
829 lines
16 KiB
Raw Normal View History

#include "xlat.h"
#include "xlat-parse.h"
#include <malloc.h>
#include <string.h>
int yyerror (char *s);
typedef struct _Symbol
struct _Symbol *Next;
int Value;
char Sym[1];
} Symbol;
static bool FindToken (char *tok, int *type);
static void AddSym (char *sym, int val);
static bool FindSym (char *sym, Symbol **val);
static int EnumVal;
struct ListFilter
WORD filter;
BYTE value;
typedef struct _morefilters
struct _morefilters *next;
struct ListFilter filter;
} MoreFilters;
typedef struct _morelines
struct _morelines *next;
BoomArg arg;
} MoreLines;
typedef struct _specialargs
BYTE addflags;
BYTE args[5];
} SpecialArgs;
typedef struct _boomarg
BYTE constant;
WORD mask;
MoreFilters *filters;
} ParseBoomArg;
typedef union YYSTYPE
int val;
char sym[80];
char string[80];
Symbol *symval;
#include <ctype.h>
#include <stdio.h>
int yylex (YYSTYPE *yylval)
char token[80];
int toksize;
int c;
while (Source == NULL)
if (!EndFile ())
return 0;
while (isspace (c = fgetc (Source)) && c != EOF)
if (c == '\n')
if (c == EOF)
if (EndFile ())
goto loop;
return 0;
if (isdigit (c))
int buildup = c - '0';
if (c == '0')
c = fgetc (Source);
if (c == 'x' || c == 'X')
for (;;)
c = fgetc (Source);
if (isdigit (c))
buildup = (buildup<<4) + c - '0';
else if (c >= 'a' && c <= 'f')
buildup = (buildup<<4) + c - 'a' + 10;
else if (c >= 'A' && c <= 'F')
buildup = (buildup<<4) + c - 'A' + 10;
ungetc (c, Source);
yylval->val = buildup;
return NUM;
ungetc (c, Source);
while (isdigit (c = fgetc (Source)))
buildup = buildup*10 + c - '0';
ungetc (c, Source);
yylval->val = buildup;
return NUM;
if (isalpha (c))
int buildup = 0;
token[0] = c;
toksize = 1;
while (toksize < 79 && (isalnum (c = fgetc (Source)) || c == '_'))
token[toksize++] = c;
token[toksize] = 0;
if (toksize == 79 && isalnum (c))
while (isalnum (c = fgetc (Source)))
ungetc (c, Source);
if (FindToken (token, &buildup))
return buildup;
if (FindSym (token, &yylval->symval))
return SYMNUM;
strcpy (yylval->sym, token);
return SYM;
if (c == '/')
c = fgetc (Source);
if (c == '*')
for (;;)
while ((c = fgetc (Source)) != '*' && c != EOF)
if (c == '\n')
if (c == EOF)
return 0;
if ((c = fgetc (Source)) == '/')
goto loop;
if (c == EOF)
return 0;
ungetc (c, Source);
else if (c == '/')
while ((c = fgetc (Source)) != '\n' && c != EOF)
if (c == '\n')
else if (c == EOF)
return 0;
goto loop;
ungetc (c, Source);
return DIVIDE;
if (c == '"')
int tokensize = 0;
while ((c = fgetc (Source)) != '"' && c != EOF)
yylval->string[tokensize++] = c;
yylval->string[tokensize] = 0;
return STRING;
if (c == '|')
c = fgetc (Source);
if (c == '=')
return OR_EQUAL;
ungetc (c, Source);
return OR;
switch (c)
case '^': return XOR;
case '&': return AND;
case '-': return MINUS;
case '+': return PLUS;
case '*': return MULTIPLY;
case '(': return LPAREN;
case ')': return RPAREN;
case ',': return COMMA;
case '{': return LBRACE;
case '}': return RBRACE;
case '=': return EQUALS;
case ';': return SEMICOLON;
case ':': return COLON;
case '[': return LBRACKET;
case ']': return RBRACKET;
default: return 0;
void *ParseAlloc(void *(*mallocProc)(size_t));
void Parse(void *yyp, int yymajor, YYSTYPE yyminor);
void ParseFree(void *p, void (*freeProc)(void*));
