mirror of
synced 2025-03-07 01:11:03 +00:00
- precalculate if a sector's floor and ceiling plane overlap. This avoids rechecking this for each single call of hw_FakeFlat. - vertices must be marked dirty every time they change after map setup. That means that ChangePlaneTexZ must do this as well, because it cannot rely on interpolation taking care of it. - Having a 'dirty' argument for SetPlaneTexZ's ZScript version makes no sense. If the value changes from the script side the vertices must always be marked to be recalculated.
1060 lines
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1060 lines
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// Copyright(c) 1993 - 1997 Ken Silverman
// Copyright(c) 1998 - 2016 Randy Heit
// All rights reserved.
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/
// Voxel rendering
// Draw a voxel slab. This function is taken from the Build Engine.
// "Build Engine & Tools" Copyright (c) 1993-1997 Ken Silverman
// Ken Silverman's official web site: "http://www.advsys.net/ken"
// Permission has been obtained to use this code under the terms of
// the GNU General Public License v3.0.
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "templates.h"
#include "doomdef.h"
#include "sbar.h"
#include "r_data/r_translate.h"
#include "r_data/colormaps.h"
#include "r_data/voxels.h"
#include "r_data/sprites.h"
#include "d_net.h"
#include "po_man.h"
#include "r_utility.h"
#include "i_time.h"
#include "swrenderer/drawers/r_draw.h"
#include "swrenderer/drawers/r_thread.h"
#include "swrenderer/things/r_visiblesprite.h"
#include "swrenderer/things/r_voxel.h"
#include "swrenderer/scene/r_portal.h"
#include "swrenderer/scene/r_translucent_pass.h"
#include "swrenderer/scene/r_scene.h"
#include "swrenderer/scene/r_light.h"
#include "swrenderer/viewport/r_viewport.h"
#include "swrenderer/viewport/r_spritedrawer.h"
#include "swrenderer/r_memory.h"
#include "swrenderer/r_renderthread.h"
EXTERN_CVAR(Bool, r_fullbrightignoresectorcolor)
namespace swrenderer
void RenderVoxel::Project(RenderThread *thread, AActor *thing, DVector3 pos, FVoxelDef *voxel, const DVector2 &spriteScale, int renderflags, WaterFakeSide fakeside, F3DFloor *fakefloor, F3DFloor *fakeceiling, sector_t *current_sector, int spriteshade, bool foggy, FDynamicColormap *basecolormap)
// transform the origin point
double tr_x = pos.X - thread->Viewport->viewpoint.Pos.X;
double tr_y = pos.Y - thread->Viewport->viewpoint.Pos.Y;
double tz = tr_x * thread->Viewport->viewpoint.TanCos + tr_y * thread->Viewport->viewpoint.TanSin;
double tx = tr_x * thread->Viewport->viewpoint.Sin - tr_y * thread->Viewport->viewpoint.Cos;
// [RH] Flip for mirrors
RenderPortal *renderportal = thread->Portal.get();
if (renderportal->MirrorFlags & RF_XFLIP)
tx = -tx;
//tx2 = tx >> 4;
// too far off the side?
if (fabs(tx / 128) > fabs(tz))
double xscale = spriteScale.X * voxel->Scale;
double yscale = spriteScale.Y * voxel->Scale;
double piv = voxel->Voxel->Mips[0].Pivot.Z;
double gzt = pos.Z + yscale * piv - thing->Floorclip;
double gzb = pos.Z + yscale * (piv - voxel->Voxel->Mips[0].SizeZ);
if (gzt <= gzb)
// killough 3/27/98: exclude things totally separated
// from the viewer, by either water or fake ceilings
// killough 4/11/98: improve sprite clipping for underwater/fake ceilings
sector_t *heightsec = thing->Sector->GetHeightSec();
if (heightsec != nullptr) // only clip things which are in special sectors
if (fakeside == WaterFakeSide::AboveCeiling)
if (gzt < heightsec->ceilingplane.ZatPoint(pos))
else if (fakeside == WaterFakeSide::BelowFloor)
if (gzb >= heightsec->floorplane.ZatPoint(pos))
if (gzt < heightsec->floorplane.ZatPoint(pos))
if (!(heightsec->MoreFlags & SECMF_FAKEFLOORONLY) && gzb >= heightsec->ceilingplane.ZatPoint(pos))
RenderVoxel *vis = thread->FrameMemory->NewObject<RenderVoxel>();
vis->CurrentPortalUniq = renderportal->CurrentPortalUniq;
vis->xscale = FLOAT2FIXED(xscale);
vis->yscale = (float)yscale;
