// Bridge ball ------------------------------------------------------------- class BridgeBall : Actor { default { +NOBLOCKMAP +NOTELEPORT +NOGRAVITY } action native void A_BridgeOrbit(); States { Spawn: TLGL A 2 Bright; TLGL A 1 Bright A_BridgeOrbit; Wait; } } // The bridge itself ------------------------------------------------------- class CustomBridge : Actor native { default { +SOLID +NOGRAVITY +NOLIFTDROP +ACTLIKEBRIDGE Radius 32; Height 2; RenderStyle "None"; } action native void A_BridgeInit(class balltype = "BridgeBall"); states { Spawn: TLGL ABCDE 3 Bright; Loop; See: TLGL A 2; TLGL A 2 A_BridgeInit; TLGL A -1; Stop; Death: TLGL A 2; TLGL A 300; Stop; } } // The Hexen bridge ------------------------------------------------------- class Bridge : CustomBridge { default { RenderStyle "None"; Args 32, 2, 3, 0; } } // The ZDoom bridge ------------------------------------------------------- class ZBridge : CustomBridge { default { Args 36, 4, 0, 0; } } // Invisible bridge -------------------------------------------------------- class InvisibleBridge : Actor native { default { RenderStyle "None"; Radius 32; Height 4; +SOLID +NOGRAVITY +NOLIFTDROP +ACTLIKEBRIDGE } States { Spawn: TNT1 A -1; Stop; } } // And some invisible bridges from Skull Tag ------------------------------- class InvisibleBridge32 : InvisibleBridge { default { Radius 32; Height 8; } } class InvisibleBridge16 : InvisibleBridge { default { Radius 16; Height 8; } } class InvisibleBridge8 : InvisibleBridge { default { Radius 8; Height 8; } }