/* ** thingdef.cpp ** ** Code pointers for Actor definitions ** **--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ** Copyright 2002-2006 Christoph Oelckers ** Copyright 2004-2006 Randy Heit ** All rights reserved. ** ** Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without ** modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions ** are met: ** ** 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright ** notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. ** 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright ** notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the ** documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. ** 3. The name of the author may not be used to endorse or promote products ** derived from this software without specific prior written permission. ** 4. When not used as part of ZDoom or a ZDoom derivative, this code will be ** covered by the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ** the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at ** your option) any later version. ** ** THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR ** IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES ** OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. ** IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, ** INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT ** NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, ** DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY ** THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT ** (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF ** THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. **--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ** */ #include "gi.h" #include "actor.h" #include "info.h" #include "sc_man.h" #include "tarray.h" #include "w_wad.h" #include "templates.h" #include "r_defs.h" #include "r_draw.h" #include "a_pickups.h" #include "s_sound.h" #include "cmdlib.h" #include "p_lnspec.h" #include "p_enemy.h" #include "a_action.h" #include "decallib.h" #include "m_random.h" #include "autosegs.h" #include "i_system.h" #include "p_local.h" #include "c_console.h" #include "doomerrors.h" #include "vectors.h" #include "a_sharedglobal.h" #include "a_doomglobal.h" #include "thingdef.h" #include "v_video.h" static FRandom pr_camissile ("CustomActorfire"); static FRandom pr_camelee ("CustomMelee"); static FRandom pr_cabullet ("CustomBullet"); static FRandom pr_cajump ("CustomJump"); static FRandom pr_cwbullet ("CustomWpBullet"); static FRandom pr_cwjump ("CustomWpJump"); static FRandom pr_cwpunch ("CustomWpPunch"); static FRandom pr_grenade ("ThrowGrenade"); static FRandom pr_crailgun ("CustomRailgun"); static FRandom pr_spawndebris ("SpawnDebris"); static FRandom pr_burst ("Burst"); // A truly awful hack to get to the state that called an action function // without knowing whether it has been called from a weapon or actor. FState * CallingState; struct StateCallData { FState * State; bool Result; }; StateCallData * pStateCall; //========================================================================== // // ACustomInventory :: CallStateChain // // Executes the code pointers in a chain of states // until there is no next state // //========================================================================== bool ACustomInventory::CallStateChain (AActor *actor, FState * State) { StateCallData StateCall; StateCallData *pSavedCall = pStateCall; bool result = false; int counter = 0; pStateCall = &StateCall; while (State != NULL) { // Assume success. The code pointer will set this to false if necessary CallingState = StateCall.State = State; if (State->GetAction() != NULL) { StateCall.Result = true; State->GetAction() (actor); // collect all the results. Even one successful call signifies overall success. result |= StateCall.Result; } // Since there are no delays it is a good idea to check for infinite loops here! counter++; if (counter >= 10000) break; if (StateCall.State == State) { // Abort immediately if the state jumps to itself! if (State == State->GetNextState()) { pStateCall = pSavedCall; return false; } // If both variables are still the same there was no jump // so we must advance to the next state. State = State->GetNextState(); } else { State = StateCall.State; } } pStateCall = pSavedCall; return result; } //========================================================================== // // Let's isolate all handling of CallingState in this one place // so that removing it later becomes easier // //========================================================================== int CheckIndex(int paramsize, FState ** pcallstate) { if (CallingState->ParameterIndex == 0) return -1; unsigned int index = (unsigned int) CallingState->ParameterIndex-1; if (index > StateParameters.Size()-paramsize) return -1; if (pcallstate) *pcallstate=CallingState; return index; } //========================================================================== // // Simple flag changers // //========================================================================== void A_SetSolid(AActor * self) { self->flags |= MF_SOLID; } void A_UnsetSolid(AActor * self) { self->flags &= ~MF_SOLID; } void A_SetFloat(AActor * self) { self->flags |= MF_FLOAT; } void A_UnsetFloat(AActor * self) { self->flags &= ~(MF_FLOAT|MF_INFLOAT); } //========================================================================== // // Customizable attack functions which use actor parameters. // I think this is among the most requested stuff ever ;-) // //========================================================================== static void DoAttack (AActor *self, bool domelee, bool domissile) { int index=CheckIndex(4); if (index<0) return; if (self->target == NULL) return; int MeleeDamage=StateParameters[index]; int MeleeSound=StateParameters[index+1]; FName MissileName=(ENamedName)StateParameters[index+2]; fixed_t MissileHeight=StateParameters[index+3]; A_FaceTarget (self); if (domelee && MeleeDamage>0 && self->CheckMeleeRange ()) { int damage = pr_camelee.HitDice(MeleeDamage); if (MeleeSound) S_SoundID (self, CHAN_WEAPON, MeleeSound, 1, ATTN_NORM); P_DamageMobj (self->target, self, self, damage, NAME_Melee); P_TraceBleed (damage, self->target, self); } else if (domissile && MissileName != NAME_None) { const PClass * ti=PClass::FindClass(MissileName); if (ti) { // Although there is a P_SpawnMissileZ function its // aiming is much too bad to be of any use self->z+=MissileHeight-32*FRACUNIT; AActor * missile = P_SpawnMissile (self, self->target, ti); self->z-=MissileHeight-32*FRACUNIT; if (missile) { // automatic handling of seeker missiles if (missile->flags2&MF2_SEEKERMISSILE) { missile->tracer=self->target; } // set the health value