/* ** d_netinfo.cpp ** Manages transport of user and "server" cvars across a network ** **--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ** Copyright 1998-2006 Randy Heit ** All rights reserved. ** ** Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without ** modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions ** are met: ** ** 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright ** notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. ** 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright ** notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the ** documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. ** 3. The name of the author may not be used to endorse or promote products ** derived from this software without specific prior written permission. ** ** THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR ** IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES ** OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. ** IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, ** INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT ** NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, ** DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY ** THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT ** (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF ** THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. **--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ** */ #include #include #include #include #include "doomtype.h" #include "doomdef.h" #include "doomstat.h" #include "d_netinf.h" #include "d_net.h" #include "d_protocol.h" #include "c_dispatch.h" #include "v_palette.h" #include "v_video.h" #include "i_system.h" #include "r_draw.h" #include "r_state.h" #include "sbar.h" #include "gi.h" #include "m_random.h" static FRandom pr_pickteam ("PickRandomTeam"); extern bool st_firsttime; EXTERN_CVAR (Bool, teamplay) CVAR (Float, autoaim, 5000.f, CVAR_USERINFO | CVAR_ARCHIVE); CVAR (String, name, "Player", CVAR_USERINFO | CVAR_ARCHIVE); CVAR (Color, color, 0x40cf00, CVAR_USERINFO | CVAR_ARCHIVE); CVAR (String, skin, "base", CVAR_USERINFO | CVAR_ARCHIVE); CVAR (Int, team, 255, CVAR_USERINFO | CVAR_ARCHIVE); CVAR (String, gender, "male", CVAR_USERINFO | CVAR_ARCHIVE); CVAR (Bool, neverswitchonpickup, false, CVAR_USERINFO | CVAR_ARCHIVE); CVAR (Float, movebob, 0.25f, CVAR_USERINFO | CVAR_ARCHIVE); CVAR (Float, stillbob, 0.f, CVAR_USERINFO | CVAR_ARCHIVE); CVAR (String, playerclass, "Fighter", CVAR_USERINFO | CVAR_ARCHIVE); enum { INFO_Name, INFO_Autoaim, INFO_Color, INFO_Skin, INFO_Team, INFO_Gender, INFO_NeverSwitchOnPickup, INFO_MoveBob, INFO_StillBob, INFO_PlayerClass, }; const char *TeamNames[NUM_TEAMS] = { "Red", "Blue", "Green", "Gold" }; float TeamHues[NUM_TEAMS] = { 0.f, 240.f, 120.f, 60.f }; const char *GenderNames[3] = { "male", "female", "other" }; static const char *UserInfoStrings[] = { "name", "autoaim", "color", "skin", "team", "gender", "neverswitchonpickup", "movebob", "stillbob", "playerclass", NULL }; int D_GenderToInt (const char *gender) { if (!stricmp (gender, "female")) return GENDER_FEMALE; else if (!stricmp (gender, "other") || !stricmp (gender, "cyborg")) return GENDER_NEUTER; else return GENDER_MALE; } int D_PlayerClassToInt (const char *classname) { if (PlayerClasses.Size () > 1) { for (unsigned int i = 0; i < PlayerClasses.Size (); ++i) { const PClass *type = PlayerClasses[i].Type; if (stricmp (type->Meta.GetMetaString (APMETA_DisplayName), classname) == 0) { return i; } } return -1; } else { return 0; } } void D_GetPlayerColor (int player, float *h, float *s, float *v) { int color = players[player].userinfo.color; RGBtoHSV (RPART(color)/255.f, GPART(color)/255.f, BPART(color)/255.f, h, s, v); if (teamplay && players[player].userinfo.team < NUM_TEAMS) { // In team play, force the player to use the team's hue // and adjust the saturation and value so that the team // hue is visible in the final color. *h = TeamHues[players[player].userinfo.team]; if (gameinfo.gametype == GAME_Doom) { *s = *s*0.15f+0.8f; *v = *v*0.5f+0.4f; } else { // I'm not really happy with the red team color in Heretic... *s = team == 0 ? 