>
Bits TemplateVolume( );
Bit32s RateForward( Bit32u add );
Bitu ForwardWave();
Bitu ForwardVolume();
Bits GetSample( Bits modulation );
Bits GetWave( Bitu index, Bitu vol );
struct Channel {
Operator op[2];
inline Operator* Op( Bitu index ) {
return &( ( this + (index >> 1) )->op[ index & 1 ]);
SynthHandler synthHandler;
Bit32u chanData; //Frequency/octave and derived values
Bit32s old[2]; //Old data for feedback
Bit8u feedback; //Feedback shift
Bit8u regB0; //Register values to check for changes
Bit8u regC0;
//This should correspond with reg104, bit 6 indicates a Percussion channel, bit 7 indicates a silent channel
Bit8u fourMask;
Bit8s maskLeft; //Sign extended values for both channel's panning
Bit8s maskRight;
//Forward the channel data to the operators of the channel
void SetChanData( const Chip* chip, Bit32u data );
//Change in the chandata, check for new values and if we have to forward to operators
void UpdateFrequency( const Chip* chip, Bit8u fourOp );
void UpdateSynth(const Chip* chip);
void WriteA0( const Chip* chip, Bit8u val );
void WriteB0( const Chip* chip, Bit8u val );
void WriteC0( const Chip* chip, Bit8u val );
//call this for the first channel
template< bool opl3Mode >
void GeneratePercussion( Chip* chip, Bit32s* output );
//Generate blocks of data in specific modes
template<SynthMode mode>
Channel* BlockTemplate( Chip* chip, Bit32u samples, Bit32s* output );
struct Chip {
//This is used as the base counter for vibrato and tremolo
Bit32u lfoCounter;
Bit32u lfoAdd;
Bit32u noiseCounter;
Bit32u noiseAdd;
Bit32u noiseValue;
//Frequency scales for the different multiplications
Bit32u freqMul[16];
//Rates for decay and release for rate of this chip
Bit32u linearRates[76];
//Best match attack rates for the rate of this chip
Bit32u attackRates[76];
//18 channels with 2 operators each
Channel chan[18];
Bit8u reg104;
Bit8u reg08;
Bit8u reg04;
Bit8u regBD;
Bit8u vibratoIndex;
Bit8u tremoloIndex;
Bit8s vibratoSign;
Bit8u vibratoShift;
Bit8u tremoloValue;
Bit8u vibratoStrength;
Bit8u tremoloStrength;
//Mask for allowed wave forms
Bit8u waveFormMask;
//0 or -1 when enabled
Bit8s opl3Active;
//Return the maximum amount of samples before and LFO change
Bit32u ForwardLFO( Bit32u samples );
Bit32u ForwardNoise();
void WriteBD( Bit8u val );
void WriteReg(Bit32u reg, Bit8u val );
Bit32u WriteAddr( Bit32u port, Bit8u val );
void GenerateBlock2( Bitu samples, Bit32s* output );
void GenerateBlock2_Mix( Bitu samples, Bit32s* output );
void GenerateBlock3( Bitu samples, Bit32s* output );
void GenerateBlock3_Mix( Bitu samples, Bit32s* output );
//Update the synth handlers in all channels
void UpdateSynths();
void Generate( Bit32u samples );
void Setup( Bit32u r );
struct Handler {
DBOPL::Chip chip;
Bit32u WriteAddr( Bit32u port, Bit8u val );
void WriteReg( Bit32u addr, Bit8u val );
void GenerateArr(Bit32s *out, Bitu *samples);
void GenerateArr(Bit16s *out, Bitu *samples);
void GenerateArrMix(Bit32s *out, Bitu *samples);
void GenerateArrMix(Bit16s *out, Bitu *samples);
void Init( Bitu rate );
} //Namespace