/******************************************* * B_game.h * * Description: * * Misc things that has to do with the bot, * * like it's spawning etc. * * Makes the bot fit into game * * * *******************************************/ /*The files which are modified for Cajun Purpose D_player.h (v0.85: added some variables) D_netcmd.c (v0.71) D_netcmd.h (v0.71) D_main.c (v0.71) D_ticcmd.h (v0.71) G_game.c (v0.95: Too make demorecording work somewhat) G_input.c (v0.95: added some keycommands) G_input.h (v0.95) P_mobj.c (v0.95: changed much in the P_MobjThinker(), a little in P_SpawnPlayerMissile(), maybee something else ) P_mobj.h (v0.95: Removed some unnecessary variables) P_user.c (v0.95: It's only one change maybee it already was there in 0.71) P_inter.c (v0.95: lot of changes) P_pspr.c (v0.71) P_map.c (v0.95: Test missile for bots) P_tick.c (v0.95: Freeze mode things only) P_local.h (v0.95: added> extern int tmsectortype) Info.c (v0.95: maybee same as 0.71) Info.h (v0.95: maybee same as 0.71) M_menu.c (v0.95: an extra menu in the key setup with the new commands) R_main.c (v0.95: Fix for bot's view) wi_stuff.c (v0.97: To remove bots correct) (v0.85) Removed all my code from: P_enemy.c New file: b_move.c ****************************************** What I know has to be done. in near future. - Do some hunting/fleeing functions. - Make the roaming 100% flawfree. - Fix all SIGSEVS (Below is known SIGSEVS) -Nada (but they might be there) ****************************************** Everything that is changed is marked (maybe commented) with "Added by MC" */ #include "doomdef.h" #include "p_local.h" #include "b_bot.h" #include "g_game.h" #include "m_random.h" #include "doomstat.h" #include "cmdlib.h" #include "sc_man.h" #include "stats.h" #include "m_misc.h" #include "sbar.h" #include "p_acs.h" #include "teaminfo.h" #include "i_system.h" #include "d_net.h" #include "d_netinf.h" static FRandom pr_botspawn ("BotSpawn"); //Externs FCajunMaster bglobal; cycle_t BotThinkCycles, BotSupportCycles; int BotWTG; static const char *BotConfigStrings[] = { "name", "aiming", "perfection", "reaction", "isp", "team", NULL }; enum { BOTCFG_NAME, BOTCFG_AIMING, BOTCFG_PERFECTION, BOTCFG_REACTION, BOTCFG_ISP, BOTCFG_TEAM }; static bool waitingforspawn[MAXPLAYERS]; FCajunMaster::~FCajunMaster() { ForgetBots(); } //This function is called every tick (from g_game.c), //send bots into thinking (+more). void FCajunMaster::Main (int buf) { int i; BotThinkCycles.Reset(); if (consoleplayer != Net_Arbitrator || demoplayback) return; if (gamestate != GS_LEVEL) return; m_Thinking = true; //Think for bots. if (botnum) { BotThinkCycles.Clock(); for (i = 0; i < MAXPLAYERS; i++) { if (playeringame[i] && players[i].mo && !freeze && players[i].Bot != NULL) Think (players[i].mo, &netcmds[i][buf]); } BotThinkCycles.Unclock(); } //Add new bots? if (wanted_botnum > botnum && !freeze) { if (t_join == ((wanted_botnum - botnum) * SPAWN_DELAY)) { if (!SpawnBot (getspawned[spawn_tries])) wanted_botnum--; spawn_tries++; } t_join--; } //Check if player should go observer. Or un observe if (bot_observer && !observer && !netgame) { Printf ("%s is now observer\n", players[consoleplayer].userinfo.GetName()); observer = true; players[consoleplayer].mo->UnlinkFromWorld (); players[consoleplayer].mo->flags = MF_DROPOFF|MF_NOBLOCKMAP|MF_NOCLIP|MF_NOTDMATCH|MF_NOGRAVITY|MF_FRIENDLY; players[consoleplayer].mo->flags2 |= MF2_FLY; players[consoleplayer].mo->LinkToWorld (); } else if (!bot_observer && observer && !netgame) //Go back { Printf ("%s returned to the fray\n", players[consoleplayer].userinfo.GetName()); observer = false; players[consoleplayer].mo->UnlinkFromWorld (); players[consoleplayer].mo->flags = MF_SOLID|MF_SHOOTABLE|MF_DROPOFF|MF_PICKUP|MF_NOTDMATCH|MF_FRIENDLY; players[consoleplayer].mo->flags2 &= ~MF2_FLY; players[consoleplayer].mo->LinkToWorld (); } m_Thinking = false; } void FCajunMaster::Init () { int i; botnum = 0; firstthing = NULL; spawn_tries = 0; freeze = false; observer = false; body1 = NULL; body2 = NULL; for (i = 0; i < MAXPLAYERS; i++) { waitingforspawn[i] = false; } if (ctf && teamplay == false) teamplay = true; //Need teamplay for ctf. (which is not done yet) t_join = (wanted_botnum + 1) * SPAWN_DELAY; //The + is to let player get away before the bots come in. if (botinfo == NULL) { LoadBots (); } else { botinfo_t *thebot = botinfo; while (thebot != NULL) { thebot->inuse = false; thebot = thebot->next; } } } //Called on each level exit (from g_game.c). void FCajunMaster::End () { int i; //Arrange wanted botnum and their names, so they can be spawned next level. getspawned.Clear(); for (i = 0; i < MAXPLAYERS; i++) { if (playeringame[i] && players[i].Bot != NULL) { if (deathmatch) { getspawned.Push(players[i].userinfo.GetName()); } } } if (deathmatch) { wanted_botnum = botnum; } } //Name can be optional, if = NULL //then a random bot is spawned. //If no bot with name = name found //the function will CONS print an //error message and will not spawn //anything. //The color parameter can be either a //color (range from 0-10), or = NOCOLOR. //The color parameter overides bots //induvidual colors if not = NOCOLOR. bool FCajunMaster::SpawnBot (const char *name, int color) { int playernumber; //COLORS static const char colors[11][17] = { "\\color\\40 cf 00", //0 = Green "\\color\\b0 b0 b0", //1 = Gray "\\color\\50 50 60", //2 = Indigo "\\color\\8f 00 00", //3 = Deep Red "\\color\\ff ff ff", //4 = White "\\color\\ff af 3f", //5 = Bright Brown "\\color\\bf 00 00", //6 = Red "\\color\\00 00 ff", //7 = Blue "\\color\\00 00 7f", //8 = Dark Blue "\\color\\ff ff 00", //9 = Yellow "\\color\\cf df 90" //10 = Bleached Bone }; for (playernumber = 0; playernumber < MAXPLAYERS; playernumber++) { if (!playeringame[playernumber] && !waitingforspawn[playernumber]) { break; } } if (playernumber == MAXPLAYERS) { Printf ("The maximum of %d players/bots has been reached\n", MAXPLAYERS); return false; } botinfo_t *thebot; if (name) { thebot = botinfo; // Check if exist or already in the game. while (thebot && stricmp (name, thebot->name)) thebot = thebot->next; if (thebot == NULL) { Printf ("couldn't find %s in %s\n", name, BOTFILENAME); return false; } else if (thebot->inuse) { Printf ("%s is already in the thick\n", name); return false; } } else if (botnum < loaded_bots) { bool vacant = false; //Spawn a random bot from bots.cfg if no name given. while (!vacant) { int rnum = (pr_botspawn() % loaded_bots); thebot = botinfo; while (rnum) --rnum, thebot = thebot->next; if (!thebot->inuse) vacant = true; } } else { Printf ("Couldn't spawn bot; no bot left in %s\n", BOTFILENAME); return false; } waitingforspawn[playernumber] = true; Net_WriteByte (DEM_ADDBOT); Net_WriteByte (playernumber); { //Set color. char concat[512]; strcpy (concat, thebot->info); if (color == NOCOLOR && bot_next_color < NOCOLOR && bot_next_color >= 0) { strcat (concat, colors[bot_next_color]); } if (TeamLibrary.IsValidTeam (thebot->lastteam)) { // Keep the bot on the same team when switching levels mysnprintf (concat + strlen(concat), countof(concat) - strlen(concat), "\\team\\%d\n", thebot->lastteam); } Net_WriteString (concat); } Net_WriteByte(thebot->skill.aiming); Net_WriteByte(thebot->skill.perfection); Net_WriteByte(thebot->skill.reaction); Net_WriteByte(thebot->skill.isp); thebot->inuse = true; //Increment this. botnum++; return true; } void FCajunMaster::DoAddBot (BYTE **stream) { int bnum = ReadByte (stream); char *info = ReadString (stream); BYTE *infob = (BYTE *)info; botskill_t skill; skill.aiming = ReadByte (stream); skill.perfection = ReadByte (stream); skill.reaction = ReadByte (stream); skill.isp = ReadByte (stream); D_ReadUserInfoStrings (bnum, &infob, false); if (!deathmatch && playerstarts[bnum].type == 0) { Printf ("%s tried to join, but there was no player %d start\n", players[bnum].userinfo.GetName(), bnum+1); ClearPlayer (bnum, false); // Make the bot inactive again if (botnum > 0) { botnum--; } } else { multiplayer = true; //Prevents cheating and so on; emulates real netgame (almost). players[bnum].Bot = new DBot; players[bnum].Bot->skill = skill; playeringame[bnum] = true; players[bnum].mo = NULL; players[bnum].playerstate = PST_ENTER; if (teamplay) Printf ("%s joined the %s team\n", players[bnum].userinfo.GetName(), Teams[players[bnum].userinfo.GetTeam()].GetName()); else Printf ("%s joined the