#include <string.h>

#include "a_pickups.h"
#include "gi.h"
#include "d_player.h"
#include "s_sound.h"
#include "i_system.h"
#include "r_state.h"
#include "p_pspr.h"
#include "c_dispatch.h"
#include "m_misc.h"
#include "gameconfigfile.h"
#include "cmdlib.h"
#include "templates.h"
#include "sbar.h"

#define BONUSADD 6

FState AWeapon::States[] =
	S_NORMAL (SHTG, 'E',	0, A_Light0 			, NULL)


BEGIN_DEFAULTS (AWeapon, Any, -1, 0)
 PROP_Inventory_PickupSound ("misc/w_pkup")

// AWeapon :: Serialize

void AWeapon::Serialize (FArchive &arc)
	Super::Serialize (arc);
	arc << WeaponFlags
		<< AmmoType1 << AmmoType2
		<< AmmoGive1 << AmmoGive2
		<< MinAmmo1 << MinAmmo2
		<< AmmoUse1 << AmmoUse2
		<< Kickback
		<< YAdjust
		<< AR_SOUNDW(UpSound) << AR_SOUNDW(ReadySound)
		<< SisterWeaponType
		<< ProjectileType << AltProjectileType
		<< SelectionOrder
		<< MoveCombatDist
		<< Ammo1 << Ammo2 << SisterWeapon
		<< bAltFire;

// AWeapon :: TryPickup
// If you can't see the weapon when it's active, then you can't pick it up.

bool AWeapon::TryPickup (AActor *toucher)
	FState * ReadyState = FindState(NAME_Ready);
	if (ReadyState != NULL &&
		ReadyState->GetFrame() < sprites[ReadyState->sprite.index].numframes)
		return Super::TryPickup (toucher);
	return false;

// AWeapon :: Use
// Make the player switch to this weapon.

bool AWeapon::Use (bool pickup)
	AWeapon *useweap = this;

	// Powered up weapons cannot be used directly.
	if (WeaponFlags & WIF_POWERED_UP) return false;

	// If the player is powered-up, use the alternate version of the
	// weapon, if one exists.
	if (SisterWeapon != NULL &&
		SisterWeapon->WeaponFlags & WIF_POWERED_UP &&
		Owner->FindInventory (RUNTIME_CLASS(APowerWeaponLevel2)))
		useweap = SisterWeapon;
	if (Owner->player != NULL && Owner->player->ReadyWeapon != useweap)
		Owner->player->PendingWeapon = useweap;
	// Return false so that the weapon is not removed from the inventory.
	return false;

// AWeapon :: HandlePickup
// Try to leach ammo from the weapon if you have it already.

bool AWeapon::HandlePickup (AInventory *item)
	if (item->GetClass() == GetClass())
		if (static_cast<AWeapon *>(item)->PickupForAmmo (this))
			item->ItemFlags |= IF_PICKUPGOOD;
		return true;
	if (Inventory != NULL)
		return Inventory->HandlePickup (item);
	return false;

// AWeapon :: PickupForAmmo
// The player already has this weapon, so try to pick it up for ammo.

bool AWeapon::PickupForAmmo (AWeapon *ownedWeapon)
	bool gotstuff = false;

	// Don't take ammo if the weapon sticks around.
	if (!ShouldStay ())
		if (AmmoGive1 > 0) gotstuff = AddExistingAmmo (ownedWeapon->Ammo1, AmmoGive1);
		if (AmmoGive2 > 0) gotstuff |= AddExistingAmmo (ownedWeapon->Ammo2, AmmoGive2);
	return gotstuff;

// AWeapon :: CreateCopy

AInventory *AWeapon::CreateCopy (AActor *other)
	AWeapon *copy = static_cast<AWeapon*>(Super::CreateCopy (other));
	if (copy != this)
		copy->AmmoGive1 = AmmoGive1;
		copy->AmmoGive2 = AmmoGive2;
	return copy;

// AWeapon :: CreateTossable
// A weapon that's tossed out should contain no ammo, so you can't cheat
// by dropping it and then picking it back up.

