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Raw Normal View History

// Emacs style mode select -*- C++ -*-
// $Id:$
// Copyright (C) 1993-1996 by id Software, Inc.
// This source is available for distribution and/or modification
// only under the terms of the DOOM Source Code License as
// published by id Software. All rights reserved.
// The source is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// for more details.
// all external data is defined here
// most of the data is loaded into different structures at run time
// some internal structures shared by many modules are here
#ifndef __DOOMDATA__
#define __DOOMDATA__
// The most basic types we use, portability.
#include "doomtype.h"
// Some global defines, that configure the game.
#include "doomdef.h"
// Map level types.
// The following data structures define the persistent format
// used in the lumps of the WAD files.
// Lump order in a map WAD: each map needs a couple of lumps
// to provide a complete scene geometry description.
ML_LABEL, // A separator, name, ExMx or MAPxx
ML_THINGS, // Monsters, items
ML_LINEDEFS, // LineDefs, from editing
ML_SIDEDEFS, // SideDefs, from editing
ML_VERTEXES, // Vertices, edited and BSP splits generated
ML_SEGS, // LineSegs, from LineDefs split by BSP
ML_SSECTORS, // SubSectors, list of LineSegs
ML_NODES, // BSP nodes
ML_SECTORS, // Sectors, from editing
ML_REJECT, // LUT, sector-sector visibility
ML_BLOCKMAP, // LUT, motion clipping, walls/grid element
ML_BEHAVIOR, // [RH] Hexen-style scripts. If present, THINGS
// and LINEDEFS are also Hexen-style.
// [RH] These are compressed (and extended) nodes. They combine the data from
// vertexes, segs, ssectors, and nodes into a single lump.
// A single Vertex.
typedef struct
short x, y;
} mapvertex_t;
// A SideDef, defining the visual appearance of a wall,
// by setting textures and offsets.
typedef struct
short textureoffset;
short rowoffset;
char toptexture[8];
char bottomtexture[8];
char midtexture[8];
short sector; // Front sector, towards viewer.
} mapsidedef_t;
// A LineDef, as used for editing, and as input to the BSP builder.
typedef struct
WORD v1;
WORD v2;
WORD flags;
short special;
short tag;
WORD sidenum[2]; // sidenum[1] will be -1 if one sided
} maplinedef_t;
// [RH] Hexen-compatible LineDef.
typedef struct
WORD v1;
WORD v2;
WORD flags;
byte special;
byte args[5];
WORD sidenum[2];
} maplinedef2_t;
// LineDef attributes.
#define ML_BLOCKING 0x0001 // solid, is an obstacle
#define ML_BLOCKMONSTERS 0x0002 // blocks monsters only
#define ML_TWOSIDED 0x0004 // backside will not be present at all if not two sided
// If a texture is pegged, the texture will have
// the end exposed to air held constant at the
// top or bottom of the texture (stairs or pulled
// down things) and will move with a height change
// of one of the neighbor sectors.
// Unpegged textures always have the first row of
// the texture at the top pixel of the line for both
// top and bottom textures (use next to windows).
#define ML_DONTPEGTOP 0x0008 // upper texture unpegged
#define ML_DONTPEGBOTTOM 0x0010 // lower texture unpegged
#define ML_SECRET 0x0020 // don't map as two sided: IT'S A SECRET!
#define ML_SOUNDBLOCK 0x0040 // don't let sound cross two of these
#define ML_DONTDRAW 0x0080 // don't draw on the automap
#define ML_MAPPED 0x0100 // set if already drawn in automap
#define ML_REPEAT_SPECIAL 0x0200 // special is repeatable
#define ML_SPAC_SHIFT 10
#define ML_SPAC_MASK 0x1c00
static inline int GET_SPAC (int flags)
return (flags&ML_SPAC_MASK) >> ML_SPAC_SHIFT;
// Special activation types
#define SPAC_CROSS 0 // when player crosses line
#define SPAC_USE 1 // when player uses line
#define SPAC_MCROSS 2 // when monster crosses line
#define SPAC_IMPACT 3 // when projectile hits line
#define SPAC_PUSH 4 // when player/monster pushes line
#define SPAC_PCROSS 5 // when projectile crosses line
#define SPAC_USETHROUGH 6 // SPAC_USE, but passes it through
#define SPAC_PTOUCH 7 // when a projectiles crosses or hits line
#define SPAC_OTHERCROSS 8 // [RH] Not a real activation type. Here for compatibility.
// [RH] Monsters (as well as players) can active the line
// [RH] BOOM's ML_PASSUSE flag (conflicts with ML_REPEATSPECIAL)
#define ML_PASSUSE_BOOM 0x0200
// [RH] In case I feel like it, here it is...
