// Emacs style mode select -*- C++ -*- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // $Id:$ // // Copyright (C) 1993-1996 by id Software, Inc. // // This source is available for distribution and/or modification // only under the terms of the DOOM Source Code License as // published by id Software. All rights reserved. // // The source is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the DOOM Source Code License // for more details. // // $Log:$ // // DESCRIPTION: // Moving object handling. Spawn functions. // //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // HEADER FILES ------------------------------------------------------------ #include "templates.h" #include "m_alloc.h" #include "i_system.h" #include "m_random.h" #include "doomdef.h" #include "p_local.h" #include "p_lnspec.h" #include "p_effect.h" #include "p_terrain.h" #include "st_stuff.h" #include "hu_stuff.h" #include "s_sound.h" #include "doomstat.h" #include "v_video.h" #include "c_cvars.h" #include "b_bot.h" //Added by MC: #include "stats.h" #include "a_doomglobal.h" #include "a_hexenglobal.h" #include "a_sharedglobal.h" #include "gi.h" #include "sbar.h" #include "p_acs.h" #include "cmdlib.h" #include "decallib.h" #include "ravenshared.h" #include "a_action.h" #include "a_keys.h" #include "p_conversation.h" // MACROS ------------------------------------------------------------------ #define WATER_SINK_FACTOR 3 #define WATER_SINK_SMALL_FACTOR 4 #define WATER_SINK_SPEED (FRACUNIT/2) #define WATER_JUMP_SPEED (FRACUNIT*7/2) // EXTERNAL FUNCTION PROTOTYPES -------------------------------------------- void G_PlayerReborn (int player); // PRIVATE FUNCTION PROTOTYPES --------------------------------------------- static void PlayerLandedOnThing (AActor *mo, AActor *onmobj); // EXTERNAL DATA DECLARATIONS ---------------------------------------------- extern cycle_t BotSupportCycles; extern cycle_t BotWTG; extern fixed_t attackrange; extern int tmfloorpic; extern sector_t *tmfloorsector; EXTERN_CVAR (Bool, r_drawfuzz); // PRIVATE DATA DEFINITIONS ------------------------------------------------ static bool SpawningMapThing; static FRandom pr_explodemissile ("ExplodeMissile"); static FRandom pr_bounce ("Bounce"); static FRandom pr_reflect ("Reflect"); static FRandom pr_nightmarerespawn ("NightmareRespawn"); static FRandom pr_botspawnmobj ("BotSpawnActor"); static FRandom pr_spawnmapthing ("SpawnMapThing"); static FRandom pr_spawnpuff ("SpawnPuff"); static FRandom pr_spawnblood ("SpawnBlood"); static FRandom pr_splatter ("BloodSplatter"); static FRandom pr_takedamage ("TakeDamage"); static FRandom pr_ripperblood ("RipperBlood"); static FRandom pr_chunk ("Chunk"); static FRandom pr_checkmissilespawn ("CheckMissileSpawn"); static FRandom pr_spawnmissile ("SpawnMissile"); FRandom pr_slam ("SkullSlam"); static FRandom pr_multiclasschoice ("MultiClassChoice"); // PUBLIC DATA DEFINITIONS ------------------------------------------------- FRandom pr_spawnmobj ("SpawnActor"); CUSTOM_CVAR (Float, sv_gravity, 800.f, CVAR_SERVERINFO|CVAR_NOSAVE) { level.gravity = self; } CVAR (Bool, cl_missiledecals, true, CVAR_ARCHIVE) CVAR (Bool, addrocketexplosion, false, CVAR_ARCHIVE) fixed_t FloatBobOffsets[64] = { 0, 51389, 102283, 152192, 200636, 247147, 291278, 332604, 370727, 405280, 435929, 462380, 484378, 501712, 514213, 521763, 524287, 521763, 514213, 501712, 484378, 462380, 435929, 405280, 370727, 332604, 291278, 247147, 200636, 152192, 102283, 51389, -1, -51390, -102284, -152193, -200637, -247148, -291279, -332605, -370728, -405281, -435930, -462381, -484380, -501713, -514215, -521764, -524288, -521764, -514214, -501713, -484379, -462381, -435930, -405280, -370728, -332605, -291279, -247148, -200637, -152193, -102284, -51389 }; fixed_t FloatBobDiffs[64] = { 51389, 51389, 50894, 49909, 48444, 46511, 44131, 41326, 38123, 34553, 30649, 26451, 21998, 17334, 12501, 7550, 2524, -2524, -7550, -12501, -17334, -21998, -26451, -30649, -34553, -38123, -41326, -44131, -46511, -48444, -49909, -50894, -51390, -51389, -50894, -49909, -48444, -46511, -44131, -41326, -38123, -34553, -30649, -26451, -21999, -17333, -12502, -7549, -2524, 2524, 7550, 12501, 17334, 21998, 26451, 30650, 34552, 38123, 41326, 44131, 46511, 48444, 49909, 50895 }; CVAR (Int, cl_pufftype, 0, CVAR_ARCHIVE); CVAR (Int, cl_bloodtype, 0, CVAR_ARCHIVE); AActor *MissileActor; AActor *PuffSpawned; // CODE -------------------------------------------------------------------- IMPLEMENT_POINTY_CLASS (AActor) DECLARE_POINTER (target) DECLARE_POINTER (lastenemy) DECLARE_POINTER (tracer) DECLARE_POINTER (goal) DECLARE_POINTER (LastLook) // This is actually a union DECLARE_POINTER (Inventory) DECLARE_POINTER (LastHeard) DECLARE_POINTER (master) END_POINTERS AActor::~AActor () { // Please avoid calling the destructor directly (or through delete)! // Use Destroy() instead. } void AActor::Serialize (FArchive &arc) { Super::Serialize (arc); if (arc.IsStoring ()) { arc.WriteSprite (sprite); } else { sprite = arc.ReadSprite (); } arc << x << y << z << angle << frame << xscale << yscale << RenderStyle << renderflags; if (arc.IsStoring ()) { BYTE ff; if (picnum == 0xFFFF) { ff = 0xFF; arc << ff; } else { ff = 0; arc << ff; TexMan.WriteTexture (arc, picnum); } TexMan.WriteTexture (arc, floorpic); TexMan.WriteTexture (arc, ceilingpic); } else { BYTE ff; arc << ff; if (ff == 0xFF) { picnum = 0xFFFF; } else { picnum = TexMan.ReadTexture (arc); } floorpic = TexMan.ReadTexture (arc); ceilingpic = TexMan.ReadTexture (arc); } arc << TIDtoHate; if (TIDtoHate == 0) { arc << LastLook.PlayerNumber; } else { arc << LastLook.Actor; } arc << effects << alpha << alphacolor << pitch << roll << Sector << floorz << ceilingz << dropoffz << floorsector << ceilingsector << radius << height << momx << momy << momz << tics << state << damage << flags << flags2 << flags3 << flags4 << flags5 << special1 << special2 << health << movedir << visdir << movecount << target << lastenemy << LastHeard << reactiontime << threshold << player << SpawnPoint[0] << SpawnPoint[1] << SpawnPoint[2] << SpawnAngle << tracer << floorclip << tid << special << args[0] << args[1] << args[2] << args[3] << args[4] << goal << waterlevel << MinMissileChance << SpawnFlags << Inventory << InventoryID << id << FloatBobPhase << Translation << AR_SOUNDW(SeeSound) << AR_SOUNDW(AttackSound) << AR_SOUNDW(PainSound) << AR_SOUNDW(DeathSound) << AR_SOUNDW(ActiveSound) << AR_SOUNDW(UseSound) << Speed << FloatSpeed << Mass << PainChance << SpawnState << SeeState << PainState << MeleeState << MissileState << CrashState << DeathState << XDeathState << BDeathState << IDeathState << EDeathState << RaiseState << WoundState << HealState << YesState << NoState << GreetingsState << CrushState << MaxDropOffHeight << MaxStepHeight << bouncefactor << bouncecount << meleerange << DamageType; if (arc.IsStoring ()) { int convnum = 0; unsigned int i; if (Conversation != NULL) { for (i = 0; i < StrifeDialogues.Size(); ++i) { if (StrifeDialogues[i] == GetDefault()->Conversation) { break; } } for (; i + convnum < StrifeDialogues.Size(); ++convnum) { if (StrifeDialogues[i + convnum] == Conversation) { break; } } if (i + convnum < StrifeDialogues.Size()) { convnum++; } else { convnum = 0; } } arc.WriteCount (convnum); } else { int convnum; unsigned int i; convnum = arc.ReadCount(); if (convnum == 0 || GetDefault()->Conversation == NULL) { Conversation = NULL; } else { for (i = 0; i < StrifeDialogues.Size(); ++i) { if (StrifeDialogues[i] == GetDefault()->Conversation) { break; } } if (i + convnum <= StrifeDialogues.Size()) { Conversation = StrifeDialogues[i + convnum - 1]; } else { Conversation = GetDefault()->Conversation; } } } if (arc.IsLoading ()) { touching_sectorlist = NULL; LinkToWorld (Sector); AddToHash (); SetShade (alphacolor); if (player) { if (playeringame[player - players]) { // Give player back the skin player->skin = &skins[player->userinfo.skin]; } if (Speed == 0) { Speed = GetDefault()->Speed; } } PrevX = x; PrevY = y; PrevZ = z; } } void MapThing::Serialize (FArchive &arc) { arc << thingid << x << y << z << angle << type << flags << special << args[0] << args[1] << args[2] << args[3] << args[4]; } AActor::AActor () throw() { } AActor::AActor (const AActor &other) throw() { memcpy (&x, &other.x, (byte *)&this[1] - (byte *)&x); } AActor &AActor::operator= (const AActor &other) { memcpy (&x, &other.x, (byte *)&this[1] - (byte *)&x); return *this; } //========================================================================== // // AActor::InStateSequence // // Checks whether the current state is in a contiguous sequence that // starts with basestate // //========================================================================== bool AActor::InStateSequence(FState * newstate, FState * basestate) { if (basestate == NULL) return false; FState * thisstate = basestate; do { if (newstate == thisstate) return true; basestate = thisstate; thisstate = thisstate->GetNextState(); } while (thisstate == basestate+1); return false; } //========================================================================== // // AActor::GetTics // // Get the actual duration of the next state // This is a more generalized attempt to make the Demon faster in // nightmare mode. Actually changing the states' durations has to // be considered highly problematic. // //========================================================================== int AActor::GetTics(FState * newstate) { int tics = newstate->GetTics(); if (gameskill == sk_nightmare || (dmflags & DF_FAST_MONSTERS)) { if (flags5 & MF5_FASTER) { if (InStateSequence(newstate, SeeState)) return tics - (tics>>1); } if (flags5 & MF5_FASTMELEE) { if (InStateSequence(newstate, MeleeState)) return tics - (tics>>1); } } return tics; } //========================================================================== // // AActor::SetState // // Returns true if the mobj is still present. // //========================================================================== bool AActor::SetState (FState *newstate) { if (debugfile && player && (player->cheats & CF_PREDICTING)) fprintf (debugfile, "for pl %d: SetState while predicting!\n", player-players); do { if (newstate == NULL) { state = NULL; Destroy (); return false; } int prevsprite, newsprite; if (state != NULL) { prevsprite = state->sprite.index; } else { prevsprite = -1; } state = newstate; tics = GetTics(newstate); renderflags = (renderflags & ~RF_FULLBRIGHT) | newstate->GetFullbright(); newsprite = newstate->sprite.index; if (newsprite != 1) { // Sprite 1 is ----, which means "do not change the sprite" frame = newstate->GetFrame(); if (!(flags4 & MF4_NOSKIN) && newsprite == SpawnState->sprite.index) { // [RH] If the new sprite is the same as the original sprite, and // this actor is attached to a player, use the player's skin's // sprite. If a player is not attached, do not change the sprite // unless it is different from the previous state's sprite; a // player may have been attached, died, and respawned elsewhere, // and we do not want to lose the skin on the body. If it wasn't // for Dehacked, I would move sprite changing out of the states // altogether, since actors rarely change their sprites after // spawning. if (player != NULL) { sprite = skins[player->userinfo.skin].sprite; } else if (newsprite != prevsprite) { sprite = newsprite; } } else { sprite = newsprite; } } if (newstate->GetAction()) { // The parameterized action functions need access to the current state and // if a function is supposed to work with both actors and weapons // there is no real means to get to it reliably so I store it in a global variable here. // Yes, I know this is truly awful but it is the only method I can think of // that does not involve changing stuff throughout the code. // Of course this should be rewritten ASAP. CallingState = newstate; newstate->GetAction() (this); } newstate = newstate->GetNextState(); } while (tics == 0); return true; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // FUNC AActor::SetStateNF // // Same as SetState, but does not call the state function. // //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool AActor::SetStateNF (FState *newstate) { do { if (newstate == NULL) { state = NULL; Destroy (); return false; } int prevsprite, newsprite; if (state != NULL) { prevsprite = state->sprite.index; } else { prevsprite = -1; } state = newstate; tics = GetTics(newstate); renderflags = (renderflags & ~RF_FULLBRIGHT) | newstate->GetFullbright(); newsprite = newstate->sprite.index; if (newsprite != 1) { // Sprite 1 is ----, which means "do not change the sprite" frame = newstate->GetFrame(); if (!