vis->x1 = renderportal->WindowLeft;
vis->x2 = renderportal->WindowRight;
vis->idepth = float(1 / tz);
vis->floorclip = thing->Floorclip;
pos.Z -= thing->Floorclip;
vis->Angle = thing->Angles.Yaw + voxel->AngleOffset;
int voxelspin = (thing->flags & MF_DROPPED) ? voxel->DroppedSpin : voxel->PlacedSpin;
if (voxelspin != 0)
DAngle ang = double(screen->FrameTime) * voxelspin / 1000;
vis->Angle -= ang;
vis->pa.vpos = { (float)thread->Viewport->viewpoint.Pos.X, (float)thread->Viewport->viewpoint.Pos.Y, (float)thread->Viewport->viewpoint.Pos.Z };
vis->pa.vang = FAngle((float)thread->Viewport->viewpoint.Angles.Yaw.Degrees);
// killough 3/27/98: save sector for special clipping later
vis->heightsec = heightsec;
vis->sector = thing->Sector;
vis->depth = (float)tz;
vis->gpos = { (float)pos.X, (float)pos.Y, (float)pos.Z };
vis->gzb = (float)gzb; // [RH] use gzb, not thing->z
vis->gzt = (float)gzt; // killough 3/27/98
vis->deltax = float(pos.X - thread->Viewport->viewpoint.Pos.X);
vis->deltay = float(pos.Y - thread->Viewport->viewpoint.Pos.Y);
vis->renderflags = renderflags;
if (thing->flags5 & MF5_BRIGHT)
vis->renderflags |= RF_FULLBRIGHT; // kg3D
vis->RenderStyle = thing->RenderStyle;
vis->FillColor = thing->fillcolor;
vis->Translation = thing->Translation; // [RH] thing translation table
vis->FakeFlatStat = fakeside;
vis->Alpha = float(thing->Alpha);
vis->fakefloor = fakefloor;
vis->fakeceiling = fakeceiling;
vis->Light.ColormapNum = 0;
vis->bInMirror = renderportal->MirrorFlags & RF_XFLIP;
//vis->bSplitSprite = false;
vis->voxel = voxel->Voxel;
vis->foggy = foggy;
// The software renderer cannot invert the source without inverting the overlay
// too. That means if the source is inverted, we need to do the reverse of what
// the invert overlay flag says to do.
bool invertcolormap = (vis->RenderStyle.Flags & STYLEF_InvertOverlay) != 0;
if (vis->RenderStyle.Flags & STYLEF_InvertSource)
invertcolormap = !invertcolormap;
// Sprites that are added to the scene must fade to black.
if (vis->RenderStyle == LegacyRenderStyles[STYLE_Add] && basecolormap->Fade != 0)
basecolormap = GetSpecialLights(basecolormap->Color, 0, basecolormap->Desaturate);
bool fullbright = !vis->foggy && ((renderflags & RF_FULLBRIGHT) || (thing->flags5 & MF5_BRIGHT));
bool fadeToBlack = (vis->RenderStyle.Flags & STYLEF_FadeToBlack) != 0;
vis->Light.SetColormap(thread->Light->SpriteGlobVis(foggy) / MAX(tz, MINZ), spriteshade, basecolormap, fullbright, invertcolormap, fadeToBlack);
// Fake a voxel drawing to find its extents..
SpriteDrawerArgs drawerargs;
drawerargs.SetLight(vis->Light.BaseColormap, 0, vis->Light.ColormapNum << FRACBITS);
basecolormap = (FDynamicColormap*)vis->Light.BaseColormap;
bool visible = drawerargs.SetStyle(thread->Viewport.get(), vis->RenderStyle, vis->Alpha, vis->Translation, vis->FillColor, basecolormap);
if (!visible)
int flags = vis->bInMirror ? (DVF_MIRRORED | DVF_FIND_X1X2) : DVF_FIND_X1X2;
vis->DrawVoxel(thread, drawerargs, vis->pa.vpos, vis->pa.vang, vis->gpos, vis->Angle, vis->xscale, FLOAT2FIXED(vis->yscale), vis->voxel, nullptr, nullptr, 0, 0, flags);
if (vis->x1 >= vis->x2)
void RenderVoxel::Render(RenderThread *thread, short *cliptop, short *clipbottom, int minZ, int maxZ, Fake3DTranslucent clip3DFloor)
auto spr = this;
auto viewport = thread->Viewport.get();
SpriteDrawerArgs drawerargs;
drawerargs.SetLight(spr->Light.BaseColormap, 0, spr->Light.ColormapNum << FRACBITS);
FDynamicColormap *basecolormap = (FDynamicColormap*)spr->Light.BaseColormap;
bool visible = drawerargs.SetStyle(viewport, spr->RenderStyle, spr->Alpha, spr->Translation, spr->FillColor, basecolormap);
if (!visible)
int flags = 0;
if (colfunc == fuzzcolfunc || colfunc == R_FillColumn)
else if (colfunc != basecolfunc)
if (flags != 0)
CheckOffscreenBuffer(viewport->RenderTarget->GetWidth(), viewport->RenderTarget->GetHeight(), !!(flags & DVF_SPANSONLY));
if (spr->bInMirror)
flags |= DVF_MIRRORED;
// Render the voxel, either directly to the screen or offscreen.