0.6f : 0.8f; *v = *v*0.4f+0.3f; } } } // Find out which teams are present. If there is only one, // then another team should be chosen at random. // // Otherwise, join whichever team has fewest players. If // teams are tied for fewest players, pick one of those // at random. void D_PickRandomTeam (int player) { static char teamline[8] = "\\team\\X"; BYTE *foo = (BYTE *)teamline; teamline[6] = D_PickRandomTeam() + '0'; D_ReadUserInfoStrings (player, &foo, teamplay); } int D_PickRandomTeam () { int teamPresent[NUM_TEAMS] = { 0 }; int numTeams = 0; int team; for (int i = 0; i < MAXPLAYERS; ++i) { if (playeringame[i]) { if (players[i].userinfo.team < NUM_TEAMS) { if (teamPresent[players[i].userinfo.team]++ == 0) { numTeams++; } } } } if (numTeams < 2) { do { team = pr_pickteam() % NUM_TEAMS; } while (teamPresent[team] != 0); } else { int lowest = INT_MAX, lowestTie = 0, i; int ties[NUM_TEAMS]; for (i = 0; i < NUM_TEAMS; ++i) { if (teamPresent[i] > 0) { if (teamPresent[i] < lowest) { lowest = teamPresent[i]; lowestTie = 0; ties[0] = i; } else if (teamPresent[i] == lowest) { ties[++lowestTie] = i; } } } if (lowestTie == 0) { team = ties[0]; } else { team = ties[pr_pickteam() % (lowestTie+1)]; } } return team; } static void UpdateTeam (int pnum, int team, bool update) { userinfo_t *info = &players[pnum].userinfo; int oldteam; oldteam = info->team; info->team = team; if (teamplay && info->team >= NUM_TEAMS) { // Force players onto teams in teamplay mode info->team = D_PickRandomTeam (); } if (update && oldteam != info->team) { if (info->team < NUM_TEAMS) Printf ("%s joined the %s team\n", info->netname, TeamNames[info->team]); else Printf ("%s is now a loner\n", info->netname); } // Let the player take on the team's color R_BuildPlayerTranslation (pnum); if (StatusBar != NULL && StatusBar->GetPlayer() == pnum) { StatusBar->AttachToPlayer (&players[pnum]); } if ((unsigned)info->team >= NUM_TEAMS) info->team = TEAM_None; } int D_GetFragCount (player_t *player) { if (!teamplay || player->userinfo.team >= NUM_TEAMS) { return player->fragcount; } else { // Count total frags for this player's team const int team = player->userinfo.team; int count = 0; for (int i = 0; i < MAXPLAYERS; ++i) { if (playeringame[i] && players[i].userinfo.team == team) { count += players[i].fragcount; } } return count; } } void D_SetupUserInfo () { int i; userinfo_t *coninfo = &players[consoleplayer].userinfo; for (i = 0; i < MAXPLAYERS; i++) memset (&players[i].userinfo, 0, sizeof(userinfo_t)); strncpy (coninfo->netname, name, MAXPLAYERNAME); if (teamplay && team >= NUM_TEAMS) { coninfo->team = D_PickRandomTeam (); } else { coninfo->team = team; } if (autoaim > 35.f || autoaim < 0.f) { coninfo->aimdist = ANGLE_1*35; } else { coninfo->aimdist = abs ((int)(autoaim * (float)ANGLE_1)); } coninfo->color = color; coninfo->skin = R_FindSkin (skin, 0); coninfo->gender = D_GenderToInt (gender); coninfo->neverswitch = neverswitchonpickup; coninfo->MoveBob = (fixed_t)(65536.f * movebob); coninfo->StillBob = (fixed_t)(65536.f * stillbob); coninfo->PlayerClass = D_PlayerClassToInt (playerclass); R_BuildPlayerTranslation (consoleplayer); } void D_UserInfoChanged (FBaseCVar *cvar) { UCVarValue val; char foo[256]; if (cvar == &autoaim) { if (autoaim < 0.0f) { autoaim = 0.0f; return; } else if (autoaim > 5000.0f) { autoaim = 5000.f; return; } } val = cvar->GetGenericRep (CVAR_String); if (4 + strlen (cvar->GetName ()) + strlen (val.String) > 256) I_Error ("User info descriptor too big"); sprintf (foo, "\\%s\\%s", cvar->GetName (), val.String); Net_WriteByte (DEM_UINFCHANGED); Net_WriteString (foo); } static const char *SetServerVar (char *name, ECVarType type, BYTE **stream, bool singlebit) { FBaseCVar *var = FindCVar (name, NULL); UCVarValue value; if (singlebit) { if (var != NULL) { int bitdata; int mask; value = var->GetFavoriteRep (&type); if (type != CVAR_Int) { return NULL; } bitdata = ReadByte (stream); mask = 1 << (bitdata & 31); if (bitdata & 32) { value.Int |= mask; } else { value.Int &= ~mask; } } } else { switch (type) { case CVAR_Bool: value.Bool = ReadByte (stream) ? 