#include #include "info.h" #include "m_random.h" #include "p_local.h" #include "s_sound.h" #include "gi.h" #include "p_lnspec.h" #include "sbar.h" #include "statnums.h" #include "c_dispatch.h" #include "gstrings.h" #include "templates.h" #include "a_morph.h" #include "a_specialspot.h" #include "g_level.h" #include "g_game.h" #include "doomstat.h" #include "d_player.h" #include "p_spec.h" #include "serializer.h" #include "virtual.h" #include "c_functions.h" #include "g_levellocals.h" EXTERN_CVAR(Bool, sv_unlimited_pickup) IMPLEMENT_CLASS(PClassInventory, false, false) PClassInventory::PClassInventory() { } void PClassInventory::DeriveData(PClass *newclass) { assert(newclass->IsKindOf(RUNTIME_CLASS(PClassInventory))); Super::DeriveData(newclass); PClassInventory *newc = static_cast(newclass); newc->PickupMsg = PickupMsg; newc->ForbiddenToPlayerClass = ForbiddenToPlayerClass; newc->RestrictedToPlayerClass = RestrictedToPlayerClass; } size_t PClassInventory::PointerSubstitution(DObject *oldclass, DObject *newclass) { size_t changed = Super::PointerSubstitution(oldclass, newclass); AInventory *def = (AInventory*)Defaults; if (def != NULL) { if (def->PickupFlash == oldclass) def->PickupFlash = static_cast(newclass); for (unsigned i = 0; i < ForbiddenToPlayerClass.Size(); i++) { if (ForbiddenToPlayerClass[i] == oldclass) { ForbiddenToPlayerClass[i] = static_cast(newclass); changed++; } } for (unsigned i = 0; i < RestrictedToPlayerClass.Size(); i++) { if (RestrictedToPlayerClass[i] == oldclass) { RestrictedToPlayerClass[i] = static_cast(newclass); changed++; } } } return changed; } void AInventory::Finalize(FStateDefinitions &statedef) { Super::Finalize(statedef); flags |= MF_SPECIAL; } IMPLEMENT_CLASS(AInventory, false, true) IMPLEMENT_POINTERS_START(AInventory) IMPLEMENT_POINTER(Owner) IMPLEMENT_POINTERS_END DEFINE_FIELD_BIT(AInventory, ItemFlags, bPickupGood, IF_PICKUPGOOD) DEFINE_FIELD_BIT(AInventory, ItemFlags, bCreateCopyMoved, IF_CREATECOPYMOVED) DEFINE_FIELD_BIT(AInventory, ItemFlags, bInitEffectFailed, IF_INITEFFECTFAILED) DEFINE_FIELD(AInventory, Owner) DEFINE_FIELD(AInventory, Amount) DEFINE_FIELD(AInventory, MaxAmount) DEFINE_FIELD(AInventory, InterHubAmount) DEFINE_FIELD(AInventory, RespawnTics) DEFINE_FIELD(AInventory, Icon) DEFINE_FIELD(AInventory, DropTime) DEFINE_FIELD(AInventory, SpawnPointClass) DEFINE_FIELD(AInventory, PickupFlash) DEFINE_FIELD(AInventory, PickupSound) DEFINE_FIELD(AInventory, GiveQuest) DEFINE_FIELD(PClassInventory, PickupMsg) //=========================================================================== // // AInventory :: Tick // //=========================================================================== void AInventory::Tick () { if (Owner == NULL) { // AActor::Tick is only handling interaction with the world // and we don't want that for owned inventory items. Super::Tick (); } else if (tics != -1) // ... but at least we have to advance the states { tics--; // you can cycle through multiple states in a tic // [RH] Use <= 0 instead of == 0 so that spawnstates // of 0 tics work as expected. if (tics <= 0) { assert (state != NULL); if (state == NULL) { Destroy(); return; } if (!SetState (state->GetNextState())) return; // freed itself } } if (DropTime) { if (--DropTime == 0) { flags |= GetDefault()->flags & (MF_SPECIAL|MF_SOLID); } } } //=========================================================================== // // AInventory :: Serialize // //=========================================================================== void AInventory::Serialize(FSerializer &arc) { Super::Serialize (arc); auto def = (AInventory*)GetDefault(); arc("owner", Owner) ("amount", Amount, def->Amount) ("maxamount", MaxAmount, def->MaxAmount) ("interhubamount", InterHubAmount, def->InterHubAmount) ("respawntics", RespawnTics, def->RespawnTics) ("itemflags", ItemFlags, def->ItemFlags) ("icon", Icon, def->Icon) ("pickupsound", PickupSound, def->PickupSound) ("spawnpointclass", SpawnPointClass, def->SpawnPointClass) ("droptime", DropTime, def->DropTime) ("givequest", GiveQuest, def->GiveQuest); } //=========================================================================== // // AInventory :: MarkPrecacheSounds // //=========================================================================== void AInventory::MarkPrecacheSounds() const { Super::MarkPrecacheSounds(); PickupSound.MarkUsed(); } //=========================================================================== // // AInventory :: Grind // //=========================================================================== bool AInventory::Grind(bool items) { // Does this grind request even care about items? if (!items) { return false; } // Dropped items are normally destroyed by crushers. Set the DONTGIB flag, // and they'll act like corpses with it set and be immune to crushers. if (flags & MF_DROPPED) { if (!