void ParseTrace(FILE *TraceFILE, char *zTracePrompt);
void yyparse (void)
void *pParser = ParseAlloc (malloc);
YYSTYPE token;
int tokentype;
while ((tokentype = yylex(&token)) != 0)
Parse (pParser, tokentype, token);
memset (&token, 0, sizeof(token));
Parse (pParser, 0, token);
ParseFree (pParser, free);
static Symbol *FirstSym;
static void AddSym (char *sym, int val)
Symbol *syme = malloc (strlen (sym) + sizeof(Symbol));
syme->Next = FirstSym;
syme->Value = val;
strcpy (syme->Sym, sym);
FirstSym = syme;
static bool FindSym (char *sym, Symbol **val)
Symbol *syme = FirstSym;
while (syme != NULL)
if (strcmp (syme->Sym, sym) == 0)
*val = syme;
return 1;
syme = syme->Next;
return 0;
static bool FindToken (char *tok, int *type)
static const char tokens[][8] =
"endl", "print", "include", "special", "define", "enum",
"arg5", "arg4", "arg3", "arg2", "flags", "lineid", "tag"
static const short types[] =
int i;
for (i = sizeof(tokens)/sizeof(tokens[0])-1; i >= 0; i--)
if (strcmp (tok, tokens[i]) == 0)
*type = types[i];
return 1;
return 0;
int yyerror (char *s)
if (SourceName != NULL)
printf ("%s, line %d: %s\n", SourceName, SourceLine, s);
printf ("%s\n", s);
return 0;
%token_type {YYSTYPE}
%syntax_error {yyerror("syntax error");}
%type exp {int}
%type special_args {SpecialArgs}
%type list_val {struct ListFilter}
%type arg_list {MoreFilters *}
%type boom_args {ParseBoomArg}
%type boom_op {int}
%type boom_selector {int}
%type boom_line {BoomArg}
%type boom_body {MoreLines *}
%type maybe_argcount {int}
%left OR.
%left XOR.
%left AND.
%left NEG.
main ::= translation_unit.
exp(A) ::= NUM(B). { A = B.val; }
exp(A) ::= SYMNUM(B). { A = B.symval->Value; }
exp(A) ::= exp(B) PLUS exp(C). { A = B + C; }
exp(A) ::= exp(B) MINUS exp(C). { A = B - C; }
exp(A) ::= exp(B) MULTIPLY exp(C). { A = B * C; }
exp(A) ::= exp(B) DIVIDE exp(C). { A = B / C; }
exp(A) ::= exp(B) OR exp(C). { A = B | C; }
exp(A) ::= exp(B) AND exp(C). { A = B & C; }
exp(A) ::= exp(B) XOR exp(C). { A = B ^ C; }
exp(A) ::= MINUS exp(B). [NEG] { A = -B; }
exp(A) ::= LPAREN exp(B) RPAREN. { A = B; }
translation_unit ::= . /* empty */
translation_unit ::= external_declaration.
external_declaration ::= define_statement.
external_declaration ::= include_statement.
external_declaration ::= print_statement.
external_declaration ::= enum_statement.
external_declaration ::= linetype_declaration.
external_declaration ::= boom_declaration.
external_declaration ::= special_declaration.
print_statement ::= PRINT LPAREN print_list RPAREN.
printf ("\n");
print_list ::= . /* EMPTY */
print_list ::= print_item.
print_list ::= print_item COMMA print_list.
print_item ::= STRING(A). { printf ("%s", A.string); }
print_item ::= exp(A). { printf ("%d", A); }
print_item ::= ENDL. { printf ("\n"); }
define_statement ::= DEFINE SYM(A) LPAREN exp(B) RPAREN.
AddSym (A.sym, B);
include_statement ::= INCLUDE STRING(A).
IncludeFile (A.string);
enum_statement ::= enum_open enum_list RBRACE.
enum_open ::= ENUM LBRACE.
EnumVal = 0;
enum_list ::= . /* empty */
enum_list ::= single_enum.
enum_list ::= single_enum COMMA enum_list.
single_enum ::= SYM(A).
AddSym (A.sym, EnumVal++);
single_enum ::= SYM(A) EQUALS exp(B).
