//************************************************************************** //** //** sn_sonix.c : Heretic 2 : Raven Software, Corp. //** //** $RCSfile: sn_sonix.c,v $ //** $Revision: 1.17 $ //** $Date: 95/10/05 18:25:44 $ //** $Author: paul $ //** //************************************************************************** #include <string.h> #include <stdio.h> #include "doomtype.h" #include "doomstat.h" #include "sc_man.h" #include "m_random.h" #include "s_sound.h" #include "s_sndseq.h" #include "w_wad.h" #include "i_system.h" #include "cmdlib.h" #include "p_local.h" #include "po_man.h" #include "gi.h" #include "templates.h" #include "c_dispatch.h" #include "g_level.h" #include "serializer.h" #include "d_player.h" // MACROS ------------------------------------------------------------------ #define GetCommand(a) ((a) & 255) #define GetData(a) (SDWORD(a) >> 8 ) #define GetFloatData(a) float((SDWORD(a) >> 8 )/65536.f) #define MakeCommand(a,b) ((a) | ((b) << 8)) #define HexenPlatSeq(a) (a) #define HexenDoorSeq(a) ((a) | 0x40) #define HexenEnvSeq(a) ((a) | 0x80) #define HexenLastSeq (0xff) #define TIME_REFERENCE level.time // TYPES ------------------------------------------------------------------- typedef enum { SS_STRING_PLAY, SS_STRING_PLAYUNTILDONE, SS_STRING_PLAYTIME, SS_STRING_PLAYREPEAT, SS_STRING_PLAYLOOP, SS_STRING_DELAY, SS_STRING_DELAYONCE, SS_STRING_DELAYRAND, SS_STRING_VOLUME, SS_STRING_VOLUMEREL, SS_STRING_VOLUMERAND, SS_STRING_END, SS_STRING_STOPSOUND, SS_STRING_ATTENUATION, SS_STRING_NOSTOPCUTOFF, SS_STRING_SLOT, SS_STRING_RANDOMSEQUENCE, SS_STRING_RESTART, // These must be last and in the same order as they appear in seqtype_t SS_STRING_PLATFORM, SS_STRING_DOOR, SS_STRING_ENVIRONMENT } ssstrings_t; typedef enum { SS_CMD_NONE, SS_CMD_PLAY, SS_CMD_WAITUNTILDONE, // used by PLAYUNTILDONE SS_CMD_PLAYTIME, SS_CMD_PLAYREPEAT, SS_CMD_PLAYLOOP, SS_CMD_DELAY, SS_CMD_DELAYRAND, SS_CMD_VOLUME, SS_CMD_VOLUMEREL, SS_CMD_VOLUMERAND, SS_CMD_STOPSOUND, SS_CMD_ATTENUATION, SS_CMD_RANDOMSEQUENCE, SS_CMD_BRANCH, SS_CMD_LAST2NOP, SS_CMD_SELECT, SS_CMD_END } sscmds_t; struct hexenseq_t { ENamedName Name; BYTE Seqs[4]; }; class DSeqActorNode : public DSeqNode { DECLARE_CLASS(DSeqActorNode, DSeqNode) HAS_OBJECT_POINTERS public: DSeqActorNode(AActor *actor, int sequence, int modenum); void Destroy(); void Serialize(FSerializer &arc); void MakeSound(int loop, FSoundID id) { S_Sound(m_Actor, CHAN_BODY|loop, id, clamp(m_Volume, 0.f, 1.f), m_Atten); } bool IsPlaying() { return S_IsActorPlayingSomething (m_Actor, CHAN_BODY, m_CurrentSoundID); } void *Source() { return m_Actor; } DSeqNode *SpawnChild(int seqnum) { return SN_StartSequence (m_Actor, seqnum, SEQ_NOTRANS, m_ModeNum, true); } private: DSeqActorNode() {} TObjPtr<AActor> m_Actor; }; class DSeqPolyNode : public DSeqNode { DECLARE_CLASS(DSeqPolyNode, DSeqNode) public: DSeqPolyNode(FPolyObj *poly, int sequence, int modenum); void Destroy(); void Serialize(FSerializer &arc); void MakeSound(int loop, FSoundID id) { S_Sound (m_Poly, CHAN_BODY|loop, id, clamp(m_Volume, 0.f, 1.f), m_Atten); } bool IsPlaying() { return S_GetSoundPlayingInfo (m_Poly, m_CurrentSoundID); } void *Source() { return m_Poly; } DSeqNode *SpawnChild (int seqnum) { return SN_StartSequence (m_Poly, seqnum, SEQ_NOTRANS, m_ModeNum, true); } private: DSeqPolyNode () {} FPolyObj *m_Poly; }; class DSeqSectorNode : public DSeqNode { DECLARE_CLASS(DSeqSectorNode, DSeqNode) public: DSeqSectorNode(sector_t *sec, int chan, int sequence, int modenum); void Destroy(); void Serialize(FSerializer &arc); void MakeSound(int loop, FSoundID id) { Channel = (Channel & 7) | CHAN_AREA | loop; S_Sound(m_Sector, Channel, id, clamp(m_Volume, 0.f, 1.f), m_Atten); } bool IsPlaying() { return S_GetSoundPlayingInfo (m_Sector, m_CurrentSoundID); } void *Source() { return m_Sector; } DSeqNode *SpawnChild(int seqnum) { return SN_StartSequence (m_Sector, Channel, seqnum, SEQ_NOTRANS, m_ModeNum, true); } int Channel; private: DSeqSectorNode() {} sector_t *m_Sector; }; // When destroyed, destroy the sound sequences too. struct FSoundSequencePtrArray : public TArray<FSoundSequence *> { ~FSoundSequencePtrArray() { for (unsigned int i = 0; i < Size(); ++i) { M_Free((*this)[i]); } } }; // PRIVATE FUNCTION PROTOTYPES --------------------------------------------- static void AssignTranslations (FScanner &sc, int seq, seqtype_t type); static void AssignHexenTranslations (void); static void AddSequence (int curseq, FName seqname, FName slot, int stopsound, const TArray<DWORD> &ScriptTemp); static int FindSequence (const char *searchname); static int FindSequence (FName seqname); static bool TwiddleSeqNum (int &sequence, seqtype_t type); // PUBLIC DATA DEFINITIONS ------------------------------------------------- FSoundSequencePtrArray Sequences; int ActiveSequences; DSeqNode *DSeqNode::SequenceListHead; // PRIVATE DATA DEFINITIONS ------------------------------------------------ static const char *SSStrings[] = { "play", "playuntildone", "playtime", "playrepeat", "playloop", "delay", "delayonce", "delayrand", "volume", "volumerel", "volumerand", "end", "stopsound", "attenuation", "nostopcutoff", "slot", "randomsequence", "restart", // These must be last and in the same order as they appear in seqtype_t "platform", "door", "environment", NULL }; struct SSAttenuation { const char *name; float value; }; static const SSAttenuation Attenuations[] = { { "none", ATTN_NONE }, { "normal", ATTN_NORM }, { "idle", ATTN_IDLE }, { "static", ATTN_STATIC }, { "surround", ATTN_NONE }, { NULL, 0} }; static const hexenseq_t HexenSequences[] = { { NAME_Platform, { HexenPlatSeq(0), HexenPlatSeq(1), HexenPlatSeq(3), HexenLastSeq } }, { NAME_PlatformMetal, { HexenPlatSeq(2), HexenLastSeq } }, { NAME_Silence, { HexenPlatSeq(4), HexenDoorSeq(4), HexenLastSeq } }, { NAME_Lava, { HexenPlatSeq(5), HexenDoorSeq(5), HexenLastSeq } }, { NAME_Water, { HexenPlatSeq(6), HexenDoorSeq(6), HexenLastSeq } }, { NAME_Ice, { HexenPlatSeq(7), HexenDoorSeq(7), HexenLastSeq } }, { NAME_Earth, { HexenPlatSeq(8), HexenDoorSeq(8), HexenLastSeq } }, { NAME_PlatformMetal2, { HexenPlatSeq(9), HexenLastSeq } }, { NAME_DoorNormal, { HexenDoorSeq(0), HexenLastSeq } }, { NAME_DoorHeavy, { HexenDoorSeq(1), HexenLastSeq } }, { NAME_DoorMetal, { HexenDoorSeq(2), HexenLastSeq } }, { NAME_DoorCreak, { HexenDoorSeq(3), HexenLastSeq } }, { NAME_DoorMetal2, { HexenDoorSeq(9), HexenLastSeq } }, { NAME_Wind, { HexenEnvSeq(10), HexenLastSeq } }, { NAME_None, {0} } }; static int SeqTrans[64*3]; static FRandom pr_sndseq ("SndSeq"); // CODE -------------------------------------------------------------------- void DSeqNode::SerializeSequences (FSerializer &arc) { arc("sndseqlisthead", SequenceListHead); } IMPLEMENT_POINTY_CLASS (DSeqNode) DECLARE_POINTER(m_ChildSeqNode) DECLARE_POINTER(m_ParentSeqNode) DECLARE_POINTER(m_Next) DECLARE_POINTER(m_Prev) END_POINTERS DSeqNode::DSeqNode () : m_SequenceChoices(0) { m_Next = m_Prev = m_ChildSeqNode = m_ParentSeqNode = NULL; } void DSeqNode::Serialize(FSerializer &arc) { int seqOffset; unsigned int i; FName seqName; int delayTics = 0; FSoundID id; float volume; float atten = ATTN_NORM; int seqnum; unsigned int numchoices; // copy these to local variables so that the actual serialization code does not need to be duplicated for saving and loading. if (arc.isWriting()) { seqOffset = (int)SN_GetSequenceOffset(m_Sequence, m_SequencePtr); delayTics = m_DelayUntilTic; volume = m_Volume; atten = m_Atten; id = m_CurrentSoundID; seqName = Sequences[m_Sequence]->SeqName; numchoices = m_SequenceChoices.Size(); } Super::Serialize(arc); arc("seqoffset", seqOffset) ("delaytics", delayTics) ("volume", volume) ("atten", atten) ("modelnum", m_ModeNum) ("next", m_Next) ("prev", m_Prev) ("childseqnode", m_ChildSeqNode) ("parentseqnode", m_ParentSeqNode) ("id", id) ("seqname", seqName) ("numchoices", numchoices); // The way this is saved makes it hard to encapsulate so just do it the hard way... if (arc.isWriting()) { if (numchoices > 0 && arc.BeginArray("choices")) { for (i = 0; i < m_SequenceChoices.Size(); ++i) { arc(nullptr, Sequences[m_SequenceChoices[i]]->SeqName); } arc.EndArray(); } } else { seqnum = FindSequence (seqName); if (seqnum >= 0) { ActivateSequence (seqnum); } else { I_Error ("Unknown sound sequence '%s'\n", seqName.GetChars()); // Can I just Destroy() here instead of erroring out? } ChangeData (seqOffset, delayTics - TIME_REFERENCE, volume, id); m_SequenceChoices.Resize(numchoices); if (numchoices > 0 && arc.BeginArray("choices")) { for (i = 0; i < numchoices; ++i) { arc(nullptr, seqName); m_SequenceChoices[i] = FindSequence(seqName); } arc.EndArray(); } } } void DSeqNode::Destroy() { // If this sequence was launched by a parent sequence, advance that // sequence now. if (m_ParentSeqNode != NULL && m_ParentSeqNode->m_ChildSeqNode == this) { m_ParentSeqNode->m_SequencePtr++; m_ParentSeqNode->m_ChildSeqNode = NULL; m_ParentSeqNode = NULL; } if (SequenceListHead == this) { SequenceListHead = m_Next; GC::WriteBarrier(m_Next); } if (m_Prev) { m_Prev->m_Next = m_Next; GC::WriteBarrier(m_Prev, m_Next); } if (m_Next) { m_Next->m_Prev = m_Prev; GC::WriteBarrier(m_Next, m_Prev); } ActiveSequences--; Super::Destroy(); } void DSeqNode::StopAndDestroy () { if (m_ChildSeqNode != NULL) { m_ChildSeqNode->StopAndDestroy(); } Destroy(); } void DSeqNode::AddChoice (int seqnum, seqtype_t type) { if (TwiddleSeqNum (seqnum, type)) { m_SequenceChoices.Push (seqnum); } } FName DSeqNode::GetSequenceName () const { return Sequences[m_Sequence]->SeqName; } IMPLEMENT_POINTY_CLASS (DSeqActorNode) DECLARE_POINTER (m_Actor) END_POINTERS void DSeqActorNode::Serialize(FSerializer &arc) { Super::Serialize (arc); arc("actor", m_Actor); } IMPLEMENT_CLASS (DSeqPolyNode) void DSeqPolyNode::Serialize(FSerializer &arc) { Super::Serialize (arc); //arc << m_Poly; } IMPLEMENT_CLASS (DSeqSectorNode) void DSeqSectorNode::Serialize(FSerializer &arc) { Super::Serialize (arc); arc("sector",m_Sector) ("channel", Channel); } //========================================================================== // // AssignTranslations // //========================================================================== static void AssignTranslations (FScanner &sc, int seq, seqtype_t type) { sc.Crossed = false; while (sc.GetString() && !sc.Crossed) { if (IsNum(sc.String)) { SeqTrans[(atoi(sc.String) & 63) + type * 64] = seq; } } sc.UnGet(); } //========================================================================== // // AssignHexenTranslations // //========================================================================== static void AssignHexenTranslations (void) { unsigned int i, j, seq; for (i = 0; HexenSequences[i].Name != NAME_None; i++) { for (seq = 0; seq < Sequences.Size(); seq++) { if (Sequences[seq] != NULL && HexenSequences[i].Name == Sequences[seq]->SeqName) break; } if (seq == Sequences.Size()) continue; for (j = 0; j < 4 && HexenSequences[i].Seqs[j] != HexenLastSeq; j++) { int trans; if (HexenSequences[i].Seqs[j] & 0x40) { trans = 64 * SEQ_DOOR; } else if (HexenSequences[i].Seqs[j] & 0x80) trans = 64 * SEQ_ENVIRONMENT; else trans = 64 * SEQ_PLATFORM; SeqTrans[trans + (HexenSequences[i].Seqs[j] & 0x3f)] = seq; } } } //========================================================================== // // S_ClearSndSeq // //========================================================================== void S_ClearSndSeq() { for (unsigned int i = 0; i < Sequences.Size(); i++) { if (Sequences[i]) { M_Free(Sequences[i]); } } Sequences.Clear(); } //========================================================================== // // S_ParseSndSeq // //========================================================================== void S_ParseSndSeq (int levellump) { TArray<DWORD> ScriptTemp; int lastlump, lump; char seqtype = ':'; FName seqname; FName slot; int stopsound; int delaybase; float volumebase; int curseq = -1; int val; // First free the old SNDSEQ data. This allows us to reload this for each level // and specify a level specific SNDSEQ lump! S_ClearSndSeq(); // be gone, compiler warnings stopsound = 0; memset (SeqTrans, -1, sizeof(SeqTrans)); lastlump = 0; while (((lump = Wads.FindLump ("SNDSEQ", &lastlump)) != -1 || levellump != -1) && levellump != -2) { if (lump == -1) { lump = levellump; levellump = -2; } FScanner sc(lump); while (sc.GetString ()) { if (*sc.String == ':' || *sc.String == '[') { if (curseq != -1) { sc.ScriptError ("S_ParseSndSeq: Nested Script Error"); } seqname = sc.String + 1; seqtype = sc.String[0]; for (curseq = 0; curseq < (int)Sequences.Size(); curseq++) { if (Sequences[curseq] != NULL && Sequences[curseq]->SeqName == seqname) { M_Free (Sequences[curseq]); Sequences[curseq] = NULL; break; } } if (curseq == (int)Sequences.Size()) { Sequences.Push (NULL); } ScriptTemp.Clear(); stopsound = 0; slot = NAME_None; if (seqtype == '[') { sc.SetCMode (true); ScriptTemp.Push (0); // to be filled when definition is complete } continue; } if (curseq == -1) { continue; } if (seqtype == '[') { if (sc.String[0] == ']') { // End of this definition ScriptTemp[0] = MakeCommand(SS_CMD_SELECT, (ScriptTemp.Size()-1)/2); AddSequence (curseq, seqname, slot, stopsound, ScriptTemp); curseq = -1; sc.SetCMode (false); } else { // Add a selection sc.UnGet(); if (sc.CheckNumber()) { ScriptTemp.Push (sc.Number); sc.MustGetString(); ScriptTemp.Push (FName(sc.String)); } else { seqtype_t seqtype = seqtype_t(sc.MustMatchString (SSStrings + SS_STRING_PLATFORM)); AssignTranslations (sc, curseq, seqtype); } } continue; } switch (sc.MustMatchString (SSStrings)) { case SS_STRING_PLAYUNTILDONE: sc.MustGetString (); ScriptTemp.Push(MakeCommand(SS_CMD_PLAY, S_FindSound (sc.String))); ScriptTemp.Push(MakeCommand(SS_CMD_WAITUNTILDONE, 0)); break; case SS_STRING_PLAY: sc.MustGetString (); ScriptTemp.Push(MakeCommand(SS_CMD_PLAY, S_FindSound (sc.String))); break; case SS_STRING_PLAYTIME: sc.MustGetString (); ScriptTemp.Push(MakeCommand(SS_CMD_PLAY, S_FindSound (sc.String))); sc.MustGetNumber (); ScriptTemp.Push(MakeCommand(SS_CMD_DELAY, sc.Number)); break; case SS_STRING_PLAYREPEAT: sc.MustGetString (); ScriptTemp.Push(MakeCommand (SS_CMD_PLAYREPEAT, S_FindSound (sc.String))); break; case SS_STRING_PLAYLOOP: sc.MustGetString (); ScriptTemp.Push(MakeCommand (SS_CMD_PLAYLOOP, S_FindSound (sc.String))); sc.MustGetNumber (); ScriptTemp.Push(sc.Number); break; case SS_STRING_DELAY: sc.MustGetNumber (); ScriptTemp.Push(MakeCommand(SS_CMD_DELAY, sc.Number)); break; case SS_STRING_DELAYONCE: sc.MustGetNumber (); ScriptTemp.Push(MakeCommand(SS_CMD_DELAY, sc.Number)); ScriptTemp.Push(MakeCommand(SS_CMD_LAST2NOP, 0)); break; case SS_STRING_DELAYRAND: sc.MustGetNumber (); delaybase = sc.Number; ScriptTemp.Push(MakeCommand(SS_CMD_DELAYRAND, sc.Number)); sc.MustGetNumber (); ScriptTemp.Push(MAX(1, sc.Number - delaybase + 1)); break; case SS_STRING_VOLUME: // volume is in range 0..100 sc.MustGetFloat (); ScriptTemp.Push(MakeCommand(SS_CMD_VOLUME, int(sc.Float * (65536.f / 100.f)))); break; case SS_STRING_VOLUMEREL: sc.MustGetFloat (); ScriptTemp.Push(MakeCommand(SS_CMD_VOLUMEREL, int(sc.Float * (65536.f / 100.f)))); break; case SS_STRING_VOLUMERAND: sc.MustGetFloat (); volumebase = float(sc.Float); ScriptTemp.Push(MakeCommand(SS_CMD_VOLUMERAND, int(sc.Float * (65536.f / 100.f)))); sc.MustGetFloat (); ScriptTemp.Push(int((sc.Float - volumebase) * (256/100.f))); break; case SS_STRING_STOPSOUND: sc.MustGetString (); stopsound = S_FindSound (sc.String); ScriptTemp.Push(MakeCommand(SS_CMD_STOPSOUND, 0)); break; case SS_STRING_NOSTOPCUTOFF: stopsound = -1; ScriptTemp.Push(MakeCommand(SS_CMD_STOPSOUND, 0)); break; case SS_STRING_ATTENUATION: if (sc.CheckFloat()) { val = int(sc.Float*65536.); } else { sc.MustGetString (); val = sc.MustMatchString(&Attenuations[0].name, sizeof(Attenuations[0])) * 65536; } ScriptTemp.Push(MakeCommand(SS_CMD_ATTENUATION, val)); break; case SS_STRING_RANDOMSEQUENCE: ScriptTemp.Push(MakeCommand(SS_CMD_RANDOMSEQUENCE, 0)); break; case SS_STRING_RESTART: ScriptTemp.Push(MakeCommand(SS_CMD_BRANCH, ScriptTemp.Size())); break; case SS_STRING_END: AddSequence (curseq, seqname, slot, stopsound, ScriptTemp); curseq = -1; break; case SS_STRING_PLATFORM: AssignTranslations (sc, curseq, SEQ_PLATFORM); break; case SS_STRING_DOOR: AssignTranslations (sc, curseq, SEQ_DOOR); break; case SS_STRING_ENVIRONMENT: AssignTranslations (sc, curseq, SEQ_ENVIRONMENT); break; case SS_STRING_SLOT: sc.MustGetString(); slot = sc.String; break; } } if (curseq > 0) { sc.ScriptError("End of file encountered before the final sequence ended."); } } if (gameinfo.gametype == GAME_Hexen) AssignHexenTranslations (); } static void AddSequence (int curseq, FName seqname, FName slot, int stopsound, const TArray<DWORD> &ScriptTemp) { Sequences[curseq] = (FSoundSequence *)M_Malloc (sizeof(FSoundSequence) + sizeof(DWORD)*ScriptTemp.Size()); Sequences[curseq]->SeqName = seqname; Sequences[curseq]->Slot = slot; Sequences[curseq]->StopSound = FSoundID(stopsound); memcpy (Sequences[curseq]->Script, &ScriptTemp[0], sizeof(DWORD)*ScriptTemp.Size()); Sequences[curseq]->Script[ScriptTemp.Size()] = MakeCommand(SS_CMD_END, 0); } DSeqNode::DSeqNode (int sequence, int modenum) : m_ModeNum(modenum), m_SequenceChoices(0) { ActivateSequence (sequence); if (!SequenceListHead) { SequenceListHead = this; m_Next = m_Prev = NULL; } else { SequenceListHead->m_Prev = this; GC::WriteBarrier(SequenceListHead->m_Prev, this); m_Next = SequenceListHead; GC::WriteBarrier(this, SequenceListHead); SequenceListHead = this; m_Prev = NULL; } GC::WriteBarrier(this); m_ParentSeqNode = m_ChildSeqNode = NULL; } void DSeqNode::ActivateSequence (int sequence) { m_SequencePtr = Sequences[sequence]->Script; m_Sequence = sequence; m_DelayUntilTic = 0; m_StopSound = Sequences[sequence]->StopSound; m_CurrentSoundID = 0; m_Volume = 1; // Start at max volume... m_Atten = ATTN_IDLE; // ...and idle attenuation ActiveSequences++; } DSeqActorNode::DSeqActorNode (AActor *actor, int sequence, int modenum) : DSeqNode (sequence, modenum), m_Actor (actor) { } DSeqPolyNode::DSeqPolyNode (FPolyObj *poly, int sequence, int modenum) : DSeqNode (sequence, modenum), m_Poly (poly) { } DSeqSectorNode::DSeqSectorNode (sector_t *sec, int chan, int sequence, int modenum) : DSeqNode (sequence, modenum), Channel (chan), m_Sector (sec) { } //========================================================================== // // SN_StartSequence // //========================================================================== static bool TwiddleSeqNum (int &sequence, seqtype_t type) { if (type < SEQ_NUMSEQTYPES) { // [GrafZahl] Needs some range checking: // Sector_ChangeSound doesn't do it so this makes invalid sequences play nothing. if (sequence >= 0 && sequence < 64) { sequence = SeqTrans[sequence + type * 64]; } else { return false; } } return ((size_t)sequence < Sequences.Size() && Sequences[sequence] != NULL); } DSeqNode *SN_StartSequence (AActor *actor, int sequence, seqtype_t type, int modenum, bool nostop) { if (!nostop) { SN_StopSequence (actor); // Stop any previous sequence } if (TwiddleSeqNum (sequence, type)) { return new DSeqActorNode (actor, sequence, modenum); } return NULL; } DSeqNode *SN_StartSequence (sector_t *sector, int chan, int sequence, seqtype_t type, int modenum, bool nostop) { if (!nostop) { SN_StopSequence (sector, chan); } if (TwiddleSeqNum (sequence, type)) { return new DSeqSectorNode (sector, chan, sequence, modenum); } return NULL; } DSeqNode *SN_StartSequence (FPolyObj *poly, int sequence, seqtype_t type, int modenum, bool nostop) { if (!nostop) { SN_StopSequence (poly); } if (TwiddleSeqNum (sequence, type)) { return new DSeqPolyNode (poly, sequence, modenum); } return NULL; } //========================================================================== // // SN_StartSequence (named) // //========================================================================== DSeqNode *SN_StartSequence (AActor *actor, const char *seqname, int modenum) { int seqnum = FindSequence(seqname); if (seqnum >= 0) { return SN_StartSequence (actor, seqnum, SEQ_NOTRANS, modenum); } return NULL; } DSeqNode *SN_StartSequence (AActor *actor, FName seqname, int modenum) { int seqnum = FindSequence(seqname); if (seqnum >= 0) { return SN_StartSequence (actor, seqnum, SEQ_NOTRANS, modenum); } return NULL; } DSeqNode *SN_StartSequence (sector_t *sec, int chan, const char *seqname, int modenum) { int seqnum = FindSequence(seqname); if (seqnum >= 