DrawVoxel(thread, drawerargs, spr->pa.vpos, spr->pa.vang, spr->gpos, spr->Angle,
spr->xscale, FLOAT2FIXED(spr->yscale), spr->voxel, cliptop, clipbottom,
minZ, maxZ, flags);
// Blend the voxel, if that's what we need to do.
if ((flags & ~DVF_MIRRORED) != 0)
int pixelsize = viewport->RenderTarget->IsBgra() ? 4 : 1;
for (int x = 0; x < viewwidth; ++x)
if (!(flags & DVF_SPANSONLY) && (x & 3) == 0)
rt_initcols(OffscreenColorBuffer + x * OffscreenBufferHeight);
for (FCoverageBuffer::Span *span = OffscreenCoverageBuffer->Spans[x]; span != NULL; span = span->NextSpan)
if (flags & DVF_SPANSONLY)
dc_x = x;
dc_yl = span->Start;
dc_yh = span->Stop - 1;
dc_count = span->Stop - span->Start;
dc_dest = (ylookup[span->Start] + x) * pixelsize + dc_destorg;
rt_span_coverage(x, span->Start, span->Stop - 1);
if (!(flags & DVF_SPANSONLY) && (x & 3) == 3)
rt_draw4cols(x - 3);
void RenderVoxel::DrawVoxel(
RenderThread *thread, SpriteDrawerArgs &drawerargs,
const FVector3 &globalpos, FAngle viewangle, const FVector3 &dasprpos, DAngle dasprang, fixed_t daxscale, fixed_t dayscale, FVoxel *voxobj,
short *daumost, short *dadmost, int minslabz, int maxslabz, int flags)
int i, j, k, x, y, syoff, ggxstart, ggystart, nxoff;
fixed_t cosang, sinang, sprcosang, sprsinang;
int backx, backy, gxinc, gyinc;
int daxscalerecip, dayscalerecip, cnt, gxstart, gystart, dazscale;
int lx, rx, nx, ny, x1 = 0, y1 = 0, x2 = 0, y2 = 0, yinc = 0;
int yoff, xs = 0, ys = 0, xe, ye, xi = 0, yi = 0, cbackx, cbacky, dagxinc, dagyinc;
kvxslab_t *voxptr, *voxend;
FVoxelMipLevel *mip;
int z1a[64], z2a[64], yplc[64];
auto viewport = thread->Viewport.get();
const int nytooclose = viewport->viewwindow.centerxwide * 2100, nytoofar = 32768 * 32768 - 1048576;
const int xdimenscale = FLOAT2FIXED(viewport->viewwindow.centerxwide * viewport->YaspectMul / 160);
const double centerxwide_f = viewport->viewwindow.centerxwide;
const double centerxwidebig_f = centerxwide_f * 65536 * 65536 * 8;
// Convert to Build's coordinate system.
fixed_t globalposx = xs_Fix<4>::ToFix(globalpos.X);
fixed_t globalposy = xs_Fix<4>::ToFix(-globalpos.Y);
fixed_t globalposz = xs_Fix<8>::ToFix(-globalpos.Z);
fixed_t dasprx = xs_Fix<4>::ToFix(dasprpos.X);
fixed_t daspry = xs_Fix<4>::ToFix(-dasprpos.Y);
fixed_t dasprz = xs_Fix<8>::ToFix(-dasprpos.Z);
// Shift the scales from 16 bits of fractional precision to 6.
// Also do some magic voodoo scaling to make them the right size.
daxscale = daxscale / (0xC000 >> 6);
dayscale = dayscale / (0xC000 >> 6);
if (daxscale <= 0 || dayscale <= 0)
// won't be visible.
