
1043 lines
27 KiB

#include <assert.h>
#include "actor.h"
#include "r_data.h"
#include "p_conversation.h"
#include "w_wad.h"
#include "cmdlib.h"
#include "s_sound.h"
#include "m_menu.h"
#include "v_text.h"
#include "v_video.h"
#include "m_random.h"
#include "gi.h"
#include "templates.h"
#include "a_strifeglobal.h"
#include "a_keys.h"
#include "p_enemy.h"
#include "gstrings.h"
#include "sound/i_music.h"
// The conversations as they exist inside a SCRIPTxx lump.
struct Response
SDWORD GiveType;
SDWORD Item[3];
SDWORD Count[3];
char Reply[32];
char Yes[80];
char No[80];
struct Speech
DWORD SpeakerType;
SDWORD DropType;
SDWORD ItemCheck[3];
char Name[16];
char Sound[8];
char Backdrop[8];
char Dialogue[320];
Response Responses[5];
// The Teaser version of the game uses an older version of the structure
struct TeaserSpeech
DWORD SpeakerType;
SDWORD DropType;
DWORD VoiceNumber;
char Name[16];
char Dialogue[320];
Response Responses[5];
static FRandom pr_randomspeech("RandomSpeech");
void GiveSpawner (player_t *player, const PClass *type);
TArray<FStrifeDialogueNode *> StrifeDialogues;
// There were 344 types in Strife, and Strife conversations refer
// to their index in the mobjinfo table. This table indexes all
// the Strife actor types in the order Strife had them and is
// initialized as part of the actor's setup in infodefaults.cpp.
const PClass *StrifeTypes[1001];
static menu_t ConversationMenu;
static TArray<menuitem_t> ConversationItems;
static int ConversationPauseTic;
static bool ShowGold;
static void LoadScriptFile (const char *name);
static FStrifeDialogueNode *ReadRetailNode (FWadLump *lump, DWORD &prevSpeakerType);
static FStrifeDialogueNode *ReadTeaserNode (FWadLump *lump, DWORD &prevSpeakerType);
static void ParseReplies (FStrifeDialogueReply **replyptr, Response *responses);
static void DrawConversationMenu ();
static void PickConversationReply ();
static void CleanupConversationMenu ();
static void ConversationMenuEscaped ();
static FStrifeDialogueNode *CurNode, *PrevNode;
static FBrokenLines *DialogueLines;
static AActor *ConversationNPC, *ConversationPC;
static angle_t ConversationNPCAngle;
static bool ConversationFaceTalker;
// GetStrifeType
// Given an item type number, returns the corresponding PClass.
static const PClass *GetStrifeType (int typenum)
if (typenum > 0 && typenum < 1001)
return StrifeTypes[typenum];
return NULL;
// P_LoadStrifeConversations
// Loads the SCRIPT00 and SCRIPTxx files for a corresponding map.
void P_LoadStrifeConversations (const char *mapname)
if (strnicmp (mapname, "MAP", 3) != 0)
char scriptname[9] = { 'S','C','R','I','P','T',mapname[3],mapname[4],0 };
LoadScriptFile ("SCRIPT00");
LoadScriptFile (scriptname);
// P_FreeStrifeConversations
void P_FreeStrifeConversations ()
FStrifeDialogueNode *node;
while (StrifeDialogues.Pop (node))
delete node;
for (int i = 0; i < 344; ++i)
if (StrifeTypes[i] != NULL)
AActor * ac = GetDefaultByType (StrifeTypes[i]);
if (ac != NULL) ac->Conversation = NULL;
CurNode = NULL;
PrevNode = NULL;
// ncopystring
// If the string has no content, returns NULL. Otherwise, returns a copy.
static char *ncopystring (const char *string)
if (string == NULL || string[0] == 0)
return NULL;
return copystring (string);
// LoadScriptFile
// Loads a SCRIPTxx file and converts it into a more useful internal format.
static void LoadScriptFile (const char *name)
int lumpnum = Wads.CheckNumForName (name);
int numnodes, i;
DWORD prevSpeakerType;
FStrifeDialogueNode *node;
FWadLump *lump;
if (lumpnum < 0)
numnodes = Wads.LumpLength (lumpnum);
if (!(gameinfo.flags & GI_SHAREWARE))
// Strife scripts are always a multiple of 1516 bytes because each entry
// is exactly 1516 bytes long.
