/* ** decorations.cpp ** Loads custom actors out of DECORATE lumps. ** **--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ** Copyright 2002-2006 Randy Heit ** All rights reserved. ** ** Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without ** modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions ** are met: ** ** 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright ** notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. ** 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright ** notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the ** documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. ** 3. The name of the author may not be used to endorse or promote products ** derived from this software without specific prior written permission. ** ** THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR ** IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES ** OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. ** IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, ** INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT ** NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, ** DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY ** THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT ** (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF ** THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. **--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ** */ // HEADER FILES ------------------------------------------------------------ #include "actor.h" #include "info.h" #include "sc_man.h" #include "tarray.h" #include "w_wad.h" #include "templates.h" #include "r_defs.h" #include "r_draw.h" #include "a_pickups.h" #include "s_sound.h" #include "cmdlib.h" #include "p_lnspec.h" #include "p_enemy.h" #include "a_action.h" #include "decallib.h" #include "i_system.h" #include "thingdef.h" // MACROS ------------------------------------------------------------------ // TYPES ------------------------------------------------------------------- enum EDefinitionType { DEF_Decoration, DEF_BreakableDecoration, DEF_Pickup, DEF_Projectile, }; struct FExtraInfo { char DeathSprite[5]; unsigned int SpawnStart, SpawnEnd; unsigned int DeathStart, DeathEnd; unsigned int IceDeathStart, IceDeathEnd; unsigned int FireDeathStart, FireDeathEnd; bool bSolidOnDeath, bSolidOnBurn; bool bBurnAway, bDiesAway, bGenericIceDeath; bool bExplosive; fixed_t DeathHeight, BurnHeight; }; class AFakeInventory : public AInventory { DECLARE_STATELESS_ACTOR (AFakeInventory, AInventory); public: bool Respawnable; bool ShouldRespawn () { return Respawnable && Super::ShouldRespawn(); } bool TryPickup (AActor *toucher) { INTBOOL success = LineSpecials[special] (NULL, toucher, false, args[0], args[1], args[2], args[3], args[4]); if (success) { GoAwayAndDie (); return true; } return false; } void DoPickupSpecial (AActor *toucher) { // The special was already executed by TryPickup, so do nothing here } }; IMPLEMENT_STATELESS_ACTOR (AFakeInventory, Any, -1, 0) PROP_Flags (MF_SPECIAL) END_DEFAULTS // EXTERNAL FUNCTION PROTOTYPES -------------------------------------------- void ProcessActor(void (*process)(FState *, int)); void ProcessWeapon(void (*process)(FState *, int)); void FinishThingdef(); void InitDecorateTranslations(); // PUBLIC FUNCTION PROTOTYPES ---------------------------------------------- void A_ScreamAndUnblock (AActor *); void A_ActiveAndUnblock (AActor *); void A_ActiveSound (AActor *); // PRIVATE FUNCTION PROTOTYPES --------------------------------------------- static void ParseDecorate (void (*process)(FState *, int)); static void ParseInsideDecoration (FActorInfo *info, AActor *defaults, TArray &states, FExtraInfo &extra, EDefinitionType def); static void