mirror of
synced 2025-02-09 08:20:48 +00:00
This was done mainly to reduce the amount of occurences of the word FTexture but it immediately helped detect two small and mostly harmless bugs that were found due to the stricter type checks.
558 lines
17 KiB
558 lines
17 KiB
// Copyright 1993-1996 id Software
// Copyright 1999-2016 Randy Heit
// Copyright 2016 Magnus Norddahl
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <algorithm>
#include "p_lnspec.h"
#include "templates.h"
#include "doomdef.h"
#include "m_swap.h"
#include "i_system.h"
#include "w_wad.h"
#include "swrenderer/things/r_playersprite.h"
#include "c_console.h"
#include "c_cvars.h"
#include "c_dispatch.h"
#include "doomstat.h"
#include "v_video.h"
#include "sc_man.h"
#include "s_sound.h"
#include "sbar.h"
#include "gi.h"
#include "r_sky.h"
#include "cmdlib.h"
#include "g_level.h"
#include "d_net.h"
#include "colormatcher.h"
#include "d_netinf.h"
#include "p_effect.h"
#include "swrenderer/scene/r_opaque_pass.h"
#include "swrenderer/scene/r_3dfloors.h"
#include "swrenderer/drawers/r_draw_rgba.h"
#include "swrenderer/drawers/r_draw_pal.h"
#include "v_palette.h"
#include "r_data/r_translate.h"
#include "r_data/colormaps.h"
#include "r_data/voxels.h"
#include "p_local.h"
#include "p_maputl.h"
#include "r_voxel.h"
#include "swrenderer/segments/r_drawsegment.h"
#include "swrenderer/scene/r_portal.h"
#include "swrenderer/scene/r_scene.h"
#include "swrenderer/scene/r_light.h"
#include "swrenderer/things/r_sprite.h"
#include "swrenderer/viewport/r_viewport.h"
#include "swrenderer/r_memory.h"
#include "swrenderer/r_renderthread.h"
#include "g_levellocals.h"
EXTERN_CVAR(Bool, r_drawplayersprites)
EXTERN_CVAR(Bool, r_deathcamera)
EXTERN_CVAR(Bool, r_shadercolormaps)
EXTERN_CVAR(Bool, r_fullbrightignoresectorcolor)
namespace swrenderer
RenderPlayerSprites::RenderPlayerSprites(RenderThread *thread)
Thread = thread;
void RenderPlayerSprites::Render()
int i;
int lightnum;
DPSprite* psp;
DPSprite* weapon;
sector_t* sec = NULL;
int floorlight, ceilinglight;
F3DFloor *rover;
if (!r_drawplayersprites ||
!Thread->Viewport->viewpoint.camera ||
!Thread->Viewport->viewpoint.camera->player ||
(players[consoleplayer].cheats & CF_CHASECAM) ||
(r_deathcamera && Thread->Viewport->viewpoint.camera->health <= 0))
if (r_models && gl_IsHUDModelForPlayerAvailable(players[consoleplayer].camera->player))
renderHUDModel = true;
FDynamicColormap *basecolormap;
CameraLight *cameraLight = CameraLight::Instance();
if (cameraLight->FixedLightLevel() < 0 && Thread->Viewport->viewpoint.sector->e && Thread->Viewport->viewpoint.sector->e->XFloor.lightlist.Size())
for (i = Thread->Viewport->viewpoint.sector->e->XFloor.lightlist.Size() - 1; i >= 0; i--)
if (Thread->Viewport->viewpoint.Pos.Z <= Thread->Viewport->viewpoint.sector->e->XFloor.lightlist[i].plane.Zat0())
rover = Thread->Viewport->viewpoint.sector->e->XFloor.lightlist[i].caster;
if (rover)
if (rover->flags & FF_DOUBLESHADOW && Thread->Viewport->viewpoint.Pos.Z <= rover->bottom.plane->Zat0())
sec = rover->model;
if (rover->flags & FF_FADEWALLS)
basecolormap = GetColorTable(sec->Colormap, sec->SpecialColors[sector_t::sprites], true);
basecolormap = GetColorTable(Thread->Viewport->viewpoint.sector->e->XFloor.lightlist[i].extra_colormap, sec->SpecialColors[sector_t::sprites], true);
if (!sec)
sec = Thread->Viewport->viewpoint.sector;
basecolormap = GetColorTable(sec->Colormap, sec->SpecialColors[sector_t::sprites], true);
floorlight = ceilinglight = sec->lightlevel;
{ // This used to use camera->Sector but due to interpolation that can be incorrect
// when the interpolated viewpoint is in a different sector than the camera.