so that the missile works properly if (missile->flags4&MF4_SPECTRAL) { missile->health=-2; } } } } } void A_MeleeAttack(AActor * self) { DoAttack(self, true, false); } void A_MissileAttack(AActor * self) { DoAttack(self, false, true); } void A_ComboAttack(AActor * self) { DoAttack(self, true, true); } //========================================================================== // // Custom sound functions. These use misc1 and misc2 in the state structure // This has been changed to use the parameter array instead of using the // misc field directly so they can be used in weapon states // //========================================================================== static void DoPlaySound(AActor * self, int channel) { int index=CheckIndex(1); if (index<0) return; int soundid = StateParameters[index]; S_SoundID (self, channel, soundid, 1, ATTN_NORM); } void A_PlaySound(AActor * self) { DoPlaySound(self, CHAN_BODY); } void A_PlayWeaponSound(AActor * self) { DoPlaySound(self, CHAN_WEAPON); } void A_StopSound(AActor * self) { S_StopSound(self, CHAN_VOICE); } void A_PlaySoundEx (AActor *self) { int index = CheckIndex(3); if (index < 0) return; int soundid = StateParameters[index]; ENamedName channel = ENamedName(StateParameters[index + 1]); INTBOOL looping = StateParameters[index + 2]; if (channel < NAME_Auto || channel > NAME_SoundSlot7) { channel = NAME_Auto; } if (!looping) { S_SoundID (self, channel - NAME_Auto, soundid, 1, ATTN_NORM); } else { if (!S_IsActorPlayingSomething (self, channel - NAME_Auto, soundid)) { S_LoopedSoundID (self, channel - NAME_Auto, soundid, 1, ATTN_NORM); } } } void A_StopSoundEx (AActor *self) { int index = CheckIndex (1); if (index < 0) return; ENamedName channel = ENamedName(StateParameters[index]); if (channel > NAME_Auto && channel <= NAME_SoundSlot7) { S_StopSound (self, channel - NAME_Auto); } } //========================================================================== // // Generic seeker missile function // //========================================================================== void A_SeekerMissile(AActor * self) { int index=CheckIndex(2); if (index<0) return; P_SeekerMissile(self, clamp(EvalExpressionI (StateParameters[index], self), 0, 90) * ANGLE_1, clamp(EvalExpressionI (StateParameters[index+1], self), 0, 90) * ANGLE_1); } //========================================================================== // // Hitscan attack with a customizable amount of bullets (specified in damage) // //========================================================================== void A_BulletAttack (AActor *self) { int i; int bangle; int slope; if (!self->target) return; A_FaceTarget (self); bangle = self->angle; slope = P_AimLineAttack (self, bangle, MISSILERANGE); S_SoundID (self, CHAN_WEAPON, self->AttackSound, 1, ATTN_NORM); for (i = self->GetMissileDamage (0, 1); i > 0; --i) { int angle = bangle + (pr_cabullet.Random2() << 20); int damage = ((pr_cabullet()%5)+1)*3; P_LineAttack(self, angle, MISSILERANGE, slope, damage, NAME_None, NAME_BulletPuff); } } //========================================================================== // // Do the state jump // //========================================================================== static void DoJump(AActor * self, FState * CallingState, int offset) { FState *jumpto; if (offset>=0) { jumpto = CallingState + offset; } else { offset = -offset; int classname = JumpParameters[offset]; const PClass *cls; cls = classname==NAME_None? RUNTIME_TYPE(self) : PClass::FindClass((ENamedName)classname); if (cls==NULL || cls->ActorInfo==NULL) return; // shouldn't happen jumpto = cls->ActorInfo->FindState(JumpParameters[offset+1], (va_list)&JumpParameters[offset+2]); if (jumpto == NULL) { char * dot=""; Printf("Jump target '"); if (classname != NAME_None) Printf("%s::", ((FName)(ENamedName)classname).GetChars()); for (int i=0;iGetClass()->TypeName.GetChars()); return; } } if (pStateCall != NULL && CallingState == pStateCall->State) { pStateCall->State = jumpto; } else if (self->player != NULL && CallingState == self->player->psprites[ps_weapon].state) { P_SetPsprite(self->player, ps_weapon, jumpto); } else if (self->player != NULL && CallingState == self->player->psprites[ps_flash].state) { P_SetPsprite(self->player, ps_flash, jumpto); } else { self->SetState (jumpto); } } //========================================================================== // // State jump function // //========================================================================== void A_Jump(AActor * self) { FState * CallingState; int index = CheckIndex(3, &CallingState); int maxchance; if (index >= 0 && StateParameters[index] >= 2 && (maxchance = clamp(EvalExpressionI (StateParameters[index + 1], self), 0, 256), maxchance == 256 || pr_cajump() < maxchance)) { if (StateParameters[index] == 2) { DoJump(self, CallingState, StateParameters[index + 2]); } else { DoJump(self, CallingState, StateParameters[index + (pr_cajump() % (StateParameters[index] - 1)) + 2]); } } if (pStateCall != NULL) pStateCall->Result=false; // Jumps should never set the result for inventory state chains! } //========================================================================== // // State jump function // //========================================================================== void A_JumpIfHealthLower(AActor * self) { FState * CallingState; int index=CheckIndex(2, &CallingState); if (index>=0 && self->health < EvalExpressionI (StateParameters[index], self)) DoJump(self, CallingState, StateParameters[index+1]); if (pStateCall != NULL) pStateCall->Result=false; // Jumps should never set the result for inventory state chains! } //========================================================================== // // State jump function // //========================================================================== void A_JumpIfCloser(AActor * self) { FState * CallingState; int index = CheckIndex(2, &CallingState); AActor * target; if (!self->player) { target=self->target; } else { // Does the player aim at something that can be shot? P_BulletSlope(self); target = linetarget; } if (pStateCall != NULL) pStateCall->Result=false; // Jumps should never set the result for inventory state chains! // No target - no jump if (target==NULL) return; fixed_t dist = fixed_t(EvalExpressionF (StateParameters[index], self) * FRACUNIT); if (index > 0 && P_AproxDistance(self->x-target->x, self->y-target->y) < dist) DoJump(self, CallingState, StateParameters[index+1]); } //========================================================================== // // State jump function // //========================================================================== void DoJumpIfInventory(AActor * self, AActor * owner) { FState * CallingState; int index=CheckIndex(3, &CallingState); if (index<0 || owner == NULL) return; ENamedName ItemType=(ENamedName)StateParameters[index]; int ItemAmount = EvalExpressionI (StateParameters[index+1], self); int JumpOffset = StateParameters[index+2]; const PClass * Type=PClass::FindClass(ItemType); if (pStateCall != NULL) pStateCall->Result=false; // Jumps should never set the result for inventory state chains! if (!Type) return; AInventory * Item=owner->FindInventory(Type); if (Item) { if (ItemAmount>0 && Item->Amount>=ItemAmount) DoJump(self, CallingState, JumpOffset); else if (Item->Amount>=Item->MaxAmount) DoJump(self, CallingState, JumpOffset); } } void A_JumpIfInventory(AActor * self) { DoJumpIfInventory(self, self); } void A_JumpIfInTargetInventory(AActor * self) { DoJumpIfInventory(self, self->target); } //========================================================================== // // Parameterized version of A_Explode // //========================================================================== void A_ExplodeParms (AActor *self) { int damage; int distance; bool hurtSource; int index=CheckIndex(3); if (index>=0) { damage = EvalExpressionI (StateParameters[index], self); distance = EvalExpressionI (StateParameters[index+1], self); hurtSource = EvalExpressionN (StateParameters[index+2], self); if (damage == 0) damage = 128; if (distance == 0) distance = damage; } else { damage = self->GetClass()->Meta.GetMetaInt (ACMETA_ExplosionDamage, 128); distance = self->GetClass()->Meta.GetMetaInt (ACMETA_ExplosionRadius, damage); hurtSource = !self->GetClass()->Meta.GetMetaInt (ACMETA_DontHurtShooter); } P_RadiusAttack (self, self->target, damage, distance, self->DamageType, hurtSource); if (self->z <= self->floorz + (distance<=0) { force = EvalExpressionI (StateParameters[index], self); distance = EvalExpressionI (StateParameters[index+1], self); affectSource = EvalExpressionN (StateParameters[index+2], self); } if (force == 0) force = 128; if (distance == 0) distance = force; P_RadiusAttack (self, self->target, force, distance, self->DamageType, affectSource, false); if (self->z <= self->floorz + (distance<Result = res; } //========================================================================== // // Checks whether this actor is a missile // Unfortunately this was buggy in older versions of the code and many // released DECORATE monsters rely on this bug so it can only be fixed // with an optional flag // //========================================================================== inline static bool isMissile(AActor * self, bool precise=true) { return self->flags&MF_MISSILE || (precise && self->GetDefault()->flags&MF_MISSILE); } //========================================================================== // // The ultimate code pointer: Fully customizable missiles! // //========================================================================== enum CM_Flags { CMF_AIMMODE = 3, CMF_TRACKOWNER = 4, CMF_CHECKTARGETDEAD = 8, }; void A_CustomMissile(AActor * self) { int index=CheckIndex(6); if (index<0) return; ENamedName MissileName=(ENamedName)StateParameters[index]; fixed_t SpawnHeight=fixed_t(EvalExpressionF (StateParameters[index+1], self) * FRACUNIT); int Spawnofs_XY=EvalExpressionI (StateParameters[index+2], self); angle_t Angle=angle_t(EvalExpressionF (StateParameters[index+3], self) * ANGLE_1); int flags=EvalExpressionI (StateParameters[index+4], self); angle_t pitch=angle_t(EvalExpressionF (StateParameters[index+5], self) * ANGLE_1); int aimmode = flags & CMF_AIMMODE; AActor * targ; AActor * missile; if (self->target != NULL || aimmode==2) { const PClass * ti=PClass::FindClass(MissileName); if (ti) { angle_t ang = (self->angle - ANGLE_90) >> ANGLETOFINESHIFT; fixed_t x = Spawnofs_XY * finecosine[ang]; fixed_t y = Spawnofs_XY * finesine[ang]; fixed_t z = SpawnHeight - 32*FRACUNIT + (self->player? self->player->crouchoffset : 0); switch (aimmode) { case 0: default: // same adjustment as above (in all 3 directions this time) - for better aiming! self->x+=x; self->y+=y; self->z+=z; missile = P_SpawnMissile(self, self->target, ti); self->x-=x; self->y-=y; self->z-=z; break; case 1: missile = P_SpawnMissileXYZ(self->x+x, self->y+y, self->z+SpawnHeight, self, self->target, ti); break; case 2: missile = P_SpawnMissileAngleZ(self, self->z+SpawnHeight, ti, self->angle, 0); // It is not necessary to use the correct angle here. // The only important thing is that the horizontal momentum is correct. // Therefore use 0 as the missile's angle and simplify the calculations accordingly. // The actual momentum vector is set below. if (missile) { fixed_t vx = finecosine[pitch>>ANGLETOFINESHIFT]; fixed_t vz = finesine[pitch>>ANGLETOFINESHIFT]; missile->momx = FixedMul (vx, missile->Speed); missile->momy = 0; missile->momz = FixedMul (vz, missile->Speed); } break; } if (missile) { // Use the actual momentum instead of the missile's Speed property // so that this can handle missiles with a high vertical velocity // component properly. vec3_t velocity = { missile->momx, missile->momy, 0 }; fixed_t missilespeed=(fixed_t)VectorLength(velocity); missile->angle += Angle; ang = missile->angle >> ANGLETOFINESHIFT; missile->momx = FixedMul (missilespeed, finecosine[ang]); missile->momy = FixedMul (missilespeed, finesine[ang]); // handle projectile shooting projectiles - track the // links back to a real owner if (isMissile(self, !!(flags & CMF_TRACKOWNER))) { AActor * owner=self ;//->target; while (isMissile(owner, !!(flags & CMF_TRACKOWNER)) && owner->target) owner=owner->target; targ=owner; missile->target=owner; // automatic handling of seeker missiles if (self->flags & missile->flags2 & MF2_SEEKERMISSILE) { missile->tracer=self->tracer; } } else if (missile->flags2&MF2_SEEKERMISSILE) { // automatic handling of seeker missiles missile->tracer=self->target; } // set the health value so that the missile works properly if (missile->flags4&MF4_SPECTRAL) { missile->health=-2; } } } } else if (flags & CMF_CHECKTARGETDEAD) { // Target is dead and the attack shall be aborted. if (self->SeeState != NULL) self->SetState(self->SeeState); } } //========================================================================== // // An even more customizable hitscan attack // //========================================================================== void A_CustomBulletAttack (AActor *self) { int index=CheckIndex(6); if (index<0) return; angle_t Spread_XY=angle_t(EvalExpressionF (StateParameters[index], self) * ANGLE_1); angle_t Spread_Z=angle_t(EvalExpressionF (StateParameters[index+1], self) * ANGLE_1); int NumBullets=EvalExpressionI (StateParameters[index+2], self); int DamagePerBullet=EvalExpressionI (StateParameters[index+3], self); ENamedName PuffType=(ENamedName)StateParameters[index+4]; fixed_t