angle_t viewang = viewangle.BAMs();
cosang = FLOAT2FIXED(viewangle.Cos()) >> 2;
sinang = FLOAT2FIXED(-viewangle.Sin()) >> 2;
sprcosang = FLOAT2FIXED(dasprang.Cos()) >> 2;
sprsinang = FLOAT2FIXED(-dasprang.Sin()) >> 2;
// Select mip level
i = abs(DMulScale6(dasprx - globalposx, cosang, daspry - globalposy, sinang));
i = DivScale6(i, MIN(daxscale, dayscale));
j = xs_Fix<13>::ToFix(viewport->FocalLengthX);
for (k = 0; i >= j && k < voxobj->NumMips; ++k)
i >>= 1;
if (k >= voxobj->NumMips) k = voxobj->NumMips - 1;
mip = &voxobj->Mips[k]; if (mip->GetSlabData(false) == NULL) return;
minslabz >>= k;
maxslabz >>= k;
daxscale <<= (k + 8); dayscale <<= (k + 8);
dazscale = FixedDiv(dayscale, FLOAT2FIXED(viewport->BaseYaspectMul));
daxscale = fixed_t(daxscale / viewport->YaspectMul);
daxscale = Scale(daxscale, xdimenscale, viewport->viewwindow.centerxwide << 9);
dayscale = Scale(dayscale, FixedMul(xdimenscale, viewport->viewingrangerecip), viewport->viewwindow.centerxwide << 9);
daxscalerecip = (1 << 30) / daxscale;
dayscalerecip = (1 << 30) / dayscale;
fixed_t piv_x = fixed_t(mip->Pivot.X*256.);
fixed_t piv_y = fixed_t(mip->Pivot.Y*256.);
fixed_t piv_z = fixed_t(mip->Pivot.Z*256.);
x = FixedMul(globalposx - dasprx, daxscalerecip);
y = FixedMul(globalposy - daspry, daxscalerecip);
backx = (DMulScale10(x, sprcosang, y, sprsinang) + piv_x) >> 8;
backy = (DMulScale10(y, sprcosang, x, -sprsinang) + piv_y) >> 8;
cbackx = clamp(backx, 0, mip->SizeX - 1);
cbacky = clamp(backy, 0, mip->SizeY - 1);
sprcosang = MulScale14(daxscale, sprcosang);
sprsinang = MulScale14(daxscale, sprsinang);
x = (dasprx - globalposx) - DMulScale18(piv_x, sprcosang, piv_y, -sprsinang);
y = (daspry - globalposy) - DMulScale18(piv_y, sprcosang, piv_x, sprsinang);
cosang = FixedMul(cosang, dayscalerecip);
sinang = FixedMul(sinang, dayscalerecip);
gxstart = y*cosang - x*sinang;
gystart = x*cosang + y*sinang;
gxinc = DMulScale10(sprsinang, cosang, sprcosang, -sinang);
gyinc = DMulScale10(sprcosang, cosang, sprsinang, sinang);
if ((abs(globalposz - dasprz) >> 10) >= abs(dazscale)) return;
x = 0; y = 0; j = MAX(mip->SizeX, mip->SizeY);
fixed_t *ggxinc = (fixed_t *)alloca((j + 1) * sizeof(fixed_t) * 2);
fixed_t *ggyinc = ggxinc + (j + 1);
for (i = 0; i <= j; i++)
ggxinc[i] = x; x += gxinc;
ggyinc[i] = y; y += gyinc;
syoff = DivScale21(globalposz - dasprz, FixedMul(dazscale, 0xE800)) + (piv_z << 7);
yoff = (abs(gxinc) + abs(gyinc)) >> 1;
bool useSlabDataBgra = !drawerargs.DrawerNeedsPalInput() && viewport->RenderTarget->IsBgra();
if (!useSlabDataBgra) voxobj->Remap();
else voxobj->CreateBgraSlabData();
int coverageX1 = this->x2;
int coverageX2 = this->x1;
const int maxoutblocks = 100;
VoxelBlock *outblocks = nullptr;
if ((flags & DVF_FIND_X1X2) == 0)
outblocks = thread->FrameMemory->AllocMemory<VoxelBlock>(maxoutblocks);
int nextoutblock = 0;
for (cnt = 0; cnt < 8; cnt++)
switch (cnt)
case 0: xs = 0; ys = 0; xi = 1; yi = 1; break;
case 1: xs = mip->SizeX - 1; ys = 0; xi = -1; yi = 1; break;
case 2: xs = 0; ys = mip->SizeY - 1; xi = 1; yi = -1; break;
case 3: xs = mip->SizeX - 1; ys = mip->SizeY - 1; xi = -1; yi = -1; break;
case 4: xs = 0; ys = cbacky; xi = 1; yi = 2; break;
case 5: xs = mip->SizeX - 1; ys = cbacky; xi = -1; yi = 2; break;
case 6: xs = cbackx; ys = 0; xi = 2; yi = 1; break;
case 7: xs = cbackx; ys = mip->SizeY - 1; xi = 2; yi = -1; break;
xe = cbackx; ye = cbacky;
if (cnt < 4)
if ((xi < 0) && (xe >= xs)) continue;
if ((xi > 0) && (xe <= xs)) continue;
if ((yi < 0) && (ye >= ys)) continue;
if ((yi > 0) && (ye <= ys)) continue;
if ((xi < 0) && (xe > xs)) continue;
if ((xi > 0) && (xe < xs)) continue;
if ((yi < 0) && (ye > ys)) continue;
if ((yi > 0) && (ye < ys)) continue;
xe += xi; ye += yi;
i = sgn(ys - backy) + sgn(xs - backx) * 3 + 4;
switch (i)