ParseSpriteFrames (FActorInfo *info, TArray &states); // EXTERNAL DATA DECLARATIONS ---------------------------------------------- // PUBLIC DATA DEFINITIONS ------------------------------------------------- TArray Decorations; // PRIVATE DATA DEFINITIONS ------------------------------------------------ static const char *RenderStyles[] = { "STYLE_None", "STYLE_Normal", "STYLE_Fuzzy", "STYLE_SoulTrans", "STYLE_OptFuzzy", "STYLE_Translucent", "STYLE_Add", //"STYLE_Shaded", NULL }; static const char *FlagNames1[] = { "*", "Solid", "*", "NoSector", "NoBlockmap", "*", "*", "*", "SpawnCeiling", "NoGravity", "*", "*", "*", "*", "*", "*", "*", "*", "Shadow", "NoBlood", "*", "*", "*", "CountItem", NULL }; static const char *FlagNames2[] = { "LowGravity", "WindThrust", "*", "*", "*", "FloorClip", "SpawnFloat", "NoTeleport", "Ripper", "Pushable", "SlidesOnWalls", "*", "CanPass", "CannotPush", "ThruGhost", "*", "FireDamage", "NoDamageThrust", "Telestomp", "FloatBob", "*", "ActivateImpact", "CanPushWalls", "ActivateMCross", "ActivatePCross", "*", "*", "*", "*", "*", "*", "Reflective", NULL }; static const char *FlagNames3[] = { "FloorHugger", "CeilingHugger", "*", "*", "*", "*", "DontSplash", NULL }; // CODE -------------------------------------------------------------------- //========================================================================== // // LoadDecorations // // Called from FActor::StaticInit() // //========================================================================== void LoadDecorations (void (*process)(FState *, int)) { int lastlump, lump; InitDecorateTranslations(); lastlump = 0; while ((lump = Wads.FindLump ("DECORATE", &lastlump)) != -1) { SC_OpenLumpNum (lump, "DECORATE"); ParseDecorate (process); SC_Close (); } FinishThingdef(); } //========================================================================== // // ParseDecorate // // Parses a single DECORATE lump // //========================================================================== static void ParseDecorate (void (*process)(FState *, int)) { TArray states; FExtraInfo extra; PClass *type; PClass *parent; EDefinitionType def; FActorInfo *info; FName typeName; int recursion=0; // Get actor class name. while (true) { if (!SC_GetString ()) { if (recursion==0) return; SC_Close(); SC_RestoreScriptState(); recursion--; continue; } if (SC_Compare ("#include")) { int lump; SC_MustGetString(); // This is not using SC_Open because it can print a more useful error message when done here lump = Wads.CheckNumForFullName(sc_String); if (lump==-1) lump = Wads.CheckNumForName(sc_String); if (lump==-1) SC_ScriptError("Lump '%s' not found", sc_String); SC_SaveScriptState(); SC_OpenLumpNum(lump, sc_String); recursion++; continue; } if (SC_Compare ("Actor")) { ProcessActor (process); continue; } if (SC_Compare ("Pickup")) { parent = RUNTIME_CLASS(AFakeInventory); def = DEF_Pickup; SC_MustGetString (); } else if (SC_Compare ("Breakable")) { parent = RUNTIME_CLASS(AActor); def = DEF_BreakableDecoration; SC_MustGetString (); } else if (SC_Compare ("Projectile")) { parent = RUNTIME_CLASS(AActor); def = DEF_Projectile; SC_MustGetString (); } else { parent = RUNTIME_CLASS(AActor); def = DEF_Decoration; } typeName = FName(sc_String); type = parent->CreateDerivedClass (typeName, parent->Size); info = type->ActorInfo; info->GameFilter = 0x80; Decorations.Push (info); ClearStateLabels(); SC_MustGetString (); while (!SC_Compare ("{")) { if (SC_Compare ("Doom")) { info->GameFilter |= GAME_Doom; } else if (SC_Compare ("Heretic")) { info->GameFilter |= GAME_Heretic; } else if (SC_Compare ("Hexen")) { info->GameFilter |= GAME_Hexen; } else if (SC_Compare ("Raven")) { info->GameFilter |= GAME_Raven; } else if (SC_Compare ("Strife")) { info->GameFilter |= GAME_Strife; } else