1 : 0; break; case CVAR_Int: value.Int = ReadLong (stream); break; case CVAR_Float: value.Float = ReadFloat (stream); break; case CVAR_String: value.String = ReadString (stream); break; default: break; // Silence GCC } } if (var) { var->ForceSet (value, type); } if (type == CVAR_String) { delete[] value.String; } if (var == &teamplay) { // Put players on teams if teamplay turned on for (int i = 0; i < MAXPLAYERS; ++i) { if (playeringame[i]) { UpdateTeam (i, players[i].userinfo.team, true); } } } if (var) { value = var->GetGenericRep (CVAR_String); return value.String; } return NULL; } EXTERN_CVAR (Float, sv_gravity) void D_SendServerInfoChange (const FBaseCVar *cvar, UCVarValue value, ECVarType type) { size_t namelen; namelen = strlen (cvar->GetName ()); Net_WriteByte (DEM_SINFCHANGED); Net_WriteByte ((BYTE)(namelen | (type << 6))); Net_WriteBytes ((BYTE *)cvar->GetName (), (int)namelen); switch (type) { case CVAR_Bool: Net_WriteByte (value.Bool); break; case CVAR_Int: Net_WriteLong (value.Int); break; case CVAR_Float: Net_WriteFloat (value.Float); break; case CVAR_String: Net_WriteString (value.String); break; default: break; // Silence GCC } } void D_SendServerFlagChange (const FBaseCVar *cvar, int bitnum, bool set) { int namelen; namelen = (int)strlen (cvar->GetName ()); Net_WriteByte (DEM_SINFCHANGEDXOR); Net_WriteByte (namelen); Net_WriteBytes ((BYTE *)cvar->GetName (), namelen); Net_WriteByte (bitnum | (set << 5)); } void D_DoServerInfoChange (BYTE **stream, bool singlebit) { const char *value; char name[64]; int len; int type; len = ReadByte (stream); type = len >> 6; len &= 0x3f; if (len == 0) return; memcpy (name, *stream, len); *stream += len; name[len] = 0; if ( (value = SetServerVar (name, (ECVarType)type, stream, singlebit)) && netgame) { Printf ("%s changed to %s\n", name, value); } } void D_WriteUserInfoStrings (int i, BYTE **stream, bool compact) { if (i >= MAXPLAYERS) { WriteByte (0, stream); } else { userinfo_t *info = &players[i].userinfo; const PClass *type = PlayerClasses[info->PlayerClass].Type; if (!compact) { sprintf (*((char **)stream), "\\name\\%s" "\\autoaim\\%g" "\\color\\%x %x %x" "\\skin\\%s" "\\team\\%d" "\\gender\\%s" "\\neverswitchonpickup\\%d" "\\movebob\\%g" "\\stillbob\\%g" "\\playerclass\\%s" , info->netname, (double)info->aimdist / (float)ANGLE_1, RPART(info->color), GPART(info->color), BPART(info->color), skins[info->skin].name, info->team, info->gender == GENDER_FEMALE ? "female" : info->gender == GENDER_NEUTER ? "other" : "male", info->neverswitch, (float)(info->MoveBob) / 65536.f, (float)(info->StillBob) / 65536.f, info->PlayerClass == -1 ? "Random" : type->Meta.GetMetaString (APMETA_DisplayName) ); } else { sprintf (*((char **)stream), "\\" "\\%s" // name "\\%g" // autoaim "\\%x %x %x" // color "\\%s" // skin "\\%d" // team "\\%s" // gender "\\%d" // neverswitchonpickup "\\%g" // movebob "\\%g" // stillbob "\\%s" // playerclass , info->netname, (double)info->aimdist / (float)ANGLE_1, RPART(info->color), GPART(info->color), BPART(info->color), skins[info->skin].name, info->team, info->gender == GENDER_FEMALE ? "female" : info->gender == GENDER_NEUTER ? "other" : "male", info->neverswitch, (float)(info->MoveBob) / 65536.f, (float)(info->StillBob) / 65536.f, info->PlayerClass == -1 ? "Random" : type->Meta.GetMetaString (APMETA_DisplayName) ); } } *stream += strlen (*((char **)stream)) + 