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// Emacs style mode select -*- C++ -*-
// $Id:$
// Copyright (C) 1993-1996 by id Software, Inc.
// This source is available for distribution and/or modification
// only under the terms of the DOOM Source Code License as
// published by id Software. All rights reserved.
// The source is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// for more details.
// $Log:$
// Rendering main loop and setup functions,
// utility functions (BSP, geometry, trigonometry).
// See tables.c, too.
// HEADER FILES ------------------------------------------------------------
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <math.h>
#include "templates.h"
#include "doomdef.h"
#include "d_net.h"
#include "doomstat.h"
#include "m_random.h"
#include "m_bbox.h"
#include "r_main.h"
#include "scene/r_things.h"
#include "drawers/r_draw.h"
#include "scene/r_plane.h"
#include "scene/r_bsp.h"
#include "scene/r_draw_segment.h"
#include "scene/r_portal_segment.h"
#include "scene/r_clip_segment.h"
#include "scene/r_segs.h"
#include "scene/r_3dfloors.h"
#include "scene/r_portal.h"
#include "r_sky.h"
#include "drawers/r_draw_rgba.h"
#include "st_stuff.h"
#include "c_cvars.h"
#include "c_dispatch.h"
#include "v_video.h"
#include "stats.h"
#include "i_video.h"
#include "i_system.h"
#include "a_sharedglobal.h"
#include "r_data/r_translate.h"
#include "p_3dmidtex.h"
#include "r_data/r_interpolate.h"
#include "v_palette.h"
#include "po_man.h"
#include "p_effect.h"
#include "st_start.h"
#include "v_font.h"
#include "r_data/colormaps.h"
#include "p_maputl.h"
#include "p_setup.h"
#include "version.h"
CVAR (String, r_viewsize, "", CVAR_NOSET)
CVAR (Bool, r_shadercolormaps, true, CVAR_ARCHIVE)
EXTERN_CVAR(Bool, r_fullbrightignoresectorcolor)
namespace swrenderer
// MACROS ------------------------------------------------------------------
#if 0
#define TEST_X 32343794
#define TEST_Y 111387517
#define TEST_Z 2164524
#define TEST_ANGLE 2468347904
// TYPES -------------------------------------------------------------------
// EXTERNAL FUNCTION PROTOTYPES --------------------------------------------
void R_SpanInitData ();
void R_DeinitSprites();
// PUBLIC FUNCTION PROTOTYPES ----------------------------------------------
// PRIVATE FUNCTION PROTOTYPES ---------------------------------------------
static void R_ShutdownRenderer();
// EXTERNAL DATA DECLARATIONS ----------------------------------------------
extern short *openings;
extern bool r_fakingunderwater;
extern int fuzzviewheight;
extern subsector_t *InSubsector;
// PRIVATE DATA DECLARATIONS -----------------------------------------------
static double CurrentVisibility = 8.f;
static double MaxVisForWall;
static double MaxVisForFloor;
bool r_dontmaplines;
// PUBLIC DATA DEFINITIONS -------------------------------------------------
bool r_swtruecolor;
double r_BaseVisibility;
double r_WallVisibility;
double r_FloorVisibility;
float r_TiltVisibility;
double r_SpriteVisibility;
double r_ParticleVisibility;
double GlobVis;
fixed_t viewingrangerecip;
double FocalLengthX;
double FocalLengthY;
FDynamicColormap*basecolormap; // [RH] colormap currently drawing with
int fixedlightlev;
FSWColormap *fixedcolormap;
FSpecialColormap *realfixedcolormap;
double WallTMapScale2;
bool bRenderingToCanvas; // [RH] True if rendering to a special canvas
double globaluclip, globaldclip;
double CenterX, CenterY;
double YaspectMul;
double BaseYaspectMul; // yaspectmul without a forced aspect ratio
double IYaspectMul;
double InvZtoScale;
// just for profiling purposes
int linecount;
int loopcount;
// precalculated math tables
// The xtoviewangleangle[] table maps a screen pixel
// to the lowest viewangle that maps back to x ranges
// from clipangle to -clipangle.
angle_t xtoviewangle[MAXWIDTH+1];
bool foggy; // [RH] ignore extralight and fullbright?
int r_actualextralight;
cycle_t WallCycles, PlaneCycles, MaskedCycles, WallScanCycles;
// PRIVATE DATA DEFINITIONS ------------------------------------------------
static int lastcenteryfrac;
// CODE --------------------------------------------------------------------
// R_InitTextureMapping
void R_InitTextureMapping ()
int i;
// Calc focallength so FieldOfView angles cover viewwidth.