AInventory *AWeapon::CreateTossable ()
	// Only drop the weapon that is meant to be placed in a level. That is,
	// only drop the weapon that normally gives you ammo.
	if (SisterWeapon != NULL && 
		((AWeapon*)GetDefault())->AmmoGive1 == 0 &&
		((AWeapon*)GetDefault())->AmmoGive2 == 0 &&
		(((AWeapon*)SisterWeapon->GetDefault())->AmmoGive1 > 0 ||
		 ((AWeapon*)SisterWeapon->GetDefault())->AmmoGive2 > 0))
		return SisterWeapon->CreateTossable ();
	AWeapon *copy = static_cast<AWeapon *> (Super::CreateTossable ());

	if (copy != NULL)
		// If this weapon has a sister, remove it from the inventory too.
		if (SisterWeapon != NULL)
			SisterWeapon->Destroy ();
		// To avoid exploits, the tossed weapon must not have any ammo.
		copy->AmmoGive1 = 0;
		copy->AmmoGive2 = 0;
	return copy;

// AWeapon :: AttachToOwner

void AWeapon::AttachToOwner (AActor *other)
	Super::AttachToOwner (other);

	Ammo1 = AddAmmo (Owner, AmmoType1, AmmoGive1);
	Ammo2 = AddAmmo (Owner, AmmoType2, AmmoGive2);
	SisterWeapon = AddWeapon (SisterWeaponType);
	if (Owner->player != NULL)
		if (!Owner->player->userinfo.neverswitch && !(WeaponFlags & WIF_NO_AUTO_SWITCH))
			Owner->player->PendingWeapon = this;
		if (Owner->player->mo == players[consoleplayer].camera)
			StatusBar->ReceivedWeapon (this);

// AWeapon :: AddAmmo
// Give some ammo to the owner, even if it's just 0.

AAmmo *AWeapon::AddAmmo (AActor *other, const PClass *ammotype, int amount)
	AAmmo *ammo;

	if (ammotype == NULL)
		return NULL;

	// [BC] This behavior is from the original Doom. Give 5/2 times as much ammo when
	// we pick up a weapon in deathmatch.
	if (( deathmatch ) && ( gameinfo.gametype == GAME_Doom ))
		amount = amount * 5 / 2;

	// extra ammo in baby mode and nightmare mode
	if (!(this->ItemFlags&IF_IGNORESKILL))
		amount = FixedMul(amount, G_SkillProperty(SKILLP_AmmoFactor));
	ammo = static_cast<AAmmo *>(other->FindInventory (ammotype));
	if (ammo == NULL)
		ammo = static_cast<AAmmo *>(Spawn (ammotype, 0, 0, 0, NO_REPLACE));
		ammo->Amount = MIN (amount, ammo->MaxAmount);
		ammo->AttachToOwner (other);
	else if (ammo->Amount < ammo->MaxAmount)
		ammo->Amount += amount;
		if (ammo->Amount > ammo->MaxAmount)
			ammo->Amount = ammo->MaxAmount;
	return ammo;

// AWeapon :: AddExistingAmmo
// Give the owner some more ammo he already has.

bool AWeapon::AddExistingAmmo (AAmmo *ammo, int amount)
	if (ammo != NULL && ammo->Amount < ammo->MaxAmount)
		// extra ammo in baby mode and nightmare mode
		if (!(ItemFlags&IF_IGNORESKILL))
			amount = FixedMul(amount, G_SkillProperty(SKILLP_AmmoFactor));
		ammo->Amount += amount;
		if (ammo->Amount > ammo->MaxAmount)
			ammo->Amount = ammo->MaxAmount;
		return true;
	return false;

// AWeapon :: AddWeapon
// Give the owner a weapon if they don't have it already.