(flags4 & MF4_NOSKIN) && newsprite == SpawnState->sprite.index) { if (player != NULL && gameinfo.gametype != GAME_Hexen) { sprite = skins[player->userinfo.skin].sprite; } else if (newsprite != prevsprite) { sprite = newsprite; } } else { sprite = newsprite; } } newstate = newstate->GetNextState(); } while (tics == 0); return true; } //============================================================================ // // AActor :: AddInventory // //============================================================================ void AActor::AddInventory (AInventory *item) { // Check if it's already attached to an actor if (item->Owner != NULL) { // Is it attached to us? if (item->Owner == this) return; // No, then remove it from the other actor first item->Owner->RemoveInventory (item); } item->Owner = this; item->Inventory = Inventory; Inventory = item; // Each item receives an unique ID when added to an actor's inventory. // This is used by the DEM_INVUSE command to identify the item. Simply // using the item's position in the list won't work, because ticcmds get // run sometime in the future, so by the time it runs, the inventory // might not be in the same state as it was when DEM_INVUSE was sent. Inventory->InventoryID = InventoryID++; } //============================================================================ // // AActor :: RemoveInventory // //============================================================================ void AActor::RemoveInventory (AInventory *item) { AInventory *inv, **invp; invp = &item->Owner->Inventory; for (inv = *invp; inv != NULL; invp = &inv->Inventory, inv = *invp) { if (inv == item) { *invp = item->Inventory; item->DetachFromOwner (); item->Owner = NULL; break; } } } //============================================================================ // // AActor :: DestroyAllInventory // //============================================================================ void AActor::DestroyAllInventory () { while (Inventory != NULL) { Inventory->Destroy (); } } //============================================================================ // // AActor :: FirstInv // // Returns the first item in this actor's inventory that has IF_INVBAR set. // //============================================================================ AInventory *AActor::FirstInv () const { if (Inventory == NULL) { return NULL; } if (Inventory->ItemFlags & IF_INVBAR) { return Inventory; } return Inventory->NextInv (); } //============================================================================ // // AActor :: UseInventory // // Attempts to use an item. If the use succeeds, one copy of the item is // removed from the inventory. If all copies are removed, then the item is // destroyed. // //============================================================================ bool AActor::UseInventory (AInventory *item) { // No using items if you're dead. if (health <= 0) { return false; } if (!item->Use (false)) { return false; } if (--item->Amount <= 0) { item->Destroy (); } return true; } //=========================================================================== // // AActor :: DropInventory // // Removes a single copy of an item and throws it out in front of the actor. // //=========================================================================== AInventory *AActor::DropInventory (AInventory *item) { fixed_t dropdist; angle_t an; AInventory *drop = item->CreateTossable (); if (drop == NULL) { return NULL; } an = angle >> ANGLETOFINESHIFT; /* 92682 = sqrt(2) * FRACUNIT */ dropdist = FixedMul (92682, radius + 8*FRACUNIT + item->radius); drop->x = x; drop->y = y; drop->z = z + 10*FRACUNIT; P_TryMove (drop, x, y, true); drop->angle = angle; drop->momx = momx + 5 * finecosine[an]; drop->momy = momy + 5 * finesine[an]; drop->momz = momz + FRACUNIT; drop->flags &= ~MF_NOGRAVITY; // Don't float return drop; } //============================================================================ // // AActor :: FindInventory // //============================================================================ AInventory *AActor::FindInventory (const PClass *type) const { AInventory *item; for (item = Inventory; item != NULL; item = item->Inventory) { if (item->GetClass() == type) { break; } } return item; } //============================================================================ // // AActor :: GiveInventoryType // //============================================================================ AInventory *AActor::GiveInventoryType (const PClass *type) { AInventory *item; item = static_cast(Spawn (type, 0,0,0)); if (!item->TryPickup (this)) { item->Destroy (); return NULL; } return item; } //============================================================================ // // AActor :: GiveAmmo // // Returns true if the ammo was added, false if not. // //============================================================================ bool AActor::GiveAmmo (const PClass *type, int amount) { AInventory *item = static_cast(Spawn (type, 0, 0, 0)); item->Amount = amount; item->flags |= MF_DROPPED; if (!item->TryPickup (this)) { item->Destroy (); return false; } return true; } //============================================================================ // // AActor :: CopyFriendliness // // Makes this actor hate (or like) the same things another actor does. // //============================================================================ void AActor::CopyFriendliness (const AActor *other, bool changeTarget) { level.total_monsters -= CountsAsKill(); TIDtoHate = other->TIDtoHate; LastLook = other->LastLook; flags = (flags & ~MF_FRIENDLY) | (other->flags & MF_FRIENDLY); flags3 = (flags3 & ~(MF3_NOSIGHTCHECK | MF3_HUNTPLAYERS)) | (other->flags3 & (MF3_NOSIGHTCHECK | MF3_HUNTPLAYERS)); flags4 = (flags4 & ~MF4_NOHATEPLAYERS) | (other->flags4 & MF4_NOHATEPLAYERS); FriendPlayer = other->FriendPlayer; if (changeTarget) { target = other->target; } level.total_monsters += CountsAsKill(); } //============================================================================ // // AActor :: ObtainInventory // // Removes the items from the other actor and puts them in this actor's // inventory. The actor receiving the inventory must not have any items. // //============================================================================ void AActor::ObtainInventory (AActor *other) { Inventory = other->Inventory; InventoryID = other->InventoryID; other->Inventory = NULL; other->InventoryID = 0; AInventory *item = Inventory; while (item != NULL) { item->Owner = this; item = item->Inventory; } } //============================================================================ // // AActor :: CheckLocalView // // Returns true if this actor is local for the player. Here, local means the // player is either looking out this actor's eyes, or this actor is the player // and the player is looking out the eyes of something non-"sentient." // //============================================================================ bool AActor::CheckLocalView (int playernum) const { if (players[playernum].camera == this) { return true; } if (players[playernum].mo != this || players[playernum].camera == NULL) { return false; } if (players[playernum].camera->player == NULL && !(players[playernum].camera->flags3 & MF3_ISMONSTER)) { return true; } return false; } //============================================================================ // // AActor :: ConversationAnimation // // Plays a conversation-related animation: // 0 = greeting // 1 = "yes" // 2 = "no" // //============================================================================ void AActor::ConversationAnimation (int animnum) { switch (animnum) { case 0: if (GreetingsState != NULL) SetState (GreetingsState); break; case 1: if (YesState != NULL) SetState (YesState); break; case 2: if (NoState != NULL) SetState (NoState); break; } } //============================================================================ // // AActor :: Touch // // Something just touched this actor. Normally used only for inventory items, // but some Strife monsters also use it. // //============================================================================ void AActor::Touch (AActor *toucher) { } //============================================================================ // // AActor :: Massacre // // Called by the massacre cheat to kill monsters. Returns true if the monster // was killed and false if it was already dead. //============================================================================ bool AActor::Massacre () { int prevhealth; if (health > 0) { flags |= MF_SHOOTABLE; flags2 &= ~(MF2_DORMANT|MF2_INVULNERABLE); do { prevhealth = health; P_DamageMobj (this, NULL, NULL, 1000000, MOD_MASSACRE); } while (health != prevhealth && health > 0); //abort if the actor wasn't hurt. return true; } return false; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // PROC P_ExplodeMissile // //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void P_ExplodeMissile (AActor *mo, line_t *line) { if (mo->flags3 & MF3_EXPLOCOUNT) { if (++mo->special2 < mo->special1) { return; } } mo->momx = mo->momy = mo->momz = 0; mo->effects = 0; // [RH] mo->SetState (mo->DeathState); if (mo->ObjectFlags & OF_MassDestruction) { return; } if (line != NULL && line->special == Line_Horizon) { // [RH] Don't explode missiles on horizon lines. mo->Destroy (); return; } if (line != NULL && cl_missiledecals) { int side = P_PointOnLineSide (mo->x, mo->y, line); if (line->sidenum[side] == NO_SIDE) side ^= 1; if (line->sidenum[side] != NO_SIDE) { FDecalBase *base = mo->DecalGenerator; if (base != NULL) { // Find the nearest point on the line, and stick a decal there fixed_t x, y, z; SQWORD num, den; den = (SQWORD)line->dx*line->dx + (SQWORD)line->dy*line->dy; if (den != 0) { SDWORD frac; num = (SQWORD)(mo->x-line->v1->x)*line->dx+(SQWORD)(mo->y-line->v1->y)*line->dy; if (num <= 0) { frac = 0; } else if (num >= den) { frac = 1<<30; } else { frac = (SDWORD)(num / (den>>30)); } x = line->v1->x + MulScale30 (line->dx, frac); y = line->v1->y + MulScale30 (line->dy, frac); z = mo->z; DImpactDecal::StaticCreate (base->GetDecal (), x, y, z, sides + line->sidenum[side]); } } } } if (mo->DeathState != NULL) { // [RH] Change render style of exploding rockets if (mo->IsKindOf (RUNTIME_CLASS(ARocket))) { if (deh.ExplosionStyle == 255) { if (addrocketexplosion) { mo->RenderStyle = STYLE_Add; mo->alpha = FRACUNIT; } else { mo->RenderStyle = STYLE_Translucent; mo->alpha = FRACUNIT*2/3; } } else { mo->RenderStyle = deh.ExplosionStyle; mo->alpha = deh.ExplosionAlpha; } } if (mo->flags4 & MF4_RANDOMIZE) { mo->tics -= (pr_explodemissile() & 3) * TICRATE / 35; if (mo->tics < 1) mo->tics = 1; } mo->flags &= ~MF_MISSILE; if (mo->DeathSound) { S_SoundID (mo, CHAN_VOICE, mo->DeathSound, 1, (mo->flags3 & MF3_FULLVOLDEATH) ? ATTN_NONE : ATTN_NORM); } } } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // PROC P_FloorBounceMissile // // Returns true if the missile was destroyed //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool AActor::FloorBounceMissile (secplane_t &plane) { if (z <= floorz && P_HitFloor (this)) { // Landed in some sort of liquid if (flags5 & MF5_EXPLODEONWATER) { P_ExplodeMissile(this, NULL); return true; } if (!(flags3 & MF3_CANBOUNCEWATER)) { Destroy (); return true; } } // The amount of bounces is limited if (bouncecount>0 && --bouncecount==0) { P_ExplodeMissile(this, NULL); return true; } fixed_t dot = TMulScale16 (momx, plane.a, momy, plane.b, momz, plane.c); if ((flags2 & MF2_BOUNCETYPE) == MF2_HERETICBOUNCE) { momx -= MulScale15 (plane.a, dot); momy -= MulScale15 (plane.b, dot); momz -= MulScale15 (plane.c, dot); angle = R_PointToAngle2 (0, 0, momx, momy); flags |= MF_INBOUNCE; SetState (DeathState); flags &= ~MF_INBOUNCE; return false; } // The reflected velocity keeps only about 70% of its original speed long bouncescale = 0x4000 * bouncefactor; momx = MulScale30 (momx - MulScale15 (plane.a, dot), bouncescale); momy = MulScale30 (momy - MulScale15 (plane.b, dot), bouncescale); momz = MulScale30 (momz - MulScale15 (plane.c, dot), bouncescale); angle = R_PointToAngle2 (0, 0, momx, momy); if (SeeSound && !(flags4 & MF4_NOBOUNCESOUND)) { S_SoundID (this, CHAN_VOICE, SeeSound, 1, ATTN_IDLE); } if ((flags2 & MF2_BOUNCETYPE) == MF2_DOOMBOUNCE) { if (!(flags & MF_NOGRAVITY) && (momz < 3*FRACUNIT)) { flags2 &= ~MF2_BOUNCETYPE; } } return false; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // PROC P_ThrustMobj // //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void P_ThrustMobj (AActor *mo, angle_t angle, fixed_t move) { angle >>= ANGLETOFINESHIFT; mo->momx += FixedMul (move, finecosine[angle]); mo->momy += FixedMul (move, finesine[angle]); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // FUNC P_FaceMobj // // Returns 1 if 'source' needs to turn clockwise, or 0 if 'source' needs // to turn counter clockwise. 