extend class Actor

	// AActor :: FirstInv
	// Returns the first item in this actor's inventory that has IF_INVBAR set.

	clearscope Inventory FirstInv ()
		if (Inv == NULL)
			return NULL;
		if (Inv.bInvBar)
			return Inv;
		return Inv.NextInv ();

	// AActor :: AddInventory

	virtual void AddInventory (Inventory item)
		// Check if it's already attached to an actor
		if (item.Owner != NULL)
			// Is it attached to us?
			if (item.Owner == self)

			// No, then remove it from the other actor first
			item.Owner.RemoveInventory (item);

		item.Owner = self;
		item.Inv = Inv;
		Inv = item;

		// Each item receives an unique ID when added to an actor's inventory.
		// This is used by the DEM_INVUSE command to identify the item. Simply
		// using the item's position in the list won't work, because ticcmds get
		// run sometime in the future, so by the time it runs, the inventory
		// might not be in the same state as it was when DEM_INVUSE was sent.
		Inv.InventoryID = InventoryID++;

	// AActor :: GiveInventory

	bool GiveInventory(Class<Inventory> type, int amount, bool givecheat = false)
		bool result = true;
		let player = self.player;

		// This can be called from places which do not check the given item's type.
		if (type == null || !(type is 'Inventory')) return false;

		Weapon savedPendingWeap = player != NULL ? player.PendingWeapon : NULL;
		bool hadweap = player != NULL ? player.ReadyWeapon != NULL : true;

		Inventory item;
		if (!givecheat)
			item = Inventory(Spawn (type));
			item = Inventory(Spawn (type, Pos, NO_REPLACE));
			if (item == NULL) return false;

		// This shouldn't count for the item statistics.
		if (!givecheat || amount > 0)
			item.SetGiveAmount(self, amount, givecheat);
		if (!item.CallTryPickup (self))
			item.Destroy ();
			result = false;
		// If the item was a weapon, don't bring it up automatically
		// unless the player was not already using a weapon.
		// Don't bring it up automatically if this is called by the give cheat.
		if (!givecheat && player != NULL && savedPendingWeap != NULL && hadweap)
			player.PendingWeapon = savedPendingWeap;
		return result;

	// AActor :: RemoveInventory

	virtual void RemoveInventory(Inventory item)
		if (item != NULL && item.Owner != NULL)	// can happen if the owner was destroyed by some action from an item's use state.
			if (Inv == item) Inv = item.Inv;
				for (Actor invp = self; invp != null; invp = invp.Inv)
					if (invp.Inv == item)
						invp.Inv = item.Inv;
			item.Owner = NULL;
			item.Inv = NULL;

	// AActor :: TakeInventory

	bool TakeInventory(class<Inventory> itemclass, int amount, bool fromdecorate = false, bool notakeinfinite = false)
		amount = abs(amount);
		let item = FindInventory(itemclass);

		if (item == NULL)
			return false;

		if (!fromdecorate)
			item.Amount -= amount;
			if (item.Amount <= 0)
			// It won't be used in non-decorate context, so return false here
			return false;

		bool result = false;
		if (item.Amount > 0)
			result = true;

		// Do not take ammo if the "no take infinite/take as ammo depletion" flag is set
		// and infinite ammo is on
		if (notakeinfinite &&
		(sv_infiniteammo || (player && FindInventory('PowerInfiniteAmmo', true))) && (item is 'Ammo'))
			// Nothing to do here, except maybe res = false;? Would it make sense?
			result = false;
		else if (!amount || amount >= item.Amount)
		else item.Amount -= amount;

		return result;

	// AActor :: SetInventory

	bool SetInventory(class<Inventory> itemclass, int amount, bool beyondMax = false)
		let item = FindInventory(itemclass);

		if (item != null)
			// A_SetInventory sets the absolute amount.
			// Subtract or set the appropriate amount as necessary.

