
1535 lines
41 KiB
Raw Blame History

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <math.h>
#include "doomdef.h"
#include "m_swap.h"
#include "templates.h"
#include "timidity.h"
#include "sf2.h"
#include "files.h"
using namespace Timidity;
#define cindex(identifier) (BYTE)(((size_t)&((SFGenComposite *)1)->identifier - 1) / 2)
class CIOErr {};
class CBadForm {};
class CBadVer {};
struct ListHandler
void (*Parser)(SFFile *sf2, FileReader *f, DWORD chunkid, DWORD chunklen);
GENF_InstrOnly = 1, // Only valid at intstrument level
GENF_PresetOnly = 2, // Only valid at preset level
GENF_Range = 4, // Value is a range,
GENF_Index = 8, // Value is an index (aka unsigned)
GENF_32768_Ok = 16, // -32768 is a valid value
struct GenDef
short Min;
short Max;
BYTE StructIndex;
BYTE Flags;
static const GenDef GenDefs[] =
/* 0 */ { 0, 32767, cindex(startAddrsOffset), GENF_InstrOnly },
/* 1 */ { -32768, 0, cindex(endAddrsOffset), GENF_InstrOnly },
/* 2 */ { -32768, 32767, cindex(startLoopAddrsOffset), GENF_InstrOnly },
/* 3 */ { -32768, 32767, cindex(endLoopAddrsOffset), GENF_InstrOnly },
/* 4 */ { 0, 32767, cindex(startAddrsCoarseOffset), GENF_InstrOnly },
/* 5 */ { -12000, 12000, cindex(modLfoToPitch), 0 },
/* 6 */ { -12000, 12000, cindex(vibLfoToPitch), 0 },
/* 7 */ { -12000, 12000, cindex(modEnvToPitch), 0 },
/* 8 */ { 1500, 13500, cindex(initialFilterFc), 0 },
/* 9 */ { 0, 960, cindex(initialFilterQ), 0 },
/* 10 */ { -12000, 12000, cindex(modLfoToFilterFc), 0 },
/* 11 */ { -12000, 12000, cindex(modEnvToFilterFc), 0 },
/* 12 */ { -32768, 0, cindex(endAddrsCoarseOffset), 0 },
/* 13 */ { -960, 960, cindex(modLfoToVolume), 0 },
/* 14 */ { 0, 0, 255 /* unused1 */, 0 },
/* 15 */ { 0, 1000, cindex(chorusEffectsSend), 0 },
/* 16 */ { 0, 1000, cindex(reverbEffectsSend), 0 },
/* 17 */ { -500, 500, cindex(pan), 0 },
/* 18 */ { 0, 0, 255 /* unused2 */, 0 },
/* 19 */ { 0, 0, 255 /* unused3 */, 0 },
/* 20 */ { 0, 0, 255 /* unused4 */, 0 },
/* 21 */ { -12000, 5000, cindex(delayModLFO), GENF_32768_Ok },
/* 22 */ { -16000, 4500, cindex(freqModLFO), 0 },
/* 23 */ { -12000, 5000, cindex(delayVibLFO), GENF_32768_Ok },
/* 24 */ { -16000, 4500, cindex(freqVibLFO), 0 },
/* 25 */ { -12000, 5000, cindex(delayModEnv), GENF_32768_Ok },
/* 26 */ { -12000, 8000, cindex(attackModEnv), GENF_32768_Ok },
/* 27 */ { -12000, 5000, cindex(holdModEnv), GENF_32768_Ok },
/* 28 */ { -12000, 8000, cindex(decayModEnv), 0 },
/* 29 */ { 0, 1000, cindex(sustainModEnv), 0 },
/* 30 */ { -12000, 8000, cindex(releaseModEnv), 0 },
/* 31 */ { -1200, 1200, cindex(keynumToModEnvHold), 0 },
/* 32 */ { -1200, 1200, cindex(keynumToModEnvDecay), 0 },
/* 33 */ { -12000, 5000, cindex(delayVolEnv), GENF_32768_Ok },
/* 34 */ { -12000, 8000, cindex(attackVolEnv), GENF_32768_Ok },
/* 35 */ { -12000, 5000, cindex(holdVolEnv), GENF_32768_Ok },
/* 36 */ { -12000, 5000, cindex(decayVolEnv), 0 },
/* 37 */ { 0, 1440, cindex(sustainVolEnv), 0 },
/* 38 */ { -12000, 8000, cindex(releaseVolEnv), 0 },
/* 39 */ { -1200, 1200, cindex(keynumToVolEnvHold), 0 },
/* 40 */ { -1200, 1200, cindex(keynumToVolEnvDecay), 0 },
/* 41 */ { -32768, 32767, 255 /* instrument */, GENF_Index | GENF_PresetOnly },
/* 42 */ { 0, 0, 255 /* reserved1 */, 0 },
/* 43 */ { 0, 127, 255 /* keyRange */, GENF_Range },
/* 44 */ { 0, 127, 255 /* velRange */, GENF_Range },
/* 45 */ { -32768, 32767, cindex(startLoopAddrsCoarseOffset), GENF_InstrOnly },
/* 46 */ { 0, 127, cindex(keynum), GENF_InstrOnly },
/* 47 */ { 1, 127, cindex(velocity), GENF_InstrOnly },
/* 48 */ { 0, 1440, cindex(initialAttenuation), 0 },
/* 49 */ { 0, 0, 255 /* reserved2 */, 0 },
/* 50 */ { -32768, 32767, cindex(endLoopAddrsCoarseOffset), GENF_InstrOnly },
/* 51 */ { -120, 120, cindex(coarseTune), 0 },
/* 52 */ { -99, 99, cindex(fineTune), 0 },
/* 53 */ { -32768, 32767, 255 /* sampleID */, GENF_Index | GENF_InstrOnly },