case 6: case 7: x1 = 0; y1 = 0; break;
case 8: case 5: x1 = gxinc; y1 = gyinc; break;
case 0: case 3: x1 = gyinc; y1 = -gxinc; break;
case 2: case 1: x1 = gxinc + gyinc; y1 = gyinc - gxinc; break;
switch (i)
case 2: case 5: x2 = 0; y2 = 0; break;
case 0: case 1: x2 = gxinc; y2 = gyinc; break;
case 8: case 7: x2 = gyinc; y2 = -gxinc; break;
case 6: case 3: x2 = gxinc + gyinc; y2 = gyinc - gxinc; break;
uint8_t oand = (1 << int(xs < backx)) + (1 << (int(ys < backy) + 2));
uint8_t oand16 = oand + 16;
uint8_t oand32 = oand + 32;
if (yi > 0) { dagxinc = gxinc; dagyinc = FixedMul(gyinc, viewport->viewingrangerecip); }
else { dagxinc = -gxinc; dagyinc = -FixedMul(gyinc, viewport->viewingrangerecip); }
/* Fix for non 90 degree viewing ranges */
nxoff = FixedMul(x2 - x1, viewport->viewingrangerecip);
x1 = FixedMul(x1, viewport->viewingrangerecip);
ggxstart = gxstart + ggyinc[ys];
ggystart = gystart - ggxinc[ys];
for (x = xs; x != xe; x += xi)
auto SlabData = mip->GetSlabData(true);
uint8_t *slabxoffs = &SlabData[mip->OffsetX[x]];
short *xyoffs = &mip->OffsetXY[x * (mip->SizeY + 1)];
nx = FixedMul(ggxstart + ggxinc[x], viewport->viewingrangerecip) + x1;
ny = ggystart + ggyinc[x];
for (y = ys; y != ye; y += yi, nx += dagyinc, ny -= dagxinc)
if ((ny <= nytooclose) || (ny >= nytoofar)) continue;
voxptr = (kvxslab_t *)(slabxoffs + xyoffs[y]);
voxend = (kvxslab_t *)(slabxoffs + xyoffs[y + 1]);
if (voxptr >= voxend) continue;
lx = xs_RoundToInt(nx * centerxwide_f / (ny + y1)) + viewport->viewwindow.centerx;
rx = xs_RoundToInt((nx + nxoff) * centerxwide_f / (ny + y2)) + viewport->viewwindow.centerx;
if (flags & DVF_MIRRORED)
int t = viewwidth - lx;
lx = viewwidth - rx;
rx = t;
if (lx < this->x1) lx = this->x1;
if (rx > this->x2) rx = this->x2;
if (rx <= lx) continue;
if (flags & DVF_FIND_X1X2)
coverageX1 = MIN(coverageX1, lx);
coverageX2 = MAX(coverageX2, rx);
fixed_t l1 = xs_RoundToInt(centerxwidebig_f / (ny - yoff));
fixed_t l2 = xs_RoundToInt(centerxwidebig_f / (ny + yoff));
for (; voxptr < voxend; voxptr = (kvxslab_t *)((uint8_t *)voxptr + voxptr->zleng + 3))
const uint8_t *col = voxptr->col;
int zleng = voxptr->zleng;
int ztop = voxptr->ztop;
fixed_t z1, z2;
if (ztop < minslabz)
int diff = minslabz - ztop;
ztop = minslabz;
col += diff;
zleng -= diff;
if (ztop + zleng > maxslabz)
int diff = ztop + zleng - maxslabz;
zleng -= diff;
if (zleng <= 0) continue;
j = (ztop << 15) - syoff;
if (j < 0)
k = j + (zleng << 15);
if (k < 0)
if ((voxptr->backfacecull & oand32) == 0) continue;
z2 = MulScale32(l2, k) + viewport->viewwindow.centery; /* Below slab */
if ((voxptr->backfacecull & oand) == 0) continue; /* Middle of slab */
z2 = MulScale32(l1, k) + viewport->viewwindow.centery;
z1 = MulScale32(l1, j) + viewport->viewwindow.centery;
if ((voxptr->backfacecull & oand16) == 0) continue;
z1 = MulScale32(l2, j) + viewport->viewwindow.centery; /* Above slab */
z2 = MulScale32(l1, j + (zleng << 15)) + viewport->viewwindow.centery;
if (z2 <= z1) continue;
if (zleng == 1)
yinc = 0;
if (z2 - z1 >= 1024) yinc = FixedDiv(zleng, z2 - z1);
else yinc = (((1 << 24) - 1) / (z2 - z1)) * zleng >> 8;
// [RH] Clip each column separately, not just by the first one.
for (int stripwidth = MIN<int>(countof(z1a), rx - lx), lxt = lx;
lxt < rx;
(lxt += countof(z1a)), stripwidth = MIN<int>(countof(z1a), rx - lxt))
// Calculate top and bottom pixels locations
for (int xxx = 0; xxx < stripwidth; ++xxx)
if (zleng == 1)
yplc[xxx] = 0;
z1a[xxx] = MAX<int>(z1, daumost[lxt + xxx]);
if (z1 < daumost[lxt + xxx])
yplc[xxx] = yinc * (daumost[lxt + xxx] - z1);
z1a[xxx] = daumost[lxt + xxx];
yplc[xxx] = 0;
z1a[xxx] = z1;
z2a[xxx] = MIN<int>(z2, dadmost[lxt + xxx]);
const uint8_t *columnColors = col;
if (useSlabDataBgra)
// The true color slab data array is identical, except its using uint32_t instead of uint8.