sec = Thread->OpaquePass->FakeFlat(Thread->Viewport->viewpoint.sector, &tempsec, &floorlight, &ceilinglight, nullptr, 0, 0, 0, 0);
// [RH] set basecolormap
basecolormap = GetColorTable(sec->Colormap, sec->SpecialColors[sector_t::sprites], true);
// [RH] set foggy flag
bool foggy = (level.fadeto || basecolormap->Fade || (level.flags & LEVEL_HASFADETABLE));
// get light level
lightnum = ((floorlight + ceilinglight) >> 1) + LightVisibility::ActualExtraLight(foggy, Thread->Viewport.get());
int spriteshade = LightVisibility::LightLevelToShade(lightnum, foggy) - 24 * FRACUNIT;
if (Thread->Viewport->viewpoint.camera->player != NULL)
auto viewport = Thread->Viewport.get();
double centerhack = viewport->CenterY;
double wx, wy;
float bobx, boby;
viewport->CenterY = viewheight / 2;
P_BobWeapon(viewport->viewpoint.camera->player, &bobx, &boby, viewport->viewpoint.TicFrac);
// Interpolate the main weapon layer once so as to be able to add it to other layers.
if ((weapon = viewport->viewpoint.camera->player->FindPSprite(PSP_WEAPON)) != nullptr)
if (weapon->firstTic)
wx = weapon->x;
wy = weapon->y;
wx = weapon->oldx + (weapon->x - weapon->oldx) * viewport->viewpoint.TicFrac;
wy = weapon->oldy + (weapon->y - weapon->oldy) * viewport->viewpoint.TicFrac;
wx = 0;
wy = 0;
// add all active psprites
psp = viewport->viewpoint.camera->player->psprites;
while (psp)
// [RH] Don't draw the targeter's crosshair if the player already has a crosshair set.
// It's possible this psprite's caller is now null but the layer itself hasn't been destroyed
// because it didn't tick yet (if we typed 'take all' while in the console for example).
// In this case let's simply not draw it to avoid crashing.
if ((psp->GetID() != PSP_TARGETCENTER || CrosshairImage == nullptr) && psp->GetCaller() != nullptr)
RenderSprite(psp, viewport->viewpoint.camera, bobx, boby, wx, wy, viewport->viewpoint.TicFrac, spriteshade, basecolormap, foggy);
psp = psp->GetNext();
viewport->CenterY = centerhack;
void RenderPlayerSprites::RenderSprite(DPSprite *pspr, AActor *owner, float bobx, float boby, double wx, double wy, double ticfrac, int spriteshade, FDynamicColormap *basecolormap, bool foggy)
double tx;
int x1;
int x2;
double sx, sy;
spritedef_t* sprdef;
spriteframe_t* sprframe;
FTextureID picnum;
uint16_t flip;
FTexture* tex;
bool noaccel;
double alpha = owner->Alpha;
// decide which patch to use
if ((unsigned)pspr->GetSprite() >= (unsigned)sprites.Size())
DPrintf(DMSG_ERROR, "R_DrawPSprite: invalid sprite number %i\n", pspr->GetSprite());
sprdef = &sprites[pspr->GetSprite()];
if (pspr->GetFrame() >= sprdef->numframes)
DPrintf(DMSG_ERROR, "R_DrawPSprite: invalid sprite frame %i : %i\n", pspr->GetSprite(), pspr->GetFrame());
sprframe = &SpriteFrames[sprdef->spriteframes + pspr->GetFrame()];
picnum = sprframe->Texture[0];
flip = sprframe->Flip & 1;
tex = TexMan(picnum);
if (tex->UseType == ETextureType::Null)
if (pspr->firstTic)
{ // Can't interpolate the first tic.
