// Emacs style mode select -*- C++ -*- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // $Id:$ // // Copyright (C) 1993-1996 by id Software, Inc. // // This source is available for distribution and/or modification // only under the terms of the DOOM Source Code License as // published by id Software. All rights reserved. // // The source is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the DOOM Source Code License // for more details. // // $Log:$ // // DESCRIPTION: // Cheat sequence checking. // //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #include #include #include "m_cheat.h" #include "d_player.h" #include "doomstat.h" #include "gstrings.h" #include "p_local.h" #include "a_strifeglobal.h" #include "gi.h" #include "p_enemy.h" #include "sbar.h" #include "c_dispatch.h" #include "v_video.h" #include "w_wad.h" #include "a_keys.h" #include "templates.h" #include "c_console.h" #include "r_data/r_translate.h" #include "g_level.h" #include "d_net.h" #include "d_dehacked.h" #include "gi.h" #include "farchive.h" // [RH] Actually handle the cheat. The cheat code in st_stuff.c now just // writes some bytes to the network data stream, and the network code // later calls us. void cht_DoCheat (player_t *player, int cheat) { static const char * BeholdPowers[9] = { "PowerInvulnerable", "PowerStrength", "PowerInvisibility", "PowerIronFeet", "MapRevealer", "PowerLightAmp", "PowerShadow", "PowerMask", "PowerTargeter", }; const PClass *type; AInventory *item; const char *msg = ""; char msgbuild[32]; int i; switch (cheat) { case CHT_IDDQD: if (!(player->cheats & CF_GODMODE) && player->playerstate == PST_LIVE) { if (player->mo) player->mo->health = deh.GodHealth; player->health = deh.GodHealth; } // fall through to CHT_GOD case CHT_GOD: player->cheats ^= CF_GODMODE; if (player->cheats & CF_GODMODE) msg = GStrings("STSTR_DQDON"); else msg = GStrings("STSTR_DQDOFF"); ST_SetNeedRefresh(); break; case CHT_BUDDHA: player->cheats ^= CF_BUDDHA; if (player->cheats & CF_BUDDHA) msg = GStrings("TXT_BUDDHAON"); else msg = GStrings("TXT_BUDDHAOFF"); break; case CHT_GOD2: player->cheats ^= CF_GODMODE2; if (player->cheats & CF_GODMODE2) msg = GStrings("STSTR_DQD2ON"); else msg = GStrings("STSTR_DQD2OFF"); ST_SetNeedRefresh(); break; case CHT_BUDDHA2: player->cheats ^= CF_BUDDHA2; if (player->cheats & CF_BUDDHA2) msg = GStrings("TXT_BUDDHA2ON"); else msg = GStrings("TXT_BUDDHA2OFF"); break; case CHT_NOCLIP: player->cheats ^= CF_NOCLIP; if (player->cheats & CF_NOCLIP) msg = GStrings("STSTR_NCON"); else msg = GStrings("STSTR_NCOFF"); break; case CHT_NOCLIP2: player->cheats ^= CF_NOCLIP2; if (player->cheats & CF_NOCLIP2) { player->cheats |= CF_NOCLIP; msg = GStrings("STSTR_NC2ON"); } else { player->cheats &= ~CF_NOCLIP; msg = GStrings("STSTR_NCOFF"); } break; case CHT_NOVELOCITY: player->cheats ^= CF_NOVELOCITY; if (player->cheats & CF_NOVELOCITY) msg = GStrings("TXT_LEADBOOTSON"); else msg = GStrings("TXT_LEADBOOTSOFF"); break; case CHT_FLY: if (player->mo != NULL) { if ((player->mo->flags7 ^= MF7_FLYCHEAT) != 0) { player->mo->flags |= MF_NOGRAVITY; player->mo->flags2 |= MF2_FLY; msg = GStrings("TXT_LIGHTER"); } else { player->mo->flags &= ~MF_NOGRAVITY; player->mo->flags2 &= ~MF2_FLY; msg = GStrings("TXT_GRAVITY"); } } break; case CHT_MORPH: msg = cht_Morph (player, PClass::FindClass (gameinfo.gametype == GAME_Heretic ? NAME_ChickenPlayer : NAME_PigPlayer), true); break; case CHT_NOTARGET: player->cheats ^= CF_NOTARGET; if (player->cheats & CF_NOTARGET) msg = "notarget ON"; else msg = "notarget OFF"; break; case CHT_ANUBIS: player->cheats ^= CF_FRIGHTENING; if (player->cheats & CF_FRIGHTENING) msg = "\"Quake with fear!