#ifndef VM_H #define VM_H #include "zstring.h" #include "dobject.h" #include "autosegs.h" #define MAX_RETURNS 8 // Maximum number of results a function called by script code can return #define MAX_TRY_DEPTH 8 // Maximum number of nested TRYs in a single function typedef unsigned char VM_UBYTE; typedef signed char VM_SBYTE; typedef unsigned short VM_UHALF; typedef signed short VM_SHALF; typedef unsigned int VM_UWORD; typedef signed int VM_SWORD; typedef VM_UBYTE VM_ATAG; #define VM_EPSILON (1/65536.0) union VMOP { struct { VM_UBYTE op, a, b, c; }; struct { VM_SBYTE pad0, as, bs, cs; }; struct { VM_SWORD pad1:8, i24:24; }; struct { VM_SWORD pad2:16, i16:16; }; struct { VM_UHALF pad3, i16u; }; VM_UWORD word; // Interesting fact: VC++ produces better code for i16 when it's defined // as a bitfield than when it's defined as two discrete units. // Compare: // mov eax,dword ptr [op] ; As two discrete units // shr eax,10h // movsx eax,ax // versus: // mov eax,dword ptr [op] ; As a bitfield // sar eax,10h }; enum { #include "vmops.h" NUM_OPS }; // Flags for A field of CMPS enum { CMP_CHECK = 1, CMP_EQ = 0, CMP_LT = 2, CMP_LE = 4, CMP_METHOD_MASK = 6, CMP_BK = 8, CMP_CK = 16, CMP_APPROX = 32, }; // Floating point operations for FLOP enum { FLOP_ABS, FLOP_NEG, FLOP_EXP, FLOP_LOG, FLOP_LOG10, FLOP_SQRT, FLOP_CEIL, FLOP_FLOOR, FLOP_ACOS, // This group works with radians FLOP_ASIN, FLOP_ATAN, FLOP_COS, FLOP_SIN, FLOP_TAN, FLOP_ACOS_DEG, // This group works with degrees FLOP_ASIN_DEG, FLOP_ATAN_DEG, FLOP_COS_DEG, FLOP_SIN_DEG, FLOP_TAN_DEG, FLOP_COSH, FLOP_SINH, FLOP_TANH, }; // Cast operations enum { CAST_I2F, CAST_I2S, CAST_F2I, CAST_F2S, CAST_P2S, CAST_S2I, CAST_S2F, CAST_S2N, CAST_N2S, CAST_S2Co, CAST_S2So, CAST_Co2S, CAST_So2S, }; // Register types for VMParam enum { REGT_INT = 0, REGT_FLOAT = 1, REGT_STRING = 2, REGT_POINTER = 3, REGT_TYPE = 3, REGT_KONST = 4, REGT_MULTIREG = 8, // (e.g. a vector) REGT_ADDROF = 32, // used with PARAM: pass address of this register REGT_NIL = 255 // parameter was omitted }; #define RET_FINAL (0x80) // Used with RET and RETI in the destination slot: this is the final return value // Tags for address registers enum { ATAG_GENERIC, // pointer to something; we don't care what ATAG_OBJECT, // pointer to an object; will be followed by GC // The following are all for documentation during debugging and are // functionally no different than ATAG_GENERIC. ATAG_FRAMEPOINTER, // pointer to extra stack frame space for this function ATAG_DREGISTER, // pointer to a data register ATAG_FREGISTER, // pointer to a float register ATAG_SREGISTER, // pointer to a string register ATAG_AREGISTER, // pointer to an address register ATAG_STATE, // pointer to FState ATAG_STATEINFO, // FState plus some info. ATAG_RNG, // pointer to FRandom }; enum EVMAbortException { X_READ_NIL, X_WRITE_NIL, X_TOO_MANY_TRIES, X_ARRAY_OUT_OF_BOUNDS, X_DIVISION_BY_ZERO, X_BAD_SELF, }; class VMFunction : public DObject { DECLARE_ABSTRACT_CLASS(VMFunction, DObject); HAS_OBJECT_POINTERS; public: bool Native; BYTE ImplicitArgs = 0; // either 0 for static, 1 for method or 3 for action FName Name; class PPrototype *Proto; VMFunction(FName name = NAME_None) : Native(false), ImplicitArgs(0), Name(name), Proto(NULL) {} }; enum EVMOpMode { MODE_ASHIFT = 0, MODE_BSHIFT = 4, MODE_CSHIFT = 8, MODE_BCSHIFT = 12, MODE_ATYPE = 15 << MODE_ASHIFT, MODE_BTYPE = 15 << MODE_BSHIFT, MODE_CTYPE = 15 << MODE_CSHIFT, MODE_BCTYPE = 31 << MODE_BCSHIFT, MODE_I = 0, MODE_F, MODE_S, MODE_P, MODE_V, MODE_X, MODE_KI, MODE_KF, MODE_KS, MODE_KP, MODE_KV, MODE_UNUSED, MODE_IMMS, MODE_IMMZ, MODE_JOINT, MODE_CMP, MODE_PARAM, MODE_THROW, MODE_CATCH, MODE_CAST, MODE_AI = MODE_I << MODE_ASHIFT, MODE_AF = MODE_F << MODE_ASHIFT, MODE_AS = MODE_S << MODE_ASHIFT, MODE_AP = MODE_P << MODE_ASHIFT, MODE_AV = MODE_V << MODE_ASHIFT, MODE_AX = MODE_X << MODE_ASHIFT, MODE_AKP = MODE_KP << MODE_ASHIFT, MODE_AUNUSED = MODE_UNUSED << MODE_ASHIFT, MODE_AIMMS = MODE_IMMS << MODE_ASHIFT, MODE_AIMMZ = MODE_IMMZ << MODE_ASHIFT, MODE_ACMP = MODE_CMP << MODE_ASHIFT, MODE_BI = MODE_I << MODE_BSHIFT, MODE_BF = MODE_F << MODE_BSHIFT, MODE_BS = MODE_S << MODE_BSHIFT, MODE_BP = MODE_P << MODE_BSHIFT, MODE_BV = MODE_V << MODE_BSHIFT, MODE_BX = MODE_X << MODE_BSHIFT, MODE_BKI = MODE_KI << MODE_BSHIFT, MODE_BKF = MODE_KF << MODE_BSHIFT, MODE_BKS = MODE_KS << MODE_BSHIFT, MODE_BKP = MODE_KP << MODE_BSHIFT, MODE_BKV = MODE_KV << MODE_BSHIFT, MODE_BUNUSED = MODE_UNUSED << MODE_BSHIFT, MODE_BIMMS = MODE_IMMS << MODE_BSHIFT, MODE_BIMMZ = MODE_IMMZ << MODE_BSHIFT, MODE_CI = MODE_I << MODE_CSHIFT, MODE_CF = MODE_F << MODE_CSHIFT, MODE_CS = MODE_S << MODE_CSHIFT, MODE_CP = MODE_P << MODE_CSHIFT, MODE_CV = MODE_V << MODE_CSHIFT, MODE_CX = MODE_X << MODE_CSHIFT, MODE_CKI = MODE_KI << MODE_CSHIFT, MODE_CKF = MODE_KF << MODE_CSHIFT, MODE_CKS = MODE_KS << MODE_CSHIFT, MODE_CKP = MODE_KP << MODE_CSHIFT, MODE_CKV = MODE_KV << MODE_CSHIFT, MODE_CUNUSED = MODE_UNUSED << MODE_CSHIFT, MODE_CIMMS = MODE_IMMS << MODE_CSHIFT, MODE_CIMMZ = MODE_IMMZ << MODE_CSHIFT, MODE_BCJOINT = (MODE_JOINT << MODE_BSHIFT) | (MODE_JOINT << MODE_CSHIFT), MODE_BCKI = MODE_KI << MODE_BCSHIFT, MODE_BCKF = MODE_KF << MODE_BCSHIFT, MODE_BCKS = MODE_KS << MODE_BCSHIFT, MODE_BCKP = MODE_KP << MODE_BCSHIFT, MODE_BCIMMS = MODE_IMMS << MODE_BCSHIFT, MODE_BCIMMZ = MODE_IMMZ << MODE_BCSHIFT, MODE_BCPARAM = MODE_PARAM << MODE_BCSHIFT, MODE_BCTHROW = MODE_THROW << MODE_BCSHIFT, MODE_BCCATCH = MODE_CATCH << MODE_BCSHIFT, MODE_BCCAST = MODE_CAST << MODE_BCSHIFT, MODE_ABCJOINT = (MODE_JOINT << MODE_ASHIFT) | MODE_BCJOINT, }; struct VMOpInfo { const char *Name; int Mode; }; extern const VMOpInfo OpInfo[NUM_OPS]; struct VMReturn { void *Location; VM_SHALF TagOfs; // for pointers: Offset from Location to ATag; set to 0 if the caller is native code and doesn't care VM_UBYTE RegType; // Same as VMParam RegType, except REGT_KONST is invalid; only used by asserts void SetInt(int val) { assert(RegType == REGT_INT); *(int *)Location = val; } void SetFloat(double val) { assert(RegType == REGT_FLOAT); *(double *)Location = val; } void SetVector(const double val[3]) { //assert(RegType == REGT_FLOAT); ((double *)Location)[0] = val[0]; ((double *)Location)[1] = val[1]; ((double *)Location)[2] = val[2]; } void SetString(const FString &val) { assert(RegType == REGT_STRING); *(FString *)Location = val; } void SetPointer(void *val, int tag) { assert(RegType == REGT_POINTER); *(void **)Location = val; if (TagOfs != 0) { *((VM_ATAG *)Location + TagOfs) = tag; } } void IntAt(int *loc) { Location = loc; TagOfs = 0; RegType = REGT_INT; } void FloatAt(double *loc) { Location = loc; TagOfs = 0; RegType = REGT_FLOAT; } void StringAt(FString *loc) { Location = loc; TagOfs = 0; RegType = REGT_STRING; } void PointerAt(void **loc) { Location = loc; TagOfs = 0; RegType = REGT_POINTER; } }; struct VMRegisters; struct VMValue { union { int i; struct { void *a; int atag; }; double f; struct { int pad[3]; VM_UBYTE Type; }; struct { int foo[4]; } biggest; }; // Unfortunately, FString cannot be used directly. // Fortunately, it is relatively simple. FString &s() { return *(FString *)&a; } const FString &s() const { return *(FString *)&a; } VMValue() { a = NULL; Type = REGT_NIL; } ~VMValue() { Kill(); } VMValue(const VMValue &o) { biggest = o.biggest; if (Type == REGT_STRING) { ::new(&s()) FString(o.s()); } } VMValue(int v) { i = v; Type = REGT_INT; } VMValue(double v) { f = v; Type = REGT_FLOAT; } VMValue(const char *s) { ::new(&a) FString(s); Type = REGT_STRING; } VMValue(const FString &s) { ::new(&a) FString(s); Type = REGT_STRING; } VMValue(DObject *v) { a = v; atag = ATAG_OBJECT; Type = REGT_POINTER; } VMValue(void *v) { a = v; atag = ATAG_GENERIC; Type = REGT_POINTER; } VMValue(void *v, int tag) { a = v; atag = tag; Type = REGT_POINTER; } VMValue &operator=(const VMValue &o) { if (o.Type == REGT_STRING) { if (Type == REGT_STRING) { s() = o.s(); } else { new(&s()) FString(o.s()); Type = REGT_STRING; } } else { Kill(); biggest = o.biggest; } return *this; } VMValue &operator=(int v) { Kill(); i = v; Type = REGT_INT; return *this; } VMValue &operator=(double v) { Kill(); f = v; Type = REGT_FLOAT; return *this; } VMValue &operator=(const FString &v) { if (Type == REGT_STRING) { s() = v; } else { ::new(&s()) FString(v); Type = REGT_STRING; } return *this; } VMValue &operator=(const char *v) { if (Type == REGT_STRING) { s() = v; } else { ::new(&s()) FString(v); Type = REGT_STRING; } return *this; } VMValue &operator=(DObject *v) { Kill(); a = v; atag = ATAG_OBJECT; Type = REGT_POINTER; return *this; } void SetPointer(void *v, VM_ATAG atag=ATAG_GENERIC) { Kill(); a = v; this->atag = atag; Type = REGT_POINTER; } void SetNil() { Kill(); Type = REGT_NIL; } bool operator==(const VMValue &o) { return Test(o) == 0; } bool operator!=(const VMValue &o) { return Test(o) != 0; } bool operator< (const VMValue &o) { return Test(o) < 0; } bool operator<=(const VMValue &o) { return Test(o) <= 0; } bool operator> (const VMValue &o) { return Test(o) > 0; } bool operator>=(const VMValue &o) { return Test(o) >= 0; } int Test(const VMValue &o, int inexact=false) { double diff; if (Type == o.Type) { switch(Type) { case REGT_NIL: return 0; case REGT_INT: return i - o.i; case REGT_FLOAT: diff = f - o.f; do_double: if (inexact) { return diff < -VM_EPSILON ? -1 : diff > VM_EPSILON ? 1 : 0; } return diff < 0 ? -1 : diff > 0 ? 