/* 54 */ { -32768, 32767, cindex(sampleModes), GENF_InstrOnly },
/* 55 */ { 0, 0, 255 /* reserved3 */, 0 },
/* 56 */ { 0, 1200, cindex(scaleTuning), 0 },
/* 57 */ { 1, 127, cindex(exclusiveClass), GENF_InstrOnly },
/* 58 */ { 0, 127, cindex(overridingRootKey), GENF_InstrOnly },
static const SFGenComposite DefaultGenerators =
{ { 0, 127 } }, // keyRange
{ 0, 127 }, // velRange
{ 0 }, // instrument/sampleID
0, // modLfoToPitch
0, // vibLfoToPitch
0, // modEnvToPitch
13500, // initialFilterFc
0, // initialFilterQ
0, // modLfoToFilterFc
0, // modEnvToFilterFc
0, // modLfoToVolume
0, // chorusEffectsSend
0, // reverbEffectsSend
0, // pan
-12000, // delayModLFO
0, // freqModLFO
-12000, // delayVibLFO
0, // freqVibLFO
-12000, // delayModEnv
-12000, // attackModEnv
-12000, // holdModEnv
-12000, // decayModEnv
0, // sustainModEnv
-12000, // releaseModEnv
0, // keynumToModEnvHold
0, // keynumToModEnvDecay
-12000, // delayVolEnv
-12000, // attackVolEnv
-12000, // holdVolEnv
-12000, // decayVolEnv
0, // sustainVolEnv
-12000, // releaseVolEnv
0, // keynumToVolEnvHold
0, // keynumToVolEnvDecay
0, // initialAttenuation
0, // coarseTune
0, // fineTune
100, // scaleTuning
0, 0, // startAddrs(Coarse)Offset
0, 0, // endAddrs(Coarse)Offset
0, 0, // startLoop(Coarse)Offset
0, 0, // endLoop(Coarse)Offset
-1, // keynum
-1, // velocity
0, // sampleModes
0, // exclusiveClass
-1 // overridingRootKey
static void ParseIfil(SFFile *sf2, FileReader *f, DWORD chunkid, DWORD chunklen);
static void ParseSmpl(SFFile *sf2, FileReader *f, DWORD chunkid, DWORD chunklen);
static void ParseSm24(SFFile *sf2, FileReader *f, DWORD chunkid, DWORD chunklen);
static void ParsePhdr(SFFile *sf2, FileReader *f, DWORD chunkid, DWORD chunklen);
static void ParseBag(SFFile *sf2, FileReader *f, DWORD chunkid, DWORD chunklen);
static void ParseMod(SFFile *sf2, FileReader *f, DWORD chunkid, DWORD chunklen);
static void ParseGen(SFFile *sf2, FileReader *f, DWORD chunkid, DWORD chunklen);
static void ParseInst(SFFile *sf2, FileReader *f, DWORD chunkid, DWORD chunklen);
static void ParseShdr(SFFile *sf2, FileReader *f, DWORD chunkid, DWORD chunklen);
ListHandler INFOHandlers[] =
{ ID_ifil, ParseIfil },
{ 0 }
ListHandler SdtaHandlers[] =
{ ID_smpl, ParseSmpl },
{ ID_sm24, ParseSm24 },
{ 0 }
ListHandler PdtaHandlers[] =
{ ID_phdr, ParsePhdr },
{ ID_pbag, ParseBag },
{ ID_pmod, ParseMod },
{ ID_pgen, ParseGen },
{ ID_inst, ParseInst },
{ ID_ibag, ParseBag },
{ ID_imod, ParseMod },
{ ID_igen, ParseGen },
{ ID_shdr, ParseShdr },
{ 0 }
static double timecent_to_sec(SWORD timecent)
if (timecent == -32768)
return 0;
return pow(2.0, timecent / 1200.0);
static SDWORD to_offset(int offset)
return (SDWORD)offset << (7+15);
static SDWORD calc_rate(Renderer *song, int diff, double sec)
double rate;
if(sec < 0.006)
sec = 0.006;
if(diff == 0)
diff = 255;
diff <<= (7+15);
rate = ((double)diff / song->rate) * song->control_ratio / sec;
return (SDWORD)rate;
static inline DWORD read_id(FileReader *f)
if (f->Read(&id, 4) != 4)
throw CIOErr();
return id;
static inline int read_byte(FileReader *f)
if (f->Read(&x, 1) != 1)
throw CIOErr();
return x;
static inline int read_char(FileReader *f)
if (f->Read(&x, 1) != 1)
throw CIOErr();
return x;
static inline int read_uword(FileReader *f)
if (f->Read(&x, 2) != 2)
throw CIOErr();
return LittleShort(x);
static inline int read_sword(FileReader *f)
if (f->Read(&x, 2) != 2)
throw CIOErr();
return LittleShort(x);
static inline DWORD read_dword(FileReader *f)
if (f->Read(&x, 4) != 4)
throw CIOErr();
return LittleLong(x);
static inline void read_name(FileReader *f, char name[21])
if (f->Read(name, 20) != 20)
throw CIOErr();
name[20] = 0;
static inline void skip_chunk(FileReader *f, DWORD len)
// RIFF, like IFF, adds an extra pad byte to the end of
// odd-sized chunks so that new chunks are always on even
// byte boundaries.