AWeapon *AWeapon::AddWeapon (const PClass *weapontype)
	AWeapon *weap;

	if (weapontype == NULL)
		return NULL;
	weap = static_cast<AWeapon *>(Owner->FindInventory (weapontype));
	if (weap == NULL)
		weap = static_cast<AWeapon *>(Spawn (weapontype, 0, 0, 0, NO_REPLACE));
		weap->AttachToOwner (Owner);
	return weap;

// AWeapon :: ShouldStay

bool AWeapon::ShouldStay ()
	if (((multiplayer &&
		(!deathmatch && !alwaysapplydmflags)) || (dmflags & DF_WEAPONS_STAY)) &&
		!(flags & MF_DROPPED))
		return true;
	return false;

// AWeapon :: CheckAmmo
// Returns true if there is enough ammo to shoot.  If not, selects the
// next weapon to use.

bool AWeapon::CheckAmmo (int fireMode, bool autoSwitch, bool requireAmmo)
	int altFire;
	int count1, count2;
	int enough, enoughmask;

	if (dmflags & DF_INFINITE_AMMO)
		return true;
	if (fireMode == EitherFire)
		bool gotSome = CheckAmmo (PrimaryFire, false) || CheckAmmo (AltFire, false);
		if (!gotSome && autoSwitch)
			barrier_cast<APlayerPawn *>(Owner)->PickNewWeapon (NULL);
		return gotSome;
	altFire = (fireMode == AltFire);
	if (!requireAmmo && (WeaponFlags & (WIF_AMMO_OPTIONAL << altFire)))
		return true;
	count1 = (Ammo1 != NULL) ? Ammo1->Amount : 0;
	count2 = (Ammo2 != NULL) ? Ammo2->Amount : 0;

	enough = (count1 >= AmmoUse1) | ((count2 >= AmmoUse2) << 1);
	if (WeaponFlags & (WIF_PRIMARY_USES_BOTH << altFire))
		enoughmask = 3;
		enoughmask = 1 << altFire;
	if (altFire && FindState(NAME_AltFire) == NULL)
	{ // If this weapon has no alternate fire, then there is never enough ammo for it
		enough &= 1;
	if ((enough & enoughmask) == enoughmask)
		return true;
	// out of ammo, pick a weapon to change to
	if (autoSwitch)
		barrier_cast<APlayerPawn *>(Owner)->PickNewWeapon (NULL);
	return false;

// AWeapon :: DepleteAmmo
// Use up some of the weapon's ammo. Returns true if the ammo was successfully
// depleted. If checkEnough is false, then the ammo will always be depleted,
// even if it drops below zero.

bool AWeapon::DepleteAmmo (bool altFire, bool checkEnough)
	if (!(dmflags & DF_INFINITE_AMMO))
		if (checkEnough && !CheckAmmo (altFire ? AltFire : PrimaryFire, false))
			return false;
		if (!altFire)
			if (Ammo1 != NULL)
				Ammo1->Amount -= AmmoUse1;
			if ((WeaponFlags & WIF_PRIMARY_USES_BOTH) && Ammo2 != NULL)
				Ammo2->Amount -= AmmoUse2;
			if (Ammo2 != NULL)
				Ammo2->Amount -= AmmoUse2;
			if ((WeaponFlags & WIF_ALT_USES_BOTH) && Ammo1 != NULL)
				Ammo1->Amount -= AmmoUse1;
		if (Ammo1 != NULL && Ammo1->Amount < 0)
			Ammo1->Amount = 0;
		if (Ammo2 != NULL && Ammo2->Amount < 0)
			Ammo2->Amount = 0;
	return true;

// AWeapon :: PostMorphWeapon
// Bring this weapon up after a player unmorphs.

void AWeapon::PostMorphWeapon ()
	Owner->player->PendingWeapon = WP_NOCHANGE;
	Owner->player->ReadyWeapon = this;
	Owner->player->psprites[ps_weapon].sy = WEAPONBOTTOM;
	P_SetPsprite (Owner->player, ps_weapon, GetUpState());

// AWeapon :: EndPowerUp
// The Tome of Power just expired.

void AWeapon::EndPowerup ()
	if (SisterWeapon != NULL && WeaponFlags&WIF_POWERED_UP)
		if (GetReadyState() != SisterWeapon->GetReadyState())
			if (Owner->player->PendingWeapon == NULL ||
				Owner->player->PendingWeapon == WP_NOCHANGE)
				Owner->player->PendingWeapon = SisterWeapon;
			Owner->player->ReadyWeapon = SisterWeapon;

// AWeapon :: GetUpState

FState *AWeapon::GetUpState ()
	return FindState(NAME_Select);