// We can find the same slab column by calculating the offset from the start of SlabData
// and use that to offset into the BGRA version of the same data.
columnColors = (const uint8_t *)(&mip->SlabDataBgra[0] + (ptrdiff_t)(col - SlabData));
// Find top and bottom pixels that match and draw them as one strip
for (int xxl = 0, xxr; xxl < stripwidth; )
if (z1a[xxl] >= z2a[xxl])
{ // No column here
int z1 = z1a[xxl];
int z2 = z2a[xxl];
// How many columns share the same extents?
for (xxr = xxl + 1; xxr < stripwidth; ++xxr)
if (z1a[xxr] != z1 || z2a[xxr] != z2)
outblocks[nextoutblock].x = lxt + xxl;
outblocks[nextoutblock].y = z1;
outblocks[nextoutblock].width = xxr - xxl;
outblocks[nextoutblock].height = z2 - z1;
outblocks[nextoutblock].vPos = yplc[xxl];
outblocks[nextoutblock].vStep = yinc;
outblocks[nextoutblock].voxels = columnColors;
outblocks[nextoutblock].voxelsCount = zleng;
if (nextoutblock == maxoutblocks)
drawerargs.DrawVoxelBlocks(thread, outblocks, maxoutblocks);
outblocks = thread->FrameMemory->AllocMemory<VoxelBlock>(maxoutblocks);
nextoutblock = 0;
for (int x = xxl; x < xxr; ++x)
drawerargs.SetDest(viewport, lxt + x, z1);
drawerargs.SetCount(z2 - z1);
drawerargs.DrawVoxelColumn(thread, yplc[xxl], yinc, columnColors, zleng);
if (!(flags & DVF_OFFSCREEN))
// Draw directly to the screen.
R_DrawSlab(xxr - xxl, yplc[xxl], z2 - z1, yinc, col, (ylookup[z1] + lxt + xxl) * pixelsize + dc_destorg);
// Record the area covered and possibly draw to an offscreen buffer.
dc_yl = z1;
dc_yh = z2 - 1;
dc_count = z2 - z1;
dc_iscale = yinc;
for (int x = xxl; x < xxr; ++x)
OffscreenCoverageBuffer->InsertSpan(lxt + x, z1, z2);
if (!(flags & DVF_SPANSONLY))
dc_x = lxt + x;
rt_initcols(OffscreenColorBuffer + (dc_x & ~3) * OffscreenBufferHeight);
dc_source = col;
dc_source2 = nullptr;
dc_texturefrac = yplc[xxl];
xxl = xxr;
if (flags & DVF_FIND_X1X2)
this->x1 = coverageX1;
this->x2 = coverageX2;
if (nextoutblock != 0)
drawerargs.DrawVoxelBlocks(thread, outblocks, nextoutblock);
kvxslab_t *RenderVoxel::GetSlabStart(const FVoxelMipLevel &mip, int x, int y)
return (kvxslab_t *)&mip.GetSlabData(true)[mip.OffsetX[x] + (int)mip.OffsetXY[x * (mip.SizeY + 1) + y]];
kvxslab_t *RenderVoxel::GetSlabEnd(const FVoxelMipLevel &mip, int x, int y)
return GetSlabStart(mip, x, y + 1);
kvxslab_t *RenderVoxel::NextSlab(kvxslab_t *slab)
return (kvxslab_t*)(((uint8_t*)slab) + 3 + slab->zleng);
void RenderVoxel::Deinit()
// Free offscreen buffer
if (OffscreenColorBuffer != nullptr)
delete[] OffscreenColorBuffer;
OffscreenColorBuffer = nullptr;
if (OffscreenCoverageBuffer != nullptr)
delete OffscreenCoverageBuffer;
OffscreenCoverageBuffer = nullptr;
OffscreenBufferHeight = OffscreenBufferWidth = 0;
void RenderVoxel::CheckOffscreenBuffer(int width, int height, bool spansonly)
// Allocates the offscreen coverage buffer and optionally the offscreen
// color buffer. If they already exist but are the wrong size, they will
// be reallocated.
if (OffscreenCoverageBuffer == nullptr)
assert(OffscreenColorBuffer == nullptr && "The color buffer cannot exist without the coverage buffer");
OffscreenCoverageBuffer = new FCoverageBuffer(width);
else if (OffscreenCoverageBuffer->NumLists != (unsigned)width)
delete OffscreenCoverageBuffer;
OffscreenCoverageBuffer = new FCoverageBuffer(width);
if (OffscreenColorBuffer != nullptr)
delete[] OffscreenColorBuffer;
OffscreenColorBuffer = nullptr;
if (!spansonly)
if (OffscreenColorBuffer == nullptr)
OffscreenColorBuffer = new uint8_t[width * height * 4];
else if (OffscreenBufferWidth != width || OffscreenBufferHeight != height)
delete[] OffscreenColorBuffer;
OffscreenColorBuffer = new uint8_t[width * height * 4];
OffscreenBufferWidth = width;
OffscreenBufferHeight = height;
FCoverageBuffer *RenderVoxel::OffscreenCoverageBuffer;
int RenderVoxel::OffscreenBufferWidth;
int RenderVoxel::OffscreenBufferHeight;
uint8_t *RenderVoxel::OffscreenColorBuffer;
FCoverageBuffer::FCoverageBuffer(int lists)
: Spans(nullptr), FreeSpans(nullptr)
NumLists = lists;
Spans = new Span *[lists];
memset(Spans, 0, sizeof(Span*)*lists);
if (Spans != nullptr)
delete[] Spans;
void FCoverageBuffer::Clear()
memset(Spans, 0, sizeof(Span*)*NumLists);
FreeSpans = nullptr;
void FCoverageBuffer::InsertSpan(int listnum, int start, int stop)
// start is inclusive.