AddSym (A.sym, EnumVal = B);
/* special declarations work just like they do for ACS, so
* specials can be defined just by including zspecial.acs
special_declaration ::= SPECIAL special_list SEMICOLON.
special_list ::= special_def.
special_list ::= special_list COMMA special_def.
special_def ::= exp(A) COLON SYM(B) LPAREN maybe_argcount RPAREN.
AddSym (B.sym, A);
special_def ::= exp COLON SYMNUM(B) LPAREN maybe_argcount RPAREN.
printf ("%s, line %d: %s is already defined\n", SourceName, SourceLine, B.symval->Sym);
maybe_argcount ::= . /* empty */
maybe_argcount ::= exp.
maybe_argcount ::= exp COMMA exp.
linetype_declaration ::= exp(linetype) EQUALS exp(flags) COMMA exp(special) LPAREN special_args(arg) RPAREN.
Simple[linetype].NewSpecial = special;
Simple[linetype].Flags = flags | arg.addflags;
Simple[linetype].Args[0] = arg.args[0];
Simple[linetype].Args[1] = arg.args[1];
Simple[linetype].Args[2] = arg.args[2];
Simple[linetype].Args[3] = arg.args[3];
Simple[linetype].Args[4] = arg.args[4];
linetype_declaration ::= exp EQUALS exp COMMA SYM(S) LPAREN special_args RPAREN.
printf ("%s, line %d: %s is undefined\n", SourceName, SourceLine, S.sym);
boom_declaration ::= LBRACKET exp(special) RBRACKET LPAREN exp(firsttype) COMMA exp(lasttype) RPAREN LBRACE boom_body(stores) RBRACE.
if (NumBoomish == MAX_BOOMISH)
MoreLines *probe = stores;
while (probe != NULL)
MoreLines *next = probe->next;
free (probe);
probe = next;
printf ("%s, line %d: Too many BOOM translators\n", SourceName, SourceLine);
int i;
MoreLines *probe;
Boomish[NumBoomish].FirstLinetype = firsttype;
Boomish[NumBoomish].LastLinetype = lasttype;
Boomish[NumBoomish].NewSpecial = special;
for (i = 0, probe = stores; probe != NULL; i++)
MoreLines *next = probe->next;;
Boomish[NumBoomish].Args[i] = probe->arg;
else if (i == MAX_BOOMISH_EXEC)
printf ("%s, line %d: Too many commands for this BOOM translator\n", SourceName, SourceLine);
free (probe);
probe = next;
Boomish[NumBoomish].Args[i].bDefined = 0;
boom_body(A) ::= . /* empty */
boom_body(A) ::= boom_line(B) boom_body(C).
A = malloc (sizeof(MoreLines));
A->next = C;
A->arg = B;
boom_line(A) ::= boom_selector(sel) boom_op(op) boom_args(args).
A.bDefined = 1;
A.bOrExisting = (op == OR_EQUAL);
A.bUseConstant = (args.filters == NULL);
A.ArgNum = sel;
A.ConstantValue = args.constant;
A.AndValue = args.mask;
if (args.filters != NULL)
int i;
MoreFilters *probe;
for (i = 0, probe = args.filters; probe != NULL; i++)
MoreFilters *next = probe->next;
if (i < 15)
A.ResultFilter[i] = probe->filter.filter;
A.ResultValue[i] = probe->filter.value;
else if (i == 15)
yyerror ("Lists can only have 15 elements");
free (probe);
probe = next;
A.ListSize = i > 15 ? 15 : i;
boom_selector(A) ::= FLAGS. { A = 4; }
boom_selector(A) ::= ARG2. { A = 0; }
boom_selector(A) ::= ARG3. { A = 1; }
boom_selector(A) ::= ARG4. { A = 2; }
boom_selector(A) ::= ARG5. { A = 3; }
boom_op(A) ::= EQUALS. { A = '='; }
boom_op(A) ::= OR_EQUAL. { A = OR_EQUAL; }
boom_args(A) ::= exp(B).
A.constant = B;
A.filters = NULL;
boom_args(A) ::= exp(B) LBRACKET arg_list(C) RBRACKET.