'delta' is set to the amount 'source' // needs to turn. // //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- int P_FaceMobj (AActor *source, AActor *target, angle_t *delta) { angle_t diff; angle_t angle1; angle_t angle2; angle1 = source->angle; angle2 = R_PointToAngle2 (source->x, source->y, target->x, target->y); if (angle2 > angle1) { diff = angle2 - angle1; if (diff > ANGLE_180) { *delta = ANGLE_MAX - diff; return 0; } else { *delta = diff; return 1; } } else { diff = angle1 - angle2; if (diff > ANGLE_180) { *delta = ANGLE_MAX - diff; return 1; } else { *delta = diff; return 0; } } } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // FUNC P_SeekerMissile // // The missile's tracer field must be the target. Returns true if // target was tracked, false if not. // //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool P_SeekerMissile (AActor *actor, angle_t thresh, angle_t turnMax) { int dir; int dist; angle_t delta; angle_t angle; AActor *target; target = actor->tracer; if (target == NULL || actor->Speed == 0) { return false; } if (!(target->flags & MF_SHOOTABLE)) { // Target died actor->tracer = NULL; return false; } dir = P_FaceMobj (actor, target, &delta); if (delta > thresh) { delta >>= 1; if (delta > turnMax) { delta = turnMax; } } if (dir) { // Turn clockwise actor->angle += delta; } else { // Turn counter clockwise actor->angle -= delta; } angle = actor->angle>>ANGLETOFINESHIFT; actor->momx = FixedMul (actor->Speed, finecosine[angle]); actor->momy = FixedMul (actor->Speed, finesine[angle]); if (actor->z + actor->height < target->z || target->z + target->height < actor->z) { // Need to seek vertically dist = P_AproxDistance (target->x - actor->x, target->y - actor->y); dist = dist / actor->Speed; if (dist < 1) { dist = 1; } actor->momz = ((target->z+target->height/2) - (actor->z+actor->height/2)) / dist; } return true; } // // P_XYMovement // #define STOPSPEED 0x1000 #define FRICTION 0xe800 #define CARRYSTOPSPEED (STOPSPEED*32/3) void P_XYMovement (AActor *mo, fixed_t scrollx, fixed_t scrolly) { bool bForceSlide = scrollx || scrolly; angle_t angle; fixed_t ptryx, ptryy; player_t *player; fixed_t xmove, ymove; bool walkplane; static const int windTab[3] = {2048*5, 2048*10, 2048*25}; int steps, step, totalsteps; fixed_t startx, starty; fixed_t maxmove = (mo->waterlevel < 1) || (mo->flags & MF_MISSILE) || (mo->player && mo->player->crouchoffset<-10*FRACUNIT) ? MAXMOVE : MAXMOVE/4; if (mo->flags2 & MF2_WINDTHRUST && mo->waterlevel < 2 && !(mo->flags & MF_NOCLIP)) { int special = mo->Sector->special; switch (special) { case 40: case 41: case 42: // Wind_East P_ThrustMobj (mo, 0, windTab[special-40]); break; case 43: case 44: case 45: // Wind_North P_ThrustMobj (mo, ANG90, windTab[special-43]); break; case 46: case 47: case 48: // Wind_South P_ThrustMobj (mo, ANG270, windTab[special-46]); break; case 49: case 50: case 51: // Wind_West P_ThrustMobj (mo, ANG180, windTab[special-49]); break; } } // [RH] No need to clamp these now. However, wall running needs it so // that large thrusts can't propel an actor through a wall, because wall // running depends on the player's original movement continuing even after // it gets blocked. if (mo->player != NULL && (i_compatflags & COMPATF_WALLRUN) || (mo->waterlevel >= 1) || (mo->player != NULL && mo->player->crouchfactor < FRACUNIT*3/4)) { // preserve the direction instead of clamping x and y independently. xmove = clamp (mo->momx, -maxmove, maxmove); ymove = clamp (mo->momy, -maxmove, maxmove); fixed_t xfac = FixedDiv(xmove, mo->momx); fixed_t yfac = FixedDiv(ymove, mo->momy); fixed_t fac = MIN(xfac, yfac); xmove = mo->momx = FixedMul(mo->momx, fac); ymove = mo->momy = FixedMul(mo->momy, fac); } else { xmove = mo->momx; ymove = mo->momy; } // [RH] Carrying sectors didn't work with low speeds in BOOM. This is // because BOOM relied on the speed being fast enough to accumulate // despite friction. If the speed is too low, then its movement will get // cancelled, and it won't accumulate to the desired speed. if (abs(scrollx) > CARRYSTOPSPEED) { scrollx = FixedMul (scrollx, CARRYFACTOR); mo->momx += scrollx; } if (abs(scrolly) > CARRYSTOPSPEED) { scrolly = FixedMul (scrolly, CARRYFACTOR); mo->momy += scrolly; } xmove += scrollx; ymove += scrolly; if ((xmove | ymove) == 0) { if (mo->flags & MF_SKULLFLY) { // the skull slammed into something mo->flags &= ~MF_SKULLFLY; mo->momx = mo->momy = mo->momz = 0; mo->SetState (mo->SeeState != NULL ? mo->SeeState : mo->SpawnState); } return; } player = mo->player; // [RH] Adjust player movement on sloped floors fixed_t startxmove = xmove; fixed_t startymove = ymove; walkplane = P_CheckSlopeWalk (mo, xmove, ymove); // [RH] Take smaller steps when moving faster than the object's size permits. // Moving as fast as the object's "diameter" is bad because it could skip // some lines because the actor could land such that it is just touching the // line. For Doom to detect that the line is there, it needs to actually cut // through the actor. { maxmove = mo->radius - FRACUNIT; if (maxmove <= 0) { // gibs can have radius 0, so don't divide by zero below! maxmove = MAXMOVE; } const fixed_t xspeed = abs (xmove); const fixed_t yspeed = abs (ymove); steps = 1; if (xspeed > yspeed) { if (xspeed > maxmove) { steps = 1 + xspeed / maxmove; } } else { if (yspeed > maxmove) { steps = 1 + yspeed / maxmove; } } } // P_SlideMove needs to know the step size before P_CheckSlopeWalk // because it also calls P_CheckSlopeWalk on its clipped steps. fixed_t onestepx = startxmove / steps; fixed_t onestepy = startymove / steps; startx = mo->x; starty = mo->y; step = 1; totalsteps = steps; // [RH] Instead of doing ripping damage each step, do it each tic. // This makes it compatible with Heretic and Hexen, which only did // one step for their missiles with ripping damage (excluding those // that don't use P_XYMovement). It's also more intuitive since it // makes the damage done dependant on the amount of time the projectile // spends inside a target rather than on the projectile's size. The // last actor ripped through is recorded so that if the projectile // passes through more than one actor this tic, each one takes damage // and not just the first one. if (mo->flags2 & MF2_RIP) { DoRipping = true; LastRipped = NULL; } do { ptryx = startx + Scale (xmove, step, steps); ptryy = starty + Scale (ymove, step, steps); /* if (mo->player) Printf ("%d,%d/%d: %d %d %d %d %d %d %d\n", level.time, step, steps, startxmove, Scale(xmove,step,steps), startymove, Scale(ymove,step,steps), mo->x, mo->y, mo->z); */ // [RH] If walking on a slope, stay on the slope // killough 3/15/98: Allow objects to drop off if (!P_TryMove (mo, ptryx, ptryy, true, walkplane)) { // blocked move if (mo->flags2 & MF2_SLIDE || bForceSlide) { // try to slide along it if (BlockingMobj == NULL) { // slide against wall if (BlockingLine != NULL && mo->player && mo->waterlevel && mo->waterlevel < 3 && (mo->player->cmd.ucmd.forwardmove | mo->player->cmd.ucmd.sidemove) && BlockingLine->sidenum[1] != NO_SIDE) { mo->momz = WATER_JUMP_SPEED; } if (player && (i_compatflags & COMPATF_WALLRUN)) { // [RH] Here is the key to wall running: The move is clipped using its full speed. // If the move is done a second time (because it was too fast for one move), it // is still clipped against the wall at its full speed, so you effectively // execute two moves in one tic. P_SlideMove (mo, mo->momx, mo->momy, 1); } else { P_SlideMove (mo, onestepx, onestepy, totalsteps); } if ((mo->momx | mo->momy) == 0) { steps = 0; } else { if (!player || !(i_compatflags & COMPATF_WALLRUN)) { xmove = mo->momx; ymove = mo->momy; onestepx = xmove / steps; onestepy = ymove / steps; P_CheckSlopeWalk (mo, xmove, ymove); } startx = mo->x - Scale (xmove, step, steps); starty = mo->y - Scale (ymove, step, steps); } } else { // slide against another actor fixed_t tx, ty; tx = 0, ty = onestepy; walkplane = P_CheckSlopeWalk (mo, tx, ty); if (P_TryMove (mo, mo->x + tx, mo->y + ty, true, walkplane)) { mo->momx = 0; } else { tx = onestepx, ty = 0; walkplane = P_CheckSlopeWalk (mo, tx, ty); if (P_TryMove (mo, mo->x + tx, mo->y + ty, true, walkplane)) { mo->momy = 0; } else { mo->momx = mo->momy = 0; } } if (player && player->mo == mo) { if (mo->momx == 0) player->momx = 0; if (mo->momy == 0) player->momy = 0; } steps = 0; } } else if (mo->flags & MF_MISSILE) { steps = 0; if (BlockingMobj) { if (mo->flags2 & MF2_BOUNCE2) { if (mo->flags5&MF5_BOUNCEONACTORS || (BlockingMobj->flags2 & MF2_REFLECTIVE) || ((!BlockingMobj->player) && (!(BlockingMobj->flags3 & MF3_ISMONSTER)))) { fixed_t speed; angle = R_PointToAngle2 (BlockingMobj->x, BlockingMobj->y, mo->x, mo->y) +ANGLE_1*((pr_bounce()%16)-8); speed = P_AproxDistance (mo->momx, mo->momy); speed = FixedMul (speed, (fixed_t)(0.75*FRACUNIT)); mo->angle = angle; angle >>= ANGLETOFINESHIFT; mo->momx = FixedMul (speed, finecosine[angle]); mo->momy = FixedMul (speed, finesine[angle]); if (mo->SeeSound && !(mo->flags4&MF4_NOBOUNCESOUND)) { S_SoundID (mo, CHAN_VOICE, mo->SeeSound, 1, ATTN_IDLE); } DoRipping = false; return; } else { // Struck a player/creature P_ExplodeMissile (mo, NULL); DoRipping = false; return; } } } else { // Struck a wall if (P_BounceWall (mo)) { if (mo->SeeSound && !(mo->flags3 & MF3_NOWALLBOUNCESND)) { S_SoundID (mo, CHAN_VOICE, mo->SeeSound, 1, ATTN_IDLE); } DoRipping = false; return; } } if (BlockingMobj && (BlockingMobj->flags2 & MF2_REFLECTIVE)) { angle = R_PointToAngle2(BlockingMobj->x, BlockingMobj->y, mo->x, mo->y); // Change angle for deflection/reflection if (mo->AdjustReflectionAngle (BlockingMobj, angle)) { goto explode; } // Reflect the missile along angle mo->angle = angle; angle >>= ANGLETOFINESHIFT; mo->momx = FixedMul (mo->Speed>>1, finecosine[angle]); mo->momy = FixedMul (mo->Speed>>1, finesine[angle]); mo->momz = -mo->momz/2; if (mo->flags2 & MF2_SEEKERMISSILE) { mo->tracer = mo->target; } mo->target = BlockingMobj; DoRipping = false; return; } explode: // explode a missile if (ceilingline && ceilingline->backsector && ceilingline->backsector->ceilingpic == skyflatnum && mo->z >= ceilingline->backsector->ceilingplane.ZatPoint (mo->x, mo->y) && //killough !(mo->flags3 & MF3_SKYEXPLODE)) { // Hack to prevent missiles exploding against the sky. // Does not handle sky floors. mo->Destroy (); DoRipping = false; return; } // [RH] Don't explode on horizon lines. if (BlockingLine != NULL && BlockingLine->special == Line_Horizon) { mo->Destroy (); DoRipping = false; return; } P_ExplodeMissile (mo, BlockingLine); DoRipping = false; return; } else { mo->momx = mo->momy = 0; steps = 0; } } else { if (mo->x != ptryx || mo->y != ptryy) { // If the new position does not match the desired position, the player // must have gone through a teleporter, so stop moving right now if it // was a regular teleporter. If it was a line-to-line or fogless teleporter, // the move should continue, but startx and starty need to change. if (mo->momx == 0 && mo->momy == 0) { step = steps; } else { startx = mo->x - Scale (xmove, step, steps); starty = mo->y - Scale (ymove, step, steps); } } } } while (++step <= steps); DoRipping = false; // Friction if (player && player->mo == mo && player->cheats & CF_NOMOMENTUM) { // debug option for no sliding at all mo->momx = mo->momy = 0; player->momx = player->momy = 0; return; } if (mo->flags & (MF_MISSILE | MF_SKULLFLY)) { // no friction for missiles return; } if (mo->z > mo->floorz && !(mo->flags2 & MF2_ONMOBJ) && (!(mo->flags2 & MF2_FLY) || !(mo->flags & MF_NOGRAVITY)) && !mo->waterlevel) { // [RH] Friction when falling is available for larger aircontrols if (player != NULL && level.airfriction != FRACUNIT) { mo->momx = FixedMul (mo->momx, level.airfriction); mo->momy = FixedMul (mo->momy, level.airfriction); if (player->mo == mo) // Not voodoo dolls { player->momx = FixedMul (player->momx, level.airfriction); player->momy = FixedMul (player->momy, level.airfriction); } } return; } if (mo->flags & MF_CORPSE) { // Don't stop sliding if halfway off a step with some momentum if (mo->momx > FRACUNIT/4 || mo->momx < -FRACUNIT/4 || mo->momy > FRACUNIT/4 || mo->momy < -FRACUNIT/4) { if (mo->floorz > mo->Sector->floorplane.ZatPoint (mo->x, mo->y)) return; } } // killough 11/98: // Stop voodoo dolls that have come to rest, despite any // moving corresponding player: if (mo->momx > -STOPSPEED && mo->momx < STOPSPEED && mo->momy > -STOPSPEED && mo->momy < STOPSPEED && (!player || (player->mo != mo) || !(player->cmd.ucmd.forwardmove | player->cmd.ucmd.sidemove))) { // if in a walking frame, stop moving // killough 10/98: // Don't affect main player when voodoo dolls stop: if (player && player->mo == mo && !