1 : 0; case REGT_STRING: return inexact ? s().CompareNoCase(o.s()) : s().Compare(o.s()); case REGT_POINTER: return int((const VM_UBYTE *)a - (const VM_UBYTE *)o.a); } assert(0); // Should not get here return 2; } if (Type == REGT_FLOAT && o.Type == REGT_INT) { diff = f - o.i; goto do_double; } if (Type == REGT_INT && o.Type == REGT_FLOAT) { diff = i - o.f; goto do_double; } // Bad comparison return 2; } FString ToString() { if (Type == REGT_STRING) { return s(); } else if (Type == REGT_NIL) { return "nil"; } FString t; if (Type == REGT_INT) { t.Format ("%d", i); } else if (Type == REGT_FLOAT) { t.Format ("%.14g", f); } else if (Type == REGT_POINTER) { // FIXME t.Format ("Object: %p", a); } return t; } int ToInt() { if (Type == REGT_INT) { return i; } if (Type == REGT_FLOAT) { return int(f); } if (Type == REGT_STRING) { return s().ToLong(); } // FIXME return 0; } double ToDouble() { if (Type == REGT_FLOAT) { return f; } if (Type == REGT_INT) { return i; } if (Type == REGT_STRING) { return s().ToDouble(); } // FIXME return 0; } void Kill() { if (Type == REGT_STRING) { s().~FString(); } } }; // VM frame layout: // VMFrame header // parameter stack - 16 byte boundary, 16 bytes each // double registers - 8 bytes each // string registers - 4 or 8 bytes each // address registers - 4 or 8 bytes each // data registers - 4 bytes each // address register tags-1 byte each // extra space - 16 byte boundary struct VMFrame { VMFrame *ParentFrame; VMFunction *Func; VM_UBYTE NumRegD; VM_UBYTE NumRegF; VM_UBYTE NumRegS; VM_UBYTE NumRegA; VM_UHALF MaxParam; VM_UHALF NumParam; // current number of parameters static int FrameSize(int numregd, int numregf, int numregs, int numrega, int numparam, int numextra) { int size = (sizeof(VMFrame) + 15) & ~15; size += numparam * sizeof(VMValue); size += numregf * sizeof(double); size += numrega * (sizeof(void *) + sizeof(VM_UBYTE)); size += numregs * sizeof(FString); size += numregd * sizeof(int); if (numextra != 0) { size = (size + 15) & ~15; size += numextra; } return size; } int *GetRegD() const { return (int *)(GetRegA() + NumRegA); } double *GetRegF() const { return (double *)(GetParam() + MaxParam); } FString *GetRegS() const { return (FString *)(GetRegF() + NumRegF); } void **GetRegA() const { return (void **)(GetRegS() + NumRegS); } VM_ATAG *GetRegATag() const { return (VM_ATAG *)(GetRegD() + NumRegD); } VMValue *GetParam() const { assert(((size_t)this & 15) == 0 && "VM frame is unaligned"); return (VMValue *)(((size_t)(this + 1) + 15) & ~15); } void *GetExtra() const { VM_ATAG *ptag = GetRegATag(); ptrdiff_t ofs = ptag - (VM_ATAG *)this; return (VM_UBYTE *)this + ((ofs + NumRegA + 15) & ~15); } void GetAllRegs(int *&d, double *&f, FString *&s, void **&a, VM_ATAG *&atag, VMValue *¶m) const { // Calling the individual functions produces suboptimal code. :( param = GetParam(); f = (double *)(param + MaxParam); s = (FString *)(f + NumRegF); a = (void **)(s + NumRegS); d = (int *)(a + NumRegA); atag = (VM_ATAG *)(d + NumRegD); } void InitRegS(); }; struct VMRegisters { VMRegisters(const VMFrame *frame) { frame->GetAllRegs(d, f, s, a, atag, param); } VMRegisters(const VMRegisters &o) : d(o.d), f(o.f), s(o.s), a(o.a), atag(o.atag), param(o.param) { } int *d; double *f; FString *s; void **a; VM_ATAG *atag; VMValue *param; }; struct VMException : public DObject { DECLARE_CLASS(VMException, DObject); }; union FVoidObj { DObject *o; void *v; }; class VMScriptFunction : public VMFunction { DECLARE_CLASS(VMScriptFunction, VMFunction); public: VMScriptFunction(FName name=NAME_None); ~VMScriptFunction(); size_t PropagateMark(); void Alloc(int numops, int numkonstd, int numkonstf, int numkonsts, int numkonsta); VM_ATAG *KonstATags() { return (VM_UBYTE *)(KonstA + NumKonstA); } const VM_ATAG *KonstATags() const { return (VM_UBYTE *)(KonstA + NumKonstA); } VMOP *Code; int *KonstD; double *KonstF; FString *KonstS; FVoidObj *KonstA; int ExtraSpace; int CodeSize; // Size of code in instructions (not bytes) VM_UBYTE NumRegD; VM_UBYTE NumRegF; VM_UBYTE NumRegS; VM_UBYTE NumRegA; VM_UBYTE NumKonstD; VM_UBYTE NumKonstF; VM_UBYTE NumKonstS; VM_UBYTE NumKonstA; VM_UHALF MaxParam; // Maximum number of parameters this function has on the stack at once VM_UBYTE NumArgs; // Number of arguments this function takes FString PrintableName; // so that the VM can print meaningful info if something in this function goes wrong. }; class VMFrameStack { public: VMFrameStack(); ~VMFrameStack(); VMFrame *AllocFrame(int numregd, int numregf, int numregs, int numrega); VMFrame *AllocFrame(VMScriptFunction *func); VMFrame *PopFrame(); VMFrame *TopFrame() { assert(Blocks != NULL && Blocks->LastFrame != NULL); return Blocks->LastFrame; } int Call(VMFunction *func, VMValue *params, int numparams, VMReturn *results, int numresults, VMException **trap=NULL); private: enum { BLOCK_SIZE = 4096 }; // Default block size struct BlockHeader { BlockHeader *NextBlock; VMFrame *LastFrame; VM_UBYTE *FreeSpace; int BlockSize; void InitFreeSpace() { FreeSpace = (VM_UBYTE *)(((size_t)(this + 1) + 15) & ~15); } }; BlockHeader *Blocks; BlockHeader *UnusedBlocks; VMFrame *Alloc(int size); }; class VMNativeFunction : public VMFunction { DECLARE_CLASS(VMNativeFunction, VMFunction); public: typedef int (*NativeCallType)(VMFrameStack *stack, VMValue *param, int numparam, VMReturn *ret, int numret); VMNativeFunction() : NativeCall(NULL) { Native = true; } VMNativeFunction(NativeCallType call) : NativeCall(call) { Native = true; } VMNativeFunction(NativeCallType call, FName name) : VMFunction(name), NativeCall(call) { Native = true; } // Return value is the number of results. NativeCallType NativeCall; }; class VMParamFiller { public: VMParamFiller(const VMFrame *frame) : Reg(frame), RegD(0), RegF(0), RegS(0), RegA(0) {} VMParamFiller(const VMRegisters *reg) : Reg(*reg), RegD(0), RegF(0), RegS(0), RegA(0) {} void ParamInt(int val) { Reg.d[RegD++] = val; } void ParamFloat(double val) { Reg.f[RegF++] = val; } void ParamString(FString &val) { Reg.s[RegS++] = val; } void ParamString(const char *val) { Reg.s[RegS++] = val; } void ParamObject(DObject *obj) { Reg.a[RegA] = obj; Reg.atag[RegA] = ATAG_OBJECT; RegA++; } void ParamPointer(void *ptr, VM_ATAG atag) { Reg.a[RegA] = ptr; Reg.atag[RegA] = atag; RegA++; } private: const VMRegisters Reg; int RegD, RegF, RegS, RegA; }; enum EVMEngine { VMEngine_Default, VMEngine_Unchecked, VMEngine_Checked }; void VMSelectEngine(EVMEngine