FocalLengthX = CenterX / FocalTangent;
FocalLengthY = FocalLengthX * YaspectMul;
// This is 1/FocalTangent before the widescreen extension of FOV.
viewingrangerecip = FLOAT2FIXED(1. / tan(FieldOfView.Radians() / 2));
// Now generate xtoviewangle for sky texture mapping.
// [RH] Do not generate viewangletox, because texture mapping is no
// longer done with trig, so it's not needed.
const double slopestep = FocalTangent / centerx;
double slope;
for (i = centerx, slope = 0; i <= viewwidth; i++, slope += slopestep)
xtoviewangle[i] = angle_t((2 * M_PI - atan(slope)) * (ANGLE_180 / M_PI));
for (i = 0; i < centerx; i++)
xtoviewangle[i] = 0 - xtoviewangle[viewwidth - i - 1];
// R_SetVisibility
// Changes how rapidly things get dark with distance
void R_SetVisibility(double vis)
// Allow negative visibilities, just for novelty's sake
vis = clamp(vis, -204.7, 204.7); // (205 and larger do not work in 5:4 aspect ratio)
CurrentVisibility = vis;
if (FocalTangent == 0 || FocalLengthY == 0)
{ // If r_visibility is called before the renderer is all set up, don't
// divide by zero. This will be called again later, and the proper
// values can be initialized then.
r_BaseVisibility = vis;
// Prevent overflow on walls
if (r_BaseVisibility < 0 && r_BaseVisibility < -MaxVisForWall)
r_WallVisibility = -MaxVisForWall;
else if (r_BaseVisibility > 0 && r_BaseVisibility > MaxVisForWall)
r_WallVisibility = MaxVisForWall;
r_WallVisibility = r_BaseVisibility;
r_WallVisibility = (InvZtoScale * SCREENWIDTH*AspectBaseHeight(WidescreenRatio) /
(viewwidth*SCREENHEIGHT*3)) * (r_WallVisibility * FocalTangent);
// Prevent overflow on floors/ceilings. Note that the calculation of
// MaxVisForFloor means that planes less than two units from the player's
// view could still overflow, but there is no way to totally eliminate
// that while still using fixed point math.
if (r_BaseVisibility < 0 && r_BaseVisibility < -MaxVisForFloor)
r_FloorVisibility = -MaxVisForFloor;
else if (r_BaseVisibility > 0 && r_BaseVisibility > MaxVisForFloor)
r_FloorVisibility = MaxVisForFloor;
r_FloorVisibility = r_BaseVisibility;
r_FloorVisibility = 160.0 * r_FloorVisibility / FocalLengthY;
r_TiltVisibility = float(vis * FocalTangent * (16.f * 320.f) / viewwidth);
r_SpriteVisibility = r_WallVisibility;
// R_GetVisibility
double R_GetVisibility()
return CurrentVisibility;
// CCMD r_visibility
// Controls how quickly light ramps across a 1/z range. Set this, and it
// sets all the r_*Visibility variables (except r_SkyVisibilily, which is
// currently unused).
CCMD (r_visibility)
if (argv.argc() < 2)
Printf ("Visibility is %g\n", R_GetVisibility());
else if (!netgame)
Printf ("Visibility cannot be changed in net games.\n");
// R_SetWindow
void R_SWRSetWindow(int windowSize, int fullWidth, int fullHeight, int stHeight, float trueratio)
int virtheight, virtwidth, virtwidth2, virtheight2;
if (!bRenderingToCanvas)
{ // Set r_viewsize cvar to reflect the current view size
UCVarValue value;
char temp[16];
mysnprintf (temp, countof(temp), "%d x %d", viewwidth, viewheight);
value.String = temp;
r_viewsize.ForceSet (value, CVAR_String);
fuzzviewheight = viewheight - 2; // Maximum row the fuzzer can draw to
lastcenteryfrac = 1<<30;
CenterX = centerx;
CenterY = centery;
virtwidth = virtwidth2 = fullWidth;
virtheight = virtheight2 = fullHeight;
if (AspectTallerThanWide(trueratio))
virtheight2 = virtheight2 * AspectMultiplier(trueratio) / 48;
virtwidth2 = virtwidth2 * AspectMultiplier(trueratio) / 48;
if (AspectTallerThanWide(WidescreenRatio))
virtheight = virtheight * AspectMultiplier(WidescreenRatio) / 48;
virtwidth = virtwidth * AspectMultiplier(WidescreenRatio) / 48;
BaseYaspectMul = 320.0 * virtheight2 / (r_Yaspect * virtwidth2);
YaspectMul = 320.0 * virtheight / (r_Yaspect * virtwidth);
