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synced 2025-03-11 03:02:26 +00:00
There are two options here - one only disables the vertical thrust and the other goes back fully to the original non-z-aware code. Both options are settable through MAPINFO. For the compatibility presets, the normal ones only disable the vertical thrust, the strict ones force use of the old code entirely.
745 lines
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745 lines
19 KiB
extend class Actor
// Used by A_CustomBulletAttack and A_FireBullets
static void AimBulletMissile(Actor proj, Actor puff, int flags, bool temp, bool cba)
if (proj && puff)
// Aim for the base of the puff as that's where blood puffs will spawn... roughly.
proj.A_Face(puff, 0., 0., 0., 0., 1);
proj.Vel3DFromAngle(proj.Speed, proj.Angle, proj.Pitch);
if (!temp)
if (cba)
if (flags & CBAF_PUFFTARGET) proj.target = puff;
if (flags & CBAF_PUFFMASTER) proj.master = puff;
if (flags & CBAF_PUFFTRACER) proj.tracer = puff;
if (flags & FBF_PUFFTARGET) proj.target = puff;
if (flags & FBF_PUFFMASTER) proj.master = puff;
if (flags & FBF_PUFFTRACER) proj.tracer = puff;
if (puff && temp)
void A_CustomBulletAttack(double spread_xy, double spread_z, int numbullets, int damageperbullet, class<Actor> pufftype = "BulletPuff", double range = 0, int flags = 0, int ptr = AAPTR_TARGET, class<Actor> missile = null, double Spawnheight = 32, double Spawnofs_xy = 0)
let ref = GetPointer(ptr);
if (range == 0)
int i;
double bangle;
double bslope = 0.;
int laflags = (flags & CBAF_NORANDOMPUFFZ)? LAF_NORANDOMPUFFZ : 0;
if (ref != NULL || (flags & CBAF_AIMFACING))
if (!(flags & CBAF_AIMFACING))
bangle = self.Angle;
if (!(flags & CBAF_NOPITCH)) bslope = AimLineAttack (bangle, MISSILERANGE);
if (pufftype == null) pufftype = 'BulletPuff';
A_PlaySound(AttackSound, CHAN_WEAPON);
for (i = 0; i < numbullets; i++)
double pangle = bangle;
double slope = bslope;
pangle += spread_xy;
slope += spread_z;
pangle += spread_xy * Random2[cwbullet]() / 255.;
slope += spread_z * Random2[cwbullet]() / 255.;
int damage = damageperbullet;
if (!(flags & CBAF_NORANDOM))
damage *= random[cwbullet](1, 3);
let puff = LineAttack(pangle, range, slope, damage, 'Hitscan', pufftype, laflags);
if (missile != null && pufftype != null)
double ang = pangle - 90;
let ofs = AngleToVector(ang, Spawnofs_xy);
let pos = self.pos;
SetXYZ(Vec3Offset(ofs.x, ofs.y, 0.));
let proj = SpawnMissileAngleZSpeed(Pos.Z + GetBobOffset() + Spawnheight, missile, self.Angle, 0, GetDefaultByType(missile).Speed, self, false);
if (proj)
bool temp = (puff == null);
if (!puff)
puff = LineAttack(pangle, range, slope, 0, 'Hitscan', pufftype, laflags | LAF_NOINTERACT);
if (puff)
AimBulletMissile(proj, puff, flags, temp, true);
// P_DaggerAlert
void DaggerAlert(Actor target)
Actor looker;
if (LastHeard != NULL)
if (health <= 0)
if (!bIsMonster)
if (bInCombat)
bInCombat = true;
self.target = target;
let painstate = FindState('Pain', 'Dagger');
if (painstate != NULL)
for (looker = cursector.thinglist; looker != NULL; looker = looker.snext)
if (looker == self || looker == target)
if (looker.health <= 0)
if (!looker.bSeesDaggers)
if (!looker.bInCombat)
if (!looker.CheckSight(target) && !looker.CheckSight(self))
looker.target = target;
if (looker.SeeSound)
looker.A_PlaySound(looker.SeeSound, CHAN_VOICE);
looker.bInCombat = true;
// Common code for A_SpawnItem and A_SpawnItemEx
bool InitSpawnedItem(Actor mo, int flags)
if (mo == NULL)
return false;
Actor originator = self;
if (!(mo.bDontTranslate))
mo.Translation = Translation;
else if (flags & SXF_USEBLOODCOLOR)
// [XA] Use the spawning actor's BloodColor to translate the newly-spawned object.
mo.Translation = BloodTranslation;
mo.target = self.target;
mo.master = self.master; // This will be overridden later if SXF_SETMASTER is set
mo.tracer = self.tracer;
mo.Angle = self.Angle;
mo.Pitch = self.Pitch;
if (!(flags & SXF_ORIGINATOR))
while (originator && (originator.bMissile || originator.default.bMissile))
originator = originator.target;
if (flags & SXF_TELEFRAG)
mo.TeleportMove(mo.Pos, true);
// This is needed to ensure consistent behavior.