pspr->firstTic = false;
pspr->oldx = pspr->x;
pspr->oldy = pspr->y;
sx = pspr->oldx + (pspr->x - pspr->oldx) * ticfrac;
sy = pspr->oldy + (pspr->y - pspr->oldy) * ticfrac + WEAPON_FUDGE_Y;
if (pspr->Flags & PSPF_ADDBOB)
sx += (pspr->Flags & PSPF_MIRROR) ? -bobx : bobx;
sy += boby;
if (pspr->Flags & PSPF_ADDWEAPON && pspr->GetID() != PSP_WEAPON)
sx += wx;
sy += wy;
if (renderHUDModel)
RenderHUDModel(Thread, pspr, (float)sx, (float)sy);
auto viewport = Thread->Viewport.get();
double pspritexscale = viewport->viewwindow.centerxwide / 160.0;
double pspriteyscale = pspritexscale * viewport->BaseYaspectMul * ((double)SCREENHEIGHT / SCREENWIDTH) * r_viewwindow.WidescreenRatio;
double pspritexiscale = 1 / pspritexscale;
int tleft = tex->GetScaledLeftOffset();
int twidth = tex->GetScaledWidth();
// calculate edges of the shape
tx = (pspr->Flags & PSPF_MIRROR) ? ((BASEXCENTER - twidth) - (sx - tleft)) : ((sx - BASEXCENTER) - tleft);
x1 = xs_RoundToInt(viewport->CenterX + tx * pspritexscale);
// off the right side
if (x1 > viewwidth)
tx += twidth;
x2 = xs_RoundToInt(viewport->CenterX + tx * pspritexscale);
// off the left side
if (x2 <= 0)
// store information in a vissprite
NoAccelPlayerSprite vis;
vis.renderflags = owner->renderflags;
vis.texturemid = (BASEYCENTER - sy) * tex->Scale.Y + tex->TopOffset;
if (Thread->Viewport->viewpoint.camera->player && (viewport->RenderTarget != screen ||
viewheight == viewport->RenderTarget->GetHeight() ||
(viewport->RenderTarget->GetWidth() > (BASEXCENTER * 2))))
{ // Adjust PSprite for fullscreen views
AWeapon *weapon = dyn_cast<AWeapon>(pspr->GetCaller());
if (weapon != nullptr && weapon->YAdjust != 0)
if (viewport->RenderTarget != screen || viewheight == viewport->RenderTarget->GetHeight())
vis.texturemid -= weapon->YAdjust;
vis.texturemid -= StatusBar->GetDisplacement() * weapon->YAdjust;
if (pspr->GetID() < PSP_TARGETCENTER)
{ // Move the weapon down for 1280x1024.
vis.texturemid -= AspectPspriteOffset(viewport->viewwindow.WidescreenRatio);
vis.x1 = x1 < 0 ? 0 : x1;
vis.x2 = x2 >= viewwidth ? viewwidth : x2;
vis.xscale = FLOAT2FIXED(pspritexscale / tex->Scale.X);
vis.yscale = float(pspriteyscale / tex->Scale.Y);
vis.pic = tex;
// If flip is used, provided that it's not already flipped (that would just invert itself)
// (It's an XOR...)
