Christoph Oelckers 03626107eb - changed multipatch texture composition to always composite off full source images and not do it recursively.
Previously it tried to copy all patches of composite sub-images directly onto the main image.
This caused massive complications throughout the entire true color texture code and made any attempt of caching the source data for composition next to impossible because the entire composition process operated on the raw data read from the texture and not some cacheable image. While this may cause more pixel data to be processed, this will be easily offset by being able to reuse patches for multiple textures, once a caching system is in place, which even for the IWADs happens quite frequently.

Removing the now unneeded arguments from the implementation also makes things a lot easier to handle.
2018-12-08 17:23:15 +01:00

392 lines
9.6 KiB

// Copyright 1993-1996 id Software
// Copyright 1999-2016 Randy Heit
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/
// Mission begin melt/wipe screen special effect.
#include "v_video.h"
#include "m_random.h"
#include "f_wipe.h"
#include "templates.h"
#include "textures/bitmap.h"
#include "hwrenderer/textures/hw_material.h"
class FBurnTexture : public FTexture
TArray<uint32_t> WorkBuffer;
FBurnTexture(int w, int h)
: WorkBuffer(w*h, true)
Width = w;
Height = h;
int CopyPixels(FBitmap *bmp) override
bmp->CopyPixelDataRGB(0, 0, (uint8_t*)WorkBuffer.Data(), Width, Height, 4, Width*4, 0, CF_RGBA, nullptr);
return 0;
uint32_t *GetBuffer()
return WorkBuffer.Data();
int wipe_CalcBurn (uint8_t *burnarray, int width, int height, int density)
// This is a modified version of the fire that was once used
// on the player setup menu.
static int voop;
int a, b;
uint8_t *from;
// generator
from = &burnarray[width * height];
b = voop;
voop += density / 3;
for (a = 0; a < density/8; a++)
unsigned int offs = (a+b) & (width - 1);
unsigned int v = M_Random();
v = MIN(from[offs] + 4 + (v & 15) + (v >> 3) + (M_Random() & 31), 255u);
from[offs] = from[width*2 + ((offs + width*3/2) & (width - 1))] = v;
density = MIN(density + 10, width * 7);
from = burnarray;
for (b = 0; b <= height; b += 2)
uint8_t *pixel = from;
// special case: first pixel on line
uint8_t *p = pixel + (width << 1);
unsigned int top = *p + *(p + width - 1) + *(p + 1);
unsigned int bottom = *(pixel + (width << 2));
unsigned int c1 = (top + bottom) >> 2;
if (c1 > 1) c1--;
*pixel = c1;
*(pixel + width) = (c1 + bottom) >> 1;
// main line loop
for (a = 1; a < width-1; a++)
// sum top pixels
p = pixel + (width << 1);
top = *p + *(p - 1) + *(p + 1);
// bottom pixel
bottom = *(pixel + (width << 2));
// combine pixels
c1 = (top + bottom) >> 2;
if (c1 > 1) c1--;
// store pixels
*pixel = c1;
*(pixel + width) = (c1 + bottom) >> 1; // interpolate
// next pixel
// special case: last pixel on line
p = pixel + (width << 1);
top = *p + *(p - 1) + *(p - width + 1);
bottom = *(pixel + (width << 2));
c1 = (top + bottom) >> 2;
if (c1 > 1) c1--;
*pixel = c1;
*(pixel + width) = (c1 + bottom) >> 1;
// next line
from += width << 1;
// Check for done-ness. (Every pixel with level 126 or higher counts as done.)
for (a = width * height, from = burnarray; a != 0; --a, ++from)
if (*from < 126)
return density;
return -1;
// TYPES -------------------------------------------------------------------
class Wiper_Crossfade : public Wiper
bool Run(int ticks) override;
int Clock = 0;
class Wiper_Melt : public Wiper
bool Run(int ticks) override;
static const int WIDTH = 320, HEIGHT = 200;
int y[WIDTH];
class Wiper_Burn : public Wiper
bool Run(int ticks) override;
void SetTextures(FTexture *startscreen, FTexture *endscreen) override;
static const int WIDTH = 64, HEIGHT = 64;
