// Serpent ------------------------------------------------------------------ class Serpent : Actor { Default { Health 90; PainChance 96; Speed 12; Radius 32; Height 70; Mass 0x7fffffff; Monster; -SHOOTABLE +NOBLOOD +CANTLEAVEFLOORPIC +NONSHOOTABLE +STAYMORPHED +DONTBLAST +NOTELEOTHER +INVISIBLE SeeSound "SerpentSight"; AttackSound "SerpentAttack"; PainSound "SerpentPain"; DeathSound "SerpentDeath"; HitObituary "$OB_SERPENTHIT"; Tag "$FN_SERPENT"; } States { Spawn: SSPT H 10 A_Look; Loop; See: SSPT HH 1 A_Chase("Melee", null, CHF_NIGHTMAREFAST|CHF_NOPLAYACTIVE); SSPT H 2 A_SerpentHumpDecide; Loop; Pain: SSPT L 5; SSPT L 5 A_Pain; Dive: SSDV ABC 4; SSDV D 4 A_UnSetShootable; SSDV E 3 A_PlaySound("SerpentActive", CHAN_BODY); SSDV F 3; SSDV GH 4; SSDV I 3; SSDV J 3 A_SerpentHide; Goto See; Melee: SSPT A 1 A_UnHideThing; SSPT A 1 A_PlaySound("SerpentBirth", CHAN_BODY); SSPT B 3 A_SetShootable; SSPT C 3; SSPT D 4 A_SerpentCheckForAttack; Goto Dive; Death: SSPT O 4; SSPT P 4 A_Scream; SSPT Q 4 A_NoBlocking; SSPT RSTUVWXYZ 4; Stop; XDeath: SSXD A 4; SSXD B 4 A_SpawnItemEx("SerpentHead", 0, 0, 45); SSXD C 4 A_NoBlocking; SSXD DE 4; SSXD FG 3; SSXD H 3 A_SerpentSpawnGibs; Stop; Ice: SSPT [ 5 A_FreezeDeath; SSPT [ 1 A_FreezeDeathChunks; Wait; Walk: SSPT IJI 5 A_Chase("Attack", null, CHF_NIGHTMAREFAST); SSPT J 5 A_SerpentCheckForAttack; Goto Dive; Hump: SSPT H 3 A_SerpentUnHide; SSPT EFGEF 3 A_SerpentRaiseHump; SSPT GEF 3; SSPT GEFGE 3 A_SerpentLowerHump; SSPT F 3 A_SerpentHide; Goto See; Attack: SSPT K 6 A_FaceTarget; SSPT L 5 A_SerpentChooseAttack; Goto MeleeAttack; MeleeAttack: SSPT N 5 A_SerpentMeleeAttack; Goto Dive; } //============================================================================ // // A_SerpentUnHide // //============================================================================ void A_SerpentUnHide() { bInvisible = false; Floorclip = 24; } //============================================================================ // // A_SerpentHide // //============================================================================ void A_SerpentHide() { bInvisible = true; Floorclip = 0; } //============================================================================ // // A_SerpentRaiseHump // // Raises the hump above the surface by raising the floorclip level //============================================================================ void A_SerpentRaiseHump() { Floorclip -= 4; } //============================================================================ // // A_SerpentLowerHump // //============================================================================ void A_SerpentLowerHump() { Floorclip += 4; } //============================================================================ // // A_SerpentHumpDecide // // Decided whether to hump up, or if the mobj is a serpent leader, // to missile attack //============================================================================ void A_SerpentHumpDecide() { if (MissileState != NULL) { if (random[SerpentHump]() > 30) { return; } else if (random[SerpentHump]() < 40) { // Missile attack SetState (MeleeState); return; } } else if (random[SerpentHump]() > 3) { return; } if (!CheckMeleeRange ()) { // The hump shouldn't occur when within melee range if (MissileState != NULL && random[SerpentHump]() < 128) { SetState (MeleeState); } else { SetStateLabel("Hump"); A_PlaySound ("SerpentActive", CHAN_BODY); } } } //============================================================================ // // A_SerpentCheckForAttack // //============================================================================ void A_SerpentCheckForAttack() { if (!target) { return; } if (MissileState != NULL) { if (!CheckMeleeRange ()) { SetStateLabel ("Attack"); return; } } if (CheckMeleeRange2 ()) { SetStateLabel ("Walk"); } else if (CheckMeleeRange ()) { if (random[SerpentAttack]() < 32) { SetStateLabel ("Walk"); } else { SetStateLabel ("Attack"); } } } //============================================================================ // // A_SerpentChooseAttack // //============================================================================ void A_SerpentChooseAttack() { if (!target || CheckMeleeRange()) { return; } if (MissileState != NULL) { SetState (MissileState); } } //============================================================================ // // A_SerpentMeleeAttack // //============================================================================ void A_SerpentMeleeAttack() { let targ = target; if (!targ) { return; } if (CheckMeleeRange ()) { int