if (f->Seek(len + (len & 1), SEEK_CUR) != 0)
throw CIOErr();
static void check_list(FileReader *f, DWORD id, DWORD filelen, DWORD &chunklen)
if (read_id(f) != ID_LIST)
throw CBadForm();
chunklen = read_dword(f);
if (chunklen + 8 > filelen)
throw CBadForm();
if (read_id(f) != id)
throw CBadForm();
static void ParseIfil(SFFile *sf2, FileReader *f, DWORD chunkid, DWORD chunklen)
WORD major, minor;
if (chunklen != 4)
throw CBadForm();
major = read_uword(f);
minor = read_uword(f);
if (major != 2)
throw CBadVer();
sf2->MinorVersion = minor;
static void ParseLIST(SFFile *sf2, FileReader *f, DWORD chunklen, ListHandler *handlers)
ListHandler *handler;
DWORD len;
chunklen -= 4;
while (chunklen > 0)
id = read_id(f);
len = read_dword(f);
if (len + 8 > chunklen)
throw CBadForm();
chunklen -= len + (len & 1) + 8;
for (handler = handlers; handler->ID != 0; ++handler)
if (handler->ID == id && handler->Parser != NULL)
handler->Parser(sf2, f, id, len);
if (handler->ID == 0)
// Skip unknown chunks
skip_chunk(f, len);
static void ParseINFO(SFFile *sf2, FileReader *f, DWORD chunklen)
sf2->MinorVersion = -1;
ParseLIST(sf2, f, chunklen, INFOHandlers);
if (sf2->MinorVersion < 0)
{ // The ifil chunk must be present.
throw CBadForm();
static void ParseSdta(SFFile *sf2, FileReader *f, DWORD chunklen)
ParseLIST(sf2, f, chunklen, SdtaHandlers);
if (sf2->SampleDataOffset == 0)
throw CBadForm();
// Section 6.2, page 20: It is not clear if the extra pad byte for an
// odd chunk is supposed to be included in the chunk length field.
if (sf2->SizeSampleDataLSB != sf2->SizeSampleData &&
sf2->SizeSampleDataLSB != sf2->SizeSampleData + (sf2->SizeSampleData & 1))
sf2->SampleDataLSBOffset = 0;
sf2->SizeSampleDataLSB = 0;
static void ParseSmpl(SFFile *sf2, FileReader *f, DWORD chunkid, DWORD chunklen)
// Only use the first smpl chunk. (Or should we reject files with more than one?)
if (sf2->SampleDataOffset == 0)
if (chunklen & 1)
{ // Chunk must be an even number of bytes.
throw CBadForm();
sf2->SampleDataOffset = f->Tell();
sf2->SizeSampleData = chunklen >> 1;
skip_chunk(f, chunklen);
static void ParseSm24(SFFile *sf2, FileReader *f, DWORD chunkid, DWORD chunklen)
// The sm24 chunk is ignored if the file version is < 2.04
if (sf2->MinorVersion >= 4)
// Only use the first sm24 chunk. (Or should we reject files with more than one?)
if (sf2->SampleDataLSBOffset == 0)
sf2->SampleDataLSBOffset = f->Tell();
sf2->SizeSampleDataLSB = chunklen;
skip_chunk(f, chunklen);
static void ParsePdta(SFFile *sf2, FileReader *f, DWORD chunklen)
ParseLIST(sf2, f, chunklen, PdtaHandlers);
static void ParsePhdr(SFFile *sf2, FileReader *f, DWORD chunkid, DWORD chunklen)
SFPreset *preset;
// Section 7.2, page 22:
// If the PHDR sub-chunk is missing, or contains fewer than two records,
// or its size is not a multiple of 38 bytes, the file should be rejected
// as structurally unsound.
if (chunklen < 38*2 || chunklen % 38 != 0)
throw CBadForm();
sf2->NumPresets = chunklen / 38;
sf2->Presets = new SFPreset[sf2->NumPresets];
preset = sf2->Presets;
for (int i = sf2->NumPresets; i != 0; --i, ++preset)
read_name(f, preset->Name);
preset->Program = read_uword(f);
preset->Bank = read_uword(f);
preset->BagIndex = read_uword(f);
skip_chunk(f, 4*3); // Skip library, genre, and morphology
// Section 7.2, page 22:
// The preset bag indices will be monotonically increasing with
// increasing preset headers.
if (preset != sf2->Presets)
if (preset->BagIndex < (preset - 1)->BagIndex)
throw CBadForm();
static void ParseBag(SFFile *sf2, FileReader *f, DWORD chunkid, DWORD chunklen)
SFBag *bags, *bag;
WORD prev_mod = 0;
int numbags;
int i;
// Section 7.3, page 22:
// It is always a multiple of four bytes in length, and contains one
// record for each preset zone plus one record for a terminal zone. ...
// If the PBAG sub-chunk is missing, or its size is not a multiple of
// four bytes, the file should be rejected as structurally unsound.
// Section 7.7: IBAG is the same, but substitute "instrument" for "preset".
if (chunklen & 3)
throw CBadForm();
numbags = chunklen >> 2;
if (chunkid == ID_pbag)
if (numbags != sf2->Presets[sf2->NumPresets - 1].BagIndex + 1)
throw CBadForm();
sf2->PresetBags = bags = new SFBag[numbags];
sf2->NumPresetBags = numbags;
assert(chunkid == ID_ibag);
if (numbags != sf2->Instruments[sf2->NumInstruments - 1].BagIndex + 1)
throw CBadForm();
sf2->InstrBags = bags = new SFBag[numbags];
sf2->NumInstrBags = numbags;
for (bag = bags, i = numbags; i != 0; --i, ++bag)
bag->GenIndex = read_uword(f);
WORD mod = read_uword(f);
// Section 7.3, page 22:
// If the generator or modulator indices are non-monotonic or do not
// match the size of the respective PGEN or PMOD sub-chunks, the file
// is structurally defective and should be rejected at load time.