Range = fixed_t(EvalExpressionF (StateParameters[index+5], self) * FRACUNIT); if(Range==0) Range=MISSILERANGE; int i; int bangle; int bslope; const PClass *pufftype; if (self->target) { A_FaceTarget (self); bangle = self->angle; pufftype = PClass::FindClass(PuffType); if (!pufftype) pufftype = PClass::FindClass(NAME_BulletPuff); bslope = P_AimLineAttack (self, bangle, MISSILERANGE); S_SoundID (self, CHAN_WEAPON, self->AttackSound, 1, ATTN_NORM); for (i=0 ; iDamageType, pufftype); } } } //========================================================================== // // A fully customizable melee attack // //========================================================================== void A_CustomMeleeAttack (AActor *self) { int index=CheckIndex(5); if (index<0) return; int damage = EvalExpressionI (StateParameters[index], self); int MeleeSound = StateParameters[index+1]; int MissSound = StateParameters[index+2]; ENamedName DamageType = (ENamedName)StateParameters[index+3]; bool bleed = EvalExpressionN (StateParameters[index+4], self); if (DamageType==NAME_None) DamageType = NAME_Melee; // Melee is the default type if (!self->target) return; A_FaceTarget (self); if (self->CheckMeleeRange ()) { if (MeleeSound) S_SoundID (self, CHAN_WEAPON, MeleeSound, 1, ATTN_NORM); P_DamageMobj (self->target, self, self, damage, DamageType); if (bleed) P_TraceBleed (damage, self->target, self); } else { if (MissSound) S_SoundID (self, CHAN_WEAPON, MissSound, 1, ATTN_NORM); } } //========================================================================== // // A fully customizable combo attack // //========================================================================== void A_CustomComboAttack (AActor *self) { int index=CheckIndex(6); if (index<0) return; ENamedName MissileName=(ENamedName)StateParameters[index]; fixed_t SpawnHeight=fixed_t(EvalExpressionF (StateParameters[index+1], self) * FRACUNIT); int damage = EvalExpressionI (StateParameters[index+2], self); int MeleeSound = StateParameters[index+3]; ENamedName DamageType = (ENamedName)StateParameters[index+4]; bool bleed = EvalExpressionN (StateParameters[index+5], self); if (!self->target) return; A_FaceTarget (self); if (self->CheckMeleeRange ()) { if (DamageType==NAME_None) DamageType = NAME_Melee; // Melee is the default type if (MeleeSound) S_SoundID (self, CHAN_WEAPON, MeleeSound, 1, ATTN_NORM); P_DamageMobj (self->target, self, self, damage, DamageType); if (bleed) P_TraceBleed (damage, self->target, self); } else { const PClass * ti=PClass::FindClass(MissileName); if (ti) { // Although there is a P_SpawnMissileZ function its // aiming is much too bad to be of any use self->z+=SpawnHeight-32*FRACUNIT; AActor * missile = P_SpawnMissile (self, self->target, ti); self->z-=SpawnHeight-32*FRACUNIT; if (missile) { // automatic handling of seeker missiles if (missile->flags2&MF2_SEEKERMISSILE) { missile->tracer=self->target; } // set the health value so that the missile works properly if (missile->flags4&MF4_SPECTRAL) { missile->health=-2; } } } } } //========================================================================== // // State jump function // //========================================================================== void A_JumpIfNoAmmo(AActor * self) { FState * CallingState; int index=CheckIndex(1, &CallingState); if (index<0 || !self->player || !self->player->ReadyWeapon) return; // only for weapons! if (!self->player->ReadyWeapon->CheckAmmo(self->player->ReadyWeapon->bAltFire, false, true)) DoJump(self, CallingState, StateParameters[index]); if (pStateCall != NULL) pStateCall->Result=false; // Jumps should never set the result for inventory state chains! } //========================================================================== // // An even more customizable hitscan attack // //========================================================================== void A_FireBullets (AActor *self) { int index=CheckIndex(7); if (index<0 || !self->player) return; angle_t Spread_XY=angle_t(EvalExpressionF (StateParameters[index], self) * ANGLE_1); angle_t Spread_Z=angle_t(EvalExpressionF (StateParameters[index+1], self) * ANGLE_1); int NumberOfBullets=EvalExpressionI (StateParameters[index+2], self); int DamagePerBullet=EvalExpressionI (StateParameters[index+3], self); ENamedName PuffTypeName=(ENamedName)StateParameters[index+4]; bool UseAmmo=EvalExpressionN (StateParameters[index+5], self); fixed_t Range=fixed_t(EvalExpressionF (StateParameters[index+6], self) * FRACUNIT); const PClass * PuffType; player_t * player=self->player; AWeapon * weapon=player->ReadyWeapon; int i; int bangle; int bslope; if (UseAmmo && weapon) { if (!weapon->DepleteAmmo(weapon->bAltFire, true)) return; // out of ammo } if (Range == 0) Range = PLAYERMISSILERANGE; static_cast(self)->PlayAttacking2 (); P_BulletSlope(self); bangle = self->angle; bslope = bulletpitch; PuffType = PClass::FindClass(PuffTypeName); if (!PuffType) PuffType = PClass::FindClass(NAME_BulletPuff); S_SoundID (self, CHAN_WEAPON, weapon->AttackSound, 1, ATTN_NORM); if ((NumberOfBullets==1 && !player->refire) || NumberOfBullets==0) { int damage = ((pr_cwbullet()%3)+1)*DamagePerBullet; P_LineAttack(self, bangle, Range, bslope, damage, GetDefaultByType(PuffType)->DamageType, PuffType); } else { if (NumberOfBullets == -1) NumberOfBullets = 1; for (i=0 ; iDamageType, PuffType); } } } //========================================================================== // // A_FireProjectile // //========================================================================== void A_FireCustomMissile (AActor * self) { int index=CheckIndex(6); if (index<0 || !self->player) return; ENamedName MissileName=(ENamedName)StateParameters[index]; angle_t Angle=angle_t(EvalExpressionF (StateParameters[index+1], self) * ANGLE_1); bool UseAmmo=EvalExpressionN (StateParameters[index+2], self); int SpawnOfs_XY=EvalExpressionI (StateParameters[index+3], self); fixed_t SpawnHeight=fixed_t(EvalExpressionF (StateParameters[index+4], self) * FRACUNIT); INTBOOL AimAtAngle=EvalExpressionI (StateParameters[index+5], self); player_t *player=self->player; AWeapon * weapon=player->ReadyWeapon; if (UseAmmo && weapon) { if (!weapon->DepleteAmmo(weapon->bAltFire, true)) return; // out of ammo } const PClass * ti=PClass::FindClass(MissileName); if (ti) { angle_t ang = (self->angle - ANGLE_90) >> ANGLETOFINESHIFT; fixed_t x = SpawnOfs_XY * finecosine[ang]; fixed_t y = SpawnOfs_XY * finesine[ang]; fixed_t z = SpawnHeight; fixed_t shootangle = self->angle; if (AimAtAngle) shootangle+=Angle; AActor * misl=P_SpawnPlayerMissile (self, self->x+x, self->y+y, self->z+z, ti, shootangle); // automatic handling of seeker missiles if (misl) { if (linetarget && misl->flags2&MF2_SEEKERMISSILE) misl->tracer=linetarget; if (!AimAtAngle) { // This original implementation is to aim straight ahead and then offset // the angle from the resulting direction. vec3_t velocity = { misl->momx, misl->momy, 0 }; fixed_t missilespeed=(fixed_t)VectorLength(velocity); misl->angle += Angle; angle_t an = misl->angle >> ANGLETOFINESHIFT; misl->momx = FixedMul (missilespeed, finecosine[an]); misl->momy = FixedMul (missilespeed, finesine[an]); } if (misl->flags4&MF4_SPECTRAL) misl->health=-1; } } } //========================================================================== // // A_CustomPunch // // Berserk is not handled here. That can be done with A_CheckIfInventory // //========================================================================== void A_CustomPunch (AActor *self) { int index=CheckIndex(5); if (index<0 || !self->player) return; int Damage=EvalExpressionI (StateParameters[index], self); bool norandom=!!EvalExpressionI (StateParameters[index+1], self); bool UseAmmo=EvalExpressionN (StateParameters[index+2], self); ENamedName PuffTypeName=(ENamedName)StateParameters[index+3]; fixed_t Range=fixed_t(EvalExpressionF (StateParameters[index+4], self) * FRACUNIT); const PClass * PuffType; player_t *player=self->player; AWeapon * weapon=player->ReadyWeapon; angle_t angle; int pitch; if (!norandom) Damage *= (pr_cwpunch()%8+1); angle = self->angle + (pr_cwpunch.Random2() << 18); if (Range == 0) Range = MELEERANGE; pitch = P_AimLineAttack (self, angle, Range); // only use ammo when actually hitting something! if (UseAmmo && linetarget && weapon) { if (!weapon->DepleteAmmo(weapon->bAltFire, true)) return; // out of ammo } PuffType = PClass::FindClass(PuffTypeName); if (!PuffType) PuffType = PClass::FindClass(NAME_BulletPuff); P_LineAttack (self, angle, Range, pitch, Damage, GetDefaultByType(PuffType)->DamageType, PuffType); // turn to face target if (linetarget) { S_SoundID (self, CHAN_WEAPON, weapon->AttackSound, 1, ATTN_NORM); self->angle = R_PointToAngle2 (self->x, self->y, linetarget->x, linetarget->y); } } //========================================================================== // // customizable railgun attack function // //========================================================================== void A_RailAttack (AActor * self) { int index=CheckIndex(7); if (index<0 || !self->player) return; int Damage=EvalExpressionI (StateParameters[index], self); int Spawnofs_XY=EvalExpressionI (StateParameters[index+1], self); bool UseAmmo=EvalExpressionN (StateParameters[index+2], self); int Color1=StateParameters[index+3]; int Color2=StateParameters[index+4]; bool Silent=!!EvalExpressionI (StateParameters[index+5], self); float MaxDiff=EvalExpressionF (StateParameters[index+6], self); AWeapon * weapon=self->player->ReadyWeapon; // only use ammo when actually hitting something! if (UseAmmo) { if (!weapon->DepleteAmmo(weapon->bAltFire, true)) return; // out of ammo } P_RailAttack (self, Damage, Spawnofs_XY, Color1, Color2, MaxDiff, Silent); } //========================================================================== // // also for monsters // //========================================================================== void A_CustomRailgun (AActor *actor) { if (!actor->target) return; int index=CheckIndex(7); if (index<0) return; int Damage=EvalExpressionI (StateParameters[index], actor); int Spawnofs_XY=EvalExpressionI (StateParameters[index+1], actor); int Color1=StateParameters[index+2]; int Color2=StateParameters[index+3]; bool Silent=!!EvalExpressionI (StateParameters[index+4], actor); bool aim=!!EvalExpressionI (StateParameters[index+5], actor); float MaxDiff=EvalExpressionF (StateParameters[index+6], actor); // [RH] Andy Baker's stealth monsters if (actor->flags & MF_STEALTH) { actor->visdir = 1; } actor->flags &= ~MF_AMBUSH; if (aim) { actor->angle = R_PointToAngle2 (actor->x, actor->y, actor->target->x, actor->target->y); } actor->pitch = P_AimLineAttack (actor, actor->angle, MISSILERANGE); // Let the aim trail behind the player if (aim) { actor->angle = R_PointToAngle2 (actor->x, actor->y, actor->target->x - actor->target->momx * 3, actor->target->y - actor->target->momy * 3); if (actor->target->flags & MF_SHADOW) { actor->angle += pr_crailgun.Random2() << 21; } } P_RailAttack (actor, Damage, Spawnofs_XY, Color1, Color2, MaxDiff, Silent); } //=========================================================================== // // DoGiveInventory // //=========================================================================== static void DoGiveInventory(AActor * self, AActor * receiver) { int index=CheckIndex(2); bool res=true; if (index<0 || receiver == NULL) return; ENamedName item =(ENamedName)StateParameters[index]; int amount=EvalExpressionI (StateParameters[index+1], self); if (amount==0) amount=1; const PClass * mi=PClass::FindClass(item); if (mi) { AInventory *item = static_cast(Spawn (mi, 0, 0, 0, NO_REPLACE)); if (item->IsKindOf(RUNTIME_CLASS(AHealth))) { item->Amount *= amount; } else { item->Amount = amount; } item->flags |= MF_DROPPED; if (item->flags & MF_COUNTITEM) { item->flags&=~MF_COUNTITEM; level.total_items--; } if (!item->TryPickup (receiver)) { item->Destroy (); res = false; } else res = true; } else res = false; if (pStateCall != NULL) pStateCall->Result = res; } void A_GiveInventory(AActor * self) { DoGiveInventory(self, self); } void A_GiveToTarget(AActor * self) { DoGiveInventory(self, self->target); } //=========================================================================== // // A_TakeInventory // //=========================================================================== void DoTakeInventory(AActor * self, AActor * receiver) { int index=CheckIndex(2); if (index<0 || receiver == NULL) return; ENamedName item =(ENamedName)StateParameters[index]; int amount=EvalExpressionI (StateParameters[index+1], self); const PClass * mi=PClass::FindClass(item); if (pStateCall != NULL) pStateCall->Result=false; if (mi) { AInventory * inv = receiver->FindInventory(mi); if (inv && !inv->IsKindOf(RUNTIME_CLASS(AHexenArmor))) { if (inv->Amount > 0 && pStateCall != NULL) pStateCall->Result=true; if (!amount || amount>=inv->Amount) { if (inv->IsKindOf(RUNTIME_CLASS(AAmmo))) inv->Amount=0; else inv->Destroy(); } else inv->Amount-=amount; } } } void A_TakeInventory(AActor * self) { DoTakeInventory(self, self); } void A_TakeFromTarget(AActor * self) { DoTakeInventory(self, self->target); } //=========================================================================== // // Common code for A_SpawnItem and A_SpawnItemEx // //=========================================================================== static void InitSpawnedItem(AActor *self, AActor *mo, INTBOOL transfer_translation, INTBOOL setmaster) { if (mo) { AActor * originator = self; if (transfer_translation) { mo->Translation = self->Translation; } mo->angle=self->angle; while (originator && isMissile(originator)) originator = originator->target; if (mo->flags3&MF3_ISMONSTER) { if (!P_TestMobjLocation(mo)) { // The monster is blocked so don't spawn it at all! if (mo->CountsAsKill()) level.total_monsters--; mo->Destroy(); if (pStateCall != NULL) pStateCall->Result=false; // for an inventory iten's use state return; } else if (originator) { if (originator->flags3&MF3_ISMONSTER) { // If this is a monster transfer all friendliness information mo->CopyFriendliness(originator, true); if (setmaster) mo->master = originator; // don't let it attack you (optional)! } else if (originator->player) { // A player always spawns a monster friendly to him mo->flags|=MF_FRIENDLY; mo->FriendPlayer = originator->player-players+1; AActor * attacker=originator->player->attacker; if (attacker) { if (!