(flags3 & MF3_DONTGIB)) { Destroy(); } return false; } // Non-dropped items call the super method for compatibility. return Super::Grind(items); } //=========================================================================== // // AInventory :: BecomeItem // // Lets this actor know that it's about to be placed in an inventory. // //=========================================================================== void AInventory::BecomeItem () { if (!(flags & (MF_NOBLOCKMAP|MF_NOSECTOR))) { UnlinkFromWorld (nullptr); flags |= MF_NOBLOCKMAP|MF_NOSECTOR; LinkToWorld (nullptr); } RemoveFromHash (); flags &= ~MF_SPECIAL; ChangeStatNum(STAT_INVENTORY); // stop all sounds this item is playing. for(int i = 1;i<=7;i++) S_StopSound(this, i); SetState (FindState("Held")); } DEFINE_ACTION_FUNCTION(AInventory, BecomeItem) { PARAM_SELF_PROLOGUE(AInventory); self->BecomeItem(); return 0; } //=========================================================================== // // AInventory :: BecomePickup // // Lets this actor know it should wait to be picked up. // //=========================================================================== void AInventory::BecomePickup () { if (Owner != NULL) { Owner->RemoveInventory (this); } if (flags & (MF_NOBLOCKMAP|MF_NOSECTOR)) { UnlinkFromWorld (nullptr); flags &= ~(MF_NOBLOCKMAP|MF_NOSECTOR); LinkToWorld (nullptr); P_FindFloorCeiling (this); } flags = (GetDefault()->flags | MF_DROPPED) & ~MF_COUNTITEM; renderflags &= ~RF_INVISIBLE; ChangeStatNum(STAT_DEFAULT); SetState (SpawnState); } DEFINE_ACTION_FUNCTION(AInventory, BecomePickup) { PARAM_SELF_PROLOGUE(AInventory); self->BecomePickup(); return 0; } //=========================================================================== // // AInventory :: GetSpeedFactor // //=========================================================================== double AInventory::GetSpeedFactor() { double factor = 1.; auto self = this; while (self != nullptr) { IFVIRTUALPTR(self, AInventory, GetSpeedFactor) { VMValue params[1] = { (DObject*)self }; double retval; VMReturn ret(&retval); GlobalVMStack.Call(func, params, 1, &ret, 1, nullptr); factor *= retval; } self = self->Inventory; } return factor; } //=========================================================================== // // AInventory :: GetNoTeleportFreeze // //=========================================================================== bool AInventory::GetNoTeleportFreeze () { auto self = this; while (self != nullptr) { IFVIRTUALPTR(self, AInventory, GetNoTeleportFreeze) { VMValue params[1] = { (DObject*)self }; int retval; VMReturn ret(&retval); GlobalVMStack.Call(func, params, 1, &ret, 1, nullptr); if (retval) return true; } self = self->Inventory; } return false; } //=========================================================================== // // AInventory :: Use // //=========================================================================== bool AInventory::CallUse(bool pickup) { IFVIRTUAL(AInventory, Use) { VMValue params[2] = { (DObject*)this, pickup }; int retval; VMReturn ret(&retval); GlobalVMStack.Call(func, params, 2, &ret, 1, nullptr); return !!retval; } return false; } //=========================================================================== // // //=========================================================================== static int StaticLastMessageTic; static FString StaticLastMessage; DEFINE_ACTION_FUNCTION(AInventory, PrintPickupMessage) { PARAM_PROLOGUE; PARAM_BOOL(localview); PARAM_STRING(str); if (str.IsNotEmpty() && localview && (StaticLastMessageTic != gametic || StaticLastMessage.Compare(str))) { StaticLastMessageTic = gametic; StaticLastMessage = str; const char *pstr = str.GetChars(); if (pstr[0] == '$') pstr = GStrings(pstr + 1); if (pstr[0] != 0) Printf(PRINT_LOW, "%s\n", pstr); StatusBar->FlashCrosshair(); } return 0; } //=========================================================================== // // AInventory :: Destroy // //=========================================================================== void AInventory::OnDestroy () { if (Owner != NULL) { Owner->RemoveInventory (this); } Inventory = NULL; Super::OnDestroy(); // Although contrived it can theoretically happen that these variables still got a pointer to this item if (SendItemUse == this) SendItemUse = NULL; if (SendItemDrop == this) SendItemDrop = NULL; } //=========================================================================== // // AInventory :: DepleteOrDestroy // // If the item is depleted, just change its amount to 0, otherwise it's destroyed. // //=========================================================================== void AInventory::DepleteOrDestroy () { IFVIRTUAL(AInventory, DepleteOrDestroy) { VMValue params[1] = { (DObject*)this }; GlobalVMStack.Call(func, params, 1, nullptr, 0, nullptr); } } //=========================================================================== // // AInventory :: GetBlend // // Returns a color to blend to the player's view as long as they possess this // item. // //=========================================================================== PalEntry AInventory::CallGetBlend() { IFVIRTUAL(AInventory, GetBlend) { VMValue params[1] = { (DObject*)this }; int retval; VMReturn ret(&retval); GlobalVMStack.Call(func, params, 1, &ret, 1, nullptr); return retval; } else return 0; } //=========================================================================== // // AInventory :: PrevItem // // Returns the previous item. // //=========================================================================== AInventory *AInventory::PrevItem () { AInventory *item = Owner->Inventory; while (item != NULL && item->Inventory != this) { item = item->Inventory; } return item; } //=========================================================================== // // AInventory :: PrevInv // // Returns the previous item with IF_INVBAR set. // //=========================================================================== AInventory *AInventory::PrevInv () { AInventory *lastgood = NULL; AInventory *item = Owner->Inventory; while (item != NULL && item != this) { if (item->ItemFlags & IF_INVBAR) { lastgood = item; } item = item->Inventory; } return lastgood; } //=========================================================================== // // AInventory :: NextInv // // Returns the next item with IF_INVBAR set. // //=========================================================================== AInventory *AInventory::NextInv () { AInventory *item = Inventory; while (item != NULL && !(item->ItemFlags & IF_INVBAR)) { item = item->Inventory; } return item; } //=========================================================================== // // AInventory :: DoRespawn // //=========================================================================== bool AInventory::DoRespawn () { if (SpawnPointClass != NULL) { AActor *spot = NULL; DSpotState *state = DSpotState::GetSpotState(); if (state != NULL) spot = state->GetRandomSpot(SpawnPointClass); if (spot != NULL) { SetOrigin (spot->Pos(), false); SetZ(floorz); } } return true; } DEFINE_ACTION_FUNCTION(AInventory, DoRespawn) { PARAM_SELF_PROLOGUE(AInventory); ACTION_RETURN_BOOL(self->DoRespawn()); } //=========================================================================== // // AInventory :: CallTryPickup // //=========================================================================== bool AInventory::CallTryPickup(AActor *toucher, AActor **toucher_return) { static VMFunction *func = nullptr; if (func == nullptr) PClass::FindFunction(&func, NAME_Inventory, NAME_CallTryPickup); VMValue params[2] = { (DObject*)this, toucher }; VMReturn ret[2]; int res; AActor *tret; ret[0].IntAt(&res); ret[1].PointerAt((void**)&tret); GlobalVMStack.Call(func, params, 2, ret, 2); if (toucher_return) *toucher_return = tret; return !!res; } //=========================================================================== // // AInventory :: CanPickup // //=========================================================================== DEFINE_ACTION_FUNCTION(AInventory, CanPickup) { PARAM_SELF_PROLOGUE(AInventory); PARAM_OBJECT(toucher, AActor); if (!toucher) ACTION_RETURN_BOOL(false); PClassInventory *ai = self->GetClass(); // Is the item restricted to certain player classes? if (ai->RestrictedToPlayerClass.Size() != 0) { for (unsigned i = 0; i < ai->RestrictedToPlayerClass.Size(); ++i) { if (toucher->IsKindOf(ai->RestrictedToPlayerClass[i])) ACTION_RETURN_BOOL(true); } ACTION_RETURN_BOOL(false); } // Or is it forbidden to certain other classes? else { for (unsigned i = 0; i < ai->ForbiddenToPlayerClass.Size(); ++i) { if (toucher->IsKindOf(ai->ForbiddenToPlayerClass[i])) ACTION_RETURN_BOOL(false); } } ACTION_RETURN_BOOL(true); } //=========================================================================== // // CCMD printinv // // Prints the console player's current inventory. // //=========================================================================== CCMD (printinv) { int pnum = consoleplayer; #ifdef _DEBUG // Only allow peeking on other players' inventory in debug builds. if (argv.argc() > 1) { pnum = atoi (argv[1]); if (pnum < 0 || pnum >= MAXPLAYERS) { return; } } #endif C_PrintInv(players[pnum].mo); } CCMD (targetinv) { FTranslatedLineTarget t; if (CheckCheatmode () || players[consoleplayer].mo == NULL) return; C_AimLine(&t, true); if (t.linetarget) { C_PrintInv(t.linetarget); } else Printf("No target found. Targetinv cannot find actors that have " "the NOBLOCKMAP flag or have height/radius of 0.\n"); } //=========================================================================== //=========================================================================== IMPLEMENT_CLASS(AStateProvider, false, false)