			if (amount == item.Amount)
				// Nothing was changed.
				return false;
			else if (amount <= 0)
				//Remove it all.
				return TakeInventory(itemclass, item.Amount, true, false);
			else if (amount < item.Amount)
				int amt = abs(item.Amount - amount);
				return TakeInventory(itemclass, amt, true, false);
				item.Amount = (beyondMax ? amount : clamp(amount, 0, item.MaxAmount));
				return true;
			if (amount <= 0)
				return true;
			item = Inventory(Spawn(itemclass));
			if (item == null)
				return false;
				item.Amount = amount;
				item.bDropped = true;
				item.bIgnoreSkill = true;
				if (!item.CallTryPickup(self))
					return false;
				return true;
		return false;

	// AActor :: UseInventory
	// Attempts to use an item. If the use succeeds, one copy of the item is
	// removed from the inventory. If all copies are removed, then the item is
	// destroyed.

	virtual bool UseInventory (Inventory item)
		// No using items if you're dead or you don't have them.
		if (health <= 0 || item.Amount <= 0 || item.bDestroyed)
			return false;

		if (!item.Use(false))
			return false;

		if (sv_infiniteinventory)
			return true;

		if (--item.Amount <= 0)
			item.DepleteOrDestroy ();
		return true;

	// AActor :: DropInventory
	// Removes a single copy of an item and throws it out in front of the actor.

	Inventory DropInventory (Inventory item, int amt = 1)
		Inventory drop = item.CreateTossable(amt);
		if (drop == null) return NULL;
		drop.SetOrigin(Pos + (0, 0, 10.), false);
		drop.Angle = Angle;
		drop.Vel.Z = 1.;
		drop.Vel += Vel;
		drop.bNoGravity = false;	// Don't float
		drop.ClearCounters();	// do not count for statistics again
		return drop;

	// AActor :: ClearInventory
	// Clears the inventory of a single actor.

	virtual void ClearInventory()
		// In case destroying an inventory item causes another to be destroyed
		// (e.g. Weapons destroy their sisters), keep track of the pointer to
		// the next inventory item rather than the next inventory item itself.
		// For example, if a weapon is immediately followed by its sister, the
		// next weapon we had tracked would be to the sister, so it is now
		// invalid and we won't be able to find the complete inventory by
		// following it.
		// When we destroy an item, we leave last alone, since the destruction
		// process will leave it pointing to the next item we want to check. If
		// we don't destroy an item, then we move last to point to its Inventory
		// pointer.
		// It should be safe to assume that an item being destroyed will only
		// destroy items further down in the chain, because if it was going to
		// destroy something we already processed, we've already destroyed it,
		// so it won't have anything to destroy.

		let last = self;

		while (last.inv != NULL)
			let inv = last.inv;
			if (!inv.bUndroppable && !inv.bUnclearable)
				if (!inv.bDestroyed) last = inv;	// was only depleted so advance the pointer manually.
				last = inv;
		if (player != null)
			player.ReadyWeapon = null;
			player.PendingWeapon = WP_NOCHANGE;

	// AActor :: GiveAmmo
	// Returns true if the ammo was added, false if not.

	bool GiveAmmo (Class<Ammo> type, int amount)
		if (type != NULL && type is 'Ammo')
			let item = Inventory(Spawn (type));
			if (item)
				item.Amount = amount;
				item.bDropped = true;
				if (!item.CallTryPickup (self))
					item.Destroy ();
					return false;
				return true;
		return false;