1; } void D_ReadUserInfoStrings (int i, BYTE **stream, bool update) { userinfo_t *info = &players[i].userinfo; char *ptr = *((char **)stream); char *breakpt; char *value; bool compact; int infotype = -1; if (*ptr++ != '\\') return; compact = (*ptr == '\\') ? ptr++, true : false; if (i < MAXPLAYERS) { for (;;) { breakpt = strchr (ptr, '\\'); if (breakpt != NULL) *breakpt = 0; if (compact) { value = ptr; infotype++; } else { value = breakpt + 1; if ( (breakpt = strchr (value, '\\')) ) *breakpt = 0; int j = 0; while (UserInfoStrings[j] && stricmp (UserInfoStrings[j], ptr) != 0) j++; if (UserInfoStrings[j] == NULL) { infotype = -1; } else { infotype = j; } } switch (infotype) { case INFO_Autoaim: { double angles; angles = atof (value); if (angles > 35.f || angles < 0.f) { info->aimdist = ANGLE_1*35; } else { info->aimdist = abs ((int)(angles * (float)ANGLE_1)); } } break; case INFO_Name: { char oldname[MAXPLAYERNAME+1]; strncpy (oldname, info->netname, MAXPLAYERNAME); oldname[MAXPLAYERNAME] = 0; strncpy (info->netname, value, MAXPLAYERNAME); info->netname[MAXPLAYERNAME] = 0; if (update && strcmp (oldname, info->netname) != 0) { Printf ("%s is now known as %s\n", oldname, info->netname); } } break; case INFO_Team: UpdateTeam (i, atoi(value), update); break; case INFO_Color: info->color = V_GetColorFromString (NULL, value); R_BuildPlayerTranslation (i); if (StatusBar != NULL && i == StatusBar->GetPlayer()) { StatusBar->AttachToPlayer (&players[i]); } break; case INFO_Skin: info->skin = R_FindSkin (value, players[i].CurrentPlayerClass); if (players[i].mo != NULL) { if (players[i].cls != NULL && players[i].mo->state->sprite.index == GetDefaultByType (players[i].cls)->SpawnState->sprite.index) { // Only change the sprite if the player is using a standard one players[i].mo->sprite = skins[info->skin].sprite; players[i].mo->xscale = players[i].mo->yscale = skins[info->skin].scale; } } // Rebuild translation in case the new skin uses a different range // than the old one. R_BuildPlayerTranslation (i); if (StatusBar != NULL && i == StatusBar->GetPlayer()) { StatusBar->SetFace (&skins[info->skin]); } break; case INFO_Gender: info->gender = D_GenderToInt (value); break; case INFO_NeverSwitchOnPickup: if (*value >= '0' && *value <= '9') { info->neverswitch = atoi (value) ? true : false; } else if (stricmp (value, "true") == 0) { info->neverswitch = 1; } else { info->neverswitch = 0; } break; case INFO_MoveBob: info->MoveBob = (fixed_t)(atof (value) * 65536.f); break; case INFO_StillBob: info->StillBob = (fixed_t)(atof (value) * 65536.f); break; case INFO_PlayerClass: info->PlayerClass = D_PlayerClassToInt (value); break; default: break; } if (!compact) { *(value - 1) = '\\'; } if (breakpt) { *breakpt = '\\'; ptr = breakpt + 1; } else { break; } } } *stream += strlen (*((char **)stream)) + 1; } FArchive &operator<< (FArchive &arc, userinfo_t &info) { if (arc.IsStoring ()) { arc.Write (&info.netname, sizeof(info.netname)); } else { arc.Read (&info.netname, sizeof(info.netname)); } arc << info.team << info.aimdist << info.color << info.skin << info.gender << info.neverswitch; return arc; } CCMD (playerinfo) { if (argv.argc() < 2) { int i; for (i = 0; i < MAXPLAYERS; i++) { if (playeringame[i]) { Printf ("%d. %s\n", i, players[i].userinfo.netname); } } } else { int i = atoi (argv[1]); Printf ("Name: %s\n", players[i].userinfo.netname); Printf ("Team: %d\n", players[i].userinfo.team); Printf ("Aimdist: %d\n", players[i].userinfo.aimdist); Printf ("Color: %06x\n", players[i].userinfo.color); Printf ("Skin: %d\n", players[i].userinfo.skin); Printf ("Gender: %d\n", players[i].userinfo.gender); Printf ("NeverSwitch: %d\n", players[i].userinfo.neverswitch); Printf ("MoveBob: %g\n", players[i].userinfo.MoveBob/65536.f); Printf ("StillBob: %g\n", players[i].userinfo.StillBob/65536.f); Printf ("PlayerClass: %d\n", players[i].userinfo.PlayerClass); } }