A.mask = B;
A.filters = C;
arg_list(A) ::= list_val(B).
A = malloc (sizeof(MoreFilters));
A->next = NULL;
A->filter = B;
arg_list(A) ::= list_val(B) COMMA arg_list(C).
A = malloc (sizeof(MoreFilters));
A->next = C;
A->filter = B;
list_val(A) ::= exp(B) COLON exp(C).
A.filter = B;
A.value = C;
special_args(Z) ::= . /* empty */
Z.addflags = 0;
memset (Z.args, 0, 5);
special_args(Z) ::= TAG.
Z.addflags = SIMPLE_HASTAGAT1;
memset (Z.args, 0, 5);
special_args(Z) ::= TAG COMMA exp(B).
Z.addflags = SIMPLE_HASTAGAT1;
Z.args[0] = 0;
Z.args[1] = B;
Z.args[2] = 0;
Z.args[3] = 0;
Z.args[4] = 0;
special_args(Z) ::= TAG COMMA exp(B) COMMA exp(C).
Z.addflags = SIMPLE_HASTAGAT1;
Z.args[0] = 0;
Z.args[1] = B;
Z.args[2] = C;
Z.args[3] = 0;
Z.args[4] = 0;
special_args(Z) ::= TAG COMMA exp(B) COMMA exp(C) COMMA exp(D).
Z.addflags = SIMPLE_HASTAGAT1;
Z.args[0] = 0;
Z.args[1] = B;
Z.args[2] = C;
Z.args[3] = D;
Z.args[4] = 0;
special_args(Z) ::= TAG COMMA exp(B) COMMA exp(C) COMMA exp(D) COMMA exp(E).
Z.addflags = SIMPLE_HASTAGAT1;
Z.args[0] = 0;
Z.args[1] = B;
Z.args[2] = C;
Z.args[3] = D;
Z.args[4] = E;
special_args(Z) ::= TAG COMMA TAG.
Z.addflags = SIMPLE_HAS2TAGS;
Z.args[0] = Z.args[1] = 0;
Z.args[2] = 0;
Z.args[3] = 0;
Z.args[4] = 0;
special_args(Z) ::= TAG COMMA TAG COMMA exp(C).
Z.addflags = SIMPLE_HAS2TAGS;
Z.args[0] = Z.args[1] = 0;
Z.args[2] = C;
Z.args[3] = 0;
Z.args[4] = 0;
special_args(Z) ::= TAG COMMA TAG COMMA exp(C) COMMA exp(D).
Z.addflags = SIMPLE_HAS2TAGS;
Z.args[0] = Z.args[1] = 0;
Z.args[2] = C;
Z.args[3] = D;
Z.args[4] = 0;
special_args(Z) ::= TAG COMMA TAG COMMA exp(C) COMMA exp(D) COMMA exp(E).
Z.addflags = SIMPLE_HAS2TAGS;
Z.args[0] = Z.args[1] = 0;
Z.args[2] = C;
Z.args[3] = D;
Z.args[4] = E;
special_args(Z) ::= LINEID.
memset (Z.args, 0, 5);
special_args(Z) ::= LINEID COMMA exp(B).
Z.args[0] = 0;
Z.args[1] = B;
Z.args[2] = 0;
Z.args[3] = 0;
Z.args[4] = 0;
special_args(Z) ::= LINEID COMMA exp(B) COMMA exp(C).
Z.args[0] = 0;
Z.args[1] = B;
Z.args[2] = C;
Z.args[3] = 0;
Z.args[4] = 0;
special_args(Z) ::= LINEID COMMA exp(B) COMMA exp(C) COMMA exp(D).
Z.args[0] = 0;
Z.args[1] = B;
Z.args[2] = C;
Z.args[3] = D;
Z.args[4] = 0;
special_args(Z) ::= LINEID COMMA exp(B) COMMA exp(C) COMMA exp(D) COMMA exp(E).
Z.args[0] = 0;
Z.args[1] = B;
Z.args[2] = C;
Z.args[3] = D;
Z.args[4] = E;
special_args(Z) ::= exp(A).
Z.addflags = 0;
Z.args[0] = A;
Z.args[1] = 0;
Z.args[2] = 0;
Z.args[3] = 0;
Z.args[4] = 0;
special_args(Z) ::= exp(A) COMMA exp(B).