if (SC_Compare ("Any")) { info->GameFilter = GAME_Any; } else { SC_ScriptError ("Unknown game type %s", sc_String); } SC_MustGetString (); } if (info->GameFilter == 0x80) { info->GameFilter = GAME_Any; } else { info->GameFilter &= ~0x80; } states.Clear (); memset (&extra, 0, sizeof(extra)); ParseInsideDecoration (info, (AActor *)(type->Defaults), states, extra, def); info->NumOwnedStates = states.Size(); if (info->NumOwnedStates == 0) { SC_ScriptError ("%s does not define any animation frames", typeName.GetChars() ); } else if (extra.SpawnEnd == 0) { SC_ScriptError ("%s does not have a Frames definition", typeName.GetChars() ); } else if (def == DEF_BreakableDecoration && extra.DeathEnd == 0) { SC_ScriptError ("%s does not have a DeathFrames definition", typeName.GetChars() ); } else if (extra.IceDeathEnd != 0 && extra.bGenericIceDeath) { SC_ScriptError ("You cannot use IceDeathFrames and GenericIceDeath together"); } if (extra.IceDeathEnd != 0) { // Make a copy of the final frozen frame for A_FreezeDeathChunks FState icecopy = states[extra.IceDeathEnd-1]; states.Push (icecopy); info->NumOwnedStates += 1; } info->OwnedStates = new FState[info->NumOwnedStates]; memcpy (info->OwnedStates, &states[0], info->NumOwnedStates * sizeof(info->OwnedStates[0])); if (info->NumOwnedStates == 1) { info->OwnedStates->Tics = 0; info->OwnedStates->Misc1 = 0; info->OwnedStates->Frame &= ~SF_BIGTIC; } else { size_t i; // Spawn states loop endlessly for (i = extra.SpawnStart; i < extra.SpawnEnd-1; ++i) { info->OwnedStates[i].NextState = &info->OwnedStates[i+1]; } info->OwnedStates[i].NextState = &info->OwnedStates[extra.SpawnStart]; // Death states are one-shot and freeze on the final state if (extra.DeathEnd != 0) { for (i = extra.DeathStart; i < extra.DeathEnd-1; ++i) { info->OwnedStates[i].NextState = &info->OwnedStates[i+1]; } if (extra.bDiesAway || def == DEF_Projectile) { info->OwnedStates[i].NextState = NULL; } else { info->OwnedStates[i].Tics = 0; info->OwnedStates[i].Misc1 = 0; info->OwnedStates[i].Frame &= ~SF_BIGTIC; } if (def == DEF_Projectile) { if (extra.bExplosive) { info->OwnedStates[extra.DeathStart].Action = A_ExplodeParms; } } else { // The first frame plays the death sound and // the second frame makes it nonsolid. info->OwnedStates[extra.DeathStart].Action= A_Scream; if (extra.bSolidOnDeath) { } else if (extra.DeathStart + 1 < extra.DeathEnd) { info->OwnedStates[extra.DeathStart+1].Action = A_NoBlocking; } else { info->OwnedStates[extra.DeathStart].Action = A_ScreamAndUnblock; } if (extra.DeathHeight == 0) extra.DeathHeight = ((AActor*)(type->Defaults))->height; info->Class->Meta.SetMetaFixed (AMETA_DeathHeight, extra.DeathHeight); } AddState("Death", &info->OwnedStates[extra.DeathStart]); } // Burn states are the same as death states, except they can optionally terminate if (extra.FireDeathEnd != 0) { for (i = extra.FireDeathStart; i < extra.FireDeathEnd-1; ++i) { info->OwnedStates[i].NextState = &info->OwnedStates[i+1]; } if (extra.bBurnAway) { info->OwnedStates[i].NextState = NULL; } else { info->OwnedStates[i].Tics = 0; info->OwnedStates[i].Misc1 = 0; info->OwnedStates[i].Frame &= ~SF_BIGTIC; } // The first frame plays the burn sound and // the second frame makes it nonsolid. info->OwnedStates[extra.FireDeathStart].Action = A_ActiveSound; if (extra.bSolidOnBurn) { } else if (extra.FireDeathStart + 1 < extra.FireDeathEnd) { info->OwnedStates[extra.FireDeathStart+1].Action = A_NoBlocking; } else { info->OwnedStates[extra.FireDeathStart].Action = A_ActiveAndUnblock; } if (extra.BurnHeight == 0) extra.BurnHeight = ((AActor*)(type->Defaults))->height; type->Meta.SetMetaFixed (AMETA_BurnHeight, extra.BurnHeight); AddState("Burn", &info->OwnedStates[extra.FireDeathStart]); } // Ice states are similar