if (numnodes % 1516 != 0)
numnodes /= 1516;
// And the teaser version has 1488-byte entries.
if (numnodes % 1488 != 0)
numnodes /= 1488;
lump = Wads.ReopenLumpNum (lumpnum);
prevSpeakerType = 0;
for (i = 0; i < numnodes; ++i)
if (!(gameinfo.flags & GI_SHAREWARE))
node = ReadRetailNode (lump, prevSpeakerType);
node = ReadTeaserNode (lump, prevSpeakerType);
StrifeDialogues.Push (node);
delete lump;
// ReadRetailNode
// Converts a single dialogue node from the Retail version of Strife.
static FStrifeDialogueNode *ReadRetailNode (FWadLump *lump, DWORD &prevSpeakerType)
FStrifeDialogueNode *node;
Speech speech;
char fullsound[16];
const PClass *type;
int j;
node = new FStrifeDialogueNode;
lump->Read (&speech, sizeof(speech));
// Byte swap all the ints in the original data
speech.SpeakerType = LittleLong(speech.SpeakerType);
speech.DropType = LittleLong(speech.DropType);
speech.Link = LittleLong(speech.Link);
// Assign the first instance of a conversation as the default for its
// actor, so newly spawned actors will use this conversation by default.
type = GetStrifeType (speech.SpeakerType);
node->SpeakerType = type;
if (prevSpeakerType != speech.SpeakerType)
if (type != NULL)
GetDefaultByType (type)->Conversation = node;
prevSpeakerType = speech.SpeakerType;
// Convert the rest of the data to our own internal format.
node->Dialogue = ncopystring (speech.Dialogue);
// The speaker's portrait, if any.
speech.Backdrop[8] = 0;
node->Backdrop = TexMan.AddPatch (speech.Backdrop);
// The speaker's voice for this node, if any.
speech.Sound[8] = 0;
sprintf (fullsound, "svox/%s", speech.Sound);
node->SpeakerVoice = S_FindSound (fullsound);
// The speaker's name, if any.
speech.Name[16] = 0;
node->SpeakerName = ncopystring (speech.Name);
// The item the speaker should drop when killed.
node->DropType = GetStrifeType (speech.DropType);
// Items you need to have to make the speaker use a different node.
for (j = 0; j < 3; ++j)
node->ItemCheck[j] = GetStrifeType (speech.ItemCheck[j]);
node->ItemCheckNode = speech.Link;
node->Children = NULL;
ParseReplies (&node->Children, &speech.Responses[0]);
return node;
// ReadTeaserNode
// Converts a single dialogue node from the Teaser version of Strife.
static FStrifeDialogueNode *ReadTeaserNode (FWadLump *lump, DWORD &prevSpeakerType)
FStrifeDialogueNode *node;
TeaserSpeech speech;
char fullsound[16];
const PClass *type;
int j;
node = new FStrifeDialogueNode;
lump->Read (&speech, sizeof(speech));
// Byte swap all the ints in the original data
speech.SpeakerType = LittleLong(speech.SpeakerType);
speech.DropType = LittleLong(speech.DropType);
// Assign the first instance of a conversation as the default for its
// actor, so newly spawned actors will use this conversation by default.
type = GetStrifeType (speech.SpeakerType);
node->SpeakerType = type;
if (prevSpeakerType != speech.SpeakerType)
if (type != NULL)
GetDefaultByType (type)->Conversation = node;
prevSpeakerType = speech.SpeakerType;
// Convert the rest of the data to our own internal format.
node->Dialogue = ncopystring (speech.Dialogue);
// The Teaser version doesn't have portraits.
node->Backdrop = -1;
// The speaker's voice for this node, if any.
if (speech.VoiceNumber != 0)
sprintf (fullsound, "svox/voc%u", speech.VoiceNumber);
node->SpeakerVoice = S_FindSound (fullsound);
node->SpeakerVoice = 0;
// The speaker's name, if any.
speech.Name[16] = 0;
node->SpeakerName = ncopystring (speech.Name);
// The item the speaker should drop when killed.
node->DropType = GetStrifeType (speech.DropType);
// Items you need to have to make the speaker use a different node.
for (j = 0; j < 3; ++j)
node->ItemCheck[j] = NULL;
node->ItemCheckNode = 0;
node->Children = NULL;
ParseReplies (&node->Children, &speech.Responses[0]);
return node;
// ParseReplies
// Convert PC responses. Rather than being stored inside the main node, they
// hang off it as a singly-linked list, so no space is wasted on replies that
// don't even matter.