#define ML_3DMIDTEX_ETERNITY 0x0400
// If this bit is set, then all non-original-Doom bits are cleared when
// translating the line. Only applies when playing Doom with Doom-format maps.
// Hexen format maps and the other games are not affected by this.
// [RH] Extra flags for Strife compatibility
#define ML_RAILING_STRIFE 0x0200
#define ML_BLOCKEVERYTHING 0x00008000 // [RH] Line blocks everything
#define ML_ZONEBOUNDARY 0x00010000
#define ML_RAILING 0x00020000
#define ML_BLOCK_FLOATERS 0x00040000
#define ML_CLIP_MIDTEX 0x00080000 // Automatic for every Strife line
#define ML_WRAP_MIDTEX 0x00100000
// Sector definition, from editing
typedef struct
short floorheight;
short ceilingheight;
char floorpic[8];
char ceilingpic[8];
short lightlevel;
short special;
short tag;
} mapsector_t;
// SubSector, as generated by BSP
typedef struct
WORD numsegs;
WORD firstseg; // index of first one, segs are stored sequentially
} mapsubsector_t;
// LineSeg, generated by splitting LineDefs
// using partition lines selected by BSP builder.
typedef struct
WORD v1;
WORD v2;
short angle;
WORD linedef;
short side;
short offset;
} mapseg_t;
// BSP node structure.
// Indicate a leaf.
#define NF_SUBSECTOR 0x8000
typedef struct
short x,y,dx,dy; // partition line
short bbox[2][4]; // bounding box for each child
// If NF_SUBSECTOR is or'ed in, it's a subsector,
// else it's a node of another subtree.
unsigned short children[2];
} mapnode_t;
// Thing definition, position, orientation and type,
// plus skill/visibility flags and attributes.
typedef struct
short x;
short y;
short angle;
short type;
short options;
} mapthing_t;
// [RH] Hexen-compatible MapThing.
typedef struct MapThing
unsigned short thingid;
short x;
short y;
short z;
short angle;
short type;
short flags;
byte special;
byte args[5];
void Serialize (FArchive &);
} mapthing2_t;
// [RH] MapThing flags.
#define MTF_EASY 0x0001 // Thing will appear on easy skill setting
#define MTF_MEDIUM 0x0002 // Thing will appear on medium skill setting
#define MTF_HARD 0x0004 // Thing will appear on hard skill setting
#define MTF_AMBUSH 0x0008 // Thing is deaf
#define MTF_DORMANT 0x0010 // Thing is dormant (use Thing_Activate)
#define MTF_FIGHTER 0x0020
#define MTF_CLERIC 0x0040
#define MTF_MAGE 0x0080
#define MTF_SINGLE 0x0100 // Thing appears in single-player games
#define MTF_COOPERATIVE 0x0200 // Thing appears in cooperative games
#define MTF_DEATHMATCH 0x0400 // Thing appears in deathmatch games
#define MTF_SHADOW 0x0800
#define MTF_ALTSHADOW 0x1000
#define MTF_FRIENDLY 0x2000
#define MTF_STANDSTILL 0x4000
// BOOM and DOOM compatible versions of some of the above
#define BTF_FRIENDLY 0x0080 // MBF friendly monsters
#define BTF_BADEDITORCHECK 0x0100 // for detecting bad (Mac) editors
// Strife thing flags
#define STF_STANDSTILL 0x0008
#define STF_AMBUSH 0x0020
#define STF_FRIENDLY 0x0040
#define STF_SHADOW 0x0100
#define STF_ALTSHADOW 0x0200
// Texture definition
// Each texture is composed of one or more patches, with patches being lumps
// stored in the WAD. The lumps are referenced by number, and patched into
// the rectangular texture space using origin and possibly other attributes.
typedef struct
short originx;
short originy;
short patch;
short stepdir;
short colormap;
} mappatch_t;
// A wall texture is a list of patches which are to be combined in a
// predefined order.
typedef struct
char name[8];
WORD Flags; // [RH] Was unused
BYTE ScaleX; // [RH] Scaling (8 is normal)
BYTE ScaleY; // [RH] Same as above
short width;
short height;
byte columndirectory[4]; // OBSOLETE
short patchcount;
mappatch_t patches[1];
} maptexture_t;
// [RH] Just for documentation purposes, here's what I think the
// Strife versions of the above two structures are:
typedef struct
short originx;
short originy;
short patch;
} strifemappatch_t;
// A wall texture is a list of patches which are to be combined in a
// predefined order.
typedef struct
char name[8];
WORD Flags; // [RH] Was nused
BYTE ScaleX; // [RH] Scaling (8 is normal)
BYTE ScaleY; // [RH] Same as above
short width;
short height;
short patchcount;
strifemappatch_t patches[1];
} strifemaptexture_t;
#endif // __DOOMDATA__