IYaspectMul = (double)virtwidth * r_Yaspect / 320.0 / virtheight;
InvZtoScale = YaspectMul * CenterX;
WallTMapScale2 = IYaspectMul / CenterX;
// psprite scales
pspritexscale = centerxwide / 160.0;
pspriteyscale = pspritexscale * YaspectMul;
pspritexiscale = 1 / pspritexscale;
// thing clipping
fillshort (screenheightarray, viewwidth, (short)viewheight);
R_InitTextureMapping ();
MaxVisForWall = (InvZtoScale * (SCREENWIDTH*r_Yaspect) /
(viewwidth*SCREENHEIGHT * FocalTangent));
MaxVisForWall = 32767.0 / MaxVisForWall;
MaxVisForFloor = 32767.0 / (viewheight >> 2) * FocalLengthY / 160;
// Reset r_*Visibility vars
// R_Init
void R_InitRenderer()
// viewwidth / viewheight are set by the defaults
fillshort (zeroarray, MAXWIDTH, 0);
R_InitPlanes ();
R_InitColumnDrawers ();
// R_ShutdownRenderer
static void R_ShutdownRenderer()
// Free openings
if (openings != NULL)
M_Free (openings);
openings = NULL;
// R_CopyStackedViewParameters
void R_CopyStackedViewParameters()
stacked_viewpos = ViewPos;
stacked_angle = ViewAngle;
stacked_extralight = extralight;
stacked_visibility = R_GetVisibility();
// R_SetupColormap
// Sets up special fixed colormaps
void R_SetupColormap(player_t *player)
realfixedcolormap = NULL;
fixedcolormap = NULL;
fixedlightlev = -1;
if (player != NULL && camera == player->mo)
if (player->fixedcolormap >= 0 && player->fixedcolormap < (int)SpecialColormaps.Size())
realfixedcolormap = &SpecialColormaps[player->fixedcolormap];
if (RenderTarget == screen && (r_swtruecolor || ((DFrameBuffer *)screen->Accel2D && r_shadercolormaps)))
// Render everything fullbright. The copy to video memory will
// apply the special colormap, so it won't be restricted to the
// palette.
fixedcolormap = &realcolormaps;
fixedcolormap = &SpecialColormaps[player->fixedcolormap];
else if (player->fixedlightlevel >= 0 && player->fixedlightlevel < NUMCOLORMAPS)
fixedlightlev = player->fixedlightlevel * 256;
// [SP] Emulate GZDoom's light-amp goggles.
if (r_fullbrightignoresectorcolor && fixedlightlev >= 0)
fixedcolormap = &FullNormalLight;
// [RH] Inverse light for shooting the Sigil
if (fixedcolormap == NULL && extralight == INT_MIN)
fixedcolormap = &SpecialColormaps[INVERSECOLORMAP];
extralight = 0;
// R_SetupFreelook
// [RH] freelook stuff
void R_SetupFreelook()
double dy;
if (camera != NULL)
dy = FocalLengthY * (-ViewPitch).Tan();
dy = 0;
CenterY = (viewheight / 2.0) + dy;
centery = xs_ToInt(CenterY);
globaluclip = -CenterY / InvZtoScale;
globaldclip = (viewheight - CenterY) / InvZtoScale;
//centeryfrac &= 0xffff0000;
int e, i;
i = 0;
e = viewheight;
float focus = float(FocalLengthY);
float den;
float cy = float(CenterY);
if (i < centery)
den = cy - i - 0.5f;
if (e <= centery)
do {
yslope[i] = focus / den;
den -= 1;
} while (++i < e);
do {
yslope[i] = focus / den;
den -= 1;
} while (++i < centery);
den = i - cy + 0.5f;
do {
yslope[i] = focus / den;
den += 1;
} while (++i < e);
den = i - cy + 0.5f;
do {
yslope[i] = focus / den;
den += 1;
} while (++i < e);
// R_SetupBuffer
// Precalculate all row offsets and fuzz table.
void R_SetupBuffer ()
using namespace drawerargs;
static BYTE *lastbuff = NULL;
int pitch = RenderTarget->GetPitch();
int pixelsize = r_swtruecolor ? 4 : 1;
BYTE *lineptr = RenderTarget->GetBuffer() + (viewwindowy*pitch + viewwindowx) * pixelsize;
if (dc_pitch != pitch || lineptr != lastbuff)
if (dc_pitch != pitch)
dc_pitch = pitch;
R_InitFuzzTable (pitch);
dc_destorg = lineptr;
dc_destheight = RenderTarget->GetHeight() - viewwindowy;
for (int i = 0; i < RenderTarget->GetHeight(); i++)
ylookup[i] = i * pitch;
// R_RenderActorView
void R_RenderActorView (AActor *actor, bool dontmaplines)
fakeActive = 0; // kg3D - reset fake floor indicator
R_3D_ResetClip(); // reset clips (floor/ceiling)
R_SetupBuffer ();
R_SetupFrame (actor);
// Clear buffers.