static void ParseReplies (FStrifeDialogueReply **replyptr, Response *responses)
FStrifeDialogueReply *reply;
int j, k;
// Byte swap first.
for (j = 0; j < 5; ++j)
responses[j].GiveType = LittleLong(responses[j].GiveType);
responses[j].Link = LittleLong(responses[j].Link);
responses[j].Log = LittleLong(responses[j].Log);
for (k = 0; k < 3; ++k)
responses[j].Item[k] = LittleLong(responses[j].Item[k]);
responses[j].Count[k] = LittleLong(responses[j].Count[k]);
for (j = 0; j < 5; ++j)
Response *rsp = &responses[j];
// If the reply has no text and goes nowhere, then it doesn't
// need to be remembered.
if (rsp->Reply[0] == 0 && rsp->Link == 0)
reply = new FStrifeDialogueReply;
// The next node to use when this reply is chosen.
reply->NextNode = rsp->Link;
// The message to record in the log for this reply.
reply->LogNumber = rsp->Log;
// The item to receive when this reply is used.
reply->GiveType = GetStrifeType (rsp->GiveType);
// Do you need anything special for this reply to succeed?
for (k = 0; k < 3; ++k)
reply->ItemCheck[k] = GetStrifeType (rsp->Item[k]);
reply->ItemCheckAmount[k] = rsp->Count[k];
// ReplyLines is calculated when the menu is shown. It is just Reply
// with word wrap turned on.
reply->ReplyLines = NULL;
// If the first item check has a positive amount required, then
// add that to the reply string. Otherwise, use the reply as-is.
if (rsp->Count[0] > 0)
char moneystr[128];
sprintf (moneystr, "%s for %u", rsp->Reply, rsp->Count[0]);
reply->Reply = copystring (moneystr);
reply->NeedsGold = true;
reply->Reply = copystring (rsp->Reply);
reply->NeedsGold = false;
// QuickYes messages are shown when you meet the item checks.
// QuickNo messages are shown when you don't.
if (rsp->Yes[0] == '_' && rsp->Yes[1] == 0)
reply->QuickYes = NULL;
reply->QuickYes = ncopystring (rsp->Yes);
if (reply->ItemCheck[0] != 0)
reply->QuickNo = ncopystring (rsp->No);
reply->QuickNo = NULL;
reply->Next = *replyptr;
*replyptr = reply;
replyptr = &reply->Next;
// FStrifeDialogueNode :: ~FStrifeDialogueNode
FStrifeDialogueNode::~FStrifeDialogueNode ()
if (SpeakerName != NULL) delete[] SpeakerName;
if (Dialogue != NULL) delete[] Dialogue;
FStrifeDialogueReply *tokill = Children;
while (tokill != NULL)
FStrifeDialogueReply *next = tokill->Next;
delete tokill;
tokill = next;
// FStrifeDialogueReply :: ~FStrifeDialogueReply
FStrifeDialogueReply::~FStrifeDialogueReply ()
if (Reply != NULL) delete[] Reply;
if (QuickYes != NULL) delete[] QuickYes;
if (QuickNo != NULL) delete[] QuickNo;
if (ReplyLines != NULL) V_FreeBrokenLines (ReplyLines);
// FindNode
// Returns the index that matches the given conversation node.
static int FindNode (const FStrifeDialogueNode *node)
int rootnode = 0;
while (StrifeDialogues[rootnode] != node)
return rootnode;
// CheckStrifeItem
// Checks if you have an item. A NULL itemtype is always considered to be
// present.
static bool CheckStrifeItem (const PClass *itemtype, int amount=-1)
AInventory *item;
if (itemtype == NULL || amount == 0)
return true;
item = ConversationPC->FindInventory (itemtype);
if (item == NULL)
return false;
return amount < 0 || item->Amount >= amount;
// TakeStrifeItem
// Takes away some of an item, unless that item is special and should not
// be removed.
static void TakeStrifeItem (const PClass *itemtype, int amount)
if (itemtype == NULL || amount == 0)
// Don't take quest items.
if (itemtype->IsDescendantOf (PClass::FindClass(NAME_QuestItem)))
// Don't take keys
if (itemtype->IsDescendantOf (RUNTIME_CLASS(AKey)))
// Don't take the sigil
if (itemtype == RUNTIME_CLASS(ASigil))
AInventory *item = ConversationPC->FindInventory (itemtype);
if (item != NULL)
item->Amount -= amount;
if (item->Amount <= 0)
item->Destroy ();
CUSTOM_CVAR(Float, dlg_musicvolume, 1.0f, CVAR_ARCHIVE)
if (self < 0.f) self = 0.f;
else if (self > 1.f) self = 1.f;
// P_StartConversation
// Begins a conversation between a PC and NPC.
