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synced 2025-03-08 18:02:09 +00:00
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176 lines
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#pragma once
#include <atomic>
#include "r_defs.h"
struct FSectorPortalGroup;
struct FLinePortalSpan;
struct FFlatVertex;
class GLWall;
class GLFlat;
class GLSprite;
struct GLDecal;
class IShadowMap;
struct particle_t;
struct FDynLightData;
struct HUDSprite;
// these are used to link faked planes due to missing textures to a sector
struct gl_subsectorrendernode
gl_subsectorrendernode * next;
subsector_t * sub;
enum area_t : int;
enum SectorRenderFlags
// This is used to merge several subsectors into a single draw item
enum EPortalClip
struct HWDrawInfo
virtual ~HWDrawInfo() {}
struct wallseg
float x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2;
struct MissingTextureInfo
seg_t * seg;
subsector_t * sub;
float Planez;
float Planezfront;
struct MissingSegInfo
seg_t * seg;
int MTI_Index; // tells us which MissingTextureInfo represents this seg.
struct SubsectorHackInfo
subsector_t * sub;
uint8_t flags;
int FixedColormap;
std::atomic<int> spriteindex;
bool clipPortal;
FRotator mAngles;
FVector2 mViewVector;
AActor *mViewActor;
IShadowMap *mShadowMap;
TArray<MissingTextureInfo> MissingUpperTextures;
TArray<MissingTextureInfo> MissingLowerTextures;
TArray<MissingSegInfo> MissingUpperSegs;
TArray<MissingSegInfo> MissingLowerSegs;
TArray<SubsectorHackInfo> SubsectorHacks;
TArray<gl_subsectorrendernode*> otherfloorplanes;
TArray<gl_subsectorrendernode*> otherceilingplanes;
TArray<sector_t *> CeilingStacks;
TArray<sector_t *> FloorStacks;
TArray<subsector_t *> HandledSubsectors;
TArray<uint8_t> sectorrenderflags;
TArray<uint8_t> ss_renderflags;
TArray<uint8_t> no_renderflags;
// For ProcessLowerMiniseg
bool inview;
subsector_t * viewsubsector;
TArray<seg_t *> lowersegs;
sector_t fakesec; // this is a struct member because it gets used in recursively called functions so it cannot be put on the stack.
void ClearBuffers();
bool DoOneSectorUpper(subsector_t * subsec, float planez, area_t in_area);
bool DoOneSectorLower(subsector_t * subsec, float planez, area_t in_area);
bool DoFakeBridge(subsector_t * subsec, float planez, area_t in_area);
bool DoFakeCeilingBridge(subsector_t * subsec, float planez, area_t in_area);
bool CheckAnchorFloor(subsector_t * sub);
bool CollectSubsectorsFloor(subsector_t * sub, sector_t * anchor);
bool CheckAnchorCeiling(subsector_t * sub);
bool CollectSubsectorsCeiling(subsector_t * sub, sector_t * anchor);
void CollectSectorStacksCeiling(subsector_t * sub, sector_t * anchor, area_t in_area);
void CollectSectorStacksFloor(subsector_t * sub, sector_t * anchor, area_t in_area);
void AddUpperMissingTexture(side_t * side, subsector_t *sub, float backheight);
void AddLowerMissingTexture(side_t * side, subsector_t *sub, float backheight);
void HandleMissingTextures(area_t in_area);
void DrawUnhandledMissingTextures();
void AddHackedSubsector(subsector_t * sub);
void HandleHackedSubsectors();
void AddFloorStack(sector_t * sec);
void AddCeilingStack(sector_t * sec);
void ProcessSectorStacks(area_t in_area);
void ProcessActorsInPortal(FLinePortalSpan *glport, area_t in_area);
void AddOtherFloorPlane(int sector, gl_subsectorrendernode * node);
void AddOtherCeilingPlane(int sector, gl_subsectorrendernode * node);
void GetDynSpriteLight(AActor *self, float x, float y, float z, FLightNode *node, int portalgroup, float *out);
void GetDynSpriteLight(AActor *thing, particle_t *particle, float *out);
void PreparePlayerSprites(sector_t * viewsector, area_t in_area);
void PrepareTargeterSprites();
virtual void DrawWall(GLWall *wall, int pass) = 0;
virtual void DrawFlat(GLFlat *flat, int pass, bool trans) = 0;
virtual void DrawSprite(GLSprite *sprite, int pass) = 0;
virtual void FloodUpperGap(seg_t * seg) = 0;
virtual void FloodLowerGap(seg_t * seg) = 0;
virtual void ProcessLowerMinisegs(TArray<seg_t *> &lowersegs) = 0;
virtual void AddSubsectorToPortal(FSectorPortalGroup *portal, subsector_t *sub) = 0;
virtual void AddWall(GLWall *w) = 0;
virtual void AddPortal(GLWall *w, int portaltype) = 0;
virtual void AddMirrorSurface(GLWall *w) = 0;
virtual void AddFlat(GLFlat *flat, bool fog) = 0;
virtual void AddSprite(GLSprite *sprite, bool translucent) = 0;
virtual void AddHUDSprite(HUDSprite *huds) = 0;
virtual int UploadLights(FDynLightData &data) = 0;
virtual GLDecal *AddDecal(bool onmirror) = 0;
virtual std::pair<FFlatVertex *, unsigned int> AllocVertices(unsigned int count) = 0;
virtual int ClipPoint(const DVector3 &pos) = 0;