// stop is exclusive.
assert(unsigned(listnum) < NumLists);
assert(start < stop);
Span **span_p = &Spans[listnum];
Span *span;
if (*span_p == nullptr || (*span_p)->Start > stop)
{ // This list is empty or the first entry is after this one, so we can just insert the span.
goto addspan;
// Insert the new span in order, merging with existing ones.
while (*span_p != nullptr)
if ((*span_p)->Stop < start) // ===== (existing span)
{ // Span ends before this one starts. // ++++ (new span)
span_p = &(*span_p)->NextSpan;
// Does the new span overlap or abut the existing one?
if ((*span_p)->Start <= start)
if ((*span_p)->Stop >= stop) // =============
{ // The existing span completely covers this one. // +++++
extend: // Extend the existing span with the new one. // ======
span = *span_p; // +++++++
span->Stop = stop; // (or) +++++
// Free up any spans we just covered up.
span_p = &(*span_p)->NextSpan;
while (*span_p != nullptr && (*span_p)->Start <= stop && (*span_p)->Stop <= stop)
Span *span = *span_p; // ====== ======
*span_p = span->NextSpan; // +++++++++++++
span->NextSpan = FreeSpans;
FreeSpans = span;
if (*span_p != nullptr && (*span_p)->Start <= stop) // ======= ========
{ // Our new span connects two existing spans. // ++++++++++++++
// They should all be collapsed into a single span.
span->Stop = (*span_p)->Stop;
span = *span_p;
*span_p = span->NextSpan;
span->NextSpan = FreeSpans;
FreeSpans = span;
goto check;
else if ((*span_p)->Start <= stop) // =====
{ // The new span extends the existing span from // ++++
// the beginning. // (or) ++++
(*span_p)->Start = start;
if ((*span_p)->Stop < stop)
{ // The new span also extends the existing span // ======
// at the bottom // ++++++++++++++
goto extend;
goto check;
else // ======
{ // No overlap, so insert a new span. // +++++
goto addspan;
// Append a new span to the end of the list.
span = AllocSpan();
span->NextSpan = *span_p;
span->Start = start;
span->Stop = stop;
*span_p = span;
#ifdef _DEBUG
// Validate the span list: Spans must be in order, and there must be
// at least one pixel between spans.
for (span = Spans[listnum]; span != nullptr; span = span->NextSpan)
assert(span->Start < span->Stop);
if (span->NextSpan != nullptr)
assert(span->Stop < span->NextSpan->Start);
FCoverageBuffer::Span *FCoverageBuffer::AllocSpan()
Span *span;
if (FreeSpans != nullptr)
span = FreeSpans;
FreeSpans = span->NextSpan;
span = (Span *)SpanArena.Alloc(sizeof(Span));
return span;
#if 0
void RenderVoxel::Render(RenderThread *thread, short *cliptop, short *clipbottom, int minZ, int maxZ)
auto sprite = this;
auto viewport = RenderViewport::Instance();
FDynamicColormap *basecolormap = static_cast<FDynamicColormap*>(sprite->Light.BaseColormap);
SpriteDrawerArgs drawerargs;
drawerargs.SetLight(sprite->Light.BaseColormap, 0, sprite->Light.ColormapNum << FRACBITS);
bool visible = drawerargs.SetStyle(sprite->RenderStyle, sprite->Alpha, sprite->Translation, sprite->FillColor, basecolormap);
if (!visible)
DVector3 view_origin = { sprite->pa.vpos.X, sprite->pa.vpos.Y, sprite->pa.vpos.Z };
FAngle view_angle = sprite->pa.vang;
DVector3 sprite_origin = { sprite->gpos.X, sprite->gpos.Y, sprite->gpos.Z };
DAngle sprite_angle = sprite->Angle;
double sprite_xscale = FIXED2DBL(sprite->xscale);
double sprite_yscale = sprite->yscale;
FVoxel *voxel = sprite->voxel;
// Select mipmap level:
double viewSin = view_angle.Cos();
double viewCos = view_angle.Sin();
double logmip = fabs((view_origin.X - sprite_origin.X) * viewCos - (view_origin.Y - sprite_origin.Y) * viewSin);
int miplevel = 0;