Z.addflags = 0;
Z.args[0] = A;
Z.args[1] = B;
Z.args[2] = 0;
Z.args[3] = 0;
Z.args[4] = 0;
special_args(Z) ::= exp(A) COMMA exp(B) COMMA exp(C).
Z.addflags = 0;
Z.args[0] = A;
Z.args[1] = B;
Z.args[2] = C;
Z.args[3] = 0;
Z.args[4] = 0;
special_args(Z) ::= exp(A) COMMA exp(B) COMMA exp(C) COMMA exp(D).
Z.addflags = 0;
Z.args[0] = A;
Z.args[1] = B;
Z.args[2] = C;
Z.args[3] = D;
Z.args[4] = 0;
special_args(Z) ::= exp(A) COMMA exp(B) COMMA exp(C) COMMA exp(D) COMMA exp(E).
Z.addflags = 0;
Z.args[0] = A;
Z.args[1] = B;
Z.args[2] = C;
Z.args[3] = D;
Z.args[4] = E;
special_args(Z) ::= exp(A) COMMA TAG.
Z.addflags = SIMPLE_HASTAGAT2;
Z.args[0] = A;
Z.args[1] = 0;
Z.args[2] = 0;
Z.args[3] = 0;
Z.args[4] = 0;
special_args(Z) ::= exp(A) COMMA TAG COMMA exp(C).
Z.addflags = SIMPLE_HASTAGAT2;
Z.args[0] = A;
Z.args[1] = 0;
Z.args[2] = C;
Z.args[3] = 0;
Z.args[4] = 0;
special_args(Z) ::= exp(A) COMMA TAG COMMA exp(C) COMMA exp(D).
Z.addflags = SIMPLE_HASTAGAT2;
Z.args[0] = A;
Z.args[1] = 0;
Z.args[2] = C;
Z.args[3] = D;
Z.args[4] = 0;
special_args(Z) ::= exp(A) COMMA TAG COMMA exp(C) COMMA exp(D) COMMA exp(E).
Z.addflags = SIMPLE_HASTAGAT2;
Z.args[0] = A;
Z.args[1] = 0;
Z.args[2] = C;
Z.args[3] = D;
Z.args[4] = E;
special_args(Z) ::= exp(A) COMMA exp(B) COMMA TAG.
Z.addflags = SIMPLE_HASTAGAT3;
Z.args[0] = A;
Z.args[1] = B;
Z.args[2] = 0;
Z.args[3] = 0;
Z.args[4] = 0;
special_args(Z) ::= exp(A) COMMA exp(B) COMMA TAG COMMA exp(D).
Z.addflags = SIMPLE_HASTAGAT3;
Z.args[0] = A;
Z.args[1] = B;
Z.args[2] = 0;
Z.args[3] = D;
Z.args[4] = 0;
special_args(Z) ::= exp(A) COMMA exp(B) COMMA TAG COMMA exp(D) COMMA exp(E).
Z.addflags = SIMPLE_HASTAGAT3;
Z.args[0] = A;
Z.args[1] = B;
Z.args[2] = 0;
Z.args[3] = D;
Z.args[4] = E;
special_args(Z) ::= exp(A) COMMA exp(B) COMMA exp(C) COMMA TAG.
Z.addflags = SIMPLE_HASTAGAT4;
Z.args[0] = A;
Z.args[1] = B;
Z.args[2] = C;
Z.args[3] = 0;
Z.args[4] = 0;
special_args(Z) ::= exp(A) COMMA exp(B) COMMA exp(C) COMMA TAG COMMA exp(E).
Z.addflags = SIMPLE_HASTAGAT4;
Z.args[0] = A;
Z.args[1] = B;
Z.args[2] = C;
Z.args[3] = 0;
Z.args[4] = E;
special_args(Z) ::= exp(A) COMMA exp(B) COMMA exp(C) COMMA exp(D) COMMA TAG.
Z.addflags = SIMPLE_HASTAGAT5;
Z.args[0] = A;
Z.args[1] = B;
Z.args[2] = C;
Z.args[3] = D;
Z.args[4] = 0;