//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Copyright 2017 Christoph Oelckers // // This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with this program. If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/ // //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #include #include #include #include #include "w_wad.h" #include "g_level.h" #include "sc_man.h" #include "r_defs.h" #include "p_setup.h" #include "gi.h" #include "cmdlib.h" FName MakeEndPic(const char *string); struct BossAction { int type; int special; int tag; }; struct UMapEntry { FString MapName; FString LevelName; FString InterText; FString InterTextSecret; TArray BossActions; char levelpic[9] = ""; char nextmap[9] = ""; char nextsecret[9] = ""; char music[9] = ""; char skytexture[9] = ""; char endpic[9] = ""; char exitpic[9] = ""; char enterpic[9] = ""; char interbackdrop[9] = "FLOOR4_8"; char intermusic[9] = ""; int partime = 0; int nointermission = 0; }; static TArray Maps; // ----------------------------------------------- // // Parses a set of string and concatenates them // // ----------------------------------------------- static FString ParseMultiString(FScanner &scanner, int error) { FString build; if (scanner.CheckToken(TK_Identifier)) { if (!stricmp(scanner.String, "clear")) { return "-"; } else { scanner.ScriptError("Either 'clear' or string constant expected"); } } bool first = true; do { scanner.MustGetToken(TK_StringConst); if (first) first = false; else build += "\n"; build += scanner.String; } while (scanner.CheckToken(',')); return build; } // ----------------------------------------------- // // Parses a lump name. The buffer must be at least 9 characters. // // ----------------------------------------------- static int ParseLumpName(FScanner &scanner, char *buffer) { scanner.MustGetToken(TK_StringConst); if (strlen(scanner.String) > 8) { scanner.ScriptError("String too long. Maximum size is 8 characters."); return 0; } uppercopy(buffer, scanner.String); return 1; } // ----------------------------------------------- // // Parses a standard property that is already known // These do not get stored in the property list // but in dedicated struct member variables. // // ----------------------------------------------- static int ParseStandardProperty(FScanner &scanner, UMapEntry *mape) { // find the next line with content. // this line is no property. scanner.MustGetToken(TK_Identifier); FString pname = scanner.String; scanner.MustGetToken('='); if (!pname.CompareNoCase("levelname")) { scanner.MustGetToken(TK_StringConst); mape->LevelName = scanner.String; } else if (!pname.CompareNoCase("next")) { ParseLumpName(scanner, mape->nextmap); } else if (!pname.CompareNoCase("nextsecret")) { ParseLumpName(scanner, mape->nextsecret); } else if (!pname.CompareNoCase("levelpic")) { ParseLumpName(scanner, mape->levelpic); } else if (!pname.CompareNoCase("skytexture")) { ParseLumpName(scanner, mape->skytexture); } else if (!pname.CompareNoCase("music")) { ParseLumpName(scanner, mape->music); } else if (!pname.CompareNoCase("endpic")) { ParseLumpName(scanner, mape->endpic); } else if (!pname.CompareNoCase("endcast")) { scanner.MustGetBoolToken(); if (scanner.Number) strcpy(mape->endpic, "$CAST"); else strcpy(mape->endpic, "-"); } else if (!pname.CompareNoCase("endbunny")) { scanner.MustGetBoolToken(); if (scanner.Number) strcpy(mape->endpic, "$BUNNY"); else strcpy(mape->endpic, "-"); } else if (!pname.CompareNoCase("endgame")) { scanner.MustGetBoolToken(); if (scanner.Number) strcpy(mape->endpic, "!"); else strcpy(mape->endpic, "-"); } else if (!pname.CompareNoCase("exitpic")) { ParseLumpName(scanner, mape->exitpic); } else if (!pname.CompareNoCase("enterpic")) { ParseLumpName(scanner, mape->enterpic); } else