// AWeapon :: GetDownState

FState *AWeapon::GetDownState ()
	return FindState(NAME_Deselect);

// AWeapon :: GetReadyState

FState *AWeapon::GetReadyState ()
	return FindState(NAME_Ready);

// AWeapon :: GetAtkState

FState *AWeapon::GetAtkState (bool hold)
	FState * state=NULL;
	if (hold) state = FindState(NAME_Hold);
	if (state == NULL) state = FindState(NAME_Fire);
	return state;

// AWeapon :: GetAtkState

FState *AWeapon::GetAltAtkState (bool hold)
	FState * state=NULL;
	if (hold) state = FindState(NAME_AltHold);
	if (state == NULL) state = FindState(NAME_AltFire);
	return state;

/* Weapon slots ***********************************************************/

FWeaponSlots LocalWeapons;

FWeaponSlot::FWeaponSlot ()
	Clear ();

void FWeaponSlot::Clear ()
	for (int i = 0; i < MAX_WEAPONS_PER_SLOT; i++)
		Weapons[i] = NULL;

bool FWeaponSlot::AddWeapon (const char *type)
	return AddWeapon (PClass::FindClass (type));

bool FWeaponSlot::AddWeapon (const PClass *type)
	int i;

	for (i = 0; i < MAX_WEAPONS_PER_SLOT; i++)
		if (Weapons[i] == type)
			return true;	// Already present
		if (Weapons[i] == NULL)
	{ // This slot is full
		return false;
	Weapons[i] = type;
	return true;

AWeapon *FWeaponSlot::PickWeapon (player_t *player)
	int i, j;

	if (player->ReadyWeapon != NULL)
		for (i = 0; i < MAX_WEAPONS_PER_SLOT; i++)
			if (Weapons[i] == player->ReadyWeapon->GetClass() ||
				(player->ReadyWeapon->WeaponFlags & WIF_POWERED_UP &&
				 player->ReadyWeapon->SisterWeapon != NULL &&
				 player->ReadyWeapon->SisterWeapon->GetClass() == Weapons[i]))
				for (j = (unsigned)(i - 1) % MAX_WEAPONS_PER_SLOT;
					j != i;
					j = (unsigned)(j - 1) % MAX_WEAPONS_PER_SLOT)
					AWeapon *weap = static_cast<AWeapon *> (player->mo->FindInventory (Weapons[j]));

					if (weap != NULL && weap->CheckAmmo (AWeapon::EitherFire, false))
						return weap;
	for (i = MAX_WEAPONS_PER_SLOT - 1; i >= 0; i--)
		AWeapon *weap = static_cast<AWeapon *> (player->mo->FindInventory (Weapons[i]));

		if (weap != NULL && weap->CheckAmmo (AWeapon::EitherFire, false))
			return weap;
	return player->ReadyWeapon;

void FWeaponSlots::Clear ()
	for (int i = 0; i < NUM_WEAPON_SLOTS; ++i)
		Slots[i].Clear ();

// If the weapon already exists in a slot, don't add it. If it doesn't,
// then add it to the specified slot. False is returned if the weapon was
// not in a slot and could not be added. True is returned otherwise.

ESlotDef FWeaponSlots::AddDefaultWeapon (int slot, const PClass *type)
	int currSlot, index;

	if (!LocateWeapon (type, &currSlot, &index))
		if (slot >= 0 && slot < NUM_WEAPON_SLOTS)
			bool added = Slots[slot].AddWeapon (type);
			return added ? SLOTDEF_Added : SLOTDEF_Full;
		return SLOTDEF_Full;
	return SLOTDEF_Exists;

bool FWeaponSlots::LocateWeapon (const PClass *type, int *const slot, int *const index)
	int i, j;

	for (i = 0; i < NUM_WEAPON_SLOTS; i++)
		for (j = 0; j < MAX_WEAPONS_PER_SLOT; j++)
			if (Slots[i].Weapons[j] == type)
				*slot = i;
				*index = j;
				return true;
			else if (Slots[i].Weapons[j] == NULL)
			{ // No more weapons in this slot, so try the next
	return false;