if (bag != bags)
if (bag->GenIndex < (bag - 1)->GenIndex || mod < prev_mod)
throw CBadForm();
prev_mod = mod;
bag->KeyRange.Lo = bag->VelRange.Lo = 0;
bag->KeyRange.Hi = bag->VelRange.Hi = 127;
bag->Target = -1;
static void ParseMod(SFFile *sf2, FileReader *f, DWORD chunkid, DWORD chunklen)
// Section 7.4, page 23:
// It [the PMOD sub-chunk] is always a multiple of ten bytes in length,
// and contains zero or more modulators plus a terminal record
if (chunklen % 10 != 0)
throw CBadForm();
// We've checked the length, now ignore the chunk.
skip_chunk(f, chunklen);
static void ParseGen(SFFile *sf2, FileReader *f, DWORD chunkid, DWORD chunklen)
SFGenList *gens, *gen;
int numgens;
int i;
// Section 7.5, page 24:
// If the PGEN sub-chunk is missing, or its size is not a multiple of
// four bytes, the file should be rejected as structurally unsound.
if (chunklen & 3)
throw CBadForm();
numgens = chunklen >> 2;
if (chunkid == ID_pgen)
// Section 7.3, page 22:
// the size of the PGEN sub-chunk in bytes will be equal to four
// times the terminal preset<65>s wGenNdx plus four.
if (numgens != sf2->PresetBags[sf2->NumPresetBags - 1].GenIndex + 1)
throw CBadForm();
sf2->PresetGenerators = gens = new SFGenList[numgens];
sf2->NumPresetGenerators = numgens;
assert(chunkid == ID_igen);
if (numgens != sf2->InstrBags[sf2->NumInstrBags - 1].GenIndex + 1)
throw CBadForm();
sf2->InstrGenerators = gens = new SFGenList[numgens];
sf2->NumInstrGenerators = numgens;
for (i = numgens, gen = gens; i != 0; --i, ++gen)
gen->Oper = read_uword(f);
gen->uAmount = read_uword(f);
if (gen->Oper == GEN_keyRange || gen->Oper == GEN_velRange)
// Reswap range generators
gen->uAmount = LittleShort(gen->uAmount);
static void ParseInst(SFFile *sf2, FileReader *f, DWORD chunkid, DWORD chunklen)
int i;
SFInst *inst;
// Section 7.6, page 25:
// If the INST sub-chunk is missing, contains fewer than two records, or its
// size is not a multiple of 22 bytes, the file should be rejected as
// structurally unsound.
if (chunklen < 22*2 || chunklen % 22 != 0)
throw CBadForm();
sf2->NumInstruments = chunklen / 22;
sf2->Instruments = inst = new SFInst[sf2->NumInstruments];
for (i = sf2->NumInstruments; i != 0; --i, ++inst)
read_name(f, inst->Name);
inst->BagIndex = read_uword(f);
// Section 7.6, page 25:
// If the instrument bag indices are non-monotonic or if the terminal
// instrument<6E>s wInstBagNdx does not match the IBAG sub-chunk size, the
// file is structurally defective and should be rejected at load time.
if (inst != sf2->Instruments)
if (inst->BagIndex < (inst - 1)->BagIndex)
throw CBadForm();
static void ParseShdr(SFFile *sf2, FileReader *f, DWORD chunkid, DWORD chunklen)
int i;
SFSample *sample;
// Section 7.10, page 29:
// If the SHDR sub-chunk is missing, or its is size is not a multiple of 46
// bytes the file should be rejected as structurally unsound.
if (chunklen % 46 != 0)
throw CBadForm();
sf2->NumSamples = chunklen / 46;
sf2->Samples = sample = new SFSample[sf2->NumSamples];
for (i = sf2->NumSamples; i != 0; --i, ++sample)
sample->InMemoryData = NULL;
read_name(f, sample->Name);
sample->Start = read_dword(f);
sample->End = read_dword(f);
sample->StartLoop = read_dword(f);
sample->EndLoop = read_dword(f);
sample->SampleRate = read_dword(f);
sample->OriginalPitch = read_byte(f);
sample->PitchCorrection = read_char(f);
sample->SampleLink = read_uword(f);
sample->SampleType = read_uword(f);
if (sample->SampleRate == 0)
// Section 7.10, page 29:
// A value of zero is illegal. If an illegal or impractical value is
// encountered, the nearest practical value should be used.
sample->SampleRate = 400;
if (sample->OriginalPitch > 127)
// Section 7.10, page 29:
// For unpitched sounds, a conventional value of 255 should be used
// Values between 128 and 254 are illegal. Whenever an illegal value
// or a value of 255 is encountered, the value 60 should be used.
sample->OriginalPitch = 60;
// Clamp sample positions to the available sample data.
sample->Start = MIN(sample->Start, sf2->SizeSampleData - 1);
sample->End = MIN(sample->End, sf2->SizeSampleData - 1);
sample->StartLoop = MIN(sample->StartLoop, sf2->SizeSampleData - 1);
sample->EndLoop = MIN(sample->EndLoop, sf2->SizeSampleData - 1);
if (sample->Start >= sample->End)
sample->SampleType |= SFST_Bad;
SFFile *ReadSF2(const char *filename, FileReader *f)
SFFile *sf2 = NULL;
DWORD filelen;
DWORD chunklen;
// Read RIFF sfbk header
if (read_id(f) != ID_RIFF)
return NULL;
filelen = read_dword(f);
if (read_id(f) != ID_sfbk)
return NULL;
filelen -= 4;
// First chunk must be an INFO LIST
check_list(f, ID_INFO, filelen, chunklen);
sf2 = new SFFile(filename);
ParseINFO(sf2, f, chunklen);
filelen -= chunklen + 8;
// Second chunk must be a sdta LIST
check_list(f, ID_sdta, filelen, chunklen);
ParseSdta(sf2, f, chunklen);
// Third chunk must be a pdta LIST
check_list(f, ID_pdta, filelen, chunklen);
ParsePdta(sf2, f, chunklen);
// There should be no more chunks. If there are, we'll just ignore them rather than reject the file.