0) { return SN_StartSequence (sec, chan, seqnum, SEQ_NOTRANS, modenum); } return NULL; } DSeqNode *SN_StartSequence (sector_t *sec, int chan, FName seqname, int modenum) { int seqnum = FindSequence(seqname); if (seqnum >= 0) { return SN_StartSequence (sec, chan, seqnum, SEQ_NOTRANS, modenum); } return NULL; } DSeqNode *SN_StartSequence (FPolyObj *poly, const char *seqname, int modenum) { int seqnum = FindSequence(seqname); if (seqnum >= 0) { return SN_StartSequence (poly, seqnum, SEQ_NOTRANS, modenum); } return NULL; } static int FindSequence (const char *searchname) { FName seqname(searchname, true); if (seqname != NAME_None) { return FindSequence(seqname); } return -1; } static int FindSequence (FName seqname) { for (int i = Sequences.Size(); i-- > 0; ) { if (Sequences[i] != NULL && seqname == Sequences[i]->SeqName) { return i; } } return -1; } //========================================================================== // // SN_CheckSequence // // Returns the sound sequence playing in the sector on the given channel, // if any. // //========================================================================== DSeqNode *SN_CheckSequence(sector_t *sector, int chan) { for (DSeqNode *node = DSeqNode::FirstSequence(); node; ) { DSeqNode *next = node->NextSequence(); if (node->Source() == sector) { assert(node->IsKindOf(RUNTIME_CLASS(DSeqSectorNode))); if ((static_cast<DSeqSectorNode *>(node)->Channel & 7) == chan) { return node; } } node = next; } return NULL; } //========================================================================== // // SN_StopSequence // //========================================================================== void SN_StopSequence (AActor *actor) { SN_DoStop (actor); } void SN_StopSequence (sector_t *sector, int chan) { DSeqNode *node = SN_CheckSequence(sector, chan); if (node != NULL) { node->StopAndDestroy(); } } void SN_StopSequence (FPolyObj *poly) { SN_DoStop (poly); } void SN_DoStop (void *source) { DSeqNode *node; for (node = DSeqNode::FirstSequence(); node; ) { DSeqNode *next = node->NextSequence(); if (node->Source() == source) { node->StopAndDestroy (); } node = next; } } void DSeqActorNode::Destroy () { if (m_StopSound >= 0) S_StopSound (m_Actor, CHAN_BODY); if (m_StopSound >= 1) MakeSound (0, m_StopSound); Super::Destroy(); } void DSeqSectorNode::Destroy () { if (m_StopSound >= 0) S_StopSound (m_Sector, Channel & 7); if (m_StopSound >= 1) MakeSound (0, m_StopSound); Super::Destroy(); } void DSeqPolyNode::Destroy () { if (m_StopSound >= 0) S_StopSound (m_Poly, CHAN_BODY); if (m_StopSound >= 1) MakeSound (0, m_StopSound); Super::Destroy(); } //========================================================================== // // SN_IsMakingLoopingSound // //========================================================================== bool SN_IsMakingLoopingSound (sector_t *sector) { DSeqNode *node; for (node = DSeqNode::FirstSequence (); node; ) { DSeqNode *next = node->NextSequence(); if (node->Source() == (void *)sector) { return !!(static_cast<DSeqSectorNode *>(node)->Channel & CHAN_LOOP); } node = next; } return false; } //========================================================================== // // SN_UpdateActiveSequences // //========================================================================== void DSeqNode::Tick () { if (TIME_REFERENCE < m_DelayUntilTic) { return; } for (;;) { switch (GetCommand(*m_SequencePtr)) { case SS_CMD_NONE: m_SequencePtr++; break; case SS_CMD_PLAY: if (!IsPlaying()) { m_CurrentSoundID = FSoundID(GetData(*m_SequencePtr)); MakeSound (0, m_CurrentSoundID); } m_SequencePtr++; break; case SS_CMD_WAITUNTILDONE: if (!IsPlaying()) { m_SequencePtr++; m_CurrentSoundID = 0; } else { return; } break; case SS_CMD_PLAYREPEAT: if (!IsPlaying()) { // Does not advance sequencePtr, so it will repeat as necessary. m_CurrentSoundID = FSoundID(GetData(*m_SequencePtr)); MakeSound (CHAN_LOOP, m_CurrentSoundID); } return; case SS_CMD_PLAYLOOP: // Like SS_CMD_PLAYREPEAT, sequencePtr is not advanced, so this // command will repeat until the sequence is stopped. m_CurrentSoundID = FSoundID(GetData(m_SequencePtr[0])); MakeSound (0, m_CurrentSoundID); m_DelayUntilTic = TIME_REFERENCE + m_SequencePtr[1]; return; case SS_CMD_RANDOMSEQUENCE: // If there's nothing to choose from, then there's nothing to do here. if (m_SequenceChoices.Size() == 0) { m_SequencePtr++; } else if (m_ChildSeqNode == NULL) { int choice = pr_sndseq() % m_SequenceChoices.Size(); m_ChildSeqNode = SpawnChild (m_SequenceChoices[choice]); GC::WriteBarrier(this, m_ChildSeqNode); if (m_ChildSeqNode == NULL) { // Failed, so skip to next instruction. m_SequencePtr++; } else { // Copy parameters to the child and link it to this one. m_ChildSeqNode->m_Volume = m_Volume; m_ChildSeqNode->m_Atten = m_Atten; m_ChildSeqNode->m_ParentSeqNode = this; return; } } else { // If we get here, then the child sequence is playing, and it // will advance our sequence pointer for us when it finishes. return; } break; case SS_CMD_DELAY: m_DelayUntilTic = TIME_REFERENCE + GetData(*m_SequencePtr); m_SequencePtr++; m_CurrentSoundID = 0; return; case SS_CMD_DELAYRAND: m_DelayUntilTic = TIME_REFERENCE + GetData(m_SequencePtr[0]) + pr_sndseq(m_SequencePtr[1]); m_SequencePtr += 2; m_CurrentSoundID = 0; return; case SS_CMD_VOLUME: m_Volume = GetFloatData(*m_SequencePtr); m_SequencePtr++; break; case SS_CMD_VOLUMEREL: // like SS_CMD_VOLUME, but the new volume is added to the old volume m_Volume += GetFloatData(*m_SequencePtr); m_SequencePtr++; break; case SS_CMD_VOLUMERAND: // like SS_CMD_VOLUME, but the new volume is chosen randomly from a range m_Volume = GetFloatData(m_SequencePtr[0]) + (pr_sndseq() % m_SequencePtr[1]) / 255.f; m_SequencePtr += 2; break; case SS_CMD_STOPSOUND: // Wait until something else stops the sequence return; case SS_CMD_ATTENUATION: m_Atten = GetFloatData(*m_SequencePtr); m_SequencePtr++; break; case SS_CMD_BRANCH: m_SequencePtr -= GetData(*m_SequencePtr); break; case SS_CMD_SELECT: { // Completely transfer control to the choice matching m_ModeNum. // If no match is found, then just advance to the next command // in this sequence, which should be SS_CMD_END. int numchoices = GetData(*m_SequencePtr++); int i; for (i = 0; i < numchoices; ++i) { if (m_SequencePtr[i*2] == m_ModeNum) { int seqnum = FindSequence (ENamedName(m_SequencePtr[i*2+1])); if (seqnum >= 0) { // Found a match, and it's a good one too. ActiveSequences--; ActivateSequence (seqnum); break; } } } if (i == numchoices) { // No match (or no good match) was found. m_SequencePtr += numchoices * 2; } } break; case SS_CMD_LAST2NOP: *(m_SequencePtr - 1) = MakeCommand(SS_CMD_NONE, 0); *m_SequencePtr = MakeCommand(SS_CMD_NONE, 0); m_SequencePtr++; break; case SS_CMD_END: Destroy (); return; default: Printf ("Corrupted sound sequence: %s\n", Sequences[m_Sequence]->SeqName.GetChars()); Destroy (); return; } } } void SN_UpdateActiveSequences (void) { DSeqNode *node; if (!ActiveSequences || paused) { // No sequences currently playing/game is paused return; } for (node = DSeqNode::FirstSequence(); node; node = node->NextSequence()) { node->Tick (); } } //========================================================================== // // SN_StopAllSequences // //========================================================================== void SN_StopAllSequences (void) { DSeqNode *node; for (node = DSeqNode::FirstSequence(); node; ) { DSeqNode *next = node->NextSequence(); node->m_StopSound = 0; // don't play any stop sounds node->Destroy (); node = next; } } //========================================================================== // // SN_GetSequenceOffset // //========================================================================== ptrdiff_t SN_GetSequenceOffset (int sequence, SDWORD *sequencePtr) { return sequencePtr - Sequences[sequence]->Script; } //========================================================================== // // SN_GetSequenceSlot // //========================================================================== FName SN_GetSequenceSlot (int sequence, seqtype_t type) { if (TwiddleSeqNum (sequence, type)) { return Sequences[sequence]->Slot; } return