(player->cheats & CF_PREDICTING)) { player->mo->PlayIdle (); } mo->momx = mo->momy = 0; // killough 10/98: kill any bobbing momentum too (except in voodoo dolls) if (player && player->mo == mo) player->momx = player->momy = 0; } else { // phares 3/17/98 // Friction will have been adjusted by friction thinkers for icy // or muddy floors. Otherwise it was never touched and // remained set at ORIG_FRICTION // // killough 8/28/98: removed inefficient thinker algorithm, // instead using touching_sectorlist in P_GetFriction() to // determine friction (and thus only when it is needed). // // killough 10/98: changed to work with new bobbing method. // Reducing player momentum is no longer needed to reduce // bobbing, so ice works much better now. fixed_t friction = P_GetFriction (mo, NULL); mo->momx = FixedMul (mo->momx, friction); mo->momy = FixedMul (mo->momy, friction); // killough 10/98: Always decrease player bobbing by ORIG_FRICTION. // This prevents problems with bobbing on ice, where it was not being // reduced fast enough, leading to all sorts of kludges being developed. if (player && player->mo == mo) // Not voodoo dolls { player->momx = FixedMul (player->momx, ORIG_FRICTION); player->momy = FixedMul (player->momy, ORIG_FRICTION); } } } // Move this to p_inter *** void P_MonsterFallingDamage (AActor *mo) { int damage; int mom; if (!(level.flags&LEVEL_MONSTERFALLINGDAMAGE)) return; mom = abs(mo->momz); if (mom > 35*FRACUNIT) { // automatic death damage = 1000000; } else { damage = ((mom - (23*FRACUNIT))*6)>>FRACBITS; } damage = 1000000; // always kill 'em P_DamageMobj (mo, NULL, NULL, damage, MOD_FALLING); } // // P_ZMovement // void P_ZMovement (AActor *mo) { fixed_t dist; fixed_t delta; fixed_t oldz = mo->z; // // check for smooth step up // if (mo->player && mo->player->mo == mo && mo->z < mo->floorz) { mo->player->viewheight -= mo->floorz - mo->z; mo->player->deltaviewheight = mo->player->GetDeltaViewHeight(); } if (!(mo->flags2&MF2_FLOATBOB)) mo->z += mo->momz; // // apply gravity // if (mo->z > mo->floorz && !(mo->flags & MF_NOGRAVITY)) { fixed_t startmomz = mo->momz; if (!mo->waterlevel || mo->flags & MF_CORPSE || (mo->player && !(mo->player->cmd.ucmd.forwardmove | mo->player->cmd.ucmd.sidemove))) { mo->momz -= (fixed_t)(level.gravity * mo->Sector->gravity * (mo->flags2 & MF2_LOGRAV ? 10.24 : 81.92)); } if (mo->waterlevel > 1) { fixed_t sinkspeed = mo->flags & MF_CORPSE ? -WATER_SINK_SPEED/3 : -WATER_SINK_SPEED; if (mo->momz < sinkspeed) { mo->momz = (startmomz < sinkspeed) ? startmomz : sinkspeed; } else { mo->momz = startmomz + ((mo->momz - startmomz) >> (mo->waterlevel == 1 ? WATER_SINK_SMALL_FACTOR : WATER_SINK_FACTOR)); } } } if (mo->flags2&MF2_FLOATBOB) mo->z += mo->momz; // // adjust height // if ((mo->flags & MF_FLOAT) && !(mo->flags2 & MF2_DORMANT) && mo->target) { // float down towards target if too close if (!(mo->flags & MF_SKULLFLY) && !(mo->flags & MF_INFLOAT)) { dist = P_AproxDistance (mo->x - mo->target->x, mo->y - mo->target->y); delta = (mo->target->z + (mo->height>>1)) - mo->z; if (delta < 0 && dist < -(delta*3)) mo->z -= mo->FloatSpeed, mo->momz = 0; else if (delta > 0 && dist < (delta*3)) mo->z += mo->FloatSpeed, mo->momz = 0; } } if (mo->player && (mo->flags & MF_NOGRAVITY) && (mo->z > mo->floorz)) { mo->z += finesine[(FINEANGLES/80*level.maptime)&FINEMASK]/8; mo->momz = FixedMul (mo->momz, FRICTION_FLY); } if (mo->waterlevel && !(mo->flags & MF_NOGRAVITY)) { mo->momz = FixedMul (mo->momz, mo->Sector->friction); } // // clip movement // if (mo->z <= mo->floorz) { // Hit the floor if ((!mo->player || !(mo->player->cheats & CF_PREDICTING)) && mo->Sector->SecActTarget != NULL && mo->Sector->floorplane.ZatPoint (mo->x, mo->y) == mo->floorz) { // [RH] Let the sector do something to the actor mo->Sector->SecActTarget->TriggerAction (mo, SECSPAC_HitFloor); } // [RH] Need to recheck this because the sector action might have // teleported the actor so it is no longer below the floor. if (mo->z <= mo->floorz) { if ((mo->flags & MF_MISSILE) && (gameinfo.gametype != GAME_Doom || !(mo->flags & MF_NOCLIP))) { mo->z = mo->floorz; if (mo->flags2 & MF2_BOUNCETYPE) { mo->FloorBounceMissile (mo->floorsector->floorplane); return; } else if (mo->flags3 & MF3_NOEXPLODEFLOOR) { mo->momz = 0; P_HitFloor (mo); return; } else if (mo->flags3 & MF3_FLOORHUGGER) { // Floor huggers can go up steps return; } else { if (mo->floorpic == skyflatnum && !(mo->flags3 & MF3_SKYEXPLODE)) { // [RH] Just remove the missile without exploding it // if this is a sky floor. mo->Destroy (); return; } P_HitFloor (mo); P_ExplodeMissile (mo, NULL); return; } } if (mo->flags3 & MF3_ISMONSTER) // Blasted mobj falling { if (mo->momz < -(23*FRACUNIT)) { P_MonsterFallingDamage (mo); } } mo->z = mo->floorz; if (mo->momz < 0) { // [RH] avoid integer roundoff by doing comparisons with floats // I can't think of any good reason why this varied with gravity float minmom = 800.f /*level.gravity * mo->Sector->gravity*/ * -655.36f; float mom = (float)mo->momz; // Spawn splashes, etc. P_HitFloor (mo); if (mo->DamageType == MOD_ICE && mom < minmom) { mo->tics = 1; mo->momx = 0; mo->momy = 0; mo->momz = 0; return; } // Let the actor do something special for hitting the floor mo->HitFloor (); if (mo->player) { mo->player->jumpTics = 7; // delay any jumping for a short while if (mom < minmom && !(mo->flags & MF_NOGRAVITY)) { // Squat down. // Decrease viewheight for a moment after hitting the ground (hard), // and utter appropriate sound. PlayerLandedOnThing (mo, NULL); } } mo->momz = 0; } if (mo->flags & MF_SKULLFLY) { // The skull slammed into something mo->momz = -mo->momz; } if (mo->CrashState && (mo->flags & MF_CORPSE) && !(mo->flags3 & MF3_CRASHED) && mo->DamageType != MOD_ICE) { mo->flags3 |= MF3_CRASHED; mo->SetState (mo->CrashState); } } } if (mo->flags2 & MF2_FLOORCLIP) { mo->AdjustFloorClip (); } if (mo->z + mo->height > mo->ceilingz) { // hit the ceiling if ((!mo->player || !(mo->player->cheats & CF_PREDICTING)) && mo->Sector->SecActTarget != NULL && mo->Sector->ceilingplane.ZatPoint (mo->x, mo->y) == mo->ceilingz) { // [RH] Let the sector do something to the actor mo->Sector->SecActTarget->TriggerAction (mo, SECSPAC_HitCeiling); } // [RH] Need to recheck this because the sector action might have // teleported the actor so it is no longer above the ceiling. if (mo->z + mo->height > mo->ceilingz) { mo->z = mo->ceilingz - mo->height; if (mo->flags2 & MF2_BOUNCETYPE) { // ceiling bounce mo->FloorBounceMissile (mo->ceilingsector->ceilingplane); return; } if (mo->momz > 0) mo->momz = 0; if (mo->flags & MF_SKULLFLY) { // the skull slammed into something mo->momz = -mo->momz; } if (mo->flags & MF_MISSILE && (gameinfo.gametype != GAME_Doom || !(mo->flags & MF_NOCLIP))) { if (mo->flags3 & MF3_CEILINGHUGGER) { return; } if (mo->ceilingpic == skyflatnum && !(mo->flags3 & MF3_SKYEXPLODE)) { mo->Destroy (); return; } P_ExplodeMissile (mo, NULL); return; } } } P_CheckFakeFloorTriggers (mo, oldz); } void P_CheckFakeFloorTriggers (AActor *mo, fixed_t oldz) { if (mo->player && (mo->player->cheats & CF_PREDICTING)) { return; } sector_t *sec = mo->Sector; assert (sec != NULL); if (sec == NULL) { return; } if (sec->heightsec != NULL && sec->SecActTarget != NULL) { sector_t *hs = sec->heightsec; fixed_t waterz = hs->floorplane.ZatPoint (mo->x, mo->y); fixed_t newz; fixed_t viewheight; if (mo->player != NULL) { viewheight = mo->player->viewheight; } else { viewheight = mo->height / 2; } if (oldz > waterz && mo->z <= waterz) { // Feet hit fake floor sec->SecActTarget->TriggerAction (mo, SECSPAC_HitFakeFloor); } newz = mo->z + viewheight; oldz += viewheight; if (oldz <= waterz && newz > waterz) { // View went above fake floor sec->SecActTarget->TriggerAction (mo, SECSPAC_EyesSurface); } else if (oldz > waterz && newz <= waterz) { // View went below fake floor sec->SecActTarget->TriggerAction (mo, SECSPAC_EyesDive); } if (!(hs->MoreFlags & SECF_FAKEFLOORONLY)) { waterz = hs->ceilingplane.ZatPoint (mo->x, mo->y); if (oldz <= waterz && newz > waterz) { // View went above fake ceiling sec->SecActTarget->TriggerAction (mo, SECSPAC_EyesAboveC); } else if (oldz > waterz && newz <= waterz) { // View went below fake ceiling sec->SecActTarget->TriggerAction (mo, SECSPAC_EyesBelowC); } } } } //=========================================================================== // // PlayerLandedOnThing // //=========================================================================== static void PlayerLandedOnThing (AActor *mo, AActor *onmobj) { bool grunted; if (!mo->player) return; if (mo->player->mo == mo) { mo->player->deltaviewheight = mo->momz>>3; } if (mo->player->cheats & CF_PREDICTING) return; P_FallingDamage (mo); // [RH] only make noise if alive if (!mo->player->morphTics && mo->health > 0) { grunted = false; // Why should this number vary by gravity? if (mo->momz < (fixed_t)(800.f /*level.gravity * mo->Sector->gravity*/ * -983.04f) && mo->health > 0) { S_Sound (mo, CHAN_VOICE, "*grunt", 1, ATTN_NORM); grunted = true; } if (onmobj != NULL || !Terrains[P_GetThingFloorType (mo)].IsLiquid) { if (!grunted || !S_AreSoundsEquivalent (mo, "*grunt", "*land")) { S_Sound (mo, CHAN_AUTO, "*land", 1, ATTN_NORM); } } } // mo->player->centering = true; } // // P_NightmareRespawn // void P_NightmareRespawn (AActor *mobj) { fixed_t x, y, z; AActor *mo; AActor *info = mobj->GetDefault(); // spawn the new monster (assume the spawn will be good) if (info->flags & MF_SPAWNCEILING) z = ONCEILINGZ; else if (info->flags2 & MF2_SPAWNFLOAT) z = FLOATRANDZ; else if (info->flags2 & MF2_FLOATBOB) z = mobj->SpawnPoint[2] << FRACBITS; else z = ONFLOORZ; // spawn it x = mobj->SpawnPoint[0] << FRACBITS; y = mobj->SpawnPoint[1] << FRACBITS; mo = Spawn (RUNTIME_TYPE(mobj), x, y, z); if (z == ONFLOORZ) mo->z += mo->SpawnPoint[2] << FRACBITS; else if (z == ONCEILINGZ) mo->z -= mo->SpawnPoint[2] << FRACBITS; // something is occupying its position? if (!P_TestMobjLocation (mo)) { //[GrafZahl] MF_COUNTKILL still needs to be checked here. if (mo->CountsAsKill()) level.total_monsters--; mo->Destroy (); return; // no respawn } z = mo->z; // inherit attributes from deceased one mo->SpawnPoint[0] = mobj->SpawnPoint[0]; mo->SpawnPoint[1] = mobj->SpawnPoint[1]; mo->SpawnPoint[2] = mobj->SpawnPoint[2]; mo->SpawnAngle = mobj->SpawnAngle; mo->SpawnFlags = mobj->SpawnFlags; mo->angle = ANG45 * (mobj->SpawnAngle/45); mo->HandleSpawnFlags (); mo->reactiontime = 18; mo->CopyFriendliness (mobj, false); mo->Translation = mobj->Translation; // spawn a teleport fog at old spot because of removal of the body? mo = Spawn ("TeleportFog", mobj->x, mobj->y, mobj->z); if (mo != NULL) { mo->z += TELEFOGHEIGHT; } // spawn a teleport fog at the new spot mo = Spawn ("TeleportFog", x, y, z); if (mo != NULL) { mo->z += TELEFOGHEIGHT; } // remove the old monster mobj->Destroy (); } // // [RH] Some new functions to work with Thing IDs. -------> // AActor *AActor::TIDHash[128]; // // P_ClearTidHashes // // Clears the tid hashtable. // void AActor::ClearTIDHashes () { int i; for (i = 0; i < 128; i++) TIDHash[i] = NULL; } // // P_AddMobjToHash // // Inserts an mobj into the correct chain based on its tid. // If its tid is 0, this function does nothing. // void AActor::AddToHash () { if (tid == 0) { iprev = NULL; inext = NULL; return; } else { int hash = TIDHASH (tid); inext = TIDHash[hash]; iprev = &TIDHash[hash]; TIDHash[hash] = this; if (inext) { inext->iprev = &inext; } } } // // P_RemoveMobjFromHash // // Removes an mobj from its hash chain. // void AActor::RemoveFromHash () { if (tid != 0 && iprev) { *iprev = inext; if (inext) { inext->iprev = iprev; } iprev = NULL; inext = NULL; } tid = 0; } // <------- [RH] End new functions angle_t AActor::AngleIncrements () { return ANGLE_45; } void AActor::PreExplode () { } void AActor::GetExplodeParms (int &damage, int &dist, bool &hurtSource) { } void AActor::Howl () { } void AActor::NoBlockingSet () { } fixed_t AActor::GetSinkSpeed () { return FRACUNIT; } fixed_t AActor::GetRaiseSpeed () { return 2*FRACUNIT; } void AActor::HitFloor () { } bool AActor::Slam (AActor *thing) { int dam = ((pr_slam()%8)+1) * damage; P_DamageMobj (thing, this, this, dam, MOD_HIT); P_TraceBleed (dam, thing, this); flags &= ~MF_SKULLFLY; momx = momy = momz = 0; SetState (SeeState != NULL ? SeeState : SpawnState); return false; // stop moving } bool AActor::SpecialBlastHandling (AActor *source, fixed_t strength) { return true; } int AActor::SpecialMissileHit (AActor *victim) { return -1; } bool AActor::AdjustReflectionAngle (AActor *thing, angle_t &angle) { // Change angle for reflection if (thing->flags4&MF4_SHIELDREFLECT) { // Shield reflection (from the Centaur if (abs (angle - thing->angle)>>24 > 45) return true; // Let missile explode if (thing->IsKindOf (RUNTIME_CLASS(AHolySpirit))) // shouldn't this be handled by another flag??? return true; if (pr_reflect () < 128) angle += ANGLE_45; else angle -= ANGLE_45; } else if (thing->flags4&MF4_DEFLECT) { // deflect (like the Heresiarch) if(pr_reflect() < 128) angle += ANG45; else angle -= ANG45; } else angle += ANGLE_1 * ((pr_reflect()%16)-8); return false; } void AActor::PlayActiveSound () { if (ActiveSound && !S_IsActorPlayingSomething (this, CHAN_VOICE)) { S_SoundID (this, CHAN_VOICE, ActiveSound, 1, (flags3 & MF3_FULLVOLACTIVE) ? ATTN_NONE : ATTN_IDLE); } } bool AActor::IsOkayToAttack (AActor *link) { if (player) // Minotaur looking around player { if ((link->flags3 & MF3_ISMONSTER) || (link->player && (link != this))) { if (!