if (!sf2->FinalStructureTest())
throw CBadForm();
return sf2;
catch (CIOErr)
Printf("Error reading %s: %s\n", filename, strerror(errno));
catch (CBadForm)
Printf("%s is corrupted.\n", filename);
catch (CBadVer)
Printf("%s is not a SoundFont version 2 file.\n", filename);
if (sf2 != NULL)
delete sf2;
return NULL;
SFFile::SFFile(FString filename)
: FontFile(filename)
Presets = NULL;
PresetBags = NULL;
PresetGenerators = NULL;
Instruments = NULL;
InstrBags = NULL;
InstrGenerators = NULL;
Samples = NULL;
MinorVersion = 0;
SampleDataOffset = 0;
SampleDataLSBOffset = 0;
SizeSampleData = 0;
SizeSampleDataLSB = 0;
NumPresets = 0;
NumPresetBags = 0;
NumPresetGenerators = 0;
NumInstruments = 0;
NumInstrBags = 0;
NumInstrGenerators = 0;
NumSamples = 0;
if (Presets != NULL)
delete[] Presets;
if (PresetBags != NULL)
delete[] PresetBags;
if (PresetGenerators != NULL)
delete[] PresetGenerators;
if (Instruments != NULL)
delete[] Instruments;
if (InstrBags != NULL)
delete[] InstrBags;
if (InstrGenerators != NULL)
delete[] InstrGenerators;
if (Samples != NULL)
for (int i = 0; i < NumSamples; ++i)
if (Samples[i].InMemoryData != NULL)
delete[] Samples[i].InMemoryData;
delete[] Samples;
bool SFFile::FinalStructureTest()
// All required chunks must be present.
if (Presets == NULL || PresetBags == NULL || PresetGenerators == NULL ||
Instruments == NULL || InstrBags == NULL || InstrGenerators == NULL ||
Samples == NULL)
return false;
// What good is it if it has no sample data?
if (SizeSampleData == 0)
return false;
return true;
void SFFile::SetOrder(int order, int drum, int bank, int program)
if (drum)
for (int i = 0; i < NumPresets; ++i)
if (Percussion[i].Generators.drumset == bank && Percussion[i].Generators.key == program)
Percussion[i].LoadOrder = order;
for (int i = 0; i < NumPresets; ++i)
if (Presets[i].Program == program && Presets[i].Bank == bank)
Presets[i].LoadOrder = order;
void SFFile::SetAllOrders(int order)
for (int i = 0; i < NumPresets; ++i)
Presets[i].LoadOrder = order;
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < Percussion.Size(); ++i)
Percussion[i].LoadOrder = order;
Instrument *SFFile::LoadInstrument(Renderer *song, int drum, int bank, int program)
return LoadInstrumentOrder(song, -1, drum, bank, program);
Instrument *SFFile::LoadInstrumentOrder(Renderer *song, int order, int drum, int bank, int program)
if (drum)
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < Percussion.Size(); ++i)
if ((order < 0 || Percussion[i].LoadOrder == order) &&
Percussion[i].Generators.drumset == bank &&
Percussion[i].Generators.key == program)
return LoadPercussion(song, &Percussion[i]);
for (int i = 0; i < NumPresets - 1; ++i)
if ((order < 0 || Presets[i].LoadOrder == order) &&
Presets[i].Bank == bank &&
Presets[i].Program == program)
return LoadPreset(song, &Presets[i]);
return NULL;
// SFFile :: CheckBags
// For all preset and instrument zones, extract the velocity and key ranges
// and instrument and sample targets.
void SFFile::CheckBags()
int i;
for (i = 0; i < NumPresets - 1; ++i)
if (Presets[i].BagIndex >= Presets[i + 1].BagIndex)
{ // Preset is empty.
Presets[i].Bank = ~0;
CheckZones(Presets[i].BagIndex, Presets[i + 1].BagIndex, 0);
Presets[i].bHasGlobalZone = PresetBags[Presets[i].BagIndex].Target < 0;
for (i = 0; i < NumInstruments - 1; ++i)
if (Instruments[i].BagIndex >= Instruments[i + 1].BagIndex)
{ // Instrument is empty.
CheckZones(Instruments[i].BagIndex, Instruments[i + 1].BagIndex, 1);
Instruments[i].bHasGlobalZone = InstrBags[Instruments[i].BagIndex].Target < 0;
// SFFile :: CheckZones
// For every zone in the bag, extract the velocity and key ranges and
// instrument and sample targets.
void SFFile::CheckZones(int start, int stop, bool instr)
SFBag *bag;
SFGenList *gens;
SFGenerator terminal_gen;
int zone_start, zone_stop;
int i, j;
if (!instr)
bag = PresetBags;
gens = PresetGenerators;
terminal_gen = GEN_instrument;
bag = InstrBags;
gens = InstrGenerators;
terminal_gen = GEN_sampleID;
for (i = start; i < stop; ++i)
zone_start = bag[i].GenIndex;
zone_stop = bag[i + 1].GenIndex;
if (zone_start > zone_stop)
// Skip empty zones, and mark them inaccessible.
bag[i].KeyRange.Lo = 255;
bag[i].KeyRange.Hi = 255;
bag[i].VelRange.Lo = 255;
bag[i].VelRange.Hi = 255;
// According to the specs, if keyRange is present, it must be the first generator.
