This document lists all commands and cvars supported by the current version of ZDoom (1.22) and a short description of each. There are a total of 130 commands and 141 cvars. =========================================================================== There are five types of cvars: boolean: This is a number that can be either "0" or "1". "0" indicates no/ false, and "1" indicates yes/true. color: This is a series of three hexadecimal numbers representing the amounts of red, green, and blue (in that order) in a color. For example, pure redwould be represented as "ffff 0000 0000". The setcolor command can be used to set one of these cvars using a color name instead of numbers. (See the description of the setcolor command below.) number: This is an ordinary number. integer: This is an ordinary that doesn't take fractional values. string: This is a series of text characters enclosed in quotes. Some commands also take parameters. Any parameters that are required are enclosed in < >, and those that are optional are enclosed in [ ]. ACTION COMMANDS =============== NOTE: As in Quake, all action commands come in pairs. When prefixed by a '+', they activate the corresponding action, and when prefixed by a '-', they deactivate that action. +attack, -attack While active, causes the player to fire his active weapon. +back, -back While active, causes the player to move backward. See also: +forward +forward, -forward While active, causes the player to move forward. See also: +back +jump, -jump Causes the player to jump. When underwater, the player will swim upward instead. See also: +moveup +klook, -klook While active, causes +forward and +back to act like +lookup and +lookdown instead. See also: +mlook, +lookup, +lookdown, +forward, +back +left, -left While active, normally causes the player to turn to the left. However, as long as +strafe is active, this will cause the player to move to the left instead. See also: +right, +strafe, +moveleft +lookdown, -lookdown While active, causes the player to look down. See also: +lookup, +klook +lookup, -lookup While active, causes the player to look up. See also: +lookdown, +klook +mlook, -mlook While active, causes movement along the mouse's vertical axis to tilt the player's view up or down instead of moving the player forward or backward. See also: +klook, freelook, invertmouse, lookspring +movedown, -movedown Moves the player down if swimming or flying. See also: +moveup +moveleft, -moveleft While active, causes the player to move to the left. See also: +moveright, +left, +strafe +moveright, -moveright While active, causes the player to move to the right. See also: +moveleft, +right, +strafe +moveup, -moveup Moves the player up if swimming or flying. See also: +movedown +right, -right While active, normally causes the player to turn to the right. However, as long as +strafe is active, this will cause the player to move to the right instead. See alse: +left, +strafe, +moveright +showscores, -showscores While this action is active and you are playing a deathmatch game, a list of the frags made by all players will be displayed on the screen. In deathmatch games, this list will also automatically be display when you are dead. +speed, -speed While active, all player movements occur at a rate faster than normal. See also: cl_run +strafe, -strafe While active, causes all +left and +right commands to act like +moveleft and +moveright instead. See also: +left, +right, +moveleft, +moveright +use, -use While active, causes the player to attempt to use any usable items in front of him/her (such as a door). OTHER COMMANDS AND CVARS ======================== addbot [name] (command) Spawns a bot. If a name is given, the corresponding bot in bots.cfg will be spawned. Otherwise, a bot will be picked at random from bots.cfg. See also: listbots, removebots alias (command) If specified with no parameters, will display a list of all current aliases. If only is specified, it will be removed from the list of aliases. If is also specified, it will be added to the list of aliases as . For example, to create a new command to kill the monsters on the level, you can use the command: alias massacre kill monsters Then, you can use the newly created massacre command to kill all the monsters on the level. alwaysapplydmflags (cvar: boolean) default: 0 Normally, some dmflags are only used in deathmatch. If alwaysapplydmflags is 1, then they will also be used in single-player and co-op games. See also: dmflags am_backcolor (cvar: color) default: "6c 54 40" (a light tan) The color of the automap background. Changes to this cvar take effect the next time the automap is activated. See also: all the am_* cvars am_cdwallcolor (cvar: color) default: "4c 38 20" (a dark tan) The color of two-sided lines that have a different ceiling height on each side. Changes to this cvar take effect the next time the automap is activated. See also: all the am_* cvars am_fdwallcolor (cvar: color) default: "88 70 58" (a lighter tan) The color of two-sided lines that have a different floor height on each side. Changes to this cvar take effect the next time the automap is activated. See also: all the am_* cvars am_gridcolor (cvar: color) default: "8b 5a 2b" (tan4) The color of the automap grid. Changes to this cvar take effect the next time the automap is activated. See also: all the am_* cvars am_interlevelcolor (cvar: color) default: "ff 00 00" (red) The color of inter-level teleporters. These are teleporters that teleport you to a different map. Changes to this cvar take effect the next time the automap is activated. See also: all the am_* cvars am_intralevelcolor (cvar: color) default: "00 00 ff" (blue) The color of intra-level teleporters. These are teleporters that teleport you to a different location on the same map. Changes to this cvar take effect the next time the automap is activated. See also: all the am_* cvars am_lockedcolor (cvar: color) default: "00 00 98" (a blue) The color of lines that open locked doors. Changes to this cvar take effetc the next time the automap is activated. See also: all the am_* cvars am_notseencolor (cvar: color) default: "6c 6c 6c" (somewhat dark gray) The color of lines on the automap that haven't yet been seen. Visible with a computer area map. Changes to this cvar take effect the next time the automap is activated. See also: all the am_* cvars am_overlay (cvar: boolean) default: 0 Normally, the togglemap command switches the automap between fully off and fully on. Setting this cvar to "1" will cause togglemap to draw the automap on top of the player's view before it draws the automap fullscreen. (Bad description, I know. Just try it) See also: am_rotate, togglemap am_ovotherwallscolor (cvar: color) default: "00 88 44" (a dark blueish-green) The color of passable lines on the automap when the map is overlayed. Changes to this cvar take effect the next time the automap is activated. See also: all the am_* cvars ov_telecolor (cvar: color) default: "ff ff 00" (a bright green) The color of teleports on the overlayed automap. Changes to this cvar take effect the next time the automap is activated. See also: all the am_* cvars am_ovthingcolor (cvar: color) default: "e8 88 00" (an orange) The color of things visible with the automap cheat when the map is overlayed. Changes to this cvar take effect the next time the automap is activated. See also: all the am_* cvars am_ovunseencolor (cvar: color) default: "00 22 6e" (a dark greenish-blue) The color of unseen lines on the automap when the map is overlayed. Changes to this cvar take effect the next time the automap is activated. See also: all the am_* cvars am_ovwallcolor (cvar: color) default: "00 ff 00" (a bright green) The color of impassable walls when the automap is overlayed. Changes to this cvar take effect the next time the automap is activated. See also: all the am_* cvars am_ovyourcolor (cvar: color) default: "fc e8 d8" (a very light orange--almost white) The color of the arrow representing the player in single player games when the map is overlayed. Changes to this cvar take effect the next time the automap is activated. See also: all the am_* cvars am_rotate (cvar: boolean) default: 0 Normally, the automap is always drawn such that north is at the top of the screen. Setting this cvar to "1" causes the automap to be drawn so that lines toward the top of the screen are always directly in front of the player's view. Changes to this cvar take effect immediately, unlike most of the other am_* cvars. This can be particularly useful when the automap is overlayed. See also: am_overlay am_showmonsters (cvar: boolean) default: 1 When true, the fullscreen automap will display a count of the number of monsters that have been killed in the current level and the total number of monsters in the level. See also: am_showtime, am_showsecrets am_showsecrets (cvar: boolean) default: 1 When true, the fullscreen automap will display a count of the number of secrets that have been found in the current level and the total number of secrets in the level. See also: am_showmonsters, am_showtime am_showtime (cvar: boolean) default: 1 When true, the fullscreen automap will display the total amount of time you have been in a level (excluding time that has been paused). See also: am_showmonsters, am_showsecrets am_thingcolor (cvar: color) default: "fcfc fcfc fcfc" (almost white) The color of things revealed with the map cheat. Changes to this cvar take effect the next time the automap is activated. See also: all the am_* cvars am_tswallcolor (cvar: color) default: "8888 8888 8888" (gray) The color of two-sided lines that don't have any difference in floor or ceiling heights on either side. Only seen using map cheat. Changes to this cvar take effect the next time the automap is activated. See also: all the am_* cvars am_usecustomcolors (cvar: boolean) default: 1 When true, the automap uses the colors specified by the am_* cvars, otherwise it uses the standard DOOM automap colors. Changes to this cvar take effect the next time the automap is activated. See also: all the am_* cvars am_wallcolor (cvar: color) default: "2c2c 1818 0808" (a dark brown) The color of one-sided and secret walls in the automap. Changes to this cvar take effect the next time the automap is activated. See also: all the am_* cvars am_xhaircolor (cvar: color) default: "8080 8080 8080" (gray) The