engine); extern int (*VMExec)(VMFrameStack *stack, const VMOP *pc, VMReturn *ret, int numret); void VMFillParams(VMValue *params, VMFrame *callee, int numparam); void VMDumpConstants(FILE *out, const VMScriptFunction *func); void VMDisasm(FILE *out, const VMOP *code, int codesize, const VMScriptFunction *func); // Use this in the prototype for a native function. #define VM_ARGS VMFrameStack *stack, VMValue *param, int numparam, VMReturn *ret, int numret #define VM_ARGS_NAMES stack, param, numparam, ret, numret // Use these to collect the parameters in a native function. // variable name at position

// For required parameters. #define PARAM_INT_AT(p,x) assert((p) < numparam); assert(param[p].Type == REGT_INT); int x = param[p].i; #define PARAM_BOOL_AT(p,x) assert((p) < numparam); assert(param[p].Type == REGT_INT); bool x = !!param[p].i; #define PARAM_NAME_AT(p,x) assert((p) < numparam); assert(param[p].Type == REGT_INT); FName x = ENamedName(param[p].i); #define PARAM_SOUND_AT(p,x) assert((p) < numparam); assert(param[p].Type == REGT_INT); FSoundID x = param[p].i; #define PARAM_COLOR_AT(p,x) assert((p) < numparam); assert(param[p].Type == REGT_INT); PalEntry x; x.d = param[p].i; #define PARAM_FLOAT_AT(p,x) assert((p) < numparam); assert(param[p].Type == REGT_FLOAT); double x = param[p].f; #define PARAM_ANGLE_AT(p,x) assert((p) < numparam); assert(param[p].Type == REGT_FLOAT); DAngle x = param[p].f; #define PARAM_STRING_AT(p,x) assert((p) < numparam); assert(param[p].Type == REGT_STRING); FString x = param[p].s(); #define PARAM_STATE_AT(p,x) assert((p) < numparam); assert(param[p].Type == REGT_POINTER && (param[p].atag == ATAG_STATE || param[p].a == NULL)); FState *x = (FState *)param[p].a; #define PARAM_POINTER_AT(p,x,type) assert((p) < numparam); assert(param[p].Type == REGT_POINTER); type *x = (type *)param[p].a; #define PARAM_OBJECT_AT(p,x,type) assert((p) < numparam); assert(param[p].Type == REGT_POINTER && (param[p].atag == ATAG_OBJECT || param[p].a == NULL)); type *x = (type *)param[p].a; assert(x == NULL || x->IsKindOf(RUNTIME_CLASS(type))); #define PARAM_CLASS_AT(p,x,base) assert((p) < numparam); assert(param[p].Type == REGT_POINTER && (param[p].atag == ATAG_OBJECT || param[p].a == NULL)); base::MetaClass *x = (base::MetaClass *)param[p].a; assert(x == NULL || x->IsDescendantOf(RUNTIME_CLASS(base))); // For optional paramaters. These have dangling elses for you to fill in the default assignment. e.g.: // PARAM_INT_OPT(0,myint) { myint = 55; } // Just make sure to fill it in when using these macros, because the compiler isn't likely // to give useful error messages if you don't. #define PARAM_INT_OPT_AT(p,x) int x; if ((p) < numparam && param[p].Type != REGT_NIL) { assert(param[p].Type == REGT_INT); x = param[p].i; } else #define PARAM_BOOL_OPT_AT(p,x) bool x; if ((p) < numparam && param[p].Type != REGT_NIL) { assert(param[p].Type == REGT_INT); x = !!param[p].i; } else #define PARAM_NAME_OPT_AT(p,x) FName x; if ((p) < numparam && param[p].Type != REGT_NIL) { assert(param[p].Type == REGT_INT); x = ENamedName(param[p].i); } else #define PARAM_SOUND_OPT_AT(p,x) FSoundID x; if ((p) < numparam && param[p].Type != REGT_NIL) { assert(param[p].Type == REGT_INT); x = FSoundID(param[p].i); } else #define PARAM_COLOR_OPT_AT(p,x) PalEntry x; if ((p) < numparam && param[p].Type != REGT_NIL) { assert(param[p].Type == REGT_INT); x.d = param[p].i; } else #define PARAM_FLOAT_OPT_AT(p,x) double x; if ((p) < numparam && param[p].Type != REGT_NIL) { assert(param[p].Type == REGT_FLOAT); x = param[p].f; } else #define PARAM_ANGLE_OPT_AT(p,x) DAngle x; if ((p) < numparam && param[p].Type != REGT_NIL) { assert(param[p].Type == REGT_FLOAT); x = param[p].f; } else #define PARAM_STRING_OPT_AT(p,x) FString x; if ((p) < numparam && param[p].Type != REGT_NIL) { assert(param[p].Type == REGT_STRING); x = param[p].s(); } else #define PARAM_STATE_OPT_AT(p,x) FState *x; if ((p) < numparam && param[p].Type != REGT_NIL) { assert(param[p].Type == REGT_POINTER && (param[p].atag == ATAG_STATE || param[p].a == NULL)); x = (FState *)param[p].a; } else #define PARAM_STATEINFO_OPT_AT(p,x) FStateParamInfo *x; if ((p) < numparam && param[p].Type != REGT_NIL) { assert(param[p].Type == REGT_POINTER && (param[p].atag == ATAG_STATEINFO || param[p].a == NULL)); x = (FStateParamInfo *)param[p].a; } else #define PARAM_POINTER_OPT_AT(p,x,type) type *x; if ((p) < numparam && param[p].Type != REGT_NIL) { assert(param[p].Type == REGT_POINTER); x = (type *)param[p].a; } else #define PARAM_OBJECT_OPT_AT(p,x,type) type *x; if ((p) < numparam && param[p].Type != REGT_NIL) { assert(param[p].Type == REGT_POINTER && (param[p].atag == ATAG_OBJECT || param[p].a == NULL)); x = (type *)param[p].a; assert(x == NULL || x->IsKindOf(RUNTIME_CLASS(type))); } else #define PARAM_CLASS_OPT_AT(p,x,base) base::MetaClass *x; if ((p) < numparam && param[p].Type != REGT_NIL) { assert(param[p].Type == REGT_POINTER && (param[p].atag == ATAG_OBJECT || param[p].a == NULL)); x = (base::MetaClass *)param[p].a; assert(x == NULL || x->IsDescendantOf(RUNTIME_CLASS(base))); } else // The above, but with an automatically increasing position index. #define PARAM_PROLOGUE int paramnum = -1; #define PARAM_INT(x) ++paramnum; PARAM_INT_AT(paramnum,x) #define PARAM_BOOL(x) ++paramnum; PARAM_BOOL_AT(paramnum,x) #define PARAM_NAME(x) ++paramnum; PARAM_NAME_AT(paramnum,x) #define PARAM_SOUND(x) ++paramnum; PARAM_SOUND_AT(paramnum,x) #define PARAM_COLOR(x) ++paramnum; PARAM_COLOR_AT(paramnum,x) #define PARAM_FLOAT(x) ++paramnum; PARAM_FLOAT_AT(paramnum,x) #define PARAM_ANGLE(x) ++paramnum; PARAM_ANGLE_AT(paramnum,x) #define PARAM_STRING(x) ++paramnum; PARAM_STRING_AT(paramnum,x) #define PARAM_STATE(x) ++paramnum; PARAM_STATE_AT(paramnum,x) #define PARAM_POINTER(x,type) ++paramnum; PARAM_POINTER_AT(paramnum,x,type) #define PARAM_OBJECT(x,type) ++paramnum; PARAM_OBJECT_AT(paramnum,x,type) #define PARAM_CLASS(x,base) ++paramnum; PARAM_CLASS_AT(paramnum,x,base) #define PARAM_INT_OPT(x) ++paramnum; PARAM_INT_OPT_AT(paramnum,x) #define PARAM_BOOL_OPT(x) ++paramnum; PARAM_BOOL_OPT_AT(paramnum,x) #define PARAM_NAME_OPT(x) ++paramnum; PARAM_NAME_OPT_AT(paramnum,x) #define PARAM_SOUND_OPT(x) ++paramnum; PARAM_SOUND_OPT_AT(paramnum,x) #define PARAM_COLOR_OPT(x) ++paramnum; PARAM_COLOR_OPT_AT(paramnum,x) #define