static bool FindMostRecentWeapon (player_s *player, int *slot, int *index)
	if (player->PendingWeapon != WP_NOCHANGE)
		if (player->psprites[ps_weapon].state != NULL &&
			player->psprites[ps_weapon].state->GetAction() == A_Raise)
			if (LocalWeapons.LocateWeapon (player->PendingWeapon->GetClass(), slot, index))
				return true;
			return false;
			return LocalWeapons.LocateWeapon (player->PendingWeapon->GetClass(), slot, index);
	else if (player->ReadyWeapon != NULL)
		AWeapon *weap = player->ReadyWeapon;
		if (!LocalWeapons.LocateWeapon (weap->GetClass(), slot, index))
			if (weap->WeaponFlags & WIF_POWERED_UP && weap->SisterWeaponType != NULL)
				return LocalWeapons.LocateWeapon (weap->SisterWeaponType, slot, index);
			return false;
		return true;
		return false;

AWeapon *PickNextWeapon (player_s *player)
	int startslot, startindex;

	if (player->ReadyWeapon == NULL || FindMostRecentWeapon (player, &startslot, &startindex))
		int start;
		int i;

		if (player->ReadyWeapon == NULL)
			startslot = NUM_WEAPON_SLOTS - 1;
			startindex = MAX_WEAPONS_PER_SLOT - 1;
		start = startslot * MAX_WEAPONS_PER_SLOT + startindex;

		for (i = 1; i < NUM_WEAPON_SLOTS * MAX_WEAPONS_PER_SLOT + 1; i++)
			int slot = (unsigned)((start + i) / MAX_WEAPONS_PER_SLOT) % NUM_WEAPON_SLOTS;
			int index = (unsigned)(start + i) % MAX_WEAPONS_PER_SLOT;
			const PClass *type = LocalWeapons.Slots[slot].Weapons[index];
			AWeapon *weap = static_cast<AWeapon *> (player->mo->FindInventory (type));

			if (weap != NULL && weap->CheckAmmo (AWeapon::EitherFire, false))
				return weap;
	return player->ReadyWeapon;

AWeapon *PickPrevWeapon (player_s *player)
	int startslot, startindex;

	if (player->ReadyWeapon == NULL || FindMostRecentWeapon (player, &startslot, &startindex))
		int start;
		int i;

		if (player->ReadyWeapon == NULL)
			startslot = 0;
			startindex = 0;
		start = startslot * MAX_WEAPONS_PER_SLOT + startindex;

		for (i = 1; i < NUM_WEAPON_SLOTS * MAX_WEAPONS_PER_SLOT + 1; i++)
			int slot = start - i;
			if (slot < 0)
			int index = slot % MAX_WEAPONS_PER_SLOT;
			const PClass *type = LocalWeapons.Slots[slot].Weapons[index];
			AWeapon *weap = static_cast<AWeapon *> (player->mo->FindInventory (type));

			if (weap != NULL && weap->CheckAmmo (AWeapon::EitherFire, false))
				return weap;
	return player->ReadyWeapon;

CCMD (setslot)
	int slot, i;

	if (ParsingKeyConf && WeaponSection.IsEmpty())
		Printf ("You need to use weaponsection before using setslot\n");

	if (argv.argc() < 2 || (slot = atoi (argv[1])) >= NUM_WEAPON_SLOTS)
		Printf ("Usage: setslot [slot] [weapons]\nCurrent slot assignments:\n");
		for (slot = 0; slot < NUM_WEAPON_SLOTS; ++slot)
			Printf (" Slot %d:", slot);
			for (i = 0;
				i < MAX_WEAPONS_PER_SLOT && LocalWeapons.Slots[slot].GetWeapon(i) != NULL;
				Printf (" %s", LocalWeapons.Slots[slot].GetWeapon(i)->TypeName.GetChars());
			Printf ("\n");

	if (argv.argc() == 2)
		Printf ("Slot %d cleared\n", slot);
		for (i = 2; i < argv.argc(); ++i)
			if (!LocalWeapons.Slots[slot].AddWeapon (argv[i]))
				Printf ("Could not add %s to slot %d\n", argv[i], slot);