// Otherwise it will only spawn if nothing gets telefragged
if (mo.bIsMonster)
if (!(flags & SXF_NOCHECKPOSITION) && !mo.TestMobjLocation())
// The monster is blocked so don't spawn it at all!
return false;
else if (originator && !(flags & SXF_NOPOINTERS))
if (originator.bIsMonster)
// If this is a monster transfer all friendliness information
mo.CopyFriendliness(originator, true);
else if (originator.player)
// A player always spawns a monster friendly to him
mo.bFriendly = true;
Actor attacker=originator.player.attacker;
if (attacker)
if (!(attacker.bFriendly) ||
(deathmatch && attacker.FriendPlayer != 0 && attacker.FriendPlayer != mo.FriendPlayer))
// Target the monster which last attacked the player
mo.LastHeard = mo.target = attacker;
else if (!(flags & SXF_TRANSFERPOINTERS))
// If this is a missile or something else set the target to the originator
mo.target = originator ? originator : self;
if (flags & SXF_NOPOINTERS)
//[MC]Intentionally eliminate pointers. Overrides TRANSFERPOINTERS, but is overridden by SETMASTER/TARGET/TRACER.
mo.LastHeard = NULL; //Sanity check.
mo.target = NULL;
mo.master = NULL;
mo.tracer = NULL;
if (flags & SXF_SETMASTER)
{ // don't let it attack you (optional)!
mo.master = originator;
if (flags & SXF_SETTARGET)
mo.target = originator;
if (flags & SXF_SETTRACER)
mo.tracer = originator;
mo.Scale = self.Scale;
mo.bAmbush = bAmbush;
mo.special = self.special;
mo.args[0] = self.args[0];
mo.args[1] = self.args[1];
mo.args[2] = self.args[2];
mo.args[3] = self.args[3];
mo.args[4] = self.args[4];
self.special = 0;
self.args[0] = 0;
self.args[1] = 0;
self.args[2] = 0;
self.args[3] = 0;
self.args[4] = 0;
mo.Alpha = self.Alpha;
mo.RenderStyle = self.RenderStyle;
mo.sprite = self.sprite;
mo.frame = self.frame;
mo.Roll = self.Roll;
if (flags & SXF_ISTARGET)
self.target = mo;
if (flags & SXF_ISMASTER)
self.master = mo;
if (flags & SXF_ISTRACER)
self.tracer = mo;
return true;
// A_SpawnItem
// Spawns an item in front of the caller like Heretic's time bomb
action bool, Actor A_SpawnItem(class<Actor> missile = "Unknown", double distance = 0, double zheight = 0, bool useammo = true, bool transfer_translation = false)
if (missile == NULL)
return false, null;
// Don't spawn monsters if this actor has been massacred
if (DamageType == 'Massacre' && GetDefaultByType(missile).bIsMonster)
return true, null;
if (stateinfo != null && stateinfo.mStateType == STATE_Psprite)
let player = self.player;
if (player == null) return false, null;
let weapon = player.ReadyWeapon;
// Used from a weapon, so use some ammo
if (weapon == NULL || (useammo && !weapon.DepleteAmmo(weapon.bAltFire)))
return true, null;
let mo = Spawn(missile, Vec3Angle(distance, Angle, -Floorclip + GetBobOffset() + zheight), ALLOW_REPLACE);
int flags = (transfer_translation ? SXF_TRANSFERTRANSLATION : 0) + (useammo ? SXF_SETMASTER : 0);
bool res = InitSpawnedItem(mo, flags); // for an inventory item's use state
return res, mo;
// A_SpawnItemEx
// Enhanced spawning function
bool, Actor A_SpawnItemEx(class<Actor> missile, double xofs = 0, double yofs = 0, double zofs = 0, double xvel = 0, double yvel = 0, double zvel = 0, double angle = 0, int flags = 0, int failchance = 0, int tid=0)
if (missile == NULL)
return false, null;
if (failchance > 0 && random[spawnitemex]() < failchance)
return true, null;
// Don't spawn monsters if this actor has been massacred
if (DamageType == 'Massacre' && GetDefaultByType(missile).bIsMonster)
return true, null;
Vector2 pos;
if (!(flags & SXF_ABSOLUTEANGLE))
angle += self.Angle;
double s = sin(angle);
double c = cos(angle);
pos = Vec2Offset(xofs, yofs);
// in relative mode negative y values mean 'left' and positive ones mean 'right'
// This is the inverse orientation of the absolute mode!
