
296 lines
8.3 KiB

// HEADER FILES ------------------------------------------------------------
#include "m_joy.h"
#include "gameconfigfile.h"
#include "d_event.h"
// MACROS ------------------------------------------------------------------
// TYPES -------------------------------------------------------------------
// EXTERNAL FUNCTION PROTOTYPES --------------------------------------------
// PUBLIC FUNCTION PROTOTYPES ----------------------------------------------
// PRIVATE FUNCTION PROTOTYPES ---------------------------------------------
// EXTERNAL DATA DECLARATIONS ----------------------------------------------
EXTERN_CVAR(Bool, joy_ps2raw)
EXTERN_CVAR(Bool, joy_dinput)
EXTERN_CVAR(Bool, joy_xinput)
// PUBLIC DATA DEFINITIONS -------------------------------------------------
#ifdef _WIN32
// PRIVATE DATA DEFINITIONS ------------------------------------------------
// Bits 0 is X+, 1 is X-, 2 is Y+, and 3 is Y-.
static BYTE JoyAngleButtons[8] = { 1, 1+4, 4, 2+4, 2, 2+8, 8, 1+8 };
// CODE --------------------------------------------------------------------
// IJoystickConfig - Virtual Destructor
// M_SetJoystickConfigSection
// Sets up the config for reading or writing this controller's axis config.
static bool M_SetJoystickConfigSection(IJoystickConfig *joy, bool create)
FString id = "Joy:";
id += joy->GetIdentifier();
return GameConfig->SetSection(id, create);
// M_LoadJoystickConfig
bool M_LoadJoystickConfig(IJoystickConfig *joy)
char key[32];
const char *value;
int axislen;
int numaxes;
if (!M_SetJoystickConfigSection(joy, false))
return false;
value = GameConfig->GetValueForKey("Sensitivity");
if (value != NULL)
numaxes = joy->GetNumAxes();
for (int i = 0; i < numaxes; ++i)
axislen = mysnprintf(key, countof(key), "Axis%u", i);
mysnprintf(key + axislen, countof(key) - axislen, "deadzone");
value = GameConfig->GetValueForKey(key);
if (value != NULL)
joy->SetAxisDeadZone(i, (float)atof(value));
mysnprintf(key + axislen, countof(key) - axislen, "scale");
value = GameConfig->GetValueForKey(key);
if (value != NULL)
joy->SetAxisScale(i, (float)atof(value));
mysnprintf(key + axislen, countof(key) - axislen, "map");
value = GameConfig->GetValueForKey(key);
if (value != NULL)
EJoyAxis gameaxis = (EJoyAxis)atoi(value);
if (gameaxis < JOYAXIS_None || gameaxis >= NUM_JOYAXIS)
gameaxis = JOYAXIS_None;
joy->SetAxisMap(i, gameaxis);
return true;
// M_SaveJoystickConfig
// Only saves settings that are not at their defaults.
void M_SaveJoystickConfig(IJoystickConfig *joy)
char key[32], value[32];
int axislen, numaxes;
if (M_SetJoystickConfigSection(joy, true))
if (!joy->IsSensitivityDefault())
mysnprintf(value, countof(value), "%g", joy->GetSensitivity());
GameConfig->SetValueForKey("Sensitivity", value);
numaxes = joy->GetNumAxes();
for (int i = 0; i < numaxes; ++i)
axislen = mysnprintf(key, countof(key), "Axis%u", i);
if (!joy->IsAxisDeadZoneDefault(i))
mysnprintf(key + axislen, countof(key) - axislen, "deadzone");
mysnprintf(value, countof(value), "%g", joy->GetAxisDeadZone(i));
GameConfig->SetValueForKey(key, value);
if (!joy->IsAxisScaleDefault(i))
mysnprintf(key + axislen, countof(key) - axislen, "scale");
mysnprintf(value, countof(value), "%g", joy->GetAxisScale(i));
GameConfig->SetValueForKey(key, value);
if (!joy->IsAxisMapDefault(i))
mysnprintf(key + axislen, countof(key) - axislen, "map");
mysnprintf(value, countof(value), "%d", joy->GetAxisMap(i));
GameConfig->SetValueForKey(key, value);
// If the joystick is entirely at its defaults, delete this section
// so that we don't write out a lone section header.
if (GameConfig->SectionIsEmpty())
// Joy_RemoveDeadZone
double Joy_RemoveDeadZone(double axisval, double deadzone, BYTE *buttons)
BYTE butt;
// Cancel out deadzone.
if (fabs(axisval) < deadzone)
axisval = 0;
butt = 0;
// Make the dead zone the new 0.
else if (axisval < 0)
axisval = (axisval + deadzone) / (1.0 - deadzone);
butt = 2; // button minus
axisval = (axisval - deadzone) / (1.0 - deadzone);
butt = 1; // button plus
if (buttons != NULL)
*buttons = butt;
return axisval;
// Joy_XYAxesToButtons
// Given two axes, returns a button set for them. They should have already
// been sent through Joy_RemoveDeadZone. For axes that share the same
// physical stick, the angle the stick forms should determine whether or
// not the four component buttons are present. Going by deadzone alone gives
// you huge areas where you have to buttons pressed and thin strips where
// you only have one button pressed. For DirectInput gamepads, there is
// not much standard for how the right stick is presented, so we can only
// do this for the left stick for those, since X and Y axes are pretty
// standard. For XInput and Raw PS2 controllers, both sticks are processed
// through here.
int Joy_XYAxesToButtons(double x, double y)
if (x == 0 && y == 0)
return 0;
double rad = atan2(y, x);
if (rad < 0)
rad += 2*M_PI;
// The circle is divided into eight segments for corresponding
// button combinations. Each segment is pi/4 radians wide. We offset
// by half this so that the segments are centered around the ideal lines
// their buttons represent instead of being right on the lines.
rad += M_PI/8; // Offset
rad *= 4/M_PI; // Convert range from [0,2pi) to [0,8)
return JoyAngleButtons[int(rad) & 7];
// Joy_GenerateButtonEvents
// Provided two bitmasks for a set of buttons, generates events to reflect
// any changes from the old to new set, where base is the key for bit 0,
// base+1 is the key for bit 1, etc.
void Joy_GenerateButtonEvents(int oldbuttons, int newbuttons, int numbuttons, int base)
int changed = oldbuttons ^ newbuttons;
if (changed != 0)
event_t ev = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 };
int mask = 1;
for (int j = 0; j < numbuttons; mask <<= 1, ++j)
if (changed & mask)
ev.data1 = base + j;
ev.type = (newbuttons & mask) ? EV_KeyDown : EV_KeyUp;
void Joy_GenerateButtonEvents(int oldbuttons, int newbuttons, int numbuttons, const int *keys)
int changed = oldbuttons ^ newbuttons;
if (changed != 0)
event_t ev = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 };
int mask = 1;
for (int j = 0; j < numbuttons; mask <<= 1, ++j)
if (changed & mask)
ev.data1 = keys[j];
ev.type = (newbuttons & mask) ? EV_KeyDown : EV_KeyUp;