R_ClearClipSegs (0, viewwidth);
R_ClearDrawSegs ();
R_ClearPlanes (true);
R_ClearSprites ();
NetUpdate ();
// [RH] Show off segs if r_drawflat is 1
if (r_drawflat)
colfunc = &SWPixelFormatDrawers::FillColumn;
spanfunc = &SWPixelFormatDrawers::FillSpan;
colfunc = basecolfunc;
spanfunc = &SWPixelFormatDrawers::DrawSpan;
WindowLeft = 0;
WindowRight = viewwidth;
MirrorFlags = 0;
CurrentPortal = NULL;
CurrentPortalUniq = 0;
r_dontmaplines = dontmaplines;
// [RH] Hack to make windows into underwater areas possible
r_fakingunderwater = false;
// [RH] Setup particles for this frame
P_FindParticleSubsectors ();
ActorRenderFlags savedflags = camera->renderflags;
// Never draw the player unless in chasecam mode
if (!r_showviewer)
camera->renderflags |= RF_INVISIBLE;
// Link the polyobjects right before drawing the scene to reduce the amounts of calls to this function
InSubsector = NULL;
R_RenderBSPNode(nodes + numnodes - 1); // The head node is the last node output.
R_3D_ResetClip(); // reset clips (floor/ceiling)
camera->renderflags = savedflags;
NetUpdate ();
if (viewactive)
NetUpdate ();
R_DrawMasked ();
NetUpdate ();
WallPortals.Clear ();
interpolator.RestoreInterpolations ();
R_SetupBuffer ();
// If we don't want shadered colormaps, NULL it now so that the
// copy to the screen does not use a special colormap shader.
if (!r_shadercolormaps && !r_swtruecolor)
realfixedcolormap = NULL;
// R_RenderViewToCanvas
// Pre: Canvas is already locked.
void R_RenderViewToCanvas (AActor *actor, DCanvas *canvas,
int x, int y, int width, int height, bool dontmaplines)
const bool savedviewactive = viewactive;
const bool savedoutputformat = r_swtruecolor;
if (r_swtruecolor != canvas->IsBgra())
r_swtruecolor = canvas->IsBgra();
viewwidth = width;
RenderTarget = canvas;
bRenderingToCanvas = true;
R_SetWindow (12, width, height, height, true);
viewwindowx = x;
viewwindowy = y;
viewactive = true;
R_RenderActorView (actor, dontmaplines);
RenderTarget = screen;
bRenderingToCanvas = false;
R_ExecuteSetViewSize ();
screen->Lock (true);
R_SetupBuffer ();
screen->Unlock ();
viewactive = savedviewactive;
r_swtruecolor = savedoutputformat;
if (r_swtruecolor != canvas->IsBgra())
// R_MultiresInit
// Called from V_SetResolution()
void R_MultiresInit ()
R_PlaneInitData ();
// STAT fps
// Displays statistics about rendering times
ADD_STAT (fps)
FString out;
out.Format("frame=%04.1f ms walls=%04.1f ms planes=%04.1f ms masked=%04.1f ms",
FrameCycles.TimeMS(), WallCycles.TimeMS(), PlaneCycles.TimeMS(), MaskedCycles.TimeMS());
return out;
static double f_acc, w_acc,p_acc,m_acc;
static int acc_c;
ADD_STAT (fps_accumulated)
f_acc += FrameCycles.TimeMS();
w_acc += WallCycles.TimeMS();
p_acc += PlaneCycles.TimeMS();
m_acc += MaskedCycles.TimeMS();
FString out;
out.Format("frame=%04.1f ms walls=%04.1f ms planes=%04.1f ms masked=%04.1f ms %d counts",
f_acc/acc_c, w_acc/acc_c, p_acc/acc_c, m_acc/acc_c, acc_c);
Printf(PRINT_LOG, "%s\n", out.GetChars());
return out;
// STAT wallcycles
// Displays the minimum number of cycles spent drawing walls
static double bestwallcycles = HUGE_VAL;
ADD_STAT (wallcycles)
FString out;
double cycles = WallCycles.Time();
if (cycles && cycles < bestwallcycles)
bestwallcycles = cycles;
out.Format ("%g", bestwallcycles);
return out;
// CCMD clearwallcycles
// Resets the count of minimum wall drawing cycles
CCMD (clearwallcycles)
bestwallcycles = HUGE_VAL;
#if 0
// The replacement code for Build's wallscan doesn't have any timing calls so this does not work anymore.
static double bestscancycles = HUGE_VAL;
ADD_STAT (scancycles)
FString out;
double scancycles = WallScanCycles.Time();
if (scancycles && scancycles < bestscancycles)
bestscancycles = scancycles;
out.Format ("%g", bestscancycles);
return out;
CCMD (clearscancycles)
bestscancycles = HUGE_VAL;