/* ** XLAT grammar ** **--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ** Copyright 1999-2016 Randy Heit ** Copyright 2005-2016 Christoph Oelckers ** All rights reserved. ** ** Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without ** modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions ** are met: ** ** 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright ** notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. ** 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright ** notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the ** documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. ** 3. The name of the author may not be used to endorse or promote products ** derived from this software without specific prior written permission. ** ** THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR ** IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES ** OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. ** IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, ** INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT ** NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, ** DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY ** THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT ** (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF ** THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. **--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ** */ %token_prefix XLAT_ %token_type {FParseToken} %token_destructor {} // just to avoid a compiler warning %name XlatParse %extra_argument { FParseContext *context } %syntax_error { context->PrintError("syntax error");} main ::= translation_unit. translation_unit ::= . /* empty */ translation_unit ::= translation_unit external_declaration. external_declaration ::= define_statement. external_declaration ::= enum_statement. external_declaration ::= linetype_declaration. external_declaration ::= boom_declaration. external_declaration ::= sector_declaration. external_declaration ::= lineflag_declaration. external_declaration ::= sector_bitmask. external_declaration ::= maxlinespecial_def. external_declaration ::= NOP. %left OR. %left XOR. %left AND. %left MINUS PLUS. %left MULTIPLY DIVIDE MODULUS. %left NEG. %type expr {int} expr(A) ::= NUM(B). { A = B.val; } expr(A) ::= expr(B) PLUS expr(C). { A = B + C; } expr(A) ::= expr(B) MINUS expr(C). { A = B - C; } expr(A) ::= expr(B) MULTIPLY expr(C). { A = B * C; } expr(A) ::= expr(B) DIVIDE expr(C). { if (C != 0) A = B / C; else context->PrintError("Division by zero"); } expr(A) ::= expr(B) MODULUS expr(C). { if (C != 0) A = B % C; else context->PrintError("Division by zero"); } expr(A) ::= expr(B) OR expr(C). { A = B | C; } expr(A) ::= expr(B) AND expr(C). { A = B & C; } expr(A) ::= expr(B) XOR expr(C). { A = B ^ C; } expr(A) ::= MINUS expr(B). [NEG] { A = -B; } expr(A) ::= LPAREN expr(B) RPAREN. { A = B; } //========================================================================== // // define // //========================================================================== define_statement ::= DEFINE SYM(A) LPAREN expr(B) RPAREN. { context->AddSym (A.sym, B); } //========================================================================== // // enum // //========================================================================== enum_statement ::= enum_open enum_list RBRACE. enum_open ::= ENUM LBRACE. { context->EnumVal = 0; } enum_list ::= . /* empty */ enum_list ::= single_enum. enum_list ::= enum_list COMMA single_enum. single_enum ::= SYM(A). { context->AddSym (A.sym, context->EnumVal++); } single_enum ::= SYM(A) EQUALS expr(B). { context->AddSym (A.sym, B); context->EnumVal = B+1; } //========================================================================== // // standard linetype // //========================================================================== %type