// FIXME: Make this work in multiplayer.
void P_StartConversation (AActor *npc, AActor *pc, bool facetalker, bool saveangle)
AActor *oldtarget;
FStrifeDialogueReply *reply;
menuitem_t item;
const char *toSay;
int i, j;
pc->momx = pc->momy = 0; // Stop moving
pc->player->momx = pc->player->momy = 0;
if (pc->player - players != consoleplayer)
ConversationPC = pc;
ConversationNPC = npc;
CurNode = npc->Conversation;
if (pc->player == &players[consoleplayer])
S_Sound (CHAN_VOICE, "misc/chat", 1, ATTN_NONE);
npc->reactiontime = 2;
ConversationFaceTalker = facetalker;
if (saveangle)
ConversationNPCAngle = npc->angle;
oldtarget = npc->target;
npc->target = pc;
if (facetalker)
A_FaceTarget (npc);
pc->angle = R_PointToAngle2 (pc->x, pc->y, npc->x, npc->y);
if ((npc->flags & MF_FRIENDLY) || (npc->flags4 & MF4_NOHATEPLAYERS))
npc->target = oldtarget;
// Check if we should jump to another node
while (CurNode->ItemCheck[0] != NULL)
if (CheckStrifeItem (CurNode->ItemCheck[0]) &&
CheckStrifeItem (CurNode->ItemCheck[1]) &&
CheckStrifeItem (CurNode->ItemCheck[2]))
int root = FindNode (ConversationNPC->GetDefault()->Conversation);
CurNode = StrifeDialogues[root + CurNode->ItemCheckNode - 1];
if (CurNode->SpeakerVoice != 0)
S_SoundID (npc, CHAN_VOICE|CHAN_NOPAUSE, CurNode->SpeakerVoice, 1, ATTN_NORM);
// Set up the menu
ConversationMenu.PreDraw = DrawConversationMenu;
ConversationMenu.EscapeHandler = ConversationMenuEscaped;
// Format the speaker's message.
toSay = CurNode->Dialogue;
if (strncmp (toSay, "RANDOM_", 7) == 0)
FString dlgtext;
dlgtext.Format("TXT_%s_%02d", toSay, 1+(pr_randomspeech() % NUM_RANDOM_LINES));
toSay = GStrings[dlgtext.GetChars()];
if (toSay==NULL) toSay = "Go away!"; // Ok, it's lame - but it doesn't look like an error to the player. ;)
DialogueLines = V_BreakLines (screen->Font, screen->GetWidth()/CleanXfac-24*2, toSay);
// Fill out the possible choices
ShowGold = false;
item.type = numberedmore;
item.e.mfunc = PickConversationReply;
for (reply = CurNode->Children, i = 1; reply != NULL; reply = reply->Next)
if (reply->Reply == NULL)
ShowGold |= reply->NeedsGold;
reply->ReplyLines = V_BreakLines (screen->Font, 320-50-10, reply->Reply);
for (j = 0; reply->ReplyLines[j].Width >= 0; ++j)
item.label = reply->ReplyLines[j].Text.LockBuffer();
item.b.position = j == 0 ? i : 0;
item.c.extra = reply;
ConversationItems.Push (item);
char goodbye[25];
sprintf(goodbye, "TXT_RANDOMGOODBYE_%d", 1+(pr_randomspeech() % NUM_RANDOM_GOODBYES));
item.label = (char*)GStrings[goodbye];
if (item.label == NULL) item.label = "Bye.";
item.b.position = i;
item.c.extra = NULL;
ConversationItems.Push (item);
// Determine where the top of the reply list should be positioned.
i = (gameinfo.gametype & GAME_Raven) ? 9 : 8;
ConversationMenu.y = MIN<int> (140, 192 - ConversationItems.Size() * i);
for (i = 0; DialogueLines[i].Width >= 0; ++i)
{ }
i = 44 + i * 10;
if (ConversationMenu.y - 100 < i - screen->GetHeight() / CleanYfac / 2)
ConversationMenu.y = i - screen->GetHeight() / CleanYfac / 2 + 100;
ConversationMenu.indent = 50;
// Finish setting up the menu
ConversationMenu.items = &ConversationItems[0];
ConversationMenu.numitems = ConversationItems.Size();
if (CurNode != PrevNode)
{ // Only reset the selection if showing a different menu.