CCMD (addslot)
	size_t slot;

	if (argv.argc() != 3 || (slot = atoi (argv[1])) >= NUM_WEAPON_SLOTS)
		Printf ("Usage: addslot <slot> <weapon>\n");

	if (!LocalWeapons.Slots[slot].AddWeapon (argv[2]))
		Printf ("Could not add %s to slot %d\n", argv[2], slot);

CCMD (weaponsection)
	if (argv.argc() != 2)
		Printf ("Usage: weaponsection <ini name>\n");
		// Limit the section name to 32 chars
		if (strlen(argv[1]) > 32)
			argv[1][32] = 0;
		WeaponSection = argv[1];

		// If the ini already has definitions for this section, load them
		char fullSection[32*3];
		char *tackOn;

		if (gameinfo.gametype == GAME_Hexen)
			strcpy (fullSection, "Hexen");
			tackOn = fullSection + 5;
		else if (gameinfo.gametype == GAME_Heretic)
			strcpy (fullSection, "Heretic");
			tackOn = fullSection + 7;
		else if (gameinfo.gametype == GAME_Strife)
			strcpy (fullSection, "Strife");
			tackOn = fullSection + 6;
			strcpy (fullSection, "Doom");
			tackOn = fullSection + 4;

		sprintf (tackOn, ".%s.WeaponSlots", WeaponSection.GetChars());
		if (GameConfig->SetSection (fullSection))
			LocalWeapons.RestoreSlots (*GameConfig);

CCMD (addslotdefault)
	const PClass *type;
	unsigned int slot;

	if (argv.argc() != 3 || (slot = atoi (argv[1])) >= NUM_WEAPON_SLOTS)
		Printf ("Usage: addslotdefault <slot> <weapon>\n");

	if (ParsingKeyConf && WeaponSection.IsEmpty())
		Printf ("You need to use weaponsection before using addslotdefault\n");

	type = PClass::FindClass (argv[2]);
	if (type == NULL || !type->IsDescendantOf (RUNTIME_CLASS(AWeapon)))
		Printf ("%s is not a weapon\n", argv[2]);

	switch (LocalWeapons.AddDefaultWeapon (slot, type))
	case SLOTDEF_Full:
		Printf ("Could not add %s to slot %d\n", argv[2], slot);

	case SLOTDEF_Added:

	case SLOTDEF_Exists:

int FWeaponSlots::RestoreSlots (FConfigFile &config)
	char buff[MAX_WEAPONS_PER_SLOT*64];
	const char *key, *value;
	int slot;
	int slotsread = 0;

	buff[sizeof(buff)-1] = 0;

	for (slot = 0; slot < NUM_WEAPON_SLOTS; ++slot)
		Slots[slot].Clear ();

	while (config.NextInSection (key, value))
		if (strnicmp (key, "Slot[", 5) != 0 ||
			key[5] < '0' ||
			key[5] > '0'+NUM_WEAPON_SLOTS ||
			key[6] != ']' ||
			key[7] != 0)
		slot = key[5] - '0';
		strncpy (buff, value, sizeof(buff)-1);
		char *tok;

		Slots[slot].Clear ();
		tok = strtok (buff, " ");
		while (tok != NULL)
			Slots[slot].AddWeapon (tok);
			tok = strtok (NULL, " ");
	return slotsread;

void FWeaponSlots::SaveSlots (FConfigFile &config)
	char buff[MAX_WEAPONS_PER_SLOT*64];
	char keyname[16];

	for (int i = 0; i < NUM_WEAPON_SLOTS; ++i)
		int index = 0;

		for (int j = 0; j < MAX_WEAPONS_PER_SLOT; ++j)
			if (Slots[i].Weapons[j] == NULL)
			if (index > 0)
				buff[index++] = ' ';
			const char *name = Slots[i].Weapons[j]->TypeName.GetChars();
			strcpy (buff+index, name);
			index += (int)strlen (name);
		if (index > 0)
			sprintf (keyname, "Slot[%d]", i);
			config.SetValueForKey (keyname, buff);

int FWeaponSlot::CountWeapons ()
	int i;

	for (i = 0; i < MAX_WEAPONS_PER_SLOT; ++i)
		if (Weapons[i] == NULL)
	return i;