pos = Vec2Offset(xofs * c + yofs * s, xofs * s - yofs*c);
// Same orientation issue here!
double newxvel = xvel * c + yvel * s;
yvel = xvel * s - yvel * c;
xvel = newxvel;
let mo = Spawn(missile, (pos, self.pos.Z - Floorclip + GetBobOffset() + zofs), ALLOW_REPLACE);
bool res = InitSpawnedItem(mo, flags);
if (res)
if (tid != 0)
mo.Vel = (xvel, yvel, zvel);
mo.Vel *= mo.Speed;
mo.Angle = angle;
return res, mo;
// A_ThrowGrenade
// Throws a grenade (like Hexen's fighter flechette)
action bool, Actor A_ThrowGrenade(class<Actor> missile, double zheight = 0, double xyvel = 0, double zvel = 0, bool useammo = true)
if (missile == NULL)
return false, null;
if (stateinfo != null && stateinfo.mStateType == STATE_Psprite)
let player = self.player;
if (player == null) return false, null;
let weapon = player.ReadyWeapon;
// Used from a weapon, so use some ammo
if (weapon == NULL || (useammo && !weapon.DepleteAmmo(weapon.bAltFire)))
return true, null;
let bo = Spawn(missile, pos + (0, 0, (-Floorclip + GetBobOffset() + zheight + 35 + (player? player.crouchoffset : 0.))), ALLOW_REPLACE);
if (bo)
if (xyvel != 0)
bo.Speed = xyvel;
bo.Angle = Angle + (random[grenade](-4, 3) * (360./256.));
let pitch = -self.Pitch;
let angle = bo.Angle;
// There are two vectors we are concerned about here: xy and z. We rotate
// them separately according to the shooter's pitch and then sum them to
// get the final velocity vector to shoot with.
double xy_xyscale = bo.Speed * cos(pitch);
double xy_velz = bo.Speed * sin(pitch);
double xy_velx = xy_xyscale * cos(angle);
double xy_vely = xy_xyscale * sin(angle);
pitch = self.Pitch;
double z_xyscale = zvel * sin(pitch);
double z_velz = zvel * cos(pitch);
double z_velx = z_xyscale * cos(angle);
double z_vely = z_xyscale * sin(angle);
bo.Vel.X = xy_velx + z_velx + Vel.X / 2;
bo.Vel.Y = xy_vely + z_vely + Vel.Y / 2;
bo.Vel.Z = xy_velz + z_velz;
bo.target = self;
if (!bo.CheckMissileSpawn(radius)) bo = null;
return true, bo;
return false, null;
// P_CheckSplash
// Checks for splashes caused by explosions
void CheckSplash(double distance)
double floorh;
sector floorsec;
[floorh, floorsec] = curSector.LowestFloorAt(pos.XY);
if (pos.Z <= floorz + distance && floorsector == floorsec && curSector.GetHeightSec() == NULL && floorsec.heightsec == NULL)
// Explosion splashes never alert monsters. This is because A_Explode has
// a separate parameter for that so this would get in the way of proper
// behavior.
