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synced 2025-03-11 03:02:26 +00:00
This breaks the Linux build with GCC. This is non-standard behavior, but apparently Visual Studio allows it.
247 lines
6.2 KiB
247 lines
6.2 KiB
#pragma once
#include "doomdata.h"
#include "g_level.h"
#include "r_defs.h"
#include "portal.h"
#include "p_blockmap.h"
struct FLevelLocals
void Tick ();
void AddScroller (int secnum);
void SetInterMusic(const char *nextmap);
uint8_t md5[16]; // for savegame validation. If the MD5 does not match the savegame won't be loaded.
int time; // time in the hub
int maptime; // time in the map
int totaltime; // time in the game
int starttime;
int partime;
int sucktime;
level_info_t *info;
int cluster;
int clusterflags;
int levelnum;
int lumpnum;
FString LevelName;
FString MapName; // the lump name (E1M1, MAP01, etc)
FString NextMap; // go here when using the regular exit
FString NextSecretMap; // map to go to when used secret exit
FString F1Pic;
EMapType maptype;
TArray<vertex_t> vertexes;
TArray<sector_t> sectors;
TArray<line_t*> linebuffer; // contains the line lists for the sectors.
TArray<line_t> lines;
TArray<side_t> sides;
TArray<seg_t> segs;
TArray<subsector_t> subsectors;
TArray<node_t> nodes;
TArray<subsector_t> gamesubsectors;
TArray<node_t> gamenodes;
node_t *headgamenode;
TArray<uint8_t> rejectmatrix;
TArray<FSectorPortal> sectorPortals;
TArray<zone_t> Zones;
FBlockmap blockmap;
// These are copies of the loaded map data that get used by the savegame code to skip unaltered fields
// Without such a mechanism the savegame format would become too slow and large because more than 80-90% are normally still unaltered.
TArray<sector_t> loadsectors;
TArray<line_t> loadlines;
TArray<side_t> loadsides;
// Maintain single and multi player starting spots.
TArray<FPlayerStart> deathmatchstarts;
FPlayerStart playerstarts[MAXPLAYERS];
TArray<FPlayerStart> AllPlayerStarts;
uint32_t flags;
uint32_t flags2;
uint32_t flags3;
uint32_t fadeto; // The color the palette fades to (usually black)
uint32_t outsidefog; // The fog for sectors with sky ceilings
uint32_t hazardcolor; // what color strife hazard blends the screen color as
uint32_t hazardflash; // what color strife hazard flashes the screen color as
FString Music;
int musicorder;
int cdtrack;
unsigned int cdid;
FTextureID skytexture1;
FTextureID skytexture2;
float skyspeed1; // Scrolling speed of sky textures, in pixels per ms
float skyspeed2;
int total_secrets;
int found_secrets;
int total_items;
int found_items;
int total_monsters;
int killed_monsters;
double gravity;
double aircontrol;
double airfriction;
int airsupply;
int DefaultEnvironment; // Default sound environment.
TArray<DVector2> Scrolls; // NULL if no DScrollers in this level
int8_t WallVertLight; // Light diffs for vert/horiz walls
int8_t WallHorizLight;
bool FromSnapshot; // The current map was restored from a snapshot
double teamdamage;
// former OpenGL-exclusive properties that should also be usable by the true color software renderer.
int fogdensity;
int outsidefogdensity;
int skyfog;
bool IsJumpingAllowed() const;
bool IsCrouchingAllowed() const;
bool IsFreelookAllowed() const;
node_t *HeadNode() const
return nodes.Size() == 0? nullptr : &nodes[nodes.Size() - 1];
node_t *HeadGamenode() const
return headgamenode;
extern FLevelLocals level;
inline int vertex_t::Index() const
return int(this - &level.vertexes[0]);
inline int side_t::Index() const
return int(this - &level.sides[0]);
inline int line_t::Index() const
return int(this - &level.lines[0]);
inline int seg_t::Index() const
return int(this - &level.segs[0]);
inline int subsector_t::Index() const
return int(this - &level.subsectors[0]);
inline int node_t::Index() const
return int(this - &level.nodes[0]);
inline FSectorPortal *line_t::GetTransferredPortal()
return portaltransferred >= level.sectorPortals.Size() ? (FSectorPortal*)nullptr : &level.sectorPortals[portaltransferred];
inline int sector_t::Index() const
return int(this - &level.sectors[0]);
inline FSectorPortal *sector_t::GetPortal(int plane)
return &level.sectorPortals[Portals[plane]];
inline double sector_t::GetPortalPlaneZ(int plane)
return level.sectorPortals[Portals[plane]].mPlaneZ;
inline DVector2 sector_t::GetPortalDisplacement(int plane)
return level.sectorPortals[Portals[plane]].mDisplacement;
inline int sector_t::GetPortalType(int plane)
return level.sectorPortals[Portals[plane]].mType;
inline int sector_t::GetOppositePortalGroup(int plane)
return level.sectorPortals[Portals[plane]].mDestination->PortalGroup;
inline bool sector_t::PortalBlocksView(int plane)
if (GetPortalType(plane) != PORTS_LINKEDPORTAL) return false;
inline bool sector_t::PortalBlocksSight(int plane)
inline bool sector_t::PortalBlocksMovement(int plane)
inline bool sector_t::PortalBlocksSound(int plane)
inline bool sector_t::PortalIsLinked(int plane)
return (GetPortalType(plane) == PORTS_LINKEDPORTAL);
inline FLinePortal *line_t::getPortal() const
return portalindex >= linePortals.Size() ? (FLinePortal*)NULL : &linePortals[portalindex];
// returns true if the portal is crossable by actors
inline bool line_t::isLinePortal() const
return portalindex >= linePortals.Size() ? false : !!(linePortals[portalindex].mFlags & PORTF_PASSABLE);
// returns true if the portal needs to be handled by the renderer
inline bool line_t::isVisualPortal() const
return portalindex >= linePortals.Size() ? false : !!(linePortals[portalindex].mFlags & PORTF_VISIBLE);
inline line_t *line_t::getPortalDestination() const
return portalindex >= linePortals.Size() ? (line_t*)NULL : linePortals[portalindex].mDestination;
inline int line_t::getPortalAlignment() const
return portalindex >= linePortals.Size() ? 0 : linePortals[portalindex].mAlign;