game\n", players[bnum].userinfo.GetName()); G_DoReborn (bnum, true); if (StatusBar != NULL) { StatusBar->MultiplayerChanged (); } } waitingforspawn[bnum] = false; } void FCajunMaster::RemoveAllBots (bool fromlist) { int i, j; for (i = 0; i < MAXPLAYERS; ++i) { if (playeringame[i] && players[i].Bot != NULL) { // If a player is looking through this bot's eyes, make him // look through his own eyes instead. for (j = 0; j < MAXPLAYERS; ++j) { if (i != j && playeringame[j] && players[j].Bot == NULL) { if (players[j].camera == players[i].mo) { players[j].camera = players[j].mo; if (j == consoleplayer) { StatusBar->AttachToPlayer (players + j); } } } } ClearPlayer (i, !fromlist); FBehavior::StaticStartTypedScripts (SCRIPT_Disconnect, NULL, true, i); } } if (fromlist) { wanted_botnum = 0; for (i = 0; i < MAXPLAYERS; i++) waitingforspawn[i] = false; } botnum = 0; } //------------------ //Reads data for bot from //a .bot file. //The skills and other data should //be arranged as follows in the bot file: // //{ // Name bot's name // Aiming 0-100 // Perfection 0-100 // Reaction 0-100 // Isp 0-100 (Instincts of Self Preservation) // ??? any other valid userinfo strings can go here //} static void appendinfo (char *&front, const char *back) { char *newstr; if (front) { size_t newlen = strlen (front) + strlen (back) + 2; newstr = new char[newlen]; strcpy (newstr, front); delete[] front; } else { size_t newlen = strlen (back) + 2; newstr = new char[newlen]; newstr[0] = 0; } strcat (newstr, "\\"); strcat (newstr, back); front = newstr; } void FCajunMaster::ForgetBots () { botinfo_t *thebot = botinfo; while (thebot) { botinfo_t *next = thebot->next; delete[] thebot->name; delete[] thebot->info; delete thebot; thebot = next; } botinfo = NULL; loaded_bots = 0; } bool FCajunMaster::LoadBots () { FScanner sc; FString tmp; bool gotteam = false; bglobal.ForgetBots (); tmp = M_GetCajunPath(BOTFILENAME); if (tmp.IsEmpty()) { DPrintf ("No " BOTFILENAME ", so no bots\n"); return false; } sc.OpenFile(tmp); while (sc.GetString ()) { if (!sc.Compare ("{")) { sc.ScriptError ("Unexpected token '%s'\n", sc.String); } botinfo_t *newinfo = new botinfo_t; bool gotclass = false; memset (newinfo, 0, sizeof(*newinfo)); newinfo->info = copystring ("\\autoaim\\0\\movebob\\.25"); for (;;) { sc.MustGetString (); if (sc.Compare ("}")) break; switch (sc.MatchString (BotConfigStrings)) { case BOTCFG_NAME: sc.MustGetString (); appendinfo (newinfo->info, "name"); appendinfo (newinfo->info, sc.String); newinfo->name = copystring (sc.String); break; case BOTCFG_AIMING: sc.MustGetNumber (); newinfo->skill.aiming = sc.Number; break; case BOTCFG_PERFECTION: sc.MustGetNumber (); newinfo->skill.perfection = sc.Number; break; case BOTCFG_REACTION: sc.MustGetNumber (); newinfo->skill.reaction = sc.Number; break; case BOTCFG_ISP: sc.MustGetNumber (); newinfo->skill.isp = sc.Number; break; case BOTCFG_TEAM: { char teamstr[16]; BYTE teamnum; sc.MustGetString (); if (IsNum (sc.String)) { teamnum = atoi (sc.String); if (!TeamLibrary.IsValidTeam (teamnum)) { teamnum = TEAM_NONE; } } else { teamnum = TEAM_NONE; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < Teams.Size(); ++i) { if (stricmp (Teams[i].GetName (), sc.String) == 0) { teamnum = i; break; } } } appendinfo (newinfo->info, "team"); mysnprintf (teamstr, countof(teamstr), "%d", teamnum); appendinfo (newinfo->info, teamstr); gotteam = true; break; } default: if (stricmp (sc.String, "playerclass") == 0) { gotclass = true; } appendinfo (newinfo->info, sc.String); sc.MustGetString (); appendinfo (newinfo->info, sc.String); break; } } if (!gotclass) { // Bots that don't specify a class get a random one appendinfo (newinfo->info, "playerclass"); appendinfo (newinfo->info, "random"); } if (!gotteam) { // Same for bot teams appendinfo (newinfo->info, "team"); appendinfo (newinfo->info, "255"); } newinfo->next = bglobal.botinfo; newinfo->lastteam = TEAM_NONE; bglobal.botinfo = newinfo; bglobal.loaded_bots++; } Printf ("%d bots read from %s\n", bglobal.loaded_bots, BOTFILENAME); return true; } ADD_STAT (bots) { FString out; out.Format ("think = %04.1f ms support = %04.1f ms wtg = %d", BotThinkCycles.TimeMS(), BotSupportCycles.TimeMS(), BotWTG); return out; }