color of the "crosshair" dot in the center of the automap. Changes to this cvar take effect the next time the automap is activated. See also: all the am_* cvars am_yourcolor (cvar: color) default: "fcfc e8e8 d8d8" (a very light orange--almost white) The color of the arrow representing the player in single player games. Changes to this cvar take effect the next time the automap is activated. See also: all the am_* cvars autoaim (cvar: number) default: 5000 This represents the vertical distance from an object that the player's sight must be before that object is aimed at. Setting this cvar to "0" disables autoaiming, while large values such as "5000" will reproduce the original DOOM behavior of always autoaiming. See also: color, name autoexec (cvar: string) default: "/autoexec.cfg" This is a file that will be automatically executed by ZDoom each time it starts. This file is executed immediately after the config file is loaded. It should contain a series of console commands. C++ style comments are also supported. Comments begin with // and anything after them until the end of the line will be ignored. represents the directory that ZDoom is in and will naturally vary depending on where you put it. bind [key [command string]] (command) If no parameters are specified, the entire list of bound keys will be printed to the console. If only [key] is specified, the binding for that specific key will be printed. If both [key] and [command string] are specified, [command string] will be bound to [key]. See also: doublebind, unbind, unbindall, undoublebind binddefaults (command) Binds all keys to their default commands. This will not unbind any keys that do not have any default bindings, so if you want to properly restore the default controls, you need to use unbindall first. See also: unbindall, bind bot_allowspy (cvar: boolean) default: 0 Allows you to see through the eyes of bots during botmatch games. bot_next_color (cvar: number) default: 11 Theoretically, a number representing the color of the next bot to be spawned. In practice, it doesn't do anything. bot_observer (cvar: boolean) default: 0 When set to 1, the player will experience minimal interaction with the world, and bots will ignore him. bumpgamma (command) Increases the current gamma level by 0.1. If the new gamma level would be greater than 3.0, it wraps the gamma around to 1.0 See also: gamma centerview (command) Causes the player to look straight ahead. See also: +lookup, +lookdown changemap (command) Exits the current level and continues the game on the specified map. Unlike the map and idclev commands, this command *will* work properly during network games and is recorded in demos. Unfortunately, it has occasionally resulted in some problems. It should, however, be safe enough to use most of the time. See also: idclev, map changemus (command) Changes the currently playing music. should be the name of a music lump or file on disk (which need not have been specified with the -file parameter). See also: dir, idmus chase (command) Turns the chasecom on and off. This command also works while watching demos, so you can bind it to a key and watch demos in the third person. See also: chase_dist, chase_height, chasedemo chase_dist (cvar: number) default: 90 This is how far away from the player the chasecam likes to be, but it will get closer as necessary to avoid going inside walls. See also: chase, chase_height chase_height (cvar: number) default: -8 This is the base height above the top of the player's head that the chasecam will be positioned at. Looking up and down will move the camera in the opposite direction so that the player stays at approximately the same height on the screen. Large values of this cvar (either positive or negative) will produce strange output. See also: chase, chase_dist chasedemo (cvar: boolean) default: 0 If this cvar is true, then demos will automatically start with the chasecam active. See also: chase chatmacro0 chatmacro1 chatmacro2 chatmacro3 chatmacro4 chatmacro5 chatmacro6 chatmacro7 chatmacro8 chatmacro9 (cvar: string) These are all strings programmable to the function keys during a netgame. To use these, enter chat mode with the messagemode command, and then hold down Alt and press one of the number keys. The string stored in the corresponding chatmacro cvar will be sent as if you had typed it yourself. cl_bloodtype (cvar: number) default: 0 Controls how blood is drawn. Supported values are: 0: Blood is drawn as sprites 1: Blood is drawn as both sprites and particles 2: Blood is drawn as particles cl_pufftype (cvar: number) default: 0 Controls how bullet puffs are drawn. Supported values are: 0: Puffs are drawn as sprites. 