\""; else msg = "No more ogre armor"; break; case CHT_CHASECAM: player->cheats ^= CF_CHASECAM; if (player->cheats & CF_CHASECAM) msg = "chasecam ON"; else msg = "chasecam OFF"; R_ResetViewInterpolation (); break; case CHT_CHAINSAW: if (player->mo != NULL && player->health >= 0) { type = PClass::FindClass ("Chainsaw"); if (player->mo->FindInventory (type) == NULL) { player->mo->GiveInventoryType (type); } msg = GStrings("STSTR_CHOPPERS"); } // [RH] The original cheat also set powers[pw_invulnerability] to true. // Since this is a timer and not a boolean, it effectively turned off // the invulnerability powerup, although it looks like it was meant to // turn it on. break; case CHT_POWER: if (player->mo != NULL && player->health >= 0) { item = player->mo->FindInventory (RUNTIME_CLASS(APowerWeaponLevel2), true); if (item != NULL) { item->Destroy (); msg = GStrings("TXT_CHEATPOWEROFF"); } else { player->mo->GiveInventoryType (RUNTIME_CLASS(APowerWeaponLevel2)); msg = GStrings("TXT_CHEATPOWERON"); } } break; case CHT_IDKFA: cht_Give (player, "backpack"); cht_Give (player, "weapons"); cht_Give (player, "ammo"); cht_Give (player, "keys"); cht_Give (player, "armor"); msg = GStrings("STSTR_KFAADDED"); break; case CHT_IDFA: cht_Give (player, "backpack"); cht_Give (player, "weapons"); cht_Give (player, "ammo"); cht_Give (player, "armor"); msg = GStrings("STSTR_FAADDED"); break; case CHT_BEHOLDV: case CHT_BEHOLDS: case CHT_BEHOLDI: case CHT_BEHOLDR: case CHT_BEHOLDA: case CHT_BEHOLDL: case CHT_PUMPUPI: case CHT_PUMPUPM: case CHT_PUMPUPT: i = cheat - CHT_BEHOLDV; if (i == 4) { level.flags2 ^= LEVEL2_ALLMAP; } else if (player->mo != NULL && player->health >= 0) { item = player->mo->FindInventory (BeholdPowers[i]); if (item == NULL) { if (i != 0) { cht_Give(player, BeholdPowers[i]); if (cheat == CHT_BEHOLDS) { P_GiveBody (player->mo, -100); } } else { // Let's give the item here so that the power doesn't need colormap information. cht_Give(player, "InvulnerabilitySphere"); } } else { item->Destroy (); } } msg = GStrings("STSTR_BEHOLDX"); break; case CHT_MASSACRE: { int killcount = P_Massacre (); // killough 3/22/98: make more intelligent about plural // Ty 03/27/98 - string(s) *not* externalized mysnprintf (msgbuild, countof(msgbuild), "%d Monster%s Killed", killcount, killcount==1 ? "" : "s"); msg = msgbuild; } break; case CHT_HEALTH: if (player->mo != NULL && player->playerstate == PST_LIVE) { player->health = player->mo->health = player->mo->GetDefault()->health; msg = GStrings("TXT_CHEATHEALTH"); } break; case CHT_KEYS: cht_Give (player, "keys"); msg = GStrings("TXT_CHEATKEYS"); break; // [GRB] case CHT_RESSURECT: if (player->playerstate != PST_LIVE && player->mo != NULL) { if (player->mo->IsKindOf(RUNTIME_CLASS(APlayerChunk))) { Printf("Unable to resurrect. Player is no longer connected to its body.