	// DoGiveInventory

	static bool DoGiveInventory(Actor receiver, bool orresult, class<Inventory> mi, int amount, int setreceiver)
		int paramnum = 0;

		if (receiver == NULL)
		{ // If there's nothing to receive it, it's obviously a fail, right?
			return false;
		if (!orresult)
			receiver = receiver.GetPointer(setreceiver);
			if (receiver == NULL)
				return false;
		// Owned inventory items cannot own anything because their Inventory pointer is repurposed for the owner's linked list.
		if (receiver is 'Inventory' && Inventory(receiver).Owner != null)
			return false;

		if (amount <= 0)
			amount = 1;
		if (mi)
			let item = Inventory(Spawn(mi));
			if (item == NULL)
				return false;
			if (item is 'Health')
				item.Amount *= amount;
				item.Amount = amount;
			item.bDropped = true;
			if (!item.CallTryPickup(receiver))
				return false;
				return true;
		return false;

	bool A_GiveInventory(class<Inventory> itemtype, int amount = 0, int giveto = AAPTR_DEFAULT)
		return DoGiveInventory(self, false, itemtype, amount, giveto);

	bool A_GiveToTarget(class<Inventory> itemtype, int amount = 0, int giveto = AAPTR_DEFAULT)
		return DoGiveInventory(target, false, itemtype, amount, giveto);

	int A_GiveToChildren(class<Inventory> itemtype, int amount = 0)
		let it = ThinkerIterator.Create('Actor');
		Actor mo;
		int count = 0;

		while ((mo = Actor(it.Next())))
			if (mo.master == self)
				count += DoGiveInventory(mo, true, itemtype, amount, AAPTR_DEFAULT);
		return count;

	int A_GiveToSiblings(class<Inventory> itemtype, int amount = 0)
		let it = ThinkerIterator.Create('Actor');
		Actor mo;
		int count = 0;

		if (self.master != NULL)
			while ((mo = Actor(it.Next())))
				if (mo.master == self.master && mo != self)
					count += DoGiveInventory(mo, true, itemtype, amount, AAPTR_DEFAULT);
		return count;

	// A_TakeInventory

	bool DoTakeInventory(Actor receiver, bool orresult, class<Inventory> itemtype, int amount, int flags, int setreceiver = AAPTR_DEFAULT)
		int paramnum = 0;

		if (itemtype == NULL)
			return false;
		if (receiver == NULL)
			return false;
		if (!orresult)
			receiver = receiver.GetPointer(setreceiver);
		if (receiver == NULL)
			return false;

		return receiver.TakeInventory(itemtype, amount, true, (flags & TIF_NOTAKEINFINITE) != 0);

	bool A_TakeInventory(class<Inventory> itemtype, int amount = 0, int flags = 0, int giveto = AAPTR_DEFAULT)
		return DoTakeInventory(self, false, itemtype, amount, flags, giveto);

	bool A_TakeFromTarget(class<Inventory> itemtype, int amount = 0, int flags = 0, int giveto = AAPTR_DEFAULT)
		return DoTakeInventory(target, false, itemtype, amount, flags, giveto);

	int A_TakeFromChildren(class<Inventory> itemtype, int amount = 0)
		let it = ThinkerIterator.Create('Actor');
		Actor mo;
		int count = 0;

		while ((mo = Actor(it.Next())))
			if (mo.master == self)
				count += DoTakeInventory(mo, true, itemtype, amount, 0, AAPTR_DEFAULT);
		return count;

	int A_TakeFromSiblings(class<Inventory> itemtype, int amount = 0)
		let it = ThinkerIterator.Create('Actor');
		Actor mo;
		int count = 0;

		if (self.master != NULL)
			while ((mo = Actor(it.Next())))
				if (mo.master == self.master && mo != self)
					count += DoTakeInventory(mo, true, itemtype, amount, 0, AAPTR_DEFAULT);
		return count;

	// A_SetInventory

	bool A_SetInventory(class<Inventory> itemtype, int amount, int ptr = AAPTR_DEFAULT, bool beyondMax = false)
		bool res = false;

		if (itemtype == null)
			return false;

		Actor mobj = GetPointer(ptr);

		if (mobj == null)
			return false;