(attacker->flags&MF_FRIENDLY) || (deathmatch && attacker->FriendPlayer!=0 && attacker->FriendPlayer!=mo->FriendPlayer)) { // Target the monster which last attacked the player mo->target = attacker; } } } } } else { // If this is a missile or something else set the target to the originator mo->target=originator? originator : self; } } } //=========================================================================== // // A_SpawnItem // // Spawns an item in front of the caller like Heretic's time bomb // //=========================================================================== void A_SpawnItem(AActor * self) { FState * CallingState; int index=CheckIndex(5, &CallingState); if (index<0) return; const PClass * missile= PClass::FindClass((ENamedName)StateParameters[index]); fixed_t distance = fixed_t(EvalExpressionF (StateParameters[index+1], self) * FRACUNIT); fixed_t zheight = fixed_t(EvalExpressionF (StateParameters[index+2], self) * FRACUNIT); bool useammo = EvalExpressionN (StateParameters[index+3], self); INTBOOL transfer_translation = EvalExpressionI (StateParameters[index+4], self); if (!missile) { if (pStateCall != NULL) pStateCall->Result=false; return; } // Don't spawn monsters if this actor has been massacred if (self->DamageType == NAME_Massacre && GetDefaultByType(missile)->flags3&MF3_ISMONSTER) return; if (distance==0) { // use the minimum distance that does not result in an overlap distance=(self->radius+GetDefaultByType(missile)->radius)>>FRACBITS; } if (self->player && CallingState != self->state && (pStateCall==NULL || CallingState != pStateCall->State)) { // Used from a weapon so use some ammo AWeapon * weapon=self->player->ReadyWeapon; if (!weapon) return; if (useammo && !weapon->DepleteAmmo(weapon->bAltFire)) return; } AActor * mo = Spawn( missile, self->x + FixedMul(distance, finecosine[self->angle>>ANGLETOFINESHIFT]), self->y + FixedMul(distance, finesine[self->angle>>ANGLETOFINESHIFT]), self->z - self->floorclip + zheight, ALLOW_REPLACE); InitSpawnedItem(self, mo, transfer_translation, useammo); } //=========================================================================== // // A_SpawnItemEx // // Enhanced spawning function // //=========================================================================== enum SIX_Flags { SIXF_TRANSFERTRANSLATION=1, SIXF_ABSOLUTEPOSITION=2, SIXF_ABSOLUTEANGLE=4, SIXF_ABSOLUTEMOMENTUM=8, SIXF_SETMASTER=16 }; void A_SpawnItemEx(AActor * self) { FState * CallingState; int index=CheckIndex(9, &CallingState); if (index<0) return; const PClass * missile= PClass::FindClass((ENamedName)StateParameters[index]); fixed_t xofs = fixed_t(EvalExpressionF (StateParameters[index+1], self) * FRACUNIT); fixed_t yofs = fixed_t(EvalExpressionF (StateParameters[index+2], self) * FRACUNIT); fixed_t zofs = fixed_t(EvalExpressionF (StateParameters[index+3], self) * FRACUNIT); fixed_t xmom = fixed_t(EvalExpressionF (StateParameters[index+4], self) * FRACUNIT); fixed_t ymom = fixed_t(EvalExpressionF (StateParameters[index+5], self) * FRACUNIT); fixed_t zmom = fixed_t(EvalExpressionF (StateParameters[index+6], self) * FRACUNIT); angle_t Angle= angle_t(EvalExpressionF (StateParameters[index+7], self) * ANGLE_1); int flags = EvalExpressionI (StateParameters[index+8], self); if (!missile) { if (pStateCall != NULL) pStateCall->Result=false; return; } // Don't spawn monsters if this actor has been massacred if (self->DamageType == NAME_Massacre && GetDefaultByType(missile)->flags3&MF3_ISMONSTER) return; fixed_t x,y,z; if (!(flags & SIXF_ABSOLUTEANGLE)) { Angle += self->angle; } angle_t ang = Angle >> ANGLETOFINESHIFT; if (flags & SIXF_ABSOLUTEPOSITION) { x = self->x + xofs; y = self->y + yofs; } else { // in relative mode negative y values mean 'left' and positive ones mean 'right' // This is the inverse orientation of the absolute mode! x = self->x + FixedMul(xofs, finecosine[ang]) + FixedMul(yofs, finesine[ang]); y = self->y + FixedMul(xofs, finesine[ang]) - FixedMul(yofs, finecosine[ang]); } if (!(flags & SIXF_ABSOLUTEMOMENTUM)) { // Same orientation issue here! fixed_t newxmom = FixedMul(xmom, finecosine[ang]) + FixedMul(ymom, finesine[ang]); ymom = FixedMul(xmom, finesine[ang]) - FixedMul(ymom, finecosine[ang]); xmom = newxmom; } AActor * mo = Spawn( missile, x, y, self->z + self->floorclip + zofs, ALLOW_REPLACE); InitSpawnedItem(self, mo, (flags & SIXF_TRANSFERTRANSLATION), (flags&SIXF_SETMASTER)); if (mo) { mo->momx=xmom; mo->momy=ymom; mo->momz=zmom; mo->angle=Angle; } } //=========================================================================== // // A_ThrowGrenade // // Throws a grenade (like Hexen's fighter flechette) // //=========================================================================== void A_ThrowGrenade(AActor * self) { FState * CallingState; int index=CheckIndex(5, &CallingState); if (index<0) return; const PClass * missile= PClass::FindClass((ENamedName)StateParameters[index]); fixed_t zheight = fixed_t(EvalExpressionF (StateParameters[index+1], self) * FRACUNIT); fixed_t xymom = fixed_t(EvalExpressionF (StateParameters[index+2], self) * FRACUNIT); fixed_t zmom = fixed_t(EvalExpressionF (StateParameters[index+3], self) * FRACUNIT); bool useammo = EvalExpressionN (StateParameters[index+4], self); if (self->player && CallingState != self->state && (pStateCall==NULL || CallingState != pStateCall->State)) { // Used from a weapon so use some ammo AWeapon * weapon=self->player->ReadyWeapon; if (!weapon) return; if (useammo && !weapon->DepleteAmmo(weapon->bAltFire)) return; } AActor * bo; bo = Spawn(missile, self->x, self->y, self->z - self->floorclip + zheight + 35*FRACUNIT + (self->player? self->player->crouchoffset : 0), ALLOW_REPLACE); if (bo) { int pitch = self->pitch; P_PlaySpawnSound(bo, self); if (xymom) bo->Speed=xymom; bo->angle = self->angle+(((pr_grenade()&7)-4)<<24); bo->momz = zmom + 