// Emacs style mode select -*- C++ -*- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // $Id:$ // // Copyright (C) 1993-1996 by id Software, Inc. // // This source is available for distribution and/or modification // only under the terms of the DOOM Source Code License as // published by id Software. All rights reserved. // // The source is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the DOOM Source Code License // for more details. // // DESCRIPTION: none // Implements special effects: // Texture animation, height or lighting changes // according to adjacent sectors, respective // utility functions, etc. // //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #ifndef __P_SPEC__ #define __P_SPEC__ #include "dsectoreffect.h" #include "doomdata.h" class FScanner; struct level_info_t; //jff 2/23/98 identify the special classes that can share sectors typedef enum { floor_special, ceiling_special, lighting_special, } special_e; // killough 3/7/98: Add generalized scroll effects class DScroller : public DThinker { DECLARE_CLASS (DScroller, DThinker) HAS_OBJECT_POINTERS public: enum EScrollType { sc_side, sc_floor, sc_ceiling, sc_carry, sc_carry_ceiling, // killough 4/11/98: carry objects hanging on ceilings }; enum EScrollPos { scw_top=1, scw_mid=2, scw_bottom=4, scw_all=7, }; DScroller (EScrollType type, fixed_t dx, fixed_t dy, int control, int affectee, int accel, int scrollpos = scw_all); DScroller (fixed_t dx, fixed_t dy, const line_t *l, int control, int accel, int scrollpos = scw_all); void Destroy(); void Serialize (FArchive &arc); void Tick (); bool AffectsWall (int wallnum) const { return m_Type == sc_side && m_Affectee == wallnum; } int GetWallNum () const { return m_Type == sc_side ? m_Affectee : -1; } void SetRate (fixed_t dx, fixed_t dy) { m_dx = dx; m_dy = dy; } bool IsType (EScrollType type) const { return type == m_Type; } int GetAffectee () const { return m_Affectee; } int GetScrollParts() const { return m_Parts; } protected: EScrollType m_Type; // Type of scroll effect fixed_t m_dx, m_dy; // (dx,dy) scroll speeds int m_Affectee; // Number of affected sidedef, sector, tag, or whatever int m_Control; // Control sector (-1 if none) used to control scrolling fixed_t m_LastHeight; // Last known height of control sector fixed_t m_vdx, m_vdy; // Accumulated velocity if accelerative int m_Accel; // Whether it's accelerative int m_Parts; // Which parts of a sidedef are being scrolled? TObjPtr m_Interpolations[3]; private: DScroller (); }; // Factor to scale scrolling effect into mobj-carrying properties = 3/32. // (This is so scrolling floors and objects on them can move at same speed.) enum { CARRYFACTOR = ((fixed_t)(FRACUNIT*.09375)) }; inline FArchive &operator<< (FArchive &arc, DScroller::EScrollType &type) { BYTE val = (BYTE)type; arc << val; type = (DScroller::EScrollType)val; return arc; } // phares 3/20/98: added new model of Pushers for push/pull effects class DPusher : public DThinker { DECLARE_CLASS (DPusher, DThinker) HAS_OBJECT_POINTERS public: enum EPusher { p_push, p_pull, p_wind, p_current }; DPusher (); DPusher (EPusher type, line_t *l, int magnitude, int angle, AActor *source, int affectee); void Serialize (FArchive &arc); int CheckForSectorMatch (EPusher type, int tag) { if (m_Type == type && sectors[m_Affectee].tag == tag) return m_Affectee; else return -1; } void ChangeValues (int magnitude, int angle) { angle_t ang = ((angle_t)(angle<<24)) >> ANGLETOFINESHIFT; m_Xmag = (magnitude * finecosine[ang]) >> FRACBITS; m_Ymag = (magnitude * finesine[ang]) >> FRACBITS; m_Magnitude = magnitude; } void Tick (); protected: EPusher m_Type; TObjPtr m_Source;// Point source if point pusher int m_Xmag; // X Strength int m_Ymag; // Y Strength int m_Magnitude; // Vector strength for point pusher int m_Radius; // Effective radius for point pusher int m_X; // X of point source if point pusher int m_Y; // Y of point source if point pusher int m_Affectee; // Number of affected sector friend bool PIT_PushThing (AActor *thing); }; bool PIT_PushThing (AActor *thing); inline FArchive &operator<< (FArchive &arc, DPusher::EPusher &type) { BYTE val = (BYTE)type; arc << val; type = (DPusher::EPusher)val; return arc; } // Define values for map objects #define MO_TELEPORTMAN 14 // [RH] If a deathmatch game, checks to see if noexit is enabled. // If so, it kills the player and returns false. Otherwise, // it returns true, and the player is allowed to live. bool CheckIfExitIsGood (AActor *self, level_info_t *info); // at map load void P_SpawnSpecials (void); // every tic void P_UpdateSpecials (void); // when needed bool P_ActivateLine (line_t *ld, AActor *mo, int side, int activationType); bool P_TestActivateLine (line_t *ld, AActor *mo, int side, int activationType); void P_PlayerInSpecialSector (player_t *player, sector_t * sector=NULL); void P_PlayerOnSpecialFlat (player_t *player, int floorType); void P_SetSectorFriction (int tag, int amount, bool alterFlag); // // getSide() // Will return a side_t* // given the number of the current sector, // the line number, and the side (0/1) that you want. // inline side_t *getSide (int currentSector, int line, int side) { return &sides[ (sectors[currentSector].lines[line])->sidenum[side] ]; } // // getSector() // Will return a sector_t* // given the number of the current sector, // the line number and the side (0/1) that you want. // inline sector_t *getSector (int currentSector, int line, int side) { return sides[ (sectors[currentSector].lines[line])->sidenum[side] ].sector; } // // twoSided() // Given the sector number and the line number, // it will tell you whether the line is two-sided or not. // inline int twoSided (int sector, int line) { return (sectors[sector].lines[line])->flags & ML_TWOSIDED; } // // getNextSector() // Return sector_t * of sector next to current. // NULL if not two-sided line // inline sector_t *getNextSector (line_t *line, const sector_t *sec) { if (!(line->flags & ML_TWOSIDED)) return NULL; return line->frontsector == sec ? (line->backsector != sec ? line->backsector : NULL) : line->frontsector; } int P_FindSectorFromTag (int tag, int start); int P_FindLineFromID (int id, int start); // // P_LIGHTS // class DLighting : public DSectorEffect { DECLARE_CLASS (DLighting, DSectorEffect) public: DLighting (sector_t *sector); protected: DLighting (); }; class DFireFlicker : public DLighting { DECLARE_CLASS (DFireFlicker, DLighting) public: DFireFlicker (sector_t *sector); DFireFlicker (sector_t *sector, int upper, int lower); void Serialize (FArchive &arc); void Tick (); protected: int m_Count; int m_MaxLight; int m_MinLight; private: DFireFlicker (); }; class DFlicker : public DLighting { DECLARE_CLASS (DFlicker, DLighting) public: DFlicker (sector_t *sector, int upper, int lower); void Serialize (FArchive &arc); void Tick (); protected: int m_Count; int m_MaxLight; int m_MinLight; private: DFlicker (); }; class DLightFlash : public DLighting { DECLARE_CLASS (DLightFlash, DLighting) public: DLightFlash (sector_t *sector); DLightFlash (sector_t *sector, int min, int max); void Serialize (FArchive &arc); void Tick (); protected: int m_Count; int m_MaxLight; int m_MinLight; int m_MaxTime; int m_MinTime; private: DLightFlash (); }; class DStrobe : public DLighting { DECLARE_CLASS (DStrobe, DLighting) public: DStrobe (sector_t *sector, int utics, int ltics, bool inSync); DStrobe (sector_t *sector, int upper, int lower, int utics, int ltics); void Serialize (FArchive &arc); void Tick (); protected: int m_Count; int m_MinLight; int m_MaxLight; int m_DarkTime; int m_BrightTime; private: DStrobe (); }; class DGlow : public DLighting { DECLARE_CLASS (DGlow, DLighting) public: DGlow (sector_t *sector); void Serialize (FArchive &arc); void Tick (); protected: int m_MinLight; int m_MaxLight; int m_Direction; private: DGlow (); }; // [RH] Glow from Light_Glow and Light_Fade specials class DGlow2 : public DLighting { DECLARE_CLASS (DGlow2, DLighting) public: DGlow2 (sector_t *sector, int start, int end, int tics, bool oneshot); void Serialize (FArchive &arc); void Tick (); protected: int m_Start; int m_End; int m_MaxTics; int m_Tics; bool m_OneShot; private: DGlow2 (); }; // [RH] Phased light thinker class DPhased : public DLighting { DECLARE_CLASS (DPhased, DLighting) public: DPhased (sector_t *sector); DPhased (sector_t *sector, int baselevel, int phase); void Serialize (FArchive &arc); void Tick (); protected: BYTE m_BaseLevel; BYTE m_Phase; private: DPhased (); DPhased (sector_t *sector, int baselevel); int PhaseHelper (sector_t *sector, int index, int light, sector_t *prev); }; #define GLOWSPEED 8 #define STROBEBRIGHT 5 #define FASTDARK 15 #define SLOWDARK TICRATE void EV_StartLightFlickering (int tag, int upper, int lower); void EV_StartLightStrobing (int tag, int upper, int lower, int utics, int ltics); void EV_StartLightStrobing (int tag, int utics, int ltics); void EV_TurnTagLightsOff (int tag); void EV_LightTurnOn (int tag, int bright); void EV_LightTurnOnPartway (int tag, fixed_t frac); // killough 10/98 void EV_LightChange (int tag, int value); void EV_StopLightEffect (int tag); void P_SpawnGlowingLight (sector_t *sector); void EV_StartLightGlowing (int tag, int upper, int lower, int tics); void EV_StartLightFading (int tag, int value, int tics); // // P_SWITCH // #define BUTTONTIME TICRATE // 1 second, in ticks. bool P_ChangeSwitchTexture (side_t *side, int useAgain, BYTE special, bool *quest=NULL); bool P_CheckSwitchRange(AActor *user, line_t *line, int sideno); void P_InitSwitchList (); void P_ProcessSwitchDef (FScanner &sc); // // P_PLATS // class DPlat : public DMovingFloor { DECLARE_CLASS (DPlat, DMovingFloor) public: enum EPlatState { up, down, waiting, in_stasis }; enum EPlatType { platPerpetualRaise, platDownWaitUpStay, platDownWaitUpStayStone, platUpWaitDownStay, platUpNearestWaitDownStay, platDownByValue, platUpByValue, platUpByValueStay, platRaiseAndStay, platToggle, platDownToNearestFloor, platDownToLowestCeiling, }; void Serialize (FArchive &arc); void Tick (); bool IsLift() const { return m_Type == platDownWaitUpStay || m_Type == platDownWaitUpStayStone; } protected: DPlat (sector_t *sector); fixed_t m_Speed; fixed_t m_Low; fixed_t m_High; int m_Wait; int m_Count; EPlatState m_Status; EPlatState m_OldStatus; int m_Crush; int m_Tag; EPlatType m_Type; void PlayPlatSound (const char *sound); void Reactivate (); void Stop (); private: DPlat (); friend bool EV_DoPlat (int tag, line_t *line, EPlatType type, int height, int speed, int delay, int lip, int change); friend void EV_StopPlat (int tag); friend void P_ActivateInStasis (int tag); }; bool EV_DoPlat (int tag, line_t *line, DPlat::EPlatType type, int