// The Heresiarch him/itself ------------------------------------------------ //============================================================================ // // Sorcerer stuff // // Sorcerer Variables // specialf1 Angle of ball 1 (all others relative to that) // StopBall which ball to stop at in stop mode (MT_???) // args[0] Defense time // args[1] Number of full rotations since stopping mode // args[2] Target orbit speed for acceleration/deceleration // args[3] Movement mode (see SORC_ macros) // args[4] Current ball orbit speed // Sorcerer Ball Variables // specialf1 Previous angle of ball (for woosh) // special2 Countdown of rapid fire (FX4) //============================================================================ class Heresiarch : Actor { const SORCBALL_INITIAL_SPEED = 7; const SORCBALL_TERMINAL_SPEED = 25; const SORCBALL_SPEED_ROTATIONS = 5; const SORC_DEFENSE_TIME = 255; const SORC_DEFENSE_HEIGHT = 45; const BOUNCE_TIME_UNIT = (35/2); const SORCFX4_RAPIDFIRE_TIME = (6*3); // 3 seconds const SORCFX4_SPREAD_ANGLE = 20; enum ESorc { SORC_DECELERATE, SORC_ACCELERATE, SORC_STOPPING, SORC_FIRESPELL, SORC_STOPPED, SORC_NORMAL, SORC_FIRING_SPELL } const BALL1_ANGLEOFFSET = 0.; const BALL2_ANGLEOFFSET = 120.; const BALL3_ANGLEOFFSET = 240.; double BallAngle; class<SorcBall> StopBall; Default { Health 5000; Painchance 10; Speed 16; Radius 40; Height 110; Mass 500; Damage 9; Monster; +FLOORCLIP +BOSS +DONTMORPH +NOTARGET +NOICEDEATH +DEFLECT +NOBLOOD SeeSound "SorcererSight"; PainSound "SorcererPain"; DeathSound "SorcererDeathScream"; ActiveSound "SorcererActive"; Obituary "$OB_HERESIARCH"; Tag "$FN_HERESIARCH"; } States { Spawn: SORC A 3; SORC A 2 A_SorcSpinBalls; Idle: SORC A 10 A_Look; Wait; See: SORC ABCD 5 A_Chase; Loop; Pain: SORC G 8; SORC G 8 A_Pain; Goto See; Missile: SORC F 6 Bright A_FaceTarget; SORC F 6 Bright A_SpeedBalls; SORC F 6 Bright A_FaceTarget; Wait; Attack1: SORC E 6 Bright; SORC E 6 Bright A_SpawnFizzle; SORC E 5 Bright A_FaceTarget; Goto Attack1+1; Attack2: SORC E 2 Bright; SORC E 2 Bright A_SorcBossAttack; Goto See; Death: SORC H 5 Bright; SORC I 5 Bright A_FaceTarget; SORC J 5 Bright A_Scream; SORC KLMNOPQRST 5 Bright; SORC U 5 Bright A_NoBlocking; SORC VWXY 5 Bright; SORC Z -1 Bright; Stop; } override void Die (Actor source, Actor inflictor, int dmgflags, Name MeansOfDeath) { // The heresiarch just executes a script instead of a special upon death int script = special; special = 0; Super.Die (source, inflictor, dmgflags, MeansOfDeath); if (script != 0) { ACS_Execute(script, 0); } } //============================================================================ // // A_StopBalls // // Instant stop when rotation gets to ball in special2 // self is sorcerer // //============================================================================ void A_StopBalls() { int chance = random[Heresiarch](); args[3] = SORC_STOPPING; // stopping mode args[1] = 0; // Reset rotation counter if ((args[0] <= 0) && (chance < 200)) { StopBall = "SorcBall2"; // Blue } else if((health < (SpawnHealth() >> 1)) && (chance < 200)) { StopBall = "SorcBall3"; // Green } else { StopBall = "SorcBall1"; // Yellow } } //============================================================================ // // A_SorcSpinBalls // // Spawn spinning balls above head - actor is sorcerer //============================================================================ void A_SorcSpinBalls() { A_SlowBalls(); args[0] = 0; // Currently no defense args[3] = SORC_NORMAL; args[4] = SORCBALL_INITIAL_SPEED; // Initial orbit speed BallAngle = 1.; Vector3 ballpos = (pos.xy, -Floorclip + Height); Actor mo = Spawn("SorcBall1", pos, NO_REPLACE); if (mo) { mo.target = self; mo.special2 = SORCFX4_RAPIDFIRE_TIME; } mo = Spawn("SorcBall2", pos, NO_REPLACE); if (mo) mo.target = self; mo = Spawn("SorcBall3", pos, NO_REPLACE); if (mo) mo.target = self; } //============================================================================ // // A_SpeedBalls // // Set balls to speed mode - self is sorcerer // //============================================================================ void A_SpeedBalls() { args[3] = SORC_ACCELERATE; // speed mode args[2] = SORCBALL_TERMINAL_SPEED; // target speed } //============================================================================ // // A_SlowBalls // // Set balls to slow mode - actor is sorcerer // //============================================================================ void A_SlowBalls() { args[3] = SORC_DECELERATE; // slow mode args[2] = SORCBALL_INITIAL_SPEED; // target speed } //============================================================================ // // A_SorcBossAttack // // Resume ball spinning // //============================================================================ void A_SorcBossAttack() { args[3] = SORC_ACCELERATE; args[2] = SORCBALL_INITIAL_SPEED; } //============================================================================ // // A_SpawnFizzle // // spell cast magic fizzle // //============================================================================ void A_SpawnFizzle() { Vector3 pos = Vec3Angle(5., Angle, -Floorclip + Height / 2. ); for (int ix=0; ix<5; ix++) { Actor mo = Spawn("SorcSpark1", pos, ALLOW_REPLACE); if (mo) { double rangle = Angle + random[Heresiarch](0, 4) * (4096 / 360.); mo.Vel.X = random[Heresiarch](0, int(speed) - 1) * cos(rangle); mo.Vel.Y = random[Heresiarch](0, int(speed) - 1) * sin(rangle); mo.Vel.Z = 2; } } } } // Base class for the balls flying around the Heresiarch's head ------------- class SorcBall : Actor { Default { Speed 10; Radius 5; Height 5; Projectile; -ACTIVATEIMPACT -ACTIVATEPCROSS +FULLVOLDEATH +CANBOUNCEWATER +NOWALLBOUNCESND BounceType "HexenCompat"; SeeSound "SorcererBallBounce"; DeathSound "SorcererBigBallExplode"; } double OldAngle, AngleOffset; //============================================================================ // // SorcBall::DoFireSpell // //============================================================================ virtual void DoFireSpell () { CastSorcererSpell (); target.args[3] = Heresiarch.SORC_STOPPED; } virtual void SorcUpdateBallAngle () { } override bool SpecialBlastHandling (Actor source, double strength) { // don't blast sorcerer balls return false; } //============================================================================ // // ASorcBall::CastSorcererSpell // // Make noise and change the parent sorcerer's animation // //============================================================================ virtual void CastSorcererSpell () { target.A_StartSound ("SorcererSpellCast", CHAN_VOICE); // Put sorcerer into throw spell animation if (target.health > 0) target.SetStateLabel ("Attack2"); } //============================================================================ // // A_SorcBallOrbit // // - actor is ball //============================================================================ void A_SorcBallOrbit() { // [RH] If no parent, then die instead of crashing if (target == null || target.health <= 0) { SetStateLabel ("Pain"); return; } int mode = target.args[3]; Heresiarch parent = Heresiarch(target); double dist = parent.radius - (radius*2); double prevangle = OldAngle; double baseangle = parent.BallAngle; double curangle = baseangle + AngleOffset; angle = curangle; switch (mode) { case Heresiarch.SORC_NORMAL: // Balls rotating normally SorcUpdateBallAngle (); break; case Heresiarch.SORC_DECELERATE: // Balls decelerating A_DecelBalls(); SorcUpdateBallAngle (); break; case Heresiarch.SORC_ACCELERATE: // Balls accelerating A_AccelBalls(); SorcUpdateBallAngle (); break; case Heresiarch.SORC_STOPPING: // Balls stopping if ((parent.StopBall == GetClass()) && (parent.args[1] > Heresiarch.SORCBALL_SPEED_ROTATIONS) && absangle(curangle, parent.angle) < 42.1875) { // Can stop now target.args[3] = Heresiarch.SORC_FIRESPELL; target.args[4] = 0; // Set angle so self angle == sorcerer angle parent.BallAngle = parent.angle - AngleOffset; } else { SorcUpdateBallAngle (); } break; case Heresiarch.SORC_FIRESPELL: // Casting spell if (parent.StopBall == GetClass()) { // Put sorcerer into special throw spell anim if (parent.health > 0) parent.SetStateLabel("Attack1"); DoFireSpell (); } break; case Heresiarch.SORC_FIRING_SPELL: if (parent.StopBall == GetClass()) { if (special2-- <= 0) { // Done rapid firing parent.args[3] = Heresiarch.SORC_STOPPED; // Back to orbit balls if (parent.health > 0) parent.SetStateLabel("Attack2"); } else { // Do rapid fire spell A_SorcOffense2(); } } break; default: break; } // The comparison here depends on binary angle semantics and cannot be done in floating point. // It also requires very exact conversion that must be done natively. if (BAM(curangle) < BAM(prevangle) && (parent.args[4] == Heresiarch.SORCBALL_TERMINAL_SPEED)) { parent.args[1]++; // Bump rotation counter // Completed full rotation - make woosh sound A_StartSound ("SorcererBallWoosh", CHAN_BODY); } OldAngle = curangle; // Set previous angle Vector3 pos = parent.Vec3Angle(dist, curangle, -parent.Floorclip + parent.Height); SetOrigin (pos, true); floorz = parent.floorz; ceilingz = parent.ceilingz; } //============================================================================ // // A_SorcOffense2 // // Actor is ball // //============================================================================ void A_SorcOffense2() { Actor parent = target; Actor dest = parent.target; // [RH] If no enemy, then don't try to shoot. if (dest == null) { return; } int index = args[4]; args[4] = (args[4] + 15) & 255; double delta = sin(index * (360 / 256.f)) * Heresiarch.SORCFX4_SPREAD_ANGLE; double ang1 = Angle + delta; Actor mo = parent.SpawnMissileAngle("SorcFX4", ang1, 0); if (mo) { mo.special2 = 35*5/2; // 5 seconds double dist = mo.DistanceBySpeed(dest, mo.Speed); mo.Vel.Z = (dest.pos.z - mo.pos.z) / dist; } } //============================================================================ // // A_AccelBalls // // Increase ball orbit speed - actor is ball // //============================================================================ void A_AccelBalls() { Heresiarch sorc = Heresiarch(target); if (sorc.args[4] < sorc.args[2]) { sorc.args[4]++; } else { sorc.args[3] = Heresiarch.SORC_NORMAL; if (sorc.args[4] >= Heresiarch.SORCBALL_TERMINAL_SPEED) { // Reached terminal velocity - stop balls sorc.A_StopBalls(); } } } //============================================================================ // // A_DecelBalls // // Decrease ball orbit speed - actor is ball // //============================================================================ void A_DecelBalls() { Actor sorc = target; if (sorc.args[4] > sorc.args[2]) { sorc.args[4]--; } else { sorc.args[3] = Heresiarch.SORC_NORMAL; } } void A_SorcBallExplode() { bNoBounceSound = true; A_Explode(255, 255); } //============================================================================ // // A_SorcBallPop // // Ball death - bounce away in a random direction // //============================================================================ void A_SorcBallPop() { A_StartSound ("SorcererBallPop", CHAN_BODY, CHANF_DEFAULT, 1., ATTN_NONE); bNoGravity = false; Gravity = 1. / 8; Vel.X = random[Heresiarch](-5, 4); Vel.Y = random[Heresiarch](-5, 4); Vel.Z = random[Heresiarch](2, 4); args[4] = Heresiarch.BOUNCE_TIME_UNIT; // Bounce time unit args[3] = 5; // Bounce time in seconds } //============================================================================ // // A_BounceCheck // //============================================================================ void A_BounceCheck () { if (args[4]-- <= 0) { if (args[3]-- <= 0) { SetStateLabel("Death"); A_StartSound ("SorcererBigBallExplode", CHAN_BODY, CHANF_DEFAULT, 1., ATTN_NONE); } else { args[4] = Heresiarch.BOUNCE_TIME_UNIT; } } } } // First ball (purple) - fires projectiles ---------------------------------- class SorcBall1 : SorcBall { States { Spawn: SBMP ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOP 2 A_SorcBallOrbit; Loop; Pain: SBMP A 5 A_SorcBallPop; SBMP B 2 A_BounceCheck; Wait; Death: SBS4 D 5 A_SorcBallExplode; SBS4 E 5; SBS4 FGH 6; Stop; } override void BeginPlay () { Super.BeginPlay (); AngleOffset = Heresiarch.BALL1_ANGLEOFFSET; } //============================================================================ // // SorcBall1::CastSorcererSpell // // Offensive // //============================================================================ override void CastSorcererSpell () { Super.CastSorcererSpell (); Actor parent = target; double ang1 = Angle + 70; double ang2 = Angle - 70; Class<Actor> cls = "SorcFX1"; Actor mo = parent.SpawnMissileAngle (cls, ang1, 0); if (mo) { mo.target = parent; mo.tracer = parent.target; mo.args[4] = Heresiarch.BOUNCE_TIME_UNIT; mo.args[3] = 15; // Bounce time in seconds } mo = parent.SpawnMissileAngle (cls, ang2, 0); if (mo) { mo.target = parent; mo.tracer = parent.target; mo.args[4] = Heresiarch.BOUNCE_TIME_UNIT; mo.args[3] = 15; // Bounce time in seconds } } //============================================================================ // // ASorcBall1::SorcUpdateBallAngle // // Update angle if first ball //============================================================================ override void SorcUpdateBallAngle () { (Heresiarch(target)).BallAngle += target.args[4]; } //============================================================================ // // SorcBall1::DoFireSpell // //============================================================================ override void DoFireSpell () { if (random[Heresiarch]() < 200) { target.A_StartSound ("SorcererSpellCast", CHAN_VOICE, CHANF_DEFAULT, 1., ATTN_NONE); special2 = Heresiarch.SORCFX4_RAPIDFIRE_TIME; args[4] = 128; target.args[3] = Heresiarch.SORC_FIRING_SPELL; } else { Super.DoFireSpell (); } } } // Second ball (blue) - generates the shield -------------------------------- class SorcBall2 : SorcBall { States { Spawn: SBMB ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOP 2 A_SorcBallOrbit; Loop; Pain: SBMB A 5 A_SorcBallPop; SBMB B 2 A_BounceCheck; Wait; Death: SBS3 D 5 A_SorcBallExplode; SBS3 E 5; SBS3 FGH 6; Stop; } override void BeginPlay () { Super.BeginPlay (); AngleOffset = Heresiarch.BALL2_ANGLEOFFSET; } //============================================================================ // // ASorcBall2::CastSorcererSpell // // Defensive // //============================================================================ override void CastSorcererSpell () { Super.CastSorcererSpell (); Actor parent = target; Actor mo = Spawn("SorcFX2", Pos + (0, 0, parent.Floorclip + Heresiarch.SORC_DEFENSE_HEIGHT), ALLOW_REPLACE); parent.bReflective = true; parent.bInvulnerable = true; parent.args[0] = Heresiarch.SORC_DEFENSE_TIME; if (mo) mo.target = parent; } } // Third ball (green) - summons Bishops ------------------------------------- class SorcBall3 : SorcBall { States { Spawn: SBMG ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOP 2 A_SorcBallOrbit; Loop; Pain: SBMG A 5 A_SorcBallPop; SBMG B 2 A_BounceCheck; Wait; Death: SBS3 D 5 A_SorcBallExplode; SBS3 E 5; SBS3 FGH 6; Stop; } override void BeginPlay () { Super.BeginPlay (); AngleOffset = Heresiarch.BALL3_ANGLEOFFSET; } //============================================================================ // // ASorcBall3::CastSorcererSpell // // Reinforcements // //============================================================================ override void CastSorcererSpell () { Actor mo; Super.CastSorcererSpell (); Actor parent = target; double ang1 = Angle - 45; double ang2 = Angle + 45; Class<Actor> cls = "SorcFX3"; if (health < (SpawnHealth()/3)) { // Spawn 2 at a time mo = parent.SpawnMissileAngle(cls, ang1, 4.); if (mo) mo.target = parent; mo = parent.SpawnMissileAngle(cls, ang2, 4.); if (mo) mo.target = parent; } else { if (random[Heresiarch]() < 128) ang1 = ang2; mo = parent.SpawnMissileAngle(cls, ang1, 4.); if (mo) mo.target = parent; } } } // Sorcerer spell 1 (The burning, bouncing head thing) ---------------------- class SorcFX1 : Actor { Default { Speed 7; Radius 5; Height 5; Projectile; -ACTIVATEIMPACT -ACTIVATEPCROSS -NOGRAVITY +FULLVOLDEATH +CANBOUNCEWATER +NOWALLBOUNCESND BounceFactor 1.0; BounceType "HexenCompat"; SeeSound "SorcererBallBounce"; DeathSound "SorcererHeadScream"; } States { Spawn: SBS1 A 2 Bright; SBS1 BCD 3 Bright A_SorcFX1Seek; Loop; Death: FHFX S 2 Bright A_Explode(30, 128); FHFX SS 6 Bright; Stop; } //============================================================================ // // A_SorcFX1Seek // // Yellow spell - offense // //============================================================================ void A_SorcFX1Seek() { if (args[4]-- <= 0) { if (args[3]-- <= 0) { SetStateLabel("Death"); A_StartSound ("SorcererHeadScream", CHAN_BODY, CHANF_DEFAULT, 1., ATTN_NONE); } else { args[4] = Heresiarch.BOUNCE_TIME_UNIT; } } A_SeekerMissile(2, 6); } } // Sorcerer spell 2 (The visible part of the shield) ------------------------ class SorcFX2 : Actor { Default { Speed 15; Radius 5; Height 5; +NOBLOCKMAP +NOGRAVITY +NOTELEPORT } states { Spawn: SBS2 A 3 Bright A_SorcFX2Split; Loop; Orbit: SBS2 A 2 Bright; SBS2 BCDEFGHIJKLMNOPA 2 Bright A_SorcFX2Orbit; Goto Orbit+1; Death: SBS2 A 10; Stop; } //============================================================================ // // A_SorcFX2Split // // Blue spell - defense // //============================================================================ // // FX2 Variables // specialf1 current angle // special2 // args[0] 0 = CW, 1 = CCW // args[1] //============================================================================ // Split ball in two void A_SorcFX2Split() { Actor mo = Spawn(GetClass(), Pos, NO_REPLACE); if (mo) { mo.target = target; mo.args[0] = 0; // CW mo.specialf1 = Angle; // Set angle mo.SetStateLabel("Orbit"); } mo = Spawn(GetClass(), Pos, NO_REPLACE); if (mo) { mo.target = target; mo.args[0] = 1; // CCW mo.specialf1 = Angle; // Set angle mo.SetStateLabel("Orbit"); } Destroy (); } //============================================================================ // // A_SorcFX2Orbit // // Orbit FX2 about sorcerer // //============================================================================ void A_SorcFX2Orbit () { Actor parent = target; // [RH] If no parent, then disappear if (parent == null) { Destroy(); return; } double dist = parent.radius; if ((parent.health <= 0) || // Sorcerer is dead (!parent.args[0])) // Time expired { SetStateLabel("Death"); parent.args[0] = 0; parent.bReflective = false; parent.bInvulnerable = false; } if (args[0] && (parent.args[0]-- <= 0)) // Time expired { SetStateLabel("Death"); parent.args[0] = 0; parent.bReflective = false; } Vector3 posi; // Move to new position based on angle if (args[0]) // Counter clock-wise { specialf1 += 10; angle = specialf1; posi = parent.Vec3Angle(dist, angle, parent.Floorclip + Heresiarch.SORC_DEFENSE_HEIGHT); posi.Z += 15 * cos(angle); // Spawn trailer Spawn("SorcFX2T1", pos, ALLOW_REPLACE); } else // Clock wise { specialf1 -= 10; angle = specialf1; posi = parent.Vec3Angle(dist, angle, parent.Floorclip + Heresiarch.SORC_DEFENSE_HEIGHT); posi.Z += 20 * sin(angle); // Spawn trailer Spawn("SorcFX2T1", pos, ALLOW_REPLACE); } SetOrigin (posi, true); floorz = parent.floorz; ceilingz = parent.ceilingz; } } // The translucent trail behind SorcFX2 ------------------------------------- class SorcFX2T1 : SorcFX2 { Default { RenderStyle "Translucent"; Alpha 0.4; } States { Spawn: Goto Death; } } // Sorcerer spell 3 (The Bishop spawner) ------------------------------------ class SorcFX3 : Actor { Default { Speed 15; Radius 22; Height 65; +NOBLOCKMAP +MISSILE +NOTELEPORT SeeSound "SorcererBishopSpawn"; } States { Spawn: SBS3 ABC 2 Bright; Loop; Death: SBS3 A 4 Bright; BISH P 4 A_SorcererBishopEntry; BISH ON 4; BISH MLKJIH 3; BISH G 3 A_SpawnBishop; Stop; } //============================================================================ // // A_SorcererBishopEntry // //============================================================================ void A_SorcererBishopEntry() { Spawn("SorcFX3Explosion", Pos, ALLOW_REPLACE); A_StartSound (SeeSound, CHAN_VOICE); } //============================================================================ // // A_SpawnBishop // // Green spell - spawn bishops // //============================================================================ void A_SpawnBishop() { Actor mo = Spawn("Bishop", Pos, ALLOW_REPLACE); if (mo) { if (!mo.TestMobjLocation()) { mo.ClearCounters(); mo.Destroy (); } else if (target != null) { // [RH] Make the new bishops inherit the Heresiarch's target mo.CopyFriendliness (target, true); mo.master = target; } } Destroy (); } } // The Bishop spawner's explosion animation --------------------------------- class SorcFX3Explosion : Actor { Default { +NOBLOCKMAP +NOGRAVITY +NOTELEPORT RenderStyle "Translucent"; Alpha 0.4; } States { Spawn: SBS3 DEFGH 3; Stop; } } // Sorcerer spell 4 (The purple projectile) --------------------------------- class SorcFX4 : Actor { Default { Speed 12; Radius 10; Height 10; Projectile; -ACTIVATEIMPACT -ACTIVATEPCROSS DeathSound "SorcererBallExplode"; } States { Spawn: SBS4 ABC 2 Bright A_SorcFX4Check; Loop; Death: SBS4 D 2 Bright; SBS4 E 2 Bright A_Explode(20, 128); SBS4 FGH 2 Bright; Stop; } //============================================================================ // // A_SorcFX4Check // // FX4 - rapid fire balls // //============================================================================ void A_SorcFX4Check() { if (special2-- <= 0) { SetStateLabel ("Death"); } } } // Spark that appears when shooting SorcFX4 --------------------------------- class SorcSpark1 : Actor { Default { Radius 5; Height 5; Gravity 0.125; +NOBLOCKMAP +DROPOFF +NOTELEPORT +ZDOOMTRANS RenderStyle "Add"; } States { Spawn: SBFX ABCDEFG 4 Bright; Stop; } }