if (!(flip) != !(pspr->Flags & PSPF_FLIP))
vis.xiscale = -FLOAT2FIXED(pspritexiscale * tex->Scale.X);
vis.startfrac = (tex->GetWidth() << FRACBITS) - 1;
vis.xiscale = FLOAT2FIXED(pspritexiscale * tex->Scale.X);
vis.startfrac = 0;
if (vis.x1 > x1)
vis.startfrac += vis.xiscale*(vis.x1 - x1);
noaccel = false;
FDynamicColormap *colormap_to_use = nullptr;
if (pspr->GetID() < PSP_TARGETCENTER)
// [MC] Set the render style
auto rs = pspr->GetRenderStyle(owner->RenderStyle, owner->Alpha);
vis.RenderStyle = rs.first;
vis.Alpha = rs.second;
if (!vis.RenderStyle.IsVisible(vis.Alpha))
// The software renderer cannot invert the source without inverting the overlay
// too. That means if the source is inverted, we need to do the reverse of what
// the invert overlay flag says to do.
bool invertcolormap = (vis.RenderStyle.Flags & STYLEF_InvertOverlay) != 0;
if (vis.RenderStyle.Flags & STYLEF_InvertSource)
invertcolormap = !invertcolormap;
bool fullbright = !foggy && pspr->GetState()->GetFullbright();
bool fadeToBlack = (vis.RenderStyle.Flags & STYLEF_FadeToBlack) != 0;
vis.Light.SetColormap(0, spriteshade, basecolormap, fullbright, invertcolormap, fadeToBlack);
colormap_to_use = (FDynamicColormap*)vis.Light.BaseColormap;
if (Thread->Viewport->viewpoint.camera->Inventory != nullptr)
visstyle_t visstyle;
visstyle.Alpha = vis.Alpha;
visstyle.RenderStyle = STYLE_Count;
visstyle.Invert = false;
if (!(pspr->Flags & PSPF_FORCEALPHA)) vis.Alpha = visstyle.Alpha;
if (visstyle.RenderStyle != STYLE_Count && !(pspr->Flags & PSPF_FORCESTYLE))
vis.RenderStyle = visstyle.RenderStyle;
if (visstyle.Invert)
vis.Light.BaseColormap = &SpecialSWColormaps[INVERSECOLORMAP];
vis.Light.ColormapNum = 0;
noaccel = true;
// If we're drawing with a special colormap, but shaders for them are disabled, do
// not accelerate.
if (!r_shadercolormaps && (vis.Light.BaseColormap >= &SpecialSWColormaps[0] &&
vis.Light.BaseColormap <= &SpecialSWColormaps.Last()))
noaccel = true;
// If drawing with a BOOM colormap, disable acceleration.
if (vis.Light.BaseColormap == &NormalLight && NormalLight.Maps != realcolormaps.Maps)
noaccel = true;
// If the main colormap has fixed lights, and this sprite is being drawn with that
// colormap, disable acceleration so that the lights can remain fixed.
CameraLight *cameraLight = CameraLight::Instance();
if (!noaccel && cameraLight->ShaderColormap() == nullptr &&
NormalLightHasFixedLights && vis.Light.BaseColormap == &NormalLight &&
noaccel = true;
colormap_to_use = basecolormap;
vis.Light.BaseColormap = basecolormap;
vis.Light.ColormapNum = 0;
// Check for hardware-assisted 2D. If it's available, and this sprite is not
// fuzzy, don't draw it until after the switch to 2D mode.