height, int speed, int delay, int lip, int change); void EV_StopPlat (int tag); void P_ActivateInStasis (int tag); inline FArchive &operator<< (FArchive &arc, DPlat::EPlatType &type) { BYTE val = (BYTE)type; arc << val; type = (DPlat::EPlatType)val; return arc; } inline FArchive &operator<< (FArchive &arc, DPlat::EPlatState &state) { BYTE val = (BYTE)state; arc << val; state = (DPlat::EPlatState)val; return arc; } // // [RH] // P_PILLAR // class DPillar : public DMover { DECLARE_CLASS (DPillar, DMover) HAS_OBJECT_POINTERS public: enum EPillar { pillarBuild, pillarOpen }; DPillar (sector_t *sector, EPillar type, fixed_t speed, fixed_t height, fixed_t height2, int crush, bool hexencrush); void Serialize (FArchive &arc); void Tick (); void Destroy(); protected: EPillar m_Type; fixed_t m_FloorSpeed; fixed_t m_CeilingSpeed; fixed_t m_FloorTarget; fixed_t m_CeilingTarget; int m_Crush; bool m_Hexencrush; TObjPtr m_Interp_Ceiling; TObjPtr m_Interp_Floor; private: DPillar (); }; inline FArchive &operator<< (FArchive &arc, DPillar::EPillar &type) { BYTE val = (BYTE)type; arc << val; type = (DPillar::EPillar)val; return arc; } bool EV_DoPillar (DPillar::EPillar type, int tag, fixed_t speed, fixed_t height, fixed_t height2, int crush, bool hexencrush); // // P_DOORS // class DDoor : public DMovingCeiling { DECLARE_CLASS (DDoor, DMovingCeiling) public: enum EVlDoor { doorClose, doorOpen, doorRaise, doorRaiseIn5Mins, doorCloseWaitOpen, }; DDoor (sector_t *sector); DDoor (sector_t *sec, EVlDoor type, fixed_t speed, int delay, int lightTag); void Serialize (FArchive &arc); void Tick (); protected: EVlDoor m_Type; fixed_t m_TopDist; fixed_t m_BotDist, m_OldFloorDist; vertex_t *m_BotSpot; fixed_t m_Speed; // 1 = up, 0 = waiting at top, -1 = down int m_Direction; // tics to wait at the top int m_TopWait; // (keep in case a door going down is reset) // when it reaches 0, start going down int m_TopCountdown; int m_LightTag; void DoorSound (bool raise) const; friend bool EV_DoDoor (DDoor::EVlDoor type, line_t *line, AActor *thing, int tag, int speed, int delay, int lock, int lightTag); friend void P_SpawnDoorCloseIn30 (sector_t *sec); friend void P_SpawnDoorRaiseIn5Mins (sector_t *sec); private: DDoor (); }; bool EV_DoDoor (DDoor::EVlDoor type, line_t *line, AActor *thing, int tag, int speed, int delay, int lock, int lightTag); void P_SpawnDoorCloseIn30 (sector_t *sec); void P_SpawnDoorRaiseIn5Mins (sector_t *sec); inline FArchive &operator<< (FArchive &arc, DDoor::EVlDoor &type) { BYTE val = (BYTE)type; arc << val; type = (DDoor::EVlDoor)val; return arc; } struct FDoorAnimation { FTextureID BaseTexture; FTextureID *TextureFrames; int NumTextureFrames; FName OpenSound; FName CloseSound; }; void P_ParseAnimatedDoor (FScanner &sc); class DAnimatedDoor : public DMovingCeiling { DECLARE_CLASS (DAnimatedDoor, DMovingCeiling) public: DAnimatedDoor (sector_t *sector); DAnimatedDoor (sector_t *sector, line_t *line, int speed, int delay); void Serialize (FArchive &arc); void Tick (); bool StartClosing (); protected: line_t *m_Line1, *m_Line2; int m_Frame; int m_WhichDoorIndex; int m_Timer; fixed_t m_BotDist; int m_Status; enum { Opening, Waiting, Closing, Dead }; int m_Speed; int m_Delay; friend bool EV_SlidingDoor (line_t *line, AActor *thing, int tag, int speed, int delay); private: DAnimatedDoor (); }; bool EV_SlidingDoor (line_t *line, AActor *thing, int tag, int speed, int delay); // // P_CEILNG // // [RH] Changed these class DCeiling : public DMovingCeiling { DECLARE_CLASS (DCeiling, DMovingCeiling) public: enum ECeiling { ceilLowerByValue, ceilRaiseByValue, ceilMoveToValue, ceilLowerToHighestFloor, ceilLowerInstant, ceilRaiseInstant, ceilCrushAndRaise, ceilLowerAndCrush, ceilCrushRaiseAndStay, ceilRaiseToNearest, ceilLowerToLowest, ceilLowerToFloor, // The following are only used by Generic_Ceiling ceilRaiseToHighest, ceilLowerToHighest, ceilRaiseToLowest, ceilLowerToNearest, ceilRaiseToHighestFloor, ceilRaiseToFloor, ceilRaiseByTexture, ceilLowerByTexture, genCeilingChg0, genCeilingChgT, genCeilingChg }; DCeiling (sector_t *sec); DCeiling (sector_t *sec, fixed_t speed1, fixed_t speed2, int silent); void Serialize (FArchive &arc); void Tick (); protected: ECeiling m_Type; fixed_t m_BottomHeight; fixed_t m_TopHeight; fixed_t m_Speed; fixed_t m_Speed1; // [RH] dnspeed of crushers fixed_t m_Speed2; // [RH] upspeed of crushers int m_Crush; bool m_Hexencrush; int m_Silent; int m_Direction; // 1 = up, 0 = waiting, -1 = down // [RH] Need these for BOOM-ish transferring ceilings FTextureID m_Texture; int m_NewSpecial; // ID int m_Tag; int m_OldDirection; void PlayCeilingSound (); private: DCeiling (); friend bool EV_DoCeiling (DCeiling::ECeiling type, line_t *line, int tag, fixed_t speed, fixed_t speed2, fixed_t height, int crush, int silent, int change, bool hexencrush); friend bool EV_CeilingCrushStop (int tag); friend void P_ActivateInStasisCeiling (int tag); }; bool EV_DoCeiling (DCeiling::ECeiling type, line_t *line, int tag, fixed_t speed, fixed_t speed2, fixed_t height, int crush, int silent, int change, bool hexencrush); bool EV_CeilingCrushStop (int tag); void P_ActivateInStasisCeiling (int tag); inline FArchive &operator<< (FArchive &arc, DCeiling::ECeiling &type) { BYTE val = (BYTE)type; arc << val; type = (DCeiling::ECeiling)val; return arc; } // // P_FLOOR // class DFloor : public DMovingFloor { DECLARE_CLASS (DFloor, DMovingFloor) public: enum EFloor { floorLowerToLowest, floorLowerToNearest, floorLowerToHighest, floorLowerByValue, floorRaiseByValue, floorRaiseToHighest, floorRaiseToNearest, floorRaiseAndCrush, floorCrushStop, floorLowerInstant, floorRaiseInstant, floorMoveToValue, floorRaiseToLowestCeiling, floorRaiseByTexture, floorLowerAndChange, floorRaiseAndChange, floorRaiseToLowest, floorRaiseToCeiling, floorLowerToLowestCeiling, floorLowerByTexture, floorLowerToCeiling, donutRaise, buildStair, waitStair, resetStair, // Not to be used as parameters to EV_DoFloor() genFloorChg0, genFloorChgT, genFloorChg }; // [RH] Changed to use Hexen-ish specials enum EStair { buildUp, buildDown }; DFloor (sector_t *sec); void Serialize (FArchive &arc); void Tick (); protected: EFloor m_Type; int m_Crush; bool m_Hexencrush; int m_Direction; int m_NewSpecial; FTextureID m_Texture; fixed_t m_FloorDestDist; fixed_t m_Speed; // [RH] New parameters used to reset and delay stairs int m_ResetCount; int m_OrgDist; int m_Delay; int m_PauseTime; int m_StepTime; int m_PerStepTime; void StartFloorSound (); void SetFloorChangeType (sector_t *sec, int change); friend bool EV_BuildStairs (int tag, DFloor::EStair type, line_t *line, fixed_t stairsize, fixed_t speed, int delay, int reset, int igntxt, int usespecials); friend bool EV_DoFloor (DFloor::EFloor floortype, line_t *line, int tag, fixed_t speed, fixed_t height, int crush, int change, bool hexencrush); friend bool EV_FloorCrushStop (int tag); friend bool EV_DoDonut (int tag, fixed_t pillarspeed, fixed_t slimespeed); private: DFloor (); }; bool EV_BuildStairs (int tag, DFloor::EStair type, line_t *line, fixed_t stairsize, fixed_t speed, int delay, int reset, int igntxt, int