ConversationMenu.lastOn = 0;
PrevNode = CurNode;
ConversationMenu.DontDim = true;
// And open the menu
M_StartControlPanel (false);
OptionsActive = true;
menuactive = MENU_OnNoPause;
ConversationPauseTic = gametic + 20;
M_SwitchMenu (&ConversationMenu);
// P_ResumeConversation
// Resumes a conversation that was interrupted by a slideshow.
void P_ResumeConversation ()
if (ConversationPC != NULL && ConversationNPC != NULL)
P_StartConversation (ConversationNPC, ConversationPC, ConversationFaceTalker, false);
// DrawConversationMenu
static void DrawConversationMenu ()
const char *speakerName;
int i, x, y, linesize;
assert (DialogueLines != NULL);
assert (CurNode != NULL);
if (CurNode == NULL)
M_ClearMenus ();
if (ConversationPauseTic < gametic)
menuactive = MENU_On;
if (CurNode->Backdrop >= 0)
screen->DrawTexture (TexMan(CurNode->Backdrop), 0, 0, DTA_320x200, true, TAG_DONE);
x = 16 * screen->GetWidth() / 320;
y = 16 * screen->GetHeight() / 200;
linesize = 10 * CleanYfac;
// Who is talking to you?
if (CurNode->SpeakerName != NULL)
speakerName = CurNode->SpeakerName;
speakerName = ConversationNPC->GetClass()->Meta.GetMetaString (AMETA_StrifeName);
if (speakerName == NULL)
speakerName = "Person";
// Dim the screen behind the dialogue (but only if there is no backdrop).
if (CurNode->Backdrop <= 0)
for (i = 0; DialogueLines[i].Width >= 0; ++i)
{ }
screen->Dim (0, 0.45f, 14 * screen->GetWidth() / 320, 13 * screen->GetHeight() / 200,
308 * screen->GetWidth() / 320 - 14 * screen->GetWidth () / 320,
speakerName == NULL ? linesize * i + 6 * CleanYfac
: linesize * i + 6 * CleanYfac + linesize * 3/2);
// Dim the screen behind the PC's choices.
screen->Dim (0, 0.45f, (24-160) * CleanXfac + screen->GetWidth()/2,
(ConversationMenu.y - 2 - 100) * CleanYfac + screen->GetHeight()/2,
272 * CleanXfac,
MIN(ConversationMenu.numitems * (gameinfo.gametype & GAME_Raven ? 9 : 8) + 4,
200 - ConversationMenu.y) * CleanYfac);
if (speakerName != NULL)
screen->DrawText (CR_WHITE, x, y, speakerName,
DTA_CleanNoMove, true, TAG_DONE);
y += linesize * 3 / 2;
x = 24 * screen->GetWidth() / 320;
for (i = 0; DialogueLines[i].Width >= 0; ++i)
screen->DrawText (CR_UNTRANSLATED, x, y, DialogueLines[i].Text,
DTA_CleanNoMove, true, TAG_DONE);
y += linesize;
if (ShowGold)
AInventory *coin = ConversationPC->FindInventory (RUNTIME_CLASS(ACoin));
char goldstr[32];
sprintf (goldstr, "%d", coin != NULL ? coin->Amount : 0);
screen->DrawText (CR_GRAY, 21, 191, goldstr, DTA_320x200, true,
DTA_FillColor, 0, DTA_Alpha, HR_SHADOW, TAG_DONE);
screen->DrawTexture (TexMan(((AInventory *)GetDefaultByType (RUNTIME_CLASS(ACoin)))->Icon),
3, 190, DTA_320x200, true,
DTA_FillColor, 0, DTA_Alpha, HR_SHADOW, TAG_DONE);
screen->DrawText (CR_GRAY, 20, 190, goldstr, DTA_320x200, true, TAG_DONE);
screen->DrawTexture (TexMan(((AInventory *)GetDefaultByType (RUNTIME_CLASS(ACoin)))->Icon),
2, 189, DTA_320x200, true, TAG_DONE);
// PickConversationReply
// FIXME: Make this work in multiplayer
static void PickConversationReply ()
const char *replyText = NULL;
FStrifeDialogueReply *reply = (FStrifeDialogueReply *)ConversationItems[ConversationMenu.lastOn].c.extra;
bool takestuff;
int i;
M_ClearMenus ();
CleanupConversationMenu ();
if (reply == NULL)
ConversationNPC->angle = ConversationNPCAngle;
// Check if you have the requisite items for this choice
for (i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
if (!CheckStrifeItem (reply->ItemCheck[i], reply->ItemCheckAmount[i]))
// No, you don't. Say so and let the NPC animate negatively.
