// Emacs style mode select -*- C++ -*- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // $Id:$ // // Copyright (C) 1993-1996 by id Software, Inc. // // This source is available for distribution and/or modification // only under the terms of the DOOM Source Code License as // published by id Software. All rights reserved. // // The source is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the DOOM Source Code License // for more details. // // DESCRIPTION: // All the global variables that store the internal state. // Theoretically speaking, the internal state of the engine // should be found by looking at the variables collected // here, and every relevant module will have to include // this header file. // In practice, things are a bit messy. // //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #ifndef __D_STATE__ #define __D_STATE__ // We need globally shared data structures, // for defining the global state variables. // We need the player data structure as well. //#include "d_player.h" #include "doomdata.h" #include "d_net.h" #include "g_level.h" // We also need the definition of a cvar #include "c_cvars.h" // ----------------------- // Game speed. // enum EGameSpeed { SPEED_Normal, SPEED_Fast, }; extern EGameSpeed GameSpeed; // ------------------------ // Command line parameters. // extern bool devparm; // DEBUG: launched with -devparm // ----------------------------------------------------- // Game Mode - identify IWAD as shareware, retail etc. // extern GameMode_t gamemode; extern GameMission_t gamemission; // ------------------------------------------- // Selected skill type, map etc. // extern char startmap[8]; // [RH] Actual map name now extern bool autostart; // Selected by user. EXTERN_CVAR (Int, gameskill); extern int NextSkill; // [RH] Skill to use at next level load // Netgame? Only true if >1 player. extern bool netgame; // Bot game? Like netgame, but doesn't involve network communication. extern bool multiplayer; // Flag: true only if started as net deathmatch. EXTERN_CVAR (Int, deathmatch) // [RH] Pretend as deathmatch for purposes of dmflags EXTERN_CVAR (Bool, alwaysapplydmflags) // [RH] Teamplay mode EXTERN_CVAR (Bool, teamplay) // [RH] Friendly fire amount EXTERN_CVAR (Float, teamdamage) // [RH] The class the player will spawn as in single player, // in case using a random class with Hexen. extern int SinglePlayerClass[MAXPLAYERS]; // ------------------------- // Internal parameters for sound rendering. EXTERN_CVAR (Float, snd_sfxvolume) // maximum volume for sound EXTERN_CVAR (Float, snd_musicvolume) // maximum volume for music // ------------------------- // Status flags for refresh. // enum EMenuState { MENU_Off, // Menu is closed MENU_On, // Menu is opened MENU_WaitKey, // Menu is opened and waiting for a key in the controls menu MENU_OnNoPause, // Menu is opened but does not pause the game }; extern bool automapactive; // In AutoMap mode? extern EMenuState menuactive; // Menu overlayed? extern int paused; // Game Pause? extern bool viewactive; extern bool nodrawers; extern bool noblit; extern int viewwindowx; extern int viewwindowy; extern "C" int viewheight; extern "C" int viewwidth; extern "C" int halfviewwidth; // [RH] Half view width, for plane drawing extern "C" int realviewwidth; // [RH] Physical width of view window extern "C" int realviewheight; // [RH] Physical height of view window extern "C" int detailxshift; // [RH] X shift for horizontal detail level extern "C" int detailyshift; // [RH] Y shift for vertical detail level // This one is related to the 3-screen display mode. // ANG90 = left side, ANG270 = right extern int viewangleoffset; // Player taking events. i.e. The local player. extern int consoleplayer; extern level_locals_t level; // -------------------------------------- // DEMO playback/recording related stuff. // No demo, there is a human player in charge? // Disable save/end game? extern bool usergame; extern bool demoplayback; extern bool demorecording; extern int demover; // Quit after playing a demo from cmdline. extern bool singledemo; extern gamestate_t gamestate; extern int SaveVersion; //----------------------------- // Internal parameters, fixed. // These are set by the engine, and not changed // according to user inputs. Partly load from // WAD, partly set at startup time. extern int gametic; // Alive? Disconnected? extern bool playeringame[MAXPLAYERS]; // Player spawn spots for deathmatch. extern TArray deathmatchstarts; // Player spawn spots. extern mapthing2_t playerstarts[MAXPLAYERS]; // Intermission stats. // Parameters for world map / intermission. extern struct wbstartstruct_s wminfo; //----------------------------------------- // Internal parameters, used for engine. // // File handling stuff. extern FILE* debugfile; // if true, load all graphics at level load extern bool precache; //------- //REFRESH //------- // wipegamestate can be set to -1 // to force a wipe on the next draw extern gamestate_t wipegamestate; extern bool setsizeneeded; extern bool setmodeneeded; extern int BorderNeedRefresh; extern int BorderTopRefresh; EXTERN_CVAR (Float, mouse_sensitivity) //? // debug flag to cancel adaptiveness extern bool singletics; extern int bodyqueslot; // Needed to store the number of the dummy sky flat. // Used for rendering, // as well as tracking projectiles etc. extern int skyflatnum; // Netgame stuff (buffers and pointers, i.e. indices). // This is the interface to the packet driver, a separate program // in DOS, but just an abstraction here. extern doomcom_t doomcom; extern struct ticcmd_t localcmds[LOCALCMDTICS]; extern int maketic; extern int nettics[MAXNETNODES]; extern ticcmd_t netcmds[MAXPLAYERS][BACKUPTICS]; extern int ticdup; // ---- [RH] ---- EXTERN_CVAR (Bool, developer) extern bool ToggleFullscreen; extern float JoyAxes[6]; extern int Net_Arbitrator; EXTERN_CVAR (Bool, var_friction) EXTERN_CVAR (Bool, var_pushers) // [RH] Miscellaneous info for DeHackEd support struct DehInfo { int StartHealth; int StartBullets; int MaxHealth; int MaxArmor; int GreenAC; int BlueAC; int MaxSoulsphere; int SoulsphereHealth; int MegasphereHealth; int GodHealth; int FAArmor; int FAAC; int KFAArmor; int KFAAC; char PlayerSprite[5]; BYTE ExplosionStyle; fixed_t ExplosionAlpha; int NoAutofreeze; }; extern DehInfo deh; EXTERN_CVAR (Int, infighting) // [RH] Deathmatch flags EXTERN_CVAR (Int, dmflags); EXTERN_CVAR (Int, dmflags2); // [BC] EXTERN_CVAR (Int, compatflags); extern int i_compatflags; #endif