// Bishop ------------------------------------------------------------------- class Bishop : Actor { int missilecount; int bobstate; Default { Health 130; Radius 22; Height 65; Speed 10; PainChance 110; Monster; +FLOAT +NOGRAVITY +NOBLOOD +TELESTOMP +DONTOVERLAP +NOTARGETSWITCH SeeSound "BishopSight"; AttackSound "BishopAttack"; PainSound "BishopPain"; DeathSound "BishopDeath"; ActiveSound "BishopActiveSounds"; Obituary"$OB_BISHOP"; } States { Spawn: BISH A 10 A_Look; Loop; See: BISH A 2 A_Chase; BISH A 2 A_BishopChase; BISH A 2; BISH B 2 A_BishopChase; BISH B 2 A_Chase; BISH B 2 A_BishopChase; BISH A 1 A_BishopDecide; Loop; Blur: BISH A 2 A_BishopDoBlur; BISH A 4 A_BishopSpawnBlur; Wait; Pain: BISH C 6 A_Pain; BISH CCC 6 A_BishopPainBlur; BISH C 0; Goto See; Missile: BISH A 3 A_FaceTarget; BISH DE 3 A_FaceTarget; BISH F 3 A_BishopAttack; BISH F 5 A_BishopAttack2; Wait; Death: BISH G 6; BISH H 6 Bright A_Scream; BISH I 5 Bright A_NoBlocking; BISH J 5 BRIGHT A_Explode(random[BishopBoom](25,40)); BISH K 5 Bright; BISH LM 4 Bright; BISH N 4 A_SpawnItemEx("BishopPuff", 0,0,40, 0,0,-0.5); BISH O 4 A_QueueCorpse; BISH P -1; Stop; Ice: BISH X 5 A_FreezeDeath; BISH X 1 A_FreezeDeathChunks; Wait; } //============================================================================ // // A_BishopAttack // //============================================================================ void A_BishopAttack() { if (!target) { return; } A_PlaySound (AttackSound, CHAN_BODY); if (CheckMeleeRange()) { int damage = random[BishopAttack](1, 8) * 4; int newdam = target.DamageMobj (self, self, damage, 'Melee'); target.TraceBleed (newdam > 0 ? newdam : damage, self); return; } missilecount = (random[BishopAttack]() & 3) + 5; } //============================================================================ // // A_BishopAttack2 // // Spawns one of a string of bishop missiles //============================================================================ void A_BishopAttack2() { if (!target || !missilecount) { missilecount = 0; SetState (SeeState); return; } Actor mo = SpawnMissile (target, "BishopFX"); if (mo != null) { mo.tracer = target; } missilecount--; return; } //============================================================================ // // A_BishopDecide // //============================================================================ void A_BishopDecide() { if (random[BishopDecide]() >= 220) { SetStateLabel ("Blur"); } } //============================================================================ // // A_BishopDoBlur // //============================================================================ void A_BishopDoBlur() { missilecount = (random[BishopDoBlur]() & 3) + 3; // Random number of blurs if (random[BishopDoBlur]() < 120) { Thrust(11, Angle + 90); } else if (random[BishopDoBlur]() > 125) { Thrust(11, Angle - 90); } else { // Thrust forward Thrust(11); } A_PlaySound ("BishopBlur", CHAN_BODY); } //============================================================================ // // A_BishopSpawnBlur // //============================================================================ void A_BishopSpawnBlur() { if (!--missilecount) { Vel.XY = (0,0);// = Vel.Y = 0; if (random[BishopSpawnBlur]() > 96) { SetState (SeeState); } else { SetState (MissileState); } } Actor mo = Spawn ("BishopBlur", Pos, ALLOW_REPLACE); if (mo) { mo.angle = angle; } } //============================================================================ // // A_BishopChase // //============================================================================ void A_BishopChase() { double newz = pos.z - BobSin(bobstate) / 2.; bobstate = (bobstate + 4) & 63; newz += BobSin(bobstate) / 2.; SetZ(newz); } //============================================================================ // // A_BishopPainBlur // //============================================================================ void A_BishopPainBlur() { if (random[BishopPainBlur]() < 64) { SetStateLabel ("Blur"); return; } double xo = random2[BishopPainBlur]() / 16.; double yo = random2[BishopPainBlue]() / 16.; double zo = random2[BishopPainBlue]() / 32.; Actor mo = Spawn ("BishopPainBlur", Vec3Offset(xo, yo, zo), ALLOW_REPLACE); if (mo) { mo.angle = angle; } } } extend class Actor { //============================================================================ // // A_BishopMissileWeave (this function must be in Actor) // //============================================================================ void A_BishopMissileWeave() { A_Weave(2, 2, 2., 1.); } } // Bishop puff -------------------------------------------------------------- class BishopPuff : Actor { Default { +NOBLOCKMAP +NOGRAVITY RenderStyle "Translucent"; Alpha 0.6; } States { Spawn: BISH QRST 5; BISH UV 6; BISH W 5; Stop; } } // Bishop pain blur --------------------------------------------------------- class BishopPainBlur : Actor { Default { +NOBLOCKMAP +NOGRAVITY RenderStyle "Translucent"; Alpha 0.6; } States { Spawn: BISH C 8; Stop; } } // Bishop FX ---------------------------------------------------------------- class BishopFX : Actor { Default { Radius 10; Height 6; Speed 10; Damage 1; Projectile; +SEEKERMISSILE -ACTIVATEIMPACT -ACTIVATEPCROSS +STRIFEDAMAGE +ZDOOMADD RenderStyle "Add"; DeathSound "BishopMissileExplode"; } States { Spawn: BPFX ABAB 1 Bright A_BishopMissileWeave; BPFX B 0 Bright A_SeekerMissile(2,3); Loop; Death: BPFX CDEF 4 Bright; BPFX GH 3 Bright; Stop; } } // Bishop blur -------------------------------------------------------------- class BishopBlur : Actor { Default { +NOBLOCKMAP +NOGRAVITY RenderStyle "Translucent"; Alpha 0.6; } States { Spawn: BISH A 16; BISH A 8 A_SetTranslucent(0.4); Stop; } }