1: Puffs are drawn as particles. cl_rockettrails (cvar: boolean) default: 1 Controls whether or not rockets leave trails of smoke behind them. cl_run (cvar: boolean) default: 0 When non-zero, the game will always treat movement commands as if +speed is active. See also: +speed clear (command) Clears the console of all text. cmdlist (command) Lists all commands currently supported by ZDoom. See also: cvarlist color (cvar: color) default: "4040 cfcf 0000" (Mostly green) This is the color of your player's suit. See also: gender, name, skin, team con_midtime (cvar: number) default: 3 This is the number of seconds that messages in the middle of the screen will be displayed before they dispapper. See also: con_notifytime con_notifytime (cvar: number) default: 3 This is the number of seconds that new messages will stay at the top of the screen before they start scrolling away. See also: con_midtime con_scaletext (cvar: boolean) default: 0 If this cvar is true, then message text will be scaled to larger sizes depending on the screen resolution so that it will stay approximately the same size it would be on a 320x200 screen. configver (cvar: number) default: "116" This cvar is used to keep track of which version of ZDoom was used to write the current config file and adjust for differences that may have been introduced between versions. Changing it has no effect, since it will always be changed to reflect the current game version before the config file is saved. crosshair (cvar: number) default: 0 If this cvar is non-zero, it draws a crosshair. If this cvar is negative, the crosshair is translucent, otherwise it is opaque. The specific crosshair drawn depends on the value of this cvar. cvarlist (command) Lists the values of all currently defined cvars. Each cvar can also be prefaced by multiple flags. These are: A Cvar gets saved in the config file. U Cvar contains user info. S Cvar contains server info. - Cvar can only be changed from the command line. L Changes to cvar's contents don't take effect until the next game. C Cvar has an internal callback. * Cvar was created by the user and is meaningless to the game. See also: cmdlist, get, set deathmatch (cvar: boolean) default: 0 When true, deathmatch rules are used for the game. def_patch (cvar: string) default: "" This is the name of a DeHackEd patch file to automatically apply each time the game is run. It will only be used if the following conditions are met: a) def_patch is not "", and the file exists. b) No loaded WAD files contain a DEHACKED lump. c) No patch is specified with the -deh command line parameter. developer (cvar: boolean) default: 0 When true, prints various debugging messages to the console. dimamount (cvar: number) default: 1 This is the amount of dimcolor to mix with the background when a menu is displayed. The available values are: 0: Do not dim the background. 1: Mix 25% of dimcolor with the background. 2: Mix 50% of dimcolor with the background. 3: Mix 75% of dimcolor with the background. See also: dimcolor dimcolor (cvar: color) default: "ffff d7d7 0000" (gold) This is the color to mix with the background when a menu is displayed. See also: dimamount, setcolor dir [[path/][pattern]] (command) This command lists the contents of a directory. It supports wildcards (but will not recurse into multiple directories). If [path] is not specified, it will display the contents of the directory the game was run from. deathmatch (cvar: boolean) default: 0 When set to true, the game is treated as a deathmatch. When the game is started with -altdeath or -deathmatch, this cvar is automatically set to 1. dmflags (cvar: number) default: 0 This cvar controls the behavior of several aspects of gameplay. To determine what value to store in this cvar, select the desired features from the table below and add their values together. If a feature is marked with (DM), then that feature will only be active during a deathmatch game. Value Description ------ ----------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Do not spawn health items (DM) 2 Do not spawn powerups (DM) 4 Leave weapons around after pickup (DM) 8 Falling too far hurts 16 Players cannot hurt teammates (friendly fire avoidance) 64 Stay on the same map when someone exits (DM) 128 Spawn players as far as possible from other players (DM) 256 Automatically respawn dead players (DM) 512 Do not spawn armor (DM) 1024 Kill anyone who tries to exit the level (DM) 2048 Don't use any ammo when firing 4096 Don't spawn monsters 8192 Monsters respawn sometime after their death 16384 Powerups other than invulnerability and invisibilty respawn 32768 Monsters are fast 65536 Don't allow jumping 131072 Don't allow freelook 262144 Invulnerability and invisibility respawn See also: menu_gameplay, teamplay doublebind [key [command string]] (command) If no parameters are specified, the entire list of doublebound keys will be printed to the console. If only [key] is specified, the doublebinding for that specific key will be printed. If both [key] and [command string] are specified, [command string] will be doublebound to [key]. (Doublebindings are commands that are executed when a key is pressed twice quickly--such as double cliking a mouse button.) See also: bind, unbind, unbindall, undoublebind dumpheap (command) Prints detailed information about the heap. Probably not very useful to the average user. See also: mem echo (command) Prints to the console. endgame (command) Ends the current single player game and drops the console down to cover the screen. See also: menu_endgame error (command) Simulates an error by killing the current game and falling back to the fullscreen console with the specified message. exec