NAME_None; } //========================================================================== // // SN_MarkPrecacheSounds // // Marks all sounds played by this sequence for precaching. // //========================================================================== void SN_MarkPrecacheSounds(int sequence, seqtype_t type) { if (TwiddleSeqNum(sequence, type)) { FSoundSequence *seq = Sequences[sequence]; seq->StopSound.MarkUsed(); for (int i = 0; GetCommand(seq->Script[i]) != SS_CMD_END; ++i) { int cmd = GetCommand(seq->Script[i]); if (cmd == SS_CMD_PLAY || cmd == SS_CMD_PLAYREPEAT || cmd == SS_CMD_PLAYLOOP) { FSoundID(GetData(seq->Script[i])).MarkUsed(); } } } } //========================================================================== // // SN_ChangeNodeData // // nodeNum zero is the first node //========================================================================== void SN_ChangeNodeData (int nodeNum, int seqOffset, int delayTics, float volume, int currentSoundID) { int i; DSeqNode *node; i = 0; node = DSeqNode::FirstSequence(); while (node && i < nodeNum) { node = node->NextSequence(); i++; } if (!node) { // reached the end of the list before finding the nodeNum-th node return; } node->ChangeData (seqOffset, delayTics, volume, currentSoundID); } void DSeqNode::ChangeData (int seqOffset, int delayTics, float volume, FSoundID currentSoundID) { m_DelayUntilTic = TIME_REFERENCE + delayTics; m_Volume = volume; m_SequencePtr += seqOffset; m_CurrentSoundID = currentSoundID; } //========================================================================== // // FindMode // // Finds the sequence this sequence and mode combination selects. // //========================================================================== static int FindMode(int seqnum, int mode) { if (seqnum <= 0) { // Sequence does not exist. return seqnum; } FSoundSequence *seq = Sequences[seqnum]; if (GetCommand(seq->Script[0]) != SS_CMD_SELECT) { // This sequence doesn't select any others. return seqnum; } // Search for the desired mode amongst the selections int nummodes = GetData(seq->Script[0]); for (int i = 0; i < nummodes; ++i) { if (seq->Script[1 + i*2] == mode) { return FindSequence(ENamedName(seq->Script[1 + i*2 + 1])); } } // The mode isn't selected, which means it stays on this sequence. return seqnum; } //========================================================================== // // FindModeDeep // // Finds the final sequence this sequence and mode combination selects. // //========================================================================== static int FindModeDeep(int seqnum, int mode) { int newseqnum = FindMode(seqnum, mode); while (newseqnum != seqnum) { seqnum = newseqnum; newseqnum = FindMode(seqnum, mode); } return seqnum; } //========================================================================== // // SN_AreModesSame // // Returns true if mode1 and mode2 represent the same sequence. // //========================================================================== bool SN_AreModesSame(int seqnum, seqtype_t type, int mode1, int mode2) { if (mode1 == mode2) { // Obviously they're the same. return true; } if (TwiddleSeqNum(seqnum, type)) { int mode1seq = FindModeDeep(seqnum, mode1); int mode2seq = FindModeDeep(seqnum, mode2); return mode1seq == mode2seq; } // The sequence doesn't exist, so that makes both modes equally nonexistant. return true; } bool SN_AreModesSame(const char *name, int mode1, int mode2) { int seqnum = FindSequence(name); if (seqnum >= 0) { return SN_AreModesSame(seqnum, SEQ_NOTRANS, mode1, mode2); } // The sequence doesn't exist, so that makes both modes equally nonexistant. return true; } //========================================================================== // // CCMD playsequence // // Causes the player to play a sound sequence. //========================================================================== CCMD(playsequence) { if (argv.argc() < 2 || argv.argc() > 3) { Printf ("Usage: playsequence <sound sequence name> [choice number]\n"); } else { SN_StartSequence (players[consoleplayer].mo, argv[1], argv.argc() > 2 ? atoi(argv[2]) : 0); } }