\n"); } else { player->playerstate = PST_LIVE; player->health = player->mo->health = player->mo->GetDefault()->health; player->viewheight = ((APlayerPawn *)player->mo->GetDefault())->ViewHeight; player->mo->flags = player->mo->GetDefault()->flags; player->mo->flags2 = player->mo->GetDefault()->flags2; player->mo->flags3 = player->mo->GetDefault()->flags3; player->mo->flags4 = player->mo->GetDefault()->flags4; player->mo->flags5 = player->mo->GetDefault()->flags5; player->mo->flags6 = player->mo->GetDefault()->flags6; player->mo->flags7 = player->mo->GetDefault()->flags7; player->mo->renderflags &= ~RF_INVISIBLE; player->mo->height = player->mo->GetDefault()->height; player->mo->radius = player->mo->GetDefault()->radius; player->mo->special1 = 0; // required for the Hexen fighter's fist attack. // This gets set by AActor::Die as flag for the wimpy death and must be reset here. player->mo->SetState (player->mo->SpawnState); if (!(player->mo->flags2 & MF2_DONTTRANSLATE)) { player->mo->Translation = TRANSLATION(TRANSLATION_Players, BYTE(player-players)); } player->mo->DamageType = NAME_None; if (player->ReadyWeapon != NULL) { P_SetPsprite(player, ps_weapon, player->ReadyWeapon->GetUpState()); } if (player->morphTics > 0) { P_UndoPlayerMorph(player, player); } } } break; case CHT_GIMMIEA: cht_Give (player, "ArtiInvulnerability"); msg = "Valador's Ring of Invunerability"; break; case CHT_GIMMIEB: cht_Give (player, "ArtiInvisibility"); msg = "Shadowsphere"; break; case CHT_GIMMIEC: cht_Give (player, "ArtiHealth"); msg = "Quartz Flask"; break; case CHT_GIMMIED: cht_Give (player, "ArtiSuperHealth"); msg = "Mystic Urn"; break; case CHT_GIMMIEE: cht_Give (player, "ArtiTomeOfPower"); msg = "Tyketto's Tome of Power"; break; case CHT_GIMMIEF: cht_Give (player, "ArtiTorch"); msg = "Torch"; break; case CHT_GIMMIEG: cht_Give (player, "ArtiTimeBomb"); msg = "Delmintalintar's Time Bomb of the Ancients"; break; case CHT_GIMMIEH: cht_Give (player, "ArtiEgg"); msg = "Torpol's Morph Ovum"; break; case CHT_GIMMIEI: cht_Give (player, "ArtiFly"); msg = "Inhilicon's Wings of Wrath"; break; case CHT_GIMMIEJ: cht_Give (player, "ArtiTeleport"); msg = "Darchala's Chaos Device"; break; case CHT_GIMMIEZ: for (int i=0;i<16;i++) { cht_Give (player, "artifacts"); } msg = "All artifacts!"; break; case CHT_TAKEWEAPS: if (player->morphTics || player->mo == NULL || player->mo->health <= 0) { return; } { // Take away all weapons that are either non-wimpy or use ammo. AInventory **invp = &player->mo->Inventory, **lastinvp; for (item = *invp; item != NULL; item = *invp) { lastinvp = invp; invp = &(*invp)->Inventory; if (item->IsKindOf (RUNTIME_CLASS(AWeapon))) { AWeapon *weap = static_cast (item); if (!(weap->WeaponFlags & WIF_WIMPY_WEAPON) || weap->AmmoType1 != NULL) { item->Destroy (); invp = lastinvp; } } } } msg = GStrings("TXT_CHEATIDKFA"); break; case CHT_NOWUDIE: cht_Suicide (player); msg = GStrings("TXT_CHEATIDDQD"); break; case CHT_ALLARTI: for (int i=0;i<25;i++) { cht_Give (player, "artifacts"); } msg = GStrings("TXT_CHEATARTIFACTS3"); break; case CHT_PUZZLE: cht_Give (player, "puzzlepieces"); msg = GStrings("TXT_CHEATARTIFACTS3"); break; case CHT_MDK: if (player->mo == NULL) { Printf ("What do you want to kill outside of a game?