drfrag 14981adb6a - Greek Sigma character fallback
The lowercase Sigma letter in Greek has two different forms (σ and ς), which changes depending on its placement in a word, but in uppercase and smallcaps contexts, it only has one look regardless of word positioning. If the character ς is missing, it should fall back to σ.
(patch by Graf & Nemrtvi)
2019-05-22 19:57:19 +02:00

46 lines
962 B

#pragma once
#include <stdint.h>
#include "tarray.h"
// This structure is used by BuildTranslations() to hold color information.
struct TranslationParm
short RangeStart; // First level for this range
short RangeEnd; // Last level for this range
uint8_t Start[3]; // Start color for this range
uint8_t End[3]; // End color for this range
struct TempParmInfo
unsigned int StartParm[2];
unsigned int ParmLen[2];
int Index;
struct TempColorInfo
FName Name;
unsigned int ParmInfo;
PalEntry LogColor;
struct TranslationMap
FName Name;
int Number;
extern TArray<TranslationParm> TranslationParms[2];
extern TArray<TranslationMap> TranslationLookup;
extern TArray<PalEntry> TranslationColors;
extern uint16_t lowerforupper[65536];
extern uint16_t upperforlower[65536];
class FTexture;
void RecordTextureColors (FTexture *pic, uint32_t *colorsused);
bool myislower(int code);
bool myisupper(int code);
int stripaccent(int code);