uint8_t BurnArray[WIDTH * (HEIGHT + 5)] = {0};
FBurnTexture *BurnTexture = nullptr;
int Density = 4;
int BurnTime = 8;
// Screen wipes
Wiper *Wiper::Create(int type)
case wipe_Burn:
return new Wiper_Burn;
case wipe_Fade:
return new Wiper_Crossfade;
case wipe_Melt:
return new Wiper_Melt;
return nullptr;
// OpenGLFrameBuffer :: WipeCleanup
// Release any resources that were specifically created for the wipe.
if (startScreen != nullptr) delete startScreen;
if (endScreen != nullptr) delete endScreen;
// WIPE: CROSSFADE ---------------------------------------------------------
// OpenGLFrameBuffer :: Wiper_Crossfade :: Run
// Fades the old screen into the new one over 32 ticks.
bool Wiper_Crossfade::Run(int ticks)
Clock += ticks;
screen->DrawTexture(startScreen, 0, 0, DTA_FlipY, screen->RenderTextureIsFlipped(), DTA_Masked, false, TAG_DONE);
screen->DrawTexture(endScreen, 0, 0, DTA_FlipY, screen->RenderTextureIsFlipped(), DTA_Masked, false, DTA_Alpha, clamp(Clock / 32.f, 0.f, 1.f), TAG_DONE);
return Clock >= 32;
// OpenGLFrameBuffer :: Wiper_Melt Constructor
int i, r;
// setup initial column positions
// (y<0 => not ready to scroll yet)
y[0] = -(M_Random() & 15);
for (i = 1; i < WIDTH; ++i)
r = (M_Random()%3) - 1;
y[i] = clamp(y[i-1] + r, -15, 0);
// OpenGLFrameBuffer :: Wiper_Melt :: Run
// Melts the old screen into the new one over 32 ticks.
bool Wiper_Melt::Run(int ticks)
bool done;
screen->DrawTexture(endScreen, 0, 0, DTA_FlipY, screen->RenderTextureIsFlipped(), DTA_Masked, false, TAG_DONE);
// Copy the old screen in vertical strips on top of the new one.
while (ticks--)
done = true;
for (int i = 0; i < WIDTH; i++)
if (y[i] < 0)
done = false;
else if (y[i] < HEIGHT)
int dy = (y[i] < 16) ? y[i] + 1 : 8;
y[i] = MIN(y[i] + dy, HEIGHT);
done = false;
if (ticks == 0)
struct {
int32_t x;
int32_t y;
} dpt;
struct {
int32_t left;
int32_t top;
int32_t right;
int32_t bottom;
} rect;
// Only draw for the final tick.
// No need for optimization. Wipes won't ever be drawn with anything else.
int w = startScreen->GetDisplayWidth();
int h = startScreen->GetDisplayHeight();
dpt.x = i * w / WIDTH;
dpt.y = MAX(0, y[i] * h / HEIGHT);
rect.left = dpt.x;
rect.top = 0;
rect.right = (i + 1) * w / WIDTH;
rect.bottom = h - dpt.y;
if (rect.bottom > rect.top)
screen->DrawTexture(startScreen, 0, dpt.y, DTA_FlipY, screen->RenderTextureIsFlipped(), DTA_ClipLeft, rect.left, DTA_ClipRight, rect.right, DTA_Masked, false, TAG_DONE);
return done;
// OpenGLFrameBuffer :: Wiper_Burn Constructor
void Wiper_Burn::SetTextures(FTexture *startscreen, FTexture *endscreen)
startScreen = startscreen;
endScreen = endscreen;
BurnTexture = new FBurnTexture(WIDTH, HEIGHT);
auto mat = FMaterial::ValidateTexture(startscreen, false);
// OpenGLFrameBuffer :: Wiper_Burn Destructor
if (BurnTexture != nullptr) delete BurnTexture;
// OpenGLFrameBuffer :: Wiper_Burn :: Run
bool Wiper_Burn::Run(int ticks)
bool done;
BurnTime += ticks;
ticks *= 2;
// Make the fire burn
done = false;
while (!done && ticks--)
Density = wipe_CalcBurn(BurnArray, WIDTH, HEIGHT, Density);
done = (Density < 0);
auto mat = FMaterial::ValidateTexture(BurnTexture, false);
const uint8_t *src = BurnArray;
uint32_t *dest = (uint32_t *)BurnTexture->GetBuffer();
for (int y = HEIGHT; y != 0; --y)
for (int x = WIDTH; x != 0; --x)
uint8_t s = clamp<int>((*src++)*2, 0, 255);
*dest++ = MAKEARGB(s,255,255,255);
screen->DrawTexture(startScreen, 0, 0, DTA_FlipY, screen->RenderTextureIsFlipped(), DTA_Masked, false, TAG_DONE);
screen->DrawTexture(endScreen, 0, 0, DTA_FlipY, screen->RenderTextureIsFlipped(), DTA_Burn, true, DTA_Masked, false, TAG_DONE);
// The fire may not always stabilize, so the wipe is forced to end
// after an arbitrary maximum time.
return done || (BurnTime > 40);