linetype_exp {int} linetype_exp(Z) ::= expr(A). { Z = static_cast(context)->DefiningLineType = A; } linetype_declaration ::= linetype_exp(linetype) EQUALS expr(flags) COMMA expr(special) LPAREN special_args(arg) RPAREN. { SimpleLineTranslations.SetVal(linetype, FLineTrans(special&0xffff, flags+arg.addflags, arg.args[0], arg.args[1], arg.args[2], arg.args[3], arg.args[4])); static_cast(context)->DefiningLineType = -1; } linetype_declaration ::= linetype_exp EQUALS expr COMMA SYM(S) LPAREN special_args RPAREN. { Printf ("%s, line %d: %s is undefined\n", context->SourceFile, context->SourceLine, S.sym); static_cast(context)->DefiningLineType = -1; } %type exp_with_tag {int} exp_with_tag(A) ::= NUM(B). { XlatExpressions.Push(B.val); A = XlatExpressions.Push(XEXP_Const); } exp_with_tag(A) ::= TAG. { A = XlatExpressions.Push(XEXP_Tag); } exp_with_tag(A) ::= exp_with_tag PLUS exp_with_tag. { A = XlatExpressions.Push(XEXP_Add); } exp_with_tag(A) ::= exp_with_tag MINUS exp_with_tag. { A = XlatExpressions.Push(XEXP_Sub); } exp_with_tag(A) ::= exp_with_tag MULTIPLY exp_with_tag. { A = XlatExpressions.Push(XEXP_Mul); } exp_with_tag(A) ::= exp_with_tag DIVIDE exp_with_tag. { A = XlatExpressions.Push(XEXP_Div); } exp_with_tag(A) ::= exp_with_tag MODULUS exp_with_tag. { A = XlatExpressions.Push(XEXP_Mod); } exp_with_tag(A) ::= exp_with_tag OR exp_with_tag. { A = XlatExpressions.Push(XEXP_Or); } exp_with_tag(A) ::= exp_with_tag AND exp_with_tag. { A = XlatExpressions.Push(XEXP_And); } exp_with_tag(A) ::= exp_with_tag XOR exp_with_tag. { A = XlatExpressions.Push(XEXP_Xor); } exp_with_tag(A) ::= MINUS exp_with_tag. [NEG] { A = XlatExpressions.Push(XEXP_Neg); } exp_with_tag(A) ::= LPAREN exp_with_tag(B) RPAREN. { A = B; } %type special_arg {SpecialArg} special_arg(Z) ::= exp_with_tag(A). { if (XlatExpressions[A] == XEXP_Tag) { // Store tags directly Z.arg = 0; Z.argop = ARGOP_Tag; XlatExpressions.Delete(A); } else { // Try and evaluate it. If it's a constant, store it and erase the // expression. Otherwise, store the index to the expression. We make // no attempt to simplify non-constant expressions. FXlatExprState state; int val; const int *endpt; int *xnode; state.linetype = static_cast(context)->DefiningLineType; state.tag = 0; state.bIsConstant = true; xnode = &XlatExpressions[A]; endpt = XlatExprEval[*xnode](&val, xnode, &state); if (state.bIsConstant) { Z.arg = val; Z.argop = ARGOP_Const; endpt++; assert(endpt >= &XlatExpressions[0]); XlatExpressions.Resize((unsigned)(endpt - &XlatExpressions[0])); } else { Z.arg = A; Z.argop = ARGOP_Expr; } } } %type multi_special_arg {SpecialArgs} multi_special_arg(Z) ::= special_arg(A). { Z.addflags = A.argop << LINETRANS_TAGSHIFT; Z.argcount = 1; Z.args[0] = A.arg; Z.args[1] = 0; Z.args[2] = 0; Z.args[3] = 0; Z.args[4] = 0; } multi_special_arg(Z) ::= multi_special_arg(A) COMMA special_arg(B). { Z = A; if (Z.argcount < LINETRANS_MAXARGS) { Z.addflags |= B.argop << (LINETRANS_TAGSHIFT + Z.argcount * TAGOP_NUMBITS); Z.args[Z.argcount] = B.arg; Z.argcount++; } else if (Z.argcount++ == LINETRANS_MAXARGS) { context->PrintError("Line special has too many arguments\n"); } } %type special_args {SpecialArgs} special_args(Z) ::= . /* empty */ { Z.addflags = 0; Z.argcount = 0; Z.args[0] = 0; Z.args[1] = 0; Z.args[2] = 0; Z.args[3] = 0; Z.args[4] = 0; } special_args(Z) ::= multi_special_arg(Z). //========================================================================== // // boom generalized linetypes // //========================================================================== %type list_val {ListFilter} %type arg_list {MoreFilters *} %type boom_args {ParseBoomArg} %type boom_op {int} %type boom_selector {int} %type boom_line {FBoomArg} %type boom_body {MoreLines *} boom_declaration ::= LBRACKET expr(special) RBRACKET LPAREN expr(firsttype) COMMA expr(lasttype) RPAREN LBRACE