\n"); } else if (!deathmatch) { // Don't allow this in deathmatch even with cheats enabled, because it's // a very very cheap kill. P_LineAttack (player->mo, player->mo->angle, PLAYERMISSILERANGE, P_AimLineAttack (player->mo, player->mo->angle, PLAYERMISSILERANGE), TELEFRAG_DAMAGE, NAME_MDK, NAME_BulletPuff); } break; case CHT_DONNYTRUMP: cht_Give (player, "HealthTraining"); msg = GStrings("TXT_MIDASTOUCH"); break; case CHT_LEGO: if (player->mo != NULL && player->health >= 0) { int oldpieces = ASigil::GiveSigilPiece (player->mo); item = player->mo->FindInventory (RUNTIME_CLASS(ASigil)); if (item != NULL) { if (oldpieces == 5) { item->Destroy (); } else { player->PendingWeapon = static_cast (item); } } } break; case CHT_PUMPUPH: cht_Give (player, "MedPatch"); cht_Give (player, "MedicalKit"); cht_Give (player, "SurgeryKit"); msg = GStrings("TXT_GOTSTUFF"); break; case CHT_PUMPUPP: cht_Give (player, "AmmoSatchel"); msg = GStrings("TXT_GOTSTUFF"); break; case CHT_PUMPUPS: cht_Give (player, "UpgradeStamina", 10); cht_Give (player, "UpgradeAccuracy"); msg = GStrings("TXT_GOTSTUFF"); break; case CHT_CLEARFROZENPROPS: player->cheats &= ~(CF_FROZEN|CF_TOTALLYFROZEN); msg = "Frozen player properties turned off"; break; case CHT_FREEZE: bglobal.changefreeze ^= 1; if (bglobal.freeze ^ bglobal.changefreeze) { msg = GStrings("TXT_FREEZEON"); } else { msg = GStrings("TXT_FREEZEOFF"); } break; } if (!*msg) // [SO] Don't print blank lines! return; if (player == &players[consoleplayer]) Printf ("%s\n", msg); else if (cheat != CHT_CHASECAM) Printf ("%s cheats: %s\n", player->userinfo.GetName(), msg); } const char *cht_Morph (player_t *player, const PClass *morphclass, bool quickundo) { if (player->mo == NULL) { return ""; } PClass *oldclass = player->mo->GetClass(); // Set the standard morph style for the current game int style = MORPH_UNDOBYTOMEOFPOWER; if (gameinfo.gametype == GAME_Hexen) style |= MORPH_UNDOBYCHAOSDEVICE; if (player->morphTics) { if (P_UndoPlayerMorph (player, player)) { if (!quickundo && oldclass != morphclass && P_MorphPlayer (player, player, morphclass, 0, style)) { return GStrings("TXT_STRANGER"); } return GStrings("TXT_NOTSTRANGE"); } } else if (P_MorphPlayer (player, player, morphclass, 0, style)) { return GStrings("TXT_STRANGE"); } return ""; } void GiveSpawner (player_t *player, const PClass *type, int amount) { if (player->mo == NULL || player->health <= 0) { return; } AInventory *item = static_cast (Spawn (type, player->mo->x, player->mo->y, player->mo->z, NO_REPLACE)); if (item != NULL) { if (amount > 0) { if (type->IsDescendantOf (RUNTIME_CLASS(ABasicArmorPickup))) { if (static_cast(item)->SaveAmount != 0) { static_cast(item)->SaveAmount *= amount; } else { static_cast(item)->SaveAmount *= amount; } } else if (type->IsDescendantOf (RUNTIME_CLASS(ABasicArmorBonus))) { static_cast(item)->SaveAmount *= amount; } else { item->Amount = MIN (amount, item->MaxAmount); } } item->ClearCounters(); if (!item->CallTryPickup (player->mo)) { item->Destroy (); } } } void cht_Give (player_t *player, const char *name, int amount) { enum { ALL_NO, ALL_YES, ALL_YESYES } giveall; int i; const PClass *type; if (player != &players[consoleplayer]) Printf ("%s is a cheater: give %s\n", player->userinfo.GetName(), name); if (player->mo == NULL || player->health <= 0) { return; } giveall = ALL_NO; if (stricmp (name, "all") == 0) { giveall = ALL_YES; } else if (stricmp (name, "everything") == 0) { giveall = ALL_YESYES; } if (stricmp (name, "health") == 0) { if (amount > 0) { if (player->mo) { player->mo->health += amount; player->health = player->mo->health; } else { player->health += amount; } } else { if (player->mo != NULL) { player->health = player->mo->health = player->mo->GetMaxHealth(); } else { player->health = deh.GodHealth; } } } if (giveall || stricmp (name, "backpack") == 0) { // Select the correct type of backpack based on the game type = PClass::FindClass(gameinfo.backpacktype); if (type != NULL) { GiveSpawner (player, type, 1); } if (!giveall) return; } if (giveall || stricmp (name, "ammo") == 0) { // Find every unique type of ammo. Give it to the player if // he doesn't have it already, and set each to its maximum. for (unsigned int i = 0; i < PClass::m_Types.Size(); ++i) { const PClass *type = PClass::m_Types[i]; if (type->ParentClass == RUNTIME_CLASS(AAmmo)) { AInventory *ammo = player->mo->FindInventory (type); if (ammo == NULL) { ammo = static_cast(Spawn (type, 0, 0, 0, NO_REPLACE)); ammo->AttachToOwner (player->mo); ammo->Amount = ammo->MaxAmount; } else if (ammo->Amount < ammo->MaxAmount) { ammo->Amount = ammo->MaxAmount; } } } if (!giveall) return; } if (giveall || stricmp (name, "armor") == 0) { if (gameinfo.gametype != GAME_Hexen) { ABasicArmorPickup *armor = Spawn (0,0,0, NO_REPLACE); armor->SaveAmount = 100*deh.BlueAC; armor->SavePercent = gameinfo.Armor2Percent > 0? gameinfo.Armor2Percent : FRACUNIT/2; if (!armor->CallTryPickup (player->mo)) { armor->Destroy (); } } else { for (i = 0; i < 4; ++i) { AHexenArmor *armor = Spawn (0,0,0, NO_REPLACE); armor->health = i; armor->Amount = 0; if (!armor->CallTryPickup (player->mo)) { armor->Destroy (); } } } if (!giveall) return; } if (giveall || stricmp (name, "keys") == 0) { for (unsigned int i = 0; i < PClass::m_Types.Size(); ++i) { if (PClass::m_Types[i]->IsDescendantOf (RUNTIME_CLASS(AKey))) { AKey *key = (AKey *)GetDefaultByType (PClass::m_Types[i]); if (key->KeyNumber != 0) { key = static_cast(Spawn (PClass::m_Types[i], 0,0,0, NO_REPLACE)); if (!key->CallTryPickup (player->mo)) { key->Destroy (); } } } } if (!giveall) return; } if (giveall || stricmp (name, "weapons") == 0) { AWeapon *savedpending = player->PendingWeapon; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < PClass::m_Types.Size(); ++i) { type = PClass::m_Types[i]; // Don't give replaced weapons unless the replacement was done by Dehacked. if (type != RUNTIME_CLASS(AWeapon) && type->IsDescendantOf (RUNTIME_CLASS(AWeapon)) && (type->GetReplacement() == type || type->GetReplacement()->IsDescendantOf(RUNTIME_CLASS(ADehackedPickup)))) { // Give the weapon only if it belongs to the current game or // is in a weapon slot. if (type->ActorInfo->GameFilter == GAME_Any || (type->ActorInfo->GameFilter & gameinfo.gametype) || player->weapons.LocateWeapon(type, NULL, NULL)) { AWeapon *def = (AWeapon*)GetDefaultByType (type); if (giveall == ALL_YESYES || !