if (!noaccel && viewport->RenderTarget == screen && (DFrameBuffer *)screen->Accel2D)
FRenderStyle style = vis.RenderStyle;
if (style.BlendOp != STYLEOP_Fuzz)
HWAccelPlayerSprite accelSprite;
accelSprite.pic = vis.pic;
accelSprite.texturemid = vis.texturemid;
accelSprite.yscale = vis.yscale;
accelSprite.xscale = vis.xscale;
accelSprite.Alpha = vis.Alpha;
accelSprite.RenderStyle = vis.RenderStyle;
accelSprite.Translation = vis.Translation;
accelSprite.FillColor = vis.FillColor;
accelSprite.basecolormap = colormap_to_use;
accelSprite.x1 = x1;
accelSprite.flip = vis.xiscale < 0;
if (vis.Light.BaseColormap >= &SpecialSWColormaps[0] &&
vis.Light.BaseColormap < &SpecialSWColormaps[SpecialColormaps.Size()])
accelSprite.special = &SpecialColormaps[vis.Light.BaseColormap - &SpecialSWColormaps[0]];
else if (CameraLight::Instance()->ShaderColormap())
accelSprite.special = CameraLight::Instance()->ShaderColormap();
else if (colormap_to_use->Color == PalEntry(255, 255, 255) &&
colormap_to_use->Desaturate == 0)
accelSprite.overlay = colormap_to_use->Fade;
accelSprite.overlay.a = uint8_t(vis.Light.ColormapNum * 255 / NUMCOLORMAPS);
accelSprite.usecolormapstyle = true;
accelSprite.colormapstyle.Color = colormap_to_use->Color;
accelSprite.colormapstyle.Fade = colormap_to_use->Fade;
accelSprite.colormapstyle.Desaturate = colormap_to_use->Desaturate;
accelSprite.colormapstyle.FadeLevel = vis.Light.ColormapNum / float(NUMCOLORMAPS);
void RenderPlayerSprites::RenderRemaining()
for (const HWAccelPlayerSprite &sprite : AcceleratedSprites)
viewwindowx + sprite.x1,
viewwindowy + viewheight / 2 - sprite.texturemid * sprite.yscale - 0.5,
DTA_DestWidthF, FIXED2DBL(sprite.pic->GetWidth() * sprite.xscale),
DTA_DestHeightF, sprite.pic->GetHeight() * sprite.yscale,
DTA_TranslationIndex, sprite.Translation,
DTA_FlipX, sprite.flip,
DTA_TopOffset, 0,
DTA_LeftOffset, 0,
DTA_ClipLeft, viewwindowx,
DTA_ClipTop, viewwindowy,
DTA_ClipRight, viewwindowx + viewwidth,
DTA_ClipBottom, viewwindowy + viewheight,
DTA_Alpha, sprite.Alpha,
DTA_RenderStyle, sprite.RenderStyle,
DTA_FillColor, sprite.FillColor,
DTA_SpecialColormap, sprite.special,
DTA_ColorOverlay, sprite.overlay.d,
DTA_ColormapStyle, sprite.usecolormapstyle ? &sprite.colormapstyle : nullptr,
void NoAccelPlayerSprite::Render(RenderThread *thread)
if (xscale == 0 || fabs(yscale) < (1.0f / 32000.0f))
{ // scaled to 0; can't see
SpriteDrawerArgs drawerargs;
drawerargs.SetLight(Light.BaseColormap, 0, Light.ColormapNum << FRACBITS);
FDynamicColormap *basecolormap = static_cast<FDynamicColormap*>(Light.BaseColormap);
bool visible = drawerargs.SetStyle(thread->Viewport.get(), RenderStyle, Alpha, Translation, FillColor, basecolormap, Light.ColormapNum << FRACBITS);
if (!visible)
double spryscale = yscale;
bool sprflipvert = false;
fixed_t iscale = FLOAT2FIXED(1 / yscale);
auto viewport = thread->Viewport.get();
double sprtopscreen;
if (renderflags & RF_YFLIP)
sprflipvert = true;
spryscale = -spryscale;
iscale = -iscale;
sprtopscreen = viewport->CenterY + (texturemid - pic->GetHeight()) * spryscale;
sprflipvert = false;
sprtopscreen = viewport->CenterY - texturemid * spryscale;
// clip to screen bounds
short *mfloorclip = screenheightarray;
short *mceilingclip = zeroarray;
fixed_t frac = startfrac;
thread->PrepareTexture(pic, RenderStyle);
for (int x = x1; x < x2; x++)
drawerargs.DrawMaskedColumn(thread, x, iscale, pic, frac + xiscale / 2, spryscale, sprtopscreen, sprflipvert, mfloorclip, mceilingclip, RenderStyle, false);
frac += xiscale;
if (thread->MainThread)