boom_body(stores) RBRACE. { int i; MoreLines *probe; if (NumBoomish == MAX_BOOMISH) { MoreLines *probe = stores; while (probe != NULL) { MoreLines *next = probe->next; delete probe; probe = next; } Printf ("%s, line %d: Too many BOOM translators\n", context->SourceFile, context->SourceLine); } else { Boomish[NumBoomish].FirstLinetype = firsttype; Boomish[NumBoomish].LastLinetype = lasttype; Boomish[NumBoomish].NewSpecial = special; for (i = 0, probe = stores; probe != NULL; i++) { MoreLines *next = probe->next; Boomish[NumBoomish].Args.Push(probe->arg); delete probe; probe = next; } NumBoomish++; } } boom_body(A) ::= . /* empty */ { A = NULL; } boom_body(A) ::= boom_line(B) boom_body(C). { A = new MoreLines; A->next = C; A->arg = B; } boom_line(A) ::= boom_selector(sel) boom_op(op) boom_args(args). { A.bOrExisting = (op == OR_EQUAL); A.bUseConstant = (args.filters == NULL); A.ArgNum = sel; A.ConstantValue = args.constant; A.AndValue = args.mask; if (args.filters != NULL) { int i; MoreFilters *probe; for (i = 0, probe = args.filters; probe != NULL; i++) { MoreFilters *next = probe->next; if (i < 15) { A.ResultFilter[i] = probe->filter.filter; A.ResultValue[i] = probe->filter.value; } else if (i == 15) { context->PrintError ("Lists can only have 15 elements"); } delete probe; probe = next; } A.ListSize = i > 15 ? 15 : i; } } boom_selector(A) ::= FLAGS. { A = 4; } boom_selector(A) ::= ARG2. { A = 0; } boom_selector(A) ::= ARG3. { A = 1; } boom_selector(A) ::= ARG4. { A = 2; } boom_selector(A) ::= ARG5. { A = 3; } boom_op(A) ::= EQUALS. { A = '='; } boom_op(A) ::= OR_EQUAL. { A = OR_EQUAL; } boom_args(A) ::= expr(B). { A.constant = B; A.filters = NULL; } boom_args(A) ::= expr(B) LBRACKET arg_list(C) RBRACKET. { A.mask = B; A.filters = C; } arg_list(A) ::= list_val(B). { A = new MoreFilters; A->next = NULL; A->filter = B; } arg_list(A) ::= list_val(B) COMMA arg_list(C). { A = new MoreFilters; A->next = C; A->filter = B; } list_val(A) ::= expr(B) COLON expr(C). { A.filter = B; A.value = C; } //========================================================================== // // max line special // //========================================================================== maxlinespecial_def ::= MAXLINESPECIAL EQUALS expr(mx) SEMICOLON. { // Just kill all specials higher than the max. // If the translator wants to redefine some later, just let it. SimpleLineTranslations.Resize(mx+1); } //========================================================================== // // sector types // //========================================================================== %type sector_op {int} sector_declaration ::= SECTOR expr(from) EQUALS expr(to) SEMICOLON. { FSectorTrans tr(to, true); SectorTranslations.SetVal(from, tr); } sector_declaration ::= SECTOR expr EQUALS SYM(sy) SEMICOLON. { Printf("Unknown constant '%s'\n", sy.sym); } sector_declaration ::= SECTOR expr(from) EQUALS expr(to) NOBITMASK SEMICOLON. { FSectorTrans tr(to, false); SectorTranslations.SetVal(from, tr); } sector_bitmask ::= SECTOR BITMASK expr(mask) sector_op(op) expr(shift) SEMICOLON. { FSectorMask sm = { mask, op, shift}; SectorMasks.Push(sm); } sector_bitmask ::= SECTOR BITMASK expr(mask) SEMICOLON. { FSectorMask sm = { mask, 0, 0}; SectorMasks.Push(sm); } sector_bitmask ::= SECTOR BITMASK expr(mask) CLEAR SEMICOLON. { FSectorMask sm = { mask, 0, 1}; SectorMasks.Push(sm); } sector_op(A) ::= LSHASSIGN. { A = 1; } sector_op(A) ::= RSHASSIGN. { A = -1; } %type lineflag_op {int} lineflag_declaration ::= LINEFLAG expr(from) EQUALS expr(to) SEMICOLON. { if (from >= 0 && from < 16) { LineFlagTranslations[from].newvalue = to; LineFlagTranslations[from].ismask = false; } } lineflag_declaration ::= LINEFLAG expr(from) AND expr(mask) SEMICOLON. { if (from >= 0 && from < 16) { LineFlagTranslations[from].newvalue = mask; LineFlagTranslations[from].ismask = true; } }