// If velRange is present, it may only be preceded by keyRange. In real life, there
// exist Soundfonts that violate this rule, so we need to scan every generator.
// Preload ranges from the global zone.
if (i != start && bag[start].Target < 0)
bag[i].KeyRange = bag[start].KeyRange;
bag[i].VelRange = bag[start].VelRange;
for (j = zone_start; j < zone_stop; ++j)
if (gens[j].Oper == GEN_keyRange)
bag[i].KeyRange = gens[j].Range;
else if (gens[j].Oper == GEN_velRange)
bag[i].VelRange = gens[j].Range;
else if (gens[j].Oper == terminal_gen)
if (terminal_gen == GEN_instrument && gens[j].uAmount < NumInstruments - 1)
bag[i].Target = gens[j].uAmount;
else if (terminal_gen == GEN_sampleID && gens[j].uAmount < NumSamples - 1)
bag[i].Target = gens[j].uAmount;
if (bag[i].Target < 0 && i != start)
// Only the first zone may be targetless. If any other zones are,
// make them inaccessible.
bag[i].KeyRange.Lo = 255;
bag[i].KeyRange.Hi = 255;
bag[i].VelRange.Lo = 255;
bag[i].VelRange.Hi = 255;
// Check for swapped ranges. (Should we fix them or ignore them?)
if (bag[i].KeyRange.Lo > bag[i].KeyRange.Hi)
swap(bag[i].KeyRange.Lo, bag[i].KeyRange.Hi);
if (bag[i].VelRange.Lo > bag[i].VelRange.Hi)
swap(bag[i].VelRange.Lo, bag[i].VelRange.Hi);
// SFFile :: TranslatePercussions
// For every percussion instrument, compile a set of composite generators
// for each key, to make creating TiMidity instruments for individual
// percussion parts easier.
void SFFile::TranslatePercussions()
for (int i = 0; i < NumPresets - 1; ++i)
if (Presets[i].Bank == 128 && Presets[i].Program < 128)
// SFFile :: TranslatePercussionPreset
// Compile a set of composite generators for each key of this percussion
// instrument. Note that one instrument is actually an entire drumset.
void SFFile::TranslatePercussionPreset(SFPreset *preset)
SFPerc perc;
int i;
bool has_global;
perc.LoadOrder = preset->LoadOrder;
i = preset->BagIndex;
has_global = false;
for (i = preset->BagIndex; i < (preset + 1)->BagIndex; ++i)
if (PresetBags[i].Target < 0)
{ // This preset zone has no instrument.
if (PresetBags[i].KeyRange.Lo > 127 || PresetBags[i].VelRange.Lo > 127)
{ // This preset zone is inaccesible.
TranslatePercussionPresetZone(preset, &PresetBags[i]);
// SFFile :: TranslatePercussionPresetZone
// Create a composite generator set for all keys and velocity ranges in this
// preset zone that intersect with this zone's instrument.
void SFFile::TranslatePercussionPresetZone(SFPreset *preset, SFBag *pzone)
int key, i;
for (key = pzone->KeyRange.Lo; key <= pzone->KeyRange.Hi; ++key)
SFInst *inst = &Instruments[pzone->Target];
for (i = inst->BagIndex; i < (inst + 1)->BagIndex; ++i)
if (InstrBags[i].Target < 0)
{ // This instrument zone has no sample.
if (InstrBags[i].KeyRange.Lo > key || InstrBags[i].KeyRange.Hi < key)
{ // This instrument zone does not contain the key we want.
if (InstrBags[i].VelRange.Lo > pzone->VelRange.Hi ||
InstrBags[i].VelRange.Hi < pzone->VelRange.Lo)
{ // This instrument zone does not intersect the current velocity range.
// An intersection! Add the composite generator for this key and velocity range.
SFPerc perc;
perc.LoadOrder = preset->LoadOrder;
perc.Preset = preset;
perc.Generators = DefaultGenerators;
if (inst->bHasGlobalZone)
SetInstrumentGenerators(&perc.Generators, InstrBags[inst->BagIndex].GenIndex, InstrBags[inst->BagIndex + 1].GenIndex);
SetInstrumentGenerators(&perc.Generators, InstrBags[i].GenIndex, InstrBags[i + 1].GenIndex);
AddPresetGenerators(&perc.Generators, pzone->GenIndex, (pzone + 1)->GenIndex, preset);
perc.Generators.drumset = (BYTE)preset->Program;
perc.Generators.key = key;
perc.Generators.velRange.Lo = MAX(pzone->VelRange.Lo, InstrBags[i].VelRange.Lo);
perc.Generators.velRange.Hi = MIN(pzone->VelRange.Hi, InstrBags[i].VelRange.Hi);
perc.Generators.sampleID = InstrBags[i].Target;
void SFFile::SetInstrumentGenerators(SFGenComposite *composite, int start, int stop)
// Proceed from first to last; later generators override earlier ones.
SFGenList *gen = &InstrGenerators[start];
for (int i = stop - start; i != 0; --i, ++gen)
if (gen->Oper >= GEN_NumGenerators)
{ // Unknown generator.
if (GenDefs[gen->Oper].StructIndex >= sizeof(SFGenComposite)/2)
{ // Generator is either unused or ignored.