while (miplevel < voxel->NumMips - 1 && logmip >= viewport->FocalLengthX)
logmip *= 0.5;
const FVoxelMipLevel &mip = voxel->Mips[miplevel];
if (mip.SlabData == nullptr)
minZ >>= miplevel;
maxZ >>= miplevel;
sprite_xscale *= (1 << miplevel);
sprite_yscale *= (1 << miplevel);
// Find voxel cube eigenvectors and origin in world space:
double spriteSin = sprite_angle.Sin();
double spriteCos = sprite_angle.Cos();
DVector2 dirX(spriteSin * sprite_xscale, -spriteCos * sprite_xscale);
DVector2 dirY(spriteCos * sprite_xscale, spriteSin * sprite_xscale);
double dirZ = -sprite_yscale;
DVector3 voxel_origin = sprite_origin;
voxel_origin.X -= dirX.X * mip.Pivot.X + dirX.Y * mip.Pivot.Y;
voxel_origin.Y -= dirY.X * mip.Pivot.X + dirY.Y * mip.Pivot.Y;
voxel_origin.Z -= dirZ * mip.Pivot.Z;
// Voxel cube walking directions:
int startX[4] = { 0, mip.SizeX - 1, 0, mip.SizeX - 1 };
int startY[4] = { 0, 0, mip.SizeY - 1, mip.SizeY - 1 };
int stepX[4] = { 1, -1, 1, -1 };
int stepY[4] = { 1, 1, -1, -1 };
// The point in cube mipmap local space where voxel sides change from front to backfacing:
double dx = (view_origin.X - sprite_origin.X) / sprite_xscale;
double dy = (view_origin.Y - sprite_origin.Y) / sprite_xscale;
int backX = (int)(dx * spriteCos - dy * spriteSin + mip.Pivot.X);
int backY = (int)(dy * spriteCos + dx * spriteSin + mip.Pivot.Y);
//int endX = clamp(backX, 0, mip.SizeX - 1);
//int endY = clamp(backY, 0, mip.SizeY - 1);
int endX = mip.SizeX - 1;// clamp(backX, 0, mip.SizeX - 1);
int endY = mip.SizeY - 1;// clamp(backY, 0, mip.SizeY - 1);
// Draw the voxel cube:
for (int index = 0; index < 1; index++)
/*if ((stepX[index] < 0 && endX >= startX[index]) ||
(stepX[index] > 0 && endX <= startX[index]) ||
(stepY[index] < 0 && endY >= startY[index]) ||
(stepY[index] > 0 && endY <= startY[index])) continue;*/
for (int x = startX[index]; x != endX; x += stepX[index])
for (int y = startY[index]; y != endY; y += stepY[index])
kvxslab_t *slab_start = GetSlabStart(mip, x, y);
kvxslab_t *slab_end = GetSlabEnd(mip, x, y);
for (kvxslab_t *slab = slab_start; slab != slab_end; slab = NextSlab(slab))
// To do: check slab->backfacecull
int ztop = slab->ztop;
int zbottom = ztop + slab->zleng;
//ztop = MAX(ztop, minZ);
//zbottom = MIN(zbottom, maxZ);
for (int z = ztop; z < zbottom; z++)
uint8_t color = slab->col[z - slab->ztop];
DVector3 voxel_pos = voxel_origin;
voxel_pos.X += dirX.X * x + dirX.Y * y;
voxel_pos.Y += dirY.X * x + dirY.Y * y;
voxel_pos.Z += dirZ * z;
FillBox(thread, drawerargs, voxel_pos, sprite_xscale, sprite_yscale, color, cliptop, clipbottom, false, false);
void RenderVoxel::FillBox(RenderThread *thread, SpriteDrawerArgs &drawerargs, DVector3 origin, double extentX, double extentY, int color, short *cliptop, short *clipbottom, bool viewspace, bool pixelstretch)
auto viewport = RenderViewport::Instance();
DVector3 viewPos = viewport->PointWorldToView(origin);
if (viewPos.Z < 0.01f)
DVector3 screenPos = viewport->PointViewToScreen(viewPos);
DVector2 screenExtent = viewport->ScaleViewToScreen({ extentX, extentY }, viewPos.Z, pixelstretch);
int x1 = MAX((int)(screenPos.X - screenExtent.X), 0);
int x2 = MIN((int)(screenPos.X + screenExtent.X + 0.5f), viewwidth - 1);
int y1 = MAX((int)(screenPos.Y - screenExtent.Y), 0);
int y2 = MIN((int)(screenPos.Y + screenExtent.Y + 0.5f), viewheight - 1);
int pixelsize = viewport->RenderTarget->IsBgra() ? 4 : 1;
if (y1 < y2)
for (int x = x1; x < x2; x++)
int columnY1 = MAX(y1, (int)cliptop[x]);
int columnY2 = MIN(y2, (int)clipbottom[x]);
if (columnY1 < columnY2)
drawerargs.SetDest(x, columnY1);
drawerargs.SetCount(columnY2 - columnY1);