if (!pname.CompareNoCase("nointermission")) { scanner.MustGetBoolToken(); mape->nointermission = scanner.Number; } else if (!pname.CompareNoCase("partime")) { scanner.MustGetValue(false); mape->partime = scanner.Number; } else if (!pname.CompareNoCase("intertext")) { mape->InterText = ParseMultiString(scanner, 1); if (mape->InterText.IsEmpty()) return 0; } else if (!pname.CompareNoCase("intertextsecret")) { mape->InterTextSecret = ParseMultiString(scanner, 1); if (mape->InterTextSecret.IsEmpty()) return 0; } else if (!pname.CompareNoCase("interbackdrop")) { ParseLumpName(scanner, mape->interbackdrop); } else if (!pname.CompareNoCase("intermusic")) { ParseLumpName(scanner, mape->intermusic); } else if (!pname.CompareNoCase("episode")) { FString Episode = ParseMultiString(scanner, 1); if (Episode.IsEmpty()) return 0; if (Episode.Compare("-") == 0) { AllEpisodes.Clear(); } else { auto split = Episode.Split("\n"); // add the given episode FEpisode epi; if (split.Size() > 1) { epi.mEpisodeName = strbin1(split[1]); } if (split.Size() > 2 && split[2].IsNotEmpty()) { split[2].ToLower(); epi.mShortcut = split[2][0]; } else { epi.mShortcut = '\0'; } epi.mEpisodeMap = mape->MapName; epi.mPicName = split[0]; epi.mNoSkill = false; unsigned i; for (i = 0; i < AllEpisodes.Size(); i++) { if (AllEpisodes[i].mEpisodeMap.CompareNoCase(mape->MapName) == 0) { AllEpisodes[i] = std::move(epi); break; } } if (i == AllEpisodes.Size()) { AllEpisodes.Push(epi); } } } else if (!pname.CompareNoCase("bossaction")) { scanner.MustGetToken(TK_Identifier); int classnum, special, tag; if (!stricmp(scanner.String, "clear")) { // mark level free of boss actions classnum = special = tag = -1; mape->BossActions.Clear(); } else { FName type = scanner.String; scanner.MustGetToken(','); scanner.MustGetValue(false); int special = scanner.Number; scanner.MustGetToken(','); scanner.MustGetValue(false); int tag = scanner.Number; // allow no 0-tag specials here, unless a level exit. if (tag != 0 || special == 11 || special == 51 || special == 52 || special == 124) { FSpecialAction & bossact = mape->BossActions[mape->BossActions.Reserve(1)]; line_t line; maplinedef_t mld; mld.special = special; mld.tag = tag; P_TranslateLineDef(&line, &mld); bossact = { type, (uint8_t)line.special, {line.args[0], line.args[1],line.args[2],line.args[3],line.args[4]} }; } } } else { // Skip over all unknown properties. do { if (!scanner.CheckValue(true)) { scanner.MustGetAnyToken(); if (scanner.TokenType != TK_Identifier && scanner.TokenType != TK_StringConst && scanner.TokenType != TK_True && scanner.TokenType != TK_False) { scanner.ScriptError("Identifier or value expected"); } } } while (scanner.CheckToken(',')); } return 1; } // ----------------------------------------------- // // Parses a complete map entry // // ----------------------------------------------- static int ParseMapEntry(FScanner &scanner, UMapEntry *val) { scanner.MustGetToken(TK_Identifier); val->MapName = scanner.String; scanner.MustGetToken('{'); while(!scanner.CheckToken('}')) { ParseStandardProperty(scanner, val); } return 1; } // ----------------------------------------------- // // Parses a complete UMAPINFO lump // // ----------------------------------------------- int ParseUMapInfo(int lumpnum) { P_LoadTranslator(gameinfo.translator); FScanner scanner(lumpnum); unsigned int i; while (scanner.GetToken()) { scanner.TokenMustBe(TK_Map); UMapEntry parsed; ParseMapEntry(scanner, &parsed); // Endpic overrides level exits. if (parsed.endpic[0]) { parsed.nextmap[0] = parsed.nextsecret[0] = 0; if (parsed.endpic[0] == '!') parsed.endpic[0] = 0; } /* else if (!parsed.nextmap[0] && !parsed.endpic[0]) { if (!parsed.MapName.CompareNoCase("MAP30")) uppercopy(parsed.endpic, "$CAST"); else if (!parsed.MapName.CompareNoCase("E1M8")) uppercopy(parsed.endpic, gameinfo.creditPages.Last()); else if (!parsed.MapName.CompareNoCase("E2M8")) uppercopy(parsed.endpic, "VICTORY"); else if (!parsed.MapName.CompareNoCase("E3M8")) uppercopy(parsed.endpic, "$BUNNY"); else if (!parsed.MapName.CompareNoCase("E4M8")) uppercopy(parsed.endpic, "ENDPIC"); else if (gameinfo.gametype == GAME_Chex && !parsed.MapName.CompareNoCase("E1M5")) uppercopy(parsed.endpic, "CREDIT"); else { parsed.nextmap[0] = 0; // keep previous setting } } */ // Does this property already exist? If yes, replace it. for(i = 0; i < Maps.Size(); i++) { if (!parsed.MapName.Compare(Maps[i].MapName)) { Maps[i] = parsed; continue; } } // Not found so create a new one. Maps.Push(parsed); } return 1; } // This will get called if after an UMAPINFO lump a regular (Z)MAPINFO is found or when MAPINFO parsing is complete. void CommitUMapinfo(level_info_t *defaultinfo) { for (auto &map : Maps) { auto levelinfo = FindLevelInfo(map.MapName, false); if (levelinfo == nullptr) { // Map did not exist yet. auto levelindex = wadlevelinfos.Reserve(1); levelinfo = &wadlevelinfos[levelindex]; *levelinfo = *defaultinfo; } if (map.MapName.IsNotEmpty()) levelinfo->MapName = map.MapName; if (map.LevelName.IsNotEmpty()) { levelinfo->LevelName = map.LevelName; levelinfo->PName = ""; // clear the map name patch to force the string version to be shown - unless explicitly overridden right next. } if (map.levelpic[0]) levelinfo->PName = map.levelpic; if (map.nextmap[0]) levelinfo->NextMap = map.nextmap; else if (map.endpic[0]) { FName name = NAME_None; if (!stricmp(map.endpic, "$CAST")) { name = "INTER_CAST"; } else if (!stricmp(map.endpic, "$BUNNY")) { name = "INTER_BUNNY"; } else { name = MakeEndPic(map.endpic); } if (name != NAME_None) { levelinfo->NextMap.Format("enDSeQ%04x", int(name)); } } if (map.nextsecret[0]) levelinfo->NextSecretMap = map.nextsecret; if (map.music[0]) { levelinfo->Music = map.music; levelinfo->musicorder = 0; } if (map.skytexture[0]) { levelinfo->SkyPic1 = map.skytexture; levelinfo->skyspeed1 = 0; levelinfo->SkyPic2 = ""; levelinfo->skyspeed2 = 0; } if (map.partime > 0) levelinfo->partime = map.partime; if (map.enterpic[0]) levelinfo->EnterPic = map.enterpic; if (map.exitpic[0]) levelinfo->ExitPic = map.exitpic; if (map.intermusic[0]) { levelinfo->InterMusic = map.intermusic; levelinfo->intermusicorder = 0; } if (map.BossActions.Size() > 0) { // Setting a boss action will deactivate the flag based monster actions. levelinfo->specialactions = std::move(map.BossActions); levelinfo->flags &= ~(LEVEL_BRUISERSPECIAL | LEVEL_CYBORGSPECIAL | LEVEL_SPIDERSPECIAL | LEVEL_MAP07SPECIAL | LEVEL_MINOTAURSPECIAL | LEVEL_HEADSPECIAL | LEVEL_SORCERER2SPECIAL | LEVEL_SPECACTIONSMASK | LEVEL_SPECKILLMONSTERS); } const int exflags = FExitText::DEF_TEXT | FExitText::DEF_BACKDROP | FExitText::DEF_MUSIC; if (map.InterText.IsNotEmpty()) { if (map.InterText.Compare("-") != 0) levelinfo->ExitMapTexts[NAME_Normal] = { exflags, 0, map.InterText, map.interbackdrop, map.intermusic[0]? map.intermusic : gameinfo.intermissionMusic }; else levelinfo->ExitMapTexts[NAME_Normal] = { 0, 0 }; } if (map.InterTextSecret.IsNotEmpty()) { if (map.InterTextSecret.Compare("-") != 0) levelinfo->ExitMapTexts[NAME_Secret] = { exflags, 0, map.InterTextSecret, map.interbackdrop, map.intermusic[0] ? map.intermusic : gameinfo.intermissionMusic }; else levelinfo->ExitMapTexts[NAME_Secret] = { 0, 0 }; } if (map.nointermission) levelinfo->flags |= LEVEL_NOINTERMISSION; if (!(levelinfo->flags2 & LEVEL2_NEEDCLUSTERTEXT)) levelinfo->flags2 |= LEVEL2_NOCLUSTERTEXT; // UMAPINFO should ignore cluster intermission texts. } // All done. If we get here again, start fresh. Maps.Clear(); Maps.ShrinkToFit(); }