if (reply->QuickNo)
Printf ("%s\n", reply->QuickNo);
ConversationNPC->ConversationAnimation (2);
ConversationNPC->angle = ConversationNPCAngle;
// Yay, you do! Let the NPC animate affirmatively.
ConversationNPC->ConversationAnimation (1);
// If this reply gives you something, then try to receive it.
takestuff = true;
if (reply->GiveType != NULL)
if (reply->GiveType->IsDescendantOf(RUNTIME_CLASS(AInventory)))
if (reply->GiveType->IsDescendantOf(RUNTIME_CLASS(AWeapon)))
if (players[consoleplayer].mo->FindInventory(reply->GiveType) != NULL)
takestuff = false;
if (takestuff)
AInventory *item = static_cast<AInventory *> (Spawn (reply->GiveType, 0, 0, 0, NO_REPLACE));
// Items given here should not count as items!
if (item->flags & MF_COUNTITEM)
item->flags &= ~MF_COUNTITEM;
if (item->IsA(RUNTIME_CLASS(AFlameThrower)))
// The flame thrower gives less ammo when given in a dialog
static_cast<AWeapon*>(item)->AmmoGive1 = 40;
item->flags |= MF_DROPPED;
if (!item->TryPickup (players[consoleplayer].mo))
item->Destroy ();
takestuff = false;
// Trying to give a non-inventory item.
takestuff = false;
Printf("Attempting to give non-inventory item %s\n", reply->GiveType->TypeName.GetChars());
// Take away required items if the give was successful or none was needed.
if (takestuff)
for (i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
TakeStrifeItem (reply->ItemCheck[i], reply->ItemCheckAmount[i]);
replyText = reply->QuickYes;
replyText = "You seem to have enough!";
// Update the quest log, if needed.
if (reply->LogNumber != 0)
players[consoleplayer].SetLogNumber (reply->LogNumber);
if (replyText != NULL)
Printf ("%s\n", replyText);
// Does this reply alter the speaker's conversation node? If NextNode is positive,
// the next time they talk, the will show the new node. If it is negative, then they
// will show the new node right away without terminating the dialogue.
if (reply->NextNode != 0)
int rootnode = FindNode (ConversationNPC->GetDefault()->Conversation);
if (reply->NextNode < 0)
ConversationNPC->Conversation = StrifeDialogues[rootnode - reply->NextNode - 1];
if (gameaction != ga_slideshow)
P_StartConversation (ConversationNPC, players[consoleplayer].mo, ConversationFaceTalker, false);
S_StopSound (ConversationNPC, CHAN_VOICE);
ConversationNPC->Conversation = StrifeDialogues[rootnode + reply->NextNode - 1];
ConversationNPC->angle = ConversationNPCAngle;
// CleanupConversationMenu
// Release the resources used to create the most recent conversation menu.
void CleanupConversationMenu ()
FStrifeDialogueReply *reply;
if (CurNode != NULL)
for (reply = CurNode->Children; reply != NULL; reply = reply->Next)
if (reply->ReplyLines != NULL)
V_FreeBrokenLines (reply->ReplyLines);
reply->ReplyLines = NULL;
CurNode = NULL;
if (DialogueLines != NULL)
V_FreeBrokenLines (DialogueLines);
DialogueLines = NULL;
ConversationItems.Clear ();
// ConversationMenuEscaped
// Called when the user presses escape to leave tho conversation menu.
void ConversationMenuEscaped ()
CleanupConversationMenu ();
ConversationNPC->angle = ConversationNPCAngle;