(link->flags&MF_SHOOTABLE)) { return false; } if (link->flags2&MF2_DORMANT) { return false; } if ((link->IsKindOf (RUNTIME_CLASS(AMinotaur))) && (link->tracer == this)) { return false; } if (multiplayer && !deathmatch && link->player) { return false; } if (P_CheckSight (this, link)) { return true; } } } return false; } void AActor::ChangeSpecial (int special, int data1, int data2, int data3, int data4, int data5) { this->special = special; args[0] = data1; args[1] = data2; args[2] = data3; args[3] = data4; args[4] = data5; } void AActor::SetShade (DWORD rgb) { PalEntry *entry = (PalEntry *)&rgb; alphacolor = rgb | (ColorMatcher.Pick (entry->r, entry->g, entry->b) << 24); } void AActor::SetShade (int r, int g, int b) { alphacolor = MAKEARGB(ColorMatcher.Pick (r, g, b), r, g, b); } // // P_MobjThinker // void AActor::Tick () { // [RH] Data for Heretic/Hexen scrolling sectors static const byte HexenScrollDirs[8] = { 64, 0, 192, 128, 96, 32, 224, 160 }; static const char HexenSpeedMuls[3] = { 5, 10, 25 }; static const char HexenScrollies[24][2] = { { 0, 1 }, { 0, 2 }, { 0, 4 }, { -1, 0 }, { -2, 0 }, { -4, 0 }, { 0, -1 }, { 0, -2 }, { 0, -4 }, { 1, 0 }, { 2, 0 }, { 4, 0 }, { 1, 1 }, { 2, 2 }, { 4, 4 }, { -1, 1 }, { -2, 2 }, { -4, 4 }, { -1, -1 }, { -2, -2 }, { -4, -4 }, { 1, -1 }, { 2, -2 }, { 4, -4 } }; static const byte HereticScrollDirs[4] = { 6, 9, 1, 4 }; static const char HereticSpeedMuls[5] = { 5, 10, 25, 30, 35 }; AActor *onmo; int i; PrevX = x; PrevY = y; PrevZ = z; if (flags & MF_UNMORPHED) { return; } //Added by MC: Freeze mode. if (bglobal.freeze && !(player && !player->isbot)) { return; } fixed_t oldz = z; // [RH] Give the pain elemental vertical friction // This used to be in APainElemental::Tick but in order to use // A_PainAttack with other monsters it has to be here! if (flags4 & MF4_VFRICTION) { if (health >0) { if (abs (momz) < FRACUNIT/4) { momz = 0; flags4 &= ~MF4_VFRICTION; } else { momz = FixedMul (momz, 0xe800); } } } // [RH] Pulse in and out of visibility if (effects & FX_VISIBILITYPULSE) { if (visdir > 0) { alpha += 0x800; if (alpha >= OPAQUE) { alpha = OPAQUE; visdir = -1; } } else { alpha -= 0x800; if (alpha <= TRANSLUC25) { alpha = TRANSLUC25; visdir = 1; } } } else if (flags & MF_STEALTH) { // [RH] Fade a stealth monster in and out of visibility if (visdir > 0) { alpha += 2*FRACUNIT/TICRATE; if (alpha > OPAQUE) { alpha = OPAQUE; visdir = 0; } } else if (visdir < 0) { alpha -= 3*FRACUNIT/TICRATE/2; if (alpha < 0) { alpha = 0; visdir = 0; } } } if (bglobal.botnum && consoleplayer == Net_Arbitrator && !demoplayback && (flags & (MF_SPECIAL|MF_MISSILE)) || (flags3 & MF3_ISMONSTER)) { clock (BotSupportCycles); bglobal.m_Thinking = true; for (i = 0; i < MAXPLAYERS; i++) { if (!playeringame[i] || !players[i].isbot) continue; if (flags3 & MF3_ISMONSTER) { if (health > 0 && !players[i].enemy && player ? !IsTeammate (players[i].mo) : true && P_AproxDistance (players[i].mo->x-x, players[i].mo->y-y) < MAX_MONSTER_TARGET_DIST && P_CheckSight (players[i].mo, this, 2)) { //Probably a monster, so go kill it. players[i].enemy = this; } } else if (flags & MF_SPECIAL) { //Item pickup time //clock (BotWTG); bglobal.WhatToGet (players[i].mo, this); //unclock (BotWTG); BotWTG++; } else if (flags & MF_MISSILE) { if (!players[i].missile && (flags3 & MF3_WARNBOT)) { //warn for incoming missiles. if (target != players[i].mo && bglobal.Check_LOS (players[i].mo, this, ANGLE_90)) players[i].missile = this; } } } bglobal.m_Thinking = false; unclock (BotSupportCycles); } //End of MC // [RH] Consider carrying sectors here fixed_t cummx = 0, cummy = 0; if ((level.Scrolls != NULL || player != NULL) && !(flags & MF_NOCLIP) && !(flags & MF_NOSECTOR)) { fixed_t height, waterheight; // killough 4/4/98: add waterheight const msecnode_t *node; int countx, county; // killough 3/7/98: Carry things on floor // killough 3/20/98: use new sector list which reflects true members // killough 3/27/98: fix carrier bug // killough 4/4/98: Underwater, carry things even w/o gravity // Move objects only if on floor or underwater, // non-floating, and clipped. countx = county = 0; for (node = touching_sectorlist; node; node = node->m_tnext) { const sector_t *sec = node->m_sector; fixed_t scrollx, scrolly; if (level.Scrolls != NULL) { const FSectorScrollValues *scroll = &level.Scrolls[sec - sectors]; scrollx = scroll->ScrollX; scrolly = scroll->ScrollY; } else { scrollx = scrolly = 0; } if (player != NULL) { int scrolltype = sec->special & 0xff; if (scrolltype >= Scroll_North_Slow && scrolltype <= Scroll_SouthWest_Fast) { // Hexen scroll special scrolltype -= Scroll_North_Slow; if (i_compatflags&COMPATF_RAVENSCROLL) { angle_t fineangle = HexenScrollDirs[scrolltype / 3] * 32; fixed_t carryspeed = DivScale32 (HexenSpeedMuls[scrolltype % 3], 32*CARRYFACTOR); scrollx += FixedMul (carryspeed, finecosine[fineangle]); scrolly += FixedMul (carryspeed, finesine[fineangle]); } else { // Use speeds that actually match the scrolling textures! scrollx -= HexenScrollies[scrolltype][0] << (FRACBITS-1); scrolly += HexenScrollies[scrolltype][1] << (FRACBITS-1); } } else if (scrolltype >= Carry_East5 && scrolltype <= Carry_West35) { // Heretic scroll special scrolltype -= Carry_East5; byte dir = HereticScrollDirs[scrolltype / 5]; fixed_t carryspeed = DivScale32 (HereticSpeedMuls[scrolltype % 5], 32*CARRYFACTOR); if (scrolltype<=Carry_East35 && !(i_compatflags&COMPATF_RAVENSCROLL)) { // Use speeds that actually match the scrolling textures! carryspeed = (1 << ((scrolltype%5) + FRACBITS-1)); } scrollx += carryspeed * ((dir & 3) - 1); scrolly += carryspeed * (((dir & 12) >> 2) - 1); } else if (scrolltype == dScroll_EastLavaDamage) { // Special Heretic scroll special if (i_compatflags&COMPATF_RAVENSCROLL) { scrollx += DivScale32 (28, 32*CARRYFACTOR); } else { // Use a speed that actually matches the scrolling texture! scrollx += DivScale32 (12, 32*CARRYFACTOR); } } else if (scrolltype == Scroll_StrifeCurrent) { // Strife scroll special int anglespeed = sec->tag - 100; fixed_t carryspeed = DivScale32 (anglespeed % 10, 16*CARRYFACTOR); angle_t fineangle = (anglespeed / 10) << (32-3); fineangle >>= ANGLETOFINESHIFT; scrollx += FixedMul (carryspeed, finecosine[fineangle]); scrolly += FixedMul (carryspeed, finesine[fineangle]); } } if ((scrollx | scrolly) == 0) { continue; } if (flags & MF_NOGRAVITY && (sec->heightsec == NULL || (sec->heightsec->MoreFlags & SECF_IGNOREHEIGHTSEC))) { continue; } height = sec->floorplane.ZatPoint (x, y); if (z > height) { if (sec->heightsec == NULL || (sec->heightsec->MoreFlags & SECF_IGNOREHEIGHTSEC)) { continue; } waterheight = sec->heightsec->floorplane.ZatPoint (x, y); if (waterheight > height && z >= waterheight) { continue; } } cummx += scrollx; cummy += scrolly; if (scrollx) countx++; if (scrolly) county++; } // Some levels designed with Boom in mind actually want things to accelerate // at neighboring scrolling sector boundaries. But it is only important for // non-player objects. if (player != NULL || !(level.flags & LEVEL_ADDITIVE_SCROLLERS)) { if (countx > 1) { cummx /= countx; } if (county > 1) { cummy /= county; } } } // [RH] If standing on a steep slope, fall down it if ((flags & MF_SOLID) && !(flags & (MF_NOCLIP|MF_NOGRAVITY)) && !(flags & MF_NOBLOCKMAP) && momz <= 0 && floorz == z) { const secplane_t * floorplane = &floorsector->floorplane; if (floorplane->c < STEEPSLOPE && floorplane->ZatPoint (x, y) <= floorz) { const msecnode_t *node; bool dopush = true; if (floorplane->c > STEEPSLOPE*2/3) { for (node = touching_sectorlist; node; node = node->m_tnext) { const sector_t *sec = node->m_sector; if (sec->floorplane.c >= STEEPSLOPE) { if (floorplane->ZatPoint (x, y) >= z - MaxStepHeight) { dopush = false; break; } } } } if (dopush) { momx += floorplane->a; momy += floorplane->b; } } } // [RH] Missiles moving perfectly vertical need some X/Y movement, or they // won't hurt anything. Don't do this if damage is 0! That way, you can // still have missiles that go straight up and down through actors without // damaging anything. if ((flags & MF_MISSILE) && (momx|momy) == 0 && damage != 0) { momx = 1; } // Handle X and Y momemtums BlockingMobj = NULL; P_XYMovement (this, cummx, cummy); if (ObjectFlags & OF_MassDestruction) { // actor was destroyed return; } if ((momx | momy) == 0 && (flags2 & MF2_BLASTED)) { // Reset to not blasted when momentums are gone flags2 &= ~MF2_BLASTED; if (!(flags & MF_ICECORPSE)) { flags2 &= ~MF2_SLIDE; } } if (flags2 & MF2_FLOATBOB) { // Floating item bobbing motion z += FloatBobDiffs[(FloatBobPhase + level.maptime) & 63]; } if (momz || BlockingMobj || (z != floorz && (!(flags2 & MF2_FLOATBOB) || (z - FloatBobOffsets[(FloatBobPhase + level.maptime) & 63] != floorz) ))) { // Handle Z momentum and gravity if (((flags2 & MF2_PASSMOBJ) || (flags & MF_SPECIAL)) && !(i_compatflags & COMPATF_NO_PASSMOBJ)) { if (!(onmo = P_CheckOnmobj (this))) { P_ZMovement (this); flags2 &= ~MF2_ONMOBJ; } else { if (player) { if (momz < (fixed_t)(level.gravity * Sector->gravity * -655.36f) && !(flags&MF_NOGRAVITY)) { PlayerLandedOnThing (this, onmo); } } if (onmo->z + onmo->height - z <= MaxStepHeight) { if (player && player->mo == this) { player->viewheight -= onmo->z + onmo->height - z; fixed_t deltaview = player->GetDeltaViewHeight(); if (deltaview > player->deltaviewheight) { player->deltaviewheight = deltaview; } } z = onmo->z + onmo->height; } flags2 |= MF2_ONMOBJ; momz = 0; if (CrashState && (flags & MF_CORPSE) && !(flags3 & MF3_CRASHED) && DamageType != MOD_ICE) { flags3 |= MF3_CRASHED; SetState (CrashState); } } } else { P_ZMovement (this); } if (ObjectFlags & OF_MassDestruction) return; // actor was destroyed } else if (z <= floorz) { if (CrashState && (flags & MF_CORPSE) && !(flags3 & MF3_CRASHED) && DamageType != MOD_ICE) { flags3 |= MF3_CRASHED; SetState (CrashState); } } if (UpdateWaterLevel (oldz)) { P_HitWater (this, Sector); } // [RH] Don't advance if predicting a player if (player && (player->cheats & CF_PREDICTING)) { return; } // cycle through states, calling action functions at transitions if (tics != -1) { tics--; // you can cycle through multiple states in a tic // [RH] Use <= 0 instead of == 0 so that spawnstates // of 0 tics work as expected. if (tics <= 0) { if (!SetState (state->GetNextState())) return; // freed itself } } else { // check for nightmare respawn if (!respawnmonsters || !(flags3 & MF3_ISMONSTER) || (flags2 & MF2_DORMANT)) return; movecount++; if (movecount < respawnmonsters) return; if (level.time & 31) return; if (pr_nightmarerespawn() > 4) return; P_NightmareRespawn (this); } } //========================================================================== // // AActor::UpdateWaterLevel // // Returns true if actor should splash // //========================================================================== bool AActor::UpdateWaterLevel (fixed_t oldz) { byte lastwaterlevel = waterlevel; waterlevel = 0; if (Sector == NULL) { return false; } if (Sector->MoreFlags & SECF_UNDERWATERMASK) { waterlevel = 3; } else { const sector_t *hsec = Sector->heightsec; if (hsec != NULL && !