// Tech lamp --------------------------------------------------------------- class TechLamp : Actor { Default { Radius 16; Height 80; ProjectilePassHeight -16; +SOLID } States { Spawn: TLMP ABCD 4 BRIGHT; Loop; } } // Tech lamp 2 ------------------------------------------------------------- class TechLamp2 : Actor { Default { Radius 16; Height 60; ProjectilePassHeight -16; +SOLID } States { Spawn: TLP2 ABCD 4 BRIGHT; Loop; } } // Column ------------------------------------------------------------------ class Column : Actor { Default { Radius 16; Height 48; ProjectilePassHeight -16; +SOLID } States { Spawn: COLU A -1 BRIGHT; Stop; } } // Tall green column ------------------------------------------------------- class TallGreenColumn : Actor { Default { Radius 16; Height 52; ProjectilePassHeight -16; +SOLID } States { Spawn: COL1 A -1; Stop; } } // Short green column ------------------------------------------------------ class ShortGreenColumn : Actor { Default { Radius 16; Height 40;; ProjectilePassHeight -16; +SOLID } States { Spawn: COL2 A -1; Stop; } } // Tall red column --------------------------------------------------------- class TallRedColumn : Actor { Default { Radius 16; Height 52; ProjectilePassHeight -16; +SOLID } States { Spawn: COL3 A -1; Stop; } } // Short red column -------------------------------------------------------- class ShortRedColumn : Actor { Default { Radius 16; Height 40; ProjectilePassHeight -16; +SOLID } States { Spawn: COL4 A -1; Stop; } } // Skull column ------------------------------------------------------------ class SkullColumn : Actor { Default { Radius 16; Height 40; ProjectilePassHeight -16; +SOLID } States { Spawn: COL6 A -1; Stop; } } // Heart column ------------------------------------------------------------ class HeartColumn : Actor { Default { Radius 16; Height 40; ProjectilePassHeight -16; +SOLID } States { Spawn: COL5 AB 14; Loop; } } // Evil eye ---------------------------------------------------------------- class EvilEye : Actor { Default { Radius 16; Height 54; ProjectilePassHeight -16; +SOLID } States { Spawn: CEYE ABCB 6 BRIGHT; Loop; } } // Floating skull ---------------------------------------------------------- class FloatingSkull : Actor { Default { Radius 16; Height 26; ProjectilePassHeight -16; +SOLID } States { Spawn: FSKU ABC 6 BRIGHT; Loop; } } // Torch tree -------------------------------------------------------------- class TorchTree : Actor { Default { Radius 16; Height 56; ProjectilePassHeight -16; +SOLID } States { Spawn: TRE1 A -1; Stop; } } // Blue torch -------------------------------------------------------------- class BlueTorch : Actor { Default { Radius 16; Height 68;; ProjectilePassHeight -16; +SOLID } States { Spawn: TBLU ABCD 4 BRIGHT; Loop; } } // Green torch ------------------------------------------------------------- class GreenTorch : Actor { Default { Radius 16; Height 68; ProjectilePassHeight -16; +SOLID } States { Spawn: TGRN ABCD 4 BRIGHT; Loop; } } // Red torch --------------------------------------------------------------- class RedTorch : Actor { Default { Radius 16; Height 68; ProjectilePassHeight -16; +SOLID } States { Spawn: TRED ABCD 4 BRIGHT; Loop; } } // Short blue torch -------------------------------------------------------- class ShortBlueTorch : Actor { Default { Radius 16; Height 37; ProjectilePassHeight -16; +SOLID } States { Spawn: SMBT ABCD 4 BRIGHT; Loop; } } // Short green torch ------------------------------------------------------- class ShortGreenTorch : Actor { Default { Radius 16; Height 37; ProjectilePassHeight -16; +SOLID } States { Spawn: SMGT ABCD 4 BRIGHT; Loop; } } // Short red torch --------------------------------------------------------- class ShortRedTorch : Actor { Default { Radius 16; Height 37; ProjectilePassHeight -16; +SOLID } States { Spawn: SMRT ABCD 4 BRIGHT; Loop; } } // Stalagtite -------------------------------------------------------------- class Stalagtite : Actor { Default { Radius 16; Height 40; ProjectilePassHeight -16; +SOLID } States { Spawn: SMIT A -1; Stop; } } // Tech pillar ------------------------------------------------------------- class TechPillar : Actor { Default { Radius 16; Height 128; ProjectilePassHeight -16; +SOLID } States { Spawn: ELEC A -1; Stop; } } // Candle stick ------------------------------------------------------------ class Candlestick : Actor { Default { Radius 20; Height 14; ProjectilePassHeight -16; } States { Spawn: CAND A -1 BRIGHT; Stop; } } // Candelabra -------------------------------------------------------------- class Candelabra : Actor { Default { Radius 16; Height 60; ProjectilePassHeight -16; +SOLID } States { Spawn: CBRA A -1 BRIGHT; Stop; } } // Bloody twitch ----------------------------------------------------------- class BloodyTwitch : Actor { Default { Radius 16; Height 68; +SOLID +NOGRAVITY +SPAWNCEILING } States { Spawn: GOR1 A 10; GOR1 B 15; GOR1 C 8; GOR1 B 6; Loop; } } // Meat 2 ------------------------------------------------------------------ class Meat2 : Actor { Default { Radius 16; Height 84; +SOLID +NOGRAVITY +SPAWNCEILING } States { Spawn: GOR2 A -1; Stop; } } // Meat 3 ------------------------------------------------------------------ class Meat3 : Actor { Default { Radius 16; Height 84; +SOLID +NOGRAVITY +SPAWNCEILING } States { Spawn: GOR3 A -1; Stop; } } // Meat 4 ------------------------------------------------------------------ class Meat4 : Actor { Default { Radius 16; Height 68; +SOLID +NOGRAVITY +SPAWNCEILING } States { Spawn: GOR4 A -1; Stop; } } // Meat 5 ------------------------------------------------------------------ class Meat5 : Actor { Default { Radius 16; Height 52; +SOLID +NOGRAVITY +SPAWNCEILING } States { Spawn: GOR5 A -1; Stop; } } // Nonsolid meat ----------------------------------------------------------- class NonsolidMeat2 : Meat2 { Default { -SOLID Radius 20; } } class NonsolidMeat3 : Meat3 { Default { -SOLID Radius 20; } } class NonsolidMeat4 : Meat4 { Default { -SOLID Radius 20; } } class NonsolidMeat5 : Meat5 { Default { -SOLID Radius 20; } } // Nonsolid bloody twitch -------------------------------------------------- class NonsolidTwitch : BloodyTwitch { Default { -SOLID Radius 20; } } // Head on a stick --------------------------------------------------------- class HeadOnAStick : Actor { Default { Radius 16; Height 56; ProjectilePassHeight -16; +SOLID } States { Spawn: POL4 A -1; Stop; } } // Heads (plural!) on a stick ---------------------------------------------- class HeadsOnAStick : Actor { Default { Radius 16; Height 64;; ProjectilePassHeight -16; +SOLID } States { Spawn: POL2 A -1; Stop; } } // Head candles ------------------------------------------------------------ class HeadCandles : Actor { Default { Radius 16; Height 42; ProjectilePassHeight -16; +SOLID } States { Spawn: POL3 AB 6 BRIGHT; Loop; } } // Dead on a stick --------------------------------------------------------- class DeadStick : Actor { Default { Radius 16; Height 64; ProjectilePassHeight -16; +SOLID } States { Spawn: POL1 A -1; Stop; } } // Still alive on a stick -------------------------------------------------- class LiveStick : Actor { Default { Radius 16; Height 64; ProjectilePassHeight -16; +SOLID } States { Spawn: POL6 A 6; POL6 B 8; Loop; } } // Big tree ---------------------------------------------------------------- class BigTree : Actor { Default { Radius 32; Height 108; ProjectilePassHeight -16; +SOLID } States { Spawn: TRE2 A -1; Stop; } } // Burning barrel ---------------------------------------------------------- class BurningBarrel : Actor { Default { Radius 16; Height 32; ProjectilePassHeight -16; +SOLID } States { Spawn: FCAN ABC 4 BRIGHT; Loop; } } // Hanging with no guts ---------------------------------------------------- class HangNoGuts : Actor { Default { Radius 16; Height 88; +SOLID +NOGRAVITY +SPAWNCEILING } States { Spawn: HDB1 A -1; Stop; } } // Hanging from bottom with no brain --------------------------------------- class HangBNoBrain : Actor { Default { Radius 16; Height 88; +SOLID +NOGRAVITY +SPAWNCEILING } States { Spawn: HDB2 A -1; Stop; } } // Hanging from top, looking down ------------------------------------------ class HangTLookingDown : Actor { Default { Radius 16; Height 64; +SOLID +NOGRAVITY +SPAWNCEILING } States { Spawn: HDB3 A -1; Stop; } } // Hanging from top, looking up -------------------------------------------- class HangTLookingUp : Actor { Default { Radius 16; Height 64; +SOLID +NOGRAVITY +SPAWNCEILING } States { Spawn: HDB5 A -1; Stop; } } // Hanging from top, skully ------------------------------------------------ class HangTSkull : Actor { Default { Radius 16; Height 64; +SOLID +NOGRAVITY +SPAWNCEILING } States { Spawn: HDB4 A -1; Stop; } } // Hanging from top without a brain ---------------------------------------- class HangTNoBrain : Actor { Default { Radius 16; Height 64; +SOLID +NOGRAVITY +SPAWNCEILING } States { Spawn: HDB6 A -1; Stop; } } // Colon gibs -------------------------------------------------------------- class ColonGibs : Actor { Default { Radius 20; Height 4; +NOBLOCKMAP +MOVEWITHSECTOR } States { Spawn: POB1 A -1; Stop; } } // Small pool o' blood ----------------------------------------------------- class SmallBloodPool : Actor { Default { Radius 20; Height 1; +NOBLOCKMAP +MOVEWITHSECTOR } States { Spawn: POB2 A -1; Stop; } } // brain stem lying on the ground ------------------------------------------ class BrainStem : Actor { Default { Radius 20; Height 4; +NOBLOCKMAP +MOVEWITHSECTOR } States { Spawn: BRS1 A -1; Stop; } } // Grey stalagmite (unused Doom sprite, definition taken from Skulltag ----- class Stalagmite : Actor { Default { Radius 16; Height 48; +SOLID } States { Spawn: SMT2 A -1; Stop; } }