		// Do not run this function on voodoo dolls because the way they transfer the inventory to the player will not work with the code below.
		if (mobj.player != null)
			mobj = mobj.player.mo;
		return mobj.SetInventory(itemtype, amount, beyondMax);

	// P_TossItem

	void TossItem ()
		int style = sv_dropstyle;
		if (style==0) style = gameinfo.defaultdropstyle;

		if (style==2)
			Vel.X += random2[DropItem](7);
			Vel.Y += random2[DropItem](7);
			Vel.X += random2[DropItem]() / 256.;
			Vel.Y += random2[DropItem]() / 256.;
			Vel.Z = 5. + random[DropItem]() / 64.;

	// PROC A_DropItem

	Actor A_DropItem(class<Actor> item, int dropamount = -1, int chance = 256)
		if (item != NULL && random[DropItem]() <= chance)
			Actor mo;
			double spawnz = 0;

			if (!(Level.compatflags & COMPATF_NOTOSSDROPS))
				int style = sv_dropstyle;
				if (style == 0)
					style = gameinfo.defaultdropstyle;
				if (style == 2)
					spawnz = 24;
					spawnz = Height / 2;
			mo = Spawn(item, pos + (0, 0, spawnz), ALLOW_REPLACE);
			if (mo != NULL)
				mo.bDropped = true;
				mo.bNoGravity = false;	// [RH] Make sure it is affected by gravity
				if (!(Level.compatflags & COMPATF_NOTOSSDROPS))
					mo.TossItem ();
				let inv = Inventory(mo);
				if (inv)
					inv.bTossed = true;
					if (inv.SpecialDropAction(self))
						// The special action indicates that the item should not spawn
						return null;
				return mo;
		return NULL;

	// CountInv
	// NON-ACTION function to return the inventory count of an item.

	clearscope int CountInv(class<Inventory> itemtype, int ptr_select = AAPTR_DEFAULT) const
		let realself = GetPointer(ptr_select);
		if (realself == NULL || itemtype == NULL)
			return 0;
			let item = realself.FindInventory(itemtype);
			return item ? item.Amount : 0;

	// State jump function

	bool CheckInventory(class<Inventory> itemtype, int itemamount, int owner = AAPTR_DEFAULT)
		if (itemtype == null)
			return false;
		let owner = GetPointer(owner);
		if (owner == null)
			return false;

		let item = owner.FindInventory(itemtype);

		if (item)
			if (itemamount > 0)
				if (item.Amount >= itemamount)
					return true;
			else if (item.Amount >= item.MaxAmount)
				return true;
		return false;

	// AActor :: ObtainInventory
	// Removes the items from the other actor and puts them in this actor's
	// inventory. The actor receiving the inventory must not have any items.

	void ObtainInventory (Actor other)
		Inv = other.Inv;
		InventoryID = other.InventoryID;
		other.Inv = NULL;
		other.InventoryID = 0;

		let you = PlayerPawn(other);
		let me = PlayerPawn(self);
		if (you)
			if (me)
				me.InvFirst = you.InvFirst;
				me.InvSel = you.InvSel;
			you.InvFirst = NULL;
			you.InvSel = NULL;

		for (let item = Inv; item != null; item = item.Inv)
			item.Owner = self;

	// A_SelectWeapon

	bool A_SelectWeapon(class<Weapon> whichweapon, int flags = 0)
		bool selectPriority = !!(flags & SWF_SELECTPRIORITY);
		let player = self.player;

		if ((!selectPriority && whichweapon == NULL) || player == NULL)
			return false;

		let weaponitem = Weapon(FindInventory(whichweapon));

		if (weaponitem != NULL)
			if (player.ReadyWeapon != weaponitem)
				player.PendingWeapon = weaponitem;
			return true;
		else if (selectPriority)
			// [XA] if the named weapon cannot be found (or is a dummy like 'None'),
			//      select the next highest priority weapon. This is basically
			//      the same as A_CheckReload minus the ammo check. Handy.
			return true;
			return false;