2*finesine[pitch>>ANGLETOFINESHIFT]; bo->z += 2 * finesine[pitch>>ANGLETOFINESHIFT]; P_ThrustMobj(bo, bo->angle, bo->Speed); bo->momx += self->momx>>1; bo->momy += self->momy>>1; bo->target= self; if (bo->flags4&MF4_RANDOMIZE) { bo->tics -= pr_grenade()&3; if (bo->tics<1) bo->tics=1; } P_CheckMissileSpawn (bo); } else if (pStateCall != NULL) pStateCall->Result=false; } //=========================================================================== // // A_Recoil // //=========================================================================== void A_Recoil(AActor * actor) { int index=CheckIndex(1, NULL); if (index<0) return; fixed_t xymom = fixed_t(EvalExpressionF (StateParameters[index], actor) * FRACUNIT); angle_t angle = actor->angle + ANG180; angle >>= ANGLETOFINESHIFT; actor->momx += FixedMul (xymom, finecosine[angle]); actor->momy += FixedMul (xymom, finesine[angle]); } //=========================================================================== // // A_SelectWeapon // //=========================================================================== void A_SelectWeapon(AActor * actor) { int index=CheckIndex(1, NULL); if (index<0 || actor->player == NULL) return; const PClass * weapon= PClass::FindClass((ENamedName)StateParameters[index]); AWeapon * weaponitem = static_cast(actor->FindInventory(weapon)); if (weaponitem != NULL && weaponitem->IsKindOf(RUNTIME_CLASS(AWeapon))) { if (actor->player->ReadyWeapon != weaponitem) { actor->player->PendingWeapon = weaponitem; } } else if (pStateCall != NULL) pStateCall->Result=false; } //=========================================================================== // // A_Print // //=========================================================================== EXTERN_CVAR(Float, con_midtime) void A_Print(AActor * actor) { int index=CheckIndex(3, NULL); if (index<0) return; if (actor->CheckLocalView (consoleplayer) || (actor->target!=NULL && actor->target->CheckLocalView (consoleplayer))) { float time = EvalExpressionF (StateParameters[index+1], actor); FName fontname = (ENamedName)StateParameters[index+2]; FFont * oldfont = screen->Font; float saved = con_midtime; if (fontname != NAME_None) { FFont * font = V_GetFont(fontname); if (font != NULL) screen->SetFont(font); } if (time > 0) { con_midtime = time; } C_MidPrint(FName((ENamedName)StateParameters[index]).GetChars()); screen->SetFont(oldfont); con_midtime = saved; } } //=========================================================================== // // A_SetTranslucent // //=========================================================================== void A_SetTranslucent(AActor * self) { int index=CheckIndex(2, NULL); if (index<0) return; fixed_t alpha = fixed_t(EvalExpressionF (StateParameters[index], self) * FRACUNIT); int mode = EvalExpressionI (StateParameters[index+1], self); mode = mode == 0 ? STYLE_Translucent : mode == 2 ? STYLE_Fuzzy : STYLE_Add; self->alpha=clamp(alpha, 0, FRACUNIT); if (mode != STYLE_Fuzzy) { if (self->alpha == 0) mode = STYLE_None; else if (mode == STYLE_Translucent && self->alpha >= FRACUNIT) mode = STYLE_Normal; } self->RenderStyle=mode; } //=========================================================================== // // A_FadeIn // // Fades the actor in // //=========================================================================== void A_FadeIn(AActor * self) { fixed_t reduce = 0; int index=CheckIndex(1, NULL); if (index>=0) { reduce = fixed_t(EvalExpressionF (StateParameters[index], self) * FRACUNIT); } if (reduce == 0) reduce = FRACUNIT/10; if (self->RenderStyle==STYLE_Normal) self->RenderStyle=STYLE_Translucent; self->alpha += reduce; //if (self->alpha<=0) self->Destroy(); } //=========================================================================== // // A_FadeOut // // fades the actor out and destroys it when done // //=========================================================================== void A_FadeOut(AActor * self) { fixed_t reduce = 0; int index=CheckIndex(1, NULL); if (index>=0) { reduce = fixed_t(EvalExpressionF (StateParameters[index], self) * FRACUNIT); } if (reduce == 0) reduce = FRACUNIT/10; if (self->RenderStyle==STYLE_Normal) self->RenderStyle=STYLE_Translucent; self->alpha -= reduce; if (self->alpha<=0) self->Destroy(); } //=========================================================================== // // A_SpawnDebris // //=========================================================================== void A_SpawnDebris(AActor * self) { int i; AActor * mo; const PClass * debris; int index=CheckIndex(2, NULL); if (index<0) return; INTBOOL transfer_translation = EvalExpressionI (StateParameters[index+1], self); debris = PClass::FindClass((ENamedName)StateParameters[index]); if (debris == NULL) return; for (i = 0; i < GetDefaultByType(debris)->health; i++) { mo = Spawn(debris, self->x+((pr_spawndebris()-128)<<12), self->y+((pr_spawndebris()-128)<<12), self->z+(pr_spawndebris()*self->height/256), ALLOW_REPLACE); if (mo && transfer_translation) { mo->Translation = self->Translation; } if (mo && i < mo->GetClass()->ActorInfo->NumOwnedStates) { mo->SetState (mo->GetClass()->ActorInfo->OwnedStates + i); mo->momz = ((pr_spawndebris()&7)+5)*FRACUNIT; mo->momx = pr_spawndebris.Random2()<<(FRACBITS-6); mo->momy = pr_spawndebris.Random2()<<(FRACBITS-6); } } } //=========================================================================== // // A_CheckSight // jumps if no player can see this actor // //=========================================================================== void A_CheckSight(AActor * self) { for (int i=0;i=0) DoJump(self, CallingState, StateParameters[index]); if (pStateCall != NULL) pStateCall->Result=false; // Jumps should never set the result for inventory state chains! } //=========================================================================== // // A_ExtChase // A_Chase with optional parameters // //=========================================================================== void A_DoChase(AActor * actor, bool fastchase, FState * meleestate, FState * missilestate, bool playactive, bool nightmarefast); void A_ExtChase(AActor * self) { int index=CheckIndex(4, &CallingState); if (index<0) return; A_DoChase(self, false, EvalExpressionI (StateParameters[index], self) ? self->MeleeState:NULL, EvalExpressionI (StateParameters[index+1], self) ? self->MissileState:NULL, EvalExpressionN (StateParameters[index+2], self), !!EvalExpressionI (StateParameters[index+3], self)); } //=========================================================================== // // Inventory drop // //=========================================================================== void A_DropInventory(AActor * self) { int index=CheckIndex(1, &CallingState); if (index<0) return; const PClass * ti = PClass::FindClass((ENamedName)StateParameters[index]); if (ti) { AInventory * inv = self->FindInventory(ti); if (inv) { self->DropInventory(inv); } } } //=========================================================================== // // A_SetBlend // //=========================================================================== void A_SetBlend(AActor * self) { int index=CheckIndex(3); if (index<0) return; PalEntry color = StateParameters[index]; float alpha = clamp (EvalExpressionF (StateParameters[index+1], self), 0, 1); int tics = EvalExpressionI (StateParameters[index+2], self); PalEntry color2 = StateParameters[index+3]; if (color == MAKEARGB(255,255,255,255)) color=0; if (color2 == MAKEARGB(255,255,255,255)) color2=0; if (!color2.a) color2 = color; new DFlashFader(color.r/255.0f, color.g/255.0f, color.b/255.0f, alpha, color2.r/255.0f, color2.g/255.0f, color2.b/255.0f, 0, (float)tics/TICRATE, self); } //=========================================================================== // // A_JumpIf // //=========================================================================== void A_JumpIf(AActor * self) { FState * CallingState; int index=CheckIndex(2, &CallingState); if (index<0) return; int expression = EvalExpressionI (StateParameters[index], self); if (index>=0 && expression) DoJump(self, CallingState, StateParameters[index+1]); if (pStateCall != NULL) pStateCall->Result=false; // Jumps should never set the result for inventory state chains! } //=========================================================================== // // A_KillMaster // //=========================================================================== void A_KillMaster(AActor * self) { if (self->master != NULL) { P_DamageMobj(self->master, self, self, self->master->health, NAME_None, DMG_NO_ARMOR); } } //=========================================================================== // // A_KillChildren // //=========================================================================== void A_KillChildren(AActor * self) { TThinkerIterator it; AActor * mo; while ( (mo = it.Next()) ) { if (mo->master == self) { P_DamageMobj(mo, self, self, mo->health, NAME_None, DMG_NO_ARMOR); } } } //=========================================================================== // // A_CountdownArg // //=========================================================================== void A_CountdownArg(AActor * self) { int index=CheckIndex(1); if (index<0) return; index = EvalExpressionI (StateParameters[index], self); if (index<=0 || index>5) return; if (!self->args[index]--) { if (self->flags&MF_MISSILE) { P_ExplodeMissile(self, NULL, NULL); } else if (self->flags&MF_SHOOTABLE) { P_DamageMobj (self, NULL, NULL, self->health, NAME_None); } else { self->SetState(self->FindState(NAME_Death)); } } } //============================================================================ // // A_Burst // //============================================================================ void A_Burst (AActor *actor) { int i, numChunks; AActor * mo; int index=CheckIndex(1, NULL); if (index<0) return; const PClass * chunk = PClass::FindClass((ENamedName)StateParameters[index]); if (chunk == NULL) return; actor->momx = actor->momy = actor->momz = 0; actor->height = actor->GetDefault()->height; // [RH] In Hexen, this creates a random number of shards (range [24,56]) // with no relation to the size of the actor shattering. I think it should // base the number of shards on the size of the dead thing, so bigger // things break up into more shards than smaller things. // An actor with radius 20 and height 64 creates ~40 chunks. numChunks = MAX (4, (actor->radius>>FRACBITS)*(actor->height>>FRACBITS)/32); i = (pr_burst.Random2()) % (numChunks/4); for (i = MAX (24, numChunks + i); i >= 0; i--) { mo = Spawn(chunk, actor->x + (((pr_burst()-128)*actor->radius)>>7), actor->y + (((pr_burst()-128)*actor->radius)>>7), actor->z + (pr_burst()*actor->height/255), ALLOW_REPLACE); if (mo) { mo->momz = FixedDiv(mo->z-actor->z, actor->height)<<2; mo->momx = pr_burst.Random2 () << (FRACBITS-7); mo->momy = pr_burst.Random2 () << (FRACBITS-7); mo->RenderStyle = actor->RenderStyle; mo->alpha = actor->alpha; } } // [RH] Do some stuff to make this more useful outside Hexen if (actor->flags4 & MF4_BOSSDEATH) { A_BossDeath (actor); } A_NoBlocking (actor); actor->Destroy (); } //=========================================================================== // // A_CheckFloor // [GRB] Jumps if actor is standing on floor // //=========================================================================== void A_CheckFloor (AActor *self) { FState *CallingState; int index = CheckIndex (1, &CallingState); if (self->z <= self->floorz && index >= 0) { DoJump (self, CallingState, StateParameters[index]); } if (pStateCall != NULL) pStateCall->Result=false; // Jumps should never set the result for inventory state chains! } //=========================================================================== // // A_Stop // resets all momentum of the actor to 0 // //=========================================================================== void A_Stop (AActor *self) { self->momx = self->momy = self->momz = 0; } //=========================================================================== // // A_Respawn // //=========================================================================== void A_Respawn (AActor *actor) { fixed_t x = actor->SpawnPoint[0] << FRACBITS; fixed_t y = actor->SpawnPoint[1] << FRACBITS; sector_t *sec; actor->flags |= MF_SOLID; sec = R_PointInSubsector (x, y)->sector; actor->SetOrigin (x, y, sec->floorplane.ZatPoint (x, y)); actor->height = actor->GetDefault()->height; if (P_TestMobjLocation (actor)) { AActor *defs = actor->GetDefault(); actor->health = defs->health; actor->flags = (defs->flags & ~MF_FRIENDLY) | (actor->flags & MF_FRIENDLY); actor->flags2 = defs->flags2; actor->flags3 = (defs->flags3 & ~(MF3_NOSIGHTCHECK | MF3_HUNTPLAYERS)) | (actor->flags3 & (MF3_NOSIGHTCHECK | MF3_HUNTPLAYERS)); actor->flags4 = (defs->flags4 & ~MF4_NOHATEPLAYERS) | (actor->flags4 & MF4_NOHATEPLAYERS); actor->flags5 = defs->flags5; actor->SetState (actor->SpawnState); actor->renderflags &= ~RF_INVISIBLE; int index=CheckIndex(1, NULL); if (index<0 || EvalExpressionN (StateParameters[index+2], actor)) { Spawn (x, y, actor->z + TELEFOGHEIGHT, ALLOW_REPLACE); } } else { actor->flags &= ~MF_SOLID; } } //========================================================================== // // A_PlayerSkinCheck // //========================================================================== void A_PlayerSkinCheck (AActor *actor) { if (actor->player != NULL && skins[actor->player->userinfo.skin].othergame) { int index = CheckIndex(1, &CallingState); if (index >= 0) { DoJump(actor, CallingState, StateParameters[index]); } } }