#ifndef __GL_RENDERSTATE_H #define __GL_RENDERSTATE_H #include #include "gl/system/gl_interface.h" #include "gl/data/gl_data.h" #include "c_cvars.h" #include "r_defs.h" class FVertexBuffer; EXTERN_CVAR(Bool, gl_direct_state_change) struct FStateVec4 { float vec[4]; void Set(float r, float g, float b, float a) { vec[0] = r; vec[1] = g; vec[2] = b; vec[3] = a; } }; enum EEffect { EFF_NONE=-1, EFF_FOGBOUNDARY, EFF_SPHEREMAP, EFF_BURN, EFF_STENCIL, MAX_EFFECTS }; class FRenderState { bool mTextureEnabled; bool mFogEnabled; bool mGlowEnabled; bool mLightEnabled; bool mBrightmapEnabled; int mSpecialEffect; int mTextureMode; int mDesaturation; int mSoftLight; float mLightParms[4]; int mNumLights[4]; float *mLightData; int mSrcBlend, mDstBlend; int mAlphaFunc; float mAlphaThreshold; bool mAlphaTest; int mBlendEquation; bool m2D; FVertexBuffer *mVertexBuffer, *mCurrentVertexBuffer; FStateVec4 mColor; FStateVec4 mCameraPos; FStateVec4 mGlowTop, mGlowBottom; FStateVec4 mGlowTopPlane, mGlowBottomPlane; PalEntry mFogColor; PalEntry mObjectColor; PalEntry mDynColor; int mEffectState; int mColormapState; int glSrcBlend, glDstBlend; int glAlphaFunc; float glAlphaThreshold; bool glAlphaTest; int glBlendEquation; bool ffTextureEnabled; bool ffFogEnabled; int ffTextureMode; int ffSpecialEffect; PalEntry ffFogColor; float ffFogDensity; bool ApplyShader(); public: FRenderState() { Reset(); } void Reset(); int SetupShader(int &shaderindex, float warptime); void Apply(bool forcenoshader = false); void SetVertexBuffer(FVertexBuffer *vb) { mVertexBuffer = vb; } void ResetVertexBuffer() { // forces rebinding with the next 'apply' call. mCurrentVertexBuffer = NULL; } void SetColor(float r, float g, float b, float a = 1.f, int desat = 0) { mColor.Set(r, g, b, a); mDesaturation = desat; } void SetColor(PalEntry pe, int desat = 0) { mColor.Set(pe.r/255.f, pe.g/255.f, pe.b/255.f, pe.a/255.f); mDesaturation = desat; } void SetColorAlpha(PalEntry pe, float alpha = 1.f, int desat = 0) { mColor.Set(pe.r/255.f, pe.g/255.f, pe.b/255.f, alpha); mDesaturation = desat; } void ResetColor() { mColor.Set(1,1,1,1); mDesaturation = 0; } void SetTextureMode(int mode) { mTextureMode = mode; } void EnableTexture(bool on) { mTextureEnabled = on; } void EnableFog(bool on) { mFogEnabled = on; } void SetEffect(int eff) { mSpecialEffect = eff; } void EnableGlow(bool on) { mGlowEnabled = on; } void EnableLight(bool on) { mLightEnabled = on; } void EnableBrightmap(bool on) { mBrightmapEnabled = on; } void SetCameraPos(float x, float y, float z) { mCameraPos.Set(x, z, y, 0); } void SetGlowParams(float *t, float *b) { mGlowTop.Set(t[0], t[1], t[2], t[3]); mGlowBottom.Set(b[0], b[1], b[2], b[3]); } void SetSoftLightLevel(int level) { if (glset.lightmode == 8) mLightParms[3] = level / 255.f; else mLightParms[3] = -1.f; } void SetGlowPlanes(const secplane_t &top, const secplane_t &bottom) { mGlowTopPlane.Set(FIXED2FLOAT(top.a), FIXED2FLOAT(top.b), FIXED2FLOAT(top.ic), FIXED2FLOAT(top.d)); mGlowBottomPlane.Set(FIXED2FLOAT(bottom.a), FIXED2FLOAT(bottom.b), FIXED2FLOAT(bottom.ic), FIXED2FLOAT(bottom.d)); } void SetDynLight(float r, float g, float b) { mDynColor = PalEntry(255, xs_CRoundToInt(r*255), xs_CRoundToInt(g*255), xs_CRoundToInt(b*255)); } void SetDynLight(PalEntry pe) { mDynColor = pe; } void SetObjectColor(PalEntry pe) { mObjectColor = pe; } void SetFog(PalEntry c, float d) { const float LOG2E = 1.442692f; // = 1/log(2) mFogColor = c; if (d >= 0.0f) mLightParms[2] = d * (-LOG2E / 64000.f); } void SetLightParms(float f, float d) { mLightParms[1] = f; mLightParms[0] = d; } void SetLights(int *numlights, float *lightdata) { mNumLights[0] = 0; mNumLights[1] = numlights[0]; mNumLights[2] = numlights[1]; mNumLights[3] = numlights[2]; mLightData = lightdata; // caution: the data must be preserved by the caller until the 'apply' call! } void SetFixedColormap(int cm) { mColormapState = cm; } PalEntry GetFogColor() const { return mFogColor; } void BlendFunc(int src, int dst) { if (!gl_direct_state_change) { mSrcBlend = src; mDstBlend = dst; } else { glBlendFunc(src, dst); } } void AlphaFunc(int func, float thresh) { if (!gl_direct_state_change) { mAlphaFunc = func; mAlphaThreshold = thresh; } else { ::glAlphaFunc(func, thresh); } } void EnableAlphaTest(bool on) { if (!gl_direct_state_change) { mAlphaTest = on; } else { if (on) glEnable(GL_ALPHA_TEST); else glDisable(GL_ALPHA_TEST); } } void BlendEquation(int eq) { if (!gl_direct_state_change) { mBlendEquation = eq; } else { ::glBlendEquation(eq); } } void Set2DMode(bool on) { m2D = on; } }; extern FRenderState gl_RenderState; #endif