damage = random[SerpentAttack](1, 8) * 5; int newdam = targ.DamageMobj (self, self, damage, 'Melee'); targ.TraceBleed (newdam > 0 ? newdam : damage, self); A_PlaySound ("SerpentMeleeHit", CHAN_BODY); } if (random[SerpentAttack]() < 96) { A_SerpentCheckForAttack(); } } //============================================================================ // // A_SerpentSpawnGibs // //============================================================================ void A_SerpentSpawnGibs() { static const class<Actor> GibTypes[] = { "SerpentGib3", "SerpentGib2", "SerpentGib1" }; for (int i = 2; i >= 0; --i) { double x = (random[SerpentGibs]() - 128) / 16.; double y = (random[SerpentGibs]() - 128) / 16.; Actor mo = Spawn (GibTypes[i], Vec2OffsetZ(x, y, floorz + 1), ALLOW_REPLACE); if (mo) { mo.Vel.X = (random[SerpentGibs]() - 128) / 1024.f; mo.Vel.Y = (random[SerpentGibs]() - 128) / 1024.f; mo.Floorclip = 6; } } } } extend class Actor { //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // FUNC P_CheckMeleeRange2 // // This belongs to the Serpent but was initially exported on Actor // so it needs to remain there. // //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool CheckMeleeRange2 () { Actor mo; double dist; if (!target || (CurSector.Flags & Sector.SECF_NOATTACK)) { return false; } mo = target; dist = mo.Distance2D (self); if (dist >= 128 || dist < meleerange + mo.radius) { return false; } if (mo.pos.Z > pos.Z + height) { // Target is higher than the attacker return false; } else if (pos.Z > mo.pos.Z + mo.height) { // Attacker is higher return false; } else if (IsFriend(mo)) { // killough 7/18/98: friendly monsters don't attack other friends return false; } return CheckSight(mo); } } // Serpent Leader ----------------------------------------------------------- class SerpentLeader : Serpent { Default { Mass 200; Obituary "$OB_SERPENT"; } States { Missile: SSPT N 5 A_SpawnProjectile("SerpentFX", 32, 0); Goto Dive; } } // Serpent Missile Ball ----------------------------------------------------- class SerpentFX : Actor { Default { Speed 15; Radius 8; Height 10; Damage 4; Projectile; -ACTIVATEIMPACT -ACTIVATEPCROSS +ZDOOMTRANS RenderStyle "Add"; DeathSound "SerpentFXHit"; } States { Spawn: SSFX A 0; SSFX A 3 Bright A_PlaySound("SerpentFXContinuous", CHAN_BODY, 1.0, 1); SSFX BAB 3 Bright; Goto Spawn+1; Death: SSFX C 4 Bright A_StopSound(CHAN_BODY); SSFX DEFGH 4 Bright; Stop; } } // Serpent Head ------------------------------------------------------------- class SerpentHead : Actor { Default { Radius 5; Height 10; Gravity 0.125; +NOBLOCKMAP } States { Spawn: SSXD IJKLMNOP 4 A_SerpentHeadCheck; Loop; Death: SSXD S -1; Loop; } //============================================================================ // // A_SerpentHeadCheck // //============================================================================ void A_SerpentHeadCheck() { if (pos.z <= floorz) { if (GetFloorTerrain().IsLiquid) { HitFloor (); Destroy(); } else { SetStateLabel ("Death"); } } } } // Serpent Gib 1 ------------------------------------------------------------ class SerpentGib1 : Actor { Default { Radius 3; Height 3; +NOBLOCKMAP +NOGRAVITY } States { Spawn: SSXD Q 6; SSXD Q 6 A_FloatGib; SSXD QQ 8 A_FloatGib; SSXD QQ 12 A_FloatGib; SSXD Q 232 A_DelayGib; SSXD QQ 12 A_SinkGib; SSXD QQQ 8 A_SinkGib; Stop; } //============================================================================ // // A_FloatGib // //============================================================================ void A_FloatGib() { Floorclip -= 1; } //============================================================================ // // A_SinkGib // //============================================================================ void A_SinkGib() { Floorclip += 1; } //============================================================================ // // A_DelayGib // //============================================================================ void A_DelayGib() { tics -= random[DelayGib]() >> 2; } } // Serpent Gib 2 ------------------------------------------------------------ class SerpentGib2 : SerpentGib1 { States { Spawn: SSXD R 6; SSXD R 6 A_FloatGib; SSXD RR 8 A_FloatGib; SSXD RR 12 A_FloatGib; SSXD R 232 A_DelayGib; SSXD RR 12 A_SinkGib; SSXD RRR 8 A_SinkGib; Stop; } } // Serpent Gib 3 ------------------------------------------------------------ class SerpentGib3 : SerpentGib1 { States { Spawn: SSXD T 6; SSXD T 6 A_FloatGib; SSXD TT 8 A_FloatGib; SSXD TT 12 A_FloatGib; SSXD T 232 A_DelayGib; SSXD TT 12 A_SinkGib; SSXD TTT 8 A_SinkGib; Stop; } }