usespecials); bool EV_DoFloor (DFloor::EFloor floortype, line_t *line, int tag, fixed_t speed, fixed_t height, int crush, int change, bool hexencrush); bool EV_FloorCrushStop (int tag); bool EV_DoDonut (int tag, fixed_t pillarspeed, fixed_t slimespeed); inline FArchive &operator<< (FArchive &arc, DFloor::EFloor &type) { BYTE val = (BYTE)type; arc << val; type = (DFloor::EFloor)val; return arc; } class DElevator : public DMover { DECLARE_CLASS (DElevator, DMover) HAS_OBJECT_POINTERS public: enum EElevator { elevateUp, elevateDown, elevateCurrent, // [RH] For FloorAndCeiling_Raise/Lower elevateRaise, elevateLower }; DElevator (sector_t *sec); void Destroy(); void Serialize (FArchive &arc); void Tick (); protected: EElevator m_Type; int m_Direction; fixed_t m_FloorDestDist; fixed_t m_CeilingDestDist; fixed_t m_Speed; TObjPtr m_Interp_Ceiling; TObjPtr m_Interp_Floor; void StartFloorSound (); friend bool EV_DoElevator (line_t *line, DElevator::EElevator type, fixed_t speed, fixed_t height, int tag); private: DElevator (); }; bool EV_DoElevator (line_t *line, DElevator::EElevator type, fixed_t speed, fixed_t height, int tag); inline FArchive &operator<< (FArchive &arc, DElevator::EElevator &type) { BYTE val = (BYTE)type; arc << val; type = (DElevator::EElevator)val; return arc; } class DWaggleBase : public DMover { DECLARE_CLASS (DWaggleBase, DMover) HAS_OBJECT_POINTERS public: DWaggleBase (sector_t *sec); void Serialize (FArchive &arc); protected: fixed_t m_OriginalDist; fixed_t m_Accumulator; fixed_t m_AccDelta; fixed_t m_TargetScale; fixed_t m_Scale; fixed_t m_ScaleDelta; int m_Ticker; int m_State; TObjPtr m_Interpolation; friend bool EV_StartWaggle (int tag, int height, int speed, int offset, int timer, bool ceiling); void DoWaggle (bool ceiling); void Destroy(); DWaggleBase (); }; bool EV_StartWaggle (int tag, int height, int speed, int offset, int timer, bool ceiling); class DFloorWaggle : public DWaggleBase { DECLARE_CLASS (DFloorWaggle, DWaggleBase) public: DFloorWaggle (sector_t *sec); void Tick (); private: DFloorWaggle (); }; class DCeilingWaggle : public DWaggleBase { DECLARE_CLASS (DCeilingWaggle, DWaggleBase) public: DCeilingWaggle (sector_t *sec); void Tick (); private: DCeilingWaggle (); }; //jff 3/15/98 pure texture/type change for better generalized support enum EChange { trigChangeOnly, numChangeOnly, }; bool EV_DoChange (line_t *line, EChange changetype, int tag); // // P_TELEPT // bool P_Teleport (AActor *thing, fixed_t x, fixed_t y, fixed_t z, angle_t angle, bool useFog, bool sourceFog, bool keepOrientation, bool haltMomentum = true); bool EV_Teleport (int tid, int tag, line_t *line, int side, AActor *thing, bool fog, bool sourceFog, bool keepOrientation, bool haltMomentum = true); bool EV_SilentLineTeleport (line_t *line, int side, AActor *thing, int id, INTBOOL reverse); bool EV_TeleportOther (int other_tid, int dest_tid, bool fog); bool EV_TeleportGroup (int group_tid, AActor *victim, int source_tid, int dest_tid, bool moveSource, bool fog); bool EV_TeleportSector (int tag, int source_tid, int dest_tid, bool fog, int group_tid); // // [RH] ACS (see also p_acs.h) // int P_StartScript (AActor *who, line_t *where, int script, char *map, bool backSide, int arg0, int arg1, int arg2, int always, bool wantResultCode, bool net=false); void P_SuspendScript (int script, char *map); void P_TerminateScript (int script, char *map); void P_DoDeferedScripts (void); // // [RH] p_quake.c // bool P_StartQuake (AActor *activator, int tid, int intensity, int duration, int damrad, int tremrad); #endif