// Set the generator
((WORD *)composite)[GenDefs[gen->Oper].StructIndex] = gen->uAmount;
if (gen->Oper == GEN_sampleID)
{ // Anything past sampleID is ignored.
void SFFile::AddPresetGenerators(SFGenComposite *composite, int start, int stop, SFPreset *preset)
bool gen_set[GEN_NumGenerators] = { false, };
AddPresetGenerators(composite, start, stop, gen_set);
if (preset->bHasGlobalZone)
AddPresetGenerators(composite, PresetBags[preset->BagIndex].GenIndex, PresetBags[preset->BagIndex + 1].GenIndex, gen_set);
void SFFile::AddPresetGenerators(SFGenComposite *composite, int start, int stop, bool gen_set[GEN_NumGenerators])
// Proceed from last to first; later generators override earlier ones.
SFGenList *gen = &PresetGenerators[stop - 1];
const GenDef *def;
for (int i = stop - start; i != 0; --i, --gen)
if (gen->Oper >= GEN_NumGenerators)
{ // Unknown generator.
if (gen_set[gen->Oper])
{ // Generator was already set.
def = &GenDefs[gen->Oper];
if (def->StructIndex >= sizeof(SFGenComposite)/2)
{ // Generator is either unused or ignored.
if (def->Flags & GENF_InstrOnly)
{ // Generator is not valid at the preset level.
// Add to instrument/default generator.
int added = ((SWORD *)composite)[def->StructIndex] + gen->Amount;
// Clamp to proper range.
if (added <= -32768 && def->Flags & GENF_32768_Ok)
added = -32768;
added = clamp<int>(added, def->Min, def->Max);
((SWORD *)composite)[def->StructIndex] = added;
gen_set[gen->Oper] = true;
if (gen->Oper == GEN_instrument)
{ // Anything past the instrument generator is ignored.
Instrument *SFFile::LoadPercussion(Renderer *song, SFPerc *perc)
unsigned int i;
int drumkey;
int drumset;
int j;
Instrument *ip = new Instrument;
ip->samples = 0;
drumkey = perc->Generators.key;
drumset = perc->Generators.drumset;
// Count all percussion composites that match this one's key and set.
for (i = 0; i < Percussion.Size(); ++i)
if (Percussion[i].Generators.key == drumkey &&
Percussion[i].Generators.drumset == drumset &&
Percussion[i].Generators.sampleID < NumSamples)
SFSample *sfsamp = &Samples[Percussion[i].Generators.sampleID];
if (sfsamp->InMemoryData == NULL)
if (sfsamp->InMemoryData != NULL)
if (ip->samples == 0)
{ // Nothing here to play.
delete ip;
return NULL;
ip->sample = (Sample *)safe_malloc(sizeof(Sample) * ip->samples);
memset(ip->sample, 0, sizeof(Sample) * ip->samples);
// Fill in Sample structure for each composite.
for (j = 0, i = 0; i < Percussion.Size(); ++i)
SFPerc *zone = &Percussion[i];
SFGenComposite *gen = &zone->Generators;
if (gen->key != drumkey ||
gen->drumset != drumset ||
gen->sampleID >= NumSamples)
SFSample *sfsamp = &Samples[gen->sampleID];
if (sfsamp->InMemoryData == NULL)
Sample *sp = ip->sample + j++;
// Set velocity range
sp->low_vel = gen->velRange.Lo;
sp->high_vel = gen->velRange.Hi;
// Set frequency range
sp->low_freq = note_to_freq(gen->key);
sp->high_freq = sp->low_freq;
ApplyGeneratorsToRegion(gen, sfsamp, song, sp);
assert(j == ip->samples);
return ip;
// SFFile :: LoadPreset
Instrument *SFFile::LoadPreset(Renderer *song, SFPreset *preset)
SFInst *inst;
SFSample *sfsamp;
SFGenComposite gen;
int i, j, k;
Instrument *ip = new Instrument;
ip->samples = 0;
// Count the number of regions we'll need.
for (i = preset->BagIndex; i < (preset + 1)->BagIndex; ++i)
if (PresetBags[i].Target < 0)
{ // Preset zone has no instrument.
inst = &Instruments[PresetBags[i].Target];
for (j = inst->BagIndex; j < (inst + 1)->BagIndex; ++j)
if (InstrBags[j].Target < 0)
{ // Instrument zone has no sample.
if (InstrBags[j].KeyRange.Lo <= PresetBags[i].KeyRange.Hi &&
InstrBags[j].KeyRange.Hi >= PresetBags[i].KeyRange.Lo &&
InstrBags[j].VelRange.Lo <= PresetBags[i].VelRange.Hi &&
InstrBags[j].VelRange.Hi >= PresetBags[i].VelRange.Lo)
{ // The preset and instrument zones intersect!
sfsamp = &Samples[InstrBags[j].Target];
if (sfsamp->InMemoryData == NULL)
if (sfsamp->InMemoryData != NULL)
if (ip->samples == 0)
{ // Nothing here to play.
delete ip;
return NULL;
// Allocate the regions and define them
ip->sample = (Sample *)safe_malloc(sizeof(Sample) * ip->samples);
memset(ip->sample, 0, sizeof(Sample) * ip->samples);
k = 0;
for (i = preset->BagIndex; i < (preset + 1)->BagIndex; ++i)
if (PresetBags[i].Target < 0)
{ // Preset zone has no instrument.
inst = &Instruments[PresetBags[i].Target];
for (j = inst->BagIndex; j < (inst + 1)->BagIndex; ++j)
if (InstrBags[j].Target < 0)
{ // Instrument zone has no sample.
if (InstrBags[j].KeyRange.Lo <= PresetBags[i].KeyRange.Hi &&
InstrBags[j].KeyRange.Hi >= PresetBags[i].KeyRange.Lo &&
InstrBags[j].VelRange.Lo <= PresetBags[i].VelRange.Hi &&
InstrBags[j].VelRange.Hi >= PresetBags[i].VelRange.Lo)
{ // The preset and instrument zones intersect!