(hsec->MoreFlags & SECF_IGNOREHEIGHTSEC)) { fixed_t fh = hsec->floorplane.ZatPoint (x, y); if (hsec->MoreFlags & SECF_UNDERWATERMASK) { if (z < fh) { waterlevel = 1; if (z + height/2 < fh) { waterlevel = 2; if ((player && z + player->viewheight <= fh) || (z + height <= fh)) { waterlevel = 3; } } } else if (z + height > hsec->ceilingplane.ZatPoint (x, y)) { waterlevel = 3; } } else { return (oldz >= fh) && (z < fh); } } } return (lastwaterlevel == 0 && waterlevel != 0); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // PROC A_FreeTargMobj // //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void A_FreeTargMobj (AActor *mo) { mo->momx = mo->momy = mo->momz = 0; mo->z = mo->ceilingz + 4*FRACUNIT; mo->flags &= ~(MF_SHOOTABLE|MF_FLOAT|MF_SKULLFLY|MF_SOLID); mo->flags |= MF_CORPSE|MF_DROPOFF|MF_NOGRAVITY; mo->flags2 &= ~(MF2_PASSMOBJ|MF2_LOGRAV); mo->player = NULL; } //========================================================================== // // A_GenericFreezeDeath // //========================================================================== void A_GenericFreezeDeath (AActor *actor) { actor->Translation = TRANSLATION(TRANSLATION_Standard, 7); A_FreezeDeath (actor); } //========================================================================== // // AActor stuff // //========================================================================== FState AActor::States[] = { S_NORMAL (TNT1, 'A', -1, NULL, NULL), S_NORMAL (TNT1, 'E', 1050, A_FreeTargMobj, NULL), S_NORMAL (TNT1, 'A', 1, NULL, NULL), // S_NULL // Generic freeze death frames. Woo! S_NORMAL (----, 'A', 5, A_GenericFreezeDeath, &States[4]), S_NORMAL (----, 'A', 1, A_FreezeDeathChunks, &States[4]) }; BEGIN_DEFAULTS (AActor, Any, -1, 0) PROP_XScale (63) PROP_YScale (63) PROP_SpawnState (2) PROP_SpawnHealth (1000) PROP_ReactionTime (8) PROP_RadiusFixed (20) PROP_HeightFixed (16) PROP_Mass (100) PROP_RenderStyle (STYLE_Normal) PROP_Alpha (FRACUNIT) PROP_MinMissileChance (200) PROP_MeleeRange(44) // MELEERANGE(64) - 20 PROP_MaxDropOffHeight(24) PROP_MaxStepHeight(24) PROP_BounceFactor(FRACUNIT*7/10) PROP_BounceCount(-1) PROP_FloatSpeed(4) END_DEFAULTS //========================================================================== // // P_SpawnMobj // //========================================================================== AActor *AActor::StaticSpawn (const PClass *type, fixed_t ix, fixed_t iy, fixed_t iz) { if (type == NULL) { I_Error ("Tried to spawn a class-less actor\n"); } if (type->ActorInfo == NULL) { I_Error ("%s is not an actor\n", type->TypeName.GetChars()); } AActor *actor; actor = static_cast(const_cast(type)->CreateNew ()); actor->x = actor->PrevX = ix; actor->y = actor->PrevY = iy; actor->z = actor->PrevZ = iz; actor->picnum = 0xffff; FRandom &rng = bglobal.m_Thinking ? pr_botspawnmobj : pr_spawnmobj; if (gameskill == sk_nightmare && actor->flags3 & MF3_ISMONSTER) actor->reactiontime = 0; if (actor->flags3 & MF3_ISMONSTER) { actor->LastLook.PlayerNumber = rng() % MAXPLAYERS; actor->TIDtoHate = 0; } // Set the state, but do not use SetState, because action // routines can't be called yet. If the spawnstate has an action // routine, it will not be called. FState *st = actor->SpawnState; actor->state = st; actor->tics = st->GetTics(); actor->sprite = st->sprite.index; actor->frame = st->GetFrame(); actor->renderflags = (actor->renderflags & ~RF_FULLBRIGHT) | st->GetFullbright(); actor->touching_sectorlist = NULL; // NULL head of sector list // phares 3/13/98 actor->Speed = actor->GetClass()->Meta.GetMetaFixed(AMETA_FastSpeed, actor->Speed); // set subsector and/or block links actor->LinkToWorld (SpawningMapThing); if (SpawningMapThing || !type->IsDescendantOf (RUNTIME_CLASS(APlayerPawn))) { actor->dropoffz = // killough 11/98: for tracking dropoffs actor->floorz = actor->Sector->floorplane.ZatPoint (ix, iy); actor->ceilingz = actor->Sector->ceilingplane.ZatPoint (ix, iy); actor->floorsector = actor->Sector; actor->floorpic = actor->floorsector->floorpic; actor->ceilingsector = actor->Sector; actor->ceilingpic = actor->ceilingsector->ceilingpic; } else { P_FindFloorCeiling (actor); actor->floorz = tmffloorz; actor->dropoffz = tmfdropoffz; actor->ceilingz = tmfceilingz; actor->floorpic = tmffloorpic; actor->floorsector = tmffloorsector; actor->ceilingpic = tmfceilingpic; actor->ceilingsector = tmfceilingsector; } actor->SpawnPoint[0] = ix >> FRACBITS; actor->SpawnPoint[1] = iy >> FRACBITS; if (iz == ONFLOORZ) { actor->z = actor->floorz; } else if (iz == ONCEILINGZ) { actor->z = actor->ceilingz - actor->height; } else if (iz == FLOATRANDZ) { fixed_t space = actor->ceilingz - actor->height - actor->floorz; if (space > 48*FRACUNIT) { space -= 40*FRACUNIT; actor->z = MulScale8 (space, rng()) + actor->floorz + 40*FRACUNIT; } else { actor->z = actor->floorz; } } else { actor->SpawnPoint[2] = (actor->z - actor->floorz) >> FRACBITS; } if (actor->flags2 & MF2_FLOATBOB) { // Prime the bobber actor->FloatBobPhase = rng(); actor->z += FloatBobOffsets[(actor->FloatBobPhase + level.maptime - 1) & 63]; } if (actor->flags2 & MF2_FLOORCLIP) { actor->AdjustFloorClip (); } else { actor->floorclip = 0; } actor->UpdateWaterLevel (actor->z); if (!SpawningMapThing) { actor->BeginPlay (); if (actor->ObjectFlags & OF_MassDestruction) { return NULL; } } // [RH] Count monsters whenever they are spawned. if (actor->CountsAsKill()) { level.total_monsters++; } // [RH] Same, for items if (actor->flags & MF_COUNTITEM) { level.total_items++; } return actor; } void AActor::LevelSpawned () { if (tics > 0 && !(flags4 & MF4_SYNCHRONIZED)) tics = 1 + (pr_spawnmapthing() % tics); angle_t incs = AngleIncrements (); angle -= angle % incs; flags &= ~MF_DROPPED; // [RH] clear MF_DROPPED flag HandleSpawnFlags (); } void AActor::HandleSpawnFlags () { if (SpawnFlags & MTF_AMBUSH) { flags |= MF_AMBUSH; } if (SpawnFlags & MTF_DORMANT) { Deactivate (NULL); } if (SpawnFlags & MTF_STANDSTILL) { flags4 |= MF4_STANDSTILL; } if (SpawnFlags & MTF_FRIENDLY) { flags |= MF_FRIENDLY; // Friendlies don't count as kills! if (flags & MF_COUNTKILL) { flags &= ~MF_COUNTKILL; level.total_monsters--; } } if (SpawnFlags & MTF_SHADOW) { flags |= MF_SHADOW; RenderStyle = STYLE_Translucent; alpha = TRANSLUC25; } else if (SpawnFlags & MTF_ALTSHADOW) { RenderStyle = STYLE_None; } } void AActor::BeginPlay () { } void AActor::Activate (AActor *activator) { if ((flags3 & MF3_ISMONSTER) && (health > 0 || (flags & MF_ICECORPSE))) { if (flags2 & MF2_DORMANT) { flags2 &= ~MF2_DORMANT; tics = 1; } } } void AActor::Deactivate (AActor *activator) { if ((flags3 & MF3_ISMONSTER) && (health > 0 || (flags & MF_ICECORPSE))) { if (!(flags2 & MF2_DORMANT)) { flags2 |= MF2_DORMANT; tics = -1; } } } // // P_RemoveMobj // void AActor::Destroy () { // [RH] Destroy any inventory this actor is carrying DestroyAllInventory (); // [RH] Unlink from tid chain RemoveFromHash (); // unlink from sector and block lists UnlinkFromWorld (); flags |= MF_NOSECTOR|MF_NOBLOCKMAP; // Delete all nodes on the current sector_list phares 3/16/98 P_DelSector_List(); // Transform any playing sound into positioned, non-actor sounds. S_RelinkSound (this, NULL); Super::Destroy (); } //=========================================================================== // // AdjustFloorClip // //=========================================================================== void AActor::AdjustFloorClip () { if (flags3 & MF3_SPECIALFLOORCLIP) { return; } fixed_t oldclip = floorclip; fixed_t shallowestclip = FIXED_MAX; const msecnode_t *m; // [RH] clip based on shallowest floor player is standing on // If the sector has a deep water effect, then let that effect // do the floorclipping instead of the terrain type. for (m = touching_sectorlist; m; m = m->m_tnext) { if ((m->m_sector->heightsec == NULL || m->m_sector->heightsec->MoreFlags & SECF_IGNOREHEIGHTSEC) && m->m_sector->floorplane.ZatPoint (x, y) == z) { fixed_t clip = Terrains[TerrainTypes[m->m_sector->floorpic]].FootClip; if (clip < shallowestclip) { shallowestclip = clip; } } } if (shallowestclip == FIXED_MAX) { floorclip = 0; } else { floorclip = shallowestclip; } if (player && player->mo == this && oldclip != floorclip) { player->viewheight -= oldclip - floorclip; player->deltaviewheight = player->GetDeltaViewHeight(); } } // // P_SpawnPlayer // Called when a player is spawned on the level. // Most of the player structure stays unchanged between levels. // EXTERN_CVAR (Bool, chasedemo) extern bool demonew; void P_SpawnPlayer (mapthing2_t *mthing, bool startenterscripts) { int playernum; player_t *p; APlayerPawn *mobj, *oldactor; BYTE state; // [RH] Things 4001-? are also multiplayer starts. Just like 1-4. // To make things simpler, figure out which player is being // spawned here. if (mthing->type <= 4 || gameinfo.gametype == GAME_Strife) // don't forget Strife's starts 5-8 here! { playernum = mthing->type - 1; } else if (gameinfo.gametype != GAME_Hexen) { playernum = mthing->type - 4001 + 4; } else { playernum = mthing->type - 9100 + 4; } // not playing? if (playernum >= MAXPLAYERS || !playeringame[playernum]) return; p = &players[playernum]; if (p->cls == NULL) { p->CurrentPlayerClass = 0; if (gameinfo.gametype == GAME_Doom) { p->cls = PClass::FindClass (NAME_DoomPlayer); } else if (gameinfo.gametype == GAME_Heretic) { p->cls = PClass::FindClass (NAME_HereticPlayer); } else if (gameinfo.gametype == GAME_Strife) { p->cls = PClass::FindClass (NAME_StrifePlayer); } else { static const ENamedName classes[3] = { NAME_FighterPlayer, NAME_ClericPlayer, NAME_MagePlayer }; int type; if (!deathmatch || !multiplayer) { type = SinglePlayerClass[playernum]; } else { type = p->userinfo.PlayerClass; if (type < 0) { type = pr_multiclasschoice() % 3; } } p->CurrentPlayerClass = type; p->cls = PClass::FindClass (classes[type]); } } mobj = static_cast (Spawn (p->cls, mthing->x << FRACBITS, mthing->y << FRACBITS, ONFLOORZ)); mobj->FriendPlayer = playernum + 1; // [RH] players are their own friends oldactor = p->mo; p->mo = mobj; mobj->player = p; state = p->playerstate; if (state == PST_REBORN || state == PST_ENTER) { G_PlayerReborn (playernum); } else if (oldactor != NULL && oldactor->player == p) { // Move the voodoo doll's inventory to the new player. mobj->ObtainInventory (oldactor); } // [RH] Be sure the player has the right translation R_BuildPlayerTranslation (playernum); // [RH] set color translations for player sprites mobj->Translation = TRANSLATION(TRANSLATION_Players,playernum); mobj->angle = ANG45 * (mthing->angle/45); mobj->pitch = mobj->roll = 0; mobj->health = p->health; //Added by MC: Identification (number in the players[MAXPLAYERS] array) mobj->id = playernum; // [RH] Set player sprite based on skin p->skin = &skins[p->userinfo.skin]; if (gameinfo.gametype != GAME_Hexen) { mobj->sprite = p->skin->sprite; mobj->xscale = mobj->yscale = p->skin->scale; } p->DesiredFOV = p->FOV = 90.f; p->camera = p->mo; p->playerstate = PST_LIVE; p->refire = 0; p->damagecount = 0; p->bonuscount = 0; p->morphTics = 0; p->extralight = 0; p->fixedcolormap = 0; p->viewheight = p->defaultviewheight = gameinfo.gametype == GAME_Hexen? 48*FRACUNIT : 41*FRACUNIT; p->inconsistant = 0; p->attacker = NULL; p->spreecount = 0; p->multicount = 0; p->lastkilltime = 0; p->BlendR = p->BlendG = p->BlendB = p->BlendA = 0.f; p->air_finished = level.time + level.airsupply; p->Uncrouch(); p->momx = p->momy = 0; // killough 10/98: initialize bobbing to 0. if (players[consoleplayer].camera == oldactor) { players[consoleplayer].camera = mobj; } // [RH] Allow chasecam for demo watching if ((demoplayback || demonew) && chasedemo) p->cheats = CF_CHASECAM; // setup gun psprite if (startenterscripts) { // This can also start a script so don't do it for // the dummy player. P_SetupPsprites (p); } if (deathmatch) { // Give all cards in death match mode. p->mo->GiveDeathmatchInventory (); } else if (multiplayer && state == PST_REBORN && oldactor != NULL) { // Special inventory handling for respawning in coop p->mo->FilterCoopRespawnInventory (oldactor); } if (oldactor != NULL) { // Remove any inventory left from the old actor. Coop handles // it above, but the other modes don't. oldactor->DestroyAllInventory(); } if (StatusBar != NULL && (playernum == consoleplayer || StatusBar->GetPlayer() == playernum)) { StatusBar->AttachToPlayer (p); } if (multiplayer) { unsigned an = ( ANG45 * (mthing->angle/45) ) >> ANGLETOFINESHIFT; Spawn ("TeleportFog", mobj->x+20*finecosine[an], mobj->y+20*finesine[an], mobj->z + TELEFOGHEIGHT); } // "Fix" for one of the starts on exec.wad MAP01: If you start inside the ceiling, // drop down below it, even if that means sinking into the floor. if (mobj->z + mobj->height > mobj->ceilingz) { mobj->z = mobj->ceilingz - mobj->height; } // [RH] If someone is in the way, kill them P_PlayerStartStomp (mobj); // [BC] Do script stuff if (startenterscripts) { if (state == PST_ENTER || (state == PST_LIVE && !savegamerestore)) { FBehavior::StaticStartTypedScripts (SCRIPT_Enter, p->mo, true); } else if (state == PST_REBORN) { FBehavior::StaticStartTypedScripts (SCRIPT_Respawn, p->mo, true); } } } // // P_SpawnMapThing // The fields of the mapthing should // already be in host byte order. // // [RH] position is used to weed out unwanted start spots void P_SpawnMapThing (mapthing2_t *mthing, int position) { const PClass *i; int mask; AActor *mobj; fixed_t x, y, z; static unsigned int classFlags[] = { MTF_FIGHTER, MTF_CLERIC, MTF_MAGE }; if (mthing->type == 0 || mthing->type == -1) return; // count deathmatch start positions if (mthing->type == 11) { deathmatchstarts.Push (*mthing); return; } // Convert Strife starts to Hexen-style starts if (gameinfo.gametype == GAME_Strife && mthing->type >= 118 && mthing->type <= 127) { mthing->args[0] = mthing->type - 117; mthing->type = 1; } // [RH] Record polyobject-related things if (gameinfo.gametype == GAME_Hexen) { switch (mthing->type) { case PO_HEX_ANCHOR_TYPE: mthing->type = PO_ANCHOR_TYPE; break; case PO_HEX_SPAWN_TYPE: mthing->type = PO_SPAWN_TYPE; break; case PO_HEX_SPAWNCRUSH_TYPE: mthing->type = PO_SPAWNCRUSH_TYPE; break; } } if (mthing->type == PO_ANCHOR_TYPE || mthing->type == PO_SPAWN_TYPE || mthing->type == PO_SPAWNCRUSH_TYPE || mthing->type == PO_SPAWNHURT_TYPE) { polyspawns_t *polyspawn = new polyspawns_t; polyspawn->next = polyspawns; polyspawn->x = mthing->x << FRACBITS; polyspawn->y = mthing->y << FRACBITS; polyspawn->angle = mthing->angle; polyspawn->type = mthing->type; polyspawns = polyspawn; if (mthing->type != PO_ANCHOR_TYPE) po_NumPolyobjs++; return; } // check for players specially int pnum = -1; if (mthing->type <= 4 && mthing->type > 0) { pnum = mthing->type - 1; } else { const int base = (gameinfo.gametype == GAME_Strife) ? 5 : (gameinfo.gametype == GAME_Hexen) ? 9100 : 4001; if (mthing->type >= base && mthing->type < base + MAXPLAYERS - 4) { pnum = mthing->type - base + 4; } } if (pnum == -1 || (level.flags & LEVEL_FILTERSTARTS)) { // check for appropriate game type if (deathmatch) { mask = MTF_DEATHMATCH; } else if (multiplayer) { mask = MTF_COOPERATIVE; } else { mask = MTF_SINGLE; } if (!(mthing->flags & mask)) { return; } // check for apropriate skill level if (gameskill == sk_baby) { mask = MTF_EASY; } else if (gameskill == sk_nightmare) { mask = MTF_HARD; } else { mask = 1 << (gameskill - 1); } if (!(mthing->flags & mask)) { return; } // Check current character classes with spawn flags if (gameinfo.gametype == GAME_Hexen) { if (!multiplayer) { // Single player if ((mthing->flags & classFlags[players[consoleplayer].CurrentPlayerClass]) == 0) { // Not for current class return; } } else if (!deathmatch) { // Cooperative mask = 0; for (int i = 0; i < MAXPLAYERS; i++) { if (playeringame[i]) { mask |= classFlags[players[i].CurrentPlayerClass]; } } if ((mthing->flags & mask) == 0) { return; } } } } if (pnum != -1) { // [RH] Only spawn spots that match position. if (mthing->args[0] != position) return; // save spots for respawning in network games playerstarts[pnum] = *mthing; if (!deathmatch) P_SpawnPlayer (mthing); return; } // [RH] sound sequence overriders if (mthing->type >= 1400 && mthing->type < 1410) { R_PointInSubsector (mthing->x<y<sector->seqType = mthing->type - 1400; return; } else if (mthing->type == 1411) { int type; if (mthing->args[0] == 255) type = -1; else type = mthing->args[0]; if (type > 63) { Printf ("Sound sequence %d out of range\n", type); } else { R_PointInSubsector (mthing->x << FRACBITS, mthing->y << FRACBITS)->sector->seqType = type; } return; } // [RH] Determine if it is an old ambient thing, and if so, // map it to MT_AMBIENT with the proper parameter. if (mthing->type >= 14001 && mthing->type <= 14064) { mthing->args[0] = mthing->type - 14000; mthing->type = 14065; i = RUNTIME_CLASS(AAmbientSound); } else { // find which type to spawn i = DoomEdMap.FindType (mthing->type); } if (i == NULL) { // [RH] Don't die if the map tries to spawn an unknown thing Printf ("Unknown type %i at (%i, %i)\n", mthing->type, mthing->x, mthing->y); i = RUNTIME_CLASS(AUnknown); } // [RH] If the thing's corresponding sprite has no frames, also map // it to the unknown thing. else { const AActor *defaults = GetDefaultByType (i); if (defaults->SpawnState == NULL || sprites[defaults->SpawnState->sprite.index].numframes == 0) { Printf ("%s at (%i, %i) has no frames\n", i->TypeName.GetChars(), mthing->x, mthing->y); i = RUNTIME_CLASS(AUnknown); } } const AActor *info = GetDefaultByType (i); // don't spawn keycards and players in deathmatch if (deathmatch && info->flags & MF_NOTDMATCH) return; // [RH] don't spawn extra weapons in coop if so desired if (multiplayer && !deathmatch && !(dmflags&DF_NO_COOP_WEAPON_SPAWN)) { if (i->IsDescendantOf (RUNTIME_CLASS(AWeapon))) { if ((mthing->flags & (MTF_DEATHMATCH|MTF_SINGLE)) == MTF_DEATHMATCH) return; } } // don't spawn any monsters if -nomonsters if (dmflags & DF_NO_MONSTERS && info->flags3 & MF3_ISMONSTER ) { return; } // [RH] Other things that shouldn't be spawned depending on dmflags if (deathmatch || alwaysapplydmflags) { if (dmflags & DF_NO_HEALTH) { if (i->IsDescendantOf (RUNTIME_CLASS(AHealth))) return; if (i->TypeName == NAME_Berserk) return; if (i->TypeName == NAME_Soulsphere) return; if (i->TypeName == NAME_Megasphere) return; } if (dmflags & DF_NO_ITEMS) { // if (i->IsDescendantOf (RUNTIME_CLASS(AArtifact))) // return; } if (dmflags & DF_NO_ARMOR) { if (i->IsDescendantOf (RUNTIME_CLASS(AArmor))) return; if (i->TypeName == NAME_Megasphere) return; } } // spawn it x = mthing->x << FRACBITS; y = mthing->y << FRACBITS; if (info->flags & MF_SPAWNCEILING) z = ONCEILINGZ; else if (info->flags2 & MF2_SPAWNFLOAT) z = FLOATRANDZ; else z = ONFLOORZ; SpawningMapThing = true; mobj = Spawn (i, x, y, z); SpawningMapThing = false; if (z == ONFLOORZ) mobj->z += mthing->z << FRACBITS; else if (z == ONCEILINGZ) mobj->z -= mthing->z << FRACBITS; mobj->SpawnPoint[0] = mthing->x; mobj->SpawnPoint[1] = mthing->y; mobj->SpawnPoint[2] = mthing->z; mobj->SpawnAngle = mthing->angle; mobj->SpawnFlags = mthing->flags; // [RH] Set the thing's special mobj->special = mthing->special; for(int j=0;j<5;j++) mobj->args[j]=mthing->args[j]; // [RH] Add ThingID to mobj and link it in with the others mobj->tid = mthing->thingid; mobj->AddToHash (); mobj->angle = (DWORD)((mthing->angle * UCONST64(0x100000000)) / 360); mobj->BeginPlay (); if (mobj->ObjectFlags & OF_MassDestruction) { return; } mobj->LevelSpawned (); } // // GAME SPAWN FUNCTIONS // // // P_SpawnPuff // AActor *P_SpawnPuff (const PClass *pufftype, fixed_t x, fixed_t y, fixed_t z, angle_t dir, int updown, bool hitthing) { AActor *puff; z += pr_spawnpuff.Random2 () << 10; puff = Spawn (pufftype, x, y, z); // If a puff has a crash state and an actor was not hit, // it will enter the crash state. This is used by the StrifeSpark // and BlasterPuff. if (hitthing == false && puff->CrashState != NULL) { puff->SetState (puff->CrashState); } else if (attackrange == MELEERANGE && puff->MeleeState != NULL) { // handle the hard coded state jump of Doom's bullet puff // in a more flexible manner. puff->SetState (puff->MeleeState); } if (cl_pufftype && updown != 3 && (puff->flags4 & MF4_ALLOWPARTICLES)) { P_DrawSplash2 (32, x, y, z, dir, updown, 1); puff->renderflags |= RF_INVISIBLE; } /* This code assumes that no object can be used outside its own game. Since that is no longer the case it doesn't work anymore. if (gameinfo.gametype == GAME_Doom) { // don't make punches spark on the wall if (attackrange == MELEERANGE) { FState *state = puff->state; int i; for (i = 0; i < 2 && state->GetNextState(); i++) state = state->GetNextState(); puff->SetState (state); } if (cl_pufftype && updown != 3) { P_DrawSplash2 (32, x, y, z, dir, updown, 1); puff->renderflags |= RF_INVISIBLE; } }*/ if (hitthing && puff->SeeSound) { // Hit thing sound S_SoundID (puff, CHAN_BODY, puff->SeeSound, 1, ATTN_NORM); } else if (puff->AttackSound) { S_SoundID (puff, CHAN_BODY, puff->AttackSound, 1, ATTN_NORM); } PuffSpawned = puff; return puff; } // // P_SpawnBlood // void P_SpawnBlood (fixed_t x, fixed_t y, fixed_t z, angle_t dir, int damage, AActor *originator) { ABlood *th; PalEntry bloodcolor = (PalEntry)originator->GetClass()->Meta.GetMetaInt(AMETA_BloodColor); if (cl_bloodtype <= 1) { z += pr_spawnblood.Random2 () << 10; th = Spawn (x, y, z); th->momz = FRACUNIT*2; th->angle = dir; if (gameinfo.gametype == GAME_Doom) { th->tics -= pr_spawnblood() & 3; if (th->tics < 1) th->tics = 1; } th->SetDamage (damage); // colorize the blood! if (bloodcolor!=0) th->Translation = TRANSLATION(TRANSLATION_Blood, bloodcolor.a); } if (cl_bloodtype >= 1) P_DrawSplash2 (40, x, y, z, dir, 2, bloodcolor); } // Blood splatter ----------------------------------------------------------- class ABloodSplatter : public AActor { DECLARE_ACTOR (ABloodSplatter, AActor) }; FState ABloodSplatter::States[] = { #define S_BLOODSPLATTER 0 S_NORMAL (BLUD, 'C', 8, NULL, &States[S_BLOODSPLATTER+1]), S_NORMAL (BLUD, 'B', 8, NULL, &States[S_BLOODSPLATTER+2]), S_NORMAL (BLUD, 'A', 8, NULL, NULL), #define S_BLOODSPLATTERX (S_BLOODSPLATTER+3) S_NORMAL (BLUD, 'A', 6, NULL, NULL) }; IMPLEMENT_ACTOR (ABloodSplatter, Raven, -1, 0) PROP_SpawnState (S_BLOODSPLATTER) PROP_DeathState (S_BLOODSPLATTERX) PROP_RadiusFixed (2) PROP_HeightFixed (4) PROP_Flags (MF_NOBLOCKMAP|MF_MISSILE|MF_DROPOFF) PROP_Flags2 (MF2_NOTELEPORT|MF2_CANNOTPUSH) PROP_Mass (5) END_DEFAULTS //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // PROC P_BloodSplatter // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void P_BloodSplatter (fixed_t x, fixed_t y, fixed_t z, AActor *originator) { PalEntry bloodcolor = (PalEntry)originator->GetClass()->Meta.GetMetaInt(AMETA_BloodColor); if (cl_bloodtype <= 1) { AActor *mo; if (gameinfo.gametype == GAME_Doom) { mo = Spawn (x, y, z); } else { mo = Spawn (x, y, z); } mo->target = originator; mo->momx = pr_splatter.Random2 () << 10; mo->momy = pr_splatter.Random2 () << 10; mo->momz = 3*FRACUNIT; // colorize the blood! if (bloodcolor!=0) mo->Translation = TRANSLATION(TRANSLATION_Blood, bloodcolor.a); } if (cl_bloodtype >= 1) { P_DrawSplash2 (40, x, y, z, R_PointToAngle2 (x, y, originator->x, originator->y), 2, bloodcolor); } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // PROC P_RipperBlood // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void P_RipperBlood (AActor *mo, AActor *bleeder) { fixed_t x, y, z; PalEntry bloodcolor = (PalEntry)bleeder->GetClass()->Meta.GetMetaInt(AMETA_BloodColor); x = mo->x + (pr_ripperblood.Random2 () << 12); y = mo->y + (pr_ripperblood.Random2 () << 12); z = mo->z + (pr_ripperblood.Random2 () << 12); if (cl_bloodtype <= 1) { AActor *th; th = Spawn (x, y, z); if (gameinfo.gametype == GAME_Heretic) th->flags |= MF_NOGRAVITY; th->momx = mo->momx >> 1; th->momy = mo->momy >> 1; th->tics += pr_ripperblood () & 3; // colorize the blood! if (bloodcolor!=0) th->Translation = TRANSLATION(TRANSLATION_Blood, bloodcolor.a); } if (cl_bloodtype >= 1) { P_DrawSplash2 (28, x, y, z, 0, 0, bloodcolor); } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // FUNC P_GetThingFloorType // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- int P_GetThingFloorType (AActor *thing) { if (thing->floorpic) { return TerrainTypes[thing->floorpic]; } else { return TerrainTypes[thing->Sector->floorpic]; } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // FUNC P_HitWater // // Returns true if hit liquid and splashed, false if not. //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool P_HitWater (AActor *thing, sector_t *sec) { if (thing->flags2 & MF2_FLOATBOB || thing->flags3 & MF3_DONTSPLASH) return false; if (thing->player && (thing->player->cheats & CF_PREDICTING)) return false; AActor *mo = NULL; FSplashDef *splash; int terrainnum; if (sec->heightsec == NULL || //!sec->heightsec->waterzone || (sec->heightsec->MoreFlags & SECF_IGNOREHEIGHTSEC) || !(sec->heightsec->MoreFlags & SECF_CLIPFAKEPLANES)) { terrainnum = TerrainTypes[sec->floorpic]; } else { terrainnum = TerrainTypes[sec->heightsec->floorpic]; } int splashnum = Terrains[terrainnum].Splash; bool smallsplash = false; const secplane_t *plane; fixed_t z; if (splashnum == -1) return Terrains[terrainnum].IsLiquid; plane = (sec->heightsec != NULL && //sec->heightsec->waterzone && !(sec->heightsec->MoreFlags & SECF_IGNOREHEIGHTSEC)) ? &sec->heightsec->floorplane : &sec->floorplane; z = plane->ZatPoint (thing->x, thing->y); splash = &Splashes[splashnum]; // Small splash for small masses if (thing->Mass < 10) smallsplash = true; if (smallsplash && splash->SmallSplash) { mo = Spawn (splash->SmallSplash, thing->x, thing->y, z); if (mo) mo->floorclip += splash->SmallSplashClip; } else { if (splash->SplashChunk) { mo = Spawn (splash->SplashChunk, thing->x, thing->y, z); mo->target = thing; if (splash->ChunkXVelShift != 255) { mo->momx = pr_chunk.Random2() << splash->ChunkXVelShift; } if (splash->ChunkYVelShift != 255) { mo->momy = pr_chunk.Random2() << splash->ChunkYVelShift; } mo->momz = splash->ChunkBaseZVel + (pr_chunk() << splash->ChunkZVelShift); } if (splash->SplashBase) { mo = Spawn (splash->SplashBase, thing->x, thing->y, z); } if (thing->player && !splash->NoAlert) { P_NoiseAlert (thing, thing, true); } } if (mo) { S_SoundID (mo, CHAN_ITEM, smallsplash ? splash->SmallSplashSound : splash->NormalSplashSound, 1, ATTN_IDLE); } else { S_SoundID (thing->x, thing->y, z, CHAN_ITEM, smallsplash ? splash->SmallSplashSound : splash->NormalSplashSound, 1, ATTN_IDLE); } // Don't let deep water eat missiles return plane == &sec->floorplane ? Terrains[terrainnum].IsLiquid : false; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // FUNC P_HitFloor // // Returns true if hit liquid and splashed, false if not. //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool P_HitFloor (AActor *thing) { const msecnode_t *m; if (thing->flags2 & MF2_FLOATBOB || thing->flags3 & MF3_DONTSPLASH) return false; // don't splash if landing on the edge above water/lava/etc.... for (m = thing->touching_sectorlist; m; m = m->m_tnext) { if (thing->z == m->m_sector->floorplane.ZatPoint (thing->x, thing->y)) { break; } } if (m == NULL || (m->m_sector->heightsec != NULL && !(m->m_sector->heightsec->MoreFlags & SECF_IGNOREHEIGHTSEC))) { return false; } return P_HitWater (thing, m->m_sector); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // FUNC P_CheckMissileSpawn // // Returns true if the missile is at a valid spawn point, otherwise // explodes it and returns false. // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool P_CheckMissileSpawn (AActor* th) { // [RH] Don't decrement tics if they are already less than 1 if ((th->flags4 & MF4_RANDOMIZE) && th->tics > 0) { th->tics -= pr_checkmissilespawn() & 3; if (th->tics < 1) th->tics = 1; } // move a little forward so an angle can be computed if it immediately explodes if (th->Speed >= 100*FRACUNIT) { // Ultra-fast ripper spawning missile th->x += th->momx>>3; th->y += th->momy>>3; th->z += th->momz>>3; } else { // Normal missile th->x += th->momx>>1; th->y += th->momy>>1; th->z += th->momz>>1; } // killough 3/15/98: no dropoff (really = don't care for missiles) if (!P_TryMove (th, th->x, th->y, false)) { // [RH] Don't explode ripping missiles that spawn inside something if (BlockingMobj == NULL || !(th->flags2 & MF2_RIP)) { // [RH] Don't explode missiles that spawn on top of horizon lines if (BlockingLine != NULL && BlockingLine->special == Line_Horizon) { th->Destroy (); } else { P_ExplodeMissile (th, NULL); } return false; } } return true; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // FUNC P_SpawnMissile // // Returns NULL if the missile exploded immediately, otherwise returns // a mobj_t pointer to the missile. // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- AActor *P_SpawnMissile (AActor *source, AActor *dest, const PClass *type) { return P_SpawnMissileXYZ (source->x, source->y, source->z + 32*FRACUNIT, source, dest, type); } AActor *P_SpawnMissileZ (AActor *source, fixed_t z, AActor *dest, const PClass *type) { return P_SpawnMissileXYZ (source->x, source->y, z, source, dest, type); } AActor *P_SpawnMissileXYZ (fixed_t x, fixed_t y, fixed_t z, AActor *source, AActor *dest, const PClass *type) { int defflags3 = GetDefaultByType (type)->flags3; if (defflags3 & MF3_FLOORHUGGER) { z = ONFLOORZ; } else if (defflags3 & MF3_CEILINGHUGGER) { z = ONCEILINGZ; } else if (z != ONFLOORZ) { z -= source->floorclip; } AActor *th = Spawn (type, x, y, z); if (th->SeeSound) S_SoundID (th, CHAN_VOICE, th->SeeSound, 1, ATTN_NORM); th->target = source; // record missile's originator vec3_t velocity; float speed = (float)(th->Speed); // [RH] // Hexen calculates the missile velocity based on the source's location. // Would it be more useful to base it on the actual position of the // missile? I'll leave it like this for now. // Answer. No, because this way, you can set up sets of parallel missiles. velocity[0] = (float)(dest->x - source->x); velocity[1] = (float)(dest->y - source->y); velocity[2] = (float)(dest->z - source->z); // Floor and ceiling huggers should never have a vertical component to their velocity if (defflags3 & (MF3_FLOORHUGGER|MF3_CEILINGHUGGER)) { velocity[2] = 0.f; } // [RH] Adjust the trajectory if the missile will go over the player's head. else if (z - source->z >= dest->height) { velocity[2] += (float)(dest->height - z + source->z); } VectorNormalize (velocity); th->momx = (fixed_t)(velocity[0] * speed); th->momy = (fixed_t)(velocity[1] * speed); th->momz = (fixed_t)(velocity[2] * speed); // invisible target: rotate velocity vector in 2D if (dest->flags & MF_SHADOW) { angle_t an = pr_spawnmissile.Random2 () << 20; an >>= ANGLETOFINESHIFT; fixed_t newx = DMulScale16 (th->momx, finecosine[an], -th->momy, finesine[an]); fixed_t newy = DMulScale16 (th->momx, finesine[an], th->momy, finecosine[an]); th->momx = newx; th->momy = newy; } th->angle = R_PointToAngle2 (0, 0, th->momx, th->momy); return P_CheckMissileSpawn (th) ? th : NULL; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // FUNC P_SpawnMissileAngle // // Returns NULL if the missile exploded immediately, otherwise returns // a mobj_t pointer to the missile. // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- AActor *P_SpawnMissileAngle (AActor *source, const PClass *type, angle_t angle, fixed_t momz) { return P_SpawnMissileAngleZSpeed (source, source->z + 32*FRACUNIT, type, angle, momz, GetDefaultByType (type)->Speed); } AActor *P_SpawnMissileAngleZ (AActor *source, fixed_t z, const PClass *type, angle_t angle, fixed_t momz) { return P_SpawnMissileAngleZSpeed (source, z, type, angle, momz, GetDefaultByType (type)->Speed); } AActor *P_SpawnMissileZAimed (AActor *source, fixed_t z, AActor *dest, const PClass *type) { angle_t an; fixed_t dist; fixed_t speed; fixed_t momz; an = source->angle; if (dest->flags & MF_SHADOW) { an += pr_spawnmissile.Random2() << 20; } dist = P_AproxDistance (dest->x - source->x, dest->y - source->y); speed = GetDefaultByType (type)->Speed; dist /= speed; momz = dist != 0 ? (dest->z - source->z)/dist : speed; return P_SpawnMissileAngleZSpeed (source, z, type, an, momz, speed); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // FUNC P_SpawnMissileAngleSpeed // // Returns NULL if the missile exploded immediately, otherwise returns // a mobj_t pointer to the missile. // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- AActor *P_SpawnMissileAngleSpeed (AActor *source, const PClass *type, angle_t angle, fixed_t momz, fixed_t speed) { return P_SpawnMissileAngleZSpeed (source, source->z + 32*FRACUNIT, type, angle, momz, speed); } AActor *P_SpawnMissileAngleZSpeed (AActor *source, fixed_t z, const PClass *type, angle_t angle, fixed_t momz, fixed_t speed, AActor *owner) { AActor *mo; int defflags3 = GetDefaultByType (type)->flags3; if (defflags3 & MF3_FLOORHUGGER) { z = ONFLOORZ; } else if (defflags3 & MF3_CEILINGHUGGER) { z = ONCEILINGZ; } if (z != ONFLOORZ) { z -= source->floorclip; } mo = Spawn (type, source->x, source->y, z); if (mo->SeeSound) { S_SoundID (mo, CHAN_VOICE, mo->SeeSound, 1, ATTN_NORM); } mo->target = owner != NULL ? owner : source; // Originator mo->angle = angle; angle >>= ANGLETOFINESHIFT; mo->momx = FixedMul (speed, finecosine[angle]); mo->momy = FixedMul (speed, finesine[angle]); mo->momz = momz; return P_CheckMissileSpawn(mo) ? mo : NULL; } /* ================ = = P_SpawnPlayerMissile = = Tries to aim at a nearby monster ================ */ AActor *P_SpawnPlayerMissile (AActor *source, const PClass *type) { return P_SpawnPlayerMissile (source, source->x, source->y, source->z, type, source->angle); } AActor *P_SpawnPlayerMissile (AActor *source, const PClass *type, angle_t angle) { return P_SpawnPlayerMissile (source, source->x, source->y, source->z, type, angle); } AActor *P_SpawnPlayerMissile (AActor *source, fixed_t x, fixed_t y, fixed_t z, const PClass *type, angle_t angle) { static const int angdiff[3] = { -1<<26, 1<<26, 0 }; int i; angle_t an; angle_t pitch; // see which target is to be aimed at i = 2; do { an = angle + angdiff[i]; pitch = P_AimLineAttack (source, an, 16*64*FRACUNIT); if (source->player != NULL && !(dmflags & DF_NO_FREELOOK) && source->player->userinfo.aimdist <= ANGLE_1/2) { break; } } while (linetarget == NULL && --i >= 0); if (linetarget == NULL) { an = angle; } i = GetDefaultByType (type)->flags3; if (i & MF3_FLOORHUGGER) { z = ONFLOORZ; } else if (i & MF3_CEILINGHUGGER) { z = ONCEILINGZ; } if (z != ONFLOORZ && z != ONCEILINGZ) { z += 4*8*FRACUNIT - source->floorclip + (source->player? source->player->crouchoffset : 0); } MissileActor = Spawn (type, x, y, z); if (MissileActor->SeeSound) { S_SoundID (MissileActor, CHAN_VOICE, MissileActor->SeeSound, 1, ATTN_NORM); } MissileActor->target = source; MissileActor->angle = an; fixed_t vx, vy, vz, speed; vx = FixedMul (finecosine[pitch>>ANGLETOFINESHIFT], finecosine[an>>ANGLETOFINESHIFT]); vy = FixedMul (finecosine[pitch>>ANGLETOFINESHIFT], finesine[an>>ANGLETOFINESHIFT]); vz = -finesine[pitch>>ANGLETOFINESHIFT]; speed = MissileActor->Speed; MissileActor->momx = FixedMul (vx, speed); MissileActor->momy = FixedMul (vy, speed); MissileActor->momz = FixedMul (vz, speed); if (P_CheckMissileSpawn (MissileActor)) { return MissileActor; } return NULL; } bool AActor::IsTeammate (AActor *other) { if (!player || !other || !other->player) return false; if (!deathmatch) return true; if (teamplay && other->player->userinfo.team != TEAM_None && player->userinfo.team == other->player->userinfo.team) { return true; } return false; } //========================================================================== // // AActor :: GetSpecies // // Species is defined as the lowest base class that is a monster // with no non-monster class in between. This is virtualized, so special // monsters can change this behavior if they like. // //========================================================================== const PClass *AActor::GetSpecies() { const PClass *thistype = GetClass(); if (GetDefaultByType(thistype)->flags3 & MF3_ISMONSTER) { while (thistype->ParentClass) { if (GetDefaultByType(thistype->ParentClass)->flags3 & MF3_ISMONSTER) thistype = thistype->ParentClass; else break; } } return thistype; } //========================================================================== // // AActor :: IsFriend // // Checks if two monsters have to be considered friendly. // //========================================================================== bool AActor::IsFriend (AActor *other) { if (flags & other->flags & MF_FRIENDLY) { return !deathmatch || FriendPlayer == other->FriendPlayer || FriendPlayer == 0 || other->FriendPlayer == 0; } return false; } //========================================================================== // // AActor :: IsHostile // // Checks if two monsters have to be considered hostile under any circumstances // //========================================================================== bool AActor::IsHostile (AActor *other) { // Both monsters are non-friendlies so hostilities depend on infighting settings if (!((flags | other->flags) & MF_FRIENDLY)) return false; // Both monsters are friendly and belong to the same player if applicable. if (flags & other->flags & MF_FRIENDLY) { return deathmatch && FriendPlayer != other->FriendPlayer && FriendPlayer !=0 && other->FriendPlayer != 0; } return true; } int AActor::DoSpecialDamage (AActor *target, int damage) { if (target->player && target->player->mo == target && damage < 1000 && (target->player->cheats & CF_GODMODE)) { return -1; } else { if (target->player) { int poisondamage = GetClass()->Meta.GetMetaInt(AMETA_PoisonDamage); if (poisondamage > 0) { P_PoisonPlayer (target->player, this, this->target, poisondamage); damage >>= 1; } } return damage; } } int AActor::TakeSpecialDamage (AActor *inflictor, AActor *source, int damage, int damagetype) { // If the actor does not have a corresponding death state, then it does not take damage. // Note that DeathState matches every kind of damagetype, so if an actor has that, it can // be hurt with any type of damage. Exception: Massacre damage always succeeds, because // it needs to work. FState *death; if (flags5 & MF5_NODAMAGE) { target = source; if (PainState != NULL && pr_takedamage() < PainChance) { SetState (PainState); } return -1; } if (DeathState != NULL) { return damage; } if (EDeathState==NULL && BDeathState==NULL && IDeathState==NULL) { // If there is no death state at all, kill it always. return damage; } switch (damagetype) { case MOD_MASSACRE: return damage; case MOD_DISINTEGRATE: death = EDeathState; break; case MOD_FIRE: death = BDeathState; break; case MOD_ICE: death = IDeathState; if (death == NULL && !deh.NoAutofreeze && !(flags4 & MF4_NOICEDEATH) && (player || (flags3 & MF3_ISMONSTER))) { death = &AActor::States[S_GENERICFREEZEDEATH]; } break; default: death = NULL; break; } return (death == NULL) ? -1 : damage; } FArchive &operator<< (FArchive &arc, FSoundIndex &snd) { if (arc.IsStoring ()) { arc.WriteName (snd.Index ? S_sfx[snd.Index].name : NULL); } else { const char *name = arc.ReadName ();; snd.Index = name != NULL ? S_FindSound (name) : 0; } return arc; } FArchive &operator<< (FArchive &arc, FSoundIndexWord &snd) { FSoundIndex snd2 = { snd.Index }; arc << snd2; snd.Index = snd2.Index; return arc; }