Vector3 pos = PosRelative(floorsec);
pos.Z = floorz;
HitWater (floorsec, pos, false, false);
// Parameterized version of A_Explode
int A_Explode(int damage = -1, int distance = -1, int flags = XF_HURTSOURCE, bool alert = false, int fulldamagedistance = 0, int nails = 0, int naildamage = 10, class<Actor> pufftype = "BulletPuff", name damagetype = "none")
if (damage < 0) // get parameters from metadata
damage = ExplosionDamage;
distance = ExplosionRadius;
flags = !DontHurtShooter;
alert = false;
if (distance <= 0) distance = damage;
// NailBomb effect, from SMMU but not from its source code: instead it was implemented and
// generalized from the documentation at http://www.doomworld.com/eternity/engine/codeptrs.html
if (nails)
double ang;
for (int i = 0; i < nails; i++)
ang = i*360./nails;
// Comparing the results of a test wad with Eternity, it seems A_NailBomb does not aim
LineAttack(ang, MISSILERANGE, 0.,
//P_AimLineAttack (self, ang, MISSILERANGE),
naildamage, 'Hitscan', pufftype, bMissile ? LAF_TARGETISSOURCE : 0);
if (!(flags & XF_EXPLICITDAMAGETYPE) && damagetype == 'None')
damagetype = self.DamageType;
int pflags = 0;
if (flags & XF_HURTSOURCE) pflags |= RADF_HURTSOURCE;
if (flags & XF_THRUSTZ) pflags |= RADF_THRUSTZ;
int count = RadiusAttack (target, damage, distance, damagetype, pflags, fulldamagedistance);
if (!(flags & XF_NOSPLASH)) CheckSplash(distance);
if (alert && target != NULL && target.player != NULL)
return count;
// A_RadiusThrust
void A_RadiusThrust(int force = 128, int distance = -1, int flags = RTF_AFFECTSOURCE, int fullthrustdistance = 0)
if (force == 0) force = 128;
if (distance <= 0) distance = abs(force);
bool nothrust = false;
if (target)
nothrust = target.bNoDamageThrust;
// Temporarily negate MF2_NODMGTHRUST on the shooter, since it renders this function useless.
if (!(flags & RTF_NOTMISSILE))
target.bNoDamageThrust = false;
RadiusAttack (target, force, distance, DamageType, flags | RADF_NODAMAGE, fullthrustdistance);
if (target) target.bNoDamageThrust = nothrust;
// A_Detonate
// killough 8/9/98: same as A_Explode, except that the damage is variable
void A_Detonate()
int damage = GetMissileDamage(0, 1);
RadiusAttack (target, damage, damage, DamageType, RADF_HURTSOURCE);
// old customizable attack functions which use actor parameters.
private void DoAttack (bool domelee, bool domissile, int MeleeDamage, Sound MeleeSound, Class<Actor> MissileType,double MissileHeight)
let targ = target;
if (targ == NULL) return;
A_FaceTarget ();
if (domelee && MeleeDamage>0 && CheckMeleeRange ())
int damage = random[CustomMelee](1, 8) * MeleeDamage;
if (MeleeSound) A_PlaySound (MeleeSound, CHAN_WEAPON);
int newdam = targ.DamageMobj (self, self, damage, 'Melee');
targ.TraceBleed (newdam > 0 ? newdam : damage, self);
else if (domissile && MissileType != NULL)
// This seemingly senseless code is needed for proper aiming.
double add = MissileHeight + GetBobOffset() - 32;
Actor missile = SpawnMissileXYZ (Pos + (0, 0, 32), targ, MissileType, false);
if (missile)
// automatic handling of seeker missiles
if (missile.bSeekerMissile)
missile.tracer = targ;
deprecated("2.3") void A_MeleeAttack()
DoAttack(true, false, MeleeDamage, MeleeSound, NULL, 0);
deprecated("2.3") void A_MissileAttack()
Class<Actor> MissileType = MissileName;
DoAttack(false, true, 0, 0, MissileType, MissileHeight);
deprecated("2.3") void A_ComboAttack()
Class<Actor> MissileType = MissileName;
DoAttack(true, true, MeleeDamage, MeleeSound, MissileType, MissileHeight);
void A_BasicAttack(int melee_damage, sound melee_sound, class<actor> missile_type, double missile_height)
DoAttack(true, true, melee_damage, melee_sound, missile_type, missile_height);
// called with the victim as 'self'
virtual void SpawnLineAttackBlood(Actor attacker, Vector3 bleedpos, double SrcAngleFromTarget, int originaldamage, int actualdamage)
if (!bNoBlood && !bDormant && !bInvulnerable)
let player = attacker.player;
let weapon = player? player.ReadyWeapon : null;
let axeBlood = (weapon && weapon.bAxeBlood);
let bloodsplatter = attacker.bBloodSplatter || axeBlood;
if (!bloodsplatter)
SpawnBlood(bleedpos, SrcAngleFromTarget, actualdamage > 0 ? actualdamage : originaldamage);
else if (originaldamage)
if (axeBlood)
BloodSplatter(bleedpos, SrcAngleFromTarget, true);
// No else here...
if (random[LineAttack]() < 192)
BloodSplatter(bleedpos, SrcAngleFromTarget, false);