sfsamp = &Samples[InstrBags[j].Target];
if (sfsamp->InMemoryData == NULL)
Sample *sp = ip->sample + k++;
// Set velocity range
sp->low_vel = MAX(InstrBags[j].VelRange.Lo, PresetBags[i].VelRange.Lo);
sp->high_vel = MIN(InstrBags[j].VelRange.Hi, PresetBags[i].VelRange.Hi);
// Set frequency range
sp->low_freq = note_to_freq(MAX(InstrBags[j].KeyRange.Lo, PresetBags[i].KeyRange.Lo));
sp->high_freq = note_to_freq(MIN(InstrBags[j].KeyRange.Hi, PresetBags[i].KeyRange.Hi));
gen = DefaultGenerators;
if (inst->bHasGlobalZone)
SetInstrumentGenerators(&gen, InstrBags[inst->BagIndex].GenIndex, InstrBags[inst->BagIndex + 1].GenIndex);
SetInstrumentGenerators(&gen, InstrBags[j].GenIndex, InstrBags[j + 1].GenIndex);
AddPresetGenerators(&gen, PresetBags[i].GenIndex, PresetBags[i + 1].GenIndex, preset);
ApplyGeneratorsToRegion(&gen, sfsamp, song, sp);
assert(k == ip->samples);
return ip;
// SFFile :: ApplyGeneratorsToRegion
// The caller must set the key and velocity ranges. Other information for
// the TiMidity sample will be filled in using the generators given.
// FIXME: At least try to do something useful with every parameter.
void SFFile::ApplyGeneratorsToRegion(SFGenComposite *gen, SFSample *sfsamp, Renderer *song, Sample *sp)
sp->type = INST_SF2;
// Set loop and sample points
int start, end;
start = gen->startAddrsOffset + gen->startAddrsCoarseOffset * 32768;
end = gen->endAddrsOffset + gen->endAddrsCoarseOffset * 32768;
start = MAX<int>(sfsamp->Start, sfsamp->Start + start);
end = MIN<int>(sfsamp->End, sfsamp->End + end);
sp->loop_start = MAX<int>(start, sfsamp->StartLoop + gen->startLoopAddrsOffset + gen->startLoopAddrsCoarseOffset * 32768);
sp->loop_end = MIN<int>(end, sfsamp->EndLoop + gen->endLoopAddrsOffset + gen->endLoopAddrsCoarseOffset * 32768);
sp->loop_start = (sp->loop_start - start) << FRACTION_BITS;
sp->loop_end = (sp->loop_end - start) << FRACTION_BITS;
sp->data_length = (end - start) << FRACTION_BITS;
sp->data = sfsamp->InMemoryData + start - sfsamp->Start;
if (gen->overridingRootKey >= 0 && gen->overridingRootKey <= 127)
sp->scale_note = gen->overridingRootKey;
sp->scale_note = sfsamp->OriginalPitch;
sp->root_freq = note_to_freq(sp->scale_note);
sp->sample_rate = sfsamp->SampleRate;
sp->key_group = gen->exclusiveClass;
sp->volume = 1;
// Set key scaling
if (gen->keynum >= 0 && gen->keynum <= 127)
sp->scale_note = gen->keynum;
sp->scale_factor = 0;
else if (gen->scaleTuning >= 0)
sp->scale_factor = gen->scaleTuning * 1024 / 100;
// Does the root key also serve as the scale key? Assuming it does here.
sp->scale_factor = 1024;
sp->scale_note = 60;
// Set panning
sp->panning = gen->pan;
// Set volume envelope
sp->envelope.sf2.delay_vol = gen->delayVolEnv;
sp->envelope.sf2.attack_vol = gen->attackVolEnv;
sp->envelope.sf2.hold_vol = gen->holdVolEnv;
sp->envelope.sf2.decay_vol = gen->decayVolEnv;
sp->envelope.sf2.sustain_vol = gen->sustainVolEnv;
sp->envelope.sf2.release_vol = gen->releaseVolEnv;
// Set sample modes
if (gen->sampleModes == 1)
else if (gen->sampleModes == 3)
sp->modes = PATCH_SUSTAIN;
// Set tuning (in cents)
sp->tune = gen->coarseTune * 100 + gen->fineTune;
sp->velocity = (SBYTE)gen->velocity;
sp->initial_attenuation = gen->initialAttenuation;
// SFFile :: LoadSample
// Loads a sample's data and converts it from 16/24-bit to floating point.
void SFFile::LoadSample(SFSample *sample)
FileReader *fp = open_filereader(Filename, openmode, NULL);
if (fp == NULL)
sample->InMemoryData = new float[sample->End - sample->Start + 1];
fp->Seek(SampleDataOffset + sample->Start * 2, SEEK_SET);
// Load 16-bit sample data.
for (i = 0; i < sample->End - sample->Start; ++i)
SWORD samp;
*fp >> samp;
sample->InMemoryData[i] = samp / 32768.f;
if (SampleDataLSBOffset != 0)
{ // Load lower 8 bits of 24-bit sample data.
fp->Seek(SampleDataLSBOffset + sample->Start, SEEK_SET);
for (i = 0; i < sample->End - sample->Start; ++i)
BYTE samp;
*fp >> samp;
sample->InMemoryData[i] = ((((SDWORD(sample->InMemoryData[i] * 32768) << 8) | samp) << 8) >> 8) / 8388608.f;
// Final 0 byte is for interpolation.
sample->InMemoryData[i] = 0;
delete fp;