to burn and death, except their final frame enters // a loop that eventually causes them to bust to pieces. if (extra.IceDeathEnd != 0) { for (i = extra.IceDeathStart; i < extra.IceDeathEnd-1; ++i) { info->OwnedStates[i].NextState = &info->OwnedStates[i+1]; } info->OwnedStates[i].NextState = &info->OwnedStates[info->NumOwnedStates-1]; info->OwnedStates[i].Tics = 6; info->OwnedStates[i].Misc1 = 0; info->OwnedStates[i].Action = A_FreezeDeath; i = info->NumOwnedStates - 1; info->OwnedStates[i].NextState = &info->OwnedStates[i]; info->OwnedStates[i].Tics = 2; info->OwnedStates[i].Misc1 = 0; info->OwnedStates[i].Action = A_FreezeDeathChunks; AddState("Ice", &info->OwnedStates[extra.IceDeathStart]); } else if (extra.bGenericIceDeath) { AddState("Ice", &AActor::States[AActor::S_GENERICFREEZEDEATH]); } } if (def == DEF_BreakableDecoration) { ((AActor *)(type->Defaults))->flags |= MF_SHOOTABLE; } if (def == DEF_Projectile) { ((AActor *)(type->Defaults))->flags |= MF_DROPOFF|MF_MISSILE; } AddState("Spawn", &info->OwnedStates[extra.SpawnStart]); InstallStates(info, ((AActor *)(type->Defaults))); process (info->OwnedStates, info->NumOwnedStates); } } //========================================================================== // // ParseInsideDecoration // // Parses attributes out of a definition terminated with a } // //========================================================================== static void ParseInsideDecoration (FActorInfo *info, AActor *defaults, TArray &states, FExtraInfo &extra, EDefinitionType def) { AFakeInventory *const inv = static_cast(defaults); char sprite[5] = "TNT1"; SC_MustGetString (); while (!SC_Compare ("}")) { if (SC_Compare ("DoomEdNum")) { SC_MustGetNumber (); if (sc_Number < -1 || sc_Number > 32767) { SC_ScriptError ("DoomEdNum must be in the range [-1,32767]"); } info->DoomEdNum = (SWORD)sc_Number; } else if (SC_Compare ("SpawnNum")) { SC_MustGetNumber (); if (sc_Number < 0 || sc_Number > 255) { SC_ScriptError ("SpawnNum must be in the range [0,255]"); } info->SpawnID = (BYTE)sc_Number; } else if (SC_Compare ("Sprite") || ( (def == DEF_BreakableDecoration || def == DEF_Projectile) && SC_Compare ("DeathSprite") && (extra.DeathSprite[0] = 1)) // This is intentionally = and not == ) { SC_MustGetString (); if (strlen (sc_String) != 4) { SC_ScriptError ("Sprite name must be exactly four characters long"); } if (extra.DeathSprite[0] == 1) { memcpy (extra.DeathSprite, sc_String, 4); } else { memcpy (sprite, sc_String, 4); } } else if (SC_Compare ("Frames")) { SC_MustGetString (); extra.SpawnStart = states.Size(); ParseSpriteFrames (info, states); extra.SpawnEnd = states.Size(); } else if ((def == DEF_BreakableDecoration || def == DEF_Projectile) && SC_Compare ("DeathFrames")) { SC_MustGetString (); extra.DeathStart = states.Size(); ParseSpriteFrames (info, states); extra.DeathEnd = states.Size(); } else if (def == DEF_BreakableDecoration && SC_Compare ("IceDeathFrames")) { SC_MustGetString (); extra.IceDeathStart = states.Size(); ParseSpriteFrames (info, states); extra.IceDeathEnd = states.Size(); } else if (def == DEF_BreakableDecoration && SC_Compare ("BurnDeathFrames")) { SC_MustGetString (); extra.FireDeathStart = states.Size(); ParseSpriteFrames (info, states); extra.FireDeathEnd = states.Size(); } else if (def == DEF_BreakableDecoration && SC_Compare ("GenericIceDeath")) { extra.bGenericIceDeath = true; } else if (def == DEF_BreakableDecoration && SC_Compare ("BurnsAway")) { extra.bBurnAway = true; } else if (def == DEF_BreakableDecoration && SC_Compare ("DiesAway")) { extra.bDiesAway = true; } else if (SC_Compare ("Alpha")) { SC_MustGetFloat (); defaults->alpha = int(clamp (sc_Float, 0.f, 1.f) * OPAQUE); } else if (SC_Compare ("Scale")) { SC_MustGetFloat (); defaults->xscale = defaults->yscale = clamp (int(sc_Float * 64.f), 1, 256) - 1; } else if (SC_Compare ("RenderStyle")) { SC_MustGetString (); defaults->RenderStyle = SC_MustMatchString (RenderStyles); if (defaults->RenderStyle > STYLE_OptFuzzy) { defaults->RenderStyle += STYLE_Translucent - STYLE_OptFuzzy - 1; } } else if (SC_Compare ("Radius")) { SC_MustGetFloat (); defaults->radius = int(sc_Float * FRACUNIT); } else if (SC_Compare ("Height")) { SC_MustGetFloat (); defaults->height = int(sc_Float * FRACUNIT); } else if (def == DEF_BreakableDecoration && SC_Compare ("DeathHeight")) { SC_MustGetFloat (); extra.DeathHeight = int(sc_Float * FRACUNIT); } else if (def == DEF_BreakableDecoration && SC_Compare ("BurnHeight")) { SC_MustGetFloat (); extra.BurnHeight = int(sc_Float * FRACUNIT); } else if (def == DEF_BreakableDecoration && SC_Compare ("Health")) { SC_MustGetNumber (); defaults->health = sc_Number; } else if (def == DEF_Projectile && SC_Compare ("ExplosionRadius")) { SC_MustGetNumber (); info->Class->Meta.SetMetaInt(ACMETA_ExplosionRadius, sc_Number); extra.bExplosive = true; } else if (def == DEF_Projectile && SC_Compare ("ExplosionDamage")) { SC_MustGetNumber (); info->Class->Meta.SetMetaInt(ACMETA_ExplosionDamage, sc_Number); extra.bExplosive = true; } else if (def == DEF_Projectile && SC_Compare ("DoNotHurtShooter")) { info->Class->Meta.SetMetaInt(ACMETA_DontHurtShooter, true); } else if (def == DEF_Projectile && SC_Compare ("Damage")) { SC_MustGetNumber (); defaults->Damage = sc_Number; } else if (def == DEF_Projectile && SC_Compare ("DamageType")) { SC_MustGetString (); if (SC_Compare ("Normal")) { defaults->DamageType = NAME_None; } else if (SC_Compare ("Ice")) { defaults->DamageType = NAME_Ice; } else if (SC_Compare ("Fire")) { defaults->DamageType = NAME_Fire; } else { SC_ScriptError ("Unknown damage type \"%s\"", sc_String); } } else if (def == DEF_Projectile && SC_Compare ("Speed")) { SC_MustGetFloat (); defaults->Speed = fixed_t(sc_Float * 65536.f); } else if (SC_Compare ("Mass")) { SC_MustGetFloat (); defaults->Mass = SDWORD(sc_Float); } else if (SC_Compare ("Translation1")) { SC_MustGetNumber (); if (sc_Number < 0 || sc_Number > 2) { SC_ScriptError ("Translation1 must be in the range [0,2]"); } defaults->Translation = TRANSLATION(TRANSLATION_Standard, sc_Number); } else if (SC_Compare ("Translation2")) { SC_MustGetNumber (); if (sc_Number < 0 || sc_Number >= MAX_ACS_TRANSLATIONS) { #define ERROR(foo) "Translation2 must be in the range [0," #foo "]" SC_ScriptError (ERROR(MAX_ACS_TRANSLATIONS)); #undef ERROR } defaults->Translation = TRANSLATION(TRANSLATION_LevelScripted, sc_Number); } else if ((def == DEF_BreakableDecoration || def == DEF_Projectile) && SC_Compare ("DeathSound")) { SC_MustGetString (); defaults->DeathSound = S_FindSound (sc_String); } else if (def == DEF_BreakableDecoration && SC_Compare ("BurnDeathSound")) { SC_MustGetString (); defaults->ActiveSound = S_FindSound (sc_String); } else if (def == DEF_Projectile && SC_Compare ("SpawnSound")) { SC_MustGetString (); defaults->SeeSound = S_FindSound (sc_String); } else if (def == DEF_Projectile && SC_Compare ("DoomBounce")) { defaults->flags2 = (defaults->flags2 & ~MF2_BOUNCETYPE) | MF2_DOOMBOUNCE; } else if (def == DEF_Projectile && SC_Compare ("HereticBounce")) { defaults->flags2 = (defaults->flags2 & ~MF2_BOUNCETYPE) | MF2_HERETICBOUNCE; } else if (def == DEF_Projectile && SC_Compare ("HexenBounce")) { defaults->flags2 = (defaults->flags2 & ~MF2_BOUNCETYPE) | MF2_HEXENBOUNCE; } else if (def == DEF_Pickup && SC_Compare ("PickupSound")) { SC_MustGetString (); inv->PickupSound = S_FindSound (sc_String); } else if (def == DEF_Pickup && SC_Compare ("PickupMessage")) { SC_MustGetString (); info->Class->Meta.SetMetaString(AIMETA_PickupMessage, sc_String); } else