(def->WeaponFlags & WIF_CHEATNOTWEAPON)) { GiveSpawner (player, type, 1); } } } } player->PendingWeapon = savedpending; if (!giveall) return; } if (giveall || stricmp (name, "artifacts") == 0) { for (unsigned int i = 0; i < PClass::m_Types.Size(); ++i) { type = PClass::m_Types[i]; if (type->IsDescendantOf (RUNTIME_CLASS(AInventory))) { AInventory *def = (AInventory*)GetDefaultByType (type); if (def->Icon.isValid() && def->MaxAmount > 1 && !type->IsDescendantOf (RUNTIME_CLASS(APuzzleItem)) && !type->IsDescendantOf (RUNTIME_CLASS(APowerup)) && !type->IsDescendantOf (RUNTIME_CLASS(AArmor))) { // Do not give replaced items unless using "give everything" if (giveall == ALL_YESYES || type->GetReplacement() == type) { GiveSpawner (player, type, amount <= 0 ? def->MaxAmount : amount); } } } } if (!giveall) return; } if (giveall || stricmp (name, "puzzlepieces") == 0) { for (unsigned int i = 0; i < PClass::m_Types.Size(); ++i) { type = PClass::m_Types[i]; if (type->IsDescendantOf (RUNTIME_CLASS(APuzzleItem))) { AInventory *def = (AInventory*)GetDefaultByType (type); if (def->Icon.isValid()) { // Do not give replaced items unless using "give everything" if (giveall == ALL_YESYES || type->GetReplacement() == type) { GiveSpawner (player, type, amount <= 0 ? def->MaxAmount : amount); } } } } if (!giveall) return; } if (giveall) return; type = PClass::FindClass (name); if (type == NULL || !type->IsDescendantOf (RUNTIME_CLASS(AInventory))) { if (player == &players[consoleplayer]) Printf ("Unknown item \"%s\"\n", name); } else { GiveSpawner (player, type, amount); } return; } void cht_Take (player_t *player, const char *name, int amount) { bool takeall; const PClass *type; if (player->mo == NULL || player->health <= 0) { return; } takeall = (stricmp (name, "all") == 0); if (!takeall && stricmp (name, "health") == 0) { if (player->mo->health - amount <= 0 || player->health - amount <= 0 || amount == 0) { cht_Suicide (player); if (player == &players[consoleplayer]) C_HideConsole (); return; } if (amount > 0) { if (player->mo) { player->mo->health -= amount; player->health = player->mo->health; } else { player->health -= amount; } } if (!takeall) return; } if (takeall || stricmp (name, "backpack") == 0) { // Take away all types of backpacks the player might own. for (unsigned int i = 0; i < PClass::m_Types.Size(); ++i) { const PClass *type = PClass::m_Types[i]; if (type->IsDescendantOf(RUNTIME_CLASS (ABackpackItem))) { AInventory *pack = player->mo->FindInventory (type); if (pack) pack->Destroy(); } } if (!takeall) return; } if (takeall || stricmp (name, "ammo") == 0) { for (unsigned int i = 0; i < PClass::m_Types.Size(); ++i) { const PClass *type = PClass::m_Types[i]; if (type->ParentClass == RUNTIME_CLASS (AAmmo)) { AInventory *ammo = player->mo->FindInventory (type); if (ammo) ammo->Amount = 0; } } if (!takeall) return; } if (takeall || stricmp (name, "armor") == 0) { for (unsigned int i = 0; i < PClass::m_Types.Size(); ++i) { type = PClass::m_Types[i]; if (type->IsDescendantOf (RUNTIME_CLASS (AArmor))) { AActor *armor = player->mo->FindInventory (type); if (armor) armor->Destroy (); } } if (!takeall) return; } if (takeall || stricmp (name, "keys") == 0) { for (unsigned int i = 0; i < PClass::m_Types.Size(); ++i) { type = PClass::m_Types[i]; if (type->IsDescendantOf (RUNTIME_CLASS (AKey))) { AActor *key = player->mo->FindInventory (type); if (key) key->Destroy (); } } if (!takeall) return; } if (takeall || stricmp (name, "weapons") == 0) { for (unsigned int i = 0; i < PClass::m_Types.Size(); ++i) { type = PClass::m_Types[i]; if (type != RUNTIME_CLASS(AWeapon) && type->IsDescendantOf (RUNTIME_CLASS (AWeapon))) { AActor *weapon = player->mo->FindInventory (type); if (weapon) weapon->Destroy (); player->ReadyWeapon = NULL; player->PendingWeapon = WP_NOCHANGE; player->psprites[ps_weapon].state = NULL; player->psprites[ps_flash].state = NULL; } } if (!takeall) return; } if (takeall || stricmp (name, "artifacts") == 0) { for (unsigned int i = 0; i < PClass::m_Types.Size(); ++i) { type = PClass::m_Types[i]; if (type->IsDescendantOf (RUNTIME_CLASS (AInventory))) { if (!type->IsDescendantOf (RUNTIME_CLASS (APuzzleItem)) && !type->IsDescendantOf (RUNTIME_CLASS (APowerup)) && !type->IsDescendantOf (RUNTIME_CLASS (AArmor)) && !type->IsDescendantOf (RUNTIME_CLASS (AWeapon)) && !type->IsDescendantOf (RUNTIME_CLASS (AKey))) { AActor *artifact = player->mo->FindInventory (type); if (artifact) artifact->Destroy (); } } } if (!takeall) return; } if (takeall || stricmp (name, "puzzlepieces") == 0) { for (unsigned int i = 0; i < PClass::m_Types.Size(); ++i) { type = PClass::m_Types[i]; if (type->IsDescendantOf (RUNTIME_CLASS (APuzzleItem))) { AActor *puzzlepiece = player->mo->FindInventory (type); if (puzzlepiece) puzzlepiece->Destroy (); } } if (!takeall) return; } if (takeall) return; type = PClass::FindClass (name); if (type == NULL || !type->IsDescendantOf (RUNTIME_CLASS (AInventory))) { if (player == &players[consoleplayer]) Printf ("Unknown item \"%s\"\n", name); } else { AInventory *inventory = player->mo->FindInventory (type); if (inventory != NULL) { inventory->Amount -= amount ? amount : 1; if (inventory->Amount <= 0) { if (inventory->ItemFlags & IF_KEEPDEPLETED) { inventory->Amount = 0; } else { inventory->Destroy (); } } } } return; } class DSuicider : public DThinker { DECLARE_CLASS(DSuicider, DThinker) HAS_OBJECT_POINTERS; public: TObjPtr Pawn; void Tick() { Pawn->flags |= MF_SHOOTABLE; Pawn->flags2 &= ~MF2_INVULNERABLE; // Store the player's current damage factor, to restore it later. fixed_t plyrdmgfact = Pawn->DamageFactor; Pawn->DamageFactor = 65536; P_DamageMobj (Pawn, Pawn, Pawn, TELEFRAG_DAMAGE, NAME_Suicide); Pawn->DamageFactor = plyrdmgfact; if (Pawn->health <= 0) { Pawn->flags &= ~MF_SHOOTABLE; } Destroy(); } // You'll probably never be able to catch this in a save game, but // just in case, add a proper serializer. void Serialize(FArchive &arc) { Super::Serialize(arc); arc << Pawn; } }; IMPLEMENT_POINTY_CLASS(DSuicider) DECLARE_POINTER(Pawn) END_POINTERS void cht_Suicide (player_t *plyr) { // If this cheat was initiated by the suicide ccmd, and this is a single // player game, the CHT_SUICIDE will be processed before the tic is run, // so the console has not gone up yet. Use a temporary thinker to delay // the suicide until the game ticks so that death noises can be heard on // the initial tick. if (plyr->mo != NULL) { DSuicider *suicide = new DSuicider; suicide->Pawn = plyr->mo; GC::WriteBarrier(suicide, suicide->Pawn); } } CCMD (mdk) { if (CheckCheatmode ()) return; Net_WriteByte (DEM_GENERICCHEAT); Net_WriteByte (CHT_MDK); }