PARAM_FLOAT_OPT(x) ++paramnum; PARAM_FLOAT_OPT_AT(paramnum,x) #define PARAM_ANGLE_OPT(x) ++paramnum; PARAM_ANGLE_OPT_AT(paramnum,x) #define PARAM_STRING_OPT(x) ++paramnum; PARAM_STRING_OPT_AT(paramnum,x) #define PARAM_STATE_OPT(x) ++paramnum; PARAM_STATE_OPT_AT(paramnum,x) #define PARAM_STATEINFO_OPT(x) ++paramnum; PARAM_STATEINFO_OPT_AT(paramnum,x) #define PARAM_POINTER_OPT(x,type) ++paramnum; PARAM_POINTER_OPT_AT(paramnum,x,type) #define PARAM_OBJECT_OPT(x,type) ++paramnum; PARAM_OBJECT_OPT_AT(paramnum,x,type) #define PARAM_CLASS_OPT(x,base) ++paramnum; PARAM_CLASS_OPT_AT(paramnum,x,base) typedef int(*actionf_p)(VMFrameStack *stack, VMValue *param, int numparam, VMReturn *ret, int numret);/*(VM_ARGS)*/ struct AFuncDesc { const char *Name; actionf_p Function; VMNativeFunction **VMPointer; }; #if defined(_MSC_VER) #pragma section(".areg$u",read) #define MSVC_ASEG __declspec(allocate(".areg$u")) #define GCC_ASEG #else #define MSVC_ASEG #define GCC_ASEG __attribute__((section(SECTION_AREG))) __attribute__((used)) #endif // Macros to handle action functions. These are here so that I don't have to // change every single use in case the parameters change. #define DECLARE_ACTION(name) extern VMNativeFunction *name##_VMPtr; // This distinction is here so that CALL_ACTION produces errors when trying to // access a function that requires parameters. #define DEFINE_ACTION_FUNCTION(cls, name) \ static int AF_##name(VM_ARGS); \ VMNativeFunction *name##_VMPtr; \ static const AFuncDesc cls##_##name##_Hook = { #name, AF_##name, &name##_VMPtr }; \ extern AFuncDesc const *const cls##_##name##_HookPtr; \ MSVC_ASEG AFuncDesc const *const cls##_##name##_HookPtr GCC_ASEG = &cls##_##name##_Hook; \ static int AF_##name(VM_ARGS) #define DEFINE_ACTION_FUNCTION_PARAMS(cls, name) DEFINE_ACTION_FUNCTION(cls, name) //#define DECLARE_PARAMINFO AActor *self, AActor *stateowner, FState *CallingState, int ParameterIndex, StateCallData *statecall //#define PUSH_PARAMINFO self, stateowner, CallingState, ParameterIndex, statecall #define CALL_ACTION(name,self) { /*AF_##name(self, self, NULL, 0, NULL)*/ \ VMValue params[3] = { self, self, VMValue(NULL, ATAG_STATEINFO) }; \ stack->Call(name##_VMPtr, params, countof(params), NULL, 0, NULL); \ } #define ACTION_RETURN_STATE(v) do { FState *state = v; if (numret > 0) { assert(ret != NULL); ret->SetPointer(state, ATAG_STATE); return 1; } return 0; } while(0) #define ACTION_RETURN_FLOAT(v) do { double u = v; if (numret > 0) { assert(ret != nullptr); ret->SetFloat(u); return 1; } return 0; } while(0) #define ACTION_RETURN_INT(v) do { int u = v; if (numret > 0) { assert(ret != NULL); ret->SetInt(u); return 1; } return 0; } while(0) #define ACTION_RETURN_BOOL(v) ACTION_RETURN_INT(v) // Checks to see what called the current action function #define ACTION_CALL_FROM_ACTOR() (stateinfo == nullptr || stateinfo->mStateType == STATE_Actor) #define ACTION_CALL_FROM_PSPRITE() (self->player && stateinfo != nullptr && stateinfo->mStateType == STATE_Psprite) #define ACTION_CALL_FROM_INVENTORY() (stateinfo != nullptr && stateinfo->mStateType == STATE_StateChain) class PFunction; PFunction *FindGlobalActionFunction(const char *name); #endif