if (def == DEF_Pickup && SC_Compare ("Respawns")) { inv->Respawnable = true; } else if (def == DEF_BreakableDecoration && SC_Compare ("SolidOnDeath")) { extra.bSolidOnDeath = true; } else if (def == DEF_BreakableDecoration && SC_Compare ("SolidOnBurn")) { extra.bSolidOnBurn = true; } else if (sc_String[0] != '*') { int bit = SC_MatchString (FlagNames1); if (bit != -1) { defaults->flags |= 1 << bit; } else if ((bit = SC_MatchString (FlagNames2)) != -1) { defaults->flags2 |= 1 << bit; } else if ((bit = SC_MatchString (FlagNames3)) != -1) { defaults->flags3 |= 1 << bit; } else { SC_ScriptError (NULL); } } else { SC_ScriptError (NULL); } SC_MustGetString (); } unsigned int i; for (i = 0; i < states.Size(); ++i) { memcpy (states[i].sprite.name, sprite, 4); } if (extra.DeathSprite[0] && extra.DeathEnd != 0) { for (i = extra.DeathStart; i < extra.DeathEnd; ++i) { memcpy (states[i].sprite.name, extra.DeathSprite, 4); } } } //========================================================================== // // ParseSpriteFrames // // Parses a sprite-based animation sequence out of a decoration definition. // You can have multiple sequences, and they will be appended together. // A sequence definition looks like this: // // ":,:,:,..." // // Rate is a number describing the number of tics between frames in this // sequence. If you don't specify it, then a rate of 4 is used. Frames is // a list of consecutive frame characters. Each frame can be postfixed with // the * character to indicate that it is fullbright. // // Examples: // ShortRedTorch looks like this: // "ABCD" // // HeadCandles looks like this: // "6:AB" // // TechLamp looks like this: // "A*B*C*D*" // // BloodyTwich looks like this: // "10:A, 15:B, 8:C, 6:B" //========================================================================== static void ParseSpriteFrames (FActorInfo *info, TArray &states) { FState state; char *token = strtok (sc_String, ",\t\n\r"); memset (&state, 0, sizeof(state)); while (token != NULL) { // Skip leading white space while (*token == ' ') token++; int rate = 5; bool firstState = true; char *colon = strchr (token, ':'); if (colon != NULL) { char *stop; *colon = 0; rate = strtol (token, &stop, 10); if (stop == token || rate < 1 || rate > 65534) { SC_ScriptError ("Rates must be in the range [0,65534]"); } token = colon + 1; rate += 1; } state.Tics = rate & 0xff; state.Misc1 = (rate >> 8); while (*token) { if (*token == ' ') { } else if (*token == '*') { if (firstState) { SC_ScriptError ("* must come after a frame"); } state.Frame |= SF_FULLBRIGHT; } else if (*token < 'A' || *token > ']') { SC_ScriptError ("Frames must be A-Z, [, \\, or ]"); } else { if (!firstState) { states.Push (state); } firstState = false; state.Frame = (rate >= 256) ? (SF_BIGTIC | (*token-'A')) : (*token-'A'); } ++token; } if (!firstState) { states.Push (state); } token = strtok (NULL, ",\t\n\r"); } } //=========================================================================== // // A_ScreamAndUnblock // //=========================================================================== void A_ScreamAndUnblock (AActor *actor) { A_Scream (actor); A_NoBlocking (actor); } //=========================================================================== // // A_ActiveAndUnblock // //=========================================================================== void A_ActiveAndUnblock (AActor *actor) { A_ActiveSound (actor); A_NoBlocking (actor); } //=========================================================================== // // A_ActiveSound // //=========================================================================== void A_ActiveSound (AActor *actor) { if (actor->ActiveSound) { S_SoundID (actor, CHAN_VOICE, actor->ActiveSound, 1, ATTN_NORM); } }