#include "vk_renderstate.h" #include "vulkan/system/vk_framebuffer.h" #include "vulkan/system/vk_builders.h" #include "vulkan/renderer/vk_renderpass.h" #include "vulkan/textures/vk_hwtexture.h" #include "templates.h" #include "doomstat.h" #include "r_data/colormaps.h" #include "hwrenderer/scene/hw_skydome.h" #include "hwrenderer/scene/hw_viewpointuniforms.h" #include "hwrenderer/dynlights/hw_lightbuffer.h" #include "hwrenderer/utility/hw_cvars.h" #include "hwrenderer/utility/hw_clock.h" #include "hwrenderer/data/flatvertices.h" #include "hwrenderer/data/hw_viewpointbuffer.h" #include "hwrenderer/data/shaderuniforms.h" VkRenderState::VkRenderState() { mIdentityMatrix.loadIdentity(); Reset(); } void VkRenderState::ClearScreen() { screen->mViewpoints->Set2D(*this, SCREENWIDTH, SCREENHEIGHT); SetColor(0, 0, 0); Apply(DT_TriangleStrip); mCommandBuffer->draw(4, 1, FFlatVertexBuffer::FULLSCREEN_INDEX, 0); } void VkRenderState::Draw(int dt, int index, int count, bool apply) { if (apply || mNeedApply) Apply(dt); drawcalls.Clock(); mCommandBuffer->draw(count, 1, index, 0); drawcalls.Unclock(); } void VkRenderState::DrawIndexed(int dt, int index, int count, bool apply) { if (apply || mNeedApply) Apply(dt); drawcalls.Clock(); mCommandBuffer->drawIndexed(count, 1, index, 0, 0); drawcalls.Unclock(); } bool VkRenderState::SetDepthClamp(bool on) { bool lastValue = mDepthClamp; mDepthClamp = on; mNeedApply = true; return lastValue; } void VkRenderState::SetDepthMask(bool on) { mDepthWrite = on; mNeedApply = true; } void VkRenderState::SetDepthFunc(int func) { mDepthFunc = func; mNeedApply = true; } void VkRenderState::SetDepthRange(float min, float max) { mViewportDepthMin = min; mViewportDepthMax = max; mViewportChanged = true; mNeedApply = true; } void VkRenderState::SetColorMask(bool r, bool g, bool b, bool a) { int rr = r, gg = g, bb = b, aa = a; mColorMask = (aa < 3) | (bb << 2) | (gg << 1) | rr; mNeedApply = true; } void VkRenderState::EnableDrawBufferAttachments(bool on) { } void VkRenderState::SetStencil(int offs, int op, int flags) { mStencilRef = screen->stencilValue + offs; mStencilRefChanged = true; mStencilOp = op; if (flags != -1) { bool cmon = !(flags & SF_ColorMaskOff); SetColorMask(cmon, cmon, cmon, cmon); // don't write to the graphics buffer mDepthWrite = cmon; } mNeedApply = true; } void VkRenderState::SetCulling(int mode) { mCullMode = mode; mNeedApply = true; } void VkRenderState::EnableClipDistance(int num, bool state) { } void VkRenderState::Clear(int targets) { // We need an active render pass, and it must have a depth attachment.. bool lastDepthTest = mDepthTest; bool lastDepthWrite = mDepthWrite; if (targets & (CT_Depth | CT_Stencil)) { mDepthTest = true; mDepthWrite = true; } Apply(DT_TriangleFan); mDepthTest = lastDepthTest; mDepthWrite = lastDepthWrite; VkClearAttachment attachments[2] = { }; VkClearRect rects[2] = { }; for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { rects[i].layerCount = 1; if (mScissorWidth >= 0) { rects[0].rect.offset.x = mScissorX; rects[0].rect.offset.y = mScissorY; rects[0].rect.extent.width = mScissorWidth; rects[0].rect.extent.height = mScissorHeight; } else { rects[0].rect.offset.x = 0; rects[0].rect.offset.y = 0; rects[0].rect.extent.width = SCREENWIDTH; rects[0].rect.extent.height = SCREENHEIGHT; } } if (targets & CT_Depth) { attachments[1].aspectMask |= VK_IMAGE_ASPECT_DEPTH_BIT; attachments[1].clearValue.depthStencil.depth = 1.0f; } if (targets & CT_Stencil) { attachments[1].aspectMask |= VK_IMAGE_ASPECT_STENCIL_BIT; attachments[1].clearValue.depthStencil.stencil = 0; } if (targets & CT_Color) { attachments[0].aspectMask |= VK_IMAGE_ASPECT_COLOR_BIT; for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) attachments[0].clearValue.color.float32[i] = screen->mSceneClearColor[i]; } if ((targets & CT_Color) && (targets & CT_Stencil) && (targets & CT_Depth)) mCommandBuffer->clearAttachments(2, attachments, 2, rects); else if (targets & (CT_Stencil | CT_Depth)) mCommandBuffer->clearAttachments(1, attachments + 1, 1, rects + 1); else if (targets & CT_Color) mCommandBuffer->clearAttachments(1, attachments, 1, rects); } void VkRenderState::EnableStencil(bool on) { mStencilTest = on; mNeedApply = true; } void VkRenderState::SetScissor(int x, int y, int w, int h) { mScissorX = x; mScissorY = y; mScissorWidth = w; mScissorHeight = h; mScissorChanged = true; mNeedApply = true; } void VkRenderState::SetViewport(int x, int y, int w, int h) { mViewportX = x; mViewportY = y; mViewportWidth = w; mViewportHeight = h; mViewportChanged = true; mNeedApply = true; } void VkRenderState::EnableDepthTest(bool on) { mDepthTest = on; mNeedApply = true; } void VkRenderState::EnableMultisampling(bool on) { } void VkRenderState::EnableLineSmooth(bool on) { } void VkRenderState::Apply(int dt) { ApplyRenderPass(dt); ApplyScissor(); ApplyViewport(); ApplyStencilRef(); ApplyStreamData(); ApplyMatrices(); ApplyPushConstants(); ApplyVertexBuffers(); ApplyDynamicSet(); ApplyMaterial(); mNeedApply = false; } void VkRenderState::ApplyRenderPass(int dt) { auto fb = GetVulkanFrameBuffer(); auto passManager = fb->GetRenderPassManager(); // Find a render pass that matches our state VkRenderPassKey passKey; passKey.DrawType = dt; passKey.VertexFormat = static_cast(mVertexBuffer)->VertexFormat; passKey.RenderStyle = mRenderStyle; passKey.DepthTest = mDepthTest; passKey.DepthWrite = mDepthTest && mDepthWrite; passKey.DepthFunc = mDepthFunc; passKey.DepthClamp = mDepthClamp; passKey.StencilTest = mStencilTest; passKey.StencilPassOp = mStencilOp; passKey.ColorMask = mColorMask; passKey.CullMode = mCullMode; if (mSpecialEffect > EFF_NONE) { passKey.SpecialEffect = mSpecialEffect; passKey.EffectState = 0; passKey.AlphaTest = false; } else { int effectState = mMaterial.mOverrideShader >= 0 ? mMaterial.mOverrideShader : (mMaterial.mMaterial ? mMaterial.mMaterial->GetShaderIndex() : 0); passKey.SpecialEffect = EFF_NONE; passKey.EffectState = mTextureEnabled ? effectState : SHADER_NoTexture; passKey.AlphaTest = mAlphaThreshold >= 0.f; } // Is this the one we already have or do we need to change render pass? bool changingRenderPass = (passKey != mRenderPassKey); if (!mCommandBuffer) { mCommandBuffer = fb->GetDrawCommands(); changingRenderPass = true; mScissorChanged = true; mViewportChanged = true; mStencilRefChanged = true; } else if (changingRenderPass) { mCommandBuffer->endRenderPass(); } if (changingRenderPass) { VkRenderPassSetup *passSetup = passManager->GetRenderPass(passKey); RenderPassBegin beginInfo; beginInfo.setRenderPass(passSetup->RenderPass.get()); beginInfo.setRenderArea(0, 0, SCREENWIDTH, SCREENHEIGHT); beginInfo.setFramebuffer(passSetup->Framebuffer.get()); mCommandBuffer->beginRenderPass(beginInfo); mCommandBuffer->bindPipeline(VK_PIPELINE_BIND_POINT_GRAPHICS, passSetup->Pipeline.get()); mRenderPassKey = passKey; } } void VkRenderState::ApplyStencilRef() { if (mStencilRefChanged) { mCommandBuffer->setStencilReference(VK_STENCIL_FRONT_AND_BACK, mStencilRef); mStencilRefChanged = false; } } void VkRenderState::ApplyScissor() { if (mScissorChanged) { VkRect2D scissor; if (mScissorWidth >= 0) { scissor.offset.x = mScissorX; scissor.offset.y = mScissorY; scissor.extent.width = mScissorWidth; scissor.extent.height = mScissorHeight; } else { scissor.offset.x = 0; scissor.offset.y = 0; scissor.extent.width = SCREENWIDTH; scissor.extent.height = SCREENHEIGHT; } mCommandBuffer->setScissor(0, 1, &scissor); mScissorChanged = false; } } void VkRenderState::ApplyViewport() { if (mViewportChanged) { VkViewport viewport; if (mViewportWidth >= 0) { viewport.x = (float)mViewportX; viewport.y = (float)mViewportY; viewport.width = (float)mViewportWidth; viewport.height = (float)mViewportHeight; } else { viewport.x = 0.0f; viewport.y = 0.0f; viewport.width = (float)SCREENWIDTH; viewport.height = (float)SCREENHEIGHT; } viewport.minDepth = mViewportDepthMin; viewport.maxDepth = mViewportDepthMax; mCommandBuffer->setViewport(0, 1, &viewport); mViewportChanged = false; } } void VkRenderState::ApplyStreamData() { auto fb = GetVulkanFrameBuffer(); auto passManager = fb->GetRenderPassManager(); const float normScale = 1.0f / 255.0f; mStreamData.uDesaturationFactor = mDesaturation * normScale; mStreamData.uFogColor = { mFogColor.r * normScale, mFogColor.g * normScale, mFogColor.b * normScale, mFogColor.a * normScale }; mStreamData.uAddColor = { mAddColor.r * normScale, mAddColor.g * normScale, mAddColor.b * normScale, mAddColor.a * normScale }; mStreamData.uObjectColor = { mObjectColor.r * normScale, mObjectColor.g * normScale, mObjectColor.b * normScale, mObjectColor.a * normScale }; mStreamData.uDynLightColor = mDynColor.vec; mStreamData.uInterpolationFactor = mInterpolationFactor; mStreamData.useVertexData = passManager->VertexFormats[static_cast(mVertexBuffer)->VertexFormat].UseVertexData; mStreamData.uVertexColor = mColor.vec; mStreamData.uVertexNormal = mNormal.vec; mStreamData.timer = 0.0f; // static_cast((double)(screen->FrameTime - firstFrame) * (double)mShaderTimer / 1000.); if (mGlowEnabled) { mStreamData.uGlowTopPlane = mGlowTopPlane.vec; mStreamData.uGlowTopColor = mGlowTop.vec; mStreamData.uGlowBottomPlane = mGlowBottomPlane.vec; mStreamData.uGlowBottomColor = mGlowBottom.vec; mLastGlowEnabled = true; } else if (mLastGlowEnabled) { mStreamData.uGlowTopColor = { 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f }; mStreamData.uGlowBottomColor = { 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f }; mLastGlowEnabled = false; } if (mGradientEnabled) { mStreamData.uObjectColor2 = { mObjectColor2.r * normScale, mObjectColor2.g * normScale, mObjectColor2.b * normScale, mObjectColor2.a * normScale }; mStreamData.uGradientTopPlane = mGradientTopPlane.vec; mStreamData.uGradientBottomPlane = mGradientBottomPlane.vec; mLastGradientEnabled = true; } else if (mLastGradientEnabled) { mStreamData.uObjectColor2 = { 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f }; mLastGradientEnabled = false; } if (mSplitEnabled) { mStreamData.uSplitTopPlane = mSplitTopPlane.vec; mStreamData.uSplitBottomPlane = mSplitBottomPlane.vec; mLastSplitEnabled = true; } else if (mLastSplitEnabled) { mStreamData.uSplitTopPlane = { 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f }; mStreamData.uSplitBottomPlane = { 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f }; mLastSplitEnabled = false; } mDataIndex++; if (mDataIndex == MAX_STREAM_DATA) { mDataIndex = 0; mStreamDataOffset += sizeof(StreamUBO); } uint8_t *ptr = (uint8_t*)fb->StreamUBO->Memory(); memcpy(ptr + mStreamDataOffset + sizeof(StreamData) * mDataIndex, &mStreamData, sizeof(StreamData)); } void VkRenderState::ApplyPushConstants() { int fogset = 0; if (mFogEnabled) { if (mFogEnabled == 2) { fogset = -3; // 2D rendering with 'foggy' overlay. } else if ((mFogColor & 0xffffff) == 0) { fogset = gl_fogmode; } else { fogset = -gl_fogmode; } } int tempTM = TM_NORMAL; if (mMaterial.mMaterial && mMaterial.mMaterial->tex->isHardwareCanvas()) tempTM = TM_OPAQUE; mPushConstants.uFogEnabled = fogset; mPushConstants.uTextureMode = mTextureMode == TM_NORMAL && tempTM == TM_OPAQUE ? TM_OPAQUE : mTextureMode; mPushConstants.uLightDist = mLightParms[0]; mPushConstants.uLightFactor = mLightParms[1]; mPushConstants.uFogDensity = mLightParms[2]; mPushConstants.uLightLevel = mLightParms[3]; mPushConstants.uAlphaThreshold = mAlphaThreshold; mPushConstants.uClipSplit = { mClipSplit[0], mClipSplit[1] }; //if (mMaterial.mMaterial) // mPushConstants.uSpecularMaterial = { mMaterial.mMaterial->tex->Glossiness, mMaterial.mMaterial->tex->SpecularLevel }; mPushConstants.uLightIndex = screen->mLights->BindUBO(mLightIndex); mPushConstants.uDataIndex = mDataIndex; auto fb = GetVulkanFrameBuffer(); auto passManager = fb->GetRenderPassManager(); mCommandBuffer->pushConstants(passManager->PipelineLayout.get(), VK_SHADER_STAGE_VERTEX_BIT | VK_SHADER_STAGE_FRAGMENT_BIT, 0, (uint32_t)sizeof(PushConstants), &mPushConstants); } template static void CopyToBuffer(uint32_t &offset, const T &data, VKDataBuffer *buffer) { if (offset + (UniformBufferAlignment() << 1) < buffer->Size()) { offset += UniformBufferAlignment(); memcpy(static_cast(buffer->Memory()) + offset, &data, sizeof(T)); } } template static void BufferedSet(bool &modified, T &dst, const T &src) { if (dst == src) return; dst = src; modified = true; } static void BufferedSet(bool &modified, VSMatrix &dst, const VSMatrix &src) { if (memcmp(dst.get(), src.get(), sizeof(FLOATTYPE) * 16) == 0) return; dst = src; modified = true; } void VkRenderState::ApplyMatrices() { bool modified = (mMatricesOffset == 0); // always modified first call if (mTextureMatrixEnabled) { BufferedSet(modified, mMatrices.TextureMatrix, mTextureMatrix); } else { BufferedSet(modified, mMatrices.TextureMatrix, mIdentityMatrix); } if (mModelMatrixEnabled) { BufferedSet(modified, mMatrices.ModelMatrix, mModelMatrix); if (modified) mMatrices.NormalModelMatrix.computeNormalMatrix(mModelMatrix); } else { BufferedSet(modified, mMatrices.ModelMatrix, mIdentityMatrix); BufferedSet(modified, mMatrices.NormalModelMatrix, mIdentityMatrix); } if (modified) { auto fb = GetVulkanFrameBuffer(); CopyToBuffer(mMatricesOffset, mMatrices, fb->MatricesUBO); } } void VkRenderState::ApplyVertexBuffers() { if (mVertexBuffer != mLastVertexBuffer && mVertexBuffer) { VkBuffer vertexBuffers[] = { static_cast(mVertexBuffer)->mBuffer->buffer }; VkDeviceSize offsets[] = { 0 }; mCommandBuffer->bindVertexBuffers(0, 1, vertexBuffers, offsets); mLastVertexBuffer = mVertexBuffer; } if (mIndexBuffer != mLastIndexBuffer && mIndexBuffer) { mCommandBuffer->bindIndexBuffer(static_cast(mIndexBuffer)->mBuffer->buffer, 0, VK_INDEX_TYPE_UINT32); mLastIndexBuffer = mIndexBuffer; } } void VkRenderState::ApplyMaterial() { if (mMaterial.mChanged && mMaterial.mMaterial) { auto base = static_cast(mMaterial.mMaterial->GetLayer(0, mMaterial.mTranslation)); if (base) { auto fb = GetVulkanFrameBuffer(); auto passManager = fb->GetRenderPassManager(); mCommandBuffer->bindDescriptorSet(VK_PIPELINE_BIND_POINT_GRAPHICS, passManager->PipelineLayout.get(), 1, base->GetDescriptorSet(mMaterial)); } mMaterial.mChanged = false; } } void VkRenderState::ApplyDynamicSet() { if (mViewpointOffset != mLastViewpointOffset || mLightBufferOffset != mLastLightBufferOffset) { auto fb = GetVulkanFrameBuffer(); auto passManager = fb->GetRenderPassManager(); uint32_t offsets[4] = { mViewpointOffset, mLightBufferOffset, mMatricesOffset, mStreamDataOffset }; mCommandBuffer->bindDescriptorSet(VK_PIPELINE_BIND_POINT_GRAPHICS, passManager->PipelineLayout.get(), 0, passManager->DynamicSet.get(), 4, offsets); mLastViewpointOffset = mViewpointOffset; mLastLightBufferOffset = mLightBufferOffset; } } void VkRenderState::Bind(int bindingpoint, uint32_t offset) { if (bindingpoint == VIEWPOINT_BINDINGPOINT) { mViewpointOffset = offset; mNeedApply = true; } else if (bindingpoint == LIGHTBUF_BINDINGPOINT) { mLightBufferOffset = offset; mNeedApply = true; } } void VkRenderState::EndRenderPass() { if (mCommandBuffer) { mCommandBuffer->endRenderPass(); mCommandBuffer = nullptr; mRenderPassKey = {}; mMatricesOffset = 0; mStreamDataOffset = 0; mDataIndex = -1; mLastViewpointOffset = 0xffffffff; mLastLightBufferOffset = 0xffffffff; mLastVertexBuffer = nullptr; mLastIndexBuffer = nullptr; mLastGlowEnabled = true; mLastGradientEnabled